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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Aug 1972, p. 4

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4 The Canaclian Sfatesnan, wtni1,Augý 2, 1972 Edîtor's Humor Feeble R. R. 3, Bowmanville, .na letter in your edition of July 26, a Mrs. Karen' Tord iff states that a dentist iin Bowmanville refused to treat her husbandi because of the length of h#s hair. if true, t-his statement is rather serious, Your readers wcïuld have. gain- ed more 'benefit if you, had inquired into, both sides of this miatter instead of using it for a feeble, inept attemrpt at humour. Youirs Trufly, Peter T. Sobil Writer Questions Professional Status Apt. 1, 251 Liberty St. N, Bowmanville, Ont.- July 28, 1972. IDear Mr. James,. r'd like to comment uposi Karen, îTordiff's letter. M1Jy understanding of ;the meaning of the word professional i:îz t'hat a person claiming that-status r, o,' lo allow his personal beliefs to sepraten hirn from his duties. If he is deserving o)f the label, professional,, he rrenders a specifie service regardless of hispersonal opinions, WJii t respec 't the editor's note, I ;'donr't know iJf lit s mneant tb be-taken ueriouisly or as a sarcastic wîtticism. If it is the forr,i ,1am very disappoînted with MVr. James' attitude. However, 1 suppose the editor's viewpoint does bave sorne mernt. If, doctors, lawyers and other professionals withheld their services according to their personal whims, then,.ail those long-haired, lef t-. winged hippies would be eradicated from our Christian society in a very short time. They would be either dead or in jail forý the lack of a doctor's car* or a lawyer'sl services. Luckily, how.- ever, many of our professionalg ap-. proach their work from a more bumani.. tarian position. Ted Wiggans. 1Dear Sir: Whil1e 1 was visiting rny nephew Donalîd Tordiff, he had to go to the dientist, a Dr. Blair in Bowmenvîlle and .1 was absolutely shocked when he came back and told me that Dr,. Blair stated he did not cater to people ike him and he wcould sh)ow hîm thc door.,-Therea-. sn ei ng mnephew bas long bain and a bad fs this ýnot disc-riminatýîinMrTor- diff is a ý verv fhard working citizen and a Caada , He hashis home, car, wife and riugitrisvey ean and con- zider, his feh1low moen. If he had been O0 a nert bauifl uesday mo,-ring anfter a deigtful weckend, thýîýe fI ltte r witers ;above ;arc appan- ently disaippoinîed because bbc Editot idin't leap b the defence of ail1 long- haRircd, beeýrded youý,ng men , . , eapec-. îallythe onne wbo h ba haadistunbing encouniiier -wi-tb a fortbnigbb dcntisb who refused him service. Frankly, we find lb ~moFt difficuit to become aroused ovér the incident, This 4pirlicufler dentist is a Yuan wîth definite opinions on mnany things. Hfe oiusybs a bangu.p concerning men wbo grow tileir' bair longer týhan mrosit and edorn their chins wibb beards. Hesnot alone in that regard. We eel he., iasnherror wben be prejudged Mn, Tordîff by is appearance and definitei ,wrong ýwbeni, after acceping an ap- poiînten, e then burned hlm away. WVe are fot feiiar witb tbe dentisîs' Code ofrtbc so we dlon't knowe if be proessonaly as or bas Dot an oblige- tîon to provide servce wbere it a need-. cd. If lu- has, it is uLp tb the IDental Asso- ciatio(n ta discipline hlm. On bbc other hanrd, Hiýis an unortu- ý-atP fart of lifP tha;t people îare.con-. demncd n ulitc hy associatiOn. Senator Thomas Eagleton, bbcevice- pre7jidential running mte or Seniator GeorgeMGvr in the USA found ùhet out Mondia, when he was asked anything but Canadien there would have been agreet to do, but because he is a Canadien nothing is done. I wonder if Pierre Trudeau hed been sittinig in the same chair if the reply would have been the same? If this isnfot printed in your paper, Ishall take rmatters to a higher level. Tt is time Caniadians were given a lîttie )more consideration and for Dr. Blair's information 1 bave~ had more long haired people show me kinidness% andî consideration that nv yown geniera- tiôn. Thank you, tr witbidraw from bbc r;rce bcause lie hiad taken treatment for mental ilines many years ago,-. -lb was Èelt thal the vfotera wouild not sulppor-t a man wîtb sutch a backgr-ound for this important post. ýHîs past associajýtion with mental lneacondemned him altbouLgb be now is probebly as s -ane as anyoae. lbis- much the samne \ith long bain and beards. A greet many older people look uipon themn as trademarks, identi-. fying bbc wearer witb hippies, black jacketed motoncycle gangs, .protest marche, campus iols and burncd uni-. versiby buildings, immoral sex orgies, defiance of the law, drug and alcohol abuse, ffltby comrmunes, anercby, rock festivals aând 50 on. This image bas been bulit upO over blie years until it bas lef t an indelible and distasteful residuel impression thet fa almort impossible to crase. We bav-e no idea wby Mr. Tordiff wvears bi- hair so much longer than is generally acceptable and we don't cane. If he~ feels lb inakes hlm more comfort-. able, more attractive, more distinguisb- ed or even if be is pnoiesing sometbing that'sý fine with uis. Bt, so long as it is thapt weyýN, be must realize that his ap- pearence wilI 'be objectionable bo others. If be is wiling ino bakè thiat isk, it's up o 'him. So fan as we are concerncd. flip entine inciïoent wa rgrettable, caused rnainlY by the personalities involved, Ed ucation Directors Don't Corne Cheap Smalwonder la ilt hat bbc prov-. vccsnew integraîed -,chool boards are so reluctant to release information onýr thefir sala ry sCale for top admini stra- torsand thernon-elccted officiai. Admiistatos soul bewell paid. Tbcy bave ai difficult and complex job: ytmnytapys react unfavonably wh býbcý;y herow tmuch Ibes,-e offic-. lalsactallygel Wbcheror rnot their gnpe re Justificd, suich information -erteiïnl.y doesn't make for pleasant sumrreeding for those already alarmcýd about bbc soaring cost, of edu-. T'he Nortbumberland and Durham CoUnty Board of Educabion - after nuicbprodding, and several private lieetings - reccntly decided bo divulgt' uvch Iinformation et a press conference. It wa. noteworthy occasion for those wbo eek bard stebistica in this spcifit spceand revealed that: -The board's six top administr- tos iI receive sýalaries in 1972-71; ltlng$167,000; tbabtrtotal becomes $S,"67,l160 wben bbc wages of othen non-. ,te-acbîng supervisory administrative 'Staff îla addcd; - W, Frank Thom,.doîrecton of cda-. ealion and the bighest paid man in the sysbem, wlll receive $33,900 per yeer Ibis nepresents an annuel increese of 4.5 per cent forhlmsince be took over'in- 1969. Boar'd policy stabes that thbc dîrec- ton of education la paid 40 pe r cent higher than the highest principal ii bbc syastem. Wben the bigbesl peid -ainci- pal receives a pay hike (thnough con-. tract negotiebions) bbc director auto-. ma tically gets one also bo keep bîm in lb. approved wage-brackeb. Remember Ibis! The Norîbumber-. landi-Durbam Counîy Board je only a $22-nillion per yeen oýperation (with 25,000 pupilS) as compered witb lbe Ontario County Board of Education wvith a 1972-73 budget of $44,961,900 (wvibh 48,000 ,pupils) - For bbc sake of tbc record: - Kennetb Munroc, director of Educalion ia Ontari counby, receives $32,000 urrcnly anid Edwvard Finan, s4uperinlendent of lEduicalion for- the Ontario Couty Separate School Board, $26,000; -Oshawa Times Durham County'e Great Famlly Jeurnci àUa Esajs, 189yes agao in 1854 AloInorporabîng The BwavleNews The NwateIndependent . TIma %fOJfÇ n WR Phocne- JOHNV M. JAMES~ EaxTOaZ-PULISMMe Se&cond clame mail reqistrahton aumber 1561 Produced exvery Wednesday by TI-iE IAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED 62 -66 King, St. W., Bowmaivvlle, Ontarlo 9 GEO. P. MORRIS PATRJCK: GOULD jf t Bustr;Ess MGa, SALES MANAGER pihono 623-3303 DONtALID BISHOP PLANT MGR. "Coyrght oijd/coe property riqbis subsist lnth* ii mage a saaunqontit Prout. Perzmissîoiite rePOrduce ln We haori Part and i ny foui wholtsoevex, pautiularly by photographie or Offset pracos i a publicextion.n,must h. obtaîned Irom the publisher and the, printer. Any unauthorized reproduction wtt] b. subject te recours, i lai.*" $ a yeal -6 nmonths $4.00 $8.00 a Year in the United States atrictly iadvartce Athui, ery pecaution ii lt . h tIcel ta iiwid errer 2nh. Caiadiart Stattusàîm a cepko advertbe- mg îa ii i colwnns on the. underatauni- tai i. wîI net b4, tub!, for any errer înany adverisement p:,bibrtnd hred,r unlexe a prgoof 4u&sorti adertisat i req uested îiii wriht.agby the advertiser te ro~rndbThe Caiiadtoa Sttesmran business office oiuiy sigïned iy te advrtiser n=d with suck Drr n * ;ýton» palt bled us wrtig therean, and hi liii cee UCm eer En ee oted te net l'- Tred he TCmtidicn Stnfeamn !th i lîltr %hall not ,XcesaBuck Cr Parlica ettfé eti e te st cf en<~ti ais cmns e f & perceo ecuid br hevtii, n fr rr beaui te the, wiiel.e ar" eacuvie ;hy iek .tîms. MacOuff Report Dree Gets - D"%r ubbing Whether orflot ibae1De- partment of Regional Econ- omie Expansion is creating inew jobs by su bsidizing naw f actories ln the industrially poon sections of Canada, or iii merely cxporting jobs fromn one place to another lias' been. questioned for sometime by members of the Opposition parties. Now the attack la turning to the question of federal f unds making il, possible for ex- pansion of industries in other countries, DREE was not onie of tbb issues listed by Prime Min- ister Trudeau when lie spec- ulated upon the coming gen- eral eleclion during bis lest formai. press conference. But il migbt well be added to bhem. Two cases in point have been raised since parliament recessed for the summer inonîba. A separete issue re- lated bo DREE bas been raised over a suggestion hy Jean Marchand, the minister in charge, that a govera- ment-owned manufacturing firm be slarted in tbe Hall- fax-Dartmouth area. Mr. Marchand made bis observation only a f ew days in advance of an announica- ment that tbe government' bas acquined a substanîsial majority of tbc ahanes ýof Radio Engineering rduî which has plants ini Camp- belîton, NB, and Monîreal. They weme acquired in set- tlement ofa tex debt. Acceptance of the ahanes of a pivale company in payment of a tex dehi hs something -new in govera- ment operalions. It is more usuel tb seize and seli physi- cal assets if such a course is necessery. Prime Minister Trudeau cdaims Do new policy is in~- volved bibiths malter, thai the ,governmenb book the shares in ýexchange for debi rallier than seize tbe physi- cal assets in order to keap bbc company in-business and have jobs, associated with it. The government consid- ers ils aci a short terni meesure and wtll1 offer the ahanes for resale when the company is in a more stable financial position. Acquisition of Radio En- gineering xnay mot have been Mr. Marchand's plan in op- eration, but the affect is the samle. Mr. Marchand'à problein as lie outlined it la that factor- lee established ,wilh govern- ment incentives are usuelly extensions.or subsidiaries of langer firmi with headquert.. ers in the better industrializ- areas. Profita are witbdrawn fnom the branches for the benefit of the home offices and there la no incneased aid to the communilies wbich need it. H-e speculates thel a govarnment-owned firm csteblisbed in a region of aconomie dîspenity would use its profits 10 expand there. The proposal bas been atacked by James McGretb, a Ncwfoundlend Progressive Consarvabiva MP wbo says direct compttion witb pri- vate enterpnisa sbsould be entertained only as a lest resort. Failure of the incan- tives progmam lainbis view la tlhc nasuit of the passive mile pleyed by DREE. Il waîts until applicants come 10 it for assistance rather than go oui looking for pros- pects. He says also that DREE la dilutirng bbc affect of its program by spreading incenlive funds acmoss the area whereas il sbould con- centrale is efforts in poten- tial gnowth centres. Ed. Bnoadbenl, NDP nmm- ber for Oshawa - Whitby bas an entirely diffeirant complainti and ha bases il on tha expansion plans of Mici-. dmi Tires M ýanufacturing Co. of Cmaada and of McCain Fooda , Lbd, of New Bruns- wick. Michelin bas announced plans to build in bbc United States in order 10 sel la tht market. McCain says il plans t0 build ln Great Britain, Australieaod the United States beause il is no long- er aconomical 10 exportis produets fmom Canada. Both compenies have had the support of DREE. Ac- cording 10 Mr. Broadbent, Michelio, a France basad fin, bas received $158 mil- lion in fedenal grents t'O aid in building ils plants in Nova Scolie. The finit grant of $8.1 million wes given witb the understandîng Michelin would axpont 85 par cent of ils production tri the US. The second grant, $7.7 million was made with the dlean understendïng Michelin would abandon an alternative plan of building in the US. The idea, says Mn. Bnoad- bent wes to masure thai Michelin did nol take estali- lisbed cdomestic markets awey from factonies in Ont- anlo and Quebec. If il' do"i build in tbe US. and floods ,tbe Canaainmarket witb ils Nova Scotian producis the upahot would be that jobs would be exported from one province to another raiber than create new jobs, Michelin faces problama wiftbrespect tri exponi 10 the U.S. That country la now in- quiring whether or not sub- sîdies sucb as il received fmom DREE rasultinl unfeur competition and should be subjec cclIcdumping dutias. Micbelîn's plans -to build la the US. wene' disclosed ai that inquiry. MeCain Foods la said to have received $8.1 million from, the governmeat 10 ex- pend ils plants in New Brunswick, the main goal of whicb wes 10 exploit for- eign markets for processcd NB. potetries. "Obviously federal grats la the McCain case are be- ing used tri provide capital for expansion abroad rather than 10 provide more jobs la Canada" asays Mm. Broad- lient, Such stuf! la great For Ibe hustiags in an clection cerin- paign. Il will lie intenesting bo listea b DREE's answers. Inthe Editor's Mail July 11, 1972 Dear FEditon: With aR lim-itedamuto cecreatio-n available for, both Bownmanville and Demlinig- ioni, I think il would heaa good idea if the two were gmouped together. Aad for juil Ibis reeson, the prop- ety eait of tbc Pine Ridge Sebool could leienl witb Bowrnanville, as Ibis parcel of land is in tbc Township of Daliagion, undar tbc provincial goverament's jur-. iadiction. This parcai of land would afford room for building a new amena and a swirnring pool. whicb are needed for the wholc cornmunity, Bow- manville, Darlington, Clarke Township, etc. Perbaps if tbe provincial government were coatacted hy a group of interastcd citizens frorn hotb Darling- bon and Bowrnanvilla, 'il could ha womked out. Tbese observation,,, ae bcing sbabed very briefly bo sac the reaction of the people. Tbis has no polit- ical or municipal implîca- I tbought constlluents migbî be in- teresîed in baving details of bbc N ew Horizons Projecîs for Senior Citizens. The conditions wbicli projects must meet in order tri be considened for New Horizons support are set out below. Also set out are features wbich will dis- qualify projects frrim support. Conditions of Eligibility Projecla will be required to mecl tbe, following conditions tri be eligible for support from tbc New Horizons Programs: 1. The objectives of the project should fall wibhin bbc overaîl objectives of bbc New Horizons Pnogram, whicb arc: - to, stimulebe and support bbc crea- ive participation of rebired Cana-. dia ns in the meinstneem of Cen a-. dian life; -~ to enable retircd Canadiens tri bo participete in ectivities wbicb will utilize their expenience bolli for their own beterment and tbet of Canadien sociely as a wbole; - bo enable retired Canadiens te define and dcvelop their intercats in consultation wilb rtbers wbo, adare rebired from bbce. labor force; - o gcnerally contribute bo bbc bel- berment of bbc physical and psy- chological wcll-being of older Can a- diens, 2,Responsibilîty and control of a pro- iect must ret with a grnup wbicbla lormed to organize anid carry oui a New Horizons .prijeccl. The group sbould have a membersbip of et least ten penr- sons, the majority of wliom will be re- quîrad tri le permenently retired from the labor force, 3. The dunelion of bbc initial project sbould not exceed 18 monîba. 4. Tha projeet propisel sbould indicale Iliel existing activities in the commun- ily wWh serve similar purposes bave been baker n m account inbbc dcvelop-. ment of the project plan. ,. 5. The funIds wbich are requested for partic ulan as pects of a projecb abould be eppropniabe in relation be bbc proposed purpose of ex-penditure. 6. Theý project group wîll neturell1y be requjireýd bo maiýntain a record of rev- enue and will be aubjeci be bbc usuel f inaýncial, audit. 7. Projeet groups will be raquired be perticipabe in pràjeccl essessment and eveluetion. Disqualifying Features Funds will not be provided thrrugh tbe New Horizons program for ANY o! thc followiag: 1, A projeccl wbicb is developed by a department or agency of a grivernm eat -federal, provincial or municipal;, 2,A projeccl whicb is or is lntended be heae profil-making enterprise for the individael participants; 3. Wages for individuel participants; and% 4. Capital construction. lions; just a taxpayer's ob- servations. 1 believe il could be macle mbt a wonderful Commun- ity Recreation Area, -1 think in the flot too distant future sometbing like this will take place and I tbink now is the urne 10 atari working in this direc.. lion. <Youns for action soon, An Intemested Taxpayer, IRAZARDOUS RENTALS U.S. Westinghiouse, Investi- gating some sevare accidents that involved employacis tra- velling on business In rented cars, found there ara 50 per cent more accidents in rentai cars than i owner driven cars. Factors believad 10 con- tribute tb thc accidents are: the, renter may pick a car that's more powerful than bIs own, or handias, brakas and perfornis differantly from the car he is accustom- ed 10. Also, the renter las tir- ed, has just arived in a strange town and faces un- familiar roads on the way Wo the bote]. and Distant Past Frcem the Statesman Filesj 25 TFAns AGO (Aiigust 7, 1947) Rotarian and Mrfs. "Bud" Hay attended the Interna- tional Glider Meet at El- mira, N.Y., last week, Members of the Boys' .Training School staff were shocked to learn of the death- of a staff memober, William "Bihl" Crossey, ina train-car collision on Sat- urday at Fraserville. Mr. Crossey was instantly killed and four others injured, three seriously. Misses Marion and Grace Kersey, Hampton, visiteci with Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Kersey, Trenton. Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Ennis. killen, is holiciaying witl, her daughter Mrs. S. Rod- mnan, Scugog Island. Mayor Little reported to eouncil that etreet lights o.n King Street, between Ontario and Liberty, can lie installed, wlth modern equipment, at an extra ,cost of $80. Councillor Jones're- commended a wýage Increase_ of 10c an boum for the town crew, as of July lst. Congratulations to Ray Coleman Dudley on win- ning a valuable Toronto Conservatory of M usaic Scholarship. Ettore Mazzo- leni, principal of the Con- servatory, considers hlm a very promising student. Hooper - Green - Th e wediding of Emma Blanche, daughtem of Mr. and Mrs. John Chase Green, Toronto, and H uber t Melbourne. Hooper, M.B.E., Gaît, book place August i4th at Ail Hallow's Anglican Church, Toronto. Among those from Cour- tice attending Oak Lake United Chumch camp are Gwen Osbomne, Faye Found, Muriel Dýown, Maurice Bic- kle, Murray Osborne, BIl Henry and Ralph Found. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Em- erson and Ian Paul, Tom- onto, Mr. -and Mrs. Mervin Bird, 'Nancy and Neil, Brooklin, visited wit.h Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Emerson, Nestleton. Misses Dorothy Adamson. Elleen Wray, Madlyn Wl- cox and Bertha Armour are spending the week ai Oak Lake, 49 YEARS AGO <Thursday, Augnst 2, 1923) Mmi. George J, Bray anrd Gwen, Toronto, have been visting her aunt, Mrs. James Courtice, and other rela- tives. Sergt. F. H. Morris, Mon- treal, son of Mr. and Mns. John Morris, Beecb Avenue, walked off with first prize ai the 42nd annual meet of* the Victoria Rifles, held iii Montmeal and led in hie Kinghýorn Match, Frand Ag,- gregate and Open Match, in rifle shooting. Officers elected at the Countice-Everson p iecn i held at Elliott Mernioial Park, Hampton, on Friday, July 27th, were President. Mrs. W. J,. Snowden; Vice President, C. A. Wigtiit; Sec'ty.-Treas., Mrs. Geo. J. Bray; Executive committee, Mrs. W. R. Courtice, Mr, L. Skinner. Anyone wishing to be- corne a subscriber to Me, Lean's Magazine cen do so by getting in toucb with William H. Pointen or Lavi- rence G. Mason, who have accepted positions onli Scholership Publicity crew working for Canada's Na- tional magazine. 1 Mr. Fred C. Palmer bas been appointed Town E-n- gineer of Bowman v ille, conning here from Oshawa wbere he was employed asi Sanitary Inspector, Misses Mari orie Colleco#t and Gladys Jacksonhae successfully completed Nor-. mal Scbool and have re-. ceived Leach,»ng certificates. Port Hope' Publie 'Sehool Board has appoin ted thrie new teachers to the staff, Miss J. Kathleen Daley et $900, Miss Grace Win $90(l, and Miss Dorotby McElroy ai $800, and increased rrin- cipal D. L. Somervill's Lai- ary to $2200, an InCrease 0o, $400. Mr. and. Mrs. C(Htcln son', Toronto, wererent guestîs of Mn. and Mrs. J. 0. La Belle. Miss Evelyn Brenit, T- rone. was a solofý isI ette Tyrone Women's Instituite Garden Party on Mfonday, Mrs. A. Colville, Bowman- ville, also sang several numbers. Sugar MIS IS1 TRE L1flE AT GRANDAD'S Somcbow I can't gel too cxciîed these deys about Senaton McGovern on Bobby Hull playing against the Rus- sians, or any of tbc other bysterical events in tbe press. Trouble is, we're sbaying for a wcck et Grandad's, wbich is not conducive bo getting excitcd about anytbing. Tbere's a radio and television set and a parly-line belephone, but nohody pays mucb attention tri any of themn. On the other baud, there is no roar of braffic, no papcm-boy ringing the door- bell at 7:00 a.m., demanding bis week's pay, no bonking of boras or squcaling of tires, no raucous spullering of lewn- mowers. INon is there any neek of exhaust fumes, faciory amoke, melling asphaît, rancid fish-and-cbîps, or polluted water. The reason is simple enougb. Gran.- dad lives in a bandsome atone bouse about sixty yards from a quiet country road, which you cen berely sec from thc house, bldden as il is bebind trees and hcdge and shrubs. About four catis and maybe a couple of smaltrucks and one tractor go by eacb day. No bletting motorcycles, snanhîng buses and grind- ing big trucks. The neanest lawnmower, and neerest neiglibouns, are two bund- red ya rds down the road, out of sight and sound. No daily paper, so no cbeeky paper-boy ringing and ringing. ' The only sounds are bbc breeze in bbc trees, the somnebow comfortîng mut- ber of a fermer mowing bis bey, bird-. songs, the buzz of an odd fly, and my wif e talking incessantly tr iber father. The inly srmeils ara roses, frcsb- mown bey and wbat's cooking for din- ner. Along wîtb bbc clencst air Ibis side of beaven. The road is gravel, so tbere's no stipk of asphaît. The nearest fîsb-and-cbips are four miles away. The neereat fectory la btwenly miles ewey. And bbc neerest weter -is e huge bey, deep, dlean, cold and unpollubcd. I'm sitting typing Ibis et Grandad's desk, with a window rigbt in front of me. Looking out, I sec neereata magni- ficent bcd of roses, red and^ whitc. Beyond thet a buge maple tnce. Beside il an old epple trce witb a swing danlg- ling for bhc grendchildnen. And beyond these bbc solid green of other trees. Looking out the other window, to my rigbb. tbere's a mass of flowers, Iben e white fence, then a huge bey- field, oflen wibb kids riding horses, Iben a line of trees and beyond and bclow that, a vest expanse of blue, blue weber, wibh wbite cliff s on tbc other sîde of bbc be.Tbce hundrcd yardg down the road, tbiýre ;sa cold, fast-flowing strpa-m, with a real waterf all. I've taken some and Iy Bîll Smiley nnice apccklcd arid rainbiv t out nut o! I bere. In bbc sýpring the reînbow corne up 1et 10 apawn. H-lfafe mile eway, wbcere the sîreaýn'% flows into tbbc be, the ribo trout fisbin.g would bring tear-s ta the eyes of a city boy wbo bas neyer caulgbb any. tbing but e percb. Hundred- of rein. bow are taken there i luie spring and faîl, and tbe fisbing is improving, ba. cause bbe local anglers have donc a lot bo preserve bbc spawning femeles. Across bbc road from the bou se, there is a pasture and. beyond il a wild apple orcherd wbere bbc pertridge hi-k6 to feed. A couple of years ego, 1 w8s loriki ing thal wey. OuI of bbc orchard, cns bbh, pasture and rîglit Up tri tbe fence came a buck and a drie. Tbcy were -,per- bepa seventy yards from me. We sbared ai eacb ollien in mutuel admiration (et leest on rny aide) for about five min- utes until Ibhey burned, flippcd their white tala and gazclled hack inb bbc woods, wibbout panic. A mnemorable experience. A friend of mine, whri runs 'caille on the adjacent properly, was ouI count- ing bis beasls one day wben be sew a black bear amble acrosa bbc property soubli of this, stroil up bbc fence line and dis:appeen. Quibe a layout. No wrindcr I can't gel excitad about womld affaira, in a locale like Ibis. Yriu'd bave to be nuts to go craz >y banc, wbila it's vcry simple bo do so in mosl "civilîzed" areas. Grandad leeda a simple but fulfnll1- Ing if e. He cultivates bis gardan, as Voltaire suggesbed we do. Ha doesn'b even bave a genden, but be cultîvales bis own smaîl plot of lifa. Ha bas a deep faitb, loves nature, hurta no mean, ard bas an. utter integnity wbicb is- rare ta, fînd Ibese days. Up et saven, be rcads bis Bîble m-akes his breakfast;- pokes about doing chiores: wecding, digging, mcending somethîng. Hc's rcady for lunch and dinner. Enjoys food, Ibougli he docsn't et a lob and wciglis about 98. Ha drives a f eirly gruallhng rural mail route (I wenb wilh hlm yeslerday, and tbet'sa column in Itscîf). Ha la the township treasurer, and enjoys wrr' îng on bis books. He bas a nap. Ha gives bhc bouse a lick and a polisb. He lives elone but is less lonely tben bbc great mejority. Ha likes tri talk religion, politics, pollution, wbab bave you? He doesa't give a boot about money or acquiring "Ibings". Ha bas one anm and will be 80 this monlh. To- morrow, be must bake a %Idjrîing lest, He's been driving sinca 1914 and; neyer hed an- accident. Ha's sîudyving for lb rigbt now. Hc'll pess. Why can't we all live like this, and be like that? Give Canadians More Consideration' Problems of -a, Peace-Loving Editor- Report from 1Ottawa By Russell, C. Honey, M.P. Inew

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