QThe Canà4ain'%t'tesmnan, Bowmianvill MoveB.H.S.1 Workmen mjanoeuvre a portable cla pition at Central Public School. The1 b)roughtI1 from the old Bowmanville High At GenerealMoi, John D. u ffv JrinGen-j neeringfor ceal Sales Manager, bas bren automotive or-'t io ns. ele'ç.c cd aVice-President by A. G. Warneý'r, Dircior of the BRoaýrd 0ýf Directors of Manufacring, xiii have the General Mto 0f Canada St. Catharines plant and the Lîmifeïrd, Johnr D. Baker, Presi- Windsor transmission plant dent, announced(-r recenfly. added f0 bis current direction Other promioiicn.s and senior of Oshawa, Ste. Therese, Scar- staf apoitmetsreflecting borough' and Windsor tnirn a reaigrmn n f staff ne- plant operafions. This in- -poibiililiesc announced by cneased rsosblt places Mc. B aker were: rail aufomotive manufacfuning t E. R. S. McLaughlin, Direc- operations in Canada unden i ton of Engineering, bas been Mr. Warner. Dromoted to Director of W. J. Howand,(, Manager ofi oýîqufacturing Enginaeerin11g, Production lanig lias heem reposîlefo ilI manuifactur- promofed to the ncewly est ah ing sý-ervice, operations,,, includ- lisbed position of Dirertor ofi In tndrsand meihods. Production Control foc ail -oingad proc(essing, facili- automotîve operations of GMI 11ieýprd lanteng- Of Canada. Mn. MrLaugblin, lie plnnig ad pant Mn. Warncr and Mn. Howard j report f0 the Executîve Vice-ýa Ben a ar or President and Genecal Manu- A AY OR WVEEKISND fart unîng Manager, E". 1J. Ask fmor Re Barbeau. F. C. Fleck, formeîlyChii COUNTY Engineer, Genenal Moor IIRYSLER ..DODGE LýTD. Parts Division, Flnt ich. 622-586bas been tnansferned f0 GM 0f Canada and promofed f0'Do _____________________ nrton of Enigineesring an F'orward Plannig h d lNSh ~ difion to direcf!'ting the Egin-_ eering Departmen-t, Mn. Fleck 4' ,~wîli also direct and coordin- .1 af e ail fonwand planning op- - erafbons for GM of Canadap -: d on a m-ore formai hasis. t RE Mr. Eleck will report to thec *fMr. Dffy joined Genci-al MooS 0f Canada on Apnil 1, V1972', aff mn more than 25 yeans of wbdely varied sales cý r pen-ýince InlbeBuick cdi- vision of GM Corporation. GAE tIM of C'ý'aaa and Buîck have1 Many Haards einluevcry home, Donot uderetmt tCe damage e7ven a small fine A faulty furnace, cari sprea smoke camage Inrougbout yonur home . . a cosfly cPean-up job. An ifreqenthappening, but fsulldisastrous. ForFunherInformation Cali 2I Eing St.E,, Fox 100 BowmavilleOntarlo Office 623-5691 Resîdence 623-5023 le, Ag. P 197 dayreccntly with Mr. and accompanied the Joneses to Mr. and Mrs. Carl rr Mrs. Don Stapleton and Lois hear th, Bickies. and 1kuce of Dox nsview ca i% nd over the weekend, sonsl PN W ON IL Id' t centraMs. IaSchoolS ~~~Gary from Hamilton and Neil Mrs. Winnifred Elliott spent e nMsTaFro n r.Tva Farronw and Mr. Bud was on a business trip, fromn Toronto were home. last week with Mr, and Mis. day. Bruce has just returned RegFaîs istedlat eek s bi saywasa hor oeMr. and Mrs. B. Wassells Strang at Tara, also calling at f omn abroad where he vîsit- en wthM. ndMs. Jim!but the others are remann carrowand fM ilr. o fracoulerweksan pntand lamily \vere at Hastings Port Elgin and Southhamp- ed six countries wîth Stu- anille, at their cottage atltbie weekend witb Mrs. C;Ài-nSua.tn.IlesCocI ICanal Lake. mn Cormish and family at Two more exchanige stud -____________________________ î:rs. Jae ceadsnthieir cottage at Fenelon Fails t. Ana Fruo ad Jim o *Frances Poirier- of Toronto, viiors Hamilton, were reen ey. T. Socigrove leit on a bave been visiting the Harrî wit Mr an Mr. bs np estandlas wek-family and Michelline is re- ..'*~k. ~ . DeSmid and famil. e(nd. Mr and Mrs. BobBrw Mr. and Mrs. Kip Davis of trÀghm 'ihtefr "~iiif5 ~i4l~~- ~ ~ lnliili~: andfamiy hlidy Obaw, wee sppe gustsmer for a return visit tbis ai J ýamily are on a 1ccl-qa "lt"" ., ~~l.A Wedncsday,, with b OMrunay alansde '~'.siOev ~ ~ ~ »Mrs. Phil dilmer and famîly. h Serpent ons and gMr.ndMs BodHi a n Mounsldafl, xy i fflaldMr.BodBars MVr. and Mrs. Stan Page! etr Vlaee entertained relatives a n aiyhv ensed Visitons tbrough the wcck ,M M. famîlly Party a week ao ýing a couple wceks at a rot- with Mr. and Mca. F. Gilm-er' __ Mcnd M A. Gen icld tage in fthc Kingston area, were Mn. and Mrs. Gco. Kim- Mr. a nMs. .reen aiid Mr. and, Mrs. G. Veleke bail, New castle, MVr. and Mrs Mr. Elah Alford of Wesfport, wiî h Mr. and iVi1rs. P. Hol- Kip Davis, Oshawa, 1\rs. S CHINESE and CANADIAN F00O) .~... .. .» ..Lir.c *~~*~lIi Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Quinn seeadcagtrJnt e Lancaster, M\r. andl Mr.M and Chris of Lakefield. Mr.tîurned borne Friday ceigIrwin. and Mi-s. Hon Green and dau- after a six-xek iîeitMoa epe tcdn b gbter Angel of Peterboroughi, relatives and fi'iends in. Bol- 1mo1 n1ig service in Grace ~~ Liz land.Brar rngn Missionary C h ur ch, Port1 O o ff Pc up rer Mn ad Ms. .DSmi fe 0f he ai Be. ios.Hope, last Sunday includedfyr$.0 ~IMr. and Mrs emdtro h aeRv hs r nrs. C. M. Joncs, wcîre vîsîtors Tuesday even- Wallace, former well-known Mrs. M. Wadc. iVrs. D. Vin- cng wifh Mr. and Mrs. A. Vanpson the Newtonville kie -and Mrsi F. Gîlmner. While' Dec Heydcn, Newcastle. charge, passcd away at thelthe regular minisier, Bey.G.1 Mr. and Mrs. Bud Joncs, Mai'nwood Nursinîg HnvPekw. Ai o oidy RE O E E I E y ~ ~ .~ ~ Dougas aod Diane dmion- Bowmanville, Thursday v 2en- the service was in chane0 mnmm$.0 ton, arnived bere last week îng, in lher 88th ycar Funer Rev oy Bickle, Missonr f0 vîsit bis mother, Mrs. Bea ai was hcid frorinthie Mri lwt he Greaier Erp i- cillilî~iîJiniiXî,...'- ~' -' ~ -" -~'»'Joncs, and other relatives. Funeral Chapel, Saturd(ayafson serv 'ing in West Ger- ternoon wt nemn nii y i1 ,'Phonze 623-3703 asro noTusa n rfi a o ehalted on Kinrg Sftreet band or wîth -a spreadcr. A Lakeview wifb itermet n nay wo ithis wi)fe h ____________ posrtabn-s ato therda at ruck fic bmadei ts walie * Ceetheeinteformer Jean Campbell) ar portblewasas he rucksloly adeifsway hrogh he nte- spray application of 72 peî~r Mrs. BoyBiekie was asup- 1ot1 wcil known in f bis b i School last section, cent emoulsible (5 fluid ounces per gucaf Saiurday with Mr. caliy. IfL was a great pleas- 50 KING ST. E,- BOWMANVILLE Oshaa, ws apointd Diec-mixed wifh 3 gallons of water and Mra, C. M. Joncs while c ire 10 bear their message, ini Osbwawa apoinedDirr-under control, apply chior- per 1000 square feet) can be eveoing callers were Mrs.L.sro and song, and we BUSINESS HOURS: orf Engineering in 1971, dane (granular or liquid) te macle cither *wifb a sprayer Bradley of Toront o and Mrs. ho Ai may be possible to prvosysntsa helw.o ppidwt awtrn 0ti rf.yadMs rK1 'Ie eei u'1 ..t 0PM AL nDîrector of Quality Conirol Ra.Waeer mto i ingofViw.bor hyêtn and in senior engineeriniglSprcad 4 tb 5 pounds 0(f 5 used, be sure f0 tboroughly iVrs. Vir, Morris, rMrs. Germanid' Sunday eveningto,1 A aasgnmnt. H jonc GM0fper cent ýgranularchodn soak the lawn affer applica-iMargareýtBonsnadM.MsFonceFgun and Canada on gradaion in eng-pe100surfefveybytn.iT " Tinst. neering fromn the Universify____ the Canadin0 Toronfo in 1948. -_______________ Mc., Warner was appointed Dir ect or of Manufarturing, âune 1, 1971,- A graduafe in Inidust niai Engineering of Gen- eral ML/ofors Instifute, in 1953, Mr. Warnecr previousl 'y held a succession of senior Manu- facturing appointments, in- nluding being the firsf man- ager of the automotive fnim plant in Windsor, Ont. Prior f0 bis rurrent appoinfmenf, he served as Farfory Manager of the Oshawa operations. Born in Ottawa, he is a resident of. Whîfby, Ont. Mn. Howard, born ýiri m ilton, was ippointcd nmanageýr lof produIction planning ini 1965, aff or a quarfer-century of expeience ini purrhasing and mat eriaýl control. H-e lbas been anr Osbawa residenit since 1940 wîth theexpto ofý wanume sevice no the Royal Canadian Air Fre Mr. Feca atv 0 ala- mazoo, Mýic(h., and a mechan- irai engineering gradïuaf e of (ieerai Mofors Institut e, join- cd General Motors in 1942. Be lheld a series of progrcssively senior assignmentsaf GîMC Truck and Coach Division and on the rcorporafion's Engin- ering Staff prior to bis ap- pointment as Chief Engineerý of the GM Parts Division in 1969. Mn. and Mrs. Flerk and bheir family of three boys and one girl will take up residenre in Osbawa shorfly. Big Year for haai coecooperation in alV fll 1D Phasmes of the business since 1VYnite ýrb 1907 when the original con- tract to produre automobiles Wi eguIrr telrvae in Canadla inciuded Buckstg . heJune bperts or engines. Be is a resident 0f"uebu" nmatprs0 Oaa.Où A ntaino, heavy inf estafions Mr._MaLaugbio, ntie 0f occur) in athree yea3r cycle, s o 1972 j,, cxpecfed to be a yeir infestation for- white ru b a, says John Hughes, bor-ticulfural sperialisf, On- tario Minisfry of Agriculture and Food. WEqE THE- When the aduit beetle ?fVCME H emerges in eanly June, the Àr femaales lay their eggs in the CAN.EALYCLI$( soul. The larvae or whiteý SATJISF/EP gruba hiatch in a few weeks ancf( begin to feed on the (U TMIS raszs roofs. The following 9~OUHTU5yeanthe grubs continue f0 feed and tif latai iis stage t4 ~ ba mosf of the damage isý _To ng thewhit e grub Business D rectory Accountancy WM. J. ", COGOINS CpauferedAAccountan ~H A V E Y 1 5 ..ierf Sf .SBow an vIlle ORON 8-50 ILIMC.HL EStSU flOME HEAT SERVICE B.Com, Ch iro Prc ttic Chiroprfn. 1 5Elgin Sf., con. of Borsey Sf. ,9!jsq.vd. 15 Phone 623-5.509 ~7 sq. ~ Office Boucs: ýBy appointment DR.R. E. DINNIWELL 'ATTERNED Dental Surgeon bas resumed general prarfire Aim at 30 Silver Sf,, Bowmanville 47 11ýOffice Hours CMRPK E1F1II 9__1___. -1__6__m except Saurday and Sunday DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E. Bowmanville sq.yd. Office Bours>: sq.9 ar. .l0f0 6p.m. daily THER BARGAINS Bowmanvile ED IN OUR22 Professional Bidg. 22W2Kday St E - ie6 Je Office Hours: irance Sal except Wednesday affernoon Telephone 623-7349 ýOME FIRST SERVED insurance jDONALD A. MacOREGOR. MICHANDISE ONLY Life, Auto, Borne 67 Ring E., Suife 2A Bowmanville - Phone 623-5962 roadIoom jProperty îManagement -JOHN L. RUS SELL,- PROPERTY MANAGEMENT le Ap, and Office- Buildings Soulli of 401 Housea- - Plazas Torntosbýawa 668-88S95 Bo anil Hl--c (ASSORTED FAOS 48. IGA AM RTD(EXCEPT BtACF CURR W) JAS&JELET5ç~' )GA SWEET 155 90* 07- JAR IGM WEET MIXED ICKLE15-Et. IGA(I JARRIT LIQID LEAHPLSTC M SCOTTES (SSORED )LORS) FACIALTISSOF 3200' OPiEN 57SUNDAllýlýYS 10 G.M. to 6 p.m. I 14 FI. Oz.3 Tîns LIPTON- 2 PAcK CHICKEN NOODL!E IA fi.-!%K. 0 c plain Sugairced Cinsiapion, I c FLAVOR -PAK FAN(Y WH7VOLE WHITE I 19FIUz CORN FLAKES 12-oz. Pkg. S;CODTTiTOC-W EL S DESSeRTPxPING.3 F.0.I. ~ ~ 2 c0%PR NWEEED(RM'NETA ORANGE PDRINK 5 GREEN GAt, FANC1 MIXED EGTALES 57 CO-D FISH ýCAKE S ' WESTON'S VANILLA ICEWEs39 IGA REGULAR, RIPPLE OR SALT & VINEGAR FLAVOKED QUIKKI PLY TEAk-OF LICOR5E 7 OZ.URCOCes SHRDDD WEA ~29' (PIODuCE 0F .S.A. No. 1GRADE) me~. 39, SAL.&D TIMECANADA MN,. GRE BARTLETT PEARS ' 9 SWEET S. .UICY OUTSPAN mNAVEUS PRODUCE DP REPUB>IC OF SOUTH oAFRICA ORANGES 51ZE1i2 vOz. 69 l'ONi;G2 3lU LICERs QAN. o.IGED CuCUlvmBàEIRS 2 fe5' SECRET ANTI PERSPIRA NT DEODORANT COlTtON SwAns MACLEANIS FRSHMINT OR SPEARMI4nTj '~ TOOTHPASTE V59 S PECIAL MEAT FAUE 97e OF90 44, SHAG BR( GOLD and$ GREEN4 BREAUTIFUL P BEDROOMwP TINIEAD iMANY IC01 ARE 'ýFEATURI *BASEI> ON VIRST CE *FIRST QUALITY MEI LAd 1742 BrfockSt