Fcirm Union Particilpate:ý In Youqth Exchange Scii'?eàe The 172NFT. youith ex- -Workers cf Arnerica. Mr. bang assisted. hy boycott co-ordîna- chiange prograni is underway is also the Minister in charge tor Do n Kossick. withl 305 ang traveliers of bbc Canadian Wheat Board. Al cf the panels and speak- criss-crossing Canada aI Ibis He wili debate Jim Laxer, ers will he foliowed by work- imie on the Canadian National a lcading spokesman cf the shops in which tbe scnilnar Plailway. Ontario Waffle wing cf the participants eau discuss the The N-U young people left NDP recently in the uews and ideas raised by the speakers. horme f - - their host region runner-up bo David Lewis lu The seminar wiil be opened bctween July 15 and 18, de- the NDP's last federal leader- by NPU youth president Stu-- pcnding upon how f ar lbey had ship convention, art Affieck and given ils orien- Lo Ira- cil.1 The question under discus- taion hy co-ordinator baurie Th- travel excharge prog- sion willi be: "The decision- Calimente. ram was orgauized hy Youlh making process - How are Xomen's president Evelyn Program C'o-Ordinator baurie the larger, decisions lu our Poter wiil introduce Miss Calimente suid made possible sociely made and, wbal effeet Govea and president Roy At- by a grant cf $97,385 from bbc does Ibis bave ou the common kinson wiii give the wind-up office cf th-. Sýcretary cf State man?" addrcss cf the exehange aud of bhc federal goverument. Miss Govea, a special assist- seminar aI the end cf the final The young people, ahl from ant bo Cesar Chavez, wil he session on Augusl 2nd, NFU familles, werc seiccted bbc guest speaker aI bbe affair It wii be thrcc days pack- for participation lu the cx- aud will speak on the struggl - change by the locals lhey live of thc American f arm work- G rad ai iu and will spcud about two ers, weeks away from home - on The most important f arm G a u t the train or stayîng witb a host poicy question facing Cana- fa mîly iu another part cf Can- dians today wiii be tbc topic ada wllth three days taken looked at by Dr. James Mc- inear the end cf the prograrn Crorie and Dr. Dave MacFar-ý fora semiînar which will high- lane as tbey debate "Adjust- ligblt the cxcbange. ment or redevelopment - The scminar is slaled for shouid Canadian farmers ad-I b:ebwecn Juiy 31 sud August just to exising trends or 2nd lu Winnipeg wherc paftici- shold we redevciop rural pants lu the -exchangc east- Canada along radicaliy differ- bo'und for home will mccl cnt hunes?" those bcadîug back west. Il Dr. MacPansune was one cf will be the first lime al bbc bbc principal authors cf tbe participants lu the excbangc federai govcrnment's Task wili have gotten together. Force Report ou Agriculture. A first-rabe agenda cf speak- Dr. McCroric is chairman cf ers, paesadgopdsu- the Dcpartmeut cf Socioiogy sions b ben mapped eut for ou the Regina Campus cf bbc Ibe Wlinnipeg seminar. The University cf, Saskatchewan, a ürganizers cf théecxchange frequent speaker at NFU have- mauaged to attract a list gatberings sud a former direr- cf well-known speakers b 1cor cf research for the ld> presentt Ijeir views 10 the par- Saskatchewau Farmers Union, icians headed up by Justice NFU vice-president Water Minîster Otto bang and Jes- Miller wiii conduet a panel on sica Govea f the United Parm the Kraft boycott. He wili be BETHA y Elizabeth Jane Braden re- Mr. and Mrs. Cari Smith, 1,ethany, and Mr. and Mrs. -Norman Wilson of Yelverton vacationed lu the Manitoulini Island district last week and on therir wray home they visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Neals of Elmvale. Mrî. Marie Gilmour and sons Terry and Paul returu- ed 10 Iheir borne lu Wcston afler spending a few weeks with, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Carr. Wlcome 10 Mr. .and Mrs. Ron Gorski who reccnlly moved into the home pre- viously, owned by the late Mr. Duncan Fowler. Guiests aI the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Carr tbrough the w,,eek were: Mr, and Mrs.. Cari Dudgon, baBabra, Cali- fornia; Mr. and Mrs. Christo- pher taples, Cobourg; Mrs, Elizabetï,h Patten of St. Tho- nias, and sister, Mrs. beora GsoToronto; Mrs, Mar- joriep E4dmunds of Oshawa. M,,rs. Ina Palrvis visitiug wîtiih berbrotbeî, Mr, eog HEARING WEA RERS' Better servvce for Tour hearîng aid means better hearing for you Fýu à ne sure te visit our next Beltone Service Centre HO1OPER'S JEWELLERS LTD. Cl Ring Si. E., Bowmanville THU!kRS., AUG. 10th i P.M. 40 4 P.M. 19IMA ING SERVICE DIANNE BERNATH 410 George St. N., Feterborough, Ontario Phione 745-3244 ed full of idleas, speeches andi discussions for the participantsi but it won't be all work andl no play, A social evening featuring ai dance and lunch will he held August lst, A group of aine young par- ticipants, ail from Melville, Sask, jarea have been hosted by union families in the Dist- rict Three, Ontario Region. They arrived in the area July l9th amd Ihen left by train from Toronto Union Sta- tion on Salurday, July 29th, after being guests at tbe Nat-E ional Parmers Union, District Three convention held in Camphellford.t Nine young people repre- senting District Three, travell- ed to Edmonton, Alla., to hef liosted hy familles in Region1 Seven bhefore the seminar at Winnipeg. The girl participant repre- sentîng Local 313, Orono, is Miss Karen Bail of Rural< Route Four. Bowmanville. The( boy being M. Frank Scott of, li.R. 2, Oshawa. The Pontypol L-ocal 345 is repreisented by Miss Janice Goulti of R.R. 1, Nestieton. Durham Agric News By Bob Watt Assistant Agricultural Representative Ray information Exehiuige Frogram The proionged rains in Eastern Ontario have creat- ed distress conditions in low-1 lying areas in many of the counties. One of the steps that bas heen taken hy many of the farmers in Ihat area has been to establish bay in- formation exehange progranis. What they would like 10 find out are the names, addresses and 'phone numbers of farm- ers arid hay dealers who wouid have hay and sraw for sale. If you would be inter- ested in selliîng hay or slraw, we wouid appreciate il if you would contact our office aI 623-3348 and we would ladly forwaîd the.,iniformation 10 the people con cerord lu East-, cmn Ontario.,1 4-H'ers and Junior Farmers Plan Fiente For the first time ln, a num- ber of years the Durhamx County 4-H Members Coun- cil, presentîng ail 4-H Clubs in the county, are organizing a picnic for ail 4-H and Junior xiii be races and prizes for the young -people as well. The picnie is being held to gîve 4-H Junior Parmer mcm- bers and their families a better chance to meet people from around the county. The Members' Council have spent a good deai 0f limne organizing the event and it romises to be a fun day for The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowrnanville, Aug. g, 1972 well as horsernanship and both Western and English riding. Il will be hcld at the Orono P air grounds and any- one who is interested is cer- tainly wclcome to corne that day and watch 4-H'ers put their horses through the pace, Other 4-H News This, year Durham County %viii have two 4-H members altendîng the Provincial Lead- ership Training Camp which wiil be bel from September Ird 10 lth at Geneva Park. Miss Nancy Knox of Hampton and Barry Malcolm of Nestie- ton xviii he the two 4-H mem- berà represcnting this County, L'alilt 111111ul1ýdil "li l. VV hi1pe tp sea large 1 county Hog Production families. turu-out on the 131h.I Tfhe pienic and sports day 4-Hos la We have reccived figures wiii be heid on Sunday, Aug. -HHos Cii ndicatîng that in Durham 131h at Cedar Park, north of Achievement Day County there has been a Hampton. A picnic lunch wîll graduai increase in pork pro- start aI 12:30 p.m. a nd Ibis This- year the 4-H H-.orse duction over the past few wlll be foliowed by a number Club will be holding their years. Iu 1969 there were of challenge contests inciuding Achievement Day on Wednes- approximateiy 23,500 hogs a pie-eating contest between day, August 6th, beginning at marketcd and in 1970 this in- the Junior Parmers and staff 9:00 arn.ý in the morniug, This creased bo 28,500., In 1971 froux the Ontario Mînistry cf will involve a number oflthere w e re approxîmateiy Azciulture and Food. There classes of conformation as 31,500 hogs produced. Wake and famiiy in Welland. ceîved her Bachelor of Arts Degree MVay 25, 1972, aI the A surprise Soth annivers- Convocation of the Univers- ary party in honor of Mr. and lily of Waterloo. Miss Braden Mrs, Mansel Wright was heid is the daughter ond the lat at the home of Mr. and Mrs. r. ame ic Bradentelt Vincent Jackson on Sunday, Mr._amesWallce_____n July 30. Mr. and Mrs. Wright of Peterborough were pre- sented with a water color picture. Approximately 2 G raduate guests attended from Beth- any, Whitby, Brampton, Tor- pw onto, ýMount Bridges and Peterborough. Mrs. Ross Hall and Mrs. Cora Sallows, both of Whitby, cailed on Mrs, Thomas Jack- son on Sunday. Mrs. Jackson I returned to Whitby with her daugbter Hazel to spend a few days visiting. Guests at the recent wcd- ding of Mr. and Mrs. Randy Longfîeld on Saturday, July 29 in Yelverton were Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Wes McMahon, The bride was the former Linda Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Jack- son also attended the wedd- ing of their riece Sandra Ah- rens when she became the bride of Mr. LeRoy Jenkins. - Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins were married in Woodbine Pres- byterian Cburch in Toronto and guests returned, to the brîde's' home for the recep- Carol Lorraine Bromeil (nec lion. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins plan to live in Hawaii,.Mr. Roche) graduaied [rom the, and Mrs. Gerald Staples also Osier School of Nursing, Wes1 attended the weddrng. ton, July 27, with first ciass' honors. Mrs. Bromeli 'is a Miss Debbie Porteous and gradu a te Of Bowmanivilleý her sister Tracy visited with High School, and she hasq ac- grandparents Mr. and Mrs, cepted a position at Memoor- Carl Smith while their par- iai Hospital, Bowmaniâiville, ents Mr. and Mrs. .Ray Par- Mrs. Bromeil is the daughterý teous vacationed in the, 01- of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Roche, tawva district. Ontario St. IDurlham Agricultural Calendar Aug. 26 and 27-Uxbridge Septeýmber 7 - 9- Durhamn Centennial Flower Show to be Central Fair sponsored by the helci in Uxbridge. Durham Agriçultural Society Saturday, Aug, 26-Biackr at theOrono Fair Grounds. stock Pair and 4-H Club Thursday, Sept. 14 Ontario Achievement Day. Swine Breeders Sale at thes Wednesday, Aug. 30 -South- Western Fair Grounds, Lon-- western Ontario Beef Cattie don.udy et 7 Alm Day at the Ridgetown CollegeShoncSe pn Hou n of Agricultural Technology. socs"-Oe os n Tbursday, Aug. 31 - Can- Tours attheKemptvilie Col- adiani National Exhibition lege of1 AgricuituraýI Tech- Youth -Program at the Coli- nology. sum, C.N.E, Grounds. Copie y Th1 Onarl Sept. 3 - 10-Junior Parmer Minîstry of, Agrîiicrean Leadrshp Cmp ood 234 King Strecet Eastý Provincial LBoweranvpllapOnt at Geneva Park. o nilot Tuesday, Sept. 5th-Regis- tration for Eall Semester at the Kemptville College of BUJIKETON' Agricultural Tecbnology. Thursd 'ay, Sept. 7th-,Apple Mi and Mrs. W. Berry, Growers' Meeting to be heldiOs1awa were callers of Mrs. at Trenton. T-Q+A Ontarïo Housing corporation ls Now Accepting Applications for Twenty-Onie Senilor Ci@tizens 'Apartments (NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION)' IN BOWMANVILLE (Rents are geared to incarne) IF: *YOU ARE A RESIDENT 0F BOWMANVILLE SYOU ARE SIXTY YEARS 0F AGE OR OVER *YOUR PRESENT INCOME DOES NOT PERMIT YOU TO PAY CURRENT MARKET RENTS Please obtain an application form at the office of the Clerk, Town of Bownianville or write to: Mrs. M. Sevcik, 1008 Byron Street South, Whîtby, Ontario IMPORZTANT: i The number of applications received wilI also determine whether mlore apartments should ho buit, Any Senior Citizen who niay bc interested is urged to file an application. ýN ew Bidn ,Inspector for Cartwriqght Twp-. A building inspector and by-laws. officer bas been luredi on a part-time basis by Cart- ýwright Township. Mr. Crahame Fish 01 RI-~ 1, BlackstockP, was hired byv the. councîl ,at a special meet- ing on 1July l7, Ris term-f appointment is to run tro-m JuIyi to Decrnebri , 92 Rent a Car for A DAY OR WEEKEND Ask for Rae COUNTY- CHRYSLER-DODGI. LTD. 623-2586 I tf