FormiPle r Counicillors Rec ailHlonrt Theiz Chamber, of Commerce of Newcastle and to right, Reeve Alfredi Di-stict sponsored 'a special ceremony a Thurs-day Chaîrman of the Cmu to) ma 1rk tb e 50th an nivei,,rar f ithe 1layiuîîg of1 the crn- vey S. Britton, ffar-ry ,Jose eratono1cf the Gommunity Hall b t h. q inte ýChesteiýr JP. MPwho weme cou ncîllors Masey lTree former cucloswowm rsn ruthers. M P.P. In the lo at the eetreclied maisy d fail fr te ouuerpayin rbuetLteC anîner 'n te audience. Top pic1tre sho , mom lait avent course in1-h- almiOui hemmrt- îest cogratulaIon o these ~> 1gila ar aln 0- i sa Bienda Hendrson. NewioaL- a, foi ga~Imd eTain OWmllmce e3 nde flthe Nek York Yankees'. ilane d tenO ln n bre inhîayîg e teirca- at at a fneaaresfea mai ille, spent Satucdey wmth ne tage t Shidraa, On. deire hey hve pt lao thi aents, Mc.,ari Mms. Samo Congrf ula ionsla Suan stdias.Newcmt]w cn ne reetona r cn. 'Weto, JanCmi, rlna uatyp1nrofaith(,ictthal- Misses Aimea Brco, San- Iv!nromar IVmcyPafrso onthee ourgcl rectiea ida Kelsey, Senre ïKean, ____________________ ur illge usa WafoahaSandraceGar or.i. Mc. Maxwel Iha daiugla' ni ari Mc.rErieîc Wvk MuiyWaltoincÉmari wl1i laeaf fthe weekend wifh Mc. ettndni'St Jaep'sHos- md Mca. borne Johnson and cia cbamougla ofeu. MigP-ary aSotata Lansen jus:g pîtl oi hfalucMinguPet Gary et flc Lkencfau Paterson is the daughfac ofni nth af Kaledar. > Mc. mmd 5/ra. Murray %Pater- Reinembar the Pi-ne Ririge soi nec is planning ta enter Fasttvel ai tine Acta? Remean- the Umiversmty ai Taconfa in beectfehaioano Yaufh Theatre? Gerera InurnK-thaBaheh-oo'iScience Course Well, fnrinthse nas been bacc în Jucsin,, in Septecoher. the TIhinock Theatral Thms cRnmd AUTOMOBI'0LE Joan Cmll i s the darughfer ofi theafra, wiich ma compaseri anf IMc mcnd Mca William lCli ari mary nmenîhers oai the Pîni INSURANC un 'Sentrinher wil ha attend- Rîigeari OOam Comnpaniesý ICont.aet: îg Itie Univrsity af Water- iîs coccpfletely mobile and _1u I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ARYVFMN in n ifs Ganeral Science pro- bha mavnng abo[ ut mcd proi I ÀR VCIPM N cran' Aclene Munio i3 the îng inth1--,district ducîi th 33 KINO ST._1 E. Ronýaldi Munco mnd wî1ll ha> opporfunîtyrto cee thaîr off ai- BO WMàANILLE q enterar ueen's -University, inga. cou will fînri f em ant Kinatina e nerai BA. only complet elyorilginal, but 4ýe The'best protective eqipment -lÏ aainst job accdnt salready yours-, yoree, your ears, defnsvey5and yol1 stay, ~the job, Sýeif-defence is the Lr(eCrolt of aafetv. You've got a lo-rt to liv e for; lr dlefensively, and e;jylf Thie sure way te, saeyis Self -Defence. a,,n T1he SfetAsoictontal j~ExceIenf Conc rtFrIl, TaNewcastle and District ing 0f tlie hall next year and grant, was -ipsd o C,'hamnber of Commerce is to învîtïed everyone to stay for purpose of t1 our-tp g Ontarîin- 1 ne L yi1n-ha ongratulated for ifs fore- tha Chamber Music Concert and gîvîng c ýoncerts of fn sgfand initiative la intro- whîich followed at 8 pin, classical n-usîc f aalers ducing "The Canadian Cham,- thr olwei owns and cities whohaet behr Players wî h Mr. Edward Thr hn floe ni ess opprfu y 0herm stj PhlpOscapelia, Pianist" vei ofeceln mse n thîstye NecIV'ast le. On Thursday ev- tevr aal ad f1 h nyconplaint aotc enîng, jily 13 these youngbrqe cebr rhsrlrga one might hav el SV ~ jpeople re-senfted an extreme ne hdrcin o rE htMr. Oscapella onyo ly difficuif,,yet an exceilently arfPlpNscp l. Thseroed nc -bipao edrdprogram f0 almoatwitri no uhrt bneîîyi ueb h olwl apcatve audience in ýew fcrest Cabe ui"in steprgaiprfri i castie Communîty Hall,. u fceaeqie vdn d: urei, Cao o Becfore the musical conicetfhscop ndmstr o n ae oms Ih got underway, a poant tesemîîician-s as thpe ni, Snt Cnu ac, ceremonly took place under ing prgrssd.Een f.othi Piano Cocrt nAMjor, t thle rc.airmnanshîp of Mrs. W. nraie arte gnitud Atlegro, Lrhto ler'e Storks ho is chaîrman of of thie selections hey chose pýo , Elgar ,Sredein E-Mino the present Newcastle Coin- prescrnt was erwhelmn.O 0,Algo Lrhto limunity Hall Board. This Each .selction was donecwîfh llerto rig obr ceemnycomaemorated the rcsnavîotnir uie rld, S rabne 5Oth aniversary of the "Lay- miendouis feeling. These yugGvte-Mste i i -,ingu,,of Ithe Cornersfone" f poplemoa assuredly are [fo adn t elNecastle Commnify hacongaiuttePnot ony fr Prsnne faio Pat wre Hall. the-ir ]taljej-1 nts, bt aIS lso1herFon1n Drctr EwrdP ..roc.""'edings were ale 0intaiveinputtîag toehrGvr;ertryCaoTw" order by Mi, Sokwothseclet nebe,~ Vioîs area Shnieth- invited ail fo sing our, Na-msic, as e said, was vî-Gi tional Ant hem. After hîs, oous af imes, but when lie et hag1ema Kf Mrs Strkspresented the occasion warranted there was Anne aoh,Maaet Mc- O L following short, but interesf- a haunfîng. refreshîng qualf i oe ils hîtn in itr forhl. to their prograni. Bryen, etTelClql i"Mr. Chester Ma ;sey, infini ,Thais group, operatîgo nNomnGerHaodCak ered[o Mrs. George Eilbeck " Opporfunîties forio: h snPB, i J ohn owe. thaf ha wouild l'ketf0idosome- thInrg for Newcastle in me-ý ev W mIory f bis grandfatber, Mr tri Dlaniel Massey, Who founded E a business in Newcast le lin Ms. Walter Murray,, Tor- Tuirsday spprgieas f. M c 1847. This business, under is o is vîsîtîng the Lloyd and Mns. W. Blackhlurn nda son Hart, lafar moved f0 To- Ashton famîly. fIoîy rono ad ecame widely knwnasth Mss -arîs Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Werry, Mr. and Mrs BP, McDonald, ie Co. Ltd. Lynne, Bonay and Jean, Tor- Bowmenville, Mrs. Sleighithol,, a Thrughth unirîg ffotsonto, attended the Weri-y pic- Whîthy, were Sundey visitors; 1- ofMrs. Eilbeck and the c oic on Sauc -yad vere tee Mr. Tercy ThoîipIson was anc mitea pponte, or hll asguests of Mi,. and ýMrs. Lloyd overiiight vîsîtor wîth isf maapsil.Ashtonand l feily. gradmothe, ,,Mca A.Thomp- gZ The projec f ;If a eovnmunity Mss Sheryl A,%shfo-n Water- o n aldo .D hm-a hall for Newcastle was first 1oo, M.Mche'senu o- oHmpo.g formally proposed la 1917. A ont o,weeSura sppr MsSeSurtHeio, buiilding committea of Dr. J, guests wîth the Rosa Ashton spent a few days w ýith Mr. and ~ .Butler, Thomas Mornfague f amîly. Mca, Dý Caon.f ano A A. Collwîll wa ap- MradMs Wayne Black- Ms atrMraM poînted, but owing fj war hum andi Susa , Ocono, were anid Mrs ly staad" cjIonditions, building opeýraon Ronald Beh shf on a ina did mot begin un til 192 1 when) tI-Ied Ipc i h-e firsf sod r wa1uado T £1 hr afne h Wrypc ISeptemnber 24thi. The ,cere- Mm r.BetAh n mÏ1,rony was peore -rTeFia ngh euchre T"-oonto, are hohday a a M5asters Lîiol'el and Hart Ma7-ls- pary hEld in Ty.oae Hall was thaîý-r cottage.S se-y graildsoas 0fc the donor1 ai n ejoyable evenîag wîth 14 Miss Lea Ashton speit the i and chldren of Mr. Vîncent tables. Visitora were presa .t weekend wîth hier pare e, and Massey. The cornecatone 0f froin Lindsay, Port Parry,! on Suniday Mc. and Mrs. Fred IMtha building was laid on Do- Brooklin, Bowmamvîlle, New- Ashton joîned with them and mînion Day, J3uly 1sf, 1922,lemaf le and two from Sakat- ail affended the Bradley pic- by M ThmasMonagn". hew N. Wiers were: Mcs.,nýc at Orono Park for iloon The plafforni gnasfs a1tA.RcadyonM Law- tuacheon aad an affer Doon oOf iNTs ilia SomsThursday's ccnoyWc~snMlsn ecsl;Mr sports and viîing. Lafer f, hey- iiry, reîdet f te ewcste ad reeman MClluh Port al'lt -dfiMc adMrs. îty HaillBoardMesIs. ar-District Chanieri o f Colin--iPly M.Rchrrana er shto aacougoud aýnd W. Frank ('lar ie- erce, Mr. Keî thlBF-rr; Mesca. Port arry; Mcrd Harrîs, foert asn'sveag oire mn Hecry Jose, Fraafk Rickar-d r.E Harst nevigbo-lean 111n 192.3, and M1,Alx a-land Harve Brîtton, Couacîl- B1lackstick,; Mr. Ei-vood Tripp, vvener roat. w-1er photo, Mr. ii-clrd lalors of 19'23; Rev. H. R.Hayme.,i Shirley, ..Carryîng prîzes were Those mttendîng were' Mm.ý Esamber for Épor,-isoring the St.GogesAli Church; w'on by Mc. Ossie Wright of and Mca. John Rossanmd Patti, jpRev. Father -Frank Mihelie, St. Blackstock, for the Gents, Mrs. Scarboro' Mca. Slaeiaa stn J o sephb's Roman Cafholic Ossie Wright for the Ladies. Scott and Seani, Leasîide; Mr.1 Church, F-Bowmaovîlle, Mr. Lucky Chair wînmr ws Mrs. and Mrs, Jim M4adore, Dawn-I -aise hîghly, entecin ing. Alex Cacrjuthers, M.PP, and Vennînig, Baksok The 50- and Jo-Annie, WVesfoa; Mc. and' EýMr. edMaDiaM enReveAlfredl Gray. They 50 Draw wms wn yMc.Jîm Mca. Bill stn Tefn 3Maldon, Fssex, Enlnvst eeintrloduced by Mca. Latimner, Brooklîn., Anne, China md evi Aston rcd hîsnin sPtKeel Stocka. Glrtings and Wei-, Mc. "IlrMca Ros ooley Belleville; Mca. rthurRem ing of fie oue Ktie n orne weýre gIven by Reeve Mcaorne Haydon, jie hm tiques, focitha- neIt thee Gray and Me Bc. haeon Sudy.Mr. and meW.Blkur 7eka h- MnUh- hve The tfhriee 19-23 cuîilos Mca.Paul Vaneyk,, d fmmilyiy ndMr. and Mrs ebac îwyfomtoî aiv easaked to ive prsoalawn, ttended a bridai show- Douglas Blackburmn. Whithy, -Englaîid foc naeciy sevn e1nd intimnata mcolecios f a on Satucday evening co and Miss Shirley Tabb, wereý 1month. ecevo- oltev n- Ibis important rlfnt I(f 50 honor of Miss Loilna Yeo, of picnicking at P. Park, Keene, thralled wt na te a aec go Mr Rickardc con- Oshawqia, bride-to-be lan Sep- on Sunday. ni ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ýh orrCneinCuncad gauaedM.Bcco etem-ber. Mca. A. Thompaon tene mar pesd-t 0 ha Mc. .and MrsAl Eanof abicfhday celebration for lhec Hîlis mnyiner Ti h IhrdpresuMcc ed oh h saa eeSna îiosget-granddaughter,Cao pleî,-ise o ea ,tatM. Caltour:th C of C la the vilae.wîh Mc. and Mcaý. E. A. Vir-- Wisemmn, at Bowmanvîlla, On Muryis of cf osipîtala and He gave a ficat hand' accouinttue. IWadnesday. recupcatiog et home. Wa of the coraecsfone ceremony! Miiss Kathleen Swînson ha- Mc. and Mca. Boyd Werry, are mso haeppy f0 report that and cociuded by saying bowlcamre the bride of Mc. Ken- Lynoe, Bonny and Jean, Tom-ý Mi a Alice Qt'inney is ouf; Of mucb pleasuce lha had receiv- netLh Yeo at Kiamount nt, onto, speat the- weekand WIII hospîtal and lat thne Drrî-,nt ed icoïn sarvîag the cîtîzensSa, July lSth. Kenneibla i the Rosa Ashton faiiy. ime is wîthlhecrsnand1is 0f Newcastle for SO many formec'-ly of Tyone Glen Ashfo, onld Tr- fmmîïl, Mc. and Mca. wadyeecs. _Quincîe, Pqul and Dainný. Mc. Jose excesad hbils e To aririends and neîgh- pleasuceatmfbeing present a Zbora efîi in hospital, we wish thia ceremony which brought1 -' 'u a quick ind 'o'nplete rback pleasent meola H" covey tk cc -dGd odthe hîatocy oi thia par-ý BFes io tcu lar part of the village and Vra o, lsW.lspoke of the tremendous tasi- Stonl IVtIfre nd GeodiaaadUndetaken when you realîze , Mc mcd ca.Rose Erinbiy ad t aa flot done with the me- SSandicra, 'i enton. sp)eaft 1ýhe chery of today, but .with l~ i wekndwîh ouc aato-hossHa said the hallwa i edîtor, Mis.Flocence Till io-pYi4d la 1923 adtbhad Ison ad Stewart -tBukonaforofîadycebaon ---------- - -4e lsthmnkad the citizn .,-., ~ -'~ for the pDrivilege of er1n then- in yeacs gone by. Mc rîtton fod fth t ~newspapera, coins mmd naine [t of village officiels placedl the corneratone. Ha also sî thaka for thîs building cr taînly wenf f0 Mca. Eilbeck('l wbo wýas the main pushha hîri this project. SeverL Mr. and Mrs. Bd Mllson mmd dmugb-ters Ellen mcd Cathy ar"e PLAYGR.OUND REPORt- holîdm(ïyîig l in heHighlande o f Hlahîbucton.b Leslie Bensoni Mcs. Mmtt Sneldar-anmd Ducîag the week 0f July 10 dmugh.1ters ae iatiffig relatives f0 17 inclusive, the New- andl, friands hl Holland. Mr castle Playground haîri thaîr nadrewîll jomn themr thisIninWe. aacamr weeknd caitscles3 ducing the week, Mcs encitia actas, ea th chîdcen marie, varînus 85. îfe f Mc A. rtaa o Indien111garments auch as nee-kiace, baîts, headbaads, Cob h1 md'lt c n M .t On Fridaiý, though it was Acihu Mactna o Tocoto rinag, wa held ouc judgýing .mnd Kendel, passedmwyo in thie Communîty Hall. Juid- FdaJulv 14f h mter bieî a ware Gary Johnson, Sani ilîneset the Mamociai opu c Kean ari anda Kl tai, Bowmm ivîhle, A pcivate _c wîth the resulta as followýs: unalon Monday afarnoon. yeaac and under. I-t Darcy neh upcs o ei Intemmant, Ocono Cemafery. Hbe,2nees elfn The Tamblyn Famly tie3cd Grace Ton, 9 yeacs $ wms held on Setumday atthe cd ri1 over, 1sf Clarence Tqn. --AC UlM A uU e 1.0 0F. Hall mcd in gc.o2amAne- Sîth 33dàob 4e 0 Pek oge.Parents hari beeninýý- 1 Unit ix. 110W ni Omono itarimd e iew mothers RA MUSIC, BANS AD A CLOWN WIL nieriiCurccl held ea iysoe up for thîs big dayýj SO D -,ý '1 Garien Te', aiftha resîdence Consolation pci zea aw e c e JOSP N W EFi sdn oi Mc. ard Mrsý . SD, i-lmpi awacdad to averynne anda at Lee.-kard on Wednesday of reelly gond fume was had by È lest week eli, caleInsect CorI Qystýer sheli scale i neo-ayntnotice the-i ecio e worst însect eemes t ntl te plantsaoeru lwering ahriubs and trees, trîfty ,or sîck as thi1ele -ys, R. A.lmig horticl- unfold in the sporîng. , irai specialist, OntarsoM mineaIl your shrubs for t,y of Agriculture and odscl insects now -bup Lîasare espcia!1,y sus-!Particular attention to th pile and care ofenseverelýy llacs. t1acked.( Whole branches ;!il even a trace of aaii ay 1 e crd withi an found, plan on spraying nox stesi( ie1;1l-e armonur wh,,iichiand at least once a week fo eî inseet ,wearS as Protec- the next three weeks Usualiv,ý bn, Ithe scale îsetsar ic w. - Doirmant sprays befre buds theit prot4ectîe otîg-f uti tgv odcnrlo thiis in June andealykld b ver iis, zpossh ibl àtyusry >oJis IyConr Poison i- vy -towordIs ~at lwas nakeus hes-itate îpn r jiut out for a wa]k )ntFio MIinistry of Agricul- Poison Ivy may grow as mw shrubby plants carpeting lie grounid, as upright plants or 3 feet high, or as vines vindîng themselves around ees and posts. The leaves of poison îvy nisst 'fthree leaflets. The alk of the. middle leaflet is ongêr than those of the sida aflats. They join together on 1longer stalk growin g frorn a voody stem. The leaveýs chan-gOe ,olor as the season progresses, 'omi a reddish or brýonze- reen in spring and early iîmmair, to, a deep, bright -reen later on. Their upper ýrface îs sMooth and glossy. The small greenîsh-white Iowers, develop round, bard ePrries during the summer. Then- thei leaves drop in the lal, poison lvy may be recog- iized by the cluster of these :rayîsi-h white barries. !,-11 Pndl Frank Nielson, leff on u7nday for B.C. and Califor-- na, for a holiday. Poison lvy ay ha eoptroil' led by pulling- or digging oýr throug-h the ume of cheicail sprays. Pullîng onr cffttiiigt plant could cexpose eail to the irian 1il1 idij present in thI-e root tem, leaf,ý flower and fruit. ThÉe n'ost corven1ientinah of applying herbicides s two-to-threegaln payr Twosggse ch iclae -Amitrola and Si1v-x,, ove the leaves toogi.I i ha necessary to spray7 more than once. And whenu sîng the chemicals,,ha sure 'o --ad the directions on theéabl throughi Phone 623-3303 Ask for Rae ... COUNi! CURYSLER-DODG--E L 623=258G ATTENTION FAR S ',in I SAVE ON Premivum Quality * GASOLINE * IESEL *MOTOR OIL Fann tanks and pumps available. CALÈ'COLLECT"ý 668-3341 FOR IMMEDIATE EIVR ecoe :Street North, Oshawia TIhe CnI Gy Clon j cMing. Bn o is Co-ln efetyrered 60 year old WLTRÎ,AM U IS iOntario Agricultura Sociîety -lf Childr'wen (under 12) 2,5c FE WN ATTENDANCE DURING THE FAIR MR'S. .D.BOW'littryTeaue IL