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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Aug 1972, p. 8

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The anadan tatemanBowanvileAug. 9, 192 <I FLASHBA CK - 25 Yea rs Ago -, An exhibition gameý betwee3n Mike's 01 diers and league leading BowanvlleRotary Juniors, held Wednesday even- in t the 1High School grounds, was won by the Old Tieri-4. Members of the teams follow: Oldtimers, _Bert, Colwell 2b, Shinny Moise cf, Dutch Osborne, ssý, p, Don Williams 3b, ss, Ab Piper c, Bun Moore 1f,Bi Corden lb, Scotty Camero±i rf, George Piper p> 3b, Bob Bates c. Rotary Juniors: Martin c, Hooper ss, Dadison lb, Mcllveen, Williams 2b, Cox 3b, G. S(turtrock p, L. Piper If, H. Sturrock rf, Çlemence p, Cowle, pinch hitter. FLAHBAK -10 Years Ago -Playingý with Jim Cronibie and Jack Bond following the iuoodycar Leaguie Regular play, Jack Baker #ed the tirjd at Southview using a nine iron,' last night, Jack also haid an ace Iast year. Maybe this vill urin out to be an annual evenit. Aiso lasat wekrace BrowN1n, Oshawa, aced the third hole, also -usiuig a iline iron. THE OTORCITY CAR CLUB - believe that Aug. 11th - lth-- 2th il-Jýl long be remembered in Bow- mianville and promiâse some of the finest show cars in NrhAmierica to be on view. Following is a sceueof activities:. FRIDAY -9:00 p.m. - get acquainted poolside party Flying Dutchman SA~?UDAY -registration and display until 12:00 noon -Flying IDutchmiran -12:00 linoon tour begins -at 12:30 arrive at Midtown Mail, Oshawa, for judgirig anýd display-ý - 2:00 p-r.. lave MI*itown Mail, tour north on Siipce-Street, Oshawa,ý - appro7x. 2:45 arrivýe at Fantasyland Park, Hwy. 12, south of Brooklin 5-00 p.-m, ieav e nasln Park, south on Hwy. 12,ý through Wh.itby -6:00 p.m. arrive Bavie via Waveriy Rd., -6:30 a3rrive back at ly.vng Dutchman, then dis- play, for aýbout haif an hour 8:00 awards banquet followed by dance - SUNPY--8:30 a.mi. breakfast hosted by-Lions Club" at LonsCettre, Beech Ave, 11:00 .visit B ' owmanville Zoo S12:00 non ack to Flying Dutchman - event t t t t. t FLEETWOO(JD ROYAL- owned and driven by Barn Shea of Bethany set a new track record of 2.0. nt K rh Downs onSaturday, in the 5seventh race. -Junior West drove Sun Brier Bob to victory in the first race in 2.01,2. t t t t t TEAM CANADA- will stick with its decîsion to play the series ae-inst' Russia with players signed wittheNH. nly sated Alan Eagieson last week. The ageeT made with the Soviet ULnion to. use onily N,H11L,. playersý will behonored, as much as it wcudbe tempting to send Bobby Hull, J. C. Trernblay, Jerry Cheevers, possibiy Derek Sander- soi and any others who. may sign W.H.A. before the s-eries begins. tý t t t t 11(ORSE SHOW- The Ganaraska Valley Riders Club have planned an Open, Herse Show for Sunda1y, August 1EUh, to be held at Bill Leggette's a rena of the North, Star Ranch, R. R. 1, camp- bell1croft, Onxtario. The- show is to start at one o'dc.The-oown events are te take place-:1 W'estern Pleasurer, Pole Bending, Pick-up, Open JfarlRace, Po(nY Express, Potato Race, Apple flunking, -steýry Race,,Flag Race, Ring Raice, WenrBohbing for Children, Children's Barrels. t t t t t TQURNEY The, Canadian Professional Golfers' Chapînshpfor a purse of $33,000 wiil be heid this ye-ar at the Rivermead Golf Club, in Lucerne, Hlull, Quebec, from August l4th - 20th. t t t t T. 1-EGL- Thlere wil1 be no,"legal" -deer hunL- inig iii the United Counties this àseason, The decision wMas miade Thursday at a one-day ssinof Counties', Concil., t Ï- t ,t ,t t YET ANOTHER ACE - This seems to be the year fcOr oe-i-n as they keep being recorded in this olut!nin. This time bouquets go to Howard Ormiston :\w1ho had a hole-in-one at Bowmanville Country Çi1ub last week. LCETV ELECTRONS (Final Regûlar Season Statisfics) by Jim Clarke G. Sinsury53 17 G, Park-s____ 33 9 L, el 62 17 J. Compton 5 0 D. Crough 54 13 G.Jones-__ 6 0 R.- Crombie ___ 78 19 P. 'Relly-,75 16 C. Kilpatrick 33 1 G. Akey v__ 41 12 D. eMuter ___ __-62 13 L, ipe -50 9 P.a Bagneli 63 9 T. 3 Bac(,k ---- ---- 33 5 R. Etcher il 3 W, RendeIl------ 35 1 BR H-olmnes- --- -- 21 3 R. itie62 il H RBI's Avg. 24 il .453 14 17 .424 25 13 .403 2 1 .400 19 10 .352 2 1 .333 25 25 .321 23 7 .307 10 7 .303 12 5 1.293 18 9 .290 14 7 .280 17 9 .270 6 1 .182 2 1 .182 6- 3- .171, 0 O.143 I 1 .125 7 4 .113 S tUMMER BARBEQUE' AND DANCE TYRONE COMMUNiTY PARK S'aturday, August l9th BARBEUE -7 P.M, te 9 P.M., DA-NCE 9 P.M. te 1 A.M. BIGTfHE WHOLE FAMILY "LIL DODSWORTHI'S BAND" ADMISSION $1.00 Memorial Parie. lykes in Semi-Finals 'Agaist Whitby As thîs was being written Tuesday afternoon, 'the Memorial Park Tykes were scheduied to play Whitby in the second game of their semi-finai series tonight at Memoriai Park. However,'it was expected the game would be postponed to give the diamond an oppor- tunity to recover àfter the weekend rains. It is possible the game might be piayed Wednesday night instead and back in Whitby'on, Thursday. The open- ing game was won by Whitby. This picture wasr taken recently when Cobourg were the opponents. It shows Paul Cascagnette, one of the big bitters, at the plate with the Cobourg catcher and umpire Arnold Etcher crouched to observe the throw. The other photo shows Tyke hurler Dean Holmes about to let loose one of his sizzling pitches. fil otulAto by Terry Baker et the 7th with a. waik. Kramps came up with'a dou- Ellis'Shoes won two games hile play but Paul Ferscy smn- last weck' in Men's Town gied and scored the winning League Soltball action, giv- run on, Dave Tabb's single ing them four wîns in a row. The two wins enabicd the and a tbrowing errer by t he Shoemen te open a 212 game right-fielder, lVike Donogbu1te, lead ever their niearest rivais Harvey Webster aInd Dec Adams each bad two biits f:or Stephcn's wbo won oe gaine Kramps while Stephen'ýis7 and~~~~~ bahnepsp its ýwere dîvided amnng 7 Franks Variety remaîned in thîrd place 3ý games off theý players, pace as tbey downed Kramp's Smith (3-0) tossed three and, bad.onie game posiponed. hit bal for 5 innings and, .Kramp's droppcd 6 games be- gave way to Jim Coyie who hind first and 'are only 1/2 lossed shut eut bal ever the game abead et Whyte's for last 2 innings as Ellis down- tbe lourth and last play-off cd Wbytes. Murray O'Brien spot. .Kramp's have 3 games made a fine comeback atter remaining and Wbytes 4. Ste- being inijured as he went 3 phen's bave a chance te catch for,3 and drove in 4 mons. Ellis,,baving 6 games remain- OBrien drilled, his t.lird ho- ing te Elli,5' 3. mer et 'the seasen. Coyle, Lastweeks ationsaw Ste mith, Pat Corneil and Jim phestnip krsactpns 5-4Ste- Ryberchuk eacb liad two bits an uncarned run in the îast Sthroud eut Els oatack of the 7th inning and Ellis 1mtbaided -bis ewn cuse downed Wbyics 9-3 behind with 1 rbggr i n ihe 3bit ptcbin et of the year. Bob 'Tugwood hit the -hi pithin of onbis tinst ot the season for Smith. In the oither two ga- Wbytes. mes played, Ellis received fine 3-bhit pitching from owie Ellis came.rigbt bac-k on Bryan and tbumped Walter Tbursday night bebind Howie Frank 7-1 and Frank's Var- Bryani (6-1). Bryan tossed a iety received a fine two bit- 3-bitter, walkcd none and ter, froM Kcitb, Anderson as: tanncd two. The enly run off tbey -defeated Kramps 10-1., Bryan in the sixtb xvas un-, Dennis Sullivan (6-2), pit- earned. Dennis Biçkcll (2-6) cbing for Stephens and Har- took the loss.rMurray O'Bricn vey Webster (9-6) pitching Jim Ryborcbuk and Curt for Kramps, wcrc locked, î Vanstone lcd Ellis wilb twe a 4-4 tic going ie the 7th bits cach. inning. D. Sullivan rctired Kcitb Anderson led Franksi Kramps in the top et the mbh- ever Kramps as he scattercd ing and then led off the last lwo bits, walked two and fan- Ellis - ---- Stephen's - Frank's Kramp's, Whyte's W. Frank___ Team Standings P W L TJ 23 16 7 20 12 8 21 12 9 23 10 13 22 9 13 21 6 15 Top Ten Batters GP AB M. 'Donoghue, Kramp's M. O'Brien, Bulis --- T, Baker, Frank's- D. Cryderman, Fank's J. Humeniuk, Stephen's H. Websterf, Kramp's Butch Cole, Bulis J. (oy Ie, Ellis; D, Wr-ight, Sehns- B'. EvnElLis H RBI 25 18 26 16 25 18 32 14 22 16 26 18 17 Il 27 18 24 8 23 Il GBL 6 61/2 9 Avg. .439 .426 .417 .416 .400 .377 .354 .351 Pee wee Playoffi Starts Tonit Wi,îth, Cobourg The Bowmanville Leglon Pea Wees b-ave tinisbed their schedule in third place and the playeffa astari this Wed- nesday in Cobourg. Cobourg conws back te Bowmanvilie fer the second game on Thursday, Aug. 101h. Game time is 6:15. If tbe third game is necassary Bcw- manville gees back te Ce- bourg Sunday, Auguat l3tb. Please comaeout and give the boys yeur support, your presence wili be appreciated. Pony Club Plans Rall1y0on ÀAuFg. 1 2 Tbe Pine Ridge Pony Clubi la sponsoring a D-Day Rallyl on Saturday, Augusi 12, ai the farm et Mm. and Mrs. R. Van Dyke on north Liberty Street. Clubs lrom several centres in soulbern Ontario wiil enter teams in the Di clasa, wbich is made up 'ot junior riders, 17 years ef age and under. Among the events scbed- uied wiii 'be show jumping, dressage, Prince Pbilip Gamn- es arnd Cros~s Country Jump- ing. The raily is slated to get underway ai 9:30 Saturday momning and anyone inter- ested is invited te corne and watcb. There is an admission charge of 5Oc to help detray cesis and home-bakcd gooda wili be sold. Spcnding the sumomer ai the cottage? Betome you go, visit your local Rcd Cross clinic and gîve blood. Bioed is lite - Pasa ht on! Guy Parks Leads Electrons To IC-2 Win Over Kendal1 In Final Gamne of Schedule by JIniCare in theý top of fthe fit th, witlî Th, Locke TV bunch are" E=wmnville's Locke TV the ba-ssfull, ore out and no appreciative of the fan sup- letoscrossed the finish scýore in the match. Wallace port threughout the regular lune of their regular schedule siapped a .sinking drive that schedule and> are eptîmistiel on Sunday afterneon, with a left-fielder Wray R e n d e 11i ef improved attendance in the, decisive 10-2 victory ever the couldn't bandie, giving the upcoming playoffs with Port Kendal Eagles in their grasp. Eagles a 2-0 lead. Parks es- Hope, The intense rivalry be- It was only the second tirne caped any further barra, as tween these clubs always hasý in six league meetings that did Crough during the re- produced superior, Intermed- the TV troop have emerged mainder of the game. iate bail In the past and t'l'i7 winners agaînst the trouble- Staring Eagles' beaver Char- year's playofîs will be morei some Eagle flock. lie Reid, despite control prob- of the saine. Manager Clint Ferguson lems, entered, the Electrons' At this writlng we hiad ne used three burlers in Sun- fifth with a two-run lead, word on wben this Best of day's contcst, with the trio baving given un just tbree Seven str&uggle wili begin, but limiting, Kendal te five sale- bits over the first four frames, we suggest Electron support- ties. Bowmanville's, offence o ers.keep on the lo>okout for Guy Parks, who had a spec- untracked as they cbased Rleid notices eof the games posted tacular alternoon, claimed his on four traight bits by around town, Fred "ýBuck" second triumph of tbe year Creugb, George Sainsbury, owl has, joined the Elec- in 1 2/3 frames of shutout re- Parks (RBI) and Larry, Piper, nscabnrnkmkg biel. His effectiveness on -the with a two run single. a successful debut Sunday.1 moundwas darýrThe Electrons' organization mondws wafd byý a tre- Rendcll greeted the seconýd wishes the Kendal Eagles the mendous. day at, the Plate, of four Kendal flinger, Barry best of luck In their hunt for where hie went 4 for 4, in- Lane wjth a run scorinig dou-aPrvnilha ioslpn cluding two' hors-, for fîv ble. When Lane finally stamp- their categcry. RBIs. He belted a three run ed eut, the blaze, Bowman -____ shot In the Electrons' five- ville had built up a 4-2 lead MMRA HSIA run sixtb frame and conneet- Tbey con tinuçd to thump EOILHSTA ed for a solo four-bagger in Lane in the sixtb, with Gary WEEKLY REPORT they seventb. ey Cooper taking over alter Week of July 31-Aug. 6 inc. Gay"ak kywork- Parks had unleashed a three Admissions ----- -------158 ed the first 4 1/3 innîngs and i-un borner. "Coop" allowed ]îrts-2 maie, 2 temale 41 was charged %vith two runs another base hit and three Discharges ----------- 781 and four hits. Hle lanned four free tickets, the final one Major operatiens - ..19! and wa]ked tbree. Dougl with tbc sacks tfull, making Minor operations ---- 9 Ccougb tossed shutout one- it 8-2. ýEmergency treatments----304 bit ball during the. final tbree The Eaglcs' Kelly Lane took Visîting hour-s, 3-8 pi.m. dailyJ, innin'gs, alter Parks relieved over the bihi work, giving up L"Hawvk in the visitors' fitth. two runs on two bits, (one Parks5 laced Fraser Wallace belng Parks' bases empty wben he arrived on the scenesatbtesvt),drn bis 2 2/3 innings. ned one. Ris record is 1-0. Arouad the Bases: ' Neil Fry led Franks with two Te~i etteEetos' ' bitsandDav Mayardbitwitb a 10-12 record during hi ý t borner ef the season, the season. In Sunday's game, tying bim with Mike Donnc- Parks witb bis four bits, pac- ghue of Kramps for the lea- 5 gue ead The118 tit' -ed a 15-bit assauit. Guy lin- O for gras TewRi tb ik is epished the regular sebedule in ef Wbytes leacling xiî 19 grand style, going 9 for 13 whule 6 players have 18 and and drîving In 12 runs F il E more are witbin 5 of the the Electrons' FasRtre leader. games. ____Crough had three safeties~ WITH TH on Sunday, wbile Sainsbury 4ý and Piper colhected tîvo S apiece. Sainsbury went on a, - ~ bisterig hitting streak, over the 'TV club'sý last live games. Ha,- finsibcdi with 'a tcam bighi ave rageý1 of .453 after bagging 14 1bits ini bis finai 21 at bats. Geredrove, in seven runs, and ciorcd 12 during this - spectacular, seven gamne hît- On Sunday, catcher Grant k~P/~4 Yeo supplied two of Kendal's * Equaliberator adjust $'EcPETFPOM five bits. During their SIX siesseso PMPasen ssession, the Eagles outhît Bowmanvilie 77-70, * Powerful 244 or 294C /ÂrÊT7YAPMTO$/16dUE wbile scoring 49 mons to the engine DAY/6/TP474.. -Ehectrons' 46. Kiendal miade eo:r~.f 15 errors, while the TV crovd 0 Polaris pioneered hy, miscued on 28. disc brakes The Electrons were without Leo Kelly, Terry Black, Ger- * Exclusive Torque-O. DON Sà aOReilly, Don MeMurter and *1"rçern Service ýwas deîayed whihe two umi-6 pires wcre located. For the 180 KING E. second time this season, tbe Electronis have been forced to BOWMANVILLE, bustie lin officiais, as those Authenized I, aDpoinlcd(?) baven't sbown. PHONE 623-5662 Forturiaiely, George Piper ORONO Don McLachlan - Don Plain (ohlate), and Jim .M.Nurnhy; (bases) obliged, allowing 'th e game te Lnally get underway. -- 1 It's Fun - Itfs New It'"s Excîting $200.OO UN PRUIZES ÇOUR- $50.00 GAMES ,$10,00 MINIMUM PRIZE) EVERY MON. t 64:30 p.m . le 1 Soccer Playoffs Be gin This Week, In the hast wcek et beague 'Ewart Werry and James Baý scheduled play, Solina came ker. eut ia top et Tyroneé 3 te 0. On Wednesday, Courtice v3 Rick Rundie piclked Up Se- Salem at Tyrone for the 4tb linas shutout, but goal scor- and final' playott position ers wcre not reporled. game time 7 p.m. jMcanwhîle, RHa mptoen Final Statisties trounced a short-b anded Sa- GW GT GL Pis lem sîde 8 te 0. Don Rogers Selina 17 3 0 3M picked up Hampton's firsi st," Hampton 9 5 6 21ý goals' before HIarold Leacb Tyrene 7 5 8 18~ a~nd Graham Dallas ci,, Salem 4 2 12 IV3 singles eacb. Dave Tayler' Courtice 3 4 13 16 pickcd Up Rampions shuitout PIlay of f Sehedule On Saturday night, two Up7 (Game, time 7 p.m.) sets took place as Courtice Wed. 9 -Courtice vs Salemt bcld Tyrone te a scorchess a Tyrene draw in Courtice. Sat. 12-Wedncsday winner In Salem, Sohîna picked up at Hampton a 2-_O lead only te bave Salem Wed. 16 Tyrona at Solina coma back with two goals bv Sat. 19-Solin'a at Tyrone Trev. Galbraith and Rick Wad. 23-Ramnpion ai Wed- Broome. Solina goalswent to rneaday winncr. Oshawa's Heavy Atllr Blasts Locke'sElcrn by Jini Clarke Arouad t he Bases- The Oshawa Legionaîres MeGuire ai-d second base. teck tbe wraps off their mah Ted Lutton contribuicd beavy ariiery lait Friday, four bits each, fer the win- cvening and cfti the Lo'ckeî ners, with "Buitch' Dowe TV Electrons dazed, 14-81 adding threc. Bowmanvihle&s losers. top hands were Parks wîib a Manager Clint Fergusoný double and iwo single-,tfor saw bis charges scamper ietou 18,ain ii 'Ril a 4-0 tirati nning lead, onîyi who pickcd up tbree ini's. te crumble under Osbawa's Oshawa's righl,-tielder Ke'n 19 bit barrage. Dave Whileley Toffan robbecçt O'Reiily ef bis escaped Bowmanville's open- fourtb bit of the nîghi, wit-i ing game spurge, te colîectý a flashy, ahoestring catch in the viciory. Aller bcing jzt he eigbth. red for tive bits and four In four meetings Ibis sea- runs in Bewmanville's ftsît, son, both clubs bave two vie- Wbiieley stuck around until tories. Bowmanville bas eut- Bernie MeGuire relieved him scored the Legionaires 45-37, in the seventh. \vhile holding a 56-54 edge in Deaspite the absence, 01 total, bits. Botb teamrs made numerous key performers, the 10 errors during tbeir four TV ireop siarted oui impres- clashes. sivciy, Pat O'Reilly, G3îry Last Friday's match \veg Akey, Guy Parka (1181). played in mid-40 tenmpera- George Sainsbury (RBI), and tures betore the usual hean Ron Etcher banged eut base Kinsmen Stadium turnout of bits in the tirai, fans. The Legionaires stunned ihe ý Electrons as tbey reboundad' te take a 5-4 edge aller an Wra Rndll seig isfi3tH EATING SPECIALIST mnou.nd work since July 8111, i Queenî Street lasted oe inning, Dong1 Bowmanville Crougb and Byron Rolmes folhowed Rendeil on the Elec- PHONE 623-7591 irons' mound, neither cspec- 24 HOUR SERVICE lal-ly effective againsi the bit OGs&Fe reFine bapy winncrs. Crougb was & Air Condition Installa- tagged for five runs andi tiens - Central & Window seven safetîca during a rocky Iînits - Clare Hecla& 213innings. Rolmes overI File'y Equipmeat the closing 4 2/3 trames wau i ec Etimnates rahdfor nine bits and fourj Budget' Terms Available

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