evening Mr. andl M si BOwersi weespper guests0 c n sn m anid Mrs. Zack Adams, Bow-! On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. G.Bowers, accompanied by M/r. and Mrs. Z. Adamsat Y: W ~~ ~edding e -hgin Newmarket., Mr.ndd te rd KeLeGras IOrono, visited Sunday even- Iing with Mr, and Mrs. Bow- *Mr. and Mrs. Weylie Mc- Keown, Caledon East, spent Tuesday and Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip. -Mrs, Percy MeMahon, Miss CRS JLES sentations prior to bier we- Evelyn Culley- and Miss Pa- Weaingberlom ing h dig.tricia Bruce, California, were lopging ta twoo griat-grar- A teacher ot Home ECOflO ,Thursday evening di nn e! oÎthe, LyndaLeetgad excaped ariag ~ mies, the bride is on th(, staiff ýguests, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin, of W J. Fenton Vocaitiona)l'Bruce and Miss Marjorie July 1Mb wlthnarater os crSecondary School In Brampo- lBruce, Port Perry, visited. on, Bey, Charles Catto officiated ton. The groom is a chemJ(cal Sunday evening. atth 7p.. ermoy n ngineer employed by thel Softbali Resuits 1' Emmatel Cp.m e U nivrsty'l'cote Co. in Rexdale. On Sunday, July 30, Scugog Toruanto. pe,'Jnv-,rIyvs. Nestieton playe ran exct- of Trno ing game at Mvalcolm Me-1 Tie bride îs the eldüsti P~TPfN modial Park, This eute n, dýaujghter of. Mr., nd Mrs.1 NE T ET N a win for NestietL(on. re Benýson KilJens, King St, ton vs. Lasco Steel played atd iamipton. The brirlegroom i" Mrs, Dorothy Chapman, JefU Witby with Lasco taking tbe àý son af Mr, and Mrs. Michael and Lisa, accompanied by ber gamne. These were final games Graýss, /1.29 Chisholm Ave., nephew, iDale Williams, Te- of the regular schedule of Toronto. turned ta their home in North Lake Scugog Softball League,. Givn n ariag b lerBay on Tbursday. The final standing is Lasco fatheithe bri vare a A correction, please 1 MIS. ist, Nestleton 2rd, Burketon Q slevedorgozagow f~ll-Sid Lockyer bas been con- 3rd and Scugog 41h. tm-valescing at the home of lier Playoffs wili commence on med witlo dainty shirred lace daugbter and son-in-law, *Mr. Sunday, August 13 at 6 p.m.. y. at the scoaped neckline, cuffa, and Mrs. Alan Wilson. Lasca vs. Burketon, Nestleton and edging the sa sh which Guests during the wek with vs. Scugug. feil fram a large bowetth Mrs. Ed. Lawson, andý Mr. Tbere is a basebail tourna- empire waist ta wide flooru- Bruce, Lawson were Mr. and 'ment in Lindsay, August 6 andj lengtb panels, Her headpiece Mrs. Bill Wannan, Orono; 7,ta wbicb Nestieton -bas heen wvas a tiny cap of sbirred lace Miss Evelyn Culley. Mrs. invited. There will be 'four iDavid Crabtree, reprcsenting th' o no and velvet ribbons. She ciar- Percv McMahon, Toronta; Miss tearns fram Lindsay, are eacva lb ititE~hpeeï %'" ried a cascade bouquet of red Patricia Bruce, Long Beach, from Fenelon Falls,- London, lb nDsrc tpeet roses, white carnations, but- California; Miss Lillian Law- Becir and Nestietor. of The HosDital, for Sick Childreni'r [Çnr- js ton 'mumis and ferr. son, Lindsay and Mrs. Fred Nestietons first game will represents the Kirismen arnual contriburt'i o' Mrs. Steven Tlpold of Agin-IBradburn, Janetville.. be Surday, August 6th aI to better mnethods of trealmerit develooed at f cor.sstrmlw fteMrs*. Richard Davisor vislt- ic.m corta, wstrn of btno" cd with bier daugbter and p Bridai sbowmer clinies, the life span of cystic fibrosi"c ],'o ias Trooe bridesmaids weoe ois ,son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. CarlDitctE anhe Mrilyn Kill- en Lom- iotsesdl, nFia.Mrs. Neta Holland was hast- DsritEght Kinsmen raised $2,OOt cQ.tc "r, tn, aiy siser a tebies e gadagtr KmFi sn Saturday evening for a ettodat eredresedalike etrtunedauhoe wlh erbridai shower in boror of Miss atnat eedesdaieafter a 13îeasant vacation with Donna Edgerton, R.N'. Mrs. S n~ n r~ In gawns of black and white bier grandparents. G. Ayr assisted the bride-elect prirted fortrel cater, de-Mc. and Mrs. Alvin Bruce, w, e iî r isDen-i signed the samne as the brîde's PortPey, ee Tusa ise Edgerton fasbioned the. except wîtb puffed sleeves. e.vening visitors with Mr. and natradtion lioered at. Don- Tbcy wore white picture bats M s. Lorre McKee. nla eress e e"bnk yen" trîmmed with bright pinrklA number of Nestieton folk i e eicoe od velvet ribbon, and carried attended the bridai showers to oandr a oflashnpotoiwsrtaen colonial nasegays of carra- honor Miss Nancy Moore infbrmdlln e el tions, pink and 'munis. ýYelvertor Church Hall oraqienba-er The bridegroom was at- Thursday evoning, On Satur- For the pragram Miss Marie tended by is brother, Steven day evening they attended the Hitby-redlHow Do ikeLove'" !liipold, of Agincourt, as best bridai shoxver to bonor Miss Him? - swelt ie Thi Ms". th noeCnei wr o yMs nian, Ushers were friends of Donna Edgertan at teh Jacobs, Mrs. L. Wright and. the groom, Bill Webber and cf Mr. Graham Fisk. Linday awrncebot ofMi'.andMrs Vicor al-Mrs. Arthur' Hylard. LinsayLawene, othof r.andMrýwictr al-, Followirg these braîn-twist- Toronto. scolnvisited wing cirtests Mrs. HolIýndand A receptian was held ah Mr. George Kerr, Yelverton, ber antsstats sr pnh Prince Artbur Bouse, 77 Low- on Saturday evening. On Sun- tea orscisfaetsassred snd-, ther Ave., Toranto, where the day afternoon Mr. and Mrs. wiacanddait assteres.n- bride'-, mother received in a Harvey Malcolm, Mona ard chsaddinyptee. formai dress of peppermiint Marti, Yelverton, visited the Pe teiuChui'cliNew s ' pînk polyester satin. The Victor Malcolms. Or Frlday evening, July 2.5 grom'sniahe asistd i aMr. ard Mrs. Deug Falls the congregatian of Nestieton' floralp int jer sy gow n hea d oyBowmanville, visit- Preshyterian Church gather- I wjore eampesentigorsagTeyldSun day with Mr. and Mrs. ed in the Sunday Scbool Boom! of roses and carnations. Wîlamse10wlomrecIetudent min- Durngtie vein tejMVr. and Mrs. Austin Mabee, itrworcrl oe into Durng he venng heCarl ard'.Karen of Windsor, tbe maâse. Mr. and Mrs. bride presented bier bouquet spent Monday te Wednesday Theija Tbeîjsmeyer and son t0 ber mother in honor of the with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Tbeijs of Hamilton are now 25tb wedding anniversary of1 Rorer. getting acquainted witb the ber parents the following day'. Mc. and Mrs. Fred Dayes membera 'and frjends i this For a honeymoor in Mos- accompaniedý by Mr. and Mrs. charge. A first yearcas koka, thie bride lefI wearing Malcolm Elford, of Prince student of Knax College, To- awhite 110cr part suit wîth Alet teded tbe wedding renté, MVr. Tbeijsmneyer will r~ay acesoris ad a cor-lof bier nephcw, Mc. Rowan continue with bis second year sage ofredrose and whiite lford and Miss Patricia Lewis studies in thre Eau, and preacir cantinah Grace Chîîrch, Newmarket at Nestieton and Sonya T1re1 cuple re rsidng Ue Saturday aI il a.m. and Churches.' Visitors at the '70Stele AeE., . 6"4, the 'wedding reception in the manse, for weekerd,'Mr. and m rap n.church paclours. Later, they Mrs. David Adams and Kathl- TUire bride was henored ah were entertained ah the Lewis erine, Hamilton, also were uerushowers and pre- home. Bo-n an bas graduated presenit. from Toronto Bible College The program was in charge Ren a ar er and le and bis wife will ire af Mr. Richard Davisen and going as missionaries ta theic e eaig i M _V IXA OR WEEKFND 'Yukon. Charles Smith,, Mrs, Geo. Heas- IAsl kMfr Bae .. Mr. and- Mrs, Bert Mellow lip, Mrs. R. Davison and IVrs. Iof London, England; Mr. and Stan McNeeley., Music w las j COUNTY Mrs. Rosa Adams and Tracy, provided by Misses Peggy and C1 YSLERDODGxE LTD. Oshaw'a, were Tuesday suipper Alison Scott wbo eacir san 623-2586 guests with Mc. and Mrs. a rumber, and a sing-song ___________________George B(,wers. On Friday led by, Mrs. Gor don Gihison- was enîoyed by ail, witb Mrs. B. Lee accompanying. THATHWOR THETREA surprise presentatior of THATCHWORKTHEATRE ý a pantry sbawer was receiv-jý:,ýý prescrits cd 'th tiranks by the young iradMc- , t NaH cuple During tbe serving of tire lunch lVrs. Theijsmeyec' JA THE1-ATRE G1L E played a piano solo wbich add- Klngdoiii Hall oJOLI 0 1."D'ac '~y AUGUST 9, 1l, 12 -EVENMNGS tb . Bus T~rip enhanced îvith iovrely foa h sn o k "'y Adifits $2.1 Suens .5Q Prcmptly at 8:30 a. on arrang..men' ot -n ied suni-lPa À '.'he\î" 11F ~ kULIPF Wednesday, July 26, thie mec blooi' te'Mi-hr's- A cc'u. T nc LITTLE ~ ~ ~~~ Nestletor Women's Insitute tira Lochla Tidd î aualrrth ir"rhr Cý<x sponsored bus trip left the of Mr". an-Mirs. , r '- Pran-iixm4r xh . A Clrr10 -MATINEE A& E-ýVENING vlaebsdepot. WiIir a fulcRiddl, of l1enoaýdve tr.'ýb AUGUSTquota of 40 (ladies and es- Mc. Richard Bearn MacDoniald AUGUST 12 - MATINEE cents) Mr. Oliver Robrer was soi of mc, ,andi Mis. Arhluiî: Aduit $2.10 Stuents 1,50 ire capable Idriver of the Mac'Doniald îCoirtic, c--, Childre$2.0.75 (unde$1.50) Robrer -Derreli bus. Icbangeadn, ria'ycvavrac Chilren-75 (nder12)Tire merning was spent ah Sahurdai .lternaon, Joly Black Creek Pioncer Village. 1972, et 30'ioolk Newcastle Communîty ÎHall Points of interest were Daniel, Stong Grain Barn, 1825. wbere 1Barolther Bahdg oftuici,, cu Evenings 8:30 p.m. Matînees 2.00 p.n. îan original Conestoga wagon sdtr clirnui ' la stored; a Fine Bouse ta playcii i' v Mis Mïart ',o Far Informanftion eau 987.-547 shet-rpum -ardfir-__ rtVerwey. t- /'?,OOO lacc 1cr r - corsage 'ru a5iTic C anaran Saemn Bowmanville, Aug. 2, 1972 Asticcouplc e fon lh"ir vec ud'g pi ta I'ortlîcnii Outanifi couple iras weai'-8 ET HAN& ,Y ipg m"al, et-wak esembl"sý Sioccue sympathy us ex- tire cottage on Lake Suo of whit 'i. k, bic" flowar- teirdec te 'tire family of 'tire wicb la owned by M.Sîh cIïirt !hI.ed nav 'sî r M laie'.Mr. Duncaýn Fowier wbo Mn. and Mrs.- Smithr wene p e- andi Min'.-,, "Dceld anc e-,,i idia-~ ' t-passedl awav b indasyY Rsa scoted witb a portable brelle" Welîgon IWlemorial Hospitali on Frid-ay,e v e n Approximfately 3 Apt., Bun-o'îlJ i uly 28th. guesta attended frein tire foi- A 'cct'uc, bcli i ne Mrnaîd Mr,,; Ray Ponheous lawing areas: Peterborough, censi ee i nn i e t rdfemuly spent tire past ïclVerton, Ihoronto, Bethany, Hampteeon tt'PblcSchi)01 wcek vacst'ienîg ah a cottage Oshiawa, and Whutby. and C r i e Seodcon akScog Mn. and Mrs,GerePu Sehoo. 'lh gm-si wo H lîcu tacee that Mr.Crlteof Oshawâ visiteul w'tli 'rueploen t he GaodÎY car Pocleous la up and arourd t Mc. andl Mrs, Allan Smithr and 117( Tir Pu nb u oinpany, pah- aaa îljj fes a week In bcdIgranuldaugirter 'r'ri1na a sat tendeni ion St.En.Public-'with pirlebitis. week. Scircel ccieuraColegiate Congratulations te rnewly- Insittc s héhwa weds Mr, and Mca. Jim Begga, I ~,.---~,tber ~differeoce het.weeir to Utnifed thurch -on JilyîShe's Zio (TojlT h 2nd. Miss Deirbie Porteous "S ' ookînge cýi us about OWfllp anywastir flwer20 years ard 40 pOurds.- A i t~ sin ire ark girl faon theýin weddirg. jA surprise party was hIrcdt Visit the Ccnî "utictaoste M. In ln oor of Mr. and Mr..Cr le .lîîe. PI 'whereair miliron tîir ~3th wedding cd hs BO ciitnuiy Thn.sdy, ei'iversacy on Juy2hai Jolyol, l'h Gui $uuudcv Jly "sl, lhciJh ortfcwe days Memorial lit rint C J i"e Par. Paît tÀI1por irot c~lunIi uîaclunh lintis-.2 maile, 1 femahe Lateat Cu1 tting Techniques ---------- lrzh hitI ishures6 PHtONE 623-5455 "p seilu.Sn hosirws -egnc1 retens35 owmanville shr niogr s dlui nc eid pro-Viiugher3-p..dîyt grau utu i c'as plarneci. cand ,53 otl'er Mrc n d 'n.Elswccth Cas-i C 'oz'ei, Cîniel neil bcd tîrcîî' ul'u"hecCanal n'u~i "l' nouy Otarir 'ltis,i theni 'ecent- !/Dr liEt1 Ci! T an 'lic Lea n "'hgtce seotry 'bM:Lco Tit.e nhaukssIynI _urth .Amc,ýricau e'cnccsI wekv'i t~~~ 1ut'2,oas.io tiuid 7Dshcî,a The newlyweda were honeymooning ini Florida. As theY c ~~. ~ti 97-72 V ute")g Nornicoý Ger' walked arm in arm along tir che Loke ot owr cru ln't Sondays-,oce i. and thre sca and said eloquently: "Roll on, thon deep and dark Mcii's.iic]t- Ms dnandmiMca. Mue oceanroll-" Iii cliJeci Welliiogton. Mca. shi ride gazed ah tthe breakera for a momient, thein ln Bý. t" il, b" eran5, r"irauoru te hushed and reverent toies said, "Oh0l, Hermine, 'on woaiderl'ul sped l -kCImia. EtS doing i, j M. rcd Ir. Cai lit Baby apemîr Sco -y Pce Lake CLOTHES CARE HINT: W'itIi iiis. aR' brothur and Pre'veùt contagion - germa cannotlilve it fre511h lr-,ianed spuoi of t'r ,, woco tece clothisîg . .. have yonr garments eleaned regnlari, j lir, HarPenn ,t, Stirling, Make p'lans Now for speiit 'unda iitbrelatives at iet bce" BFih. BOWMANVILLE LIONS CLUB CARNIVAL Mc. - 'nd Mi's Johin Meotil- i.Ey-eaid .sons, Belleville, wocc Saturday, Augnst l9th - Memorial, Park rec tt 0sttuns cf Mn. and Mca. Have you got your ticket on the Hawaii Vacation? rrnM'C C.V'nii SALEM "C", 'nu Mca. -' ccciiShack- lren -pent r' rveek's holiday 'theîi,17-flo-on cnd fJeor- dai;. n d -J s.Stcuu da ,'s, i( honto, sc t-eS uuudaysi i wtr'Mn.irdMc.Farewclll. BIacelborý. V nIs. Adams ne- rnm i îri'trisweek. i M',a rs. Douglas Kemp ee ' eht he Longlild- G ' ani a- t Veivertonl aIle lsh nde tcP orftheca s il tfr d IVIIs. guedt uto iran,-, w 'e lI-s Tonile.,-a lal Ise, Pgr, erdTot'î. Ms. 1- nd 'Cc, . 'Twistre I cenlv hý i'"uYr Cruijah j ti homeClubt coîcçhu ýet t.hî t Ms'et. fl"iver and Gn! [Mi'r K' y Ti' ad i ,-)oe te. -i.ci lc. .T it. ia Bol ho' r lig otwose'it meel s , nget.dk 1lda-' Fra u bihm Icg Mr Mv cL.u BOWMANVU LLE- CLEANERS LTDC ~-imiis84 KING ST. W. 2~O cHINESE ;and CANAIMAN FOOD lOVoOff pick-up Orders FREE ýHOME DELIVERY (minimum 3t) Phonie-623-3703 50 I(ING SEt . - 'BOWMANVILLM BUSINESS HOUTRS: 110 A.M. io 10 P.M. DAILY FRIDAY and SATURDAY 10 A.M. to 1 A.M.- THES AM MANY OTHER BARGAINS I-al IFair of 0 'ui ARE FEATUREJ» IN OUR Y u hie ~EO ummer~ ieaance Salecf jM. an~d Mca Kenr \ichorî Summe Cle rance SaleBelaw are dates ofFaihtard fanîîly, 7Ziajir. y'tcd Mo-r Pairs in tawns and villages day wt i.ndM.,A. C * BAE» N 1IR.S COE -reacirable by people from hua Stphensoîr anid f,ily FIS EVD area. Mc. Lance Plin, Ore ne, J"IRSTSERVE» Peterborougir Auguat l15-20 callec Ti iiCheste'rHskY * FIRST Fenelon Falls Auguat 19 ims Mr. caul lra, r, irocain,' FETQUALITYý MERCHANDISE ONLI Apsley August 22, 23 famiî' and neighbors duIrr Blackstack ArguaI 25, 26 tire xveok. Minden Augus t 25, 26 Cogautin ic Kinymount- Sept. 1, 2, 3 enrtatn ,d Si Sp.4beat w!shcsblii 'dMc to tOraine Sept, 7. 8, 9 Aly an tUrcOhwa eri Count roa lo-miine ad >Sept, 12, i3 Miss dcJEvsc ar " Beaverton Sept. 14, 15, w1c6ocrodIhloR rL1kefield Sept. 15, 16 ao ceceJl 2 Li.port Hope Sep. 5, 16,' 17 Mu andMc.C ooe Bamonia September 2-3 Orone, w 'rociaspe 1742 Brock St,- South of 401 Linrdsay Sept. 19-24 gueshats V a of c'aiM OakWood Sp.2,2 r e ilt-gcie'ul bc 668-8895Bobcaygeon Septi, !ý 30) mîsfot-uoc br vthsa Naorwood Octoben ,60, 9 z2ult cf a tvî.Icu,- i.