9Results of the regular Fri- Miss Debbie Ross, Agini- report on their recent busa day Buchre at Tyoe liait court, and MIssaf WVoodl1ey tour, a seminar for youn Phonoe 987-4213 ae sfollows: F;irslt prie aeprticipatmîn 'n bani- Canýiadian Higb Sehool Stu-ý Mrs Brce ilionEdlorMrs. Meta Read, Haydon; Rural exchange vi.sîts,eahdn. Educanada, J'etais la! Seon, 1r. Jack Faulkner, for a wpeek's hùoLday, Afteýr ayrvini-g in Ottaw,%a, we at 6:30 p.m. fromi the school they pa now for ani auction omnvie Third, Mrs, A shower -%as hIeid fr began m akiing nIends on a grounds, Those of you wbo sale in, September. You cEelyn Lvry saa rd-to-be 'rn Ry 1g tboat cruise on the Ottawa_1 #1 ,à-ntqieready for Mon- clear. yourself of some apace Fourth, Mr. John Lavertytehm fMs MxFrufieihefrteeig.Te1 weenfqut Obwa Lw Lay :Ms son, Monday ev-ening. niext day, Mon)day, wýe sawÀ Idywl ave lots of tiare now in your garage,, cellar or attie Murl LwecBaksok h omuîy Breu tecluflchjigo h ]1l~ ,castc o~etyurcatwaon bggy wil tes to ogaiztinsLov ent, Mr. Jim Latimer, date bas been changed to guarci and foured tir ea ibike or float finisbed in time. raise mor4ey to further carry Brooklin-, 50-50, Draw was August lth in the park. fui ParliamentBudig.Vs There are several prizes for out their many projects and won by Mrs., Ruby Greer, Plans for the, proposed new its were made to the' Can-i varions enfries. The parade activities. They aren't look- There were 2 carrying prizes. Community Hall will be re- adiani War Muiscum, BdRidau, cia li f e s n li o eli'zes. vealed. Park and RideauaLs. We nortb on Mill Street to King worth just a trip f0 the gar- Red Cross swimming clas- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Plea- îound the Mounted Policem-en. Sreet and along King Street bage, then perbaps fhat's ses are well under way af sace visited ber f ather re- grooming their borses at fR. Necsi -The weafher, ried ont its dark tbreaf of rainstinto tebl ak ihwhere yù should Sn t ea akIsrcosadcnl tFive ogCMP edures which plays a rnighty imnport ail junior bail games 'were can- break-up of the parade, the Hlowever, if it's something stuidents are worku g bard, Whitby. wssen nKingston tour-1 antroe u las or oyou- eled immdifey s hecarnivai, witb ifs rnianiy rides you've found usaless f0 you wîf h Iigb enrolman lun ail Mrs. Tom Gibbs is a pat- iog Old Fort Henry, "Belle- door activ1ities, cerf ainiy upseffrfhchlrnadg esorbtwtan sucefat classes. It is quite wortb- lent in Memorjal Hospiftai, vue", Sir John A. Macdoni- the Newcastl 3pot Day and diamond was soon mud-fiiled. ail ages will then get started.,someone else migbt be able f0 while f0 pay a visit and watcb Bowmanviiie, hav iog been ald's Kingston Home, and Carnivai, as dpaned for thei Wban tbe sun later peeked Iwo, and possibiy three ganes waar if, sit in if, stand, on if the effort put into perfecting moved froml Cobiourg Hospi- IQueen's University. We vis- holda, Mndy, b)y orici tanngtecodcni- will be played on Saturda y, or use in some useful manner, the requirad strokas.Maytifbenrrbrfml.iedie rsyCocae LosCu.Wakinig p.p 1 aeration was givaTn 10 continu- sfarfing at 12:30 p.m. when let one of these organizations boys, and gis are availing If's good medicinie f00, she factory, Smith Fails, Durinà ,cionsub k h0hso a-ing the parade and carnival, the Newcasfle girls' bail teamn know now thaf you wish f0 themseives of the opportun-sesobeirvig the îîext few days we roame _________ but thhcommifferla1chrge pay against the girls' teara donata. ify eachwee-d-aymornmg. -sPantbcimd pawn Vaeyk through.the National Art Coming Events took a stand f0 candel the en- fromn Mador. if Newcastle win B h Gaîeryr, the National Film ____ ____ tire day's event s and boid this game, they wiii coma back ",II ed e)tBard,_ held a mock trial af, h rhoful fr a for a double-beader at appr0x- W i-'* heeSuprme Court.f Cao Newcastle Recreafion Coin- taem oer hp y, fada bieaurd eakeurt af he mitepresent their Water baffer break in fthe weatber.limateiy 5:30 pro. with New - a- - ____aseaeratth ,Shwt ndfee Ngh for These plnswre rte well castie and Kendal Junior bailE- National Archivas. Each ev- sumrmer swimming program. mada, whan skies fiîîed agaiii teams pîaying oan d Jthefl ent f0 fhe National Obsenv Thursday, August 171h, 7:00 with ciouds and fhe rain sfart- 3 p.m. And agaîn at 7 p in wi.t h ctoa bev p.m.,, Watona Park Pool1. Ail ed, later lu the afternoon, Ra- the calTilval wiii be underwr;yd L Inatrsadvîwinh mo swimmars expectad f0 attend, scheduied, thei carnîvai and On this nighf, the draw foiadJptrhou els- wt wrspentdtbalgmsaepandfor two tbree cash prizes will tdlze - Ses. Another day was spent Tadpoies fhrirngh Royal Life days, Friday and Saturday of place; Aiso, thEUinetesareffV 1WU i r C arncea iloae Pro Saving Casses. Slver coiiec- this wek. Talking with Brian selling tickets on awn fu II3'.JtheI SLJLawrence PowernPro 32-2 Rowe, coach of the Nawcastlaiue If ypu lhavan't as Yetafýl>, s r'e gI a et ontybitb aaa -Junior Baul Club, hae assures made ý your puichase, do so adUSA nFiaw Ren aCarfo ustht ewcsfe ad rak- nto\À. Meet you at the Carni- Newcastl-The Executivalour village.Halsprendaloîcusdadgvno- wandered througb the Na- A DAY OR WEEKEND ford will play oua of their val! of the Newcastla Chambar of a copy of t ha Diracfory that sideration. ebr1t, 97.Psei play-off games on Friday ev-1 Mrs. R. Derinis is.pee omecbeld a meeting on the Weîcoming Commit tee Nwasle ilh a tpcambean fr t6he 1972. Presean Ask for Rae . - e-nsriga ppoi-enogawaksvcton Tuesday, August 1sf, and re- would like f0 present f0 the Ativify Day on September onction sale lu the affarnoon CHRYSLERWDODGE LTD. iposters upfown for any change law, Mr. and Mrs. Elmar Pol- cenfly sponsored 50f h Anni- difion suggasfad f0 be made~ Tha Newcastle Chamnbar of in the evaning. A German 62-56la in mar of thîs gamne). Tha lard who are boidayi"g a0fversary Ceremony of the Lay- in the Diractory, this was giv- Commerce Prasideuf Kaifh D. baud will ba prasent for flhe parade hIli then gef underway Miuar's Boy, nlear Minden. ing of the Cornarstone at the an approvai by tha executiva. Barr and Newcastla Lions Club diance. As tlisisbnghl Iree Bereon as etun-Conîmunity Hall and also the Louis Swinghammner advisad Prasident Stan Powell jointly !in Septambar if will NOT ba IrenomeBreretonghas eturu- Concert of ýChamber Music. AIl that bis committae would soon announce that f heir- two org- caýlled an Octoberfest. Final - ad who eriwingaandeakeu indications are thot tha, even- have sketches available of pro- anizations wili cooparafe f0 fu afiit plans wiii hea an- U * visi witb be ad r ssarand faro- ing was g9aîyapaiaa yposed signs for the entrauce f0 sponsor aud promrof a aSpecial] nounced aifua lafer data.Pa iiy M, adMr. any h-those who ware lu affendance.thvil U LE ~dread and Shari-Lynu at Th xctv ls b ilg.Activify Day in ttha Village ofin0w f0 attend... brinig your Stouffvilla. The prescutîvstafe reviewed VariFus othr f fe rs wreN,!wcastle on Safur1day, sep- fianlds ad cajoy yoursalva. Mr. and Mrs. Sani Brae'efoi-projects that ara now undar- IR ~ and Aîmee visitad ou Sunday way by the Chambar, MurrayM T I Ewitb Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wa[f on advised thaf while the.ý-,,, Brereton la Port Hope. trosh cau project bas not yaf SEETCOMMITTEE Dacoration Day has beau beau finalized, indications are 0FS E LE LAU schaduled for Suuday, begin- that if wîll ha shortly. Kaith1 OF TE LEISLAUREning at 2 pro. af Bond Head Barr prasenfad a sample of a ON TUE MUNICIPAL BOARD Cemetary.i Keep the time andigiff thaf the Welcomiug Coin- iNIAIN TO SURMIT WRITTEN BRIEFS data lu mind, aud attend the mittea would like f0 present f0 servce.new cifizensas tbey mnove loto 0n June loth, 1972, the Ontario Legîsiature Mr. and lirs. Jack Pruner,---- appintd aSelct omittee to examina,,inquire and daugbfers Debbie and tha OtarloMuniipal oard Janet hava raturnedftha I)oanid repor UOI illage affe iewakvc -and to1niake recommaendations on: (a) the pur- flou lu Vancouvar, B.C. wi1f poa ebat and functions of the Ontario Municipal i Mr. and Mrs. Davidcil Boad. b)the jurisdiction of the Ontro adDrrnfKigt.Wîl Muiiplbo d d h poaue n tee hy ok ln the Cal E'~ ~ -- porcieso heOtrj uicplBor.(e oeethry ogbte othr ~~~~~~d the procedures ana f pelfrmteodr tts radMs HgSto andrulngsof ha tro Municipal Board ,Te) he e wcasughte Nrher n t udywt n ther anua WferShooad SsanBal o Toon tionship fthofnaroMnppal foa h rdnte r e rgd Stenastees MwfhrpatM. and Mrs. e Ito and ulins ofthe ntaro Muicipl Bord, ý- Cmmxtendngae nvita ing for Kanre aeso eslt dchgeof its responsibilitias with the Pro- luta ted paant anditaionfor a BiKrh.RBE Pressure Syste mica o entn, local governimant and the jinrMc. pet and r.K ifh Hor-, Congratulations to Mr. and ipca oenMrs. William James Wilson' T( Il'15gl individual citizen. su aosau oisetthe h former Miss Julie An 5ar Sa çet $6,66 JTPM ~gi Th Cmite ivte rlibriefs from 1weekend apig rt1ua . 1 ~ ~~Reg. 139-95 Tiiiule adogaia1nswo lywsht i zise onam.Morn ais.Hg auay feroAgsf MN prsntifrmio ,einOS rsggsios ason reported that this wasf t, iOon Ui a huc JT *P aIZ ,egardng any of the aboya matters relating tv nothing fo wkat fhay bad driv- Riav. si E Lng BTb Ca M ts Set 3 9 Rg,149 Muicpa Bo!den tbrough, niot so much theofcaed ri uiia or.raim, as the fog. So it wasn't Mr. Walter Woolley and Mr.6 oul dg a BRIFS US BESU MITED W EPTM- just bare in town thaf ftha rain Colin Taylor of Bowmauviiie, - Mr.andMrs. Robefl -r - of England were recent visi-Ply r$ 4 9He g T im r $2 BR th, 1972, TO THECLRK0FTE OM flin. harMr. ote ad rs eaha lp ________ erad uh en Debbie attend- tors of Mr. and Mrs. Reg Sut- Rg 49 MIITTEE. BOX 233, MAIN PARLIAMENT arateuddug of their niaca, ton.749 BUIDIN,_OROTO182 OTARO.Karen Horner, wheu sbe mac- Mrs. Wallace Gibson of New- 10-6-4 TURF BUILDER ORONTO 182, ONTA8RozIROg.1.9 r& -T il____ __ ried Jim Carpanfer la Welland castia, Mis. Roy Branch, Miss i-o.r7 on Safurday. Marilyn Major cnjoyed a bus, AA r1 ertilizer John P MacBat, ~.C., MP, Aa aedis good way f0 belp your- tour tri Boston and the New Tu le$ MCBhairman CPP. l a cerk self and others f00, migZht ha England States, refurning v a anaa No4A rad C1ý ý1iVMà1-, in~l helping the Chambar 0f Niagara Folls. Cnd o rd Commerce and LosCuaIM.adMs bkMcra zo acueBCsetMon- 3nc, Car lash it Grass Seed $ of lasf weak wifb baer tuf Mrs. Catherine Seal. Brush- Debugger Sponge ' SO-G7REEN LAWN R Treat our foage t a goo meal r~d~~KdnneddG~a~ Squeagee iSponge249 PthKt$ a -n D ai attended h and see Whait willdo f or foU ton United ChurciLC ol C shoi Congratulations tuMr, and ~~~A 8 0fln ra M s. Ralph de Jonge, the Reg. 3.29 form-er Miss Angala Bernadette"4w c19 Chard of Newcastle on their , " ýRUBBERMAID"> Augusf Sfh. lu Sf. Josephs.CLEAa -LEGMES TORE FOOD IN THEIR Cfoi brb omn ttcEg ,5~oe ROOS TISFALL TO GET GOING' FAST Mrs. Wlberf Moncriaf ofclni ANDSTR NG EXTS.R'G Peerboogh refu nad home,ý4 onD Friday off RNG.er spending hast STEERINGIslte ' -WELL FED LEGUMES WveekRwBETTER . Wm. Robin- 9 cL P O -.NTRGETAELRDNO BE NTRTE cl~~~oiHadr ihl helCvr PRipsG2GorD FORW LL E BRIG GRSS ONNFOR soncnd fom Mudy 0 ri Mrs Jiro Middeon aa othar-_ -GlRASSES ALSOî r- NED IHOSPHRUS rltve.'Cmbal i i lb R D C ~~ E bride -wili ba going as is ot WOD'S C E SAL Mrs. Harry Lewis. Mrs Bigs&SratxRe.19,5 V x31/ - NYLOIN PUF ri ~Fred Poduaer and M1jrs. Fred Kelly aie patients in the Me- F, moial Hospiftai, Bowman- Mir. and Mrs. .- .Johns- A ý4toný, Miii Street INorth,nce- ly refurned from a tn.p by 1' Sandra and Ly-na Willi as spent Friday and Saturday,2! C Pwith Mr. and Mrs, Lawnene r Harris and f ami].y. Your local __________ AERO ERTILZER INOTE OUR MENU GlCs oa rýI iNCUDES I FoGOldApplies H GVe.85 KING ST. WES' ITO SATISFY ANY CROPHUNGER 8STA T E SMAN CrLoAS 9623-33E0 The Canadian States man, 1owmanvil1e, Âug. 972 À lon'St fbree hangars of Ca- da'S aronauficai past, ha- Iinnîng witb the Silver Dart, tnough two world wars. A few rooms of Rideau Hall, jur Govarnor Gaoaral's resi- lance wara inspected. A e- [axing affannoon at Gatineau Park, Quebar, pnacadad an evaning at the Musum f Science and Technology. Be- fore raturniog home wa viaw- ad Montreal from Mont Royal, oured the city and visitad Man and is Worhd. Educanada experlances, fun ,and aaw friands was wondar- fui; wa'ne glad wa can say "J atais la!" FIRE and AUTOMIýiLE INSURANCE Contact: JIARRY VOERMAN' 62-11or 623-3950 33 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE ATTENTION FARMEF!Rý W HY PAY'!ý;-l' SAVE ON Premium Quality ": GASOUINE SMOTOR OIL Farm tanks and pumps available. CALI COLLECT 668-3341 FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY A