Dances in Variet'y Show ro1u Own ShrubsI if you wan a flowern shrub like one ýou havea- mired, why not grow it your- self? Russ Gomme,, borticul- tural specialisi, Ontario Min- istry, of Agriculture and Food, says that it can probably be prïopagated by taking cuttîngs, Nearl any flowering shrub wvill root this way. 1The first step is to p)repare a small area in the garden for ithe young plants OR use a wood box at least 6 inchem deep. An ideal soil mixture is sifted sand and vermiculite, Somne shredded peat moss is also good. Mix it well then tamp to a level surface. Take cuttings from healthy, ma i;ture plants. They can be pulle éd from the shrub easily. lise your tbumb and fore- cigr opllaa side shoots groing foom the majin stems. Thie bt-n will contain ood rmthie previous year's $ gowh.To prevent wither- inplace thep cuttings in a pail of water and plant as soon ais possible. Thoroughly soak the soit and inseri each ctig as deeply as possible. At least baif the cutting sbould be under the e soil surface. For the next 3 to 4 weeks, keep the soit damp. During bot weather, the eut- tings can be sbae wt shfee-t of burlap to prevent wilting and cloying., î The cuttings should be root- ed in about a month. A lighi application of fertilizer willl help feed the new plants. The, new shrubs sbould be left in the planting area until nexi spring, to allow tbem to ,)DjeieRasýhotte, of 24 Liberty Street, performsdeeo agodrtssem taip dancing routine at the Bowrnanville ýare a pl)aygrounYds Variety Night on Thursday. Debbie is a OBITUARY memrber of the Vincent Massey Playground. HENDRICK (Hank) SEGERS Afie.r a year-long iliness, Hendijck Segers died Satur- day ai the Oshawa General MLseyBoncher, Wes- and Mr. and- Mrs Richard Hospital. MissJance el-Poter, Bowanvlle wse He was a resident at 442 tn, vitied s nceYl oteBwavil, " IMiller Ave., Osbawa, for' the lowiees pertaining tol Urban- callers en Mo., and Mrs. Alex1 pasi, 19, years. Rural 4-H- Club excbange. Potter, Born June 3, 1907, In Hol- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vice Miss Margaret P erk i ns, land, be wag the son of the and Mrs. ýDonald Yellowleesý, Bowmanviile, was a Tuesday laie Mr. and JMrsý. Aali Segers. Taunton., weoe Sunday dinner visiter wth Mr, and Mos. He was a maiýsonry conirac- guc'sts of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ll.yd Broome. tor duoing biis residence in Jebson, Beaverion.1 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, Broorne Oshawa. Mr. anud Mos, Don Taylor and Dale visiied wiih Mr. and He is survived by bis wife, and family 'visited on Sunday Mos. Larry Broome, Peter- the former Margaret Sehepers, witb Mr. and Mrs. Sandy borougb. four sons, William and Luke Abernetbiy, Manilla. Mr. and Mos. Ron McDon- cf Osbawa, Abert of Picker- Lawoenrce Taylor jsspnd ald, Kaihy, Robin and Lisa, ing, and, Harry of Baltimore, ing ii week at Quýilin-lVo- Belleville, weoe Sunday sup- Ontario; and by tbree sisters, Lac Caimp. per guesis of Mr. and Mos. Mrs. William Van Belle (Mar- Paineriý_ and Francine Tay- Lloyd Broomne. tha) of Bowmanville; Mos. lor spenrt a few, days with Mr. Mn., Ruby Everetis and Gerrit Broeze (Bertba), and andc Mosr. Bruce Montgomery, Mos. Evereits Sr., Brockville, Mrs. Gen Oldejane (RIek), Hampon.were recent visitors witb Mr. and a brother, Albert, all of fns Je Snowden, Bruce and Mos. Evereti Spires. Holland; and four grandcbild- andi Seryl spent a few days Cameron and Marie Smnales oea and onie great-grandehîld. wîlib M0r. Isaac Hardy and spent a few days at the Tom Mr. Segers resied ai thel Sialey andMos. Endicott. Baker home. Armstrong Funeral H o m e. Lidayindi also visited with Miss Kaiberine Baker is The service was beld Tuesdayý Mi.,and Mos Wli -Hardy'and bolidaying wiib Miss Nancy ai 1:45 p.m., followed by a ther radcilre Ralpb Ramer, Oakwood. teoment in the Grovesd ;and( Christopher fromn Union- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker Cemetery, B3rooklin, ville, Pen. tad Mos. Geo. weoe Sunday visitons with Mr. Hardy-, Viýctoria Maniror, Lind- and,,Mrs'. Maurice Baker, U7x-lwood, on Saturday. Ia>Il bridge. Miss, Karen Yellowiees la MisiKairyn noyandj Mr. ndr lMos. DougFet vistin.g with MIýss Gillian Rog- MissGayl Lapam, amp j ed Mo andMrs.Wm.Ash-. rs, Otiawa ton, îsied Mo and MrsJton spent tiHc eekend visîi, Lir ryemnZerl Rowad Farow Por Hoe. îg latheLondn aea cil- îsîlng îtbMr, aand Mos. were undaysuppr uesi of' Élett, andr Mr. and Mrs. Ro- Pearl Leach ettended, a Mo1 ar Ms.KeiLh Shackel- beri Keoo, 2Acion, Dessert Garden Party at Mos. tonl, Bomnll.Mo. and Mois. Frank Cook W. Grlffin's, Enniskilen, hon- MrU. anid Mrs.Grn Down accompanied Mo. 'and Mms. oring ber daugbter. Heather, arld famil>, Sundcerland, and Frank Westlake and Kevin to a recent graduate from Scar- Mr. and Mos. Robeort Kerr and visit Mos. Cyril Smith, Fleet- borough Hospital, iamily, Actn, were Stinday ývîsitors with Mr. and Mrs. _everal younig pop spenit the weekend at Jr, Farmers Camp=-out at Serpent; Mound, M1rs. Ernest Hockaday, Mrs. ý,aý1oh Davis, Mrs. R. Kossatz, ~r.Wos Yellowlees, Mrs. Murraj,ýY Yellowlees, Mrs. Har- V eyYellwlees and Miss Jan- x'L ellowleeà attended a -h-wr for Miss Georgeanne Graham held ai Mrs. H. R. 34- - -', 11owmanville, Mrs,. Fred' Smith, Engle- hajt. spent a week visiting uith MYr mad Mrs. R. Fraser. Mrand Mrs. Ralpb Davis vstdon Sunday witb Mr. anid Mrs. Ross Pearson, Wood- ý; -I l' , M, and Mrs. Ciarence Bray, Wendry and Gregory spent a wek olidayîng at Lake-of- Bayý near Dwigbt. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Potter, uanDanny and Laurie, Salemir, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ivioffi and Tammny, Courtice, Ret a Caýr for A41 for Raer C 'IlR - b R-1)DGE LTD. NOI ATTA(HIN1 AND OTHER LITERATUREC POL PRON PE _SNS AILING TITS NOTICE WILI ACCORDTNG TO TH POWER COMMISSIol Goodyear Announces Staff Appointments The following appointmenis [of operations of the general were announced recently fol- Iproducts division, lowing a meeting of the board~ Clarke, a native of Belle- of directors: Charles E. Clarke, ville, Ontario, joined tbe law vice president and general department of, Goodyear la counsel, and direcior of the 1952, after serving with a law company; George D. Gordon, firm for tbree yeaos following secreiary; J. Clarke Moon, bis graduation from Osgoode vice presid.eai, personnel, a Hall Law School la 1949. He newly-created position; Leo F. mas appointed general credit Hubta, vice president, tire pro- manager in 1959, assistant duction; Hoyt M. Wells, vice ireasurer in 1960, treasurer ia president, general producis. 1968 and secreiary in 1970. The appoiniments are effective Gordon, wbo was bora la immediately. Toronto and graduated from Clarke, until now. secreiary Osgoode Hall Law Sobool, of the company, succeèeds Ken- joined Goodyear as a solicitor neth E. Kennedy, QC., who is in 1970 and became assistant retiring. Gordon succeeds secretary the same year, Clarke. Moon, holder of a B.A. deg- Moon, previously executive oce and a graduate of the vice president, manufacturing, professional course in indusi- will be responsible for salai'- rial relations froos Queen's ied per-sonnel and industrial University, joiaed Goodyear in î:elations, as well as manage- 1949 asa tralaee in the pro- mnent deve-loprnent. duction squadrooi. R-ubta, untl, now general Afier comopleting bis training manapgr, tire production,. will he wýas made foreman of the cridinate the technical func- squadron and,. later, manager lionDs of thie company and dir- of traiaing and recreation. In ect tbe operation of five manu- 1955 be was named personnel fa)ctur1ing plants. manager of the Toronto plant. Wlswill irc all phases Four years later, be became the first manager of the Medi- cine Hat, Alberta, plant and in 1965. moved to Valleyfield, Quebec, as manager of a new tire pîlant there. H1e returned1 to To-ronto lan 1966 to becomiel vice precsident, tire production T I C E and, in 1969, was appoînted executiîve vice p re. ideat, man- ufacturîng. Moon was born in Mount Foresi, Ontario. Rubta, a naFtive of Sotb w5 SIGN lS wth God inrla1949 upon gradujation in chemiical engin- ADVERISINGeering frm te lUniversity of Toot. Afir traniag in the prouctonsqudro, e be- ON COMMISSION came au2(CCP11essvey a conpound- er, nigbt f superiatendient and L.ES 15, department foremxan. He a reclaim-plant mnrager in Bow- manville, Ontario, from 1963 to 1965 wben he moved back to Toronto, first as production UBUTED matnagert, 16heas pap- 1B IT E sanperIndet, Ie aspn pointed general- manager, tire pyoduction. rTO COM-JPLY WITII Wells joined Goodyear in ,L BE DEALT WITH Lincoln, Nebraska, la 1951 ,L BE DEALT WITH fter rec.ivng bis ahselors~ ïE LAW UNDER THE and master'sdegrees ia mech- anical engineering froni the N ACT. University of Nebraska. Ia 1956 be was appointed man- ager of, engineering at the. Goodyear plant la Nortih Ciii- cago, Illînois, and, In 1964, lie assumed A similar piosition in M. J. WATSON, the st. Mar'ys, Olo, plant, In 1967 he was named production Manager. manager of that factory andl in 1969, he beP,'sm'neîplnt q' ager. Wella is a native of! Auburn, Nebraska,i The Canadian Statesmani, Bowmanvïlle, AugO 17.