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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Aug 1972, p. 4

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' The Canaffian Statesman, nomnville, Aug. 18, 1972 E.DITOâRIAL COMMEN T To Our Serviîce 'Clubs, Bless Them ThsSaturd-ay, Bowmanville Lions Club will be holding ils annual carnivai to raise tm-oncy for ils community pro- ïceets2, sucb as renovations to the Lions Centre, assistance to the blind, etc. The evet bri-ngs.tb mid the many wortb.. wxhile services Ibat bbc Lions and other erieclubs in our community have provIdc-d tbroughoujt the years, not just b-ere but, also in other municipalities whrebby are fortunate toe have such Baialmost service clubs were louded by nmen of vsinwbo saw a neced for men te geltogethier on a regu- 'Ar basis for fellowsbip, Il wasn't until later that they expanded their efforts as- they became aware of the good tbey could do, in thieir own arcas by prornot- ing proijeets that wouild be benieficial to .ail ciizens, Over the years, the great res-uits thcy bave iuchieved bave not rnly beid clubs together on common wo'rk efforts, they bave also improved tibe facilities Of thie conirnunities cor- ;eer-ned in ways that would bave been impossible by anyý other incans. Tbcy've belped crippled cbiidrcn, the blind, providcd recreatien equip- ment, sponsored young athletes, donat- cd to groups that otherwise would not bave been able to operabe, belped build facilities for 'meeting places And for playing hockey, tennis and otiher sports. There's just no end to tbeltbi-ngs Ibat bave been accomplisbed by these clubs. We're referring b ail of tbem, includ- ing tbe Legfion and even som)ne fraternal organizations. Wbile doing these tbings, the mcm- bers of the clubs bave enjoyed tblem- selves, working together, Lcangt know eacb other mucab be tter Iban if tbey bad gone tbeir owni individual ways without tbis friendly type of co- operative effort and work. Any one of tbemn will tell you the extensive time and effort spent in service club work bas given tbem much personapl satisf e- lion te Ibhe point wbere tbey'veP gained even more than tbey've given. So, as the weekend approacýhes and the carnivai is about ready fo beg-in, we are pleased te salute our towri and area service clubs and tbis Wéeek urge you to support the Lions Club carnival. Tbey deserve Ibat support for their efforts ever the years., Whe-n hLb hshrybooks are writ.. ten, the Iyear 1972 many go down as the year we vrbhn a ig, btLnot Le'ssec, e'vc ad te biggest rainjtfaîl in i apy yeaswih bbggest growth of grass andwed accompany- ing lbthe bliggcst flood, bbcth biggest damage b farm clrps, ad ilofIis iIl resuli the bb bigest price increase mn bbc price of farm crops Ibis fal. Manyv unions bave been able bo wan lcbbcbiggest vwage increases in some bime, followed by or preceded by thbigges price incereases in manufae- tured pouî.Anda from wbat NDP leadert David Lewis is; saying as b. launches bý is federal political'camnpaign, sopme f !bbclarge corporations bave been t-e-piving the bý,iggesb bande uts in bhstryý from the governm cnt in the for-m of tax concessions, etc. We also bave the biggest or blgb- est riumber cf unemployed in a long ieaccempanicd by bbc biggest wel- fare budgets and bbc greatest number cf miake wrk projects ever te be as- ebedor paid for by bbc taxpaying On our roads,, if the- present trend cotiuewc atrc going b s ,et a new ýrecord for the largesbnmber of traffie deatfhs, and carýjs - sased up. THE TIIIN B ED LUNE James J. Shetier ln flb. game cfliic bnail scems lest, -A player will jumap le tb, Iask, lusn beleagucrcd comnades, raliy again, Aýnd lift tbe defeatisîs mask. lls l tIle people, thc fragile Ibîngs In 1.icdaiiy, 1f e long grind, Tha-t sa eb day, give us tbe wli, They'c known, as th. "thin red line", In thc "BSatlle cf Bitain", and at EFl].Alamrein, .Ai Dukirk, and Tobruk toc, A hanldful cf people, witb lb. beants cf jlions, Tii. mai;rgmn, liaI puled us througb. At 'Malta, Casino, and Stalingrad, Oni lihe anks cf tb. river Rbinc, Tih. battling troopers cf old Bastogne, Were tb. fabled, "tIm red lin.". -Dunlng bbc firl wonld war, on tb. Frencman'ssoul, Paris-, was ,dewn on tbc nopes, But! A taxi cab armry, by sheer guIs,, and boil, Rcloedte cwenld, it's hope. At Ypres, under a gas atback, Canadians, bcld only on tb. strength-et them minds, Wýbile coher aiied treeps f cil back, Aam.n, 'was tie "tIm red lin.". Yes, Sir Franii.s Drake and John Paul Joncs, Anid Bisbop, ocf Caniadian tam.e, A pitiful few cf courageens wil, Tbey're wiy, freedomn still remains, The. Eagle Squadron of London Town, And Flying Tigens, Iwo cf a kind, Practically -every week rccently, even in- Ibis arca, we've been reporting aI icast one deatb on the freeway or local roads. In passing, il sbould be mentio-1ned tbab this could aiso be bermed bbc big- gest year in terms cf bair growtb on men,, inciuding flowing iocks hanging down beieow the shoulders, busby side- burns, etc., te bbc peint wbere il is dif- ficuit te, identify bbc sex cf the indi- vidual by their appearance. Il coýuld aise be called the biggest ycar in the sale cf denim jeans and jackets that arc be- ing wern by both maies and femaie-s, Yesterday, a Soviet built planeP crasbed in Germaâny te set a new record for bbc biggest deatb bell in an air crash. ]Before the weck is eout, tbe big- gest upset in chcss may have baken place if Bonis Spassky is dcfeated by Bobby Fischer cf the USA. If that bhap- pens, the Soviets wili probably redouble their efforts te make certaiin they aren't aise defeated when the almost biggest crop of Canadian pro hockey players bakes tbemn on in September. Wbat's lef t te compiete the ycarof record-brcaking events? Well, bhere's an election ceming up in bbc States and one big one here wîtb the resuits t'Ar from certain. Maybe, there could be bbc biggest-upsets there toc, wbo knows'? A handful of:fly ers, eutnumbened, S.oubgunned, Once again, the (ibm red line". There was Laura Second of Queenston fame, Florence Nightingale cf the siek, Amelia Erhant and Phoche Snow, Just a few, tbat make bbings click. They bring begether i a common cause, And help bbc folks te find, That by working bogeblien, in cohesive work, Tbey become the "hIbm red uîne". The storm cieuds in life, can b. se Svery dark,' You're broke, ne job, net a sou, Wbere can yeu turn, wbere is bbe spark? Whcre's bbe strength, te carry you bbtrougb? Wben the docbor bas told you, "Ihere Is ne hope," Sadnessand, despair fil your mimd, "Gel dewn on your knees, your head te bew", And "Dial, the tIbm red line". Yes, jusb dial "help", from Ibis "Action Lin.", Ask "God", for-bis help and believe, He'Il send bis angels, in the guise cf men, To speli you off, and conceive - A miracle cf kind, in bis own quiet way, Causing al Ihinigs, te align; And peace cf mind, te your ewn dismay, Worked alwrays, through "thb. Im red line", -James J. Shetier, 159'Guelph St,, Oshawa Durham County's Great Family Journal S Est ablished 118 yearz aqo ln, 1854 Also Incorporatîng TheBowanvlleNews> The Orono News Second class mail registration number 1561 JOHN M. JAMEI EDITORPUBL!5H5 Produced every Wednesday by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED 62 -66 King St. W., Bowmacnvlle, Ontario ýsý GE0. P. MORRIS PATRICE GOULD 1 un BusiNEss MGR. SALES MANAGER Phone, DONALD BISHOP PLANT MR.' MacDuff Report Summertime is Government Tim e The Libosal Governmont Ibis summer bas been bey- ing ho take advantage of a truism in polies - summer- lime gîves a govern ment a chance bo overshadow the opposition. A series of press conferences and -news an- nouncemerihs have flowed rom tbe cabinet ministers as lbey tried ho gain , as mucb attention as possible, Their aim is ho learti the impression of an active, de- cisive governmentcontrast- ed with the almost non-ex- istent opposition. In the summer, there is a shortage of news.' News- papers, radio and television stations need capy b fli their pages or newscasts. Thus, almost anything the government says or does during the summner reccîves far more coverage than lb. deserves. The 'Lîberais, know this and have givea Canadians a well-orchestniîh- cd series of announcements ranging from the New Hor- izons Program bo the sale of Polymer Corporation. While the govornmont benefîts from the slow news days in the summor, tbc opposition suffers bocause il chocs fot have a natural plat- form from which to oper- aIe. Wben Parliament la in session, opposition spokes- mon have an opportunity bo put forward thoir views about governmont announce- monts as soon as they are madeo. The Blouse of Com- mons rules require that government announcements be foliowed by lime for op- position reaction. But thore is no such requiroment about out-of-session govern- ernmont press conferences, And bbc opposition foars calling its own press con- forencos to attack govern- mont announcements be- cause then it is cloarly ho- ing criical merely for the sakeo f criticizing.' The summer shortage of news also helps the govern- ment because the Prime Minister - partly through bis office and partly through bis eonit - receivos greater attention than norm- al. Pierre Trudeau is an attractive man with a photo- geoic family. Even if ho were unattractive ho would draw considerable allen- tion because of tbe office ho holds. With his public appeal ho is a natural sub- ject for pictures and stories wben he goes on hcliday. This year his summor holiday- perbaps by co- incidence- has been perfect as a prelude ho an election campaign. He crossed Cana- da by train - whieh strehch- cd the ime of bis travell1- ing in Canada and gave hlm a chance to spend a few minutes at various sta- tion stops along the lino that normally he would onily, fly over. At these, stops ho shook some bands and was photographed, This" is iiuch bett-r, than gîving a press~ coolerence, At a press conference ho can ho asked tougb questions and may g iv e emharrassing answers. Sbaking hands and signing auhographs is la, line withhebbc ovie star style of carnpaigning whicb took hlm successfullY tbrough the Liberal con- vention and general election four years, ago and doesn't give him a chance 10 bace votes by saying the wrong tbing. Behind Ibis style of cam- paigning, however, lies bbc theory that people will vote for an attractive man solely bocause ho is attractive and proecets the image of a Prime Minister. It is, a theory that has heen suc- cessfully challenged in bbc United States. George Mc- Govern won bbc Democratie Parhy's, prosidential nomin- ation while bragging that ho lackod charisma. The attractive and charming John Lindsay nover came close to victory. The încum- bent Prosident, Richard Nix- on, would nover be accusod of being attractive. Ho is a hard-working, determined polîician. Perbaps the "ah- braotiveness is gond" tbeory of politics is dead but Car- adýian palitical strategists loi)'t know it yet The next elerhion will show ,wtb-r ti-up eople wbo fhocl, 40 sec Trudeau aise vote for him. Dr. Chanios J. Austin, MD., C.M, who graduated from Qucen's University in 1937 and sirce thon bas heen practising in Enniskillen aad district moved bis pract- ire ta 46 Division Street, Bowmanville, Ibis week. Dr. and Mrs. Austin, (bbe form- er Elba Caverly) and their Ibheec elîdren will make their home there alsa. Official photoge a p h e r s from bbce Canadian National Exhibition were in Hamp- ban, yesterday, taking pic-, lunes of Mrs. Donald Ad- cack, wbo la enbered in the Wam on 's Championsbip Swimiming Contest aI bbc Ex. A native of Hollard Mes. Adcock,, a war bride, rejoined ber hushand a year aga., The holdor aI many swim wins, bbc people in Ibis arcs wish ber bbc besl of luck, Albert C. Darch bas eslab- lished a now, business la Borwmanville whieh will open on Mondav, Augusl 25. The ncw estabfilîbnent is a wbolesailc enteiprîse deal- ing in bobacco, confection- ery and sunidries allied wilb the rade. The G anaraska Fisb and Game Club report the troul streama in Durbam- Caunty have heen re-stocked witb over 55,00(1 brout, ranging fram six ta eight inches long. W.MU.S. aoNwonilemet Augusî 121Ih in ibe churcb hasement with the vice- president in-,chlarge. A pantomnime ",-!bide Wîtb Me" was p)resented hy Dorotby Stapleban, Dorcen Milîson and Laurie Staple- tan, The Newcastle Lions Bi- cycle Safeby Club, organiz- cd lasI montb hy Provincial Constable Ruas Pollard, bebd a -picnic aI Bond TTeach on Saturday. SBowmanvillo was repre- seated la the Mcbaugblin Gold Cup bowling tourna- ment aI Oshawa on Wednes- day hi' a rink oI J. Infan- ine, Wallon Pascoe, S. M. Scott and Frank Williams. Miss Jacqueline Clarke and Miss Pal Hitcbcock, Toron- ta, are sponding a fewdays wibb bbc former's parents, Mr. and Mes. Wm. A. Clarke, Lover's Lare. Mr. and-Mrsa Fred Lycoît ard Donald sport a frnx days with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wînter ah Iheir cot- tage, Lake SI. Peter. Me. J. W. Milie, Ton,- sorial Artist, Bowmnanvibie,, wvisbes ta anraunce thal ho bas been fortunabe enougb to secure the services af Me. Cummings, labe of tbc King Edward Hotel Barber Shop, Toronto, for bis barber sbop. The Bowmanvilie Bahory, successors ho A. T. Christie, now bave their dolivcry wagon making daily calîs la tbc town. Watch for bbc wagon as il passes along your street or make sure il cabis aI raur banc hy Phon- ing 9 7. W. Ciauode Ives putis on Annual Dollar Sale 'ai bis sboe store. There will ho shoes an sale for mon, wa- mon and eilîdren at $1 a pair.1 Rer. H. W. Foloy, Col- borne; Mr. and Mes, Ken- nedy and daughter Jai', Toronto; lt/ra. Elwood Lick, Mrs. Archie McDonald, oI Oshawa, vzere visitors with Me. arndNies. J. D. Stevens, Maple Cirove, on Monday. lle-opeiig of St. John's Chureh,, Blackstoek, was held on Sunday ah lb a.m. and Hoiy Communion ad- ministered. In bbc cvoning the Royal Black Preceptory marcbed. Bath services wee conducled hy Rev. J. H. Kidd, Canninglon. Miss Gladys V. Palmer and Miss Ebva B. Bragg are boiidaying aI Pleasant Point, Sturgeen Lake. The engagement is an- naunced of Gladys Larmne, youngest daugliter oI Mca. Brooks, Boech Avenue, and the labo John Wesley Brooks, bo Me. Wmn. F. Quick, The wedding to lake place the latter part of August. Newcastle - on-Ihe-Lake Aquatie Sparts Day beld as part of bbc ceremoalos 10 commomorate theoapening oI bbc new Community Hall. saw the folowing winncrs: 100 yard swimming race, open: Hugli Camoron, Harry Osborne, Charles James; 50 yds., Pbibp Tillcy, Rass Tii- loy, Hugli Caneron. Bal- boon race, open, Rosa Tilley, R. Williams, Erlo Wallon Bail; 50 yds., Helen Farn- comb, Miss Murray, Mar- garet Mycrs; 25 yds., Mary James, Mari onie Cawaa. Lodge Newcastle, Sons of Enigland, will bold a picnîr at Port Granbhy on Augusi ~'4th Ail members anid mu cacha înviled. Brîng bask- ets. k Sugar MY BiG TOE ANDJ WORLD HOCKEY, Random notes this wek Could there be anything more sPlythan writ- inig a colum-n abouit your iy old wife breakù7ig be slly old ankie, and four days ae on out for a swim and breaking yonui- own -lly old big toe? Well, i did both. And boyý, itl1, tsboys. Trouble is, therc's ýnot much the doctor can do about, it. Had it, ayd He took a look at tbe plate, didln't even look at the toe, and cheerfully infoýrmed, "Yes, Bill, you've broken a. cbip of bone off it, but you can't put a ca1st on one toc, so just wear a comfortable sholie, wiggle the toe so il won't. get stiff, ahýd sweat it out," I'm sweating with every step. 1 didn't realize bow many things you could bump your boe against. It burts even when I kick the cal, which I don't do, but will, if sbe cornes near my toc. Enough about tocs. Watch out for those bees. While waiting for the doc bo talk about (guess what) my toc, two large and husky men came into emcrg- ency ward swelling like balloons from bec stings. One was the local veterin- arian, six feet six and about 280. His right bard and arun were almost com- pletely numb and it was soreading imb bis cbest. He was disgustcd. Hlow eould a silly little tbing baîf an inch long do Ibis tb hlm? And speaking of becs, bow about Ibose two headliners, Bobby Hull, and Bobby Fischer, hoc-key player and chess master, in tbat ord-ýer? Has ever s0 rnucb, media space been devotcd tb a couple of guys wbo are doing well wbat tbey enjoy, and getting rich at, it ? And speaking of Bobby Hull, what dqo vouthtink of the World Hockey Association? Il bas stolen Huli and another haif-dozen top hockey players fromn that far-from-bcnevolent monop- oly, the N.H.L, Good luck bo the W.H. A. 1 love bo sec a big organization kicked in the groin, or the pockctbook, in this case. Particularly by its own slaves. Why sbouldn't a hockey player, a good one, make more moncy Iban a movie star? He's oflen a better actor. And speaking about hockey, which is rather silly in this weatber, have you ever read or heard anything more silly than the bleating of sports-writcrs, and even editorial writers, about the series with Russia? The whole lbing is getting rather sIckening. It's just another symptom of our inferiority bang-up. Wc can't bcdt the UI.S. atiimo-ney. Wc can't beat tbe Chinese at ping-pong. We can't andSpicej Bill Smiley beat anybQdy at the Olym pies, except ïniybe North Wales or West Tanzania. (With the notable exception of those borse-.]umpers, Who arc pretty good.), Whbv don't wc just relax and enjoy it, as Confuscitus cbd not say? Why donl* 'te forget the years wben oither curiswere -wo-bbly-ankled on skates and vcryred blooded Canadian boy badi a Simpson's catalogue on one ' and an Eaton's catalogue on the etheir anrd co , hoot a frozen borse-bail througb a bairret, and we wor - c world caipionship twcnty-eight bo one every year? Exc-ept. Reunember that dreadful year (about 1936) wbcn the British, of ail people, beat our team in the Olymp- ics? Their teani, of course,ws made ip' of Canadians living,, in Enlglard. Or, E-nglIsismen. Who badgrn up in Canada. One of tbern.was an English kid 1 wcnt bo scbool wilb. Anoîber, so he clairned, was an old friend of mine,ý Squire Tanner, attending Carnbridge. Anotber was George H-ees, doing much the same, before be ot into politics. But, ob, the shame of il! Ail Ibis, of courwse, is prelude and' masquerade tb a secret buncb of mine that the Russians., are going to lick us in bbc forthcorning series, if il ever forlbcornes. My huncb is based on the f act tbat the games will be played under inter- national rules. Take away the body- cbecking, higb-sticking, elbowing, slasb- ing, boarding and gouging from the game, and your average Canadian play- er is lost. I can visuahize clearly five Russians. dcsperately' descending on sorne hapless Canadian goalie, witb al the other Canadians in bbe penalty box, Enoiigh. This column is about summer siliiness. How's this? An aunt of my wifc, Who was born and rearcd near Belfast, but bas lived for a num- ber of ycars in Canada, went back to Nortbern Ireiand for a visil Ibis sum- mer. Wc're watcbing the obituary columns. My kid brotber, wbo is a colonel in tbe air force, is being postçd to Germany in a few wecks. Wbab, in bhe name of ail that is silly, are Canadi ,ana doing- in Germany? Who are thcv guarding? Against wbat?' And with wbat? I know I'vc corne a long way from mny broken toc, but sornewbcre, in somne secret little niche in my mind, there i a connection linking ahi these summ-rt siliincss. Or maybe I just gelt "- much sun when 1 wcnt tb the beach Ibea ether day witb Kim and ber husbanýd. And broke may boe. I ing ho petition tbe residonla doors) and clîscusi recrea- of Darlinglon and Bow- lion. Hopefubly, our Coun- manville in regards 10 more cils will unile and tak e bbe rocreation lacililies and if necessary1 action to isupplyr being the wish. 0f bbc peopfle, tbc people wilh themu- try and persuade the Lwo noeded arena and swJim- Counicils ta enter a plebis- ming pool, sucb asibe 1, cite on, the' farthcaming municipalilies of Ajax anid clochions Ibis Dec. 1972. Pircering and qwur-iro flng In closing, I would like areas. are crjoiyng Ibeýir ta say to this taxpayor anch new recreation buildings. bbc ather sparts interested Youî's truly, peopleo0f the area, thal aur J. Keitb Sbackeltoni, committee wanls bbc op- Chairman, portunily ta sit down witbh Bowmanville and bbc Councils aI an open Darlington meeting (nat hehînd closepd Sparts Coromitîce, tRainwfall for Juie Was He:aviesf Since Wy IBack in 1899'-J" Heavy record rainfalîs dur- total since Iben was Ibe 6ý.45 ing bbc montb of July have inch fali in 1900. turned larmers' fields in Wilh baled ba otting ;Ad Eastern Ontario imb quag- corn plants staniding in flooch- miros and devaslated areas of cd fields and wheat and pio- soaking and flatoned cropa. laboes flattenech yhy ailas Aithough old-time wealhen sociated wilb the stora, seers predicted, that July farmers arc turning to gov- would ho a starmy montb, crnmonts for holp. probably few guesscd the Farmers have scbeduled a rainfail total would be the peial meeting wilb Ioderai highest in aven 70 years. and provincial ollicials and Dy Tbursday, July 28, July marketing organizalion repre- rainfall ai Ottawa totalled sentatives aI South Mounlair, 7.21 inches, nearly an inch near Ottawa, ta discuas wbal higher than bbc previaus re- bo do about bbc disastrous sit- cord for tbe century. And uatlon. more ramn was predicted for Prices bave risen fram 20 laler la tbe day. +o 30 conta a hale a morth The only July wilh a high- ago ta a dollar a hale because e rainfll since recorda ho- Of the rala, and local fariners, gar ta ho kept la 1890 was who usually have a surplus 9.85 înches measured in 1899 wbîcb allows for some sale ta, The closest to Ibis year'j the United States, complaîi thal they may have ta self stock ta pay for their bay AwardContrct aecha. "If we got two or Irece F or Dredging altt h put th I ot thre lg;u ho lot of panic selling"*. Cohourg Harbour J. P. Porter Co. Lld., Mont- Oops, W e Goofed reai, bas boon awarded a $29,700 conîracl for mainten- it was reported in last ance dredging ai Cobourg, Ont. week's edition of The Can- Public Works Minister J. E. adian Statesman that a Dube announced taday. "mîotion"1 was preseated to, The succesalul firm submnit- the Town Couneil to meet ted the lowest aI threo tend- with Danlington 'Council in ors, high bld being $55,900. discuss a new arena. Approximalely 10,000 cuhic No formai motion was yards aI Clasa "B" Goase) either carried or proposed. material will ho dredgod from Reeve Dykstra merely sug- Cobourg Harbor. gested the possibility. Plans and specificalions were __________ preparedý by the Ontario Reg- brnai office aI tbe Ioderai De- KEEP EXTRA MARGIN parîment of public Wocks. Traffir would be a lot saler Projecl na:ger is C. R. Boyce, if drivers tried ta keop a li- nI thedoa trnt Toroato hMeextra marein aI safety, officeý Tuie -oshmalod tîmo of says the Ontarlo Safety Lea- complet ion for the projeccl is gue If you avoiel "noar mis- six weeks. ses", you'il avoid accidents, COURCU SERVICES R.R. 1, Camphellcroît, August '1l, 1972 Dear Sir: Ro an itemn in the- Eliza- bethville nows in your paper of August 8. The Elizahoîbville corres- pondent shates: "No cburch services were beld in the Hope Township area on Sunday". I would like to mention that a service of worsbip la hcld overy Sunday in St. Paul's Anglican Cburcb ah Pereytowr. With very best wishes for you and your paper, I remaln, sircerely, E. Seymour-Taylor, 106 Wellington St., Bowmanville, Ont., August 14, 1972 Dr'ar lMr. .ames: I would like 10 repjy (hbrough your papor) re the leIter dated July 31, 1972), that appeared in The Can- adian Statesmnan issue of Augusl 2, 1972. This leIter was signed' Yours for action soon, "An Interested Taxpayor", and dealt with some of the proh- len-s'sfacing the areas of Darlington Township and the Town of Bowmanville in regards, to recreation fa- cilities AIl the cormntus in Ibis letîci re l3owmanville and Darhington groupîng togotb- for recreation and the par- cel of land available at the Pine Ridge Sehool, etc., were investigated by a commitie that was formed from Dar- lîngton and, Bowmanvilhe taxpayers ast November 1971 and rcccivcd coverage in your newspaper issues oI November and December 1971 and January 1972. Our committee presented the evor existing problems (that have increased in growtb for a number of yoars) ln regards 10 recre- ation,-tobobth Councils of Bowmanvilie and Darling- ton and received no co-op- erabion or a chance of future meetings ivith our commit- tee and the present councîl of Bowmanville. The writer also states bis lter bas no political or municipal implications, jusî a taxpayor's observations. Well, my own personal feelings along Ibis line are I only wisb bis better bad some municipal and politi- cal implication, and more people could find the lime ta support and belp the committees and groupa of people that are Irying 10 botter the communities we live la, if only by a leIter ho the local paper support-' îng Iheir ideas. Our comrnîttee discus ed the possîbilîes of hav- Everything's Big This Year Cqfte f~orneAr oets and Distant Past From tihe Statesman Files 25 YFARS AGO 49 VEARS AGO Thursday, August 21, 1947 Thursday, August 16, 1923 In th e Editor's Mail "Copyright and/or property ri4hts subsist inithei. mage appearing on this prool. Permission te m'produce in whole or'in part andin "aay fana whatso,,ver, particularly by photographie or offset procesa la a publicatio., must he obtained from the. publisher and th, printer. Any unauthorized reproduction wililbe subject tb recourse ini aw." $7.00 a yexr -- 6 months $4.00 $9.00 a Year in the United 'States strictly îIn cdvçince Athougli every p watinvill be, taken te avaid errer The Canadien tatemon accepte advertis. Inq in us clumnie on tIi. utdertandinq that it will net bu hoble for uni errer in y dvertisement published hereunderunss pioof af such advertisment is requestad lW writing by the. adverbeser "id returned ta Te.Caa ÎtcSttesnmcn business office dily igned by the. advertiser and with such errar or crct,7ions Plainly ni-ted in writinq thereon, andidni thnt case, l aiiy errer go noted ien nt rrý,ected hy VsCanadicrn Sýt«tesman figts rliohltY choIt nt excée.dsuch a portion ci. the, seire cnet ait such ndvsrtisement osthe, pace accupied hy the, noted errer beaue te the, whole «PC!" ccupi@d >hy iuch dv*rtimezeYit. By

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