Arr A bulance Centre ai MemoaaiHospital rtritdhrr êeriCýu!i T he C'aiStin w~i~1 uy2~17 i~u ~ ~y wie ~ HospalR or St<î*khoimoli Junu. Aumsisns ý,i Itiresocity",probeaý the pat- D7i, cha e - Choice of New Moderator z Cominn up aUt SaskaTOl nt ae [ r iiwhr of 22,ni!i onCndasme e vreetdtouGnri mnIýl t at-,e 15ffl <inhrg Te oic nstIi d in asktoo net mnth~ Cune ight armnisters o;f Generaýlli Concî arane-in ;rama ich thercorn [Uhe RvD 4r tCh1rist1ie meotls. He Ithe Rev. Gorig pni isa! ,,-rioneri feel th Un ted de braeonisus robbgfi~twma nm natd orthe Morrison, wnmed 1Sçci- el f Chiirch :shoiif doHpii w l ie Canada nte wo id ,comi- post ofModrat ha vith-GeneralCouricî , effectiv udecided in penrïasîn mun ty an Co SetPoI Cyor dravn lber nni rmnmnIË. succeedir g the Rev. Ero l.- t-, ~ Caada1 la get relig-iousý de- aImo. "I bhv my plilcé at est Edgar Lon who retiredÀ at GenvlIsric nomination, Th nited rch tis time is in my prtsent 71 from the Ipost lhe heldid onei ~ s ,a of Canada, ~~position as a Deputy Secretary almost 18 yeariS. R ni ITMB ~' i' 4 Heihteniog thequaiityfetof the Division et Mission. iniDr. Morrisn i ar-F.Aw1aic AC human li ý,iFe orbasirco -Canada because the Division teodracoutan-tunedmiiis-eF Contat cn" sidDr Goge Mo- s sol new and ils responsibili-iter. He held a ieadigitiontuI AR O~A 'îenTrot, te erearies se sîgifirant for lheliijh IBM's World Trade Cor-1 IS "~ f heGeeri Cunile heChurch aod il Hits, participants, poration in New York bfr TESMAN62311 W632O UnmedChuch 'aurmaorboth men and omn, DrlturËing te- thecyoogy,Hew C L A 8S IFI E D 9 ~ fo i thiscencrn wii hoChristie aid iri i annoulring ber1thýe minîster at Ryerson it- IO 23303 i BVVAVI îrbdb emisoes !'-wtbrwied Church ie Vancefuver im ingin mai gous drig f eNomnaed omMed(erator mediateiy prier te bpconnig ~etuy sssios. he on ae presdingoffceret te Gti-Secretary eof e~ Cuel NTO A R NATON LILFE, LIER- eraiCountcil forte et\woThe rosi et thýe Sth GEn1-1 TI'ON, THE ENVIR MINT -yiýrs iand ithe fihi-si e&ecti-d erai 'ouncil la s, isti at, ad FUTURE SOCIE," hépos(itionl in :he Unitedi Churchl-, more than $lOO,OOO, the blle[ repoiried. Poiicy dciifswiliqare: Jon Bar, C tng-of ibis beîing spenIt on trave[.1 \~<n emade jen iine busineàss esen 11971-79 Prside T he Threugh capssette reroruding est oliy-mkingbod ettheTorentol; Rev. R. W. Hender-.Iing on issues being raîsed ond The a~bulaces i iViIemorial H Bpia, Bowman-1 garage is in conrstant touch with the hospital, the O)PPýIJnited Church, meetsevery o esne ertr tOnteplr eemnain P ldnJphve an- home as seen in thîs photo. and the :bowmanville Police Depariment. Averagingi450 commissionrhall îeriC Conférence, Vanicouver;1I hý(ih have been submitted Ih e iei ew garagZe bouses the cern- 110 ambulance calis per month, the centre was neces- ca1, hait îay, from ithe 4 près- aBdleer t N.î Bucb TLo, r Gemail sectionfs or iheUnitj a BoodSt UntedChrandT -Chutrrh. Commîissienrs are pldtedkpach cntreplus facilities for the crews 1 ary for the 12 membler.s and iwo despaichers plus a hyteries acrees the country andet u i ointosmynwdin hi oe'r wbo tire on et ndb ý ea1. The despat b aâ rea of:heupervisor who make p te ambulance crew. ,trom six everseas areas. Its W HYd rmte fo fGn adhv ee 1972 meeting, Augusi 14-22,bemdIfrmnh foI t e- ndhvebeneneuaedt wil b hed n Mrqis al eral Council. The election et ceme prepared te voice ibeir, A11bon h Saketon MusHallthe sucressor te the Rit. Rev. epini-nÈ. SVEQ (j ~~~oith(nves- e SaskatchnpsO A. B. B. Moore, Toronto, 'iiiON AEASACNCVNP EiOtN~ wan Cmm ssineskwiii - take paceonTuésday morn- is Canada's identîty, structure JLL&.VI..~1(E1.AVII m ihe~tudnt rsidecelÈ. ig, August îSth. a national goals.,"e'lh *GAOLN Jý If e]ected, Mr. Black ýwould loeking ai tbe options open te Among tbe 134 woman corn- ho the sicond laymnan chosen us as Canadians and sortieg DiESEL Mr. pu T*Î11t, EdF41ir phone 987-4213 as Moderatôril the cýhu ch's out the values which ought te OO I thelcotageat Bncrft. 47-year history. The first was govere our choices and oujr -8 riington. the 23rd Moderator, Dr. Rob- actions," Dr. Morrison said. Er rk n uîp tadpoie classes. These-, classes PLA*YGROUNI ) RO T Mr. and Mrs. F red W"right oct MeClure.ef Torento, noted A SECOND CONCE N L1- vilbe rue trom niec arn. te 12-:301 acd Bey, attelndeýd the Jr. surgeon and méedical mission- hobratien," includes wemen'si p.m Modaytbilfg Frday by Ainiee 1Brreton Farmrs chicken Supp)er ai ary. Alter his officiai retire-ilîberation, the liberaition et On Tuesday evenin;tls rom, This week's piayground ddOoolFist Frîday evenin. ment ho voluntéored te, and isyoutb,lieaonrmth nîne p, l.m. te 10 p.m. tbere isIrereive a hlow as the hoî. Lzst Sàturday, McJ[. Leslie now sering a,- s a mnedialmis- drug 'culture, anic eralion OLLECT aise an aduit c]ass. Monday, w eatber and bolidays reduced Wrigb-t, Newmarket acld Mr.isiiiary ug r!iver- ian rbBo-Imovernents in nddeeod 6-3341 ,Tuesday and Thuràday even-th averege alténdence et 29 Roc Metcait, _Base ie-inea3 a ho)spitel oeratD by counîries. 68D ai ut J-'ersoî'ial v P.M tosixprom! a day to 18a day. Neverth-llpided ý,the'JriFrmrFiel1d tbe United MpihoiChrh A THI-RD ~FRIMDAEDLV tauht ndthi clssis re p,)tt 1wes net diminisbed. O iparing for compétitions. Syn- TJUuesdeya seciel hîrtbday, i\~~e ceeue - ongr usmccLd, egatuilalieon, ,cbronized Swiminis aise pa,ýrty w.ýas held for Clarence~ tIe teîc ,wy r hr ýRoci! taughi and thegil in tii To.Thr erë cerne con- s~nie th rmier n heMrs.Magre Rudman has group viiho)e elereýd in cern-i.,lssanddthe wieners were asi 4 just re uree reiwhishe pelitior) n s mnOsaw.oliows: Cloibes iReiay e Côuthpart t Sween etdescrihed as a inost delighlfuiý This week a pester coetest nf i b ea tCaec t-lls~mî FetEkjo emet-î~l~.Mag sen lrOe weeks ý itoue edcisr.Ton, Dan Renaul, Sharon de tng n O mntreing mets.visiing fiend andReitmesiffiers je ibis Recreation prog-J gadWeyCor.ho Wor ba Jut ben -ecive inSarairewa ce Vaenuramme are encouraged te pick Kckw"swe y haod 13y ~ li iearnsiVr. and Mvrsisver. e esatneansheoeut Iheir fcvoritç water, boat-1'eeg, leeBIeprelnent , ' 1iciv er r,thait itheir son spent lime Iliil,hbrother igo r aeyue e eWcCubBi -àl ThmowiIý\1 ci in thirdt e 'lt a fiid o etd i riSI,-IY. Mi StuJoli a poster about il. The New 1 (nine ced ovem) won by Cc ~ 250~~~ niefv-~ rctew swelii svi in eSaska- rastie ced District ChambearPcc" Te" ii;ote adj jI1 n~~~~~ýi, e~h vr a e oIfte Vaericouvr hpsospent Ihe prizes for thîs cenitesl. udeJ ) WnyCub c6~~tdletdJuir o' afw es iiin it e Mn iak t boCarbroCcd ieFol1.TePVC CORRUGATED STI LL A FEW LE T ~iit ceîgo .H A i ]VteilssteM-.<See.kiniset[ommecefor ils goeIIE5I1f îeeLegged ýlrî M sDoula Ciii-it. ) Ile ,i:ýll), y ihetc s tJna Grchcm ar 1,00tklgpatiniisM- ce Mis. 6wDouglas ii ty. andDeeneGlover and Dai:1'ilW IEAUIO krint0ri mee leSweo'n iegcm penta 0 clys lst he ecre tin Cmmnmtee i Rmîcit and Clarence Ton ï Zri1! le ail 1theP d iffletlTuonai 1the Tusoin collage on;sin. beCmmeiy aL tla ase Shy emcnP A TI A L '4 WIEAUIU îlh eVai tionlt -pewe wl m.cdMs ilsmewrgam s etiyeîyteshwo ee PSrrarnbie N '0-eL A i ýi t pre ntune.KshbgLae ark is j ueneariy every oftngetMary AcHce OR r isîigwi rn n c.Willialm Slorks enter-inight et fiee,,ek and1mJan GaheDRhodaSiakR atômkictrcingRc nib petreoingoda-CTuseai nowsor i,'I(. BOlt ois illyt C S C, ~ gxccke iap m "eintcnces. Congretuleimons, place on1FridTy1.7Twoe1ms,1-unt was heldAne FridAyREdfIf spaneiIA ~hl cd reiso' %-pl 1p10 ndIred spetît e fe ma:ommte, iye Ieprieipte ieadCaencntSZF 2S 'Ç l bi snw ek et ms T m Beîe-air eTe Jui os pla y bard- ei- i ng ats, eotln iso-! 6 10N~ Notice tons cottage t Sitbs Fdct. on udyand nws lte ilwsduecp edd hello? Barb0, onop Re' fr, T*o tee to ecstle, you ke or, eye s ~lre u ey cl P NV R I A I~IVIJC h otr o s ed hie i suýrel CASHe E PE IALIN ROD CI G L Çosed Au~~~ isia7d te Ausuet B6e ou il in roah 1cSt-Hbsariitr as l niyare se) infuwe Te ewarleRerelmn urpday g omette Reateb apesdwenit re - pon l MCO,à o nt1nTh rs., 1)gis l11hCol ntte rBc Cos ed dtiritethre cîviie îo Ibig el wlh hor*7ns4 M for" 'T 50 oylLe - chgneseita lwdsComteac ut Foc W e p àBa-1,Acioeth elc. %WA p I Roi arfo amdi The e t sTomtîdene-s ais onTheîmaspaymn1iardw-reegelylok WIHCARRYFATRE ¶AN N 0k to î Ç CI, 'on scd adultmte hobdFaglslishoi gro ndTOs t ihe s olideys willbe ove fi 1RVL~DDi T.Ilicss w [filermedia te rno.tha5payo ed- lesnt itew weekOut pa-SECA O HNSM eATRSAN OO titweo juniorlise Jneý ~2-2gf' R rrcâ ei heg i lWhDsIN iiee e nîlîeggreCd - SECIL A L W $79 I%-I fiè pôýbI, ý 8-ti syrnpelhy as îleycomme tyC AR YI,4 FAA l') featl- r heCaln hen o s el O ( CorlirhurchêdonrsSoiidci( owingï hte Il Juy'ýdo awta(,fý1IaÊgrl ' ) net quite e cîy ok-te E AS LOW AS HANDY COURTICE0 '1-pý j iIi da, The atpn(iý,IcceaIieonutocottages, à or onUAtripe011 Misstot1es onatSeo AilD TEOHOE ORCOTTGE. " - " - 0" AD 12 ait î 1 nie e inedle nils ChALLONii Ih ert st or withe = e gi o Fil ced Amazing Gre% dnfenew iivm AfinOcWho h rnr ihereth' tio STOR fer-familier were iomncheoneguesîs Grecîr cnd femily, Mm S% lC C C RI ,, Jo -ýý ' ril s-vie dccxl Sondali -%-lmQil] h ai Enzre t 10 30 RNN11VFOO Mr. àed Mre. Lloyd Metat- __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __4__ _ _ _ cdfemily, Osbewa,' $19 I7O I 'redy vîsilorg with h r- cîtl, Mt- oRy VanCamp et Mîn Lae.W AREH)USE WACONUSVLMBILA D NT iItC viitr wt M.ce is~LUMBERLAND ____ t i iYADand . -- Twi Lakes -OND St.W.I ONE WAY -C URIE Mc. sd Mr. Lelie Cu ut 100 Bond st. West ___ A ER O ý-f 'f. wý ONE W AY A E R vniêrë A_______Mr.______M TwigtsË, 501cm, onSna Xn ~-67 _______________ OJTC D afrhôio, id help ils, Foli ALLON Mr. --ed i'vs. W. H. M" »V YourWorkmen's Compensation Bourdtheir son ced wnue, TE12161W EHUE UM RAN 7811I Mis. DecBo o n ut CORFE iousELu ,nLmeD ondiThe SftAscainOn*ario Mir Sur'oes c ýýMm billDa), dson ccd boys eth7Z