4The Canadian Stategrrian, Bowm'anville, Aug. 9, 1972 EDITORIAL COMMENT If 'You Can't Say Something Intelligent Sunset Boulevard, Newcastle, Ont. Aug. 2, 1972. Dear Mr. James, On that "bright, beautiful Tueqday," 1, no rn-one é15c, did not-expcct you te "leap to the defence of ail long-hair- e, barded jyouing men." What I did e mrectand wat, was for you to brin g a dîcriinaoryact to the public eye. T1hatyo didi and I thank you. I1elz that probably nothlng will be -done, nor do I expect it. If civilized peopie can discriminate agaînst Thomas Do Yourself ,aF if 'youý are a subscriber to a large daii 'nwspperturni to the back pages ý,me Mo1nd_-ay ard haver a look at the &tscscompiled by the Canadian ý1reýs s on the wePeend traffic f atalities. Foýr tworess you will probably 1E: alarmerd at what ,you read. Firstly, ccause thc ist eem to be getting ang raicd longer each week, and sec- ~dnly ecaseit seems the mai ority of ~anaî as loingtheir lives in traffic 4~cidetsare between the ages of, 16 Q! f courszeayls of life from any uei.- traqgic, but this isheightened mhwwhen theperson iti young in 1er,or we deatLh i3 caused through rèlèssnès,. iorance or stupidity in andfing a 1motor vehicie. Ovar theweekend, four youths ýom iPort Ferywere involved in a c-ishap, thiat ceulld have reached tragic reprtinsAithough two sufferçd in- of' a sýex'ous nature, it was enly a raç-ie t'hat none was killed. The car- ýnwhich they were travelling is noth- imore- than a grotesque, battered and ,vmtdhunk of steel. Itis reported the e,rwas moving at a very high speed 'irhen the accident occurred. What's the fascination, especially ,t speens among young people, with X$peerd? Why is it that we are building ~asand mot orcycles andr boats and owiobiesand airpianes that go fast- (and faster ail the time? And why is t pceople feel tbey must push these ~4icbieste the ultîmate limit? 1 Wheri some people get bebind the' '~1~e1of a car tbey may have a coni- ýCirous or sbcncosdesire te "proveý" S41meTCthing, eîtier te themseives or te fhose around rItbemf. They, may equate fl-e huln of a car at excessive ~ eswith anliînest. or courage or honour; or by drivinjg faat they9 may Whse R e. ~ A cycistI con-lsidered a vehicle 1,11nder thie Onitario -ighway Traffie ~,a a such, must ride on the right Sand srid1ecof 1the road, with traffic. Can ou, s aparntguarautee that your d icdi1nowsý his right hand from his ý4ft I vewofth ;aiyber of children ~ee riingon thle wrong side of the ~athe Ontaie Safety League asks cou te onsdrcarefuilly your answer j1ý th-jiad other questionrs. ~~~ A'ycit s oun1g driver and ~ustobeyt mies 1of the road, includ- ilg s5toppg at stop ýsigns, ombeying traf- ~X4 lihtsandsignalliuj.g ail lane chang- ~s ad tuus.Te you this is old hat Look, Ma, E 1YGuty Fomir ~ M fthr asan acie mari lre ever stpped. W e he fPpped out of bec!, h oudlg grte toshake ýf sleep. With bis lef t baud, he would in he erclat Pnsd with his ~ , he eectîc save. How he ever ~i~aeriterideo t h jmgs at'l once, I wili ~evr kpw.He wnudull ,1P a black >fifee aud hp mea cbalways the i~a~e onBcausve 1he loved walkiug, At the o- fficce h bsLanced figures ~dl ayjottng hemdwn witb his ~ghtbaudand attlng wa1y on an add- ~4igmacinewith his lerft. The muscles 11- bnth bis arIms were se dvelopd tha JOHN M.JAMES EDITOR-PUatIUAa GEO. P. MOJRIS BusiEgs Mça, Bagleton (but bey! This is CANADA, aren't we supposed to be above t1hat?) They certainly will flot hesitate te look down on a "littie man."ý But one cannot expect action or redognition if one does not bring these matters to the attention of the publie, and that is part of a newspaper's existence. .As for lyour comment of July 26, please keep in mind that old saying, "If you can't say sornething intelligent, don't say anything at al!" Karen Tordiff avour, Slow Down- 51 simply want te attract attention te tbemselves.-1 1Whatever the esesfr speed, net ouly are the lives and weii being of those directly iuvolved endaugered, but those of compieteiy innocent parties as well. It seems obvieus that the present traffîc regulations are net having the desired effect as a deterrent against >speeding. A $20, $30 or $50 fine, along wlth the loss cf a couple of peints is really uethiug more tban a siap on the wrists, wben oe cousiders tbe possible dangers învolved. Possibly, the, fines sbould be iucressed, or include a man- datory suspension of driving privileges, the length of the suspension depeuding on bow much over the limit the driver was travelling. There wvas eue report of a judge heuteucing a youug speeding effender te sit every uight.for a -week lu emer- gency admittirg of a large hespital te see fer bimself what the- victims c f traf- fic smashes look like wbeu they are brougbt lu. A picture is often worth a tbousand words, and the sigbt cf brok-. en and mangled bodies can create a lastiug impression. Tbi nk about it wbeu you get behiud the wbeei cf yourcar, or wbeu yeu get the urge te "put Itet the mats." Aud the nexýt time you tbink yeu're quite a sensation if you can make your car go 100 m iles per Iheur, rememnber that there are sýome peopIe wbo ar-eu't ail that,,im- pressed mwitb sIpeed, s are ýn't iinpress- ed oee bit wi th those who feel they bave te diefast. Inu fact net only are speeders unim- resvtbey're just plein stupid as well. Maybe, someone who bas survived a bigb speed crash migbt just be saying the same, thiug. -Port Perry Star p>,onsibility? iugraîned kuewledJge, but , what cof your young- driver? Dees he even know bow te signal bis intention tstop or turu left sud rigbt Cani you 'guarantee bis knowing that a red traffic iight means stop, wvhile a flashiug red lîgbt imeans stop and proceed witb caution wbeu the way is clear; or that a green traffic ligbt meaus go, wbiie a green arrew allews you te preceed eniy lu the direc- tion the arrow is peiuting? One lasI question. Whese responsi- bihity is it to ensure that your child kuows ýthe airswer te these and many ether questionsl There sbould be ne doubt lun.your mmid. The buck stops at your deor. 3othfHa nds! off te Ieacb îus table manners sud iend >an, ear te the sperîscast. Always, every- tbing aI once! He was a sparts buhiff. HT1ri nw by heart the bcefootbal.su a sebaî standings. Hle wais as kceen on wireslling, boxiu,bo,)wlýinrg, curling sud gof, Ho-jî was aisa1 nP.ýul for amai1tursports, Wbenever Ih o lcal ioam badi a fiud drive, lho was th-e firstoeue te subbscribe. Ou Sud eshoeven tnck in semee gaines. In iin'ýter, lie woid bav eh house muffilod up te tbe efsme, amce lu biis ceai peeket. Iu sujmmer, 1ho wouidà shove a few beer bottles intb a Ki-aft- paper bag te bning te the stadiuim, Twice, ho \vas meutioued by the local rag rag as s weli-known sportsman. 1He \was 5n active that my mother be,ýan ta warry. One day, she tld him hoe should do seme exorcise, "Me, exorcise? But, 1 nover stop. I'm lu top -sbape..' Ho remaiuod lu top shape until ho died fmom as heart ttack, ai 50. -InformationCaad rorporating nvilie News tle lndepeudenit mno, News Dgistration mber 1561 y-Wednesdaiy by 4ÇQ COMPANY LIMITE]) Bowmasville. Ontario PATRICK< GOULD SAaES MAN'AGMI Phonso 623.3303 DONALD RBISHOP PLAYr Mrlq 7 , TA/NK 17-k/OL'LD ,E FA/ 70 ->A Y(")Y M'//V rA Tz SUFFER,ý; EIeVO(' - L II/iU57 CA/4&27' DAIL Y ' In fhe,;ý Edt's Mîal Cavan, Ont., August ist, 1972 Dear Mr. -Jamens: Once a Airi itîtme for subseription renerwal, time passes se qouickly from ene year te annther. I have enjoyed the States- man this year very much, 25 YEARS AGO Miss Pat Erickson, Camn- bridge, Mass., will resume ber art lais from August 15-31 at the home ef Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Selon, Beeci Ave, This wili, be the third year of teaching at thie Selon home for Miss Erick- son.. Tlie uewiy elected oui- cers nif the Newcastie-ou- tIc Lake ýRatepayers' Assnc. for the currerit ycar are: President, Dr. Horace Wal- ton Bail; Vice Fronident, Mr. George Farncomb, Sec~- retary -Treasurer, Mrs. Ida M. Stinsori. Reeve George Walton was3 prescrit at the meingn and answered many qruestions relatirig to, Bnd Head, Clarke Township Couricil met ugust Sth, witli al membhers preserit and set theaes for the Township of Clarýke for 1947 at fol- low's: CuitPate 12J5milis, Counity Scbool 1.7, Town- sipii 9.5, Special bridges 3.5, Gerisekeois 6.3, Bow- manville Hospital 1, sud Gariaraska 8 mlîs. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Lancas- ter aud Mrs. John Lancas- ter, 'Newtonville, attended tlie weddirig of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce .Lockhart, lu Niagara Falls, N.Y., on July 26tb. Plans are underway for the erection of a United Churci and Surfday Schoff In Courtice West, just uorti cf Piddllck's service stýa- tion, lu oridcr to assisti, i. the i'111in 1 nciing;(' Ie peopi e of 0le amnitiy wll l d an auction sl.Aiiyorie wish- log te doniate articles may contact Mn,. Luther Barra- ball, Ms. Paul Autil, Mrs. ,Harry Herron, Mns. Geo. Renolds, Mr. Bill Gearing, Mr. Alex Hoy, Mr. Sid Bar- rabal, Miss Ane Hoît aend Rev. F. Yardley. Hon. T. L. Kennedy, Min- leVeýr of Agriculture for Ontýario, arinouuced t h is ýweek, that 850 Dutdh farm- ors are expeceted in Oritario by September to lielp witli the liarvestipg. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner, Mr. ami Mrs. L. J. Goodman, Mr. aud Mi. Norman Woodley, Tyroie, witliMn. and Mrs, Tliomp- son, Stungeon Lake. Mrs. ERaipliAmies lias berij askled to model et the Cani anfii National Exhibi- tion Cecr International Silver Ce., HInto. u their 18l47 unodel. it seemns to, improve each year. Keep up the good work'and 1 wish the paper, every suc- cess. yours trinly, Mrs. Cordoqn Ruth. t4d's Note,: W don't[e ceive iicejettgr.e i%, ýlKe thiA 49 YEAIIS AGO (Thiirïday, Aug. 9, 1923) Miss Eleanor Wood and Miss Dýoris Wîtheridge visit- ed the formier's surit, Mrs. J R. Kiveli, Maple Shade Faim, Souisc, Miss Ethel Cox and Miss Nelhie Bourisal are visîting the former's parente, Mr. and Mirs. Chas,. Cox, Emn- porium, Penn '. Msd Mrs, Gus Bounisali accompanied them as fran s ufao Gliamber of Commrerce Band wili give a cnetat Port Bowmnanvilleý, Sunday-ý aftrnori Rev, and Mrs. F. J. Rer- wooýd isuç daugliter Ruby of Cambortne were rocent guests of Rev. and Mn., C. C. Washington aithtle Par- souage, Countice. Mr. and Mns. Fletcher Staples also visited there, Four youîîg ladies cf Bowmauvilie Mission 'Circle gave a very irterestiug anid instructive debate in the churcli schoolroom, Hamp- tari, at the Raspberny Fes- tival, beld un.der the aus- pices of the Women's Mis- sionarv Society. The af- firmative was taken by Misses A. Cox and M. Bell- main, the negative by Misses L. Wallaýe-and M. Adamus. The tepir' was, "Resoix ad thatForiguMis ions are~ mor doenvugof our sup- porita i Homne Missions" heAffir'mative team won. M ss, Marlon Waddell, Orono, eof the Standard Bank clatif is enjeying a coulel( of weecks' holiday at Cinton Burley, sotn of Mc. Spencer Buriey, suffér- ed a very painful accident lait week whenj a boit broke anid flew off a mna- chine, striking Buirley and burlîng hlm lieavily to thie ground, The force of the blow broke both arms. Miss, Florence Bouathan, Toronto, lu visiting lier me- ther, Mrs. E. Bonaliari, Newcastle, aud Mrs. Bal- four, Sauit, Ste. Mî%rie spenidiug a couple ni moriths withlier daugister, Mns. P. F.Le Gresley. 50,000 'mnilare wanted frein Bastern Cainada ho lpliarvest the Western grai'1n crops which ar eu ceediugly beavy thus ear Thýe .N.R. wili ope-rate spiail Harvesters' Excur- sinContact île neareit Nainlagent for informa- Re.Isaac Coucli, Strath- loy, lia been visîting lis 1ite, is, Thos. SoiTy- qoaintanc .tlu iii boyihood home. ton often, sn when tliey do arrive, they are deep]y appreciated. Tliauks, Mrs. Ruth and best personai re- gards. Dear Sir: May wev make1ý an appeal te yor redersfor o1 hsbeen reseaichirig infor- mation apout the Hudson'e Bay Company Fort Edmon- ton1 as it was. during- the 1840's ,in preparation for an sutheuie reconstruction niý the post. Much of our iknowlvedge nf this fort iu the ic 9tli Century is derîved fromff Fort Edmonton Jour- ais of Daiiy Occurrences which are uow lu the Hudic- son's Bay Company Arch- ives. Unforturiately, ail of the Journals between the years 1834 and 1854 are missing, but t is possible, that they stili exist some-, where, perliaps ini a private collection. If any readers have in- formation cencerning the whoreabouts of these mis$-, iug jourrials, we wouid sin- ceroly appreciate hearing irom themn at: The Historical Exhibits Bilding, 10,105 - 112 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, '15G OH. Yours truly, D. Babcock, Besearch Consultanît, Historicai Development and Archives Branch. SMOKING ACTION Cigarette smoking is a major' public heaith problemn in this country. A cause of chrenîc bronchitis, emphysemna, Jung cancer, beart disesse,.asud ot h- or serious ilinesses. More than 3000,00 people die pre- msturely each year from smoki.ng-related diseases. How cari. we 'combat this enormous problem? Our society- syà Surgeon General Jesse Steiufeld - bas been tremendously successful in solviug sorne public: health probilems. When n respous- ibie action wae emnddof citizens. For exampnle, we have purfied Our w-ater su.p- plieç, bauned cycliaates.pre- vc-nted sewage from Pntering our drink' ig water, pasteuiiz ed our miik, made certain.n that me(at products did. not trans7- mit trichinosi 's or tuberculosisl. We immunized our citizens agairist smallpox, polio and measies. But liow about when the responsible action bas tri come from p e o pl1e' tlimseves? Wheni people muet eocs and choose proper dliets to avoid obesity aud arterlo- scierosis? Wheu they must restriet sicohol intakeWben they should quit smoking? Sýpeakiig ýspecifically about smoking. ti1hrSurý-geon General seki "Wht lethe role of goverimritbey11ond education, when education doesn't do the job?" Thierýe are aimost 45 million Amiericans etili smokin1g. The Surgeon Genoral con- sîdered two possibilitios: iim- it ing the armount of tare and ni7cotine lu igare-ttes', and raisig tlie cigarette tax. AI-1 thoicugli the Surgeon Generai lias not suggested banîng the1 manufacture and sale of cig-1 artesorme promirent bhealtb hxet ave. But the sroctie o! rrohhitin cste n]l sliadow o-ver this prospect. Action, has a1readY been I Sugar i NOW 1 KNOW IT WAS ALL GUFF I've sudden]y discovered that my wife isn't such a lazy bumn af ter ail, and that most womeu aren't appreciated by their busbands. Lastweek I wrote an idyllic col- umn about how peaceful and beautiful it was at Grandad's, eut iu the country, overlookîng the bay, quiet, restful and ail that guff. Il wasn't guif at the time, but it is now. It's neither peaceful or quiet arou.nd here,, though it's stîli beautif ul.' Yes, we're still here. On the eve of, our departure, my silly old woman stepped eut of the car, twisted ber siîîy old ankie and broke the silly old thing. We didn't kuew it until next day. I tbougbt it was probably a bad sprain. But on the morrow it was the shape and celer of a fully matured beet, se off te the hospitai for X-rays. That was quite an experieuce. It was eue of those dripping bot days, and also a Saturday. Normally, a small- town bospital is a pretty quiet place. But on a Saturday afternoon in mid- summer, in t-ourist country, the erner- gency ward is a bit of a mad-house. We were lucky. The girl at the desk had gene te scbool with my wife and bhad our names written dowu before I could open my mouth. Another sohool friend is a nurse, and though off duty, came iu sud helped in many ways. There was eue doctor and one medical student on the job. Iu poured the patients, and I couldn't help admir- îng the way the staff coped, iu the ap- palling beat.* I hope, Doc Leeson, another oid frieud, bad bis -breakfast that mornîug, becausý be, certainly didn't bave any lunch, Here's an Indian girl with a sick baby . Here's a twelve-year-old boy be- ing carried iu by a worried father, The boy bas ct t is leg badly. Teurists. Here's a young kid wbo bas burned bis hand badly. Here's a young feilow witb bis baud ail maugled. Here cornes a very' preguant lady, just about ready te pop. I see the doc in the office, a cup of coffee be's trying te snatch held in oe baud, phone iu the other. I kuow it's a bad eue, because be's lest bis joking, jovial, personal manner and looks grave. Two orderlies suld the medical stu-i dentl tear diowu thie hall in the direc- tion of the ambhulance garage. Flunuing, fiat e)ut. Sure euough, it is a bad eue. Plane crash just a few miles eut of town. 1The doc can't leave. He has te read X-rays, bandage wouuds and deliver a baby. But be 'phones for belp at the MacDuff Report m Federai Agricuilture Min- isteer H. A., (Bud) Oison met with bis ceunterparts ln the provincial goverriments at Halifax during the iast week of Juiy sud hie mais pitel tri them was hie belief in expauded use of the Nat- ional Farm Products Market- ing Act tri solve the farmens' diiemnma of statie prîces for bis producte and eky rocket- iug reste. Mr. Oison was nesponsible for calling Parliament 'back eariy from its Christmas- New Year vacation ini Jan- uary lu order to force the Marketing Art into iaw. Ho wae successful, but littie liai been doue about it sirice. The necessary marketing couricil lias boén named sud seme of its concepts have been used te cool eut tle "cbicken sud egg" war. But the provincial authorities wbo muet concede to auy national marketing scliemes have been makiug baste slowly if at ail. Prior ta the meetinîg of agriculture piluustere Mr. Oison fourid a platiorm from wbieb to expouîîd bis tbear- hes on the basic iarm preli lem ni today at a iuncheon meeting ni île 1Halifax Rot- ary Club. It is probable tbey may have been more interested in the price ni fieli and the incroasiug miniug of tle oceau's producte, but theyneventhelese ]istened to a series of farts sud figures wbýýicb tended to show the rarmer le nat gottiug a break e-qual ta other sectors of the national economy. Consider for instance that aver the paet 20 years the prices f armers receive for their productehave increas- INQUEST IN AUGUST An inquest isto the JuiY 21st doublé fatality train accident in Oshawa wil l e held in Oshawa during thse latter pa,,rt of August. Bt 'ill b e recalled that a wo- miant antd ber son were kili- eti wýhen it box car ran ont of eontrol down Ititson Roaci Soutb. The victims were ero(ssing the intersec- tion at the time and were killetilnsitantly. taken ',y 29 million ex-smok- ers. 'Io find eut h\ow to jain this gnoup, contact your local tubeculoisland respiratony diseasýe association. It's a ma7ttor of lit e and breatl. Northumberlandr - Duîrham Tubeîculosis & Respiratony Lusease Association, ed by loe than 25 per cent wlsile the pnireof the thiags tley buy have risen more than 60 per cent sud Ihat onue cansequonce is that Cana- diane speud lois in propar- tion ni heir psy choque for fond than ever befene. Mn, Oison did net go into the subj oct aif farmn market- ing boards with the Rotan- hans but bis speech te them couid le reganded as part of a campaigu ta safteu up consumons irito tle necessity ai accepting bigler prices for foodstuif s which will risturaiiy fnilow impremen- tation ai the Marketing Art. There was somme gruuxblirig wlien egg marketing schem- os were set up ai Ithe prov- incial level earliec this year, because the netail price ni eggs jumped about ton cents per dozen immediately. That subsided rather quickly sud seems uow te le accopted by tle consumer. Of course tho pnice ni eggs was oxltremely low. Whèthen or nat cou- sommons wouid accept cýimil1ar jumipe ii île prices noth farm producis foi wichý1 tîey feel they are payiing sufficieut uow, i anth nuatter, Not iitig mucl ist done wîth egste prepane tibm foin the cosmrother than grading sud baxing sn that the spread leuxcou the farm pnico sud the consumr is* neat ail that muli. With mosýt ather farrru produci it is different. According te Mn Oisons figures 'more tissu balf the cast of food pur- chiased by consumners s iun île proccs5ing, packegirig, baudliug, storage snd netail- That's not al l ad lu termi of the general ecornmy. Fond pracessing empleyi a quar- ter ai a million people sud pays over a billion dollars in wages aunuallyiynlu 11 country. The Minister lias made the point that the public should net obj oct if île f armer arganizes fan bis nwn pro- tection and ta iusure hie livolihoad. A gueat maoy people in otben waiks of lite hsave douep it. There are labor unions sud associations of ail kniwhicli prateet sud oxanlte ;bro-mes ni thein ebes So why usot thefamr Sýaid Mr- Oison "farmers peed e] backing of causum,- ors tadeeipais expanding ag1iicouire thxt services ..port markets lna a competi- tive fashion, based e n ar ever 1iucreasirigprdtviy This would net le a poýlicy ' ai cheap fnd but nue i o reasauaýbly'pri-e(i"d nd baed on an adecqualte netunu tn farmers"'. One ni the piableme t, hP Marketing Art did inet sur1-1 meunt sud was the catuse oC causiderabie coul so'arching when it was debated lu Par' liameut, is the iuahiit 'y (et the marketing irbeine, wln - tliey are established ta co- trai imports ai productei thus regulated. Impotrt ngu.- lations sud duties are eut- side tle respousibility ef tl- Agriculture Depar'tment iud variations in them are ub ject to prior aýgreemeuite witli other cauntries. Onie ni tle major om plainte ai Canadian- rmon, sud ini parti cular th- ri sud vegetable growers le-,le P open daar available tin for- ~ elïgun growors. Tbey areý speaking Pr/lncipally ni those,ý lu the U.S. sud Mexicoe. h doesns't stop there. S1outhý- western Outanin ercornw- ors grumble about tle imý- portation ni U.S. ern an nil seod grawers grumbleý about the importation ni cheap vegetableoaile froua other parte ni île world sud dlaim tliey are uni air le- cause they are subsidizedl. Canadian farmens gt i11 siubsidîzation inicmaîo tri those ai ather catiýes. The 1968 records shw3350 per persan active inriiagricul- ture waî sport in Caaa For the US, týic figu'_re was $1,287; ian Britain $059and for Switzeniand $1502. It isn't only tlefrmi industry whiclh i subii lu Canada either. There are regioriai ecariormirexpanlsion grants te manufacturons sud1 processors anid research and development graýnt s available ta new suld established in- dustries and other moneys te, encourage uew design and technoiogy lu, consumer pro- ducts. Sa if tihe fermer is riding a)rouud ou the back ef the taxpayer as las boen sug- geîted, the weight is n ïheavi er than Ihat ni other or onsa the economy. Farmersbauglit about $3 billion wortb of gonds sud services last year sud that kept a lot of cansumers sit- ting close le a well laden meal table. Their job le te couvînce the consumer ni a r.1ght to the drent livinge wbich tIctheagricuhlural rom"- m1ru.7lumak.ng possi,,ble ta everyone elsM Pp In the D imr and Distant Past Froin the Statesman File. Copyightoador pepet iqgts euLhist in the image appeorinq On this proot. Permoission to rêroce C ni wle Moria prt mmýd lamny form wlxtsoever, parhicularty p betograpliir orafifet rprreee ýý 'l elpulb(liafIg, rmueIt 1)te taIcned rom the publigher and the priter. Aay upoutthoizedî torefnW I ha be ueCt ter e(;ur, inew $.Oa year -6~otu$0 $9.00 a Year in the Ux'ted States strictly en advance Although overy precauion wili bfe token ta avala error The Canadian Statesman Caccepte odivertio. in la tt columrs an he uodeIetrnidinq Ifint itwiI not fie hable for any error inanao overtiserexat pubhehrIee sr4ý,er In!ees a Profcf ciu'h dvertismeotl euedl rtio q by th, odvertieer emd »tured to The Ccin-ian tteo business office duir etgned by the erdvertiser and wth sncb erre oror, ctoa poit nteiniwritinq thereon, and inithat case if gpy etr r cIRotjd ý wpt cerrper I b Thl'bc (",", ao Stateeman if$ tiabut'tyshall aot exceed such'a portion cfMthe cOure roM "iegf e rtCuno retihe sprntsocrped tv htedeoricr l0weespeeeuet no7e crrr bertdt thrholecmenh; and Spice 3y Bihl Smiley, accident scene and' goes rigbt back b work. He's dislunbed, because he's a fly- ing buff himseli, But ho doesn't show il. Ho geesý nighl on leiling witb ailing humans, joking, calliug tbem by Iheir first names, deiug six lhîngs at once. (Laler ho told me there wene two killed, fath-r sud sou, in the crash.) Ho finally gel s look ai my wifo's X-rays, cheenfully tld ber yep, il was' brokeri, sud swiflly sud skiliully made aud slapped on a walking cas t. The, nurses, lhough munuiug ilu ail directions, found lime te put ber lu a-- whoelchair, gel us nul le the car, ancd loaned us 'a walker, a thîing you push ahead ai yen, bepping on eue foot. What a difference fromIbe imper- souaî,ity, aud even iuefficiency seolryten found in a big city hospilal. There, toÔ, there are dedicaled people deing Ibeir besl, but lhere's a mass cf paperworik, a coidueis, a lack of intimacy Ihal is raîher off-pulling. Weli, I've dignessed, but the hospi- tl scone impressed me deeply. It's the- way a bospital shnuld ho: frnieudly, con- cened, sud with a minimum, of red lape. SAnyway, tbe aid girl is lying ai the cheslerfield with ber leg pnopped up sud feeling funieus aud frustraled. She's the type who doos everythirinl the bouse aI about eighty miles an heur, sud the speed ai which I do them, about one-leulh eof'.lb ai, is, driving ber insane. Every lime,,she nemembers that1 sbe's, geing le o be bbliug for six weeks, can't go swimming or play golf,ca' gel ai ber washiug, she gels angrier.L lry te cheer ber up by saying she lucky she isn't in a fuîl leg easl, in traction for six moulbhs. Il doesu't seem te belp. Te ber, ilmmabilily .is suathema. Meaulimo, I'm re-learnhg a lot ef' the lbîngs I used la do when the kidsý wene littho, but bave slougbed off, ever se, casually, ever the yeans, Cookiug. Lasi nigbt fordier smaîll ew petaînes, boiled in thecir skins, butlorod young carnets sud beauns, sirlon steak sud salad. Touigbt, sau-. sage, broccoli spears sud whatever 07,e turus up. .Heusçwork, I'vo made my bedi aller only lbreeý days, vacuumed the rug sud doue about eight thousauid dishes. Juit finusbed wasbing eut a b)ras.' siere sud some socks. lIl coe. Howeven, il wilho a jeyful dapy wben the lady cf tbe bouise -cen gel cf ber baekside sud get bckte doiug ali these lbings thal lake ber se short,qald- me se, long. lleusewives ocf the wenldt 1, sainte yen. l'Il nover again ,ask, "Wa lu the werld do you do ail day, wheià- Fra ai uvork?" Nover. New I knew,