c ntnts Public fion Is trikes Are Useless uldie Abolsed C2lie of 10 workiýng 12-jpaying foi- braies on Juinior-s but do ncxt toý nothîng, b hour tiays in the pits; fortunes teeth, anti wondering wbether prevent far moi-e senînus amasseti by squeezing the lait the tiog ouglit to be de fleati situations arisîng from strike drg f n human iîery fîro again. action. bing -scai-cely dgiidwith Wieteeaepceîo An Atlantic Acceptance i-e- hi satus nI ofgthe cts, sultpeinWaii-lai-ionai-ailcfor pro pi,: resp-ýrte mster s in,pe rt norcutyad ut nataincl o r pîg deperte nvety grnti poert i ou- cunty atitection anti gnvernments i-c- îng hiunger, perpetual i-nId andi some of oui- citizens ai-e not sponti nobly, but an air strike ilineis; freeçlom possible only getting one square meal tiail y. xvich affecta far more pepl witiî the reeaîe of teaffh, anti jet alone lbrec, those h anti may have resulte in a the principali eao thatï\vielti the strike ai-e not founti moi-e economic loss 10 the lifetiIbe -w1ke- from lhe aiiong them. The use of the country cioesn't secp hto fizz. moi-1i-f opeesnes ws is strike bas spi- iad; tioctors, The strike is fi-equently up- teaher ani eginerswit- elti on tbe groundis of civil sie..di-aw their services in support rgt yt thse tai-tics of strik-' JMoît gnizeti labour in of thir emads.Antid îgithyy Canada is no i longer engaged ehi rs against "si-abs" belle the lua trggefor the basic shouiint lhcy? What hs sauce notions tisat Ibere ai-e anyi isma dgntis nt te i~stfor thse goose must be sauc individual rigbts involveti. Icir&a efiLadhIe Tightefoi- lie gantier and if te For' that malter, lise rigbt of ba ebeo c ife Thn îa rik ts a weapon that bas the intilviduai b choose ta, measure, beventinclarg tio sncton0f societY, lbhe not bai-gain collectivclY oughtý Th raIzet worker1, a rîight to use il cannol be r e- to be as sacî'et as the igbl specetimem er tisacom- stricleti to paiticular gi-ou Ps 1 bai-gai n collectively. muiy edive;s a laIe- who fal mb a paiticulai- def- The union leader moust mot"] car hs televîsi ntion . .i. .ret hv justîfy bis continuing position (prbabv olo) atibei-r in strikes, then let's ail joîn in. in terma 0of moi-e anti ,rore thererîerto. lm concern Looking aI lise problem for those he s'epiesenlî anti issîhvctos leisure lime anotheî' way, we ail know tisaItbat is only natural. We woulti aniF eecaefom bnretiom, normaily Ihe ;government wiil ail do tise same in bis îhoes. ieeinis instiýaliments on not besitate ho move in wisen But if, tbe strike were not Libenwlvigro friu protection is thougbt tb be available to anyone tiseni neetieti. "Protection of tbe eveî'yone woulti stili. be ýon Vitthe public" is the watehword of equal footing, andtihie work- lise age. Governments insit crs woulti have 10 resort to ~'ni'd~u Ithatwe be protecteti by oui-- othen means atthIeir tiieposal cS~y! ~-~selves, from ouî-seives andti 0wi-estle more from mani- against ousseives - ike il agement, I ~ ' l or Dot. Tbey woi-k lhem- Stnikes have outliveti theirl lion e P I3 selves into a lather about sucis usefuines Let us be donc thbns as copttv rcies with thero.-Canadian Chant- SpeciaLiinl: IPerms - Colors IClairol Wigs Latest Cutting Techniques I PHIONEg623-5455 I. owmanville SPTECIAL PRICES 12 8-x 1o's plus Album PiÉom -- 5, SATISFACTION GIUARANTEEI) 1FREE EFSTIMATES p-1ETERi GUMIN Recently Married in Pointe Claire ,with Mr. and Mrm. Fred Hc- The CaalnSaem3n oml.ilAg ,17 garth, at Buckhorn. 1 Caa 1 -- ,an owan le Ag 9 17 fMrs. Douglas Cole, Bow-1 AD mnanville, Mrs. Gary liane-ý wlch, Oshawa, were Thursday' guests of Mr-. andi Mrs. E. A1 Werry.1 Miss Velma Dickey, Bow- manville, spent a few tiays with her grandparents, Mr. andi Mrs. M. Stainton. On Thurstiay -afternoon a1 number of fiends and rela- tives were entertaineti to a1 dessert garden party at the ý home of Mns. W. Griffin in1 honni' of her daughter E{ea-, .1 b i tc i c D and proîcîsional. reguiniion,leci- c -iiounrîan l ELIZABETHVILLEa No chuî'cb serices woie onlo, bas been vitlng in the eî belt i n tise Hope Township ai-ca.1 ai-ca on Sunday. Lait Suntiay, Mn. anti Mrs F. Fowler, M Wecm et ieonly ser- Mr. anti Mn. W. Casserm %iadMs ee er vice. Next Sunday a combin- 'turedf-oraholda et srvc a CnonaI1 xistGai-ny Fowlcr. The -Pol by Arnott Rogers Batten Ltd. a.m. wili be conductetibY wenî in a camper tchnte Re. Jý Ramjtt. Bay anti wene flown tothie To Cedar Park 1 UniltIeli-c t- uciri hed icebaing Weury anti Mr. Ronald Pithes. On Saturtiay lise Women's i-ampwbene partics are, taken Chureis, Pointe Clire u-abgsfîlt oli niln usHîeî iebîi' Institute ladies bati a lunchl on buinting anti fisbing ti-p.bcQcui--getokpae ievswt nlcicfi iemî counter at Aubrey Gilmoiýe'slTisey retunnedti Iis paît weck uc-nl fJdtsLniawr bl ta a nt r, wou-e a gown of, blue, sale. Hot doge,' pic, dougbnuts, and reporteti an excelenolM JhpDonIairc abîqccfylw beige and peach printeti voile, cofîce anti colti drinks wcre tîme. Idaugbtei-fMs on io arida1' anti ber coi-age was of whlteý solti. Tise sale tui-ned out to Sevea oaiio f iesHaihent of Pointe Claire, anti roses. cos-nflow1.ci-s sephno roses . MiTewagon be a i-cal get-togetiser for the have itarleti to barveitsurtelaeM.Hbitb s-sanitiase.et in white antigi-cen pnint! community ai sevci-al Peoffle cropi In tise area. Peler Norma-i Wcs-y oh Van- Ms e ain snat -ito niwr o-aec lwere entertaining vi cil or i Bob Mer-eu- anti Claudel ofuver, f onmeriy oh B owmao- cf bowers ville, Ont., anti son of tise lute ooiMis arly Gifînwiitfowrs wiom lisey brougisît olIhe Harnesi were stock car racing Mr, antiMrss Kenneti George andi Mns. Mr-eHîe The receplion wasbeiti a sale, nTsndyat au'iyWry siler-ini 1mw of ts siia Miat n .Gl onre, y n dibtra Wry atednsChici ok ie Beconsfîcîd Golf Club.1 Mr n r.Y imrngit. TIs eHiv. Loi-ne Brown on _LaternMi-., anti Mn.iWenry cf- blocRpantds, enîto, witb Icîtfoi-,tisa ani-lie ant Gi-nt Raid. Mss, sen a Recent visilori witis Mi- ficialetianti Mi-. JBillHamul botses risavîog-1 isigisfhiasNw ngln, ie ie r 1e tiy iI n niM.antiMss.L, Muldî'ew wes-e player tise wedding mss-.rui ceves, nt i5 flounc ew eingln a btue plade pant A. Gilmos-e reccntly. Mr. antiMrss H. Muidi-ew, Mr. M-.anti Mm. W. A. Mi-Teer îsi-î Tsycsrit oq ets i. is in luladupi-et Mr. anti Mn. V. Winterbnlt Clarence Rolandi, Ms, C. Mer- of Lonioîî, Ont.. aited as par- 0f irtTey ai ed loudaiine'Gsut.nceyin V ancouver wher wbýo live on tise fus-mOf lthe ici-, anti Ms. W. Te-beni-he, cnls for Mi-. Wes-y. of antienowe Mi-. a1,s nin MVn Weýrr, bh laIe Han-y Ts-cw ai-eexpectft n niMs H odn ot Tise bride, wisciwi ndgîvecirs wer b moe t Giios-'i ls-m Hop tu mariage by Is'r bi-otben,1 lMr. Bill McTeei- arteti as gandujates of the University Mr-. anti Mn. W. Rect i o Mi-. anti Ms W. Multirew, Mu-. Derek Hlir m 0a eîmc 'rM- e-y nid etr nalaebah 'tie Oule. Ts-ew fai-m move tc Oshawa, as-e, spentiîng a few owrî cof dolteti Swîs., bbc ise ushe s we,-r M. 1Davil'ng big s si-ool, ~Pont Hope anti two new las--days% with Mr. anti Mre. L. îles, mnove imb tbese fmi-ms, lVudi-cw, Mi. nt M. . bîe Mr. antiMs-s. J. Dekoken,M a r d n O h w ENNISKJLLEN emplye ofMn. Ps-r. Oht1sha,;wa, a-conFa tîp te tlie leae oi Vser usm cu eilcostrM-.andt.ir-Mn M. Pila8ri ThD ue 1Mi-. antiMis.M u-,u-vileiKnneyws s .hv euntifo oia Slisppard ai-e living o ai in PeleroobrugIs Hospital, on igaImav u-r,i o oia rs been soiti. but they wili rot Sunday. Doris Holroyd retunneti wlhý h,- mo-ving- out until Apnil '73.1 Mnr. Julia Ver'non anti Paul, ,te nil iiîgwI e The Wicelcrlarm as' BsighIton, speoltishe weekend ch anged hIanti. agmîn. Ms-. ai 'iis 1Mi-. anti Mr. K. Tnew. M.H ah-iat u. Mi- . Ken Fowler have moveti Ms-. antiMsi.J. Peacock antide uats nts om loto tise nouth bal of Thick- bise Iwlns wes-e with Trewî l, pntafwm-ysli son boue mua.week w'th Mn. anti -Ms. Mi- antiMss Ron MoirieWan Bckt at anti fumil,Indiana, asnWye ekttadgirls, Paula anti Cnuig Mori-ij, Toi-'A I Mn. Laurencs Wright, Missý onlo, es-e visiling wiîh Mi-. pnflj ilîs 'an J1une Brown, Torno, Mu-. anti and Mi-. G. Morsi. - M. RonClemeni anti fanujly, Mu-,Clai-ce Rolandi, Tor-~ UrL I i. anti Mn. Muiray Axfdord [------ J__ýe Controlled ani fumily, Mrs itiMle '-"I - ~ ~ 11hMn. anti Mu-e.Etigar (2'Iuck c A lui scltecti isiougs .Wright and Betty, lu honou.r IIar~~~~~wr~~~ even Ihe/bei lawn i-an meke ' ".a et niMna' ili il apea îusugtly scs R~ ~ tiys. Congratulations. Fleming boricullurel specia!- M.at n GagThn The long-wuuded Ilctu-lui aitbesu' holding foi-lb for uOlsl iilr fAsi oorg în h ekn over an hour ex p o-bifpuesfo iet iet culture anti Foodi. Tise' grus IwtsM.atiM.Fe u gnlp a hashy drink o1 waber. Fiually, duriug oas such inter- luntise immediate area of lh:sdih r n rs rdDa mission, aunid man lit the audience leauued toward his1jcolony usueliy bei-ornes imP5- n gbor anti ann'ounced in au audible whisper, "Fîrstlieatpaede1tseuneîo .M-.niM-CacieA- 1 ever aw a windmili i-nu by waîer". of tise nsechi. s- pnIa e a.wth <Ante are i-eatiuîy conîmolîcti Ms-s. Ferge Avery anti family, CLO0THES CARE HE INT: by balle, dusîs anti spraysTibrataio itMr K~~ anti Mu- Wray Moore anti Cigi-tinrs)antirae will diistegrale firnuheospherue andti conleioing Cisiordene. A spray-fmuyFeu. aiid deposits unles hey ai-s cîsaus i a least once everyimix of foui- ounces, 40 per ' .a nti Mnrgu..DoadLm six months, icent Chîcrdane weteble 1 ow- M.adMs oadLm dci-ho two gallons of wuter 1 lanti famiiy, Bauiehoro, were 1'Vake Plans Now for . prayeti per 1,000 squai-e feel t Wednesday suppes g n ci l BOW ANILE iOS CUBCANIAL anti wasb d loto tise soul, I 'wt.hMu-. andi Mns. Lorne BO M NIL IN LBCRIA quickly kilis tisei-olony. .. .Lan. Suturday, August l9th - Memoriail Park19 iTrealment of lise wbole lawn - -Mn. ant irsi-. Lyonal Hickey Hav yu otyor ickt n heHaai Vaaton wti Clortiane not only ps-e-1 Mr. and Mrs. Murray,ý J. Yellowlees,ý anti îamiîy, Hampton, visiteti HPv yA ol,%:urtic-4ontheHaaî Vaatot vents anIs from nesling buti -Photo hy PelerGumina wilis Mn. anti Mns. S Lamh. xvil aso iv goti -ots-l t Mii aneLouseShugabr the bbcidte, ai-ted as Mi-, anti Mrs. Norman tise wite gruis lai-va. Spi-cat daugister nI Mr. anti Mrs. usisers. Brown, Port Hus-on, Michigan, M A ~ v LEahall pouuut, fýive per icolt John Sisulga, H.H. 1, Wiiby At tshe ieceptinn, in St. lvri. antiMu-a. E. R. Taylor squreant M. un'y ame Y-iGeorge's Uki-inian H ail1, weu- cec-nt i-allers at Mr. anti lest anti watcr it iloto tise sou.lo wles , snnnci Mi-. anti Mr. wii foliowed, bise bsite's Mns. Eai-l 'f-ewin's. Cisioîdanc spuaycd arount Wi-sley J. Ycllowlees, RHR. 1, moliser, Ms-s. Sisulga, reci-iveti Messrs. Glen Asbton, H-ay- C;ENàR L D foundations, doors anti win Enniskillen, excisangeti mer- tIse guests in a gown of pink don, Donald Tuewin anti ,... 84 KNG ST. w.62~ 5520ov a on oll prcvent the ' rageyvows ins a beautilul polyester double koit, with F-uk NesnEnslln HReadth ie label on tise contain- in Oshsawa at St. George's svas tyleti witis an empi-ehv eune oefo "We Specialize In Shirt Lauunderiîg" i-r anti oliow duisi-lions i-as-e- Uki-ainian Cathnlic Churcis aI vwaisline, a hou' in front and holiday tour. ____________________________________ 4 p.m. on SaIus-day, Julîy 22nd, tiny buttons tiescending to Misses Lisa anti Rohyn 1972. Fathei- Pes-eyma ofici. the bemline. Tise sîceves wem'e Kinsman spent lait week boli- ateti. Fnur iovely baskets of long 'anti close fitting. lui- daying witb Susan, Patîl, pinir giatioli anti yellow coisage was of white gar- PhIslip anti Jenniler Dawn, 'mui gracedth ie allas-, anti tiinias. saa white satin bows designaîcci .Mr.seand. s i isa 0tise gui-st pewe. Tise ves-y Tise grooms' niotiser asist- beatifl cui-b lnta soi- cd, weai-sg a turquoise cini n company with Mr. anti emniî b bie occasion for lise Pli-ne, ini princeme style, witl'M-.JimA-inwn o~~s double rigccrcmony. nliei ssstscvaMn, antiMi-,. G. R. Carpeuber. ring anti buttons tiescenticg down Tise bride wnre a formai tise front., Heu- coi-sage wus tn.Osanti M. and y S.n Po Our Frienids and Customens: gown of white lace over tef- of vhite cas-nations.tn saa M.at n Welometathewodeufu woldcf hinsefoo a th Ltus Isa, Il was ityleti wilb a 1 d tts Garnet Tawns, Peterhorough, Welom toth wodefulwoldof hiesefod a teisigus h neckline, fitteti hotu-e Te iesgadmtë,were Sundey viellons -withî Gardens Restaurant, where you will enjoy the subtiebies of Chîinese ant i bereti ski-t whlch extenti-us. T. Milten, in powtier, blue Mr, anti Mr. L. Lamh. cuiine Ou- mnu s eote ad lgenany ibs flld wbh ver deigh, d imb a short train. Tise chiffon, satia coisage af pink iM~r. anti Mn. Dan BIack, poun.clushe nd geormetnd ec a. fild ih vrydlih, sîeves wene fulwitis a tigb i-ainations, Caunlicc, Mn. -anti Mme. Jas If you apprheiabe a chang eof ace imte odiar iuffcoming 10 a point aven Mr. John De G-osg, fiienti Lake, Niagara Falls, wsrs , I yo aprecatea cang ofpac frm te odinry r he bands. On hier hi-ad wa of tise bsid es family, aited Suntiay visiîors at Mn. and have the slightest whim for real Chinese gourmet food, ia -aanty crown lu, nylon lace, as master of ciremanies mîtes- Mn. F. Dorland's. patuen ounelfandyou failyenjy te bst rom~. rom which fiowed an elbow lstiehdicious dinner serveti Mn. anti Mn. Mur'ay Mai-- Yane or n our f amil wil marel a the extcciie and yomursdaylength veul. Sise carrieti albythe ladies cf SI, George's shall, Andi-ea antiCaria were 7u iywill bemm e aring. xoi uiiean or a cascade bouquet of pinir rosie Uki-ainian Hall. Toasts were Suntiay dinner guesîs of Mn. w ems eadn.anti baby's hi-catis, matie toalise bride, brides- anti Mme. Jas Rekken anti When you entertain or have an occasion to celebrate, Ms ice hlawas muids ai a-ne ieStNwaîe flatter your guests. Serve themn an anray of these delicious maid of isonor antiMs-s. Kathie gr-oom anti groomeman i-e- Mr-. anti Mns. George, Irwin Ch-inese -speciaities. Your parly will' be a success and youm Hotison was bhiiesmaiti, bolh sodt.Atlg-mo -n pn Iw tmsncnl îisti-s f te brde. heygratulalions was i-iad 10ta th witisM.at n o Whebhor yau dine at home or at the Lotus Cardens lcngth gowne of punir organza, aunts'0f bise groom, Ms-s. John Mn. anti Mrs. Dave Bols- matie ith ais empire waist- Marks, Scarborough; Miss Nais wýel, Maple Gi-ove, alang Restaurant, oui- luscious gourmet ±oods assure you of a iue, p7ain ho iguToron ti Miss Mari- wt n niM-.Caec t n oiie ant igur wAl Mn Tndrontoarean pleasant, memonable expenience. Thank You, cd sîcînt. Tise siceves wene on Gurvin, Tos-onto, wiso anc Stainton anti îamily visîteti The Management 'long, full anti fasleneti with travelling in bise Brillis Tle.__ _ FREE HOME DELIVERY a cuIl aI lisi wriet. Tsim Alter tise wedtiîng eak- was anti cuber points of, Western ON $3..50 MINIMUM ORDER ýbroati hiim pinir bals, wil no0 passeti by thi- bride anti Ontario. csowns, were compiementi-t groom bise guni-is wcre invît- Tise bride is employed i u FOR SUPERB SERVICE iwîth pink ribison, 1 mati-hei-t btbie home-oI Mi-. anti Ajax Hospitl as a reception- PLAS CLLtise nibion: et Iheir waistline. Mns. Sisuiga, t continue lhis lt.Tbey will rside at PLESECAL A Each caeit a noscgey Of celebration anti si-e tise couple Stoney Lotige Fanm, RHR. 1, î uisite 'munis ant i pni carne- i-ave for liseur honcymoon. F.nniskilien, where the graorn Qarclen Th rd Çia 1 eTis bride cianged. ta a punk ww111 continue ta farm, Guesîs Mn, aland Yellowlecs, anti wite cuimni-ine tii-cs in attentiet from -Toronto, Or- RESTAURANT lOrono, wes hi-st nman fonrluIs sunmues- style. The bridai angevilie, Valentia, 'Poait 623558 or623303brother. Mi-. Jîm Aluin, To- bouquetl's caugisl by Miss Penny, Ajax, Whîthy, Oshlawa, roto, cousin of the groom. Shelley KossaI. 'Tise happy Bowmranville anti a:rasr and Mr. John Sisulga Junior, couple travelledto Niagara rounding. Mr. andi Mrs. Har-vey Me- MI' 'ai-d Mn 1>D. T, Camai-cri Guil antiMi-. anti Mrs. Lloyd viîteti Mrs Gordon Ries andi AshJ1on attendeti the receP- Mr. and Mns, Merle Barr,j lioni for Mr-. anti Mi-s Peter Sudbury, Wrry in the Fellowship Mr., anti Mr. Fred Abo Roomcýi at St. Paul's Chui'ch, andi grantiebliren s Bo-ianville, Thuriday xÎîth hWL rthr Mu-s;. Mary Olesen returned'Mr- andi Mm. Louis Asçhton, homne from Denm'ark laist Hv' ok week. Sympathy t'a extentieti 1Miss Betb Ashton anti Miss to Mrs. Olesen in the passinigI a--eni Yeilowlees,Solina of her brother. mentIble weekend InOtwa tàrsgati on. Mr.anti Mn, W. Blackburn, Mr-. anti Mn. Puirvus, Scar- Dale *and Neilwent on a mn)- morogbweie Fndaycalpnitor trip for a few tisys, stay- it Mr-. anti Mrs E. A. Wei-ry's, ing at Deep *-River. Mi-. anti Mrs. Haroldi Ash- Glen Ashton, Donald Tre- ton anti Deana, accompanieti win and Frank, Nielsen 'e-; by Mr. S. Rersey, Hampton, turneti home on Saturday have. mît returnet fi-rnm a fi-rma Ibree weeks' trip to, holitiay to Olti Fort Henry, B.C., Calif. anti other placesl The Thousand Islands, Upper Mr-. anti Mn. Wayne Black- Canada Village, the Power hurn anti Susan, Orono, Mr, Dam and Loi-bs, et-Roo:sevelt, P.ntiMn-. Diouglaýs Blackburn, U.S.A. IWhitby, wlth the W. Black- Misses Joanne anti Loi-i burns for a barbecue on Sun- Crytierman, Zion, are holiday- dýay. îng wlth their granipa-ents,ý Mn and irsn. LChrîsten- Mr,- anti Mrs. L. Stainton. sen anti Mary Elîlen, Mr-. anti 1Danti Mn. Clark Werry, Mns Artbur Ti-eWin, Mns. M. Dr. Eiaet n Ptr Olesen, Mr. E. Hoskin v, erP Etobi.coke, were Satuirdav din- Sna iioswt r n ici- gucîts of Mranti irs- E. Ms .Pîs A. W-ry.Mi- and, Mn. Bob Towns-ý ~.,Wery.end, Keswick, were Wetines-_ Mi-. anti Mr. Joe McGill day visitoi-s at Mr,. antiME--.! i-id family, Mississauga, wcre Chai-lie Garrard's. vith the H. MeGis dui-ing Mi- anti Mrs. Jîm Madore, the week, Shaun relurned D « niJAn aelf home wlth them from' holi- for Virginia anti the Caro- lýaya. linas, to continue their holi-1 Mi-. ranti Mrs, Gary H"-days. ivicb, Oshawa, were Sunday Mr. anti Mrs, 3fu Asbtsn. [inner guests ofMi-, anti Mi-,. Trenton, spent the weekenti' E, A. Werry. wîth bis parents Mr., anti Mu-s' Mi-. anti M-s. H. McGil i F. Ashton. Ann, Chrîs anti attendeti Decoration ai St. David returnetihomne wlthl 4.aîy's, Cem etery1 on Sunday, themn, afternoon. Mi-. anti Mn. Alvin Boyd, GET CASH TODAT Bowmanville, were- Montisyl THROUGH evening guests of Mi-. anti, STATE&MAN lIns. E. Werry.i Mr. andiMrs. E, A Werry C LA 8S IFI1E DS wers reicnt dinner guésts of! 2-33 Mfr. anti Mn. Grant Wei-ry.Poo6333 Rent a Caýýr fr A DAY ORWEKN Ask for Rae.. COUNTY CHRYSLER-DODGE LTD, 623-2586 Shriniks Piles hemon«4ds mW repeir daaged tissus. A renowued reseai institute lhm found a ulni q ehlialing substanci with the ability tesrinkçh-o rhoxds painlesaly, It rebeves Îtle'n and discomfort in minutes,,andi speetis up healing of the injUr, iflaned tissue. In casel after case, -hle geni reheving pain, actual reductIoI (shlnkage) took place. Most important of ail-resultl weres sotheronghthattbisimprove mnent was maintained. over a periij of many mouth. This was aomplished with uew healing substance (Bio-Dyn~ ceflla timuinntes growth Ofneà tifflne. Now Bio-Dyne îs ofeéred inunjuin menadsu ory foim - rfde .AafrtaýdC CHOOSE VOUR PATTERNi- THEN TAKE ADVANTAGE 0f THESE lst QUA I CR-,IIMPKNIT Fullywa,%ha-ble, pre- shrunk, worsted hand. 60' wide. Fail colours: Charcoal Mix, Navy, MosS, Wine, Black, Brown. 9 yard "Tender Dream" nmer- ceq'ized cotton. Wash.- able anti crease re- sistant. Green, Blue, Redi, Wirue, Black. 44/45tr wide. yard BRUSHED TWILL TARTAN~ SUEDED CORD Washabe Model andiOf 85% Cottotn,15% Poly- Cotton biend. 44/5" ester. Washable,9 wîde. Tartans: Nova Mcrd emnn Icta oalSeat Press. Russet, Golden yar Ancierit Huntrng Fraser, iRod, Burguridy, Brown. Margaret Rose, etc. 44/51 Wie. "OUTBACK"SUEDED COTTON f44/5- FALI PRINTS 100% Cotton s guaran- teedM ashable, Iow lus- tre. Chocolate, French Navy, State Blue, Heather Violet, Egg Plant. 44/511 wide. 49 yard 5 KING SIAS Blenti of Avril(g, Rayon anti Cotton. Guaran- teeti wasisable. Tweeds, plaids, houndstooth iri Wine, Red, Navy, etc. yard use Your Chargex cardAt al)rM 623-5451 BOWMANVILLE 623-5451