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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jul 1972, p. 1

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YouqsirsUse Jl tie'Fclte of' Vanstone's iidi Pondc The ,top sxeuainamns tractors in Northumberlanrd - Dur1hami wilrecevewge otlIng$6, 'Pe-r yý,ear nf hntewgso h other non-teaching uevioyandc administrative staff is adedthe to tal is $367,l5O. (from 'The P ýort IHope 'Guide) After what appeared t- o be reluc- VOLuE184PgsBWAVLE 0AIWENSAJL 6 92 Cp UBR3 Styl an fom tke aý back seat to theýse youngstersa thy enjo th colin efesofVans3tone's onddamduring the hat wav i Bwmnvll lstweýek. The l-e divrngchmspae A A* On ewCoiii yste îng pemnaywoýrk op thei-n oe , 2D. alentn e- 0ewcding, estem ofor the telàsoF the alhbtadu- tonand are,f str ih LC-wthtel1 Canda îllbe ndr te cd- atig he street îand numbier. I i execed ha ahof hre lttrsArirsdi- ing poý(stal ssembF97, M i i, Canada F' ae p s leady aafc l eea poiacyseven millio most of the dlay ait the pond, running or sliding down the dam aPronf) oigsytmhse eyo al into the water below, then dlimbing up to the top to repeat the Iperformance. 2 m lu mUIF î XmU1VUw«wl d1dUnffwo Thatchwý-ork,,,'ý a e Pla ye rs Planr Productions G s o r______ The harmnyuth N rt-mnaskeiw ci te a B1 H U e aftr hei rcet aper-the vwages of the pàdins wee twud nd. W haeJ htymrtlln W t a t he Sccli Uflo î t s i a t ancelier, wokia ou wo tator - olubis _ ul i nltini isxon original productions. Tliey plan to dpen lu Newcastle Communttv Hait on August Stli aad rua several performances untit August l2tli, Rebearsals are underway at Newcastle PublIc Sehool, re 'high' n elation o tne res nsibî ity they have Th~ top ~îx administrators in the system earn a total cf $ 167,000 per ycar, but Mr Eakins says that mea wîth the same responsîbility la industry make "that kind cf money" 1try,, and trie teachers' reciera- tion 15sstrong", lie added. heboard chaîrman saidý ie, realjizeci there would be pubic eacionto the wages, but hepersoally did not think tha th pocy of paying theý (TUN TO PAG E TWO0) n cri t wn ;i I Pf IF r 666Sm oe St. South, Osh- Senaor roup awawas killed on Sunday betweea the hours cf 2 am, ~ra s r e C ow dLt 5 aýý.m The collision oc- D roi"eýes Lan Cro d'scured, on Hwy, 7A near the Duriag the 6th anuaI Kim Lws Durhaum Rd. 57. The car Mr. Souher Otaro griuitra 4C, hy Ppe performedj Strychailski was driving was Par n shwa FidyJuywith the Cormier family, a a total writeoff. Th!-ereý were 2ls, alare row herd heyoung group vzho have a no passengers la ther. -îtepromisiag future ahead cf The car was trav elling cast- Conty adWeten3how thcm, Christine,- Tommy, Dan- bound at a higli rate of speed fetuin SnaorJi Ce, ny, andithe champion fiddler iwhen it faled tb negotiate a aadtheCabe TV.boy, Dve ick. ura pnlahe road. The carht Evas, arlTyon itl' pe- Sunaya~trnonJuly 2 txo po0sbeforei rn 'Ioe clallad vocliss Dalen aawan v~nlarger -crowd on the roof and throwing Mr, Mail, yra ~conldan"'0R T PAGEý TWO) Strychaîski from the vehicle Durhamý County's Dairy P rin cess Lind Mcaughin,18, et Blackstock The nnul DîryPrinessconcstwas hl in Cam-pbellf-,ýorcntywh LindaMcLaghlîncf Backstck wnningthe vent for Durhamy, Sehdt milka co, asembl anddeanmilkng euîpent land deliver a tremnt speeh onthe uahtes o mil, Fo wining he Itle, she was Presented'ît $50 ashawad ad asiler rse owl Sh wil rpresent Durham in theprvn cia DaryPrices Cntst t te NE n ugut.Linda is the -eaol the falL Photo ~uteisy FurtPryta A surprise politteal an- nouncement on monday may chlange the~ federal elecion picure consîder- ably tanflic Toronto area, Former,: prominent Liberal cabinet rmnlster Paul !lell- yer, Whio some time ago broke witli Mr. Trudeau and lieaded a new Action Canada Party, lias Joined Bill Smiley's Sugar anad Spice column for this week, liadn't sliowed up b, ue day/ so lits space unth Editorial page was filled wstl otlier materia1.CalaleHac,2,owenhearalHacwa We. were quite relleved 1 esnS.Bwavle r a olddwt nte wliesstlie Wedaesdaymo-waklednatovhceviceTopaegrsa îng mail brougltit unoùtcolsoonudamrigteHaccrwreiue one but two of lits colnmns; bot rclcka7el sthd rie 0 h we were worrted tliat lie 1Thecliinocuxdo hrvhce was ill. This week's episile H-,2 bu w eth f Tepsegesl h ac appears on page 1.a ml at o w. 153,crwr ae enn n wtn hu t St, East, Newcastl, iero the second vehicle, astet ed and, released from optl while his truck sustaziacdÀ Selecfor ipluy about $1,500 damnage. b . 1hrJon a', Aîý'7t§-GfOl fi toe rot rsnlt Constitu- Cnd no îu tevl BREEZY - On Saturday evening during the storm, a miniature twister hit an area two miles west of the old Scugog Road on Concession 10. The barn roof on the Fitzgerald farm wsblown off and when we went to investigate, it, was observed that quite a f ew large tree branches were down on the north- south road to the west. Don't know if the same storm got them, but somethir'g certainly dîd. tt t t t v, WR ONG LODGE - It was the Tyrone LOBA lodge that won first prize in the Orange parade atBeaverton on July 8th, net the Bowmanville Iodge. Sorry.. t t t t t BEATS HEAT - To beat the heat, quite a few youngsters and aduits have been dunking in'ponds and pools ail over the area the past week. But we neyer heard of a budgîe trying it. This particular budgie resides at the editor's home and on Monday morning he was missing from his cage. The top had been lef t off overnight because he likes to f ly a round the f amîly room. Finally,. the lady cf the house located hlm in the downstairs toilet, soaking wet and unable to f ly out, t t t t t WINNER - The Chamber of Commerce 50-.50 draw was held on Saturday night and the. win- ner was former parish priest at St. Joseph's here, the Rev, F. K. Malane, now of Duoro. Unfertu- nately, for both Father Malane and the Christ-, mas lighting fund, the proceeds were below expectations. Marr's Jewellery sold the winuing ticket, t t t t t BUILDING -~ There's, quite a bit cf activity arvund the area in the building f ield. The Coronationý, Cafe is receiving a new frol Dnt and -interiorrnotis following their tire several weeks ago. St. Pauï's United Church has considerable work undcrway ,7at the front and also.on the roof. County Chryslcr1 has begun work on their new headquarters in the form- er Becch Groceteria at Maple Grove, Ihere are also' a couple of new busînesses in the process cf setting up and more will be heard from them later, The several sewer projectS that have messedup traffie around town are also in thelr final stages, thank gcodnessý. t t t t t LOOJP HOLE PLUGGED - Those who have been able t dodge payment for traffie of fences. von't haive ',t se easy in future. Under new legisiaion epjected te be proclaimed this f ail, if you don't payv speeding or other traffie fines, your driving licen1ce May be suspended. Parking fines aýre ee t."Bîg Brother" iÎs watching ýand cmn osralthe time. t t ~tt NO VOSTIMi Bowmanville Publie Utilities have an~ ~ ~i avricetnthis ediion warning alcitizens thtthi hydro pol)es are out of bcunds for tacking UpIî po'_sters, placaýrds or anythingelse, except Voters' Lists. Penalties wýill be imposed on offenders, t t t t t EWCARDS -The Post OfficehaS vrecfJe shipments etfïnost atacienew ps-ad fe-ý,aring Canadian sýceueà in celor and wnithun sulnew starnps already printed o;n them, Thy ti ive for 1 cuding te tnxsB Îuret ee th6en1 ron, bt hotgrphe Nil adea. o;u Hoefarvt- IÉ,ce o,ln Tueïday, Two cfNel'sphotographi, Jly2th it ntenta one taken at his homne near'the Orno Cetery Etnlskillen, the other at _______________ Thornbeck's MillIn-laTyrone, are now part of the print, col-T c ed Se k lection of, The National Gai-ýu k:ma ' "Having my photographlcý works accepted by thie Na_ tional Gallery is a grear- honor, one that 1 neyer, drearned would corne to0 meý untIl mucli later la my career., if ever," hie told The States- Iran, Few Canaýdian photo- graphers are represented la The National Gallery as It Is an International gallery de- voý.ted to represeating the world wide artistic scene, both historical and contem-1 porary.11 Commeaciag la September, 45 large black- and white photograplis by Neil Newton will circulate throughout On- tario for two YearS. Organized by The Art Gal- lery of Ontario- Extension Division, this exhibition f2a- turcs the people and sur- ronnding arca of Hampton, Haydon, Tyrone, and Ennis- kilen. These works evolve froin the large exhibition entitled "«Surroundings", wbich was shown early this year at The Robert McLaughlin Gallery, nconvenjence The weekend storms eut p.ower la several sections cf the district, mucli to the disgust of farmers, cottag- ers and others. It' couldn't have happen- Sed at a worsc time witb the H -ydro maintenance crews 1stili on strike.. They had agreed to retura to work la an, emergcncy, but ac- cording to Hlydre spokes.ý mcaie, didn't show up be- cause the power interrup- tions were considered an ïnaconven i e n c e' not an 'emergency'. This strike- Is dragglagr o>n with no siga of a settie- ment ia siglit. Ia the long Irua if it îsn't straightened Iout .soon, the ,legislature vice personnel without, the riglit to strike. Replayce Walk at K'en'sStr Masoary cotractes fiee, Mutton and bis crew lest a bit of weiglit yesterday wliea tley sliattered ear- drumns Antahe area îwitt theîr noisy jackliammer as tliey removed the cernent apron ia front of Ken's Meuhs Werx A slould be quiteter frmlere ou la wlie tie In- Her Slai-cks A Coîbornýv(e womauaP- cor ýt acianrge f slip Tlesoemanager- testi- led tliat she had two steaks tuke u the waistban d cf lier slck nd lu lier purse we-re two packages of sliced lm mced steak, hiambur- ger, packages cf Tang, a piece of pork shoutder, haîf a pouad cf coffee anda pèmid cf butter., Checkinlg Ou e a i r Oshawa Fair President J oe Sowdnof iiEnmsî3la leny saved much shoeieathcr drn h 5hana event last week, by riding tî iibk hog h grounds. He, found it a. most useful vehicle for heck inig on themany problems, that arose'durinîg Lthe S'uc- cessful show. Our thanks te the OshawaTmefo lending the photo, Fire Damages -Ham$Yptoni ra This mornîng about Me ine cok a catîl cmeno Bwav l U'epairtmnent', frmM Anton Jukic of Cedar Par,Hmpto. repote tatahoseowedb Wvm. Mledwid north of the-.park was ablaze. Whe-n fiem naried, one was home but the housewa burning furieuly, the entre et the blaze apparent!,, in the kitchen. It we, rouht nd3er otowti af or u nieal damage had already bceencausedOn thc way back toàhAsoffcethe Statesman photographer.stopped at a new hosonrMedwid w uzildn bot20ad sot.Iewas there but didntsas logwe norc fhi itrue Apprenlyhe hadn't heardthe Cie trucs Éamu à; caëre tanMc ýin rlaigtewg iue cindaftr pivae dscusio onthe ComlCounti Boad oÏEu)aiC and relearsed thle am"unjsene by the amnsrtr n te employees of tebarLîIRGOPAEiw

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