The caiiadlan Stateam, 3o4 1ýwMRntll4 ,uy19 92~ 1 Eogh isEroug h (Cu~bourg Sei~tineI Star) tienetol lnig n h Thkîrhrda -,il, e re spe ri-ilteIlCn ts, hv encs givên to iinderst.iird, the Northuiimber- taayr th bagnpic landi-DurhRam Coiinty Bo ard of Edtica- 11OO w er alea- ,Work Wan1ted Auction Sales 1 Auction Sa-les 1lealEtt o Sl elEttefrSl el Estate forSae tion has on its agenda ___ or at least, amds 10OO h rc t_ iftr . 9-~ i'eeat t nnsKlle, n 2,aural o nn-pee i-Scuigog Lake. Write Adver- JL te comngea fr 34 acent in two yefor Saturia y evening, July 22nd. ing-roomi suite and a n iew REALTOR Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowv-34prç1,int 5AW ad o a rpef[(Dn] This sale i s al furniture. Sale!!awn -swi ng and lawn coffe e mariv ill1e,.29* These poor, poor people are, -of 'r-y poeîn hsicae~~?l service, hp-7 LbryS. at 7:3. Cliff Pethick, Auc-itabIle adew platform rock Poe 23500-côurste 'bY undgrpaid. weetîaethtw soldb blro ,. hon 62-320. Dontinee. 2-2 r. Othr atiies ClffBowmanville arýea: Ve ry aiýt -[i6 Just how they'survive on their pit- double our co.stsabuevyfieW 7 em. 14"Pehck Acioee, 29 -1 t racti ve 1,500 sq. ft. ranch - e tance, we can only guess. Were we ani By the turn ofthceurte tf TAfUËwnàý lk EKY rs ilAuctiOn Barn tl brick bungalow,.~r-2376 old age pénsioner we mnight be béftter this top bureau'rc neut~it~- ~ih hueeeigorbay place, attached garage, on 16 dig s,Îayieoi ei n b. KN 'T NVLE ar woe o.Eitn 137 King St. E.,. owmoanvIlle able to underÉtand. Wére we the parent tion shou)ild be 1nyaot$ ulo Phone 623-73.Î... i82* 4urham County Sales Arema first mortgage of $14,500 at 3 to CHOOSE -pRO i of 10 children we might be able to annalrftewg o h ieIe~o ýUSTOM mwn-gas rno-EeyTu5,730 p.m. FRD Y, JTLY 2lst J6ý/% can be assumied. Priced euainkesîcesn tte~n n1eeds a nd pstre ctva-tiingo vrhrs s, 7.teSw FR IaD44A0.Gieusanofe.3 B£DROOM homnes close ta undérstand. dctokep ,cesadoshee, tet Sri 70 ..Exeln potnt o SCROOLS and SHPPII Now no orehs saïid that the wages rate, as inc-d tsolh hud'y ant lots, cC, cstmplow- Calves, Sep t.CaIý70 - xeln potnt o 623-2503 and PARKS and ail PRICID of thèse noble public servants-are going then be pulling onaut$7OWn ng. Phone 6334 Ri, Auçtioneer and Pro- Baby) rad iano, antiute yon hoeolrg hsUNDER $20.000. CALL NOW. to be ràisëd,, They are Just going to be nually by t-he ya 00AD 623-3804. 2 8 -3 * prietor. 23-ti dillng suite, itce ut,2aatel oeo ag Newcastle - 3 bedroom brick 1GEFL V. na WATE wels boed, 0" te -____fridge and stove (good), fenced-ini lot with 13 frit bungalow in north end, broad- GEFL VE et "discussed". Dîscussion, howêvér, usual-. about $1,033 pier dy Wads el oin.f iyarad tre udr Tl-The undersigned auicioneer desksl; i eîlute,~ r es oom in living and diningberoRC.rm and ly Méans in(creasés. Or ai, least, hope- Hwvr ihLa er~ir hone 3 Wl203.Rereetaiv 1l sî b pbicauton frfeadend tables, -wicker with somneone to carry themi.romns. Asking $27,500. BAdRoc, paved rivondopmfly hon RfP ssîdeboards. piatypulieaicýiform Phone for more information, onR pvddiv adsa-iful.Mce in four, thedicorwlthg b riarry L.' Wade, Telephione the estate of L. 1H. Guy, 72rOtker, ieorspltJtfrthiecidl;n ac w lsntmï. 187-4531. 1 tf SimcoeSt. N., Oshawa, on rocker. w'ashstands, fireplace West Beach, Bowmanville: Bowmi-anville - 4 bedroom ed lot. PULL PRICE ONLY' Js o h eod ee~ehw lsntmr.Hsdiytk n-h~e Saturiday, July 29 at i p.m. flyntel and ighter, dressers eoae1 ero oe oefnse ih$390 the wages stand et present. Leap Years after20 i i cd anada Ds rng o'panyl- ,11Tcms hcaseh oresee. Listgabesmattresses, antique new oil furnace, 3-piece bath, fireplace, two 4-pce. bath$. 65 ACRES %vitbhan 8 room Ttdrco feuaini e- ool1100.3o vrg i~~~ tbls m. movie camnera carpet in living-room, 1/ acre 'Close to separate school, Ask- TBRICK home, new $TEinSepEL ony 1,001 hed sawaa 576-6004. an, ýT(Re- ain Nt w esper. Last and projector, electrie dryer, lot wlth water frontage. You ing $30,500 with ternis; BRNCK hnw TE a!tme,17,wa en ada h rt eevsadtonlcnpnainT1 presentative Harry L. Wade. rence Harris, Clerk; Cîfbccetiyls adoecno eti o the Prie Kedron - Lovely 3 bedroom HYDRO - quick run$g oi$3,00 annually, Poor chap, he wis is a matter ta hc hoor L~t ewcatle 87-431. 2 tfPethick, Auctioneer. 29-1 dishes, electrie typewriter, of $12,900. Try $l,500 down. brick home with paved drive TROUT STREAM tee ng hvngt ruleaognoly$800 eldicttserusteton hn _______farm ~ri rnepu al 29-1 and attached garage, on lot of the propeérty. hl BOB nd F ANK otheriteRms aCdAntçusH 106 x 150. Asking $34,90tX LTSad OS fL TS ,years tarliér. the whole nmatter fftr ae{i Watch Reairinq teRms Caatqes omnvl -20ar ls OSan-OSo The superintendent of instruiction up for discussiontichrd~~& Certif led Watchmaker of eomnil 0ar loLT n OSo Canadian Jewellers' Assa. SA L&O uctoneers:BOB and FRANK prprywt omFuh n AMg and now LOTS and wae rmaking $27,00. He hadl been mak- ing. STAPLETO Je elr U TO E R 91small creek, also town water LOTS of INCOME PROPXR- ing only 02,00 two years êarlier. The boardsoudwieît.t Marr' Jewelery UCTIO EERS 9~l*available. Asking $8,000 down. TIRS. Thé $uperintendent of planning is agenda for TIusa h o~~g 39 King Street West Specializing In ail types of 23-tf SALES. and ESTATES W~EDNSDAY, JULY Z6 qA9 Courtice area - Commuter's Mary Smth- 786-23*3 mâking $27,000, and he had been Mak- Îtém "Matters Prann ot~A~r~ A'uction sale of household country living, close to 401, 3 Banner Paoagït - 623-3259* g nl $4,0 two years éarlier. age Per Diém cinei r2bdom.sprt ii~igOi ~U~ .tv±uXi]OyPhone Newcastle 9746 furniture and antiques, the __________________________ or1wtnvle7 6-2 tf property of Mrs. I. R. Bentleyl room and twa fireplaces, ' EseSncr23325b Thé three a rea superinten dents of Director of Euaini h SepieTan ad Te ed327 Queen St., (next ta the 234 King St. E, Bowmaniville o)ffice for information. Jin Robinson~ 623-37Ô9 beén two of themn, away back two years That is, if temte fwgsI nstalatio Tnsk-ondationsBe Auction, Saturday, July Presbyterian Church)- Gas 623-39Orn Exctv tyeRlySeer6.74*4 tarlier,land they had be en paid $22,000- stili on the agend o hrdy~vn Baemnt -WaerLies 1 .m, orMr. hlnstove, 4-burner, solid ma- brick home, 3 bedrooms,[ 2 eac1 Crushme tone GaverLiSndPrT hoe, 10c onSofcest, hogany table, violin, Windsor Newtonviîîe - Sto'ne Bouse family room, double attache'd eh.iganteta chairs,6-477angîng lampesserwoodcen Century aid stone house. 35 heated garage, also storce fire- Aoehr n ircooespr ayohrcmetabu9hsota- BBalack k 86473 tefi]ddreseoktchn , bîdese asktbcrssakebr, Haf woddnpaceii re. ionstriucEm laiennnenoneo istrctinonesupri- eus pedineofthir oge.o 291board, end tables; rangette, toilet sets, large Tiffany ceii- witb small stream. Main bouse $37,500O with terms. ______en 29-,1 ernry washing ma- ing shade (antique>, 2 brok- bas recently been renovated, ida ra-2 ce Tlltlp2ES chine, chairs, foot'stool, maga- en sections; Beaver sealer 1/ idaylî 2 ce JA KB R ES znerack, dlock, lamps, rtigs, gai,. blue hollow , hob-nail new. plaster and plumbing. lanci with 2 small barns and C J.iI S.>carpets, lm, daptcher (ntqu),lu o nw ii oimin ie CLEANED frames, trunk, ladder, gar eaterpatcania gas, ti ommuing distane0o0.n0 cîîo n ai avdOfSM an*vers -'CouncilàlCs o~ 011BURER - URACE o pitueate (patie), Peiacock Torono sig$0,0.0-ra. Asking $5,000 q PLUMBING REPAIRS tool.s and other. items too amethyst glass, pine dcsk, hall $20,000.00 dowa. Caîl Jan I I ctvt urn ue tte PHON HAPTON numroli tnmenton oge sea an batrac to atc, OushornCartrigt Toashp - ood Actiwridghtg Toewnsthipo ù- 1oJo, PHNBaMTN ,nmer uc etione. R29-1 & Hnd ayes t typ chd- 28Ars-n daprisductive 149 acre farm, Oshawa CanadaManpower ~a 263-2151 _______ r. 29-1Jaques &1 ysûp e-2 ce edlHls with smalcreek, pond site Office aad 'its BranOh Office The regular Manvtrs ýTownl- A c;asLh ïettle-Mont frolinrug 2al 63res-215i1 aeTurdy v room suite (antique), maple Scenic parcel. Outstanding and 4 bedroom bouse, faces on la Ajax. bhas followed the pat- ship Council mneétlng for July Carl Pinney 'vas accepted In STATESMA Boai 43 Ilowmanviltuein Jule 2, 6:30p.mat ,vbedroom suite (antique), p05 view0 ,dlHi. on odAkig$500dw.tern sets ia May. White the was held ln Bethaîny lon Jufly lieu o rmn h od ih D 1P.O.ox4 - g, thîrile ter bcd and vanity, wardrobe 90o acre provincial park. numbers of persans registered 4, 1972, with ail member:s ail at this time.n"ilVe 30-tl Sn.amrock, Cottages inath wîth mirror on doors, number Paved road froatage. Forty Lloyd Atchison -. 786-2959 for employmnent rose slightly preséntadReeHre'sae" sI acniêe -Village o ede consistng of chairs. Many other good miles from Metro. Asking AI Rout 1 -'25-03i3 due to the entry into the Malcolmn Pre sidlîng. that the said iii Hiliaew on63-30 F A KB DoflreWestinghouse refrig- pieces of furniture and dish- $25,000. Ternis. Cail Roy Ewîn Jeans 623-7152 labour market of receat hIgh The, iue fteJn dsfiinl tti ieRn a crator, bheavy duty stove, es. Property soîd. Ternis Foster 983-5801 (Orono). Get iad - 2-37scbool graduates, tbe number m mein ue ýte red a ldap- for terimetratmtste .Trenchinqi washing machine, cheýster- cash. Sale, at i p.m. ,Reg. of aval62-39labigleeredan p-frth rii tetiet ýi1 ndcar ceto da-ad ar ohsn Acin Kna ilso valbejobs remained at rvd The report preparecl by ADYO WEEN SËPT1C TANK fie ad harl, ces fd- and LryJhsn uto-Kna usMac McDonaid 623-3911 a gooidlevel. ,' ',Two severances were grant- Greer, Gallaway anad Asocî- Askfrat* - INTLAIN essdbad ocds en ersPhonie 705-357-3270; Ger- '118 acres, bis vicw, good Wilf Hawke- - 983-5274 Many persans found work sd to Melvin Wright to, sever ates Ltd. ia connection iiCONT R.R 6,BOWAONVILLE enpod, tables, e, cha Graham,________ 29- strcam. 20 acres rcforcstcd Hlen MeDonald -621-3911 during the month in the ser- two adjacent lots ln Lot .5, the cutting cdown af a hillr'dHYSE01,G L NSUNDAT CALLS lwashstaad ou îamp, picture -2 er ht ie icvc h NO~~~ ra s ihsgasae Real Estate f or Sale sprucc and poplar. Excellent vice____________ trades as waîtresses, Concession 13, with a fron- MnesCvnBudô,6328 623-72011 fae, dses swr, value at $40,000. Ternis. Caîl cooks and housekeépers, haw- age of 125 feet each and a ha conjunction with the Carl crocks, books and other items COTTAGE lots, waterfront or Roy Fostcr 983-5801 (Orono).~ I ever, demands for thase 6,epth of 180 feet, each. The Smith proposéd suh-division 1-ftnnumeost -mnin chalet, Kawartba, Haliburton, i rwarers have not been fully lots are located la tht Zoned was5P rovd tecsts being Crawforarieatnq Roger Bannistr, Auctioner Land o' Lakcs districts, Good Newtonvillie mt e TEDlradfraeafrJntileVlae epetvl m teriL.98-54bush. Sl97 csw, reai and rolig.ExEOR general sales help bas been The Manvers Cub Pack Cavan Township, Manvers R S LSC U T I UNSTALAION ipeetHseTalr bsSei nolg.E-RAUS well mets with some abortages were given permission ta use Township and Carl Smith. Fi FURNACE NT LA Harnessi hay, straw, etc., LO'W'cellent building site. Asking exsîgfrseilzdsle h aeeto h on A specilmengfco- 24 HOUR - proerty of 'Easwood Farms',$39,500. Good ternis. CaîlBll Billvîl 2340 staff for furniture and ladies' sbip Rall for meetings, pro- cil was called by the Reeve_____ Emergency Service R.R. 3, Little Britain, 3 miles DOVVN PAYMENT Turansky. 35 Acre Farmn wear. Generally, activitY la vided they are under super- for the purpose of openrrileg 141 Liberty 'S., Bow avlt34 mile West., Saturday, Juiy 3 BEDROOM HOME Netonvilie Wt ero osgo h service and sales sectors vision of the Leaders at ail tht tenders reçeived- for the - Phone 623-7534 29,,inluding M.-F. tractor edanwhmbuso 10 acre building site. 3 barn, fences, two road front- bas beea brisPlatethrougbouet temes ______v- 4-fNo. 6,5, .-Hl. Spreadcr No. 175,Ne nwhie u hrt acres bush, pond site. Askiag ages, close to Village of Ty- the month severance wasgrtdPleAcbCvrtabeud- - - -horse trail er, 3 sets race hara: of cash? Thelivestgaeew t9,900 witb $2,000 downi. Good rone, $35,000,Î00. Yeair- ver year lacrerases han ta George Kerr -tO convey aon the Pieetwood Creek,opMlIL LSTN 1IG ess shdo rols botset. BavRHomies! lIte'li shell tcrms. Cail Bill Turaasky, 0AreFr tht number of buildýinig per- lot 125 feet by 180 feet ta bis positc,eLt 22, Concession 10,n' UAR INT ON AtnioAtClcos-,erect tht attractive Beaver otromialsedhsben reflected son, Bruce Kerr, la tht souArth- Townshlp ssud bs b .of Manvers, Th e î~tt Qr ,A L CT loa aumber of paintings Wiliowdale model, a 3 bed- LakeOnai With neat 3 bcdroomn bunga- ln the steady demand for con- west corneroLt ,l tht tender cf Aimco Canada Ltd. - MASONRY frorn an old Toronto honme. room beauty on your lot and Iocated near Highway 401. low, 30' x 50' b as 20 struction workers.' Demaad Svh Concession. was accepted, subject into brihw JlIlI Sec bis for complete list. foundation for just $9,200. 3' bedroom cottage, nicely stanchions and 3 box stalls,ba exceéded the aupply of The motion passed ai tht aPProvaI of the De-part.meat Brick, Block<, Stone Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Yeu ceai save as much as $3000 trced and weil kept. 1.8 acres, two road frontages, close to finish carpenters, bricklayers, May 2nd meeting callmng for Of Higb1Ways 1of Otra ______________ Ted Speaceley, GrantiWerry, aver'. coisyctional building 100' shoreline. Imnmediate pas- village of Kendall. $70,000,00. an' oehay qiieta l.O aectian book up -- CHIMNEyS e, FIREPLACES Auctioneers., 29-2 methods. if jyou owi a lot, session. Asking $16,900. tasy 50 Acre Farin operLitors. feetot the Sandwood Estatel Phon 6232176you Miay be able to start terins. Cali Phyllis McRob- With 2-storey aider farm- Production Ie area lndustry Water SyStem WaS amended Phoe 63-276 Auction sale, prîvate estate "YO)Ur Home" with only $200 hic 623-7159.,osbrsm abnr a en paibl aodrt eda$.0 cec"o 9ffrom Palace Street, Witby, dlown, We'ii help with mort- hue an oemcieybsbe psihl nodrt eda$.0cnetoiý tbe beld at Stirtevant's gage' arrangemnents and land Orono Area inciuded, nearly level land to meet quotas befare Plant charge. _________ SEPTIC TANK Acto Hal Hl tet availabilities too! For furth- Acre site wth many trees, with pond, only 3 miles fram holiday %hutdowns, New hir- AtO a, 2ursalJly t er detailis Phone strawberrics and raspherries, Nestîcton, $36,900.00. legs have been mnalaly-limît- recent graduates have turnedý OsawU.MPay Jl 2NGeri P M IG6,p.m,., plusa community sale.,RAY NORTHEY at -723-3558 12 years oid, 3 bedroomi bue- 150 Acre Farm ed te atudeats for temporary te Taranto where demand i Elcticsov, asig a-ordopiqtoyurneretgaiow Ectrcîî eae elp. Industries related to greater. Bert-.Tompkîn chie, chrtome wsiteg-otBer L mber t or earedand immaculate tbroughout. With beautiful traditional 10- th, construction brades, how- The employment- situation N ewonvll b hrom suite, ocaon a ick u a n oe BaERnd se rceai , amand room brick farmhouse with ever have Increaseci their de- for area students bas remale- FRESH, TENDER chair, end tables, coffet HOME'CTLGEol aes room. Attacbed gar- two fireplaces, 4. barns, one mnands' for skilled' workers. eci good througbout ' the 2-fchair,1 toilet set, school clock, plans for more thaù 40ý homes. $29,900. Ternis. Call Phylhîs erty, road frontages an Taun- for are weldiers, some machin- ments tbrough, The Canada Ielfr lr-- cheat of drawers, dresser, gun 7-tf Mco15e63-15. o Radst n d tH ig ay isb and, maintenance per- Manpower Çentre, for Stu -__________________________ Re îgrtÎn racký chesterfield, platform- Bowmanville l1i,000tnothf0rn. sonniel. Ollier tradesmen ha dents equalled those of last andr1eL It L roke, bdotlrg quaatity of I anteotytatbssh,000.,ort suppl>r were auto me- month. Whlle the niajority LA n ET BNLS)- and - houischld Uiitems. Terma cash, juuuF. home was pictured ha "Better port Ferry mn n pcaie ahn on mlyet hr r - d Stek $1 Câ c Appliance Service Lis t 'Lëmlt'MlsuisadGres.Lvnmeadsetlzdmciefu mpoet hr r, Commercial and Domestie ing,. Auctioneer, 725-5751. room ,28' x 14', with rustic Large aider 3 level brick servicemen.' still mauiy high achool stu- no2cm9ce -M1s ON .boesadildes.diing , CommercilB ial n-- chan, utfodyrlepar- ofenversitysudentjsbae STRunICd C EDEç addtina ad rik îrplceer lot right in village. Suit- ers bas Trmainied tht samne thia time. Commnualty l'e- A Phone BERT SYER Real estate, furniture, dish- îSartoae d ick roo.ep ale frmn proe Udrin Jnwitb most posi- sponse ta the "Hire A Stu- iia ___ Day 62-574 e, atiqesetc, popetyf -vîs-pne piank floors are as cold storage, fecd outiet, dions listed asklng for special- dent" pragram bas been very Nights - 623-3177 Mrs. Mary (Minit) McGill wtot qa Trcbah audoat t. ny$4,o. idskl r rîîn.Sm1go dtMinced Ham - Dutch Loaf - OieLoCPrkLa Lander Hardware 6Mr t . idaSat- 33King St..East, BowmanvuIlewtoteul he ah anrmt t.Ol 4, klso riig on odt ae aaoi&Ces hce urday, July 22, iacluding Phonle 623-3950 or 623-311, wîth kidney shaped aunken Rtst Home reffcutyng ul experienced nft Ju natoa of 2,727maie and ELECRIC Heinzman pino. cheserfieidtub off master bcdroomn, Older, 2-storey soiid brick bo'cees Reee nt high workers and 2,683 femnaleMRAE' OE T 11suite, tables, couches, bang- 100 ACRE FARM: Brick Bright, cheery kitchen. Many rest home in village of Orono. bookeeprats. R ëm okeswrergstrda BO B ER g lampa (3), brass bd, an- home. Al modemn conveni- extras. Asking $49 500. Termis 'Large size lot offers plnty of inch l rainte ing hve oben beg wtoe mplent at D O N Ug 137 -EL~GIN ST. antique chairs, etc. Terms Askîng $39,000. Easy termis 623-7159. n atal scefuInheOawArijx - Hetin cas. Ral stat - igh roo WEHAV A. REA SE NewonvlleLots- Hampton lacatlng work locally. Many power Offices. TOA3TMASTER - 2 Pkgs. of 8 Rg rc 3 g Al priced to S AVE Von Maney racks, 1970 A-C baler, PTO, Asking $24,900., Termas. S-M baled approximateiy 12,000 eaeeupe ohdl keBlot 57-08cnstn ofM.Gog ntrveynjyâe R- Phone 623-5122 bales; .1972 John Deere 150- OSHAWA: 3 bedroom brick Ie rhoe eiqdt ande /iBeIl metes -75-1907o? sigo M.Gog nte vrejybefa L.HMTO,'a grbushel manure apreaden, PTO, bungalow, living and dinfing YOU îoe edaa wee i6MFetrFaxon, onganîsi of Trrînîîy ture was a tmur if th ea Ie ren" 28 sedfo 15lods f mnue; oo, 2batsreceaîon in anda ndU725.-6Cburch la Boston; Mr. Gles ehurches cf Europebynes L. HMILON,1anaer ,ued or 1 lda o ak nure;5.-room, 2 thbatbsnec'earn- aCndaadU...FINE QUALITI Bryant, precentor at St. Mary ofAildes and- tape wlth corn-ý 19is o nat sid e e nt d r oomge, 5 th bar"l. Atae a r- ly O U EN S A DMagdalee, T ronte and o- meatiary by Mr. W illIam Dî V1NETTE -100% Vegtable O1 cAR combDlke na198tio seed o dm111 ae 5' 150v oc. atf«l OUENSA» ganîst ai Massey College; also Wright, organlat of Deer Park A Al1flLýA I BOWMANVILLE p new; 196., Ce8'ntdo-ubrleanscpe. ai ofie.t j ocOmt MARY-ERS MrnPeter MeCoppin,, organ- Chunch, who wlth- bis whfe MARGRINI'E ~ I ri. ae8 obeNEWCASTLE: Large 5_______________StGeoge'sUniteandMr._Dugla______mad ralntlngdise, Int. No. 36 trai power room, 2 stoirey brick home., Caurlai InSTornto UnittdaadM.Duls ai nd mr racbinery. Pouitry equ-GaaeOn1crlo.A- with the institute for bis sec- Tht egisrar's duties were F E A KN anwer, 7'; uilune mo-Gailame.n coenienea. A ftr9.0-..ea:STAFFORD ocd season. very ably carried out again andDeortig ent, hay, grain, straw, mihk- ing $33,00. Vmywel ept 900lismcbe- 2-19 FRctEbEhtRvrnddroa IObaa PoA f cnSRee INTERIOR and EXTERIOR ing, equîapment, Universal hliMeob 6375 BROS.1 LT», Morning devotiona w e r e this year by Mr, Henry Van- WALLPAPER pueîp, DebLaval magnetic lune,,OHW:ViwwI Bernard MacLean -623-721 Pofdeer. Douglas Cren tht organfisfhta, ted Eter SOrQe on P5 n o Hourly and Contract Rates 2 Debaval units, Debaval3 bedroom brick bungalow. 20Poesr oga rctnteogaito h ntdEtrSoefo FREE ESTIMIATES stainless steel separator, otbcr Oil heated. 4-pce. bath. Womk- Jan Oudshoomn - 6328 aAr5lwbo ha preseatly a mnember Churcb, Uxbridge, and those items. Approximately 5,176 rooim in basemneat. -Prîced at Dane Found - - 62Z3-3965 ~Dtf of the Paculty of Queen's present fromn thîs district ha-ý 2.3f-edra779s8yCra $24,500. Temmas. WyeMrhnt 5928 helgclCege and w,ýho cluded Mr. Terence Dawsoc,ý Phone 623-7798 oftIId Broihers was a member 0 tht tom- New57s-le84and Mrs. Doroth Quota fo r sale by ,contacting 'After heurs please eall: Bill Sutherland -63-12 ý orwbc pepiedcotht Pae, Bwanvihle. 'ooh owe.Some funiture. Tht mite hcippartePyn GETCAS TOAY property1 of Willis Patton, Lot Har ora 6379 a rwn--6335 eW Hyma Bock. ThIs per- Plans were made ta con- 12, Co. 1., outh Monaghan Jot Barnoski -78-2256 Bil Turansky, Orono 983-540 m'onuments id proved ta be un istruc- tiut tht Institute nlext ya e S R S 633-1 FOR OL A PLAN ES Twp;., 4 miles easi of Baïile- John F. Dû%ith 987-4024 Roy Feter - Orono 983-5801LI TE tive and nspirinig aid te the and I le; hoped that ltrse T1r7hmooïCunyRd N.34QGr Uncc 98-155 orn ethruT-723489 onaerful spirit cf felltow- persons who bave ýnat ,et <OEo AI 8 T A T E 5>- M A N ITrcash, No reserve. Sale R Daidso l-"';7 1 Adet1h -6353Bx13 bpwihpevie uigtke dat fib i sex ~3LASIFlE D 8 't 1x0 Carl Hickson, Ade an 2-53 DunýdasS.E htytt hl ekFrml itrigadl-OD MARKET .OMAVL8 Acionr, ReaborOtI ehyAdrsn-39269 Tt'rY Masters -623-3393; Phone Wihey68-52 Two peciaL eettôo1k piring week will îmake aný PHIONE 623-3303 1753495,21-2 larri Coutzt Ea age e 4 i cra o n, tu'ffoÀ to o ue