HoId Appaloosa S)how yat JMrFarms Msis. George James visited Ms. andl Mss. R. C. Rogers,I bepr son John James, Milford, Church Si., have seturned Ont., lest week. home after an enjoyable bus Mr, and Mss. Lew Welsh trip b fthe Mastimes. They1 have relurned from a pleas- were accompanied by has bro- ,nt holiday ai Twin Lakes. te and sister-in-law, Ms, and Mss. E. Rogers, Toronto. ý Ms. and Mss. Harry Os- T borne. Detroit, Michigan, are elagsognidDg vistin rlatvesInthe'ara.Swim in Canada will be held Ms. ad Ms. DonLee Sh-unday, Auguat 20ih aithel à, were Saturday evenin t... wilan.Tisya ing the event ls divided liatwo viîtrs with Ms, and Mss. J.' groupa, tuiose owned by child- H-. Abesýnnethy. sen and those ownmi liv Sgt John Bird, Mss. Bird adults. aud fa ihave returned fsom Z a m-ost enjoyable two weeks Miss Karen Bail, R. R. 4, vacation ai Thunder Bay. Bowmanville, has seturneci Ms ad ss Lurnc Gd-from spending three weeks ini dard, Lake Catchacoma, were Holden, Alberta and Winni- iu town on Thursday and peg, Manitoba. She was the visited with several fsîends. local representative of lte Miss M. E. Milles, Oshawa, Natonxalnares Un Mss. F. Scoat, Bowmanvillle,YutEchne werc Sunday guests of Mr. Ms. and Mss. Bruce Clarke, and Mss. A. J. Hoas, Tysone. Bradenton,' Florida, Ms. and Mr.andMr. Abre GantiMss AI Ellioti and boys,a MsKand MKnss. onby Gant Whitby, Ms. and Mss. Rasa Riers in the Youth Pleasure CI ss line uip ta be1 benvisiting Mss. Beatrice Clark, High Street, gathered jusigesi at the Appaloosa Rorse Show helsi at the J-Mas Balil and family, Prince Street, at their parents Ms. and IVra. Fr fM.as s.J avnls Saturday. 180 Frienda of Ms. Dennis Srnale A. J. Clarke, Lambas Lane, for amoMran Ms.JMrv lt will be sorry ta heas lie is a a family picnlc on Saturda. tioned ai Trenton and Ottaw~a. patient in Memossal Hospital. Mss. S. R. James apent the Evcryone wishes hlmi a speedy holiday weekeud ai bier cai- In 1949 Dr. Robertson was Pre ares ' recovery. tage ai Gooderb-amr and en-eetdFdra ebro 1\ra. Douglas Spickels, Sarahi iertained Ms.-and Mss. Doug- ualameni for Northumbrr-1 las ame an Timy,,Bowland, sesvn saprim and Barry, Vancouver, B.C.,laJaeadTmyow , vn asaasmn . aîre visiiing ber parents, Ms. manville, Ms. and Ms:s. Nor- tr sitn tPu at. and Mrss.Rance Dilling, Bow- man James, Ronnie and Mi-» minster of National Healîi..ý manville. chael, Mr. aud Mss. Robert and Welfase. Dr. and Ms., .~~.. Ms. nd ss.Garon "t-James, ail of Peterborough, Robertson haive three chilI d .- caî, Cesaeawes Sudayand the Iatter's alites, Ms. ren, and in setiremeni he visitors with theis aunt and and Mss. Stephen Philo, Win- plans ta travel, take up curi-~. uncl, M andMssJ. H Abston-Salem, Northi Casolina. ing and gasdeniug etwsh t'r eruethy., Mr. and Mrs, Eveseti Wood es toa fine dodtos in a ncw .n.. spen a weken wit Ms.way of life , Nice ta sec Colin Coolie weouiwi r . and Mss. Clifford Macklin' At the Frm nas ~ ýf hospital and home agFn.ruma.Ontario. He is mahing aifcoy and Barry ai their tsailer, Place, for: Thussday, Aug. 10, ~ , gresa following a heari attack Beavcrmead Park, Petcrbr'- 8 p.m., Toronto Symphony No. s',, whilp golfing ugi.Tlheyalso apent some 15 - John Greeu. Friday, Aug. ,. , MsRbs luadMs ime duslng their holiday 11, 8 p.m., A Salute ta Broad- ýc Apha Hodgins spn ewihMsGadnNcoasiay Saturday, Aug, 12, 8 weeen vsiinýfrens ndLori, ai Wayne, Phladclpip., National Youth Orcli weecu viitng rindaan whleMs. NichaIsd cl estra No, 2; 12, 2 and 4 pm . rela;tives lu Stsatfosd, Wood- wcsc ai a tennis tournameutOtmtCdt Dsum and stok, andu sd Acases.luSoutli Casolina. Bugle Corps. Sunday, Aug ..<«'.p. Mrs.Suznne roos an Mr Hary RweresientOf 13, 10:30 amn,, Glasy Singera i i.k.?,i M. Mss. Suzanue Brookd ssd M ar owssdn f7:30 p.mn., Rornanoff Contin i.h. -..,. cMuriden, accopnoedf Mss Beau Villa, fosmerly of Orono, entai Holiday No. 4; 12, 2 and ,.. Mrl ReidvaToon ta o, otav celebrated bis 87th bisthday 4 p.m., Dutcli Boy Cadets enra da akeion ottagei .. an Mziuw Lkenorli f a Auuatlai A mal failyDrum and Bugle Corps. Mon . ""' uii Kaladas. ~~suppes was held ai flic home dy u.1,OeaBhas~ '"'s. MiVss Valerie Lucas, younger Pafneis daughiero Ms StrEant;ai, ail day andi eveuing. Tues-~ daugtrhier of Ms. sud Mss. L. Paye, Caesion ireel Esiday, Aug. 15, Opera Reheas - pl~.1 ailer uesa wse isdaugb- ai, ail day and evening. Wed- ~ , LTuca3, Jackman Road, lias se- les Mrss John Coryeil, Lau-nedyAu.1,8pm Mi tuned fsom a.mail enjoyable don; bis niece, Mss Jnesak prese16,ts Jase Felln- two wecks vacation at Piaueer Cosyeli, Burlingion;Mis aierbn rsnsJoeFlcao Camp, Part Sydney. Miss Ethel Rowe, Oshiawa, sud Lait Thursday tbc North ~ Miss5es Tracy and Terri bis sisies, Miss Elsie Rowc, American Rockwcll Company it. Williams of North Bay have Newcastle. unnounced il would oe phas , . retuirued home afier spending Ds. and Mss. Angua Blair lng outitis Oshawa facilites tureweeks willi their grand- and C athesine ettcnded the oves bbc next 12-18 months. parý1ents, Ms. sud Mss. Harold Centeuniai celebrations ai The Ontario Steel plant lias Quarry, 'Ring St. East Arîbur,,Ont., on the weckeud. heem in Oshawa oves 40 ycars Ms.S. R. James sud Mss. Dr. Blair Lyrew up lu Arthur Denniis MoDesmoit, interna- C-ae ,%,lin speul severai days whcre his father was a medi- ouivc-presîdeni and Can- iu Stratford as guesîs of Mss. cal dodtos for 30 ycars, as weli adieu repsesenialive of theff Weltes Reynolds aud whie as being the fedesel member United Auto Woskcrs' Union, there attended tuirce differeul of parliament for tue caunîy stated "Our Local 222 con- performances of the Stratford af Wellington for 15 yeal.ss tract pravides the 110 45urly Festival. Catherine sencwcd fsieud- rated workcns with sevesarce Mr.Ray Latheugue (Ulva). ships she lied made while pay and/or transfer rîgi ta , wawas on the stf ftkn irGae1 iA-but tIqis l small comfort for ie.....li ' Iooprs Jewmllery Store for1 thuri. these long service woskc'-s . sev al , hasacceptesi a: IMiss Irenie Rare l a th the uion and the coin- 4ihh position as ambulanc-,e d- wa, veas ppoinled ica the s ýtaff mnunity iuvoïvcd are visiuelly patcher et Memoriai Hlospital,lof "America's Youtb on Pas- powerless ta effeci any. 'Bowmanville. iade" il was aunounced recent- Change in the suaion." Mirs D.Holoydwhobasly Praducer-Directar Don- Radia is vesy popular wilh aiad L. Sarîcîl. Th A foernminthFareca for tetpaît extravagauza feetured 23 na- Thunder Bay. The finit chid i .~. fourmonlis reenty s tlional and wosld contesta who seeches radia station cdï home with Ms. aud Mss S, sponsored by the National CJLX by 'phione on a weelt- 1{ihofrayd xps ta e lu the lualoerTwirling Association. day morniug gels liii safetyFenJsyssow tO br the n lirpaot as an officiai Misa slo'ganl on the ais et 8:00 arn atFr aryî hw ares o tenxtfwmoaa Harvey-served as a judge for Since 1964, Dresswell Clean- asy submarine sandwich, some of the cliampianship con- crs, Thunder Bey, have spon- operatar, of the new Yellh testa heid on the campus of sored Ibis safety slogan pro- Dvso tetwihoe Notre Dame University, Southi gram called "Dsesswell Tele -iisoSret___l oe REHOIBOTH Bcnd, Indiana, August 2nd - plione Time for Small- Tykes".ws L E Christian Reformed Sili. Mare than 2,000 chidren haveE Anca Labosatasies, anc of 'plioned lu their safety slogans Church the ni a j 0or pharmaceutical ta the progsam. Each par- mauufactusing companies iu ticipant gels a prize, suclias There was a vesy happy Sougog Street Canada, la smaving ils heasi- a theatre pais or record, The occasion lest Friday niglit atI Minfister: aussters ta the Whitby Iu- child wîlh Ithe s slogan of the home of Ms, and Mrssl, Rev. A. VandenBerg, dustriai Park. Deveiopmeut the week gels fsom the Dress- Arnold Thorudyke when they10 Commission Wcs. Winters an- well Cleaners: a certificete of entertained friendsaia dinnes j B.A., B.D., M.Tli. nouuccd on Fsiday Anca bas menit, a drycieaning credit in houas of two îirthdays, I purcase 8. aces romnotefor$1,0 ad asilerIheir, daughter Shasons sud Phone 623-7407 prdsd 85 acc rmnt ollr 15 ad sivrRichard Burton's, Thase pre- j Consumnera Gaisud wiîî saet dlaseul beside Ibe family wesc SUNDAY SERVICES construction ln September on Gencral Malors sales Of Ms. and .Mrs. Briien Eadey a 76,000 square foot head of- passenges cars sud trucks in sud Ms. sud Mss. Eric Oliverd 10 em ficeesud mauufaclurng buld- July were bath well ýabave af Waterloo; Esic's aunt, Mss.d 7 p.ma. iug ou the Consumera Drive lait year routînuing lthe R. White sud lui ce chiîdrenh Hor site. The Company will tari slroug selliug pace aofIlie lait of Bawmanvillc; Richardh Back te God Hu' with approxsîmately 100 erm- few montuis, J. D. Duffy, Vice- Burton, Christine Fossythe;L Dia 130 Rdio ployecsansd'plans furiher ex- President and General Sales Mr. sud Mss. Russeil For- pension within 10 yers Manager, Geucrai Motos Of sythe sud twin sons, Kennieu Every Sunday 10:30 amaa Dr. Fred G. Robinson, Ca-I Canada, auuaunced today. and Kevîn of Hilums. Richard bourg, las etiriug afier 38 July sales of passenger cars Burton bas been visitiug the "Everyene, Welcome» years of practusing miedicine totalled 18,521, up I roim Thorudykes while> on hall- ~.there. Servlug lu luis airforce 17,481 a year ega, an*increase day fsam bis work in Hamil- ~' for Lhrce yeara, lic was ste- ad0.uspedr ent. g ayof ion. - 0. pr en.Tîuck salesin Twa good frienda have as- a July by Geucral Matons deal-1rived from acrtais bobrdes tc crsý totalIed 5,371 comipared ta spend same weeks lu the f( J OINT SERVICES w'itl 4,45à lu July,, 1971, an comrnunity, Mss. Gweu Cou- t increase adjusied 'for sclli'ng limnan aI Richmond, Virginia,w day, 0 257 pr cnt.Theeand Mss. T. E. N. Jefferies I wese 25 selling days lu Juiy of Rochestes, welcome visit-ý T RINITY and ST. PAUL'S ibis year compased withi 26 lu arnvd aflyhoe lo The Bowmanville Unit' Caànadian Cancer ýSociety takes this opportunity to sincerely thank merchants andl residents of this area for-their generous response to our 1972 campaign for funds. Our appreciation to those who gave of their lime to canvass. Thank you. Contributions to Date $8/381-27 SLIGHTLY OVER 100% OF OBJECTIVE Con crus, la conurcing a Toc Waik fnom Toronto ta Otlea sterling Saiurday. Au gus I9gth runng ta Tuesday, AuS- gust 29tb. Tbey are dai-g Ibis lu order ta meke thc goverUi- meut aware oaI Iliir acs about tlie eflecis aI advcrtia-, iug oI aleohal sud medicines' witbiout prescriptions. Toc Alphia bhlukithet ucepa laken la eliminale advestisiug aI polentiehly barmful chemicals are goad sud fusIlier alepa .sbould be laken. Since Ibml fedesal, goverumeut lias se- sponsibiliiy in Ibis arma, Ibm organIzetion would 11km ta ex-, press lîscif ta lhem, The Walk la imeaut la empuiesize tIbm sincerity aI Toc Alphas paît-ý lion. For aImait two weks,j ai group aI approximaely five' Toc Alpha yauug people will walk about lweuty-five milesý a day 'from Torontoa t1-I tawa. OuIbm fîrstatnsd last. deys the walkcrs will be sup- ported by other Tac Alphaý young people. On Weduesday, Augual 3011, the wholc gsaup willi preseut a 'petition wiiî a bvrief ec'xplaiuing- theis con- cerýna ta John' Munro. Thei ýWaî.k will uic comng tuirougb, IBowrnanville on Suudaî,, Aug.ý 2tb. . i The Cnadin tean , rowmanvl1e, Aug. g, 1972 3tem'Of/qnterest ~ Phone 623-3303 day ta the Maritinies1. .--'On Thtushday Ms, rud ... - . , . ~ Wilbcrt Arches enjoyed lng lier siater Mns. 1 Caok of Beavertou wlo celmbratiug ber 9lst biril here preparîng a fresh andi Ms. sud Mss. Harold C Ms. Jary is the owner and ford, Janice and Ken bey bw Subnasîne shop at 14 turned borne from a eau boliday aI Emnily Park. nesi lasI Wednesday. _ Ms, sud MTs.Ken I moor wcre weckcuked_ gues, I reletiveis et Durham. Y v rE dohr Mss. MeKe Word was receîvedý here of whîle tey wese away. Ibe deall inl Calîfornia of Ms. sud Mss. No Mss. L. Bucuilz ou tle 261li Brown, Northi Street, iA 'fJuy. Mss. Buclihoîz as S. gan Ms. sud Mss. E. R. Mîsrjumn, speut lies ciildbood las Enniskillcu, wereTuî bese with ber grandpaseuls, dinnes guesîs of Ms. sud MVr. sud Mss. Thos Moare. Wilbur Toms sud ai Ms. Moore sud bis famiiylied us oMr.Crty moved la tbe Dakotas ln the guesîsof Mss.Caldonrtua lest ceutusy and afles bis be.they eavedurongv deugliter's marrliage Ihere, dalrrlaie dr ,lecided ta corneborne, wbiclidy lie did by driving a I arn aI Ms. sud MDan FIe hosses aud wagon ail Ibm wey. snd Janice,, Orhaw,ýa, Laies am a xisii home witli unday cellers -of ber gi ,lierluiree cbildrmn, Mss, Mis- parents, Mr,' sud Ms.Wl UMr diesI and the chidren re- Arches. ionud lu Outario. At a vesv ,Ms. sud Mss. Lloyd Sie periy ugo Sadie lauglil achool Susan and Fred',Flaydon .nr Garden Hill sud laIes Sunday eveuing dinner g vent ta United States, whese oI Mss. Cousiuey Graban lhe marrmd oves 50 ymars Mss. Aima Fowler igo. Slie relusned regularly several days as a gues :0o visit lier former homne sud Mss. Razel Stinson, Lotus ior m,-auy wears made gifla Ms.. sud Msýs. Gcrald 1 La0 Wealmyviilm Cemel e sy sud family speut Satu .vlerelis mller udgrad-with bis pasents, Ms. lasuts are huricd. Msis. Win. Kelly, Bohcay, Mr. sud Ms Robert Miil- and on Suudey attcnded er sud famîly visiled lu Ram- Walker pienie ai Gr ilIon duriug Ibm holiday Menas, Ibm aummer hom weekend, and Fan sund Willie Mn. sud Mrs. Frank Groz Pigeon Lake near 1 Creek. OSHAWA Ou Wedncsday oves members aI Ibm Black: BSINESS COL.LEGEý Womecn's Institute cnjoye, lntermstiug tour oI local ML L L R teresi. The ladies firsI vi ire ou Scugag Island. they visiied Mss. Violet Openig Tueday, alla gif i aboppe lu septeniber: 5, 19972 F'erry. Tley. completed day by be1ving- dinner Six Business Courses freingetlber aI Couway Garde, which te choose: John M'ebaughlin, Fer Failscaled on Mr, sud Business Administration RarolIdMqeLaugllinsud Course lily on Friday afternoon. Accelerated Secretarial Rev. Clareuce Ferg. Course Tosonto, sud Ms.O. Coursewese Suuday evcnlng di: Secretarial Curegucîts of Ms. sud Mss. L Accounting Course Wright sud famly. On 1\, day Mss. Hill1 rcturnced b Stenographic Course -wilb Rcv. Ferguson la sç Clerk-Typisl Course a holiday lu Tosonto. Indvidal iisrucïon Mss. Rarry McKce, 1 Indiidua Intrucion wichi, l spcuding sorne i Job Placement Assstnc wth ber daughten, Mr. Moder Equiment Mss. Bill Ferguson sud b Modm Euipent Saiusday everniglit gucsý Practîcal Training the Fmi gi.sons wese Mn. Ms o teveuson sud I Get complete details in free lly, Windsor. brochure "Job Training lu Suuday guesîs aI Ms. Business", Special Prograins Mss.' George Bryant sud f ily ta celebrate Dway for>, Ilouseivîves - EvenîngJ birihday were Mn. and I Classes, Act Now. Clarence Bryant sud Rham Enrolmeut la Limited. Asîburu, Ms. sud Mss. D Ormiston sud Diane, Brc Dial 728-0052 lin, Ms. -sud Mss. Rau Bi 18 Simce Street_ North Stev-,en sud Paul, Part Pe: Oshawa sudA Mr. sud Msýs. Wayne 1F coos, Braoklin. _ On Monday nîornlug Cartwright Fise1 Brigade made a rush eaulu to the vil- lage loansswcr au aiarm aI fisc flyiug frorn bydro w Ires goiug inmc Wallace Marlow's bouse, Fostunalcly, ail tbc fîsmes were extinguisbed be- fore auy seriaus lasm was done. mene suen changes in the iaws, procedures and precesses as in tise opinion of tise Cern- mittee may be necessary and desirable. Tise Committee has tise intention of v isiýting ail areas in tise Province and te hold pu-blirher- ing5 onitise questions associated witla isfe abovme ternis cof referenic. This tiserefore, is te .inite ail itrse a. ties, individual or olherwise, te inidiete t fise> Ceommittee, by (A'UGUST 15, 1972) tir'intention te suismit writteen briefs or their desire te attenîd tise hearings and make oral representations. SThe response te this invitation will deterrcne thse times and places of hearings. A written noticeý seting out the timne and place cf thse public, heakr- ings will be gî--ven as soon as possible te al per- sons who have filed notice cf intention te maae written or oral submissions. Lorne Henderson, M.P. Chairman, >Select Committee onLand Dang Bx201 lijanient Buildings Toronto, Ontario CANADIAN ATIONAL EXFIIBITION SPECIAL S Charterways Co.l Limited COMMENCING AUG. 16th TO SEPT. 4th lNCL. DAILY SERVICE DIRECT TO THEf C.N.GROUNDS FROM THE FOLLOWING POINTS: LEAVE: Read Down FARE LIFIAPAP'M~ Mli<S., Norths ef 8:4.5A..NEIWCASTLE oplgis $.5 9:00 a.m.-BOWMANVI LLE T$ 3,,50 ARRIVES EXHIBITION '10:30 A.M. - ENTRANCE te Exhibition EXTRA Ride on tise bus and avoid worrying abouitdriving in heavy traffic, parking os crowding for street cars BUSES LEAVE EXHIBITION GRO-UNDS 15 MWINUTES AFTER GRANDSTAND PERFORMANCE SPECIAL CROUP RATES FOR INFORMATION PHONErý Bowma nville 623-3811 Oshiawa 723-7171 thei àThe 50oint church service Mniob. Mr. manevening visita s with hera next Sunda,,y will be held at Wright, Hillsdale iVianor, Osh- entsMr and Mr reýd R. Ebenezer at 10:30 arn, .awa, Mrs. L. J. Bradford, Stevens. Mr, ndM .Jmr Couples Club picnic Satur- Osha wa, M î s s Marguerite Jiopping, Seeley'sBa, ee day Ag.l2t, t ortFeryWright, Stoney Creek, were Friday luncheon guesis. Mrst. park;suppe at 6p.m. Sunday suoper guests withi Fraink Olliffe Ubige a MrsRoy anCmp, asethe formeras son and xwife,la visitor on Tuesday o'f s Line, Mr. Lloyd Snowd-n Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wrighit wek Maple Grove, Mr. and MrIsi -d amlyrM. and Mrs. Don Bonk Noble Metcalf, Mr. LloydI Mr. and lVrs. Wayne Picr- i anid Robert, nephew - hawn M1eteaif, Oshawa, Mrs. Heleni nrd, Angela and' Timmy he Taýnner, Nýapanee, rtr Werry, Sauina, were reetreturned home after spending homne lasi auda fe visitors with their cousinstwo eeks at their cottage t camping at LavallePaýrk.. Mrs. Mable Henderson, al SteinburgLake. Vistors wi.th M aid M merston, and as isitd h Mr. and Mrs. Stexe Doyle Cedric Russell anid aîya Rev. and Mrs. Sam RTendes- and Earl took in the 1000 la- Beaver Park were Mrnid son anýd famlly who were hou-I (and býoat trip last week. Mrs. G. Callaghan andfaiy dayig thre. n Nble et-I Mrs.RoyVaniCamp's visi- Miss JaniceBros pe caif1 also visited bis cu '1!a tors; oves the weekend at th e the weekend with lier parent 'Moorefield. Lasi week Mos. cottage aI Mink Lake were Mr. and Mrs. Don Brooks anac Rboy VanCamp, Base LnMr. Tomr VanCamp Hamilton, Robert. grandson Lee Brwel ts riend Mr. Allan MBip isWnaWloBak anid Mrs. Lloyd Snowden ,and Vancouver, Ms. Cyril Luke, s-tock, spent lait week with Mss NbleMecal, sbWa, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scott andi her grandparcnts, Mr,an seta tew cdays aI the1 Van Le.e Brownell. Mr. Tom Van Mrs. E. Hanna. .< Cmp cottage ai 1-inK Ll Camip and friend Allan Me-1 1M1r. and Mrs. Don Dip)ond Mr.L .Snowd-(en .accrn Bride also visited Tom's pr n failyi Sault Ste..Mr panied bTisSsnLid1ena r n s.Sm Van rs. A.E. Goodmupy Oshawa, spent thie weekenýd Camp, Base Line. Thessalon, have 'been sed Ihorses and riders from il ovêr Southern Ontario took wlth the Formner's daughtar1- Mr. and Mn. B -illAi-r- Ing a few days with Unhefo. part in the show and ejoyed a barbecue and dancej ,nd huishanrlý, r. and MS.srngadail.Cahutnesbohe a heat afterwards.Oti Pritchiardï, John and Paul, were weekend visitors withi ter's sons, Len Goodmusphiy, afterwrds. ___ -Ms. and Mss,. Peter Pritchard, his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Manford Goodmurphy as ail of Manotick. Spry and family. teir familles, Mr. and _M 1 . sUL - 1 ~~~remained for a longer stay. M.adMs o oDg ýbGofirýyad Subrn a r in e LMs Ala ,Mr and Mr.an Mrs,. C. P. Swailow M.adMs o apxBbGomrb Sarah Holdaway, accompan- on Mr. and Mýrs. Hoskini ied by Mr. and Mrs, F.' Smith,- Hampton. n-i-ý Thonipson of Port H oi P e' sM. and Mrs. Laiii-e S tapie-PA dianvilg and shrine at ISunday suppesr guesis with1 SPECIAL COMMTTTEE Midland. lier sister and hsanMs, ON LAND DRAINAGE 4VDavid Martyn of Brackvili e and Mrs. Ted Whitie anid fam t- ia havinig a holiday with bis ily. Mr. and Mrs. Dlave Shce- By resolution of the Legisiature of Ontario a aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrg, han and f.amily, Oshia a,ý select committee was appointed on June 30, 1972 Allan Holdaway, were Sunday afternioon caffl 1to examine, study and inquire into thse following Ms. and Mss. Daniel Foisey ers at the Whites. atrreadglnddiaean ntso and baby Melanie of Sud- Ms. and Mss. H. J. Brooksi (1 T hr e objctivs c land drainage On as an burycaled n Ms. C. Bar- rowelough lais! ek They were Sunday visito-rs with, arulrl rctean th bnfisi have been visýiiigMs Foi- Ms. and Ms1s. S. S. Mortin ai giutrlpatc adtebnft b sey"s parents, Mr. anld Ms.thircotge at Twin Lake, derived from such practice. R. S. Hill at Consecon.MisesCasari Leard and (2) 'The associated problems of ecompetin D Pn Oudreault, Woodstock,I land use in thtiurbanin g and inwelns spentý Frîday nlght with ehe as influenced by land draing rjes BL C SO K formesr's sister, Mr. and Mss. iaepoc(-, BeronVelsandtw bys (3) The problem cf pubic interest io lanid use On Satuîrday they matored ta over the drainage of private kaidsby di- USyxnpathy of tlhe cammunity Peterboroughi to visit Carol's viduals la cxtended ta- Ms. and Mrss parents, Mr. and Mss. Doug (4) Th-5e prior evaluation- oftthe benefits and K.,5Larsy Mackie and family as la, Leard. On Sunday Mr. c~~c riaepaet well as ta other relatives on and Mss. Merlan Veals and f "ring roet the passing of Masy's mother, boys were supper guesisth 5 neauto fteptto rcd Mss. Passant, on Friday. hier parents Mr. and Mss. fo9ntaigadriaepoet Bettes health is wished for Leard, ta heîp celebrate their ()A vew fth cnsrcin mrve the many folk lu hospita- mother's bisthday. ()Arve ftecntuto Mss. M. C. Smith In Port-mn ad nÎtnneporuesîý4e ~ .. Ferry, Ms. Oscar Graham Miss 'Barbara Wr i g h t, metad aien cep drsude Neil lVM.aa OcariGaknm'Guelph Unversity, Guelph, i"heDaiae c"in achieving the objec- surer inOsawaHopitlenjoying some holidays etý tives. oui~Postmaster Howard Ah- home, with lier parents, Mr.1 (7) A review of the appeal procedures undr boi an Ms I Agueinand Mrs. Fred Wright, "Thse Drainage Act". Bomnil asia.AleMadMs W .Bon(8) A review of the financial procedu-s d tareturn during, the week and Dave were Fsiday vis!- assac ne Ts riaeAt n weýre Mrss J. A. Jolinston and tors with Mr. and Mss, Ian ostranager "hegrams. 7Ac" n Osm)ond Wright. Rogers, Oshawa.0 Winers atthe weely Mr, and Mrs. Fred Hassis (9) A study cf the ceats of land drainage and Tueda evnlg ardpatyand family, Wlitby, Werel what inlene ucli costs and how they may were: Ladies' high, 1Bîthes audyspergeî îh bc reduced, i.e. engineeing costs, etc. Chapan; econ, Ruy Ge rM. and Mns. Fred Wright,, Chapmn; sBase, Line.er Master Terri, Lent (10) An evaluation cf construction praces consolation, Edna K err y; and Kevin Shiehs, Newmarket,l in general and erosion and ýweed contiraI of -nen's high, Bruce Ormiston; esedn e aswth dang ice ndti second, Isabel Wright; conso- draeiraaun and uncin, Ms. an Slation, Hugo Bradley\.Ms.Fe Wrgtwhltei (11) A review of the administrative practices- linandd ss.Ro Mcau~- aretsMs. and Mrss e and methods in carrying -out responsibility g,,-. Dbbi alng îthShiels are attending the fun under "The Drainage,,Adc". x~~a~g' Ms ad s. arldWîgtaà f e's nephewvw11()wasi After due study and consider-ation te rccomi- kifrrn rd inn an ~cas acciden t inl 2-A--L _ ---