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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Aug 1972, p. 13

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dlrag harrans, suaw bucicet, bi sig$000 SpfI; 2-wbeel wagon (rul-ban sng$00. ber) ,4-wbcel wagon (steel), NEWCASTLE: Vcry wcll- 24fbale elevaf or sud motor~ built, 4 bcdroom, brick bun- FBED.QunhtesaI led galow. Beautifully iandscap- bey suad atuaw, 1.0 acres stand- cd wifb fireplace. Bar in nec i-n, haY, quaiies mmced bar- ilium, balcony, 2 ýbaths. Air le sndnats. ondifioped tbiaugliout. Gar- Quantifies nI cedar posta age, on large lot. Priccd ta icernent blocks, bricks, rail- adil. way fies, steel posta, lumber, Atter houes please eal: haler fwinc, page wîre, trougls, caf hie and eieken Harry Contts - 725-2649 nanure. Aiso wagon wbeels, Harry Voerman 623-7597 rope bocks, pressure tankl, 45ý Joe Barnoski - 786-2256 gai. drums, grînidahane, s"Il Gary Ilancock . 983-5155 porno ipwlth 60 fi. baose, 200 gai water tank andoie'tms Rosa Davidson - Z77-2321 'teinms casb. FaIim sold Ac.WeSleY A'11,rsOn -349-2669 hianeers Bjob and Faulohn F. DeWith 987-4024 Stpleo.313- ,,'uctionile Notice to Creditors i nSAT1URDAY, AIUTGUST 12 NOTICE TO CREDITORS i ý,uc1ton0sale i furniture an ataue, Iie prapeîfy af AND OTHERS Gaand Fayý,c Coomba, 199 AIl, daims againat flic Estate Angeene SoSuth, Lindsay af CHARLES ST AN LE Y (arms tainVictoria Manor): JONES, samefimes knawn as issbd(dounble), Biidseye STANLEY CHARLES JONES, aisie ieser, 3 gunstack lahe of the Township of Darl- style chaims, hall seat and iugfan, in flic County of Dur- riaic,, antique desk 'phone, hamn, Rigb Sebool Mainten- largeý- - quantit'y of furniture, ance.Employýee, deceased, who bap1ng ilam, 12 in. doil dicd on or about the 12th day (chmina head and kid labdy), 7- of Apil, 1972, must le filed pse a lst, -asto)r set, 4- with flic undersigned Execu-' pue. , cutraeyelbnwsast- ar aunr-before flic 21sf day I in roe'a berbive seaier, of Augu.At,.1972. Thereatterl lare !qantity nf diabea. the undý'eraîgncd will distil-1 Ternr cshSale ah 2:0 utc fthe assets of flic said Es- ,lrlu Larîy Jaohnson, Au- tate biavinag regard oniy ta th, tncrPhone (705) 357-3270. cdaimsq then filed and mn ac-, Geîald (iGraham, Cicrk. 31-2 coîdance with fthc Will, - Dated at Bowmanville, On- ACONSALE tarin, thia l7th day of July, Grua MiiiAction Bain 1972. NWOVILLE Lyle George MeMabion, MRDYAG. 4th - 7 p.m. Executai, Fý'rgdaire autonaafic clothes 143 Qucen Street, w!Nashcr and dryci, stoves, Bowrnanville, Ontario, ricA, ringer - washeîs, ha' bis Solicitor, desrbeds, chests et draw- L. C. iVason, Q.C. e, bedding quilts, sheets, Box 129, 135 Welingtan Sf.,1! 1a ý;kets pillows, chrome Bowmanvillc, Ontarioa. talPnd chairs, china cap- 29-31 bo îd laddin beaf ci, wind-- ow, icycles. lawn mowers, MortgagesWÂTanted guita andamplifier, car-top rac, rcord and radio player, aaiirT'V's, deaks, anili 9Y f!et rieapn, toals, sliov-o els,, rake, dihe Many of b- ci iemssudantques, iLe', FIRSI MORLTGAGES hanrne hnap(satin finish), lanern, pne abes. 1934 'Iric d. car (as las), one- Aiatsocea: OBaofdFRANK STAFETONSECOND MORTGAGES *1t" Most property Auctaon îjsle af Modern, * Brick or frame ato funiture, plus toals. iast state, ta le bcld at * 1- 2-3 year teim for StîevatsAuction Hall, 27 above Hall St--reet, Oslawa, an11 hudaAuguut 3rd at 6 * City or suburban p n' Vetuia ade chair, * Also 4 to 10 years at wakîrocke, wickcr candi, good rates and terma harvei tabe, ing chairs, larg s irnbîa ines, butlpr 24 HOUE SERVICE prînt, brasa baging iamp, cruatacf, ,,d ihde lanteins, 579-1321 orMnsoaantique cdocks, antiqe cer dest, students pîne d sk, i-doa suit aiud INCOME he rifda;ting iarnp, refrig- eaaelectrie stave, eolored J4RG G3 1t1(, 11an, antique cars, wbeeia MO TG G andî parts, Jiirary table, diess- S R IE Pi, s:ewang machine. leds, S R IE camplef--e; china cabinet. ruga,, 342 King St. W., Oshawa Tifaylump, quantaty of panvi-e. battemy charger,, Member O.M.B.A. elcnepainit aprayer, large' woamdcfa1 na chesr (good con 1 Over 80 Years Combined diin) arden toals, antiqueý Experience frrn, ecliguinder, larg ,qua-ntîty, aIf ois, antique- ______1_ dbs,1971 Mini-bike. TeraR a saefrS l cah. No reserve. Myl.e .as it -o S l Kng. Autioncer & Cartage,i '7555.31-1 INEW tfhce-bedroan aplit- level, two-car garage, two ACTION SA 1.1UE ifireplaces, fwo bafhrpome, car- .STUDA, . 2 - I1 P.mj pet floaring, ahl painted. Live Miles aut ofNewton iîke a king on a large lt 'eOne mile east af Newcastle, Joatoff o 2 igbway. soufli an Stcpbenson's Road.1 1'ae ira îadSnli of Na. 2lPliane 987-4444 or 987-4627. Ragbay Bsf aI'Ellîotf's iMolg-age mioney arîangcd. 1 Garge r7amiles West onI31_-îf Wel,-ne. ;;at'ch fam sale igu. --- CA1TTLE - 12 Hereford cnws______________ (sneWetern) wifh Hene- fard v7-Charmas calves (ap- JON pin.:,(00 ils.) af ide. Calves .I la ta, be soi with caws. Charlois 1t bull as been with cawasauice îui -1s; 1 Holstein x Heme- tard yearling steer, 1ilRo- tnx Her'eford bull calveQ, .3mntsad (paii-fed). 33 K~ig St .East, Bowmanvllu FARM MACHINERY - In,- oe6335 r6331 tenaioa Super M gas frac- Poe U35 r6331 -.,v0 crop with front end NEWCASTLE: 5 bedrooni onln and coin scuflîc, brick bungalow. Three haths. Fegsn20-85, tractai, New Living sd dining rooni. t-'edNo. 68 haler, Inter- Broadlom fbrougiout. Car- nainl7 fIL power mower, pouf. On 75 x 225 f1. lot. l\ .se-Fergusonuside-delivciy pîiced f, sel. re ï, nernational 3-furrowl pull type plow ou rubben, 1,50 ACRE FARM: 4 bcd- olDer10'amemiinoam, 2 shrey stucco bouse. LOiutenatonal 17-toofh beavy AIl, modern conveniences. dufyculfvahor wifh hydiauîlic Large J.-shaped bain. 3-carl cylknder, ubbeî-timed wagon earage. A ski ng $85,000. an,, rack, Letz grain roller, Terma. two 4 section drags, 50 f. dr-ive 123 A C R E S RETREAT licît, Massey-Harris 6 biade FROPERTY: wihh large in ,one way Cockshuftbaise secd stueam. Pond. Parflywodd drilil. 'Locafcd near Newcastle. Prie- CROP - 1600 bales of hay nd tla sdi. bui bain, 21 acres nf coin (al iunefi d, 8arsn osa.NEWCASTLE: 34 acies. 10 Aiîrangements bav e been made acres bunidrhard wifb 3 bcd- fa baiveat flese crops. room. l½ zstnrey borne. (Oui AUCTIONEERS NOTE -,heahed. 2-pce. bath. ýLarge1 There are veîy few suialbain. orticles 'so plan ta attend! WE HAVE A GREAT - early. Kasper Hollen, Own- IETO F2-1 0-4 ci;BobSulivu, uctoneracres. Pricedtram $2,500 and Plainfield 613-4Ï7-2672. 31-2 JP S.Y,6ro os npo-YNti sa2soe ea Wilfrid Bowman. .t, $",00m Thars.n i0P h Ycs fuala besesoey sei Mi. and Mis. Roy Hartman 1 erty $5,00. Trnis 'tat boud lesee, akin Enterprise, stayed a few days 990 Acres - View, Woods $24,900.00. Large 'HolyondwibM.sdMs.Aan ay ) Tyrone Rila. View of Lake kitchen, 3 good sized bcd- lihsMd.anm rs iy, Ty 'Ontario. Oniy $22,000. Terns. moorns. beaufifully decoîafed, iîr. an an insn sa 95 Aces Scnie Wods partiaily finished rec. rnom, iovrngh visitnr win-u Mr.anid Acres- Senie oods down payment ieasondbly 1 Mii]hrook a r e a. 10,000 ilaw. Ail fenced in backvaid. Mis. Stan Wattcn, Little Br- -Scotch Pines planfed 5 yeaîs i ' tain, when be celebîated bi;I ago. Nicely wooded ;antto ovebirthday. eîty. Ideal retreat. $2,5,000. Oshawa la offerîng a 2-bcd- Mis. Keith l.avey, El ainie' Terra. room brick bungalow with and Garth enjayed a four dayl dining-ronm, alan g ar ag e, trip ta Sault Ste. Marie, visit- Newcastle District $1,500.00 dowu paymnent, im- ing nany places of interest, 3 100 1t.- biglway fiantage. mediafe possession and 0111y abnng the way. 1,500 sq. ft. modern ranch $17,900.00. Pîesently being Mr' snd Mis. Roy Morton,1 style borne, tanîsbed basernent. completeiy decoa'ated, A Real Sheli'y and Maurice visif cd at1 Bîeezeway ta garage. This Buy.MrWs oto' Ton. bouse bas ta be seen ta ap- M.WsMro',Tmno pieiae li mny xtas Ak-Afteî Houes Caîl: wMl. aud Mis. Wallace Pascoe 'jing,$35,500. Terres. Mîke Belmonte 576-1908 attflicoma faniry awndpaity Are You Consderlng a Melville Dale 623-5638 Harvey Pascae, Kedron. MOE rTRNFER lieeJa 6-02 Mi. and Mia. Wilfrid Bn w- MOYEor TANSER* lfride ost 63'-03%man and Erie, accampanied by We are equipped te handle Rnby Ingleton - 623-Z627 Mr. and Mis. Godfrey Bow-, yor om nea nyheeDavid Allison 987-4867 man, Bawmanvîlie, weîe 1.u Caends d U.S.A. Wm, McFeeters -725-1726 iguests af Mr. and Mia. Lloyd in Cnad an U..A.Kellogg and family, Weicame.f FINE QUALITY Mr. and Mis. Bill Woodward Coat o C StMONUMENTS AN» and Mr. aud Mis. Frank Gis- "IK'àdvelia, Oshawa, were guesta Real 'Estate Service MARKCERS witb the Brocli faniiy ta mis tom. If* 4 - celebrate Dunean's biifbday., -After 9:.00 p.m. eau: (0ý '\day celebrafions for the ne-i -Terry Masters - 623-3393 OF SAFR ain Jan Oetema - 623-23181 BROS. LT». f Mia. Wlfrid Bowman was Bernrd McLea - 63-720 'oafess for a crystal sbawei1 Bernad MaLean 623-2101for- Misa Marilyn Tamblyn of, Jan Oudshoorù 623-2984 4d~" Orono. Dane Fonnid- - 623-3965 i *DaIr Mrs. M. SaltTrno Wayn Machan - 79-282 as been visiting bier cousin WayneMarchnt 5740821Mia. Wallace Pascae and f arn- Bill Sutherland 623-31021 iaAIUAU roter ily. YKay Brown 623-3150' Mr. and Mrs. Erie Brock are qBill Turânsky, Orono 983-5420 M 'onuments happy fa bave Susani home' b5 oy Poster - Orono 9831-5801 LIMTTED again. Sbc was injuîcd in an1 Norm Wetheîup -723-4809 Box 133 acien n hewaa cm- plai - 23-563 318DtsdasSt.E. Whtyiog, holiday and îequired asý A1udrey t.E.-ihlb pifai care for a while. Wc wish 1Geo, Van) Dyk 6. 7, 17 Phone Whithy 668-3553 al accident ncws could have f ai-i qisuch happy cnding, ilUL IMAIy VVuCrCIV u FrL IA-L j.e SUMMI ICE CREAM 79( 1/ Gai, Assorted Flavonra Ontario CORN 45 5Cdoz, BRIGHT'S APPLE JUICE 48-oz. Tins 3 for 99C Save 180 JOHNSON'S GLADE Save 20e AIR FRESHENER 59C tin RAIN BARREL - 64-oz, Botthe Save 40e FABRIC SOFTENER 1.39 Oven Fresh crosat Kaiser RoUls 49c doz. Save 20e 39c jar TOASTMASTER WhIte Sliced 24-oz. Loaves BREAD 3for 79c Save 26e DINETTE - 100% Pure Vegetable 011 MARGARINE 4 Ibs. 1.00 FREE PARKING 1! COMPASS BRAND W ILr 'FRE Sm Radishes and Green Onions 2icir 23C Th C ci ~ E~n~e , Au1iýôTgil, 1972 te3 C m e e In Pa g o n s Big o tympic D y E e t selling that, they reJsîd ini Lindsay and t'hen on t1ie farni they bought rlear B&thany, 1At fl , trneof cleath, Duncan ______was building a new home in Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale CvnT H ws8yar of_____ Te bis -wro, Ade- TW-edom ugaodint- THRaEE bedroom bungalow, laide, w e extend our ýieart- c'a.ltrfinumsidig, lw tafelt symrpatby, Crernatïlnwas 'Ing-roorn, rec. rocom, scei1 lmiu idnIo aes, view. No agents. Orono in Bowmanville North Ward, in Toronto on Monday, July 983939.31-21ý*,near sehool and store. 90 Mrt, edMs r~l h Elgin Street. Phone 623-3485. M.adMs ril hi ________ lice and Mr, and Mrs. Don ................................................Challicie were Satuvclay even- FO SLELOW ing visitors withMr and Mrs. Murray Brawn n their ne q D O N P YM NT1~borne an Dufferin St., Peter- S3borough. Mr. and Mrs, Roý? 623-76941B D O M O EHamiltan w er e overnigiii Need a new home but short guts 623761of cash? Then investigate new Newlyweds Mr'.and Mra,ý 137 King St. E., Bowmanville eaerHme! ellshl Beggs have returned erect the attractive Beaver b ~ omeé and are non resting in $590ifulPIEfrWillowdale model, a 3 bed- their apartmient on Sheir.. $1is5.900 isuli hRme or rooni beauty on your lot and bok t nPtroog thondaso 5foedsoom ome on a broe P eroceugh, gond lot, close to SHOPPING foucndaThIforction S9rvice fo and SCHOOLS. You don't o c sve as much as $3000 'i/"'~Rv ik sSnaAgs neaa A we yulieover conventional bu!lin 6th in BetdisnvUnited Chturch here. CA\LL NOW. methods. If you own a lot at7p,,- ýt :0 sfomr r.Eý HSHg nahl ou may be able to star ] " y stated. Regular Sunday REA THS -Hig ona hli Your Home" wlth only $200 . evcsI otpo me i's situàted this 3 bedroom down. We'll help with mort- se~ . hrchslresumthîs Un-t CHALET type home on a 2%/ gage arrangements and land '.r . n.dayAug. 6th, ai ina rq ACElot. availabilities too! For furtls- ':4i,.1,. OnStda atroo a COURTICE AREA-\ - 3 bed- er details P'hone On' m Slaed shtrow wa room BRICK bungalow witb IRAY NVORTHEY at 723-3558 ~ " held at the home of Mr~s, la field STONE front, attached or drop in to your nearest ' 4 1VRt ihîsnfrbîa garage, FIREPLACE and a Beaver Lumber Store and Ru~~ .eet Kcat rofor blveî- 13/ ACRE lot - Wýhat a BUY. pick up a new BEAVER ~ ""',.ii e'ton. Kathy h tanlie rna id HOME CATALOGUE, only ' . ., ~ ~ ~ 'l't vGli fMýpiien Ln OS an LOTS FaIS $1*oln colour wlth floor f 41,....,, on Saturday, August lPth, an nw ve mcplans for more than 40 homes.~ , "~" in B ail yd uf f Preshyteîîdn Elsie Spenceér - 63-3259 7-tfCh rb Sam Aunis - 623-7664 The home and property of Jim obison 23-795 4i~ ~., I bas been sald ta a family Mary Smith 786-Z283 - ~ l~i ~ ~fo ~aa roaet Banner Passant -623-3258 î. . 4 nove in Sept. !si, 'Eolly Spencer - 623-7694 '4 " ir / j ' -___ ______________ .S.i"" VIrLONG SAULT ',4i. Mr. and Mis. W. Vaneyk W 1oined fthe family atflic bomne 623-503 ,, 4 kIih~ of Mr. and Mis. John Vancyk Bowmavill - Oler 1Tyr"oncd for a barbecue Satur- gr LF; .ý _ý1Mda'evening. They were pleas- REAL~TA~LI . toîy bick orn wib 4bcd .~ed tf0-have as their guests Mr. îacns, garage and Paved ~ ' :lfil,.~'. aM~V~r~~da . Bowmanville Lovel 4 b~~ e held aithelcC. W, Woodley 234 King St. E., Bowmanville beclroom brick bomne with '2 4 estate Tuesday evenng, Aug, re. oom and lire 8tb at seven p.m. 6i339 place close ta Separt r Mi ndis, W. Vaneyk Bewdley ISebool. Asking $30,500. , weîe Sunday aýffe-rnoon callera iIncome home, rent anc bal ,1Bowmanville - 3 bedrooni wî,.h Mr. and, ti' s îock live in the other. Two year borne on Lake Ontario, Ask- B.'stck aid home on large 'lot. 6'ing $15,500 witb $1.500 down. ~ ~4 ,1f$~r41 ~ /. Mr. and Mrs H. C. McClure, marns, 4-pce. bath, upper floor. Newtonvilie area -older 2 ~ " ' ' ' '141 lirnpoad rJ floor; separate entrances. Out- gn odbssprt i- . '1I ~ ~ 4 ~ C. Cook weîe Thuîsday e 'en- room, 4-iecebath bowr sory 4 basdroor hoe, on a .-. ~ 'iggesao h rî standing buy at $29.500. Own- g ro.Asig 2,00., i, n i . RursofteSil h , eranxious ta seil. Easy' terma.1è sig 2,0 niHMr.RselHy Caîl Roy Foster (Orono) ' id aB. weîe Wednes- 1-983-5801. .Cuntry living -1~storey ..dagusaoMiadMî,G lramle Jbouse with 4be-drooms, . ri d Ka ustso r n rG Kendal Hills alsn bas .rnali barin. Asking .. ..' dMs ai od 2 bedroom cottage, fullY 1$16,900 withfermas. M'r.. ey ad M Ji amersuWod- furnished. Winterized. Large pond witb fountain Ganaras- i Orono - 2 acres, witbharut ~. .. ... ~supper guests of the G. Koaces, ka River flows full width 0fIstream, trees, pond, tes house Mr.andMrs Jon Bke 9. ce fbatflywo-and 3 bedroorn bungalow with enjoyed a holiday at Caps e8 lacr. es otbeatulv oad-attached garage and green- CaDdU.S.A.,, iom Tbursday '$34,000. $10,000 down. Cal Ibouse. Ail for only $34,900. On Tliursday, at MemoriaI Pari,, young maie andth u--wreasiacon ndhe te iteltlSnay Roy Foster (Ooof-8- Bwavle-Gn ulx emale athietes frot the several Bowmanville Play- over and unde.r competîtion. There wcre many other! The Misses irene ai-d Susan 581 centraiîy îocated, live in one gouns ook pain the Recreation Dprietspan- events where the optiinwas close and exciting. e olwodaii Orono Area apaîtmenf and rent the olli- sored "Olympie Day" These two pictures show one of thi aunt, Mr, and Mis. G, er. Only $19,900 - tîy $2,000 - 'Benranfnl Thîce bcdroom bungalow. down. Benr n iy. Eleetrically heatcd. Very neat A ~ Downsview, Wm. Esteibron-k Mi. and Mis, Rye Gihean and dlean, Attaehcd garage. -Ponfypoal aiea - gnad build- - 'U ~ and Fred Rusk, Peterborough, spent a pleasant evenïng reecý Extra large lot, 141V x 243'. ing lot, 100 x 150, asking A P L*'R O V ECornelia Manski af Peter- ently witb Mr. and Mrs. G Lots of fruit and niceiy land- $2,500 with $500 dowîî, horaugb bas been bolidaying Bein and faniîly. scaped. Only $29, 3712 'h jotsevcsf Ebe-I edn rudtrewes nCbugo ,tra, wlth Denise Challice for thel Mi. and Mi's, D.oulel Edwln Jeansls 623-752 he aint e rvie of aispesngaondth ic teresi, nbuga atia. past- week, and family are borne aftef Kendal~jillsMac McDoinald . 63-3911 nezer andMpeGaewl tTesaa îhbsmte. Mi. and Mii 'Roy Topplng,j Harvey and Tom Alkens spending two woiderful weeki 118,1cres acntlad 60 Wrîîf Rawkeî - 1 983-5274 be1 beid In Maple Gînve Mia. Gondmuiphy. Peterborough, were Saturday bave îeturned tram a holiday at the West Coat, acres goad waîkable land. 20 ee MeDonald Helen' cbuîcb on Sunday, Aug, 6t.h, Mi. and Mis. Lawîenccl supper guests with ber par- in the west. They attenrtedI Mis. R. Gison bad a lovely ars25-year-old trees. Re- 1 21911 at 10.30 diii, . Whitec entertained a tew 'of enta, Mi, and Mis. Fred R. teCiayStmee ii..biha uprs stwc foîested, balance mature hard- 1Lloyd Acisn 786-2959 Rememiber the Centennial their frienda last Satuîday Stevens.teClar tmeevstrfawe aysuise ast weeka waad with excellent strearn Ai but - - - 725-03153 services an Sunday, Sept. 17, evening. Mi. and Mis, W. H. Brawn1 ed a ranch in tbe Aiberta i nGvpcaeinom toothilis, had a famuly Te..1Oshawa witb -i lovely dînner and pond site. Very scenie wîth Rev. Stanley Snnowden,i Mi. Sam Snowden, an cm-1 weie guests on Saturday at union wlth cousins at Bîan-land spent flie day, with the -Outstanding buy at $40,000. guest speaker. On Sunday, ployee af Mi. IRobert Flett,i the Powlenzuk-Kinnear 'ed-1 don enjayed a tîip ta the.Giibsons. Terres. Cal Roy 'FosterS1 1m (Orono) 1-983-5801.Sp 241h, Bey. W. Oake, cf Columbus, left an Monday iding ln Salvation Arn'y in Pea'ce Gardens in southerni Mr. and M s Wi' Cari anr 117Acrs -GraelSteam Sck fte~ÂIe~ Trnmty United Chureh, gucaticomipany with a truck driver Oshawa. Sask., and ta Minton, Mrifamuily, ot, Newtonville, wce 11 Are ýGavlStem peke. Mor e paîticulass t'a Red Deer, Aberta, tal Mr. and Mis. Ted White Aikcn's biîtbpiace. jSunday alternoon vi itors and Near Mospoît. Sieam arîg LMIP iatrpick up somne cattle for Mr. and family were Sunday sup- Congratulations ta Mi. a Mi and Mia Wm M Yartie inates an prapeity. Ideal for: REALTURS Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Swallow ýFîcît, 1wbich- he bad purchas- per guests with bis sister and Mis. Everett MitchellofBa-wi Sundav evenîng vîsitcra washing. $125,000., Terres. Bowmanville 623-4403 weîe callers on Sunday an cd. ibusband, Mi. and Mia. Arthur lydutf who quietly celebrated Or the Rye Gibsan8s 281 Ace, tem sister-in-law Mis. Elaine, Ash- 1Mi. and Mis. Aý J. Camp-1 Burgess, Ebenezer. Miss Nan- their 5th wedding anniver- N9ewcrstle, trame otag.$4,000.00 Down Iton, sister Mis. Amy Niddeiy.'1 bell and foui of their grand- c y White spent a few days sary iecently. A speedy get-ý Rent a Car for Newca7stle, bonemoncottcge. Scarboraugb, sister Mis. Irenel eildien tram Bowmanville! witb bier friend, Miss Wendy well aiso te Mi. Mitchell who A DAY Ot WEEKEND Benutiful retreat praperty, yet 7land cloe andowncoenof Densem. Tbey aise called at1 enjayed the Highland Gantesl May, Orono.___laaptetiOswaGn- skfr'a-I ing $32500. Ternis.manville, scenic, secluded for nEa General Hospital, Ti-ea optl 50 Acres, Pend, Trees beautiful mature, trees, law called on Mr. and Mis. Frank ~ O N T Y P O O LJ~n anl aertieiClYLRDfGEL» Mi. Tm VaCamp 0d t -LMJrMi.and Mis. haedy ur ' h, CER-ODGEL' Pond 150' x 450' tedl by nat- price ta meli, Caîl. Cruicksbank, Ajax. r-1fo a week's vacatioîn in 623-2586 1ia arins Unfinriesbe35 bousCnta end Mi. Roger Marvin, E - ~aa ave moved into theithe locals wat.h Hyland pitch- vna nterasneM 10arssrweris 5ars 6 yeaî-old 3-bedroom brick mouton, Alberta, spent thdllageb flichehome awned ci and G. VanDam r i and i. I Deavi stce r woîkablc land. Lacated near tevlag loiceiving.: n r.Dvd uc okdiRESULTS C U T Haydon. Asak i ng $35,000. bungalow, country-style kitcb- weekend witb the formei'sby Herli. Curtis. We welcomne They play again in Pontypoollaftei the store. boe~C U T $10,000 down. en, capait with paved drive, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samn tbem intoaur eammunity. nWdcdyadSna' ucnFweafre Immaulat conitin. Axîou Vanamp Bas Lan. Mm su MisPsu1Steringgame wiil be played in Miii- resident of thec Balyufdi- '35 Acres - Kenal Huis ta sdiMi. and Mis. Len Good-l and family, London, aie on! ro.OiMdcsfnseiflt asdaa tlel Terifievie 7 aar bone25 Aresmurphy and daugbte's e-Ivacation and bave been visif- ini second place and neet' eaîly Fîiday maîning. In bis aeeently renovatcd. Bain 30x OnySrfe ta saa urned borne lasIt Friday afferý ing witb ber family, Mis.ý Fraserville on Tuesdayi and younger days, Duncan had 50. $42,500. Ternis. appmax. 900fi. cleared, fthc Mary Brown, Ilazel and Eve- Friday nlghts of Ibis week. wnîked for 'the ]ate J. C 75 Acre Morse Farm balance in trees, juat 1 mile T PT'f lyn. !Our undefeated Pce Wees Clark and Jlm Boggs. Hfe had MULTIPLE LISTINE SERVIE Bowmanvillc. Large îîew 'soulli of Taunton Rd. Al aur local hall tearns areimeet Cavan. The ladies' and lived la Britishi Columbia and home.-Thi-e--Ad . frontag-s - y, -an,-this - ek. Ouivmf n payed Yelvet-n1this1w-k- pastle and-iswA e _ba----

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