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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jul 1972, p. 1

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$0000 Damage to Jackman Road Home Ihle Bowma'"'nville KMis- mnen Caniai ver and succe-ýs s fuLibutit wa snt1eY. Scheduler )for Friday cand- Saturdlay evenigm dvn beganidaywit-hacprad led by the OsIhaýwaKise Girls B-a1moral Pp ad and mjrte riom St. bsz- eph's Schol followed b h five contesta*nts for the beau- ty contetiA, t l 'woconvertibles, No ~ b! sonrhdthenewMiss chosen thfan it started to'(a and the crowd fled- the grou-nds. It cleared up luaerl and many rturedbut ndtt enough to make up forw the Onr Saturd-Jav, it was the samne storay, xcp that by tetimeý the ca;rnival'was to begin, the park was flooded wilth about f ive inches of' water anid the show was postpone d until M.onday. For- tuniately,th sun cam ie out (TURN TO PAGE TWO) VOLUME 118, 16 Paes BWMANJLLE ONTRTOWEDNslDAYv, FULV, 19, 1972 lPrCpy NUMBER 29 MadMrs. Harold Brown, of 52 Jackman Road, Vern Connors, who was looking for dew worms, spot- uýrJ alle home from vacationing in Nova Scotia ted it about the same time. The Browns had just in- 1hen firee aused extensive damage to their home. The stalled new aluminum sîding to the bouse before going blzbelieved cýausfed by Friday night's electrical on holîdays. No one was injured iii the blaze. There stLorm cue abouit $1OOO0 damage to the house. It was was some insurance. reote round 42 am by their neîghbor Ray Reid- 'Fo ri SI 'W a S u- c cIE Despïtee e3UWwianiVUje s fuULiilan. r 0 C LIHTNG DRA W anuaidewalk Sale last week- The 0-5 Dra spnso en d had, to be considereda success despite the inclement Iý te hmbro Com- weather. Thursday morning ierce ,t a raîse mney for arrived, % îth bright sunshîne jaeesar rplacemeaets and and the 1 rgest early' shop- ~mpovmets n heChrist- ping crowd to date filled the masLigtin ouKin Steetsidewaiks to overflowng Ca- .nees yor uîîppncîty, while row after row of goods was brought out o: To dtethetickts avethe shWps and ontô the side- beP, e-sel-g quiýte slowlyq walk, bat, wth the dra-w date set 'ior Jul y , ti aura, Tursday afternoon, th it is boûped thaýýtîctens wil rains came and there wasa ,eîake a pont ofpurcb,.asing tfast icramble to take the theaýi. Tis wil noýt ony gvetables and merchandise inside tiaem n hanc to elp but or cover them up with plastic, theey kmay alsoI win arhun For the rest of th~e sale, most of mch~nede mony. uy mrchnts laîed it cautious- Boo rins om lant Want l n- Seemi Bowman iis oVt we wold e thrown la j aG."ý the aiycommait tha ha Themayr szAi the older x, loudhonprbema w or smre acceptable to eee a tis epor frm Cb- rsidntsand still flled the our-g whr e- ogboran fuaction of, warning shippiang wasreeaty astlld a Cb-in the arma. A letter to MP ourg Hrbor.Russell Honey and the federai "I mceved32 ail aout! it Dept. of Transport requesting toda aloe," aid he myor. the retura of the old bora is "If you or tok acaîr hora under consideration by Mayor eAd blew, it 7-lke tat all night, Heenan. ~iur 19oliso About 8:50 p.m.- MondaY, bicyclist Drew F!iitrault, 6, of "255 Liberty St. North, Ewas involved in a collision wth a car drivea by Shirley Vandyk, of 59 Charch St, Bowmanvîlle. The boy is, doing fairly well i luhospital, sufferla from multiple abrasions and contusions after the car- bike cliin uty ReeGog tpethe builing cmmitee xiii take anoter ookat the matter, and sce what niecesisary work can be dlonc with the $5,000 aocedto the project. Conilo Prout suggested at the Juy 13 meeting of, Coucil tht smework could possblybe ut)ut of'the re- paîirs, b'ut MayorJ-Hobbs eau- tioned tht i saffolding, the most e:,esie item in the one tender oird had to go upl for éiny reason, "we might as~ OibvbDusly, the tensid and ectmr of the Kýinsmen Eauty COntest 'Was CuSt Loo cmuch for CnyMses lf.We twas announred ha he sa on the Mis Bomanill Risme" ttleforthis year, sheimeatybrk intoteas tat wuld't topfoin. Lau es 's tiie holderCtyWamns preparing ta hand oaveu the acrotaJe new wÎnner. Irene Remle a h runer-p ad lsorecivd abeatiul ouqetof flowers, courtesy of Ross A Bowmaaville man, Fred- crick Konopacki, 21, was treated and rcleased from hos- pital Monday after sustaining injuries in a motorcycie acci- dent. While travelling on Hwy. 35, his motor cycle developed a wobble and lim wns throwa to the pavement. Damage to the cycle was estimated at $500 John Mitchell, OPP Liadsay, was the investigating officer. HYDROSTJtUKE STILL ONfl In recent days, coificting reports on the carrent Ont- ario Hydro strîke lbave been received from the Commis- sion spokesmen and the Em- pliyees' Union. As we have no intention of entering the argument on eitberaie about al that cw, be said is-3 that there baàs bennj; a terrptio la ervie altaf tf da.T u he sapsoerithe weekend caused some dam- age that k1-pt theai busy. C" ýNew FobyMike Baoy e According to Lhief Jim Hýayman, the tw of Bowmanville is considering the purchaséè of a o- ýmaking machine to add to its arsenal of ire iiightiliný,'g equipment. The new unit is a portable foalmnmakînggnr ator and uses, a foam ikeýnown as (UHY, (UHy - ltra high expansJin), ivhich jwpumpsoui, 3500 cubic feet of foamn per minute, The foam ;,, non,-polluxtinig and will not damage plant or human. lit e. After the foam is used, it dries to a white powder that ican, be vacuuned up. (TURN TO PAGE TWOivCý let eople's pi-nion i/nnree-r of Kinsmen Pont'iac Replies to aqetonietonie eeialdt on regional dvlpetsn oeoetofcas uii out by Lake Ontarlo Reg pioapaofcaindtees DeelpmntConcl rebe mdi ad thrsonfie Mr. Roge McDuff, (eft), 23, of 40 Brown St,, acceptu the keys to bis new LRChduatr nPtLORDC sam ihtePnicFirebird fromýr theý chairman of the Kinsmen draw, Mr. John Walkey,. erborough. The 1- 0qe-qetonar r eev r.ý MaeDu-if cowns athr car and he has no ,-p1aiýs as yet for this one. Wbxle thevies o a axIumtheres ofus issd Ut.nte awecan stili be winners next Monday niýght intv'n e o ~O00popleak h ise al TVý., Bingo, where prize money for the first game iS$30 *o rir TaiLI ý Make Progressý S-ome progresinà.n,. c taLks -as beenrertdol The two sidesý are atmt iag to rcach a nlew z1wo year' F-RNTO GE TWO) SOGGY- Any complaints about the lack of warmý weather must have been dispelled last night and again today. About the only way to describe it is 69soggy". The temperature îs not so high, ît's the humîdity. t t t t t WINNERS - Apparently, we've been doing weli, in area Orange parades. In Beaverton on July 8th, the local LOBA was best in the parade and the Legion Pipe Band also placed first. The men's LOL had their turn on July lSth wheu they came tirst in Campbellford.'Nice going, but we'd suggest they keep doing their walking here, it's much safer than Ireland. Bombs away! t t t t t THANKS- Our appreciatîon to Ken Lyall of the Newcastle Reporter who sent along a copy of the picture he took at the cornerstonei commemoration ceremony in Nýewcastle. We had suddenly arrived at the end of the film and weren't sure we'd obtained a photo, but luckily there was one after aill.Tbanks., t t' t t t FAIR TIME - This weekend, Oshawa Faîjr will hold its annual event, complete with ay e and excitiag tentures that willcombineý rural and urban living, including, bless you, an out- door beer garden of ail things. Seems these days you can't make anything pny unless booze is available. Among the attractions, Senator Jim Coyle, bis tiddlers, vocalists and guitarists will be in action. 1tt t t , tý OPENING- We. also hear that the new Kawartba Downs Raceway out Peterborough way will hold its long delayed fîrst races on Saturday nigbt, starting at 7:30, Sa, for those who aren't at cottages or travel- ling the.busy bighways on bolidays, there'll be things to do other than watching television reruns. Wonder what the reaction would be if newspapers instead of sc'ratcbing for fresh news, just ran last year's papers.., over again. t t tý t t CARNIVAL - The Kinsmfen came up smelling like roses atter ah,. Their carnival, att interrupted by ramn on Friday, wiped out on Saturday, drew a w;onderfuî crowdon Monday enablîing them ta make a profit on the venture. There were some worried Kinsmen around town because car draw sales hndn' covered 'expenses up ta Monday night, but everything came out well in the long run. They are a hard-working crew and, con- gratulations, are in order, tt t t t NEXýT -The uïext big car nival event will be beld by the Lions' Club on August l9th. We've been tl they bave latched onto "The Moon Ride" that waisa great attraction for kîds at the CNE. At the moment, this clubi- is diScussm-jg' somne jo r and expnsv renovaý.tions at theCmuit te they own andy, operate on Beecb Avp' siatdta 0,0 people a year use thris ulin n tegoud,5 dig deep, buy tickets on h rw adbl h Lionls uprvide ee etrfclte o h epeo t"he area oue hsyeri hi ile niesr as ~ ~ ~ i a evieclbhee dent 'at CourticeR add theBae Lneon Jane tï Uh, Rober Strckla d o sha- wa ws reorte tohave cofiaitatn6o charge bast bpeen ladaais Mr, Stri- landbeeuse he topsign had beev damaged cearliýer, Ra ot igband easily Fire in Car Brue Ferry, of Baîlle- boro (near Peterborough), had a fire la his 1965 Voîks-, wagen Tuesday night, ln front of the Brewers Ware- bouse, King St, East, A spokesman for 4tefIre lu the batter>y. No esýtlm- ate on thse amoant of dam- age is 'available at this time. Rcety lx'Cruhr, eilto t oto h M., Drhp wsapontppot legiiatin vbich will pre- mitteo teOtal e i- ýervet'je ondertol sport of laure to inVeStigte tle nobýiling and yet pre- rnowobie wih t ai tavent abuse oif the vehicle and mmd ofJ provid ing bk cnro heir effect on th1fe groud iformtio fornew (TUR TOPAGErTvo> ITwo Compacnies e, ove. To Base Line Ro ad Sites BowaavlleCouci . ookCouci, it à:s eàoved to steps to ensure th mvoftae thencear steeps for anew industry to w n nnd ,,: ý- the erecovery of 2.018 acres of expansion of another at a-tp-1 land whîch" had been sold to cial meeting held ast ThuriÀs- Detta, Borgardt, a German dayeveing Asa rsui, aby- company, for industrial devel- lnw wns passed o ml e11 par- opment. Since the compa&ny ýel of land and edrcr to had not met the provisions of ýbe c-alimd immefdîately 'or the theý land sale, arîd sînce anî ýsrvicintg of another, option bas been taken out on At he July, 4 meeting orf(TLJRN TO PAGE 'two) The Cobourg Setn- Star Ltescf churcis trouble in a nmrb re-a recently' wbmnr the xiister's topie wvas 'lnughiag at other's, t imust s happened that w;hen the re-verend gentle- -manrie to sýit do)wn behind the pulýpit ,there was noD Cir ereTie-nIy one Who lahdwsbswfe MEDALS 9FOR POLUICEMEN Canada's catrdbanks have announcedth estab'- lishment of gold- medal awards to police-officers who render outstandIng service in5 combatting crime against baiks. With btikholdups taking place almiost every other day in Toronto and other major cities, the move will be welcomed. Five Charming Girls Take Part' in Kinsmenl Contest U-p ta'Weýdnesday of last week, Kinsman Bob Abotincag of attracý--tions for the carnival was quit worîedthiatthe beauty ,contest forFriday nîght, was ging ta) be a flop. ny two girls had entered Forunteyby the im the contest 'parade rie aroun!d tenubr enres badicreas"ed ta ie ail of t 'bem in îe-loking lclgil.This p-icture ,wýas taken during anitevl nthejugnbidte ~tg~ 'ebackgrozund ac no0t>,tocttati but theï girlis in bathing suï-.t are, Tbey ar, rom l eft ta right' CtyWarman, lastyersMsBomnilKn- enthsyeair's winne,CnyMatr, isPrso Moigand Stora;î SelySct, is anei Rxjetmvuller, Miss Hooper'iiL-ý-s Jew'1eller;Thieres Brown, MisCole'sBrbrS'hop andrBîrbara augb, Miss KrmpsFrtue 'Il IP P. He ds'- C 1'tudv, U-s', o,ý - Srnýýp, à- w )f Le a Le ut r7

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