Gropom BareIy Makes h btheCurhonime 0.n YFriday about 7:00 p.m., a near tragedy occurred Johnston, Ï9, of 275 Wentworth St., Oshawa, sufferedM at Brooks' Corners on Hwy. 2 near Maple Grove when secuts while his car sustnined $1,000 damage. The aQ gro-to-be, bis best man and the best man's w ýif e Ferguson car,shw abvasatalrtof.Tns were involved in a collision with another car. Richard took a bappier note Saturday as Michael Cole was A. Fe-rguson, 21, of 6 Folcroft Ave., Scarborough, the married to Pal Welsh but Ihehoneymoon was delayed best man, and his wife Sharon Ann, 18, were driving because Mr. Cole bad a fractured left arm and couldn't eastbound 10 the wedding rehearsal with the groom-to- drive the rentai car ,and bis bride, Pat was too young b-e, M\,ichael Cole, 22, of Oshawa, when the' collision bo rent one in ber namne. Sharon Ferguson missed the l- occuirred. The driver of the westbound car, Robert F. wedding due bo a broken jaw. Unitd Ntion Se inarI~rLONG SAULT' Mr. and Mis Jack Cornish a tio n Ilort Hope, were recent vîsit- Iý' os of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tw Cui iSeconidary Mr. E. J. Hebert, First Sec- -you from? Okay, Our positioCameron. Schl studens, Miss Lynda rtary of the Permanent Mis- is. and they wouid con- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Don Hlennin Avery and Miss Kathy Vice sion of Canada to the United tinua this for bhec next haiT and ýboys, Bowmanville, werc, spoke recentlyv tBo an Nations, lecturad us on the hour. Sunday evaning guests of the i ville Rotary Cl nterCndanplc oad h-1 At thc actual meeting, many R. Cameran's. exp,ýeriences at a United desia. Canada, at the ime be- of bhc kid's got into bhc spirit A lovaiy miscellancous Nations S.eminkar at Queen's ling, la continuing with the of their cour-y. The bead of show r was hald last Thurs- UJnivetrsity, Kingston. Their sanctions, in hope that a bt- the Britishî dalagation wOre 1daiy evening . at the home of addresses folIow: iter mathod will be found in tails and a howler bat, and'Mrs. Robert Cameran, for Miss Ithe near future to overthrow carriad a waiking stick. WelBarbara Zylstra, Janetville, by Lynda Avery the white, minority govcrn- bought some Indian incease, !woe arigtks 'lc I 'svery pleased to bei ment, but we weren't allowed tothisFriday at Lindsay to Mr, icabe sa delagate to at-1 After each lecture,,wc had 1bunrn it because no smoking Gerald Kellett, Janetilîle, tend he UitadNationsl Scm- a discussion in which -wc cx.- was aiiowcd in the bail. DnDvsadGyewr bar a Quea's Unvcrstipressed our own feelings and 'The Saui Arabian, delega- Tucsday afternoon visitors o was ~ýý \,yiomaiaa ellideas to bhec questions brought tion werce mrost dramatic. Mr. and Mrs. Ryc Gibson. Mrs. as njyabe.up during bhc praviaus lac(tuire. Tay were the lest to arrive, W. Martin wasa Monday aven- ~La einrwaS Jo.,itly'Many intcresting points Ili'udad e avary stately cnt- ing caller on the R. Gibson's. spnnore bytheDeparbmnentiview were discusscd. At thase rance dressa(d b inowming Arab -__________ cf Etenionat Queen's Uni-Idiscussion groupa we g0t to ian robesý, which wýerac actuaily verityandtheNaional Youthlknow each other better and their bedsbeets. Then they Couci fr h1ll jnited Net-,many new riends were mae. claimad that bhc resolution ng son. hisyoth group is'From these talks, I found that - sasnn, b euiy DarlInn f oade up Of kids from -iail across1 one of bhc most important Council a farle and that thaer Cainada wbn nanit ta haip thelthings lu lifa is to always only way 'to avarthrow thaece génaral public ta know more LISTEN to every other point Smith government was ta setil s c e botthe Unted Nations. QoT view and try ta UNDER-lup uuamployment agendaes in rdoing this, the group has aid-ISTAND what ,ather people Rhodesia, bave ail the blacks On July 5th, Hampton wc i e cdlcldevlapment in manyibelieve. ýgo on strike ta coliect unem- bhard put in drawing with' a-a.For- exemple, they sand Thank you, ipinymant insuranca and ueCutc tacal ay1 sudca upplies ta under-I Lynda Avery., ;the monay ta finance a ravo- Lowe' pickad the loue Cour- (rîileed outries in Africa Jlun1on. Aftar that outburst, ther tice goal. The Hampton goal9 -lr nCanada, bhay backad by Kathy Vice ýothar' nations ignored Saudi was scorad by Don Rogers, blgingthe Indiana Of The United Nations Sermui'ariArabia, but wa did notice that In a Wednesday nîght Aiebabttrliving condit- was butaround the p:rob1aýmsthe photographar from the game, Sauina walked aver'ý lns Bt ot of a hil,n Souitharn Bhod(esiai, as ingston papars tan)k specialJsalem with a 6-0 win. Pacing ~I..C.,N.apasos UiteLyna as said, and eeybxgcaeup f hairiebo Salins were' James Baker- ana Nations sOmmeraJfn a1 l parta:we did ,wai geared towards ai It wa ery ohvioias that theEarWryachwb tw f Cnada icriy Council meceting dis- bîggest noise gets the moat goals aud singles going ta Atiltheraminar, Kathyv andicussing Rbiodeaia. publiciby. Don Westlake and Rlon Bah- 1 attended at Quaen's Univar-i Ourý Security Coui,l was Our meeting was not con- er. Rick Rundie picked op piy ach- stiident was a part[set up like the real ona, wibh ducted exactiy like the real anotber shutaut lu bbc game, ,)f ane o,,"bbc 18 delegatïonsIaach dlegation in a spacifie Security Council, for, in th' This year in bbc Darlington wh1ich wuidsit at the Secur- ares cf the hall. There were UN there la a spécific arder of Soccer League's annual Ail-i lby Co 'uil meeting. The the five pawers: USSB, USA, speakers, sud Ibis order can' star gamae, dafanding champs1 .wr ieta sevan students ý China, Britain and France,' 10b, interrupted only whea a sund again this year's leading,, La i roP, Then bhey gave other countries and three spac- delegate makes a mistaka in team, Sauina played againat aac deagaiona country to ially invited African nations. Iprocedural matters. Howavar, an Al-star taam consisting cf 1arset waa part cf tIhel' At bhc beginniug ofThbbc anc of thase 'points of order" slactad playars ram the ,nenieegation,. semnar we were given a drefbihas neyer beau made in bbc four remaining beama. very - group had bwTo tut. résolution wbich wa wouid ha 27 yaar hîabory cf bbc Secur- l b pnn aTe b or.Our senior tutor wa,;s aldabating on, This resoluinn,1b oncl t aur meeting I h pnn afo ,i uniiver.sity student. Ha was whiebliadt been'drawn np byltbare was a po int of ordar ai- activa game bbc Ail-stars put orîýginally ram India s0 ha was two univaraîty stridents, was mot voynim a degaeo langerous attack with a great baip ta ris. The jno a on an actual Sacurîty began te speak. These inter- a rt passing and a naaIr butors wera last yaar's s 'aCouncil document. Jr outlincd ruptinus wara not raally mat- goal score as a result, butbc rnu-ci),rs ho adbeen chosan bbc acts of the case and mende bers of procadure, but ib is vary tac fdeSln to, ta attend bbc United Nations six recommandations for;, at- hard ta sit suaent knowing your ovar and applied their at- luna Yorýk. They bad s lot ion by bbc United Nations. titt pa myntcreack, but geaikeepar Joa l'r_ te il us about bbe real Sec-I Eacb déléateion was te take for another hour wbile yourcok su bc deadn uriry Council. the résolution and decide theircu yl takdb nte champs out with outstanding Wben a vcrybody fiualiy got position an lb. We bad ta re- nain1eas ftaemn goaltending in tbc irat half. teehe t Que's, we decid- scarch thia bu the lilrary s0 nteutioný eas or meein Don Rogers of Hampton cd onit a purpose: leo study bbe that bbc stand we bock wouid more like a House oT Commons kscked iu the Trat Al-star Rbodesieui question. Wbat la match thet of our asind goal cf tbc game aftar bbc tha- lZhodesien question? country. lu a vcry short ima tne onbu ea h a al bounccd away ram, bbc, Welil, ini 19657, Ian Smith, bhc we realized that this n'as not A n onth eaevaSaline keeper. The goal ra- rime Ministar col Rhodesia,lse simple. Nations, espaciaîîy mbraakitge dcwn mb a namhe- maqda a Unilateral Déclaration 1the amaller ones, must ha vcry calliug conteat betwaen China mained bbc sma throcub bbci cf Indapandence. EHaewent onicareful not ta offend a majeor sdRsiwînbc .Tt hAla, ma iniy cae c tao set up an iliegal white min- power by voingagainattbhcm. dent suddeuly announcec thatthAi-ar'Jclrck n oriy gvarmeu. SnceiRb- ur ounryInda, -aslu a spécial speaker liait arrîved. Salina's Rîck Rundie. daisia beçi beau ai British cal- particularly compiicabed po5-Tben oua of the tubera boock ,TeAhsas pd 1n )ny, was up ta Britain te tien.Sawutdttaoiheb microphone sud bcilowed: a twa te nil lead after anly' Look For a solution. Farce was bbc Smith Goverumant li "hsmaigl ou h mntsc h eodb set asîebcausa Rhodesia bad Rhoecia by eny means pas- soiuteiy inthing ta heip bbc with Don Rogers scaring bis a wl,-l-tained sud wciI-equip-isibla, but ceuld net offeud cause eT black mca in Rbod- second goal after beading bbc pecd i r force- and wes pré- Russa, bar important aily, by asie Wc cof bbc African Libers- ba!in lu ram a corner kick. parcd te usetbem, adoatgU ec oc ion Front want action now. Up until tbis point in bbhe Se, along ,witîthébbcUnted r ber ellow .mambar cf thé We bava kiduapped bct rnhhie bc-rop eet a Nations, Bian ipsdiCmowat Britain, îol erîcaîl ambassador sud will thinga miaiuly their awn wayi sanctions anniRodesia forbid- acbualy respousibie for th kilt bim lu eue haiT hieur un- but Slins caught ire.,Ia meg)-ýmber nations te rade icasa stain o h es or demanda are met." e goal by Ewart Warry, wIitb bbci country. The reason- United States, wbo bad brokani idvlscm ro te-acigDaeTyo u f ing bcind bbc1h sanctions was rada sanctions against the memheî-s cf bbc AfricenLib- position. As bbc Stars' attacký tha bc Rbadesiail ccouamy Smith regime. We iear-nedlarabian Front, who wcra lu bbc faded, Soline's attack srcng.i d Àpn id eavii;y 0o1 imports vcry quickly wby diplomatsbaco-bed s ud J gaes Bakertadd- cf rnauufiactuircd goodsarsud on use se rnuch double balk.1 We lnoked over, sud sure dwoqckgasopuS- Terigumaretsfor sale oT tsiThey bhave te please al thenougb, bhc American ma-ntu ufot3t agrcuturl udmineral po-pepeal cf bbc ime. imdor had disappear.ed. ibis -Wtb aniy minutes raman,' iets. cutt'iug off thlese menuii-ý The rasolutiori itself was startad a beabed debate on ing lu the gaine, Hareid TctuLies sud ebosiug these full of diplomatie pbrasing.1hleckmail and vw.hethebb Leach kîced a reborind lute. mnarkets would buj1riebb Rho- One passage raad: Americen 1 ambassador was1 the corner of bhc net la tic desian ecnamy. BiibPrime ',alugbsrsirtos26 wartb 'seving. Tbis probably bbc gamle at Ibre cIli. Miniister Wilson eounfidently (1965) of 12 November 1965,iwotld bave coutinuad al] Tbis gama showcd pianty pr edicted that "Smith's rebel- 217 (1965) ef 20 NovemberInight, but for anther spécial of atbeek sud daf ensive lioni" would feu " witbiu a 1965 221 (1966), cf 9 Aprillennounieent, this btime by streugth sud sbawedtbbc aver-', natter eTf weeks". That wasll966, 232 (1966) ef 16 Deam- bbc Seeretary-Gcncral. Ha bold ail strength of Ibis yeague. alotSEVEN yeëars ago. ibar 1966.Î253 (1968) cf 29 Mayaus that bbc FBI, wibh tbc co- Gtting baek te league Thranctions damaged but 1968, 277 (1970) of 18 Marcb prtnhfbcNwYripaSln lma o2 dinthaitt bbc iRbodesian ce- 1970, sud 314 (1972) cf 28 Police Daparîment badl found points as this year's league auomy. Menufaeturîng Was February 1972. bbc Ameijeari ambassador alive leaders as tbay shortbandedly bilt rvp internaliy bo suppiy We had ta iook rip eaehi of and wall sud haid arrasbed bbc ,adged Courtica 2 ta 1. Don goodz unobtainable cisewbarc, these résolubions lu the lbh leadars of bbc ALF. With Ibis Westlake scarad bath Salins ouhAfrîca supporbed iRbo- rary, sincea wa coufld neyer bbc revolutionaries ln bbc bai- goal sud Dave Johnson pick- esaand Joopholas wcre soon walk into a Coune:lil meeting eony disappcarcd rether quiek- cd ip. bbc loue Courtîce goal. fouud bui the embargo. sud admit wa did net knw ly. Caurtica remain in fîftb place Tbîîs, lb as p la us 10 dec- what a'certain natation refer- The meeting eotinued for wîbh five points. ida hche ta use farceý or red la. six heurs, and in bbc end wc luI Salem, Hampton werc uat le set rip a new gaveru- Before the Seeurity Council adopted bbc résolution by au upsat by Salem 3 ta 2. Gra- meuitiii Rbondesia. meeting an Wednesday after- almost unanîmous vote by hem Dallas put Hampton Togive us a better look ab1noou, eaae country bd had n echanging eue word. 1 biuk il abead, but Peta Pinacut bled wh1at wes really happening in sure cf its awu position sud -was adapbed mainly beceuse bbc gamne on s penalty abat. I 1Rbodesia, Mr. Kcnnath MuT- bava a polîey speech preaed. il was 10:30 net ha- In bbc second haiT, Dave i uke.a A tive resqideut ofiRbo- Bt more than Ibis, eeh one cen aâvncereslly beliivad Sace ,o+pu l Sla' tw plo l'a ver thîrd - The Canadian State.sman, BoWm1anv!lle, July 19, 1972 13 gam bewee Cortie ad rs. H. C. McC 1Liure iho are Mnr and Mrs, John Cook and 1-lmpononTueda eenng Ma and Mru, Peter Ercefrnm Toronto. olidaying atView Lalke were asHmtnrradMs nyotoSdn .ssSaturdcg ay evenîng visitor wth sHapo;Mrkn eaoch team scored a goal 0 10Ma and Anna weeunajy Mr. and Mrs YF.0O.Sm-nît h te LtsCh Cook and Deanna Crom~ corne out with a one ail tie., luncheon gtusa f Mr sBwanîl, wee Sunday ails enjoyed a picnicSula Dan Bowler put Cour'tice 1in aut !n Toronto). supper guests of the Smsith'sy . aind Mr, Ba rry Cl1emens, atternoon wîth the Smith-'s. to a 'irst half one nothing DMr. andMrs.W. MurHphy of ýJudy and Louise Kovacs mHamptan, were Sunday gucsts 1M.adMs are -P- lead, but Neil GuFf ted the Newc-astl:c. r and Mrs. Johin spent Suýnday night w7ith the(ir of M>r, and Mrs. John Baker. r n r.GbilKve game for Hampton in She Hancck, R Orana; rs.igrandniother, rs.Sohe M. Sophie Kovacs-,r and and girls attended the Partner second haiTldthMrhy yoewr Kyc.Mrs. Gabriel Kayacs, -Judy a dfariiy fpeicleSunday at, t h I e were gues, wreKoac. l On Thursday igtSolina Sunday eveing guests of Mr.,Mrc and Mrs. F. E. Alexan- _Louiswtn t the ed hme T randMr. îih and Tyrone aloied at toand NMrs, M. -Murphy. idr omnilvisited Mr'ding recepian held in honor Gnolodboys, Biackstock., sh w Ple Stnday -night visitor7! of M.Bob SiSnday aitrnan c Mr, nd Mrs, R obert Beno Gn elhrpr r ai.for ynm IbbScjasored twics P r. n w rre Bonimanvile, were Saturday Mr.and Ms _SmtMru,. aey.Hoeyou1 fora;' Tinne.hSoina goal mor.,andMrs cr wreno rpote. Peteis ai>str adhand ndspprguests and Mr.adi OSw atra veig i«Ponha orneý, M=O-M, =W une-ROM -u- un-7- 0 -A-"W t Provdesyear ofcaremfree service -n paintingj, no cukn Great, new, simpIle fappýicaàtion systeni. * No overlapping * Paneis permane"tiy bonde d rigid backerboard * Lightweight * Cuts ike clapbaard 70 YEAR GUARANTE Ait easy siyste,.n of aluminum siding that tani be installed by the handyirnan. Aluminum pn els are permanently bonded ta rigid backer- board which ashows you to eut easiiy with a harksýaw or circular saw. Lightweight i- cut% just ike clapboard siding. Panels slip into spec- iaily de signed joint rnoulds and hock tight heav- ing both hands free for nailing. t Siding cornes complete with free, instruction> bookiet and Hunter Douglas 20 year guarantee. ULTRASEAL ALUMINUM COMBINATION DOOR IN WHITE OR BROWN Ultraseal 1Y' prefinished in "ail white" or "al brow-n". Cornes cornpletely pre-hung. Smooth operating Windows, locks give compiete control of ventilation. High quality Oil-lite bearing hinges elirninate hinge wear and sagging. 2 Win- dows, 1 acreen insert, heavy duty kick plate, adjustable bottorn weather-strîpping, niakes this one of the beat doors for the nioney. Cornes compiete with ail hardware. 11/4" thiakneSS 2'8" X 6'8" Or 2'1V" x 6'10', "WHITE" or "BROWN" Your Choice only Reg. 49.88 BundieSp ia e Each Bundie contains il pc-s. 9" X' 144" INSTALL ATTRACTIVE NO BOý'THER PREFINISHED lI The modern way to install attractive, fatoaeooia soffitand fascia. Fits ail types of caves ytn.IEilisale on both the oid or new buildings. No'more paintîna-- panels are prefinished ini durable white enaniel. -Free isalto bookiet. 16" wide x 12'6" long SOFFIT PANEL..V'-lED7 SPecial, -..... -1 FASCIA BOARD 2 Sizes 6" x 10" Board ,.,,.. . . . 8" x 10" Board-------------- e Store Hours: - r 7ý- n ;7 MON. TO WED., 8:30 '*TIL 6 THURS., FR1. 8:30 'TIL 9 E A V E R ST830'TIL 5 p rn ___________________________ I Cailk.1NOW for Next al. AndWIater For caulkinig around / doors, frames, wn-- dows, chimney fia-,p shings, vents, etc. , Ai aibl in whýite,' grey orï black.