Wis FIag Race at Ganaraska Show./ 14 Pags BOWANILLE, WNTAKiO, %ED-NES-DAYý, AUG,'UST, 1 192 1 Pr Cn NMBE On Snda aftrnon aBih eg~îtes rach ear axùbehford heGan arasa Vhle Riera eldan xciingshow feturng an1 e vet o dh riesadyungeusras oo rw a rsn ad erewr et App uthe g rae eerder pck thofaîeute.abarel rdestoth er ~ ý ,fth e ctsur an thn-reepitsteflgl hebrelwietrgt establis he bea tm e fr te rundtnp Ut j- Iut h prva ftèTwnEgne, oa r lia hen aardd h onrat' ero heMmiaArfa A 58oyearod TOrWOnO "an VohhnnomellCfie tee la Kn ael saray, Ague LF2. T, he an qg,4Alexander athe the, acormd m e pli ~epers~ an lin beenprac Mr L Dnik clena It aedtseXusxg in sý ihor A youn1g BO-wman ville bride of thr -,ee months ils dead asth resukit of a col- Mondayý eveý11nqng Aur-ust 14. The acci-ý den tokplace on the new Scugog Ro)adý TownhipFourth Concession,, abo1ittw Mary A. Dodds, 19, 01 Orchard- vi-ew Blvd, Bowmanirille, was killed ýinstantl-y when the Ford converible driven by 'her husband. John Dodds, M2 colUided with. a car driven -by Lester R, Wlo,4 of R . ,Blackstock. Five Persons urt I n ulti'-Car, Crash Frlda motingAugut 1lh. pr o suier Injurieswa ose hurt l h iap Phiài",p .rsrn,22, of Tor- cludd amy arvy, , otowhowas drîlng the Sin e, 23, jof Toronou n a passngerhé a tîr cr Chrietin Edeleuash2, l pcs Toronowreubsthfurt ah tirsd au wasreb sens labasonnusbndn grecslune Z22r, al Amonhethe masorth3gerc ýFor T seek's Carnivai Cial a fratheorg- -.ing aadearr anent ing andth BemanillcLthe Cariva botheat 5Memorial to serve Sunuday mornblg' -P~ucukt brechiaaf lor flic Mater Cia' Cat Club, Tite generat~sIb1te Is aIea luvitcd te f14. breakfast and the Chef of Pancakes wiil le Lion Ed ~wert who, by hie ewn adxnis~an, le the world's lest danin/daru paucake niaker, Ted Miller gave a classifi catien talk ou icllow 'Lion Walter Rundle, wlio le pre- <TURN ne PAGS vwoî MARING PROGRESS Rer mnny frlendn wlil b. >Ieu.d te learu tixat Mre~ Ralpis Apses (Freddle) et the I~nperial Banli et Cont~ merce staff Is reported te b. maklng geod progree~ lis Oslsawa Gpneral Hospital, She auftercd n heart at~ teck lent week, Thie upperpht shows the Fard ýonvertible lu ThiI-ey' errarnied ou LMay 20%h Lower pîctues ofÈ ~bichMrs.JohuDodd, 19,l3owanvihe--as killed the second car involved, nvnb etrRWlo, !~4nda niht u CuntmRod 57 and the 4th Cncea L- . 2, icsok HeislOsaaeerlH- boen of Darlgton.Sin andhr husband erbinig iaihe picture os' hwtafteetr rn two ecetlyacqiredpup ii tashowhisparntsf en cfhisstaion aonmasshiced off and came fa wheu the ("clsiococurred, Ihpua a eo iin lu te reet u hae w-ý,est dt ch somLýýjLe diance avemy from h screckage and 1Mr .DodAC, l Mmril .Iosiah ehce,- Seven the mlshap, 'Thes-e sevren o vely ye,,uî *T woIn Hospu La. wasonthe ttégionhe kef ton, 4,f rmins etre PI lé efttanght are: Shelly Si We hve been Valet eb0,ta i1cmpl edtal u undereand thnt Mihae eceato 0k., son eM , >and M e, S ý,i î e t Ruesdil 0k%, Leers Lne, Mrnki4es ije, Pipedu wi et wenelnvlvedlisan ecl~st4fw~en to han Mr weekend 'h, twa lt nklngtherpools vail APParest,A txy ee beforte wlLin ls rldlg n"trce tatsosThis belng fli lastyea celliddfwtnsa ar when t for+haCrean. ofcoure Poü backedeutet@a edrilveiny, learcgratefunfor tc man Mr, 0ku, et me repor,iersIt hN euen.ucd or and le n l tl lseri rm 0Ue, codtinli 1tw Succmesu candaes o Civeho epîtaM ieuspper cd C Arss SwimTest A6ednt ,d cnuso ea ram of BarïCCleyool M ties 1bt ,131ote et li lPtchanols, ÏTR GTO 1 PARADEROT Th parade cf antique and modiied ar~precdingtheLions',Car-nival wi sut Aat approxmately 6:00 ýpc..Satur-,ýý da on Wa- erley Roned, proceeding north ta King, eafto Liberty and south ta Memorial Park. We'hl hope thechppe puti,,îng in the drains have thé Wavenley Roni passable sape, one idfarns etveelopers are concerned. Vester- day we learned of a 100-acre farm being old fer $200,00, wth s ell e enthepW vl of living there fer fve yvers Meeof charge.It àe undretod ceneral other big deals are pend- ing on farm la tnds nèar town. About tise enly wny n fermer can make mioney these days, we suppose. j't t t j' TrWO UP- Knapp's Towiûg girls softball teami han two wins in a row over Newcastle in their beet-of- fivwe series. Teywron Monday 13-2 and hast nýigh.t came throih gain 0-8Third gamne VUltake pace on "Thursdayevenng at Newcastle Park. Donî l foe this Saturday afeno at 2:00 p.m. theEecrn ivil.meet Port Hlope af Soper Creek Patkinth f ifh gameç of their' ntting series The forfh gamet is tonighî in PrtHo7pe. wil the Eetosbhn 241 HORSE SHOW Te- ' lnt edeothi - urday in addition tetfo eetsaraymn 1905 and bas been increasng in 'popuiy grow truhu is ra emueit have mr herses aroutid bere now flhan in tise days xwhen they îid(meet .of 'tie farm and rnpraos tions lutowu wcou be holing heit anua!liowver ansegetableshwatMmoVa ar ext WedV- ta be ohowd on Saturdy, Aug 26th by the mauul Caertwright FahlPair at Bhacksitoc.1iugs certainy up Wtheerhig transit wurkers voted ta accept Wthirne» cntac andQ if eun teMobto Afr 'bhe ftday od the Canann atoalEhiiioThe vote was 2,585 fM tan1,96 againstichuisechose enhtepive the Ex dirctos ulces swelh as others luth ctywh LeV hoe tereis ne owe radw ea Hydre ad CUPE avecaledoff their ak , and 0 a week stnuike a os' ofofn tt be hback frein bolidays n1ext weekan reAdly fort n bug bak te achool uaI Wt-h ise Lions 1 Carniaand car f sh fIps Saturay, plus mnn other evente, it - 'weà uldapa h tu aea Contestants, Compete in Mardt Grias Contest MakemFinIreparations. -ForSi utomofive Show T kmPlace on> eekend Tho 'Motor Csty Car Club reporte that final ps'dpera- tions have been made for their sêc~nd annual Invita- t~onal Lawu Show and ~flcd Tour ta ha h~ld flixa weekend af the Flying Duteliman Mo ton Inn, The eveut boas te ~omc ai flic fincet streer driven show cars ecen any~ where. Ouç exaniplc le Gary Wake- lln's benutiful l23~ Ford, ne bûlît at a cont ai $7,500. Th car features a Chev 'V-S en- ~TURN vo PAOE TWO) ke inur own Trown CAR ACHSPIE ' sf eciien i Bownan- Bowanvll.firmencx-vile hve otcefl by this tàsuli.dablaze l ist paeLhs e wo wccks, issaa oman's car )ni, hrctc inelasbeen revok- en et tiseClarke-Darlissg- cdfroI ficmidget, juvenile ton in ,ýen Huigisw7ay 2 ts.mdjuir-cc tennis. Tis mornngIt ws nt dm- aeuns fafou horE f ce eged extesively', ime, I i whchweeo IIýW pole atter it had bemen o yAscain10yar enaPped off carly tie go morlng by a car tisat ise ApplýIIicat)ÏI,ýr>, ion adcagain did some'damage to tis o eet ia;ct SP7ningan Stop elga, Appareistly, 'tise aproxmiafe,ýLy twýýC eeks mg brakes tailed, (TUeýN luO AGE TWOý IOYear-Q)Id Boy FracturesLe In Co1llisio0n -~ ~ R aee lonule abt eg when~~Th thciyl ica nd- piu coAed thacies Hlghway 1535Th niea oo, Auget 2t d ninyRbrSipon baes butwaunbet waathrws nemrly 2 ce a flicdich ns 2 su Youg e a schamp vwas tak. Hopta hriwa teat the nisio-rtune. *A umeefsucesu Gails hww held ,'at MemknorI ak hb viu Saturday afLimernoand eveniug bopthe'oshaand isritruaiouSoc- AriteArrangemnent". comple details o£fÉthe piewneaw]lb uhs msArisicArrangement A\a 7le