BirthsMarniages Reception Articles for Sale Articlesfor Sale_ For lient __ G aa ed InstructionsWok Wne BOK-Ailan: and Sheila- PARR - PETERSON - On Ken and Queenie Fletcher HONDA 350, 1972, asking WATER for sale and deliver- LIGHT housekeeping room, WN OLANT RV nrouly nnouce he brthSaturday, August 5th, 1972, will be happy, to welcome $850. Phone 983-5518.. 32-1 ed. Caîl Ciîff Pethick 623-2313. in NcWcastle. 987-4621. 31- Muff lers for Sale TACRTALESBO BES oftells oMicha',Laureflce, son of Robert and friends Pand ineighbours on CS obnworking con-NWyuca ri rgtlcr ~ ELI T Allan ohirfn soni, 197'.rt haoduh atra uut19 If CASE ombiPhne, 263-8877.____2-1__APARTMENT for rent, avail- SEE KEITH TREGUNNA inOW C anadiadteraid wghthiePum! wei 7 ilbs., oz, at Mim-1 ter of Oscar and Lillie Peter- 2:30 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 at i±f*Poe2387.21 USED Furniture and Appli- able August, 15. Telephone lnCnd n epi hl oril os~ta, owanvlî. onat St. George Anglican their home in Newtonville on GOOD hay,> 850 bales, Phone ances. Paddy's Market, Hamp- 623-3281. 32-1 OSAVA IDSinerv'e. Fr ait oS aneti'PlresueSyt Abrother-for Vicky,. 3-1Church, Willowdale. Recep- the occasion of their Fiftieth Chas. Stapleton, Oronu, 983- ton, 263-2241. 26-tf ONE-furnsheWAroMIwAth ail eprima, reans Canad _______tion North Yo)rk Community Wedcing Anniversary. Best 5974. ___32-1 SUEAE erie e ONvE nine grl preerred MUFLER SOP TartnTranSuitenadaNew Wr n ear STUbEAKER ervie, ne coneniens, gil prferrSerITicepotaTraning Suitat16 GAY-RCcktand 32-1* wishcs only. 32-1* - -__ To- 1 6232641e Stantn) av Lyne(ne Cnte. _______________ ___12 HP. WISCONSIN engine and used parts.- Graham's Phone 623-2753. 32-2 for a FREE Exhaust Systeni 207 Queens Quay West, Tal aton'h-ebceen blessed jwith gear box and clutch. Garage. 1-416-263-8172,. 25-tf FOLJR-room apartmnent, newly ISETO ot 1,Otro rcî with the bî-rth or aso Law-( Cardsr of Thanks Coming Events Phone 623-7201. _ 32-1 BERO uite, complete; decorated, $125 month. Phone 11 odS.WeSt 416864938. 31-3 c so Rchrd 7lb. oionMrand Ms e-ter DecoationDay Services E ec ol, tn-peed i __ ______ __ 3t husaAugust 1972, at W1ce dining suite, 9-piece; chester- 623-5538. 31-tf shw Geea Hoptal would like to express thirPontypool Cemetery will. becyclc. Excellent condition. feîd -suite, ail Burmat ftcak--an-ëd- Secndgradculdfo An gatitude Io !mcmlie r s f held Sunday, August 20 atiPhone 623-3687.321wonw TWO bedroom house, ah con- 0Otai Motor Sales Sn ar a, orîe n Shaws CqommuiLnitv Pand St, 2:30 p.m. 31-2 COLORED TV, RCA, 25" fice. Phone 1-241-5971. 31-tf veniences, in village north of Caîl 576-8111 MTRE1Ilya ndgr Pr .aul'S United Chutrch andi - Console, excellent condition- Bowmanville. Available Sept. -wishes work baby-sitting in AUTO WRCES Annual DcorationDaypSer-TRUCK caps for 1/ -ton trucks, lst. Phone 263-2311, Hamp-I-Bwavlcae.63-13 IUHAY UE ~ an HentiSt n ~hcld a forStherce-vice, Suira,ý,August 1, 2:o 0iý$ 23557 3-distributor clearing 5 models ton. E32-1 ,Cars for Sale *32-1, DUTYTQW day, Ju2~ 31.32-1* Prm MPodHa Cmtr,,VEN'S ten-sp ed bicycle; very fo.$6;genuine bargains.o 4pate,191SIDO24p.NrAANDpin sudt GEEAREAS CrIBO - erge -and 9 San ______Newcastle. - 31-2 good conition. $60. Phone Armstrong Sports, Simcoe St. 0NEbdomaaten,17 K- ,2 .p.No- woDAikEDsepiao tbegnerGSaE AC EDN <ne Horoy) an-,rly an'- Scilta'st red otpo ....i od ecs 987-4967. _32-l', North, Oshawa. 723-2898. heated, Newcastle area. Av- dic, in excellent condition.wudlk erabgin! A rouriceth,ýý _-ïý-th ,f thýr fir1ý Speailablea immirediately.tyPhon . Cali.i983-5750.ail32-1 studentsy PhoneCeach98in75Sept.1 Ltcentsed tMechannSepo.n Dets u ý tcrheis fsacrst _7-______32-1Phone 623-3083. 32-1l* OPENAON U LC ehid oSehnGogflowers and visita while in Friday, Aug. llth, in LO.L.adtalr 45,o ct0- YOUR District RamblerTrail- - AE el oe,3"tl.SV 7hs, o. , o uy2,a Oshawa Hospital andr at Hall,. Doors open at 7ý:30 p.m. fer, Phone 6323. 3- er Dealer; ail 1972 modeis in TWO bedroom apartmcnt, order, ned sm work, $400. adsWl oig ee Rierid Hspta, ttwahome. Special' thanks to Dr. 3-*t BE-IRDfarm wagon stock. Newcastle Trailer Park ponhoornVal GoePoe26-33 2-fWr' e 31-23B.erng. Te-2-55 Fregadchîd o r aptdnR.K. Miller and 4th Floor O-àshawaan-d District---a- and hay rack. Will sdi sep- and Sales, No. 2 Highway, east re. Write Advertîser 310, 1970 JAGUAR, E type, mint Harry L. Wade, Telephone_________ andMr ad Ms.GergeGîi-staff. iou hw eoilPrk, aratc]y. Phone 983-5183. end of Newcastle, telephone c/oCnda ttsaPO ondition. M'Ç000 miles, $4900. 987-4531.16t so S,,ofKngto, îrtElva VanCamp. Saturday. August 12 frocm 3- 32-i * 987-5131. __ 21-tfBo19,owavle 32-1* Phoe97409.2l ___S.,oinso. is WATER weils bored or drill- gret -gr~dchldfor M Fe adAdryHory 9 p.m. Auction sale of blooml'72' RUPP mini-bie and hel- SKI-DOOS: Clearance of a,, O NE bedroom apartment, '66 CHEV, V-8, automatic, ed. Canada Drilling Company, T Doris HolÏroyT.- rd and -woudre ocx- at 8:30 p.m. 32-1;1fmet; caolaie licensed, $250 or left over bs'and new 1972 stove and fridge included. rtadiio and safçty check, $7001-Phone Oshawa 576-6004, Re- .U)natn -and faibewoud'Aik.oe-lbleimeitl.Polr s fePhn62-3. oress their sincere thanks to MONSTE offer Phone 623-7866. Ski-doos Olympics, Nordics 1 vasae mdatl.Poe1rbs ffr hn 632".presentative Harvy L. Wade,l MaGRGO Ova adrelatives, friendes and neigh- BIGO3- and TNT's: genuine bargains. Dysr'1od a t 2~321 ccsl 8-51 21 adEetia SEVENý-ft. Case combine inlFuli1 warranty. Armstrong~ 351"3-66 IhAMBLER Amnerican i (Il toan0 ucethe a1r ival or sduring their recent hie- Sosrelygood a e odto.PoeSotSmo t ot,ý.Apy'n ac earn thi frt LasoDlrevmn)L h aso Shaw ner SoftObal 241tge itronvlaeniecs, gornin or oe 23 ctfe acrae fiDSRA J fi, t emrialHnîalso, ftoied ncphew Jospr Peter tinform- Os-awana3-an98. 24-12 Sers' Assîi. RF.SIxPhone A6 ____ S H WA 3-t FESHswet RGStember, and October, $15012328.. 32-1 19 2, at 121 a n, weg sngJUBILEE PAVI lON - 2 i c monthly; near Bowmanville.,64 PARKLAN F M ercury, 4 M a 's e el e yRE E T MA E 197,___1215_______SHAA___ t for table, freezer, corn roasts Wall to Wall Carpet Phone 623-2471 or 623-5350.- dr. hardtop, many extras RR ýi.,-- o. Proud grand'- We would like to thank our s te~ e. Bruce Taylor, 263-2741. froni $4.95 sq. ~__ 32-1 mint original condition. Ac- 39 Kîng, Street W/est L-arents are Ache ndVio1lfriends and neîghbora for thel REV-OLUTIONi .s e-l- 32-1 lFree estimates, Large selece-TO etomaarmntg C~~ offers fom Aug. 10- __ 23-tf Oron8627 M[acGr1egor of Purcî-, and surprise oarty weîcoming us R.EVE WILLtrad 196 Hond aion of colors. stis!rvt nrne~oeAug. 19 by appointment. Cali -____ Geogean -RtaDaisof to the community, and the LDAMT.IO 32-tf Brgn.Secial tankato reséýentation of an outdoonr Baha'i Thurs. nir'ht Sports Car in good condition ADM 'RNTR nd îfridge. Working adults98537Orn.2-' PORTABLE D~. ieonan Mkîa ndbabeue Delîcioua refrcs- foýr motorcycle or small car.126 Kinlg St. W. Bowmanville1preferredarigAvlbe198FR tntck MaeniySaff 3- mna ec eve y h 8p/.at6 LtleA. 2-76. 1 623-3808 Aug. 15. Phone 623-2746. fleet-side box with racks, ta- W LDING , Proa ______ ___Ofthr comm27-9 32-l)' dio, in good condition; also 146 1ue St. Bowm1anvle YINI uple-(Rh oftecmuiy Phone c-623-3171 '9TRADIEWinds hardtop 1.5 Ram- -trav- -rite as YGI MURAYAtSt Cthi-ne M. and MeBrianColliie, tier(ineulatcdceciling), FURNITITRE Phoneew 623p-7fie, tolet, GeealIosp.ital n We., ,R. 2, Newcastle. _2tf stovýe and sinik, siceps' fîve. Total Home Comfort vvafte(t.o ent nCa l i,,tilt rn-j plain aae neoewt Alý 19 t 4. rdPhone62-99 3-1 3 Roonis Completely Furn- - _______ __ pane fridge. stox e and iigbts., 24 HOUR SERVICE price lit.Sxaml 2c cal987-4865. 32-1 30-4 24 sampls$ 0 Mi re Mms.ý Bru e Mray (nec HelnIwol ik exrs y COMER TOURS WISCONSIIN VE. motor with ished, No Down Pyet OS nBwavleac; Vanstý;one) a daug1hter, Cha:ndl-1thanka to- al for flowcxrs, mgeo odru n iLiw Monthly Ternis, Free1 no childrcn. Phone 623-5672.1D-pt.Pets8CUSTv-Ruhber Co., dra 32-1 vstaadcairda rcceived dus- GRNDOLE OPRY magnoyJ, gnd rnin ode ry32-U _________ SLPPNIE Je n'Lgmyaay7iMmoi a In- NASffVILLE, TENN. 5.Lod oey hoeD1vry ere ppn - uc1o 983-54732pcfthre,9 p.m.332-1 ADAMS1 FURNITURE YOUNG couple with two SCOTTISH lere upes, Rakin and aig1 A Lidaar hpp t aJoe Seiltak Da. pe, RS E r- T.N O1 -FO-bunr a-toe 1,26 Ring St. E. Bowmanville chîldren would like toc)ent registered, needled, championt____ the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Frv NitOW!hi sn1avdikoCunnphar ar ond condition. Phone 623- 623-3808 2- 2 or 3 bedmoom bouse with îe.Poe467324,t Hay r Straw rdw7ard, 9 lîs., coa onGrant and nurses on Firat 307.321 yrd Pon662-5773265*Weco-._= 21 yWEL ±'hone 623-3265A Livestock Fo1 Sle Phone 723-1308 LIVESTC AE Tue, ug 8 172 a Bo- bor. Rea lîtof. ____294 REHswcet corn, alsnN oED Room and Board 0______ 2Ja ura on ae rn mav2ieMenoia Hspta _____ealyapples at the farm of M PMP -bad valale 3 PG. . ogls 76-51, ____ brother for Diane. 32-1" BARNDANCE Elnier Cox, Lamb's Rd., R.R. QTRO n Orono-eryTus,73 u _____________-sinceme :,thanka to al the N 62,ii3i-of89. 3ay 2-Ioe PSURPAS T AL MES Omono district. Phone 983-9269Nwovle.2- ALG inuraîng s -ta-ff on 2nd Floor, VEEY ÎATURDAY 6NIGHT 4OM nndbtardfavHighweye2. Phone PRESSUREG. OBORNEEs errilHozspîtal, to Dr. <Couples Only) F a-RNEROrono. Cali after 8 p.m. 32-1 CALVES, ail ages, dairy or et-p11vpeî,Auiocrad r- Mikilos for efficient and under- OSACA COUINTRY CLUIB PONY buggy, single or tn- HRE Axzz efi pcaiin nsatd'.. i i±tRe idtr 3s stadig ar; t Rv.T.4 miles eas;t of Newtonvi1lle dem, hbarness. bridai, saddOOO 8-50 calves, Keith Page, Uxbridge, Poesoal lae Th fmtcm.ngaariaeSmthfriprayea and alson No. 2 eaîîd 4 miles north for ponies; almoat ncw, cx- OO 935CS 1 Help'W'anted rf Dian Marue rite, daugis-'and to ail who remernbcmed on County'Read 65 or 3 mniles bcellent condition. Caîl 623- <Zenith 14620) 5-93 7-f FE SIAE Auction bt-rCfrMr and IfrHaole o longsayi__o-_ets fEîzichiî 3 6. _____32-1 -14-tf 1PULL or part tîme on mink HEREFORD bulle, pualified Phn62saeofrm e- i J-iý» arod i___log____in__s -ranch, steady job. Caîl Hemp- on performance. Telephone Poe62-2002 chnytepoîtofR' Cr re, oAnd___________1_m__ 3ranfere1-3 e72 7,50 CC KAWASAKI, mn- IA A V ton 2163-2642, morninga or 986-4447. George Wolfe, R.R, BOWMANVILLE bert (Bob iLt3ad4 aI Behany nd Jaes Sta..Gearngnw'srGafeden jPmarage4-1Oevenings. 32-2 2, Blackstock, eveninga. 31-2 31-tf Con.,DrlnonTxnhp Jan-es Dura-nd 0f rR.2 Ca- for more extended cae uut 19, bicycle rodeo mont hs warranty left, Mut' n-s oToee vawill tak'ýe n1ace Serp t., ,91 Gardon, R. Laking, fran ommntyPrkas seil. $1350 or best offer. ine as&TwrWAITRESSES and cooks, atdJC BUGS so. 1972,at thee o'lock n Stp.m. to Rectnry grounds; prîz- Poe9353 rn.34 ROTORS INSTALLED Apply in person et Chanm-D OIL BURNERS - FURNACES comniete itSl îe Aihns ua CathoLieChuc In Memnoriam es for best decorated bicycles. USED stereo set in gond conH-VH oec cil iamtW dEA and Crippled Farm BABOCK Igîoîn mc Oficaiopenîng 2 p.m. At- dition, beet 011cr. 1 gn H H ClrdArFpain Restua, averyRd' Stck. Mamgwili F.ur FarCENDPMC l98___ ndnme rewrd,,i, 31-22 LJMIGREARS er Mm. nd rs, mnet Gnry I m er husnbaýnd em- tractions. bhake sale, tea table; china cabinet, antique, 16 pe n oe r-ie n 0.263-2721, Licence PH6NECAMPT. Mwsr., 1 wna4iebct., w aae ray50-0raw; penny sale; pony Ski-don, 16 h.p., 1964 2'-ton 1 REPAIRS IMAN for generaI store, work. . -t annune hei mtcTng udd n ug 4th 171. rids;entertainment, kiddy- pick-up G.M,,C. tuck. Phon'neaiin-ppearnce. WriteSun aymoning,-iniime6or-Mal5Adress terKatlee Elineto m. ciiAxpearing at tise BROADLOOM Oshaw A'ilrieteSVYoMoe Advertiaem 309, c/o Canadian '7 o'clock shift, Telephone P.O. Bo. 43 Bowmanvi, TPEO Berian David rivrsna ALmro i iltD1 ~O~'OStatesman, P.O. Box 190, 623-3209. v2l Mme.n WalcrE.Drveom- ai ,n, Queens Hotel 1 stprices on No, 1 boadi .L.Phone 62-512 owmanville. 32-1 _11-2 -30-tf AUCTO ER onto, and ithe latýe M.Dri- Someýday w-ý,herîlifees îoumney NEWCASTLE ihome installations, Guaran- j L HAMLTONManaer - babysit in Ty- VatetoByRAKB NK Scalzgluilyeen ver. The wceddinig will take haenedi tced. Lowest possible pricca . . __28tfzne starting Septemnber.Shift -__-- --23..SALE dESAS place StraSeene 9, We will ahliebctogethez The C..ountry iStringsArmm ogSot t. 1oïwr rmrigtochild- CEDAR poste. Phone 23-Trenching Phone'Nwatc974e 1972, at 4:'30n p.m.n in St. au1's- again. Sino St. N., Oshawa, 723 zIN S en, one pre..achooler, ____ _2676 32-1 or Ncwovle7625 Un iiiCurhBornavil, -LvÎgl rn-,rnerdan l.Lat., Ac.1,1 2898. 32-121 TDT caîl 263-8048 for more ini- USED Furniture and ,Appli- 32-1 Isadly misscd hy bis wile, Dancing 9 -1 BUILDING FOR SALE 1 formation. __- 32-1 ances. Paddy's Market. Hamp- R.R. 6, BOWMANVILLE Maule., 32-11I 32-,7 % x SA, new, anti hae 31 Precision engineereti homes, - ton 263-2241. 26-tf NO SUNDAY CALLS AiltionslcIatqe n MmL. Al-i Mas.. B. Clos s, ___ ___________-coats of paint - coulti be useti erected on your feundation. HOUSEWIVES- Shift Work- - used funntr a. 'g 2 Newcastle are very nleased JEFFERY - Ini lovingmm WOODVIEW for change bouse, or snew-t t choose from or custom ere. Earn extra money driv- PIANO, grand or upright. t11 m t hmokct ta annoiune the -farth-comung ory aI a dear motiier and! COMMUNITY CEN4TRE mobile or .tool .-shed., Sale designcd, Mortgage andi land ing Sehool Buses. For infor- suiteble for student, wiIl pay 62-7011t tages initevlae0 ed m'arriage aIý, their d3augliter grendmothcm, Elva, who pas- prc 200.Ca ece taviaiiy1etaltefce mation contact: Chartcrweys cash. Write Advertise 240, îy ossign ml n Gail ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ prc P$rca aDulsW cdaa uutlt,1720.BALDWIn bcSTEEn T Phone AbiY. NORl]theY at.Co. Limitcd, Bowmanville ic/a Canadien Stateeman, P.O. tieox tvpr h parýaI Mm.ougais W ewholeyusdly mise7. MONSTER BINGO 2 ADI TET Phn A O E t623-3811 or 723-7171. 32-4 B11ox 190, Bowmanville. 41 -tf CafodHttn iqure atînscar Gi1lbank, sýon o jr.anNEXT MONDAov yusalymisiBROOKLIN, - or ceuh 655-3754 CI - ____inT f WcsleyGilban, Newcasti I you 32-1" 723-3558 or visit Beaver Lum -___ Necste 74j m ALIGNMENT TECHNICIAN OIL BURNER AND dmop-leaftlewshtad 'Te edlgill take place As it dawns another ycam:7:5 .m 70 ACRbrEoraS OFatlou jAN 1Ntie FURNACE INSTALLATION rockingchikthncbn on Saturduy, September 23, Ini aur lonely houra af think- ýREDBARN - WAYNE ST.SA DN HY 10. 7-tf j A LICENSED MECHANIC Dir. E. L. Ewert's office wî-ll, 4HU t u 12D 72 ut 3:0 .m. iii St. ingSA DN Y tine ùhso oarlPhone Davidi Clement, 5cr- lie ciosed until Tuesday, Sep tEmergency Servicesind uît(98) ia 32 4 ; n i a hucToOSA ALaedi otpolaeboard, Tbda mn1o s NcatOtao. 32-1 near. i21-tf Our owners muy consider! Tire.ber23-2518 or 623-2510.s, - Sadly rememnbereti by dau-! - tng saine for pasture. Caîl TV TOVVERS Tr.121or6321berG. E. Ianna office will Poe~QO dishe's, glswrdciw l ghtcr Doreen and îamily. . j -Re -nle 3-1bcèlosed for holidays from hoe 2-534 mower, boe ol n o Deaths 2~1* Har RedMantleS r5763060 Oshawa and ANTENNAS Nort-h-mberlauti anti Durham JyslyY 31st to Auguet 12 inclu- ____4-tf eros scteo atce^sslle DASO-udenyat Bow-j BOWMEN ___ 32-1t Counties Board of Educatien sive. 30-"3 - - ng cnnind.Rgr ans mai, anSunday, Auguat KOWAL, Rchy-In lovhng Mre- M. J. HOBBS SENIOR foreac idn M$5 pet ALIGO ter, Auct(er.3- 6tb, 19q72, Hazzy -John Dud- mary 0f our daughter ani Apei4g u tseTOOWERS0FINTALE A son. ,ý bs ltyer beloved i 'ster wbo passeti away Aug- I4 H Farm Tractors Hatario 1ST ',u - - ' - Elmhurst HotHampton, Ot h and bmoken. The Willow Ste-l AO R _,ban far aI George ust 1t 1967. andALSO SPECIAL ON Invites applications for tis661l1.sAuctin ehumiiýrr Edwad ani te Wl- ete ifl ept, estendeerlyj ECSL Eupet Colour Systems pstion of 2-61. ___ lckSoeand antiqetepcery0 Ed1ýý1,SUPPLeY TEACHEReno aletosupl Ladies, 18 and over, wish ic-. Geci, andFeCob,19 Adla, rand-fatheir aI 8 grand- 0dh acwllvt at Fri.-Sat., Aug. 11-12PATSeore no be to sipply Phone 623-2006G for the month'et Sept. 1972, Ofteoew.lvdanW LPYTAHR ng to bowl with the Ladies' CHIMNEyS & FIREPLACES Angelene tSuhiîda chlien eviewaheltdinii wi eerfre~ j32-1 oRTffo AraeEdepmuteague on Monday evenings ,rs tI arrs Fmeri Capel, Deep in our heurts she will J-Mar Equipment or 723-5198 lu-E si.ece0 Gae8caîl 623-3804 or 623-5192. , Phone 623-2176 (arasms itoi(anii ~omav11,on Tuesýday Pt 1always >emain, 14KinEglish andi Mthemuties. Ap- 32-2 Brasaled duleBcts EcI TRNTWVV134 ingSt. E., Bowmanville,2 fpicauts shoulti appîy t: --____'9tlapedesr,3gntc 3:30 'clcck. internaent Bw Ut73o nHi îem Tý' 321 l---Mr. E. S. Taylor, rncplDm. Angus M. Bar DDIstyle char.hl etat manxnlle Ccmetcmy. unîte us aguun. - 'W'ADINGTN'S 1115 Labrador Drive, Oehaw' Ihas zcsumed General-Practice ETCTN irr atqeds poe 32-1 I-Mom, Dati, brothema andntiT 'A'J 1L flLIË-ID Ontario. 32-1at 26 Frank Street, Bowmain- 1ýTT7ITI1./Elreqatt ffriu siser. 2~* ~ Pînti~' BAGAN HO -- vll, ea Dmuia Stre. U±iZ.LW1haninalmp i i.al1 0ntazici, ageti 1 yeumer. Rest ten imci-y"TUE L ITTLE PRINCVE-F'AR QIMN3 VANEN S prtngtotm o ro ihfotec Fumerai IForgotten b Y anme, mother F 1EUPET VA TN AIpresêntly pr lî--t-oTi tto i oae nHgwy2i onoloaderanicnaufe, rTh, ia atrno, 1nyBu eyrfor a moment M623-5251 or0, 623-3070 Nortlize trifaH m ot ask, fr fr g otl.en byme. sa t a ... 6-tf i--------- -- 0.0 6 3 r 62)ýE 70B v ilve. Bowm nvill. At present the station issu ful peation ant is 1 nainal7d. p w m w CominauenDm11 -35000 N Yt.J , , akternatinl3flo interment.-Loveti iafnti msseti ly dau- anti the EVENING eof the lth John Deere 15-mua NTL rtesK iinfrMassey-Fcruo iedlvr 321nderBet,3o-i- 2-Bu1 ttieMassey-Ferguson 4-moiw WW%ý FURNACE t- valbl cmy.aaepull typeponmlbr ant fmiy..3-1 NEWCASTLE (mouinteti) Cern Planter 595.00 BOILER for Expansion John DeEm1"hanemi, n'eniory of niy 'U~~m1ung wife or BOTMIDAFER AssatAt ae An excellent opportunity for an individuel iwho wants to be Itrainl1-ot ev CAR NA ,TIO DDNON In loombgnCOM6UN0TYoHALLT WckER AssistantHUMtoDSFlER duty cultvtrwt yrus FLWES nt SEDSTREMunnie (Bale), wbo Paseeti1ADMISSION HEATER Manager hic owa boss,. bas management abîity andi wats cylinder,zuerteiwao 23 ivisio0n trceet away Aug, 16, 1970. Adulte $2Z,00 tdas$ 51 6Blr at ak cz ri olr Thnugh tears iiiniy eyca do Chiltiren <un1der 12z) 7c gond condition ------- 695.00I No puymcnts 'tiI Oct. let * Leasing Manager awnd4rsctindak 5 t rv Comageanot glîstcn,__________ 32-1MaeyN.1 aer -250 Call Service Manager w r eit, Mac-ars 6baa ACBeeter Than overnqeIncom n a okbt os et Pott ' " nti my face is not alwapys Caenelrwokig riî Planta - sariArticles for Sale c15tinSpe 0.00 HAVYPATE (with body shop anti me brFchanical experience)CRP-10 bae ciby weting~ heeis fnever a night or D IH Farmal YoSuEpSeSerice eal DRESSERS, ,es hse Tracter with 2-row orESOSrieDaeFoinomtnaddeîlpes ctctnbr, Bouquets ,, But Iithîk i thc wîfe 1 fîids, all kinis of Useti Purni-;scuffîcre -'195.00 FREE ESTIMATES A inlYlawmiting te:Fr nomainiiuenotathone fiEd)18arsoot. Fanrai ~ Nt ahadturc, Antiques anti Applianices ,,,,,o ,ii tii i T -1 Arrangemet av eu ai "~ ,,,, a day ,do 1 forget you Patidy'a Market, 'HampoLtnCs gosi-die î A 526Oon jveitiseî iJ M 311~iiL±t arettea ro --2324,Manore S.preudcr --J000A8350 LTCM- .P.TEtITTIONereERSNT ArragemntsIn myv heart î ou are ah-26-221 26-tf Davi Brownu250 or c/o TH-E CANADIAN AUCf~ 4-84 rf0' 4.47lTheeac e awanl HaosulAranemnt F wyor eeWILL trade 11/p2 oo-t160STT A1jýc ~'I"atclsa ln oatn W1 Setllwm ywr o oveti you and, rmiss you tiller useti only 6 buafor 3-furrow Plo -e-- ' SANClec t75 4-8U15.0or (705)pq Bo719,-440Terarlv±aP olnOn As it ends ther secrond year. gartian tractorw owr J-M.AR EQUIPMENT j ýBo 9, 2jEal 11 t Phonýe 623-7141 or 62-55 --Loveti ant i msseti by lus- attachments, Plane 623-736134Kng5stBwapile 4ou1erie Bowmanvile, Ontario jer; Bobulauoe 29tf band lZarmy,3- 213- 4f3- lilcd634727. 3-