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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Aug 1972, p. 6

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8 The Cnadien tptsrn&n, Pow'manville, Aug. 16, 1972 RkkurdFumiIy(elehrutes 125th Annaiversury o! Flound-aerçs .Arrivul 1,, This (ountry BaeyRi ckard, aissîtc byrepîresýentatîves o! three, prank, lunfurled the Canadieni ficg to clerae he 125bb annîvas 0( ! theariai o! fýiaridfpere1it3 in C anadcla in To mark this occas,,ion the fcmly icoe as h Ield 1Satur- dJuy29, on th-, lAwns o! CeemreFrS where Ge- et and Annabile Rickard Wee Mhastt about 150 de- scandants o! the Original settlerS A hnRkeard and bis wif e Ma-riý a Prsans ickard. Greeting-a1 came, by cabie from n Ch,7ales ,(great grandJ- sons and Myrtie Clemenca in aonwcd by lattrfrom dagtr i Las ngales. Greetings werc sent ta Maud Clamnca Babock (grand- da,ýughter) ant th lýc'e Rv.Roy Rickard grandsn, who ere unbeta ha prasent. Imm pickes regsted in Ubir usu and Archives" whîch ordinarîly functions as aDgraewhae heoaký.-fram- rd portraits a i847, o! John 1aýïNd Maia, cressred in sombre blaksuveedfrom rna promn- mnt p ýositiçn their nuimerous and clufhyatrdpro- gency, whobo ad contrîbu-ted rnian y pcuadocumnents, arbifactsand antiues for the îsrp!lay. Am yo ipg înterýestng 1)itms rcalling -a by-g-one ae wal apIctwa a!Fb he first Riýchard pficniec irca 1 900 A pîctu1,re O! the 'Rickard Girls", circa 1910, an apple parcea buttr worker an 1858 docu- nimntfirom Saw'School namt ri in the tearhcars aiary in pound shillnad pence, a cenumyoidfr;4mcd fehr 1s!jcarin t Proup, rshe re- Maiedaecen Y ~Esso V ait apo, faehk, o! .Course, wvorn. by ari - ontsbuted hyi Rea ewllSnowden wore-i mebes argreet granidmToth-1 er ndwh ued ta wander ahy she alwaS Worrc'a cap, ý avnin bbt boseA tabla- dosb, bellýeved t0 dataefrom? 'he seari rriot-d àta ha ] UIABITY HAZARDS PERSONAL ACTS Anty meImber.a! o ur (tWf aiily, aven our etsmay inflict lo t-y, aciensdo bappan D.EFENCE COSTS [pegacoactonot mon- orl pau behryo'e al Forr Furtb11er nomto cli JamesInunc Agec iie Office 623-5681 Resideace 623-5023 -marie froro bome-grown flex, was brought by Doris Ash- ton. The genealogi as c! bhe variaus branches o! tbc fam- ihy trac werc postad on the walls o! the "Museumi" and posters dapicting avents, par- sonalities and achievements oftheb perîod - the bumning of the Parliament Buildings by ioters, the establishment of esponsîble govarnmant by Lard Durham, the paintings by Kreighof, A happy conhbinaion o! tbc old and the new wcs bbbey - ride powered by a tractor dIvýen by Donald Rickard who gva uîded tour aver fields once tîliad laboriously by horse and plough. The rid- ers bumped merriiy along to c vantage point from whicb xvera visible most o! tbc six farmisteads once occupied et the same time by five Rich- ard brothars and thair sistar Maria Richard, wi!e o! John Clemence, second generation Rickards. Two o! these ferin- bouses arc still residencas o! !autb, generation Rickards - John and Charlotte a!f New- castle, Garnet and Annaballe o! Shaw's. Contributing greathy ta the colour and gaîety o! bbc gath- ering wame many wbo bcd drasscd in costumes charar- teristir o! bbc 1847 pcriod. The costume prize, a trillium cup and saucer, was awarded bo Shirley Aiin who with Edna Allîs madea epîctur- esque pair. Proabhbb old- est dress o! ail, aimost car- tcînly made from bhome-grown flax, was ona worn by Sadia AllinMcBaîn who hed discov- ered it in the McBaîn trunks. A source o! interest was a group o! aid single-furrow plaughs and other implements on dispiay side-by-side wîbb bbc big 100 bp. six-furrow machine currently usad on tbc productive heavy clay loain fields bypical o! bbc area wbirb had bean farmad S ,o, effectivchy by crdiier genara- tions. The guest phobographer Farncomb LeGresley wh o managed ta ha hera, thara and evarywhare, pravidad a multitude o! pirtures. Thera are espccially goad pictsrcs o! bbcf Garwaoods and Markles playing croquet, Elan Richard and Lisa Werry in bbc dog- bouse (iitcrahly), linc-ups et tha buffet, former pupils o! Florence Pearce, another spa- ciel guest wbo bcugbt many a! bbc Allin-Ashtan - Clem- ance-Rickard cousins in tbc old Sbaw's School bouse torn down thesa - goad graciaus! - !ity ' years ega,. Even then Florenca was putting imb practice fb cd actreso bathi tLhe permiissive and au-ý thoritariinsystcms,.. At bbc .conclusion a! bbce buffet supper served frorri bbc patio tunder guid3ance o!A Myrtle PL:earca and Ray Powell, Fred Farr !in bis capacýity as Ca- Presidient, welcamcd ail pres- ct. With bis accustomed de- ightfui choice a! exzpression hae invited tbbc o-President Mrion Farr and Vîce-Presi- dent Don Rickard ta procead with. bbe c heduhe. Gi!ts wcre presentad ta ncwily-weds nd ta new babies present. New babies includ- cd Scott, son a! David and June Wcrry; Jeffray, son a! David and Pearl Richard;« Vickey, daugbtar o! Wayne and Kimberley Pearce; Bred- ley, son o! James and Ra- mona Richard.* Newiy-wcds prasent were Raljpb and Sherry Rickard, Jim and Meurean McBain, Margaret and Philip Eldridge, Sharon, and Roy Essry and bhc most racant bride and groom, Peter and Judith Wcrry. An expression af sympethy was exbended ta Jean Rickard Sbipley in bbe loss o! bar bus- band Chare. Auntie Pearl Perawopassed awey about ane ycar icg, was affection- ctely remembcDred. AUI a! ber family, Kanineth, Peggy, Al- hart, Patricia and Margaret were present. The speech a! the evening was given by Frank Richard wha spoka o! bbc wey a! life in the, community about bbc burnofa!thbccenbury. Ha re- called that bbc Richards were church-goers. bbrca times on Sunday including Sunday Sebooh; that bis father started Kinsmen CABLE TV DINGO, t's Fun - Ifs çNecw - Itfs Exciing $200.OO IN, PRIZES F--OUR - $50.00 GAMES ($10.00 MINIMUM PRIZE) EVERY MON. at 6:-30 p.m. C A ON CABLE TV CBLECAST 8 Cards on Sale lu Bowmanaville at CABLE TV OFFICE - 26 Ringo St. West ýMacDONA1LDS VAR1ETY - 71 Rýing St. East BRYSSOE SHO? .P- 31 King St. West jFFRE'CY'S,ý- SUPERE TTrE - 83 Liberty St. South NORTH-WARKET - 101 Liberty St. N. FRAN'S ARIEY -King St. East JURY& LOELLDRUG -King St. MAvSMLK ISTORZE - ing St. East farming wiîth a teainiof hors- es, a set of harrows,_ enough' seed to ,ow 100 âcres and xvthi 10 years was able to pay $10,000, L.e., a $100 per acre for the farm later known as, the John Rickard farm, nowi operated by Frank's son, John. The last evening of the day took place in the "driving- shed" where, sereen and pro- 3ector having been set up by Brenton, many favourite fani- ily pictures were enjoyed. Familles were thus able to catch up on each others news ~-weddings, graduations, trips, hobbies and to see again the dear and famîfliar laces of thei past. The outgoing committee lm grateful toalal who contribut- ed to a memorable picnic, eîther by some special service or just by their attendance. It was wonderful to see agaîn long-time members of the family like Ev. Joli and Ed. Symons; three d1aughters of the late Howrid Rickýard, Margaret Davïies, Erin; Betty and George Bidgood, Ancaster; Elinor Ostertag, and son Ken and friends, Buffalo; the Lar- mers, the Hogge, the Goodeps, the Geddes and McBain cous- ins, Jean Holmes, the Austin Tuýrners, the McKeownis, the John Ashtons and Lawrepne Ashtons, the Hockîns, Pow- elîs, Garwoods and Markles, Buxt>os Pedwells, Mar-ion Fisher, the Ken Symons, Snowdens, Margaret Rudman, Affins, Pearces,1 Rickards, Werrys and Eldridges. Special appreciation is due to Jean Rickard and her troupe who ierved !ce creamn and fruit punch throughoutý the Rfternoon; to Glenn Allin who led in singing the tra- ditional grace; for the ras-- berry vnegar made and sýer- ed by Annabelle Rickardf, to Wylma Allun, retir-ing secre-ý tary-treasurer and to husbanid Stan Allun who supplied a truckload of tables, and to the weathermnfor a1 perfect summner day. And what would the great- grandpar:ents, John and Maria have thougýiht of it ýail? Is that slightly gima look on John's face caused by the sight of 50 many females in - - -- pants? Is that slight smile on Maria's face expressive of satisfaction at the sight o! so many happy, healthy faces among her children? Do they tý1hink that the move to Canada fromni Devon and Cornwall in 1847 was a good one? A new executive was nam- ed and is as follows:3 Presi- dents, Don and Gail Rickard;: Vice-Presidents, David an-d June Werry; ertr-ra surer, Buill and Eileeni AllUn; Commrittee, George anid Lana Rickarcl, Laýrry and Barbaral Pearce, Dennîs aind Valerie Rudman, Mabel a-nd Rayý Goocle. Prînts o! the pictures jtakenl by Farncomb LeG'reSley wijll be on display at the R. 'B. Rîck-ard Shop in New-Vcastle, where reprintLs niay be ord- ered ýas desired. And âo, on into the next 125 years! LONG SAULT Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gable and boys, Blackstock; Mr. and Mrs. John Baker and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Baker and Pain were Sunday dinner guests 0f Mr. and Mrs, G. Baker, celebrating Jean and Bruce's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnston and boys, Newcastle, were -Busiziess Directory Accountçinýcy WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty St. S., Bowmanville Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B.Comm. Chartered Accounitant 361/2 King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 Chîropractic G. EDWIN MANN, D.'C' Chiropractor 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St, Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appoîntment Dental DR. R. E. DINNIWELL ,Dental surgeon has resumned general practice at 30 Silver St., Bowmanville Office Hours 9 - 12 a.m. - , - 6 p.m. except Saturday and Sund0ay DR. W, M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E. Bowmnanville Office Hours: 9 arn. to 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday' and Sunday Office Phone- 623-5790 DR. WILLIAM KENT, D.D.S. Bowrnanville Professional Bldg. 222 King St, E. -. Suite 106 Office Hours: Weekdays - 9 -6 except Wednesday afternoon Telephone 623-7349 Insurance DQNALD A. MacGREGOR Life, Auito, Homne 67 King E., Suite 2A Bowrnanville - Phone 623-5962 iProperty Manage ment i JOHN L. RUSSELL PEOOIERTY MANAGEMENT LTD. Apt, and Office Buildings ya wtrinvill (416) -à32-3141,1 - qba 98-4760 Suvday alesof the H. Murphy's, Mr. and iVrs. H, Cý Mc- Clure, Bushnell, TISA., were Saturday supper guests of the Smniths. M. Fred Simrncnd friand, T oront, andr Mr, F. E. Alax- aneB-wmanville. w e re Surday afternoon visitorsý of' Mi-, Robt. Sim. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyýk wree Sunday supper gues,ýts o! Mr. and Mrs. H. DeMille, Bowmanville. OBITUARY, BARBARLA GRAINGER Following a few weeks iii'- ness, the death of Barabra Grainger (nea Wallace) oc- cured in Bowmanville on Thursday. August 3rd, 1972 at the age o! 87. Born in Sea- ham Harbour, Northumber- land, England, she was'the daughter of the late George Wallace and Elizabeth Hardy Wallace. A riliner by -profession she had worked in London, England and Toronto, Ontario, and was a member o! the United Church. Sse'is sur- IVed by iees and nephews 0omnlld r. Tïhe funera1 was hedrm Morris Funerci Chapel on Saturday, August 5th, 1972 at 2 p.m., with interment at Newtonville Cemetery. Rev, L. M. Somerville officicted, Memorial Hospital Weekly Report Weak o! Aug. 7-13 inclusive Admissions -----------_ 76 Births-7 maie, 5 femnale 12 Disqcharges -------- 70 Major operations 11 ...i Minor operations -------il Emergency treatments_ 319 Visiting hours 3-8 p.m. daily Unià ted Counties Streamhfines Proce tui o United Coulities 'I'amonthOter oud a Comncil i5s ç)beh srcmind aqir treet that ùofteni. inn Iefîf0-ý ortt raaa nmore The aFdvisory and co-orin-ii efficient body. dng COmmInittea ecmed Thastramlnln opraton d that-,seven special purpose isz tO bha. rrried oui,- betwcn comittPe-es a stbishd n j«,n thje end o! )thayaI Te reCidrnsAid Soc- ad -will, hôpe!uhflY, h r1d.)tp PblC !Relnt1ion ls, 1Indus to go into action h eh a trialbcnd Tou iir im pc ginining o! nxeýt yec;r. AvsoycndCo ordi n atin g, At the pres;ent ima )pcopm- ETOcrge c Msurjes Or01ganli- mIc o!counicil ;meet dur)-!zaitIn, Heal, 1th-1 Unit .andi ing9 the session, ýnecesstcung lÏýPlaningComtta reports, to ha-,hastily prepar- Ail pca ups ied and ilscucd itamembers ha- cnimmitteecs wllhae leCtedýC bfora the cession ends. wi thi 1the c ept Lin io! the Undffer the new syîe c inSecial Advisory anldC-r mittees will meet prior toe, dinaing Com.mittee w1hb s session, reports will ha pra- cpointed hy the wardeni, pEdlpU and circulatedcoma ýjj(,_Roy\ Chatten, and the ln dcsprior ta the ssin ig ooitawhich xiiiha Tliis wiil gîva emcbers ,al appobntad by the municipali- chance ta study th, buines ics bthe existing planning ta haCdiscussed and tacaycý)\-Rrece1.. out recrchin r)preparation il Jcommittaes M'il har for the sýession, cmoe _!fouor mm s In a report rthe pclal cd;)H visary and co-ordInaýt-ng rom- mitîe e ccommendicd that seenst;ncirgNeÉ-w Safetj Set up, echone oonSiStîn !ï 7( four nmembers ta be elerc by coujncil. tï9ndd a The committees are arcl ture, board o!f aaeet oayCu rsdn i finnce laal nd y-lws Wilson didn't have to go fer paoperty and r7efor-estetion, roed and bridge, and walfare., to turo up an excellant speaký- Wben correspondenue. patu- er for lest week's meeting et tinsan sumisiim rerethe Flying Dutchman Inn. tioned hsuisbnerar- Ha wvorks with him et St. graphad and allocct "ed Mary's Cament. the clerk, Ken Symons, bto Pe Bill Hey, tbc Personnel Pmoper standing rommitteas aýnd Safety Supervisor et St. for considaration. Maiýrys, outlined a ncw con- The standing commîttees rapt in industriel scfety to wvould meat prior ta the ses- bbeIlotariens et their Thurs- sion o!, cauncil ta dccrl with day luncheon. the matters referred to tbcmI The concept Is cailed Total f and came crommiPtees xvoid ILoqq Contmol î)nd it must be MGA MILO, MEDIUM ORP0 OL LORRO 'CHEDDAR CHIEESE w"[c7e IMPERIAL SOF-SPREAD roA RG0ARINE, WflEE PACK e 0F iOOZlI 43~ IGA CHOICE CUT WAX OR GREEN BEANms 20~1.N AMBASSADOR PORK LUNCHEON MAT 3TINS ' PRIDE 0F THE SEA, 501.10 WHITE TUNA 701 49 TIN49 SALAD DRESSING JA 49' CANADA WHITE VINEGAR NSCU 9 HOLLANDIA <FOUR VARIETIES) BISCUITS 8/o 3 FOR ICA PINK LOTION LIQUIO DETERGENTFPLASE4 7' accident thai bas ýialready' ns RA I .ioc CUfrI liappened. M M ~W~UI __The first tbing the Total,7 The Beef Club held thieir LosControl system. 1w trie meeting onnAugus-t 2nd do is, chànge the prevailir.g at the faim, of Mr. Harvey d u resha showni that a;ccidenits cost Brian ope-ned the meeting a' lot O! Money cnd that It iS Iwith the pledge. Candy raad excptth Radan Bidevorth their»e i tosped the minute f thf 11 last meet- Camîtte wose app in- e on their sft r-ing an the weruamroved. maitiscoerd y egsi- ra. mpoees u5tb rhc ilca1 wsthan taken tion. Thi1S cm1te xii onr1cd t hia t acdnswith 18 mmbespresent. have two persons ieýc dnt ju st happen but that Leaderspesn were nod ech yer for aPtwa-ear theyl P' I are the rèsult o! correct- Stork, Don Rickard and Neil trnto ensure ontinimnl] errors. Alfn. We .th-en discussed the themmbrhp Th cTJ. te differslexhibait for Orono Fair and it e ssmwas dccîdjed to make just one Thespeialadvsoy ad fom heold appooach ta b il- between the Beef and Sheep co-rdiatig ommtte m- dstralsa.fetybecuseit i" Clubsý A committre was then com' i'd tatPl inue !cne nednt only with in- selectedý. The clubs then split ccmmite metinsbnfit h uries to personnel but with up and the bec! club told î1.tnding and seilwud I business- In tcrru P- about !prcpa ring your cal! for ha,_ ricl ta ail1mmber tinsý - product damage, plant showîng by Don, Naîl and o!f counci l as Doon astbyarc amge pollution, etc-. Jo Brian, The meeting was then writt.en. short, ah 'the tbings thatî, us, adjuurnad. By-laws WOUld h ci.uet-i business unneccssary CfX- Cendy thanked the Yellow- ad prior to tbelesso -panse. lees family for the usé, of stead o! being read at fil one o! the points Mr. Iicyltbair farîn and the lovelY lengthi at the session, a mv emphasizcd wa.s the hiddan lunch.-Press Reporter, Mary which will. provide more time costs o! industrial accidents. Cornish. for other business. A stuidy ha- quoted showcd - The changes wîll necessi- that for, cvery i,, spent, on tata a number 'of amend rme.sinpadt h e ment.s ln the 'Rules oa Pro- jured emnployee, ther ae 4 cediure". - Guide. lnunseen c ts.Money mîist Iý be spent to repair any damra- P, ce dneThere vwill ha cost- MYOURHARD LA RAWL lfý1 rlyelays anlld a slowdown b MONF,11iy wE2L HLLP. c 0 elI c Cf; pirductivity while a nl"w YT mranis !zound and trained ta - ~~replace the l njuredworker. D /fKN Mr. Ha,'y Ls a member o! the OF# f < f rIndustrýi:al Accident Preven- p ,,ý effective because thae ccc- i- A.-sociation and haco- dent rate at the St. Mar' cou r operation o! a safe Ot fîrst six montbs of lait yaar and efficient business to get D $ 7qv in touch with tbis valuable thare were 10 time-los.s accci- dents. So far this y ear, un-oraztin der Bill Hay's supervision, there have been nn. lIent a Car for HARIVE Y tr.oo oftan indtria saety Akf ORWE . . Mm. Hfey cindth aft aI A Y oR WE EKD . .AR N programs are givan a very j Iow priority in the operetioný COUNTY o! most'plants. In mary in-1 UHRYSLER-DODGE LTD. ORON -98-5206 stances safety measures take 623-2586 ESMoEflOMVE HrEAT SERVîCE 'monlv as a recit o! an1 -_- 91, STI.L MEADOW &ANOUFT R10CHICKEN, SAL15BURY STE'AK OIR TuRKEY IGA APPL.E24O STREUSSEL PIE ~'~49~ FRENCH PAsTRY 279 DEMPS-ER'$ (IMFG. 6c OFF LASýELI .3 ONION ROLLS * LAUNDRY DETERGENT (BONUJS PACKiO YOU GFT 1/xLB9S. EX TRA' PUNC H EI2ý(Z l U169 GRANUAE WHITE SUGAR SARONG - CRUSHED or SLICEW' 19 F.L. OZ. TIN pI1NEKA p pLE 17C GREEN GIANT FANCY 14 FL. 07,. TIN PEASSUMINWR SWEET PEAS ~or OTANT21 SAICO - MANDARIN ORANGES 5 LB. BAG 63 c 10 FL. 0Z. TIN 4for$10 HOSTESS REGULAR OR SAL.T & VINEGAR FI.AVORED POTATO CHIPS > PO 59e MEAVIR BI.ANCHED REDSKIN SPAN1SH OR5 8.ýQ LANCHED i. SALTED PAUS' 9 DEODORIZERS FLORENTASSORTED 60OZ 39 &LADWVRAP 33 BUFFERIN DOTILE of lu99 LAD PATRiC EXTRA FIRM, WTF OR FIRM HAIRSPIRAY 10-Z DZ AIRO CAN 5 9 (MFG. PREPRICED 59c)e K PERSONNA B OADS G. 39e REINZ STRAINED 4% FL. OZ. JAR Baby Foods <Meats Excepted) 5for 69C FOOD PRICES EFFECTIVE AUG. 16-191 WED., THRU SAT. WE RESERVE THE RIGHI TO LIMIT QUANTITIES LOCAL GROWN ONTARIO Nol1 GRADE 10 L8.à BAG 4 5 c CRSP LOCAL GROWN CANADA No. i GRADE- CELERY STALKS 2KoR29* GARDEN FRiSF, LOCAL GROWN N(VW CROF REO pnnD c ' J .5 111.S N, 1i GRAIi PRUNE PLUMS 39 NlW CROR . -0.Of MREF, 0F SOUTH AFP ICA VAL ORANGES IEI 79 TENDER or FAVORITE BRAND 1/ GAL. CARTON oce Cream VAILLCO ýIAiNT,,AORNEOI'OLITAN ONLY' TENDER V'.ITTLES - Assorted Flavors 6 OZ.KG Cat Food 29C TANG orange POLY BAG 0F 4 - 31/2 OZ. PKGS. Flacoýr <ryîtAls 75C rl'l - -- -- 1 - -,-@ 1

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