1Rea1 Estcdte for Scuqel The c8nadian ttemn BwavllAug. 18, 1972 13' BOWMOANVILLE- ro - ebrïik bungalôw ithgr- age, central, 'immediate -poi - f session; $23,900 with terma. Phone 987-4337. No agents. on ve1I rpdltsailconi-y Bo mi --------- - verjences p nd gocld waterF Pricedi lesa than .iu onbWies 1 Auction Sales _ AuctionSale lieacl Estate for Sl Real Estate for Sale eaJcyi, located novth orfýrcutri Aucten aleof hrns a WEKLY uctoh aleof ntiuesandBowmanville. T,-U7tii Ta1Tacke a aiWWhaekActah sla f htiek TJi nited Nafinns 69115Tetg along with chapefres Drale the Usé fbe a esr i Pethick's Auctin Barn, Hay- used furniture, Satrday, O hs!obcro-ih-tqnn lne onb n ayMoeý_i ir e dlon, one ile east. of Ennis- LIVESTOCK SA E August 19, 1:15 p.m., S'VXTaTnNr-'vWr a large lot cî. be bought for Once again thîs yeair the leave for WsigtrD>,aýssîgned tholtaete ~kilen ion Strdyevenrng, a uhmCut ae rn okCottages, in Village of E JJVJ' L.LLL.L .~ only $2,000 down, Drilled Ontario M*initry of Agricul- Som-e of the points Of inter-Ibefo0re h ffcs0 tes Aug. 26, Sale tfimre 7:30.Clf Orono - Every Thurs., 7*30 1.,$wly ossin fWn i i well, fully insulatedl, on yeart' ure anid Foûd, through the eAt the group wil visft are tenirwllb no nfed P(- Caves, SeeAuctc.innaercsto0 drn lawr, wasghtandsin 323RaIeid, Autieer and P Chro- swiesl ochars, our BetwoodNeedl a new home buît short calsponsoring a bus trip Ln Wash- Battlefield of ('ettysburg. Na- Go orOnSrb RiAcine an '-sîechifu et of cash? Then investigate newBO RW ington,C, Newv Yorkç City tiontal 4-H Centre in as- I yu1;nta lown'n, Anrtiques, fuirniture, dishiespitr 23- i chairs, bat rack, tables, electri .eaýver Home!W'l hliý .W 1SORALO n other points 0f itra ntf, Inon ItMrorîi, hbJe îyohaed~ etc., property of Elmer Thomip- cat appliances, glassware eette trciv evr Oshawa 576-1411 oýr i h atr ntdSae h ht lue ndN son ~ ~ ~ 2' (CurisiKyShop, Si.- E.hsdockpli amps picWillowdale model. a 3 bed- P3t;oo _1 297 The purpose of thie tnïp is totions -in New VYOrk and thtiedwhntgrwtyoi ville', Saturday, Au.guist, B Bad R N ure frames, croc1ks, books,24KgSE, mwavil ont beauty on Tour lot and!3- provide indïiIduals with a Statue or Libçrty. ý~seilst nat t. B0cudng anern, oaloi linens, beds, Iron pot, other --i_______l_1________'lirai__q lamps, crrocks, aid boittes, etc. S A LE N items stili bcbig cpnsiffled. 623-3393 foundainfr s 92t.brodnng eprene e know John wvill entoyi sti'y 0 grelur n Ft ST PL TO oi cati save as muwch as $3000 GuaICranteed learning as- well as a medliumjthe thrp and wve congratulate Many other uiseflI articles. Roger Bannîster, Auctioneer. 10 Scenie Acres over conventional bujildinig of exchiange of cideai and for- hîmn on hisseetoasthtgcnpbbl'e fferms cash, Sale at 1 pin. A CT33-1Ifyn t,- lot, Mufflers for Sale mration of new frîjendqhips,.' Diethyltibestroi rpgtdb aigctits AucioeesTe Senely, AU INE RSKlendal His. Trnifîc viewnmethods. If>o w Auethany 27-969,Gr an dSpSiîizng a YiSlligSatndy, ugstfrom ighest point in town- YOU may bo able to SE EIIlTEGNNtTeparticipants w.ýho are A:syou probably mut b aveNalunFloeîgsrt Werray, E27sï-en26-2639A8S9;dESGTE sip ScaLkeOnaro.Close "Tour Home,$ ,wtihotly $200 SEK HTEVN selected are tiuiîay pe>oileihiarthe use 0 ityatl Mloo hsw W3:2 Phononeweastle 6, eai-1 p.ni., the furnitulre, to)Oshawa Ski Club. 1,0. iWe'IlIhelp with mort- AT THE ,ýwho have been act.ive ,4-Hbestrol for feedjng ta cattîe Te is re i anrpV _______or NewtonvIlle 786-295 ithnutnis n are-T e rmrs aearagmns n adOSHIAWVA MIDAS memibers and wbo dmo-willbe dî.continui id afeitesalre ntegdef 't f M J availab~~~~~~~~ilities tool For furth- strate leadership cjvalities. 1Jaur1,97 nteUieteyugpltsO us 16-tfntnt)eru'Mme' o rs. 120 Acres - Tyrone der'TTJ'NT'onwood box at least 6 ineltd ANTIQUE AUCTIO S ALrE Ecdy\TeRin, Main Street, Orono, Gor dbtacksomPonerge UF.FLER SHO Durham County's delegate S _ts. We ca olyagî Aucton ale Selin Au. icluinga ne kicheett God bick hom, lrgeRAY NQRTHET at 9,-358for a FREýE Exhaost System ïs John Larrer, son of Mn. stresn, that if the use of thïs de nielsî ~itt barns.Sae: Excellent ne brnssoxele.t ol. milel an Iirssilpftede sand prd anidCaadermiculi,1isStue 19, at 1 o'clock, the fur'niture Satlurday, October 28th- set, a niew McClary range, a pae a ,nae gýo.or drop in to jour nearest INSPECTIONanMr.RphLme0f.poucinCadisocn-oe reed etmssî and househoid gondis of Mr. n nulCaoasBed e elnn aycar e ae odfotg,$500Beaven Lumber Store and d tR.1, Blackstock. John was tiniue, cane matbe practised Smo gd. i twelt Harry Lycett, Main Street, er and Feeder 'Sale at Lindsay Black & Decker electric lawn Tnm pick up a new BEAVJIR 116 BndStVWest an outstanding 4-H mnember in ts use, L0g Orono, at the huome of Mrs. J. Conîmunity Sale , arn. We mower, quantIty of, gond pots 86 Acres ena HOME CATALOGUE, only OSHAW, ,just Ens f scnety novd nNwBefG -tnad5 tam a evlurce C. Gamey, inciuding kit- are invýiting consigrments for and pans and kitchen dishes, istrcamr, brick house and $1.00, 'in colour with floor Ontario Metor Sales County and Provincial Junio'r A of Septemober 5, there Taectngfrm e1t, e,ýnn suite, captain's chair, Purebred, Recorded and Stock- mnantel pieces, end tablesbr. avd oa fotaeplsfrmnoha40oe. rn Farmer activities. This fall wîli be a newv systerm of grad-inmature pat.Te a i coffee table, xicker chair, er Charolais Cattie. Closing hoes, raks plus many more Ail this for~ onîy $504000. __________ __7-tf C î John will be returnbng for hi.,in g beefp a Uss A ell uîc rmtesm ai conîplete set of silver for six, date for catalogued cattieitems too ilimerous to, men- Terms. Cali Roy Fosten --- - = third year at *MeMaster UJni- as uising nlew' msCaad ad er. com-plete set of nid dishes in Sept. 30. For futher infor- tion, Charlie Reid, Auction- (Orono) 983-5801. esoa versîty in Hamilton,.'A, _B, C, D and E instead onf fpe opl wyscesot excellent condition (serves mation contact Carl Hickson, enr; Lawrence Harris, Clerk. t0 Acres - Stream, Woods OnAgslOh onadcocgo sadrs nwn nmtemi tm dlishes,, dressing table, psit e nathis.ast trout tream. lA-ailed postpaid in _________ tc, The utedwl ot ~lamip, carpets, bedding, soiid or 1-705-324-2774. 33-3 Auction sale, pivate estate, Oniy $20,000. Terms. Cali lE plain scaied envelope with Ea ~ ing, plac h utnai'- îoak1, desk, davenport, kitchen____ from Whitby, to be belid at Roy Foster Orono 1-983-5801. REATOSpice lisi. Six sampies 25c, pail.0 atranolatl uitensils, small dno)p-wing tab- Stirtevant's Auction Hall, 27 1 ceNwate2 samples $1,00, Mail Onderia as c soearosil lepls sn mreitmstoo Saursy Agut 9t -Hall Street, Oshawa, Thurs- Exeln rckhm r owmanville 623-4403 Dept. T-28. Nov-Rubber Co~ Thorouhysa h cè n.umerous to nmention. Char- Clearing farm auction, Con- aAgs 1 t6pm e x adcaeetgric o m ie- e o Bx 1,Hailon nt 1-5-- gad ne nte cutnga lie Reid, suctionieer, Lawrence sisting, in part: 2 steers, 1j? da, gustrsa t 0m v e- plac acdgoublse Fire- 5acr"ar Harris, clerk. 33-1 Hoîstein'buill(15 rnonths), 50 chrome suite. French Pro- Cmlt mdrMàryst -eà d EKEDMEEN ..gD fS-hJ deely s osil. tle. breeding ewes (mostly west- age. Large pear orchard.Ecigudr esusrae ____-ern crossbreds), "35" deluxe vnal cetrid sue, .Frontage on ,Highway No, 2. up plus a t±,ree bedroom b.un- 'lne AUCIO SAE racor(god rde),7' h-antique tea wagon, antique Ecletin s etat gaînxv in immaculate con- * b> Peggy' Party 1Linos nc-, Whsey, J111-rl gthe nexi3t ekkd Grist Miii Auction Barni vrcmieptoJ .mw floor model radio, rugs, single dition. Panoramic vicw, Close gote on. Fropsty,,. EvTIaylor the .1oîldm.]uîgt 7~T1XI7pVkRTTTT1 ermasney mtow, J DNo i continental beds, v ani t y $77,000.00. Termis.,ta Orono. W A most cuccessflui Open o adJe eget nbtwahrtectîg o N W O VLEhoy cnrtalpao2Ace- iwHorse Show was beld by the; bhlashddwtasot ê Cockshutt seed drill, Int. 15- higb-ncnretbe i Ne8A r-ichomew roosNestieton - $36,900.00 Gmu IRE BéyRier ( lacky.ll1a run seed drill (witb atta h and bench (gond condition), Nw rik hmeovrloksIlGanrakaValeyRionClb urap o reen FRD Y U .1t bridge lamp, television, an- Kendal Hilîs and Lake On- 50 Acre farm, 2 storey aid- N E at Bîll Leggette's North Star Mstm Rc Jh Lns yltn ai me0 .M rnts), 20' grain auget', gariiu rtn ek( dcn tarin. Two fireplaces, attach- er farm bouse in good con- Ranch Amena,'R.R. 1, Camnp-ý Sonya, B.11 Iehiohsoiini, drT.rîn :0PM.box, Case side nake, J.D. 8 8' tique 4,00.Trrl, ito.wanmitingi-Mr ndMr.Haodesk eleof (gondy ug con-F) on Rifti,âi aii t 8-pco. dining suite, clothes tiller disc (on rubber), Cock- dition), pedestal table, chest[_Cd gRag oe. 4,000.Tem, 193 ldi on dBsrn mcbneryon- M. ndMr. arldBa- elcrftonSudaofgsplace wines. ppicatin0 etlsrw dryen (3 mionths oid), Hooîfver shutt No. 12 cultivator, disc, of Rogers silverware, bd o o otr rn 8-cude; od , ctfrnti on t wiso! cogh o Wesloyville 13, Pc-p Bh no nhe pl ed nwplns 'washen - spn dryer, Viing rur okht -unw , 1971 Rupp mini-bike, 580L.mas.Atfsto hs n!visited bier sister Mrs. George Results were as follows :ýfor ding Flylspin dRed, John Linos on BÏbe ewsrbshudb deep freoze, stoves,, fridges, plow, .4 section harrows, No. cndtin)0lu cAcrtyesno ars Hus adCogrtuatos arn.a deradhre winuger washers, kitchen 6 Cocksbutt spreader, wagon homedit enttrpl er (gunyood 100 AreGav ue a 150 res - ono Mhw orat ton saytc r. no d Wer dn Pe: re-GaSon, an yBird eonChief, left intepatngaauni sale. List not comîcete. barn included at onîy $1,000 Frngeo Hiby 115 Mr,. Ed. Farreli, Main Street WetrBlesn art Kïrkpaltu-ilz n Silver. nex pint so h tables and chairs, chester- and racks, box trailen wîtb snd Taunton Road. 10oodwanuhrndhei 6thWedig n ocoi Ron Set- _ fields, beds and mattresses, rack.,gidr upr îsMlsKng, Auictioncer and per acre. Terms. 4-c10o cntry oîd n otniv errt Wedng Wnoodar endrn7 Sela -Jl o evlo godrotsyton ssks, typew pton, 213baskts 0f Rodney natsrbaggddbrick Atenington on Vicky, Jun e ggîý, roîlyTmLg defs nt ad bits, 21baet of- pig feeders, quatity ofafer-Cartage, 725-5751. 33-1 Estate Sale farin bouse witb two fine- SMrs getnte on WaiFentonEvan Taylor Rn a o « ut ndbltpoermw-pg edesqaniy ffe-100 acres near Burketon. places, "4" barils, waten and Ms Marshall Chatterton, Scr on CoyJm e t t eotycTm eg inotor scooter, bicycles, -25 cous items. Alto selling a,%wîll salliby public auction for Christmas troc farma with sev- a Real Country Estate. ton, Carol and David, also Potato Ra-ce - Alýc Mitch-IellBîcy h.p. sud 4 hp. outIboard miot- quantity of furniture. The Robent (Bob) Siým, Lots 3 and eral tbousand manketable Mn. Raymond Bruce of New- on Red, John-î Lili -no oy, o a ors, outboand gas tankis, boat pnopcrty of Lewis Jobnston, 4, Con. 9, Dariington Towna- Scotch Pine. Asking $28,000, 3 Bednoom - $24,900.00 tonville attended the Chat- Randy Birdl on Chief> Robble oloBouidin g - Brant Kirk- CUT coutrols, complote set 0f horse locatcd 1/ilesnrhetsi,1ml ws fMsot em.Immnaculate 2 storey semi, tenton Family ,annuai pîcnic Hancock -on Saýtin, a.c o ivnGe e -99RYL1ý jG LU harneas, onte clip e lec- of Brooklin, Or 1%'/ miles ail bis farm mnacbînery, on 17 Acres - BowmanvIlle large Ho1llywood -kitchen, at Bellevilo Sunida.y.OpnBnes-Nny lc- ItiAahJhLio tre-go) -a ai,csouth-east of Asbburn, on the Satunday, August 19: N9 Ford Brick Income Home and beautiful dcon), partbally fin- Mn. and Mns. Maicolm'El- oison on Sable-'s Lu1c'ky,Bat lyg Red, welder, wiudow welPlus 8th- Concession of Wbitby tracton, 'Jubilee Ford tractor, greenhouses rented at $700 isbcd nec. room. Ail fcnced fond of Prince Albert, Mn. and Klnkpatrick on Silven, Johni izTar I-MýbJ matyin ols aud other Items. PTwp. No raserve, Farm sold. New Hoiland baler, hay montbiy. Ideal subdivision in yard. Low dnwn payment. Mrs. Walter Wonlley of Bow- Linos on Sonya, Tom Hamrnn ingRc lcMthl ANTIQUE AUCTION Tenms cash. Time 1:00 p.m. buncher, mowen, John Deene land. $160,000. Terms. Vacant Land manville spent Satundayev- on Shamus. Stîvedr, 'i ' bnsn o Fing MOUMENS AN NEXT WEEK Henry Kahn, auction services, combine, pull type; cultivatoi', Newtonville 18ars-lt fteas ning witb Mn. sud Mrs. Reg Children's Barrot - ohny Rd, ohn is oýn Son,,iER Phone 668-6189. 3-2Sutthiehon. y______________ Ternis: CASH 3223pt .ic; nearly ne*w bay 10 acre building site. 3 $9 5000, Termis. MsW.Rbno svst Flag Rsc -en Fengusn4~ Auctioneers: BOB sud FRANR ,,~~~~~~~~ rack, 3-funrow plougb, M. acres busb. 7 acres cleared ew nilgM.ad Mrs. Keneb ra u teonAochbRanyBsdon isj vvisît-u ,'icI eSTAPLO n N K StraAgu 1 amsprcaden. seed drill, hammar land, pond site. Asling 10 acres, Ne Syc nv egr.atCan . Comach, raetir 33-1 TONsoidaAuonSaleof9 v- r mi, 132 -ft. elevaito, 16 ft. $9,900. Excellent tems. Cali $7,900.00. Tems. Se tCPs tra ut Cmaibe rn Krke ' 31sock, - pucinSefumnitue auget', ollet', wagon, trailers, Bill Turansky (Orono) 1-983- 50 serces, frontage on Hwy. Funaral service was beld on irfnlc n ie M ITI 1ohn_-on 1 a stcIpeetFriueG.M. truckç, harnows, single 5420. Tucsday for Tom Cogtbam, Saturday, August 26tb - and Antqes. 5à bead of pl'ou'gh Western saddle, saddle Newtonviile ae2 nysn0 n o ",~,.o ligRd i e-~DOLD Clearing Houschnld Auction IHereford and Charolais cattllodesin ahe,ofhay 2, oApplen Dunkingo ~f oncmornyandAniqe 4 iatrecns it 22cave kifer lewtnemcie, de- Stream, pond sites, trocs, on 16acres, 2 miles nortb ard Coatbam 0f Red Dean, " ' gette on Tobty, Glen iFerguýon Furituet Glas, ,hin 5assid, 2chinduai97ugst.borennsclesaexenson 7Goliig are. Gnd oadB6wnv00e,00,9Albertabetaanda rad sogofMnds" onApaheJtmLe-nti)o rasCoprad Cle'-Bull ep osdJue n lutt. h aders, e le s, enein-excellent homesite. Asking Tanms. llaistead Coatbam of Onono TFrostyBEranlt Kinkpatnick oncrieI' ,bles. Festuring ini part: H-ereford tesh/ entod ofbewsigmcie $39,500 witb terms. Cail Bill 12 acres, Hampton (choice), Who died as the euto Siv. S-pce. dbning rooma suite, with Hereford bull ising 3 yrs. rt ilrcanswtni Turansky (Orono) 1-983-5420. $18900.00. Tanms. car accident.PoyEpes-GnFr Sifrd '"" gus0on on Apache--, FBlI g lidder back chairs (anuol ew -Holland haler, PTO dnillýcana pljanr, eet-ie Weoo utSo ,chava mre r-,1ltM n pgausin 1 n n et nTby ad idN iu et exeet cnibnl"Bell" Cockshuntt1' self-prnpelled motors, other articles. Fanm Transferncd to- Montreal. vcn adfo ae aiMns. Hanvey Panînen on their Cht,,,epif. y ýî. orga (vey orate.ligh cDeineJoside-r s sold.d. o aserve, SalSale mm9atteImssseioiatehispossession' pobony Ibi 25251h dinWcddingsryANnniopensary, fo on oak); Chînese carved bcd- rake, M-Il cultivator, Iml. 13- 1 p.m.TrscsCiiff lange 3 bednomsm-eah-waMorelnkn o. soksp Fet tbesekn of hdy aBlkacbyJonLio room suite, sofa and matching disc seed-drl, 24' bay elevat- Pethîck, Auctioneen. '33-11cd 2-stnney home on Wav- chair (French Provincial), or. 'disc'plougb., 3 pI.: 41 sec- crley Road, Asking $23.900. After Hours -Call: Mn. and Mrs. Reg Sutton. wit 1 ons Jîm - Blis133 ___________________etinsdrg arow, ocsht - Try yUr offen. Cali Kay -Mn. and Mns. Carman Corn- gotte wýý,onTPie Juniior tnophy 1 8udaStEaWiy carvd crdens (vry onate, lons rag armws, ocksuttDavîd Allison 987-~4867 ish, Cheryl and John, have with 8 points. We hope evem- Phn bih 6835 )-ounded glass corner china manure spneader, Ford' 7' Rea Estate for ae Bnown 623-3150. 91àPh cabinet (walnut), tes wagon, power mower, 2 cutters, -Gle' aaieRnby Ingleton 623-2627 been at a cottage at Rose- -IRhdfu. -et of 3 tables (Frncc Pro- buggy, truck witb grain box, Cnuyodsoehue lree'ot2323 ae výincial), ioccasiona--l tables, whiffletrees and neckyokes, 4 __________________iCnuryold sone ouseecilfnide lti a 263-032 ale __________________ r. oc obnsnisrom, n )od condition; be- Melville Dalee 623-5638paininteOhw l rockers, chairs, etc.; 9 x 12 cneam separatons, grain cradie, sd oua ofcus. 0 ieBlot 7-98P nth s aHs- ji Oriental rug and other nrugs, wooden pump, wooden wbeels, jJOHNrFpilaieas the esulacresa ffil J I glas andchia cosistng f ful lie oOmaWinITIan 2 spring-fed ponds. Near Bill MeFeetent 725-1726 at ber home. presscd, cnanbenny, carnîvai, many antique fanîn Items. '10 Brooklin, Excellent' buy aI 33-1 Mn. and Mrs. Norman Allun amherina, spatten, cloisonne, bec bives,, complele wltb $200,000. Termis. Cail Bill- retunned home lest week from nippon, flow blue, delft, bratssprxrcosmoe l uhrad6330.a trip to England. . R D CÇ supers, axractorandmke, cisc- MSulhcnlan 623-3102 ,nd coper hetties, samnvar, tric decappen, othen items. OooAe fM.and am rs. O M.J. aa OEES WF' PEIM roal 'bin, walscolies, plaques, Appnoximaîely 1100 îayinig OroAra f arkam wee unayROUND STEAK MPL c-diesticks, bonn, etc.; an- haens, osîs, banley, 2600 bales 33 King ,St, Easi, Bowjnanvslle' 6 room electnie haedbn--dirinArguesîs of Mn.an tiu lnlc itlgalow on 1 acre lot. Land- Mis. F. D. Cooper. o STEAK ROAST AO tiu lnlc itl(colle- yaar-old bay, 3000 bales new roo-n15 r633l cpd lt 2,0. Cl lir"i item), collection of bul- bay,. antique record playen, Phono 623-3950 or 623-371s59dlt,$9.0 . Cî Mr. and Mrs. Cecii Jones Brenda Henning jets, powdcr borns, swords, witb, radio, gramophone and' NEWCASTLE: :5 bedroom PblsMRbie6375.speul s-everal days witb Mn.orn adMs railway lamp, tealet, violiii. records, wasbstands, oak buf- Newcastle ansd Mrs, BriaPriestley and daughter $1f19r.ba89c Ibý pictures (nuls and pnints), coal fat, crocks, dishes, 2 antique bickbnao.Trebta on rm ooo o ____________ daughiters Alison sud Robvillenton Haenîg, om co.a ___________ oh amp an pimiive, ik-kitha cuhoadsandtabes aiv n d dining rooni. 52 x 200 witb greenhuse 20 -X of Osbawâata thein cottage aI ilgautdfonVcoi ing 4-burner stove, (gond), pine;, churus, toilet, sets, 3 tgogu.Ca-9.' Stream., Only $16,500. 6320 Roblin La;ke, Prince Edwand 1Hospîtal Sebool of Nursing,Bo port. On 75 x 225 fI. lot.owaviouî. London, on! August 101h, 1972, Coidspot fridgc,(, Philco 23" antique dlocks, bal rack, love pniced to salli. 4 ronm strer62home onnt ITVrubbr r-ft ithoarsandseat picureframs, amps 4 oom tartr hme o ýSe wil b emp'P.yrlFnRMeSFR TASTYST lother intercstînig itemis. Auc- iron ketîles sud pots, antique, 150 ACRE FARMT:'4 bed- lot 66 x, 165. Onîy $16000. Bowmanville - 1 beýdtoom mronial Hospital, Bowmyaaville. RSDL noeliecnets Of carpcnler's bools, atique noom, 2 stnney stuicco bouse. Terms. Cail Wayne Marcb- 1 '/î stony rickCrneveN ,close ta choofs a1.00UAI' this homo are lu excellant trunks, milk cans, many nîberAh1 modern couvenieuces. aut 579-2082. shpng.skig1$uSAi lL condition adwall worîhy Of items. The pnoperty of On-Lng -hae ar.3ca omavîe D.UIiIlI youn atteudance. The pt'op, ville Bitton, Lot 23, Con. 7, garage. As k ing $85,000. Saveral choice commiecial wîteIrm.RUARTHON PDANSASANTEAL erty of Mr. sud Mns. Gus Venulam Twp., 3 miles west Tenms, sites for sale or lesa. Bowmanville - 1½/ stono A well' known, respected ÉLIDA RT ASN H1-ock, located at' 299 Rich- of Bobcaygenn sd g miles 12s ERA omnil enu, witb 3 bedrooms, niewly éitîzfàl of Bowmanville pats- ' g1-, notbfon ndS.EsI,(offeRstre oron Faîles esn f eePROPERTY: wiîb large Iront 3 bedroom back-spîiî semi dcrtdand ail uew w red sway on Sunday, AVgusl The death of Mns. E.,,~Tu Road), Oshawa. No neserve. isygeon Roaci sud 2 , e~sîream. Pn.Pnl odd ibfnished nec-noom witbîu. sing$850wt 6tb, 1972. Harry John Dadson, asnac 5 yoars, oc ________ House sold, Tennis cash. Sala nortb. Ternis cash. No ne- 'cldua ccsle rc ayeîa, iutdo am.aged 70, died la Bownmanville curncd a te shw Ga-FRSH pA4NTRY IL tin 100p.. Hnr KhnsereMahie tlaaI1230ed 1 salli. well landscaped corner lot. Bownanville - Nor'th en ,fhoiga lnt fone oral Hospital on Fnîday, Aug- Atin Services, Italnr ahne ..Frcl, al t20 NWATE:3 ce, 0Akng$60 itl300 lenoohm ih iih in.usn 4f192. hhadbeeofl LTTUE RAN E aI- inldeto euidifiers, plough,.3 lpt.; 1961 Ford truck melett edu-w'a-res -on-lot 64 x 165. Asiking vîîîerCentews ny.i, U1- huidfer brabeui-wlbbis ud1' o, aen rEAl sttE: hedron RelEsae evieillermes asn. o-Vvel uMudy uus V e invite you (0tomre in and bos rui ,ne huiiir fi eat-wt os n 1'bx eetNWCSL:2 ero $22,500. _________from .the Morris. ,Funenalý fui sets of china, quaatity of mixer, 30 waten bowis, Camp- clean bungalow. Ou bheated.Afe9:0.mcai Orono - Do you bave a HIome, Bowmanvllo, -sud -Ps te take a look at our lresleiuc linoen, 8 antique lanterlus, bliford shah silo 14 x 35, 4-pc900e. haaI. ilm projeclor and screeu,340 b. eLva ul ml b. Completod rodma- green thumb? We have justIBytown's first post office was couductcd by Rev. Wmn.,Pion- WineMakng Supplies,ý and Ex0ticEdPout; oustit ofboksquatîy 0 ta,3400 s.geal larnk lioan aae riaPtYo-e 623-2077 the place for you - 3 bedroon opened ha 1829, bur Mattiew cy. Favourite hymus of the; alto available rnany Unusus if te autîue laswangsuFdihesrTn.n1'aCndoakCocshut,$2,50..crm15' nCMasersop62-333 bngaow n wll ep$222,50Conells gnerl sore dccasd wne layd dr 1 threebeauifû all mirrons, 13 disc seepd drill, fulliUne of B8owmanville: 4 bcdroon Jan Oegema - 63-38pnoperty witb crack sud mnany the service. Internent was lui FREE PARKING at Rear fStr two ai ectrie beatenfps, cushions, machinery, propanîy of Anî.huri ½soo nc oe iigBnadMcon-6371 extras. Gnow youn own flow-BwmvilCeeny astel picceso, vac'Juni dean- Vallesu & Sons, Lot 20, Con, sud d mï ooni. Ou beatad. JnOudsiîoorn 623-2984 lors in tegrous e sud 'Dl]REULTS COUNT! Palibearers wera aapbaws rr, loo sevîn 7, inig hl lndscpe yor dligb. Cli "'~Stan, Ralph, Larry sud Fred ýray sudo polishars-t17, Ops 'Twp., east of Liadsay ýBath. Garage. Asking $22,900. Dano Found-- 623-3965 for information. 'oheicsdDavid aud den equliprinn nldn norlh of Hwy.. No. 7 on Hwy. Wayne Marchant 579-2089, Mospont ares - 50 acres of Paul Passant. y sc whcmats vi paers. Sne gr-,N No. 36 or(2i mils T e fé or la" al ilSteln .12vrnis.an L k J bsb este1ýo heblh hedcose F cramsse, ks u oaet.hundany). An outstandiug 10e Barnoski 7 86-2256-AKay Brown --623-3150 wl.Akn 500d .fInal tokens, sltestiag tb theoFO D hA laremodm achn-Haryooran 623-79 7 Bill Turausky, Orono 983-5420 Wiif Hawke - 8-57 WUIIb T1eahove al i ac f heer, e ailained. VeRdor HarrCoui - 725-2649 1o me held93501RlnMDr.l 133II; ,rA, eR ej athosef1irn cii-m ollection oýf atqe i 1 ir arge portion of fan , LIFELIT sud iiiï -ildishs r b land.'Plan 10 attend, Ternis Gary Rauneck e 98-5155 M t Y Pote -Oro7293-58019Hlend Mchionld 6299!MLIL LSIOSR IChen Relr atie.inda QandYFOD RM L bp saild in tIbis res.Be ur cah.No reserve. Sale at RosDavidsop -27-2321Ne n ehe p- 2-80elodAchssie76299 Estate Board sdNibosMn os ~ br attend 1IbisFsale. Cae1:00p.m. For more' comDlle,.eWesley Anderson -349-2669 Audey -laiïn 2-53 IRu -a75053-los realonde a E'V VRTEWRL Raeid, Auctinee, 98ý35ql4lîisting cntaýct Carl Hickson, John F. DeWith e 987-4024 P Van Dyk - bîr, 623-4375qdwac eans a 623-791521shwa &District mm Iy f he eËaed Oono; Lawrance Hnrl, uctionc(er, Reaboro,. Ontario, PyisMRobea62-1wMcMDoade63-91hence dEpym L~~8RE~WS