4 Tie Cntuian~taesnsnBowmanville, July 26, 1972 AdmnisratrsWages Public Information _Lto'sNote:: As7xetd an edi- tonal we r---printed f mmr the (Cobourg, Co7borgii Sentiniel-Star concerning the 41rt thait wages for PBard of Education adrmin1istrative staff, would be discussed at he Board's meet.in1g ast Thursdayv, brought hot reaction. We reprinted it becauIse it was time- ly and ecause we have f elt from way baýckz that when the countyv board was foirmed, the salary schedule for the top administrators was set too high. At that time, we wme that these peo1ple wvould expect annual increases or- increýmentrs the samne as teachers and the s:itLuation cu]d get out of hand. The Boa.rd ofr4Eduication mrembers can hard- ýý, ly e blamed flor the problem, the direc- tion and guiidelin)e came from the prov- 4 Admniedly the press by publicis- 1 r.ng Ithe -information (caused board mem- ý ers, some embarrassmnent, but surely b te taxýpay-ýing Pub1)lic has a right to know thes e factsa ,Ind(i if t he press doesn't bring iothm light lwhoeiese will? Editorial I commOent from theý Port Hope Guide following the hursdaynight Board meeting appear blw "Board of' Edutiton members ex- prssd nifer last night because we, hapubpjlishied last week, the fact that ;\Ty ere scheduled to discuss the vwages of the administration staff. -What apparently angered some of 0- ' board members was the fact that we ad bheenin a îposition to have this kowledýge. They spoke, with concern, about a ieak, and tihat ini turn, concernis us ewpe rot aware that the North- umýnberlandi-Duirham Counties Board of Edttca:tio)n was a secret organization, al1though ve Lusuialiy experience diffi-. clyioininginfýormation. -Whaý-t we would remind the memn- beri' the board is that they are elect- ed by the people to represent the people aýnd_ïtha3t one of their major responsi- bJiiies is to keep the people informedi. nTe administrators are employed tdo týhe day to day running of the edulication sySteem infi the area, but it is the res-ponsibilityý of the elected board ieb nst represent thie peopie and this, at timsma mean rejecting reconiedatonsbroghtin by 'the Itis hepel h o pa3y for edu- â aio nd it is the peopir, who pay the wages oý ,f theamiitrtrs nd there-. valve ýr;îedpepleina 10 ilio ;pragrPî-rclled ei HrzosProgram -could becaed i~But1 ' udgýiing by all the opportujnitJesý ~ 0e-bitis gove>rrrmentta varjous j, roups aIofpeople, it's b ttese sMpiy eal it juist aýnother Opportuntity for thie "Governrnent ta improve its poor record ý bfore the,>constitution force s it te cali An electionj. -~The -New Horizons IProgramn, ac- coýrding tth ie PtroruhExaminer, is Airned at,,starting varieus so-called ~ slf-elpproram bytire aged them- Peve, -1 ep sread our cultural hneri- Stage, pass onn their skils ;and ta laune-h ; ay other uiseful, non-profit activit-y. This, in pcicWe, means thfat gîroujp> ,f 10 or -more retired people wh be able fil nbt;in no-r'pyable grants throuigh thre departmenit of naIt0inal health and> welfaýre, Ohd Age Security vanid Guaran- kteed Income Supplement admninistra-_ Armng the proecs nvisioned by - Haht MniserJohn Munro is the teacrhing of dyý,ing skills hilke silver-. cmitbs, assisting teachers and somne phsclfitneSs programs. Sa tins ýis thfe tihird fedetal govern- mrII ;i,ecsheme .wIhich gives rmoney 1to peop1permore or less ta do tireir own thing iind the npportunity ta compare rrni ta nuake some observations is ir-. Theineetg characteristic of ahi thne - pporuniiesfor Youtir, Local Inititive Preram nd rnow heNe Honrizns Progýcrm - i that the u ta fînd emtbngto do (te justify a granýtI) is, on.the people who get tire grans. heïovernment mnereiy approv- es 7the ugesedschemnes, 0f the three, only the LIP was really1 aimed at (or designad te) 'Pro-, ding opportuinities flor praictical pur-' poses, mostly becaIusýeire plans were ti) te n grent extent controled cby munici- t~The monstim rrportant part about the i~OFY progzramr is thjat it isý hardly mnore Durham County'ç C Estorbflshed 118] Also lac The Newcastl The Orc Phone fore the people hv naslt ih to know exactIvyvhptteyaepar to whom and, for thaitmatter, exa.ýct] what they are etting for- theirý moneyý. "W V'e have not hand one persn sa thiat teythînk thle vwagýeS pit he admninistrators ar'e juLstifiedi, indeedi, xnost pe&ople wohave (comnted ta us agr(ee that the pr)esent wagýes, which range from $32Z,0)00 to $25,000 per year,_ aýre outrageous. "If the board týhin'ks these wýages ar'e Dot outrageous we woiildsugs they check with somre of thie largýe commercial enterprises in Toronnnto t fEnd out what men controlJing 'ýs i m ilr size budgets are paid. As we hav7e done- this we Ican te[i the boaprd that the-y will not find anyone with similar res- ponsibilities being paid $30,000 and that they are more likely to discover that the top men in this atgoyare in the $25,000 bracket. We -would stre-ss t hat we are talking here ;abouit ;commeircial operations and not o0ithe oermn bodies whose wage sca les tend to be j ust as outrageous as those which we ar-e asked-to pay to the education adminis-. trators. "It w7as not our intention toan tagonize the b oaridnmemberýs by pub lishing the fIaCt that the amnirtr wages were to be dsusd.Hwvr as they know, a vaist mjorityv of peo-ýple are deeply conncernied abo1ut t1he spirabý! ling cost of eduicatiinand( had wewi- ed until after the event it would have,, been too late to voice our disenchanit- ment with the situation. "As we say, ipeople are concerned and the board members are elected ta represent the interests of the people wbo, in the majority, want to see some action taken to curb, and indeed, reduce, the burden of taxation for education," THE WAGES BILL 0f the total $22,000,000 plus educéa- tion bud'get in this area a large percent- age was for wages. In September 1971 the wages of the aciministrators were: Director of Edtication, $32,000; Super- intendent of Instruction, $27,000; Super- intendent of Planning, $27,000; Area Superintendents (3)'$25,000. Two years previous in 1969 the administration wages were: Director of Education, $28,000; Superintendent of Instruction, $24.000; Superintendent of Planin, $24,000;, Area Superinten dents (2) tban an excuse te give eug el'e money, for meat, if net al, Ithe OF'Y sclires duplîcate or imîiýtte actix-ties regulanly organized under a onît f serv ice organîzations. In other words,ý if you w'výere a boy scout yeu bcue fýa, beach ife guard for free.,TIf you wne ta- do tire same thing for ashry o applied for an OFY grant. And it is also importanift tht by giving grants to varlous such groups" and for varjous sciremes, the' govern- ment is ln a position te select certain programs ta support. In fact, tire OFY and the' newly announced program are tailor-made for political use; any num- ber of political activists can ferm n group and receive a grant for, say, a newspaper wirich supports goverrnment programs. Anether tbing is that ail these schemes mean only' temporary empioy- ment and therefore contribute litIle ta the coun.rtrv's or the people's ecotnomýie if e. During a period in the country's ile, when unemployment hit nw an new records and wben inflation wa getting eut of hand,' we have spent un- told millions cf dollars on causes, whichi- helped tire government te quiet tire sounds ef discontent but did ncthing te improve the economic conditions, IT BUGS US Bad year for mosquitoes. Eveyn is tahking about themn and that miakes tirmworse. The usual kinds oft stingers at-'e prevalent tins year as wel a-s sorne. new v1arieties. The no-nonsense, zoom in and sting mosquito bangs around ire f arm- houise door especiaii early in tire morn- Ings. Tire rnandering in and out, un- decided type hangs areund while we read lire paper aller supper. The one we hale worst of all is the tiny ittle lad that drifts by eus ears at 5:30 a.m. every morning and destroys sleep from tiren until seven am. He basi no stinges, he neyer land ,s, he's with thre psycbological warfnre irrench, -Renfrew Mercury-Advance r Groeaf FamiyJuna U years ago in 1854 torporating anville News Éle Independent ono Newse4 Second class mail registration number 1561 Produced every Wednesday by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED F2.- 66 King St. W., Bowmanviile, Ontanïo GFO. P. MORRIS PATRICK GOULD -DC .q BUSNESS MGR. SALES MANAGER phione 623-3303 »INALD RIS-HOP PLANT MGR. ~//$ L'rTLLE 2/5(7/ /4~/ '7- 3~P/EA)B~A' VO~ TO~OA~ OcY 7/// //ï//t92/6-6y MacDuff Report A Lack, o! bLesi'af10on The bhe cr f the' Ftd- eral Luirr-lGovernent turiîng the lqsItiays befere Perliament's summer hatl-. day left observers inOt0- tawan wontitriag haw sert- ous]y commi-itteti the Gev- ernunent was ta several of Ils mapjor pieces of legis- letton. ifspe'rî'naceiii Par-. liretleft meny cbserv- eýrs be¶ieving tiret the Gev- piant tni i(iit \wanl corne of ils Wlegialatinta irecoime lew Elire tiaIor Prime Minister Pierre Trieaui's Goveranrc)t iras not Jlearro- et how ý,ta tawithPee ,ment tiurikig ttc four yeers Du-ring tire winter anti spigtire Gavesnment pro- du'tceti several prop o s pt pleces of ieislation wicih It puirlicized as important 49 YEARS AGO Thorsd'ayJu 16, 1923 Lawn bowling la Bnwmeru- ville is a gain ta tht'e Ptigirt, e local teem iraving won tire Wirattamn Traphy in Part Hope, Saturtiay, On tire Baw- manville teamn were R. F, Aitchison, C. A. Smith, A. Mitchell anti A. Densem. On tht'tii-st tey cf Jenu- ary, 1919, Norman S. B. James anti George W. James became joint awners of Tire James Publishiog Ca, Tireir tatirer, M. A. James, con- tinues ýas chief etitor. M.Vr. anti Mrs. A. J. Reyn- citis anti Miss Etina, Mn, anti Mrs t . Frank Hackadey, Sa- linia, motoredti t Whutiry ant i vsitet iwtir . anti Mns. T. C, Osborne. Scirool Nurse Herne's eigirt menhs' report is as follows: Visita mate by nuise 181 Pupils inspectet ----- 6,445 Home visita --- ---- - 432 CeInsitaiios 73 Tr1ealmeatrls 139 Mn. 1 ýant1 i Mns W. B. Courir, Mýiss '))Thmson antiMn. Ct-ne maeon attendeti 11tirefnret tir teir cousin, Ih aeFrýak Harrison wira was C.P PR. Agent fer many years atMyrît'ant Whitirî, Women's istittute meets untier tht' Jellow - Ricir- aIrd's cmmunity Tre on Frida,,atternoan. All hadies Mss.W. E. Devey, q-anry H-icper, M. C. Htall _nti j. R. Cooper bat an Ieeni.ngz's tiahing trip at Rire Lake an Mn. Robent Sainsbury's boat, anti a big thrill ef tht' evening came wben Harry lantiet a 16- pounder. Fishing la tire saeweter yestentiay Bill Ar-mstronugJr. anti'Peney Rtckairy brougirt home a couple of 10-lb. hunge anti some pickerel anti basa. Aithtie Clarke Çauocii meeting, Jiy 3?1tire CaunL- ties' Clerk gavp notice thal. tht' auma ruequireti for Cau)nty purposes were: Ceunty Rate ----$17,516.40 Public anti Separate Scirool Rate 175.16 Debenture anti Sinking Fund ---- --- 162.74 Total -------- --$17,954,30 Tirose were tire days . . -. Reeve J, A. Butler Ir as teceivet a ltesfram Rgr Revenent ha.Brnt1îsr on ef Newv rkayn ir wîhhl i prrute tr e iul 0fCarmunlyHall on parts of ils pnra.ThereP was legisiatton tira wa suppa'ed ta deal itlh haus- lng pnairlerns, with iairuses et electan laws, with dis- crimination tn hiring, Two ether pieces of egisietran were canitiene(ýt t hv ihe Gevernmenml s tppin tty,irwer Tieewe r, is'ealtngwilh aretgn new' Family Incarne Secur- itl, P"ien. Tire fareuga tekenve Bill was tire mare 'ontrayf versiel of lire lwa. Tt iirt long been prarniseti iry, the Goverarent and wes tht'i Culmination af lengthy s-'l ties cf the' prahlem ir- R- venue Minister Iferir Gray. However il sufferet tram the' pliltical we'akle'siof being open le atteck an 2,5 YEARS AGO Thtsrsday, July 31st, 1947 A', Ratai-y on Fiiay, Mel Staples, Orona, minra- duceti a irnther Roaeien, Garnel Rickarti, Shaw's, -%vha gave iris clasificalioade trasan the "Prairlenîs af Cnap Production". Pat Pres. Dave Manison was presenteti Wi>h birshtay- flawens, ,while Frank Me- Ilveen necivet mis ont' yeer perfect atteniacepin, Car- nival Manager MaleY Van- stane anti Ticket Chiri man John M. James aut- linet plans fan tris years carnivai. Pres. Met Dale' announcrd But Hai ixaulti give iris classificatian telir nexl week. Mn, 1-. G ot'tnK- cienarn, ati Mn. anti Mrs. Wau-d Halfrnan anti daugir ter Andrea, Tauranîr, were Sunday gucassaf MVr, anti Mns. Gerge James. on Manday, Au 'usi, 4tir, Port Hope wt]] bu lire scene af a mnass teulnfinfm- bers af tire lItBn. Midiant Rrgsrnenl. Thie Ne-,nilî o MI;3. BeriSatsexprecsseti ppuýcitio f citrs rat ,was 1\11:M, J.ornn augrst, 111eKathleeni Wilson, Newcastle. Win- ner of tire lucky chair, Mrs. Gea. McCullough. Thre Blackstack G irlI Guides andti irir Leader Miss Jessie Van Camp, have gene ta Girl Guide Camp ah Nagie's Crrek, Boircey- gean far twa werka. -Lest weitire Slalesniaa office recei edthtie greet- est single issue of e werklY paper lirry bat ever sera. Pubieheti July 11,, Tire Virginian Gazete, Williams- huma, Virginia, il wa pubr- litaiet in 16 sections anti was camprîseti of 116 pages anti wes asse-nîile't as an Hfistorie Etitian iry Etitor Jae Osbrorne, wir waa iroro ta Tyrane, Duriram Counity. Misses Barbera Gaoddart anti Catherine Dilling ane attending Girl Guide Camp on Pigeon Lake. Mr. Oliver Robrts, Weed Inspectar, w as se rehy burneti on tire armiry1- poison iv wir? cInreton growînyg in)ire Nadir Wa and on ieretlk ta. fi1 5f) eu a atia ti,i'>tthrire t,.aturie iras becit thui, burneti, beth zs4des, Sonne oppanents claimeti il wns loo wishy- xvashy and would do nath- ing to hait growing foreigu. contrai over Canadian in- lusry. O t h er opponent'u feared il wouhd slow Can-, ada's econornie growth iry scaring off invest-ment in (2anadian fîrrm'. The Familvy nrnep Sec- ttrîty Pan wa thtend re- SmIt of what01ht' Trudeau (hovernment h-1i concei-veti ag a totýal revîe-w af Federal Geverament welfare spenti- iag. This reviewi along, with study cf incarne --, reom. ad ireen one of the' major dreams cf ithe Trudelau Liberals w h e n thy took office. Ideeiiy iihe two reviews weme ta show weaknesses in Cat- ada's 'incarne lax anti wel- fare systerns. They were ta show how meney should bie redistributedftrm the rich ta the poor. Many saw tie reviews andi their resultent legislition as the founda- tien aof the "Just snciety" that Mr, Trudeau prramised. The' tax review led ta the White Paper an Tax Re- form which led to the' ameadments ta Can'adas tex levvs that; went labo et- feet en January i. These amentiments were just a patchwork atlempt ta menti soame loopirales in Canada's tex lews. They were a fer cry tram tire coirerent scheme ta redistribîtte the' irurden of paying taxes as tireamt of by the vistanar- les of 1968. Sirn]arly the' FISP legis- latian hare lhttle reserni- lance ta the welfare aystem iareseen iry those wh o siatedt the review cf Cari- atia's weifare system. They hadti lketi of a uarenteeti annuai incarne. or sonne- thing appraaching it. FISP was merely e re-warking of tire aid Farniiî Allowj- arice sy stern, taking the ai- lawances away tram bitgher incarne Canatitans, retiucing thre a1llwances'paidti ta Cn- adians earning maderate inccrnc,, ant i ncreesing the allawanccs that weat ta low-incame Canadiens. But this change xsas toc, much for many Liberai MVP's whase ritiings conlain mainly upper anti mitdle incarna Canadians. The13 were a frâid thet these Deo- pie would ire se upsel nt losiný, ,ail or part of theur farnilYalloavcaes that they wauid thraw the Liberals nul af office. Sa there wes VItte caucus pressure ta havenarlarnel pas even tht- arda chaneItaFed- eral welfare speniding. Te resulý was a wierd r(,w 'iys ta Parliemnent w3irere the Liberals la ef- edtieti up their own ieg- saio.The toreign take- os ers Bill was put before Penit ment, but tire Gev- ernment tidn't press for Its passage, When the FISP legisiallan looketi like it rnight irecame lew, {ealth anti Welfare Minîster John Muant> matie a speech that angeredth ie New Dema- cnatic Party anti ensureti that FISP woulti ie stalleti a f ew days longer. When Parliament delayeti ils holi- day luticdat with the sînikP et Qieirec parts, the FISP legiala lion gel a second chance fer passage, But tire Gaovernment titi flot irring thre ~FSP legisialian iraclk irefercà the Commons until there was se uitIle lime left betore tire summen holiday tiret"tire legisiation's oppen- ents cauldticlieil up. As a tsu1 fihe Gaenrnetiti nal ce 't 1, legîslation an- aveibut did t il neahh waltire B Lo a iecame 1avw? Sunset Boulevard, Juy 22, 1972. Dear NMs. Jm An incient cure today that realiy made ,me sîmmer., My usad rivdfoir a dental ,ppontnt with DPr. PBlair enly ta be told bhe gc ond doctor that "I don't Inertayorkind" And "l'il even open the dor, for ye, yhu7sband.said he was sorry t he doctor feit that way and lef t, haîr, iwell kepitiand ean. But What) Utilizing bigger, myore sophisticated machinery, tdysfarirner preduces in- creasing ameuntsi of food fer a demand- ing world. fBut mechanizatien bas breught with it hazards that are seme-. times overlooked or disregarded by many farmers. July 23 te 31 haýs been set aside as Farm Safety Week- - a week te focus attention on the dýangers invelved in farming. Look for potential hazards and correct them. Falls are the major cause of injury and even death on the farm. A farmer' s working conditions are con ducive te falis, fer he is constantiy' climbing on and off machinery, or doinig heavy lift- ing in areas where the footing is cf ten poor. The farmer works in ail kinds of weather, on siippery and icy greund. A little oil or grease on a tracter step, a leese or cracked rung on a ladder, and. many other so-calied littie things1 if ig- nered, can lead te seriouý and expensive f alis. The foilowing steps if followed properly may help reduce tthe pessîbility cf death or injury producing faîls, Repair breken steps and stair rails immediately. Weather-proof outdoer steps and, perches. Keep ladders in geed repair, seeing that they are placed on firmn greuind and at a safe-angie. Instead c oerrech îng, move the ladder. Fasten rungs securely, Wipe up ah spila, neo matter bow smlimmediately. Provide adequate lighting in halls nnid on ahi stairs. Keep a night light burnîng -near ihe bathroorn. e and By Bill Siley EdtrsNote: For the first tîme in nny year:Iieool teacher, former edi- tor aInd most popular columnst Bill Smiiy ha faied u. N copy for, bis colum n had a -qrrîved up to Tuesday monrnig. Thui ýis m uouusual 1'ecause it freýquently comes3 in a week ahend of publication date, and we're worried, A, check with Publisher Pete Hvidsten of the Port Perry Star reveals7 that Smi- ey's coiumn is aise missingeý ut there, so someting must ha a penred. We just op Bill is flot iii, Lrjured in an accident or bas corne to ihe conclusion that he shioid have some tîrne away f rom writi-ng, most people fail te r!ealize. la the fac-t Ithat he is like anyohe normal yeung man his age: he hioldsý a steady job, owns two cars, has mrgg paymenti and a school-aged chl.i4ow surely these days every famî%iv must have a long-haired maie nrnong them! t's a shame that the seed of discrim-ination bas been sown in Bow,ýmanvillce! fl should net be allowed to mrature! Yeurs Tru]î Kai-rnITordiff. EdtrsNote: Mavbe thre genial dentist figuied there was an much baîr, he.weuldn't be ahiJe to locate' the teeth. No mattýer wh at !farm actiVltyaafe- ty shouild be praýcticed- at ail times. 7lu is e'speciaily trucen doing cetia work, or repairs and maintenance on or under heavy machinery. .When using farm -or home chemni- cals, always read labels, use as directed, taking necessary precautiens. Kepin the original containers and stori.e in suitable places weli beyond the reach- of young chîldren. Empty containers shouil be disposed of safely, When enterhng ronds f rom faTrni entrances or field exits,, extreme au tion should be exercised.-Weeds. ig crops and trees shouid be remeovedj fromý- these entrances and exits ta allew finr maximum visibility. It is estimated by the Canada Sale- ty Council that the accidental denth rate on the farm is 20 per cent higher than the national average, -with the basicý cause of accident being, hurnan neglect of safet'y procedures, and tboughtles-, ness. Statistics show ltat accidents takeI the lives cf about 1,400 farmn and rural resîdents in Canada eacir yens em 25,000 persens suf 1er în]ury, with 1,500 cf these resuiting in perma-nen-t dis'- abihity. Faim Safety Week ts one cf 57 iru1 the year. But the necd for farin et of couýrse exists eve-ry, day oCf h var The vamSaey e ncircfOnr Ii mi co-operaýtion ith 'vthIle ntarIie Minuis#r of Agrii iuture a- n odas ht o observe fairm saetynetjiust Jriuy23t 31, but ah year. Thýe epnbiiyf' preven.ting frm accidents ress with everybody direcly or indirýctl lvev ed with te i rig ndsty Report from Queen's Park j by Alex, Carruthers M.P.P. The Restructuri ng of Municipal Governmnent It is quite possible for tire Fedral or Provincial gov erameri ntecae functioning for a numirer ofcf ay\s and tire average taxpayer would not not'ice, but if et tirelocal level, tire watersilup- phy f ails, tire hydre power gees off, a watermain breaks or tire snowplougb are d elayed, immediately tire citizens are involveti and are net long in e- pressing their concern te tire municipal governmenl respensible. Any t estructuring of' this basic hevel ef municipal gevernment has an early impact an tire social and econemnic ile of tire community. It is net diffý-iuit te understand, therefore, tire iinlerest now apparent hocaliy in regional devel- opment and tire poasibility cf regional gevernment for tire United Counlies. Whcn tireHoanorable Darcy McKeough presenla iris propcaals for tire restruc- turing af municipal government in asenOntario tris autumn, tire resuit sirouhd ire a constructive dialogue with considerable input at tire local hevel. In-lire past, municipal gaves-rnent liras represented an ideal balance ire- lween lire nerd fer action te provide essential services and tire deaire ex- pressed in local auionomy te cenîrol those ehected ta administer tirem. During tire past 25 years, however, ur-banization andi industîialization iras upset Ibis balance and tire structure and ohd municipal boundanies, wirich served us well for over' 100 yeara, have lest mucir of their rehevance. The transition from a rural te an urban industrial sec- iety has manifested itsehf in new sub- divisions, bigir risc aparîments and a new social and peitical way oflile. ;Tire impact of Ibis transitien la naw being felI in tire United Counnues of Northrumberland and Durham and wil ire accelerateti in tire days nhcad by tire empirasis on development in tire Dîam- ond Triangle andth ie future influence of tire new Pickering Airpert. Tire necti for structural change whethier municipal consolidation, reg- tonal government or a combnation cf botir must ire demonstraled and tirer- oughly understaod iry tire people affect- cd. A number- of farterashouh d receive tonsîderatiet n( nluding the Wfowing: a) Tire dix'eraîiv- of ocuain cf rural residents now able tIo cen- muttew(ork in urban ceres aruId b) ~ ~ iI Tieus f h resent1mulnlicipal strctuLre te dl1ay de\veIopment tIrro)ugir restrictions nire sbdiv ision cf lard or the uneeoi requirement for 1fleor sac in new homes. c) Tire comipetition among rnunicipalî- tics foir imnproved tax revenue and the icknowledgement tiret any ane level af government canne longer ire considered in isolation., d) The need for an econemiic area that, will provide tire tax revenue sre- quired te ptovide tire major pos- tien cf cemmunity services, To create a new level cf goverm- ment and te tran sIen to it res;ponsi- bilities witbout ensur-inig an ade- quate tax base is inidefensible. e) Tire necessity for ,planning on a area basis in erder that industrial and residential devehopment mY), take place, where it ta moat apphie- airle, rather tiran by tire fragment.- ed policy presentiy in existence with one municipality cemopeting agninst another for induatrial as- -sessment. Any restructuring cf municipal government, however, airould not ire done imply les, change alone, but mnust ire justifieti in the eyes of thre public, and preven f rom an econornic and cf- liciency Point of view te ire a hetter syslem of goverroment democrntically controlhed and-responsible to tire eiec- torate. i The discussions, which will te-ke place in tire mentira felhowing Mn. McKeough's proposals, snust in. particu- har consider tire historical boundaries of tire United Counties, tire present excel- lent services being provided, and tire co-operation over tire years af tire mnunicipahilies affected. Social and commercial intercala know ne beundaries, but political arl administrative lies in tire area are aucir that a regionai government braed on tire prescrnt boundartea of the UJnitcd Counties af Northumberland and Dur- hram would at the present lime preve acceptable tetire majority of munici- palities. Il is important tiraI we ap-, ptrach tire aubject wîtir an open mmnd weriringe erpfull ci l '- advantageaý and dîsadvantages isîvolved. Genieratio'n Gap in Action Farm Safety Week Who, WiII Be Next? In the Dimi Distant Past From the Statesman Files ~Corghinndor property oqhls oubssti n the .image aPP.arriqon tuis prool. Permission la Àirdc n whole or in Part and in any form wiiatsoever, particularly iiy photographic oi offset prre aa pulbuînnon, muet h.o otaned froni the publisher and ithe printer. Any unauthorizedt re.prdurtior wili bG oubet ta reQour,, in lzy." e7.00 a yt-ar - 6 nianthg $V.00 $9.00 a Year in the United States strictly la advcnce Attýhougoh vrY preCauation wîl b tken tn avoid e or The Canadian Staitesmon accepte ndlveie tn n iscoumoon i. Udrtnsgthint i wilt not h.fiable for (ooy eori no oy ottemo pubtshedherunde unes, a pr ontof a auc dvertisnient in reqîîe-,ed in wrïtïrn l'y 0h. odvertîse an r Ou d q i. CndinSttena usiness office du)y sîgiied hy ti ethe Ann uwî h ia ecur o veren~on plia innoed tî rtîng thereon. anod iiin tcaseif con y exec or e 0 aarrctedh~, ii.Conaion tntomrmift itticrrty %hall nt .creed sncb o rtin i ii ntts o t4, tsnecd e,,, ,arst, t, o.nc,.