mor, both thei games Wih The Cania7elau Statesman, ÊmwmanvilleTuy1,97 M arriedc 'lil Grace Clrsi-an Chrch Janetville and Blackstock by iue /edding in Oono Unile Curch n uc o h os. Gi? cus w r _ Ch chwon easîly against PontyDool ,Eneveryhan olnh>tfo athe otys tsGasll yJc atel girls and tied their game with M 1 .S JanetvîlleSr. a reasonable hour excent' followedbavry nsra Janetville . Yelverton boys the junior leaders frorn New,-, tional >esg:gvnby~p -~~~~~ ~castie who provided their an Eeard or Hllrt. hi wery in uhir under npIt-entertainmnent until the earlI. sfloe b ret ly iii thir Sundayevening "hours when a sore&head (neot whereone ganign- Weak battngkad Inentioning names) crépit From tions wr uttor n stock.tngan lier. sleeping bag and inter- several poet on~td costi y errors were their down- rtdthfetite.Lnh asa12onate fail. ~~Afer the steady pirpa wih t- J.ui ter 0f.,ram aIl nighit several ed toeakcm ihec « ~~~ ~awake Saturday morning ta pack giig ot ndvda Saey Flfind flot only their spirits be- crests n ras t13 ginning ta danipen but their under snysisw nec sleeping bags and quarters sat- the cîrclfothiattm an urated, but as we made otir again thencswr eud 'à morning rounds at 5:30 amn. ed thel ae ol joint fim presenetion bywe werc warmed by steam-i- nscribeda lau o A ontflmpéeinio yg cups of hot coffee servcd anc mont ab eti hi , Bernard Kitney of the Bo' - by 4th Bawmanville. meetingsot nohr o , 7manville polîce and Murray FigBekwshl t 7:30 boa was edt n apa A' ~~~ ~ Joynt of the OPP introduced under drizzling rain and gray District Cbatrfue - ~ "~~h' ~the subject of road safety tae skies with ail Akelas ta meet the GradH i.Tswa ~ 'members of the Rotary Club, atDsrc eduresmSquîckly pitdotb h ./ ~ iast Thursday. minutes ta décide aur faite,.dstrictstf thtw ha à-, ~ Tefl epaî h But when we met,, Hillcrest started cm n ne î*'ý need fr hknow ed theh soon had us convinced theY camp.wt îsae wuha nd fuorattnow, he riv-werc staying and weccomced anc tin'orath vrye ......... ..... ng... and lshteow soe ofth ta sharc their facîlities with s gumltyftesvebin igan hwdsmof tha hse less fartunate. Agreed ta no excepin . .. .., ..,: .. .. .. ..passible esults îi any anc of by all, anyane who wanted t ta ...........the e, three is not applied. The leave could with no liard feel- I a nesae ya~ causes and the resuits of many I ae o tefounder .Lr aye a- - ~ typîcal accidents were shown ngcsin buald names 0f te l, anai the effect af impact, on S~'>n~csm wudb nci c tcathirgsadwtes an the plaque for 1972. Ath-Scucapvrhld"nys démonstration dummiesau- , letic Day ativîties were can-cabeagdSotonafe ed many a Rtary memberta nVii4celd day, but h hn st ik comment an his w rvo 2si«......~'-After' breakfast and morn- te ct f odiiosa~ practices. ý'~ ~ ~ " ' ng inspection, ail packs werecbadma"p Bd etsri --- - Chief Kitney said that the invited by 3rd Bowmanville tae mpfean srstu!tecf - r ~' purpose of the filmn was nt ot a, r '/ ~meet at the parking lot in 15 lig e gan- tiTaca 011 ' .-r,~- shock people into driving more: minutes for the launcbing of -letaveynsailyad .,~'-f*gr. - arfliy, u t ak he ob Wiilsher's helium-fle et0 î cu frt -~A- - stop adtikaotteps bailoons, carrying differentwhhweflwaaraex ~AA~i. ~-sibe improvements that the - messages from hi, pack. Had alee teWetrslin individual driver can makr. 'Y any replies yet, f ello w edesaerti wced ~~4i~$. ~ "If we wanied ta shocký Everyone secmcid/ ta have, We cfteDsrc tf then, we've gaoneralcm some r-t prpee e wauld hk othTna ~~ A ~ ~ ~ < blood and guts pictuies", he crauts e ae dyassd bsever a oldk e atak i h said. "But they don't go overnicatppae n ynonocsfrthi optii to el utafe unh.the sky had clearcd some ,vhai and m(i îvnu ndt h trips ta a Peterboroughi lauin- us andihligusmk h .~~ ~~,III do0nat were made ta dry 1972 cnore ac fth Yellowlees ýsleeping equîpment and dit-msmnaal vred '-~~~ ~ ~ are staying".1 trict Cmisoe~Gog i-a rnily~~~e By 5 o'clock i; vas decîded i CharlanDitctCbat, -F r4. IIHJIu Mr k we wouid agaîn go back ta Pini ann;"w tie Ail packs I Mihe lerlynwl aey TrmmiLindsa,fBrlington, Bow- archids., Mr. and Mrs. Ruth.Àwere welcameid at campfire oic wMisssaheîy onncy rs. n v fill, Botn Noltn- n'ie ,,rhld n Sna, rovincia Gr rof 1r. and Ne - ad Braebri .oloNbltoerfard ire residing an Dîvi- by District Cubmastcr George Extenso ore 9tb .t DrlntonPoicaiGre, rmo >,l e- adBaerde siaon Street in.Orono. Charianî. anii the officiai 2%. ~ ---Park.tanville, andi Mr. Davidi Alev.-' The bride reccived lier cdu- Several rte wrehd campfire was, lit by District Pa priswr e Cmmissioner Bob Nichalis.PInedorDhm Relatives of thc Les Thamp- - nder Rutherford, son ai i-r. rfatïinat Starkviile and Ken- 1 j hoor of the bride. A O--- As- acn pack was ta have anc son f anily were in charge of and Mrs. James Rutherford, da ulc Schools, Clarkie mujnîty, miscellaneous shower sang this was hcld with scv- Flomgtercn n a vlprograr of sparts RR arthrno, TchoseSt- and B o w mia n viii1 e High waï, held at the home of iMrs. eral of the packs ivting r rcemntbyQuens ni which fllowed the delicicus- urday alron oc2tSchaosgrduatîng from thleVWilima Robinson, and-Ms vroet on hr ntevrmytht-i îlntcn r.and Mrs. C. Glasbergen noon meal. Helen Thompsoo 92a2 3 'ic frterltter. Sethas been emPoiay Doris ,.obinson. Otherhostes-'clsrus of their choîce. We tinue afrn ore i Photoby Astor Studio woIh'fe inrmnsmrig 1 rn ntdc t tbe Bwavilile ses onr mis-cellaneous showers wcre then entertaincd by OshawaSabrul oig afier guessing nearest îleý Church. Br andlho the Bank of Mo40- were: Mý,iss Heather Moore Pcrry Gi-andel frani Manvers Of the ivrtyoTrnt rett-y fwadding !was sol- reci carnations. atthigefr h oveyv oret ube M' asl og aste -cl o IirLyirsantitnlMesLari itie i-Pak ih ouhrgn ndhs eeanvtd t ffrae emrnîzýci t Therae Clîs-J The matran of honor wai gifts,, etc., and intradocec ia We are sure 'Ada Yeliow- officiating clergyman, anid present is Liability Clerk atU iendcd hby friencis and Bank guitar, then Chris, O'Brien gréec reicossai u- bourg on Santu rday. Jone 24, icer of the groom,. wearing a Holland, Toronto, Lindsay Cfý"Crsi mile afier guesslng ed hy Mms.R. Morton. Lavely emplayeci ai Orano Fuel andi Mrs. Wm. Trimi and Miss Bob White frorn Hampton ng acaeî cr17-3 1972%af:3 ..,we lMs loar lengil gawn with long andi Yelvertan. 11the contents of thc mystery aske arrangements of white Lumber, attendcd Orona Pub-1 Debbie Trîrn, when 'ie gave several inspirational Se- Arraneet r uhn Geradin Jenngabecae te sceve ani emirewaisPne Forihei deartue o thi box. Several of the wheel- gladmioli and mauve and whielic andi Higli Shools, bride's relatives were present: lgections. After, a skîton space ta offerm outr ee bride orf Mr. Case Giashergen. trîmmeci with yeîîow ri-ilon. honyon (a four ,week broscla1d ln l ige'mm nacdîe As îlhe Couple left an their Mrs. A. McLaren, Mrs. Wn a eddb obNcolloresi egah n The bride isthýe eldest daug- The hridesnaids were Miss cmigtpt ris a-way, but Brenda ai-i Wayn'e church for the ceremnony, ana wedd;ing trip tea northern Rutherford and' Mrs. Robt. with ail packs participating Philosopyaditremt ter of Mand Mrs. Tjipkc Linda Jeninga and Mrs. Jane complen, thbri e wBraeCl-Yellawlees soon took the lead îlte guesi pews wredesignat- points 1b ilOntario, the bride Ruitherfard. which was at- and thorougbly enjoying ît. levélcussin!nda Jinina of H., oboun, dn Gecyanuswha wre einac-stre tegb rimeloeeadress and wan'the race. Hon Met-led by white satiin bows. was wearing a white and tendeci by relatives and fr1- After campfirc cadi pack History n ....Plî tic groomi Ça s on of Mr, and tively gowned in lime gi-cen trimmd lh hiearun ac adWaneYllwlinGve mrrae y e nvy aiorsyl htpats ncs fth gom.Thietrnc trter wnste tc. ouss n ntihen Mrs, rank iasOeg innbsimilar styling ta ihai worn thc collar and across îeteby'rce raaanthehe,îebiewsr diatress compiementeci by navy1 hride's m other was host ess mogan sail cinasmpfî re scooyac enosd Cfüo, '.DlnOfC-bth aronof oRev.Th W. Des' Jceng off bain a form-ai gown of white cinkle accessories and car-i for a t.rousseau tee on June wn onfikrn sec rcedale ore a atth cneon, ff- y lemara a hna. heshoulders, with white 'acces- demonstrated iher speeci when' nylon chiffon over peau desaea owitcmbdunl7h pack received their evcning developa altr ae sories. On their return theyI she won the girls' race, with soie, styleci with a, stand-up snack and crcpt tîredly into ra leGlshrgen presici- Ver Meer, niece of the groom, will réside l-in a pertment bier two sistens Karen and callar, long, full, sheer sîcevýes ___, tn th en.wcaring ycliow and of si n Wlov 'l. ot o-epie w l Ê et sw stldi u on ilonAv, n ~oti in-Janice close behînci.,and epr vit ev E~ V I et A estldi u Thc brid, gienin mer- ar style t0 ather attendants. onto. Case is cunirently en- -Karen and Wapyne YewMu-whie lae, treaed x',i+ CI -iîg eby hiiec father, was pret- TIche adsome lti ing-ipioyýedas an electronlo tedh- lealrboiguw a-wie aiaonc h iladluh erencheard as ctI ty in hier white flon eicg hbearen was Master Bruce ncin,-anwih i Pbaen nekln, empi-red waist adf bon wt train, em'-pire Jenînga, coui.n to the bride. _______ *jsvrlpcs ihnb hn L2isiiefi lnii ae 'Tegro assporeitheijr legs to deposit il, in a 1uffsancýi los ac i dow ilh ~ v ~ eves made their own enter- Io ~ee, ni iowlnghve eI h I G cnaie, isi iey Sot l aw rot A wît T I N5 ainment, or joined farces heli by/p, aira.beacipiece. The by i sbrotranny sher YELVERbe hppened ta be an the iuck3 cluste,'r hcadpîce f" s vrdlctesnsnnol bride arc euîtllt- eeM.1ereGebre spot, ai the right time. stephanotis and. i-lban caught The Bowmanville Musecun tion.*missing the curfcw on tle gaieI 11Iuet 4o1 reciTroses, 'mnis anRd and Mr. Harry Jeninga, Iro- Mis. Edna Wiight is cor- Daug White's tean won Iehrfu-urvi fnln'cf d adased îlion from r Te Musial eumseif argedlclSing (eh, Cris9) Spcialsng th ers of, groom andi bride re- rently spendinig a few days scavenger bont. tulle, and her cascad!e b -di1omîc xm pto îopre lete txsehrecSudy monng dwchd Prs-C1r specîveiy.f wîh frincis Linsey . île The committee in charge bouquet was aI yel,ý law cî paci-y tex, as a meanis of are based on an asscssment ovêecasi but again thesce-Carl ig Aqetivîle ecpia olo Ivan Wighis enC fthc Lverne of the 1973 picnic will le Ira- heart roses with bly's icaping with'cscalating casis on onlSr aI tlie deperlient wihb nsi ,iisý h nthIlle was followcd with flag Lt Atle drnéce ride's ma- Mcg i bel Davis and Gledys Short breaih. aý fixeci amaunit aI revenue, but Mu- .seumn building. As long as brak breakfast andi morn- Lts stigTcnqe ther, Mrs. J teînga, rece ei nme i-nti on IîeJ.W elwle a- MisDn Hoisnwsbecause aIf provincial regula- revenuis ýreceived Iran ihîs1 ng inspection where mudl IfN 2355 îlle guests In a pink crimpe- nunily attendeci île wedding, lY.meici afhoîmar and'île brides- tos auctihuae a fc1petel Ieiln osb ead ebos' ge, s ee oral o g xlnicealixsg !ubstance nedsswhlar, and receptian ani dance in Beth-- maids were Mrs. Robert Paît1 any relief. wey thai tle Museum can fted erms't ens wer ond 7 Ifl St W R'ce'esPan i inedrss it bléo, an nSaiordey, June 1lSth ter'anhesier a îleAAmotion 'vas taken ai île dlaim complété exemption, ac- tanbc mas ncssyaoti sa- omavii Sb.r.~H s. ~ whitedaccessaries. She fas i aHnhrSisnac LA K T C d Miss ,Debbie Trin, cousin'spécial July 13 meeting of coi-dingta town clerk, Joseph~rne. (o bu hs t1cr, Ms lseÉei Mr. Dexier Leaves. elo tîe bride. They were at- Cueita take 0o action 0MI-y Xf'yoli want satisfactory eleffreMs.Glshrgnb rreci in Iloor lengi hgowns af île requesi, but ta write to îhe An appeel is possibl e lef) DI 'ltrhing P -ieesg--dnes ress wiîî long sîceves and a about 80 ladies geilered in10bring rsaognz as muaI fane ta taîlete with empire. waisî _____rît______i_______________________ iJ/,fpLJ ,4, rowersearchlaoatr as green sîceveless' coat overapr tle cdurci lasement to pro- Blackstack as aur younrg peo-logful eeves gathered n-[ fejnnd a unique, hcaling substance andi with whie accessories. vide a niscelianeous shower pie do, no anc would exe, r iecfî,a 1anai , tilat promptly relieves the burning The ecp -oas îeld à~t for bride-cicci Miss Norma Iask "Wlerc is Blarkstock? cte ir. Yeli and andawrin TY"P .UUT UTAcrin eanw ispatch, a& xctv bsgvnu it~h udpal-atull shins IcOrange Hall in Cobourg ssciof ~AiOnce again aur yaung people cdlas r Wehtghlighteci île 'str c tryînt te jet den, correetly-spele etr ro i eîe 1uýmerrhoids. This s3ubstance bas 1wi7iîh Mr. Jalin Oegena as tle ss a f ,caniest y Aehave won banour te ak ck ine Iii jhlghedth1 becn showXý n ta.prauce a msl effc. Page, a huLinorau-,s skit ly Pannemac sn nd cufîs, andi yal - tary. Instead, aecording te the repohe rbersa s i genlal MC. An en'oyab)le, Stinson, Jennif ci- McrGill and i gh iHCgrîobvele )bowsnesîcc ý"-prte aoohlpprvntm nei a i he of bth Brenda alcoîn. c0 M is MîSSt-1i So lehs Seven Ontario thelr coiffures. Theycarrmed she's beauiful". ection. ase -. fmilles - ite is, muesical nom- Maicolm ai a paeîîcaddress Schoaers which must show cascade bouquets aI whie O lrdy ue2,hg amnil I nyP LTIStR I in cae afer "er- trikng mnolouicaoguesni- Nra a reeie hfat you cannai jucige quality Oanci mauve singie 'noms wiîî e he oly Pck improym was nmonooguediabers, ,with ounienous ifis. Siewas by size. Cangratuletions 1ta beby's bîcaîl.widsanc eai-cal clouci-bunsi w1îwtl ail their f cois silil stand-C mlliproNeme ad a 'Special conigraîuîaîary a&,sied îy hci- î issten Susan Wilson, RIcaner Wright, VsL i' îifo apnîl pnt fig wyt oEm) SiiSan rmbeverages will dainage gret ucl.Tk esnngcass f lngstadig. ndletter Inoni île groom's ausit Anne eni Bar.bare in open- .lanice Crawford, Ileane De- worih, cousin of îhe groom. vti comcst DorIen ed Rerts, alot coneviniii oufdhc-tîem lueitl eyu rcese o xetpeesO t~s ruroemutwa minaie ciVan Eynond 0d f Haollanci. ingtîle gifs.Yelverton Senior,,Jong, Susan McColl andi Gary wsfoergrcaîgagouatte ni aet' wtacsee fteieght care. vera 1,1d1pmo,î! Ictoast o îlebride was haillgirls mecie a îricic's book Mauntjay wîo ail have an white frock, 1n île sainie mîyî as aded 'villi te antIe y ý paýiadcksthtail oederscu. Thî wa acornlised Y e praposeci îy Mn, )John1Oegemnawhich \was presenieci ta Non- acrage of aven 80% onit ing as île other attendants' bae oiit age akac ok I oe n SUPPORT CHRISTMASLGTN Ieaingsubtane (ia-t'n)- nd esponideci taby île ma with an electiie frying pan icast six Grade 13 subjecîs. gws m iielc IaibPtraogi1 et up'Manves-Oun newcanesthog 'w'ýh iquckly helps bcd injured gonadawielc edcamp for- the nnuel Westilandi first i tue camens wi tU in tmuaegrwh fnw o. ost tahe b ide-ran île ,club. Norma ex- On Friday eveningElenn end thneadeci with YelbOw Durhamn Cempore. 'ei uhame cideitswi t~ae.No Bo-yn i oinciî maicis was 1likcwise pnoposed. presseci lier appréciation ta Wright and Linda McLaugh- vWeeisIo.Sctanec evnlDuncsrrhis-fo iamskeciecane in Chamber of Commerce 050Da cinitmnt and ;:positoior».Tcbrd' ate nvîded hose who arrengeci île even- lin were contestant ar aktfleixihwieac ueiii ,er-îecag audymrig lgBekDa eb aeti audy uy2n wards Th f. wîsdo f ot[ r îei' adInaptcrvl îcs on tsi n Dr ani et fc 'nomswith wieRdff, ht beb'1.sIrnumrin Ic npkDrwi e aethsS evillen-Mi.and Mrs BobBry- M N ans andi Iamîly spn îl Allein Asselstine, Tania and' IA 3 QUARTS 'vf9l weekend at their cottage ai Michael, who are enrouteý"R Keily's Bey. Davici Killens aI lame Iran severel years n O E ' A D L R S H E Oýhaa aswtI ten. on Australiea. Presently, Ai, Mary CLEARING p~9 NL .Sumday, July 9th, about 50 and fenibly are visiting hec . 9 upCLEARUp AVAFIALE I-11 %OIUBryans relatives ettendeci a relatives in Europe. Vera A FROM AVAILABLE AT YOURr ... ~~~~~family pienice t île collage. then spent tîrce weeks vîsît __________________________ STORE OR AT .Gari-de Denpster of Detroit, inghccuisadejyc WOMEN'S SUMMER YiOUR EDOOp. . Michilgan is holidaying wit seeung where lier father ,vasý 1Mr. and Mcm. Bal Smith and bm, ettended schaal anci Michael. spent lis boylood. R S u 1On Saturday evening M1i ers slie v~~~ m i fDRE HOESMA Y AN TER SM E IF IT 'S farnily atiendeci île 3 5 th Mc. Carl Webb in Trenton,'CLEAR99 up SHOES GREATLY R D~ OPwcdding annivecsecy perty for two weekS. AT helci Ior il aunt anenci de TMrs. Ferga Avery, Tilbury, 1 Mr. anci Mrs. Ted Cilmour,1 speni e few days with hec heici ai île lame aI Mr. anid mairtI-Mms. J. A.,Jînam Mmm. John Mesien aites b is nai feeling very wellý borougl. They spentSndytlese days. eTS G O t Boheygeoo. 'I1i-cii, Miss Nancy Dormrell ard, Ni-s. Vere Asselstic ha, MrNi-m. OHilli atendeci the a- 4 IG TETWETB WM NIL PHN 43544rlmnc am nErglend noal )Western Ortarlo Fergut- 49KN STETW T lest Fridey SIc spent île. 'san pmcnmc et Simatiord an ___________________________________________________________ firzt week with Mr. and Mn.I Saturday.