Bowmanville Canadian Tire -Announces New Management Appoinimenis MrA .Billett ,,pent !4he f oi r pleasure, thepepr- _N: -w ~. eaodat WlJims'Point torman1ce n'Bttom's Dream" ~" wWit Dr Fand rs. K. A. èýBil- on Wednedayw, August 23r sT.' 1 t 972, in ,ewýcastle Commun Mnnd Ms. Grfied Web, t.y Hall, e3rown Ste t'ee tenurned Susan and Jim Amundrud, fro a wo-aekvacationi in Frontiar, Saskatchewan, are BFarie. wîth Mn. and Mrs. Arnold h' 4À MnT aniiMni A. Garson, Etchar, Cathryn and John, Mcarns Av ,-have rturneci 3 Orchardview Blvd. Susan i from a trip to the. Continent will ha matron of bonour for and Great Brlitain. bier sister at han wedding on Mn, and>ï0Mns. James BH- Saturday. mapn, BIlnIgtoni visited their Miss Déborah Hammoid, gradmtlinMrs. Geo. W. Church St., bas just returned 4."n Janeî, on Mýonday. home tramn vacatîoning in '.n" C-_on-gratlations ta Mr. an.d Banff, Calgary and Edmon- Aiii~ Mrsý. J,Jck Todd (nece Dianne ton, with har aunt anci- unce e, M Wlis)who wera married, Mn. and Mrs. Alex Wight, ".,Nei~ .'~~n~inhh-4, ne The- congregation of COI- Tbe late Mn. and Mrs . ' "ý"'............~*~ ' w~ bonlBp istCurch cela- Kenneth Pappin, Osbawa, kili- DAVE CLEMvENT TOM CURRIE BILL HRYHORUK CAL VIN MceCUJIOCH WILLIE VANDERINDEN-- bvaed it9Oh aniniversany on ad in a two-car crash on 401. service Dapt. NM1aaer Parts Dept. Manager Sports Dept. Manager Hardware Dept MAanager Merchandise Cotri Manager i Suinday, Auus 3th, 1W72. several days ago, formanly ne- Mn. and Ms.T. Web3fsided in Bowmanvilla and' The aboya appoinbrnents wene announiced i eeenbly by Cairole sessoswt h betv o nraigterkoldge of thle Nlîr, NX wera weekenid Mn. Pappin worked for aiGold tor Maager of Bowmanville Canadian Tire follwing a organization and to ý'iiiprov-e overall customer relations. Canadian gueIsis o ni . and Mrs, Robent number of years far Whyia sý LeobnKing St. East. Upholstery. extensive reorganization pnogrnm Sînce joining Canadian Tire these Tire would-Ilke to exbend co)ngratulations to, these valued empioyees Men. nd ns oh ha- Coarglw1Cuci m~en have been involved in a výariety of assignimenbs and training and wish tham every uces in their future endecavns, main, Toronto, rtnin nmendorsed the bu s business o h"olidayînrig at AIDSley, paid Don Deremo, Port Hope, ta mersaon MrusEhv th tbsan acî parzcateaservice witin tha nepeated han twin i iýs honra uFi1 !t'hursday. ~ ~ o Town' of Cobourg. Final aP- aur a yean ega. SbiowvIng forL e r s Bu ce Bc rd a' provaill ha_)edecided ai a the frt bjImeDuga Hs M. And t _.Harld H Famn hearing to hc held in Toronto, of CobaurgcerredOff ibae tnndad aii~Cbrb ~laber this montbi. Réserve Grand Cbainsi ýp, avejua neurnd brnefrcrn Last week's iewl Sala cn bis w wnningý, 2 yen ld bw ek'vcto iterand Summen Cannlival, beld StonybIraok LadyPol1v. - "The-%dý-- N g Mn. anid !Mn,. lant TuirnerlI$3,ooo stated Don Houston, Camipbeliford pro-vid(ed sXon and family, Nawcatlhve President, Downtown Mercb- comrpetitian troghut eh aýble six v,:ecks' vacation iwthifrom the cannival are divided ,Idnd Ètb top biifer n c Mr e h n thain- lfamilles in Scotland. equally between the serviceDanrMk osneht MrJseVan Nesi, Mns. clubs and the Santa Claus was named Reserva Junior by jim (rakeiuns on ounly ona bib (Sains- and sevent.h înng . Bis con- K Brue Bav Pegp. Town, Mrs. Parade Fund. hmpo.buny's RBI single), ShortstaP brai as usuel vwas eycellenit, John Siemnon, Eniniskillen. The 1971 Immigration Sta- CapinThaLocke TV' Electrons Joues' boot on Akay's leadoff ie akdolytre recOvanad fronmterheart- ground hall gai bcthe hawlkdolytnal speI the ,waekeuid at Blian- tisties for Canada recently c P1kbraioSaudy 4 1 radsate umuas heEeto n sitwati-n, an .,e InbcYr-iceaa.released hy bbc Manpowanh lcrn, on20 n Mn. nd Mns. BanyStewart and Immiigration 'Depeniment LSA L E 14 Inuing loss, as bhey -posted a was one of bhre elyars' an- the "Hawk' turned in a iiu-1 ndTray, ingtn sent show that !,301 pensons immi- 6-1 vIctory aven tbe Port nons in bbc savanitb, witb perb game, McMurter, with1 ,,idTh a lon holi-ekedib rtd r the Nethanland.Symah s xaddta H-ope Flyens on Sunday aven- Bemma tbnawing wildlyta eahsisow5fr4 han ~ ~ ~ o paetMadM hn17.Oiis figure 66-3 Mn. and Mn. BT3ob_ Cann:uihens ing, The win leavas Bowmean-Ifin t oh bunts by MeMeurtafer ibrea gme , wile cau- Gog Sipon, av]ycame ta, Ontario, 7 ta New- and family in the sudden ville trailîng linbhe hest of and Crombia. Pam-ibertanl was tinuing b-is ,Ail-Star work il CriGd foundlnd, i taP.El,, 7 ta pasing af lber faiber, Mr. B. sveEO.Apaff2-. anap .Ndi aB., 2?..107 uae o stor, Kondal. i ofs -1.wavad lu to replace Bamma bis cenitetnfîetld dom-aîn, Mn. .andm 3tc S Mr,19 t M. nr Ba.Do 'lsiThe TV ribe pounded oui after Bowmanvilie a c a r ea d Th lcrtseevetw, Ralb Byso, wd M, laind 207 bot .C. and Trace,- accompaaiod 1 is hyligthe ytre 'n$ Leamngin. n StuneyAugsi 2 M, ad M. Tny olly dDon MeMutar as port Hope Doug Cnougýh's scrfi its fnom Siab .George,...... war waken gusi, ofMn Mn an M . Gorg Sepl Taa, ewcsil, wreSuneprssa ibea uners ia ,tcashad Bowmanvilla's finial wo in e iih an eye-t Onrerî St.Mnne ecYIadM r.L.Ms. Lannv T-erma, Missis- 1lafi-handar Gary "Bawk" Barnma) 1beforePembenton year, hangad oui bwo bits. Mrh sbrSa os Tytatendth Nw-Jaoi f shw a Gat, sauga. Akey rctrollad the Port shut off tha Elactrons' ou-"Sis sao5fr14liedugtn fM.adiM. cila Fown Sowon ed-waLob ilwen gufi etth Mn en Ms. enShakla Hpe tick it a tanou, brs. Aay asancou awy payffs Te Fyen rcaedRos SToroosnotooo ,stsat te Mr an Mrs KenShFuletwo bits frain. Jones (having gradu ated racently fnom Wes- nesclay, Aulgu)si lt n h rw-DynnwdgI o, Massns, Bill and Bob',îbî effort, The 'Hawk, fram a.6-0, ichîy desenved an excellent sanies), and tain University, London, On- OrnO Flawan anid Vgtbe ra Anglican Chuirch and Shackleton and Mn. and Mns. t ha bsic n thbe seies' 8-2 shutout, wheu Part Hopeye Hgl ario, receiving lier Bachelor 1 ,owj on hunsday. Bat ibecata einadsa rceiiioObwesa openar, 'loi b is Qhutout lanînanaged thein loua i-un. Wiih Wye og wîll1 be worbb the effort. ible countrJy asiate of tbce aweek's lholiday ai bbeir coi- the ninth with -bwo oui. Fly- oae oui, AI Walsh banged e as t of savon s.aiso rsi ieAt. Mnii. ;and Mn. Wmi. Sianr brid' parants, Mn. and Mmi. tage nean Omamea. ers' shorbstop Jini Joncs ouit the Flyers' fifth bit.rsue ionh (Wd) t (ayJaýne)ý of Calgariy, have Narman Drynpn at Ayr. M.adM.Jh ws drooped a single bebînd sec- Ryan weikcd. but Akcy, 7:15, la Part Hope. The E1ec- beenvisiin br parents, Mn., C. Leung of Bang KingEtnsani oplo~an nn i albwbo claimcd bies lh stnikeoutiÏ, irons will be pulliig ouitbctheE TO Mn.andMn.Rex. Wles Kong, who is viiting in Cana- daswtli prns n ad siagled eanlion. whiffing Paul Wekelay. Janaes Etops la an effort ta ratura 45 -ison Stetad dbbe eunhm etan rE ws iur' Bill Ryan, Dave Bernina thon droppefi a single that home wibh the sanies squared. On Wednesday cvening of Dciitvisin inet and othendewil aur homeIi' nei , ad Mn. E. Tisti Mcineithar shortstop Panki nonr Gamos fiva and six ara set ibis week anoihen bride-cleb pest wreak. day boeleshe bas b'een vîsit- gan. Pen otopeaw Jacionebbcsecond sackar O'Rcilly aauId fon Satunday and Sunday ai Miss Ratby Kerr was bonorad Mrt. R. Robson and sonig han daugbiený and son-lan- Mn and Mns. E. Twist and lasers' mound. Byan, wba flag dawn. It bnought Walsh Saper Creek bil yard. Game wiîh a miscllaneous sbowen Diunic@ii and Robaerl o-,' - lw, Mn. and Mns. Johin Sala Mn. adM.GridSa'a osa -nbttrl ei-home, ruinîag Akoy's bld for urnes 2 ,P.m. la Yeîverton Cbunch basemant vilewae ueisofha pr-aa gandaghen, ance inatiended the Folay picaic iering e Win la the-finit garna, asuot niuil ro1whcn some 75 ladies congre- eits;, M.ancl Mn. ,W. W. Bar- Banie -and Geil, Concession efalninPr nSa oa h eei okn ollowed, but bbc "Bawik" l 86 u fnttruhgaied ta wisb Kaihy well on ai, ScuIgogý St., and also Si., and alsa daughten Winnie, day ceiu hne-rms o saaledc' heviciony, retiring train fan bbc Pacifie lefi on. aier pandîng mariage. viitd tertanan Oha eutnandd s.Alb-rt -Law M.M n n o ri edige w usand,,fiva- Arutineon aseosdot.eal on June 281h and arrived Miss Pamela Stînson pinned wa rlaties. nd M. Alani ow ad afarily bitbdpan ty la bits. Benima, alraie riidbciaa:ai Pari Moody. on July 4ih. a corsage on bride-to-be and Mn.1 ndMr , RgSla rlhen Rannifed, d oo f Miss [Rabanta Cnaig's moudous performance on Sai Akey, 2-0 vs Pont Hope this Daily mail service aven tbe she was cscorbed to a dacarat- Onono wna nsday diinnerlonbr ou arod-i fbnha nMaa ngt na a akl cinyapitcbad out of jama 3,740 miles, acroîs, Canada cd chair by Mn,7. Norma .Biggsq. guests an Davld ~rgusr.nToronto.Mn. and Mns. W. Craîg speni agala, but witb lois satisfec- ncatly in bbc fourib, sixib aný thet data MssCny acîn a EnlklawsaSund1av Mn acyLwî Ownl, tha holiday weakend with Mn. tory rosulis. ha is bbree plus dinner guasi ofMn and liad er grandian Ian Kerr, and Mns. Bob Cnaig ai thei aigBmawsrahdS L ,'!nls beneh-a mstinerstngtrp o tc otag o, Wlf Lke fr héElecirns' 1final fouir i S NA Abenathy, oncesion ail i ~ ~ .Il aies, Bying Oui- rn.Bmagv pfu Tha ouu Pcala' TheinaPlar Bear Eýxpress to Moosa icit stang wibb bits, ia gyaembn- M. . .Oriour rok -- do wn iha M oase River wTheaare an hid y .MR 'çIi peei fa f cagRiver Crossing, and ram M ns. W. Caig W hi a nad is iig w y tP m e- M .W.A Or son B ok : O hrethee a 45 mile caoetrio M. Bob Davies and ferily ton. Durnig is thnae rames, lin, and Mns. John Wadg,ý downtheMooe Rier ithare n hlldysBowrnanville maaaged only Winnipeg, anre pending a few the Moose Band Indiens, stay- -________ a ialbtha any days with Mn. and Mm ruceR îng et bbe French River Rc- cozy 5-0 lead wbea bbc Junior Tink, REHOROTH serve near Moosonea. Wile T R N flingen took aven. Mn. and Mns. Tom 'Baker- ihera bhaytook a trip tai YR N The TV crowd, peformîrg spent'a faw days halîdeyinig r Christian Reformned Shipsands on James Bay Mn and Mns. A. J, Boar undan the ligbis befare îav- in Western Ontario. Churchwbena tbcy saw a aumbar 0f whiteciwhales. wera Seturday dianer guesîs anal huadned fans ai Pont Ou SatudycvngM. of Mn. and Mmi. D. Wight, Hape's Agriculture P a rk, and Mns. Clarence Bradley,' qeurog sireet Fcaiured ai Ontario Place Bowmanvilla. opaaed bbe scoring witb a Bowmanvilla; Mn. and Mns. 0inter o Suaday, August 2Obh: Mns. A. J. Hoan, single rua in the finît. Mc- Bruce Montgomery, Bampton: VancnBrg~ At bbc Forum, 7:30 ,P.m., Mn. and Mmi. T. Hjoan, ponty ubrslma u a double and Mn edM.R.Pg evA.Cenadian Opera Company No. pool, Mn. and Mmi. K. Mc- la lcad off, cvantually icon- wenc guesîs of Mn. aad Mn., B.A., B.D., M.Th. 1. The Canedian Opera Com- adedfriyaatSn- ing on Pat O'Reîlly's sacrifice Evareli Crydermian. 1 fe 2 e paay willpresantQlsafinit day et leerLaaienS huai, followiag George Sains- Miss Ellen Cryderman i4i Phono6370 performnce ilae week-loug Bay. buny's bit. Tbey added an- spendiag a few days wibh Mn.47KnSt NsB seies rif opera excarpis..Feat- Svaa hns ctussi other rua lu Ryaa's lest ian- and Mns. Jackson Wray, Oshe- êp SNA EVCS ured will ha Aci h o!'La from the area attended tbhe ,wbnGyPaksscn-ve 10 obm adA I.S. fPony Show ai Mn. and Mfice fly scorcd O'Railly whoa Howard Bills and Ni Aida. Around bbc Site, 12:00, H Vanthadule alrar pnin ek 7P,1. :2:00 and 4 p.rm., limpeiial l*VnDyk's fenm, Bw1pndwt obe Tyo r pnigawe Knigts rur Cors, aya inanville. Ia tact, thesa are The Elacinans mainaiied ai Quin-Mo-Lac Camp. B3ack to aGod Hour Haniltan Light ItnaaitrýýYBule reet days fan hanLse lvosiein 2-0 mangia untili thetop Jane Bis spent ae wak' Ba d 1 pm, . .CS itb ais ad hase shws la of the seventh. B mma, wib bher-sisters, Misses Canal'A Dia 13<) ado Ymk cin. tul s;wing. Lcal oa ndwrig i o nthining of and Anne Hilîs ai Kingston. breceansîae [t0 ha fouund ex- relief, i-an into trouble. The Mn. and Mns. John Knox Ever Suday 0:3 ad» hathe lac andWhia Da'ghbitn udampîigai Elacinans added four more and Mn. and Mns. Gea, Kno-x ýEayn wîae p0onsoncd by LI-leNorbhumî- ýjusb abo)Lut auy zshow ana iai- îbiendad bbc Ellicobi faniily îe 1bclenid Hautain Club, bc' ttnd.l picnic bcid ai the borne Grand Champion Fernale wias The Gardyn Bren i famîî L MFONMn. Cccii Phillips, Bnougham JOINT SERVICES TRINITY and ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCHES IN ST. PAýUL'S UNITIED CHURCHtf Minister: Rev. H. Aý. Turuer, B.A., B.D. Organist: M~r. R. Metcalf, A.R.C.T., ACCM 10:00 am WORKS1111 SERVICE Infanit Care During Service ~ice &wLI ~2Ât1~b'~a0 CHINESE and CANADIAN FOOD 1Ol/o Off Pick-up Orders (over $3.00) FREE HOME DELIVERY Phone 623-3703 50 KING ST. E. - BOWMAN VILLE BUSINESS HOURS:, 10 AJM, to 10 P.M DAILY FRIDAY aýnd SATURDAY 10 A&M. to 1 A.M. lest waekendjc. They woa finîst ihein familles ategdad bbc in EnghIish Pleesure class witi .Junior Farmans and 4H picnic "Miss, Dee", finît la Tbree in persýon hald ai Coder Park an Sun- Gaitcd rias wi"oioysday. Silhouette" on Friday, and Mn. and Mmi. Rois Prout ýweni an ta wia the Stake -Y'-' and Janica, Etobicoke, wae Classes lun bath categonies on ' ~ . Saiunday visitons wib Mn. Satuday.and Mns. Chas. Langmaid. 'alJau Veueyk placea k Mn. and Mns. Hanry Knox third la Wstr Pleasurai euteriained sorne relatives daiset Silo, niiugbis .ýaad friands on Suay ta aa hanse "Bixýhain Spanklen". 1 ' birlhdey panty honoring Jeff- Tuera ivilha e arnîîiy oui- rey's tfh birthdey. M.aîîd Mns. Hugb Boyd, in1-g lu the Tynone Park o -01,1,wceSn yvîîo Saitur-day, .Aug.ust 191h, linbte Osaw a Mn. andan, Claneac f ar: of a barbecuead dauc >' iA floon hs beiag laid fanrbbc ' . 'UM. ad Ms. Carence Bray dacngt bcmTi J I' Gregory sperit a few days fldswortb's Band of modemrn,'wek iiig eaie musie. ~ Y~.' ii.latbbcGoda 'icb anea. Mmi.E. , Vnlu aconi ~-~ Miss K a r e a Yclowiccs panid Mn aa Mmi Nar .~ speat bbc weekend with Miss Alli, Bwmauill, tavist ~Shenni Lynde, Oshawa. their coýusin, Mmi. Lana Bnry-! Messrs. Bill and Pater Met-1 aul, at Lake Simcoa. calfa, Bowmiaavilla, w aer e IV arý eýa Cann, Toronto, Sudyspe hsso r Fridaie:wii y r ndMrs, Harvey YclbawýýleeA. Mr. eud Mmi. E. A. Vintua-. S n aMiis Nan Allia, Toronta, Mmi.G. ConnIsb was baoes- P.spant bbc weakend wýith Mr-. ta showen hald-Maadey av- Op..and Mmi. Was Yellowlecs. cniag fan Miss Irena Rayenga, 'Mmi. Clene Allia, Bowma- bride-to-be. ville;, Mn. John Allia, Toron- Miss Sharon Hall and Mm. 0% ta, wera Seiurday suppar Larry Cax, Oshawa, wenar J guesti of Mn. and Mrs. Wes, mnarried la Tynone Church on Yellowlees. Saturdey, Augusi 121h. Guasîs t _Mn. Manian Mallay, Mn. were prasant tram Belleville, 3. 55 w and Mni. Francis Williams, Oshawa, Bowmaavila, Ty- Bowmaavilla; Mn. aad MBn. rne and Bleckstock. Fred llioti and Launie, En- Mmi. Walter Murphy, New- Tickets On Sale nîshillený, were reccnb callers casile, won bbc 50-50 draw 'ai on Mn. and Bns. Abex Potier, the Euchne Party ou Fida y Auditorium Box Office Mn. and Mns. John Wcîlaka eveuing. Lucky chair vies and family, Bridganorth, wce hl yMmi. Carmen White, Bolehood's Sportshaven Tueîday cahiers at Mn. and Orand the carmngMmi. Doug Fleti's, prizes weut ta mi Jc Ajax- On Wedaesday of lait week Cok ynne- udMns. Fa-CnteJ akckj savenel Womcn's ,Instibuta Cook.McClluugb an Mrt Peny, te moeShp ladies, thain familles and inanMcCuloug, Pot Pery.othen friands eajoyad thain Winns of bbe auchra garnmsBowvnanvillc: annual bus trip, thîs yaar go-' werc: fiît, Mmi. Ruby Mal- ing ta Centre Island ad aften lany, Bowmanvilae; second, Jury & Laveli ta Edwerds Gerdens. Mr. Rusi Coates, Shirley;, vlAgncy hMr.andgirscaeumbustwn- ibird, Mn. Raid Co)ok, Brook- Taha gmnadi. Kea obiag-er li;foLath, Mmi. Jaýck Cooký, - -- Saiundey eveniag visilors Tynone; iow ldMi aiwiih Mr-. and Mmi. R. Vice. Prescoti, Tynone; low gent,ý Miss Poanl Leac'h accam- Mr. Gary Muai-o, 0 aw. aned Mn. and Mr., ip Miss Lois Yeo, Hampton, Camohel, Bowmanvîlle1, tb elpn eei twîth Misses LUppen Canada Villag4e on riDawn and Blan Meaneyk.Thra 'IThe eal1adiaf tats o~n11e u.1,1~ J'terns o/ &hteresi I Phone 623-3303 Mn. and Mn, Bay Bobiasoat moiorcd ta Rcnfncw arce thîi weekand ta attend a weddîng i aaniversary of close friands,I Mn. and Mmi. Humpbnies of Casilelon and thenca ta Algon- quin Park to recover thain. son and ours froni bbc nonihama wilds, On Saiurday, Mr. and MBn. 1Gea. Neels and Louis ecconi- panied Harvey Malcolmi and Mona ta Prcsqu'ile Park near i'Brighton for bbc annuel Wer- dans picnic as guesis of War- den Boy and Mmi. Chettan. A pleasant afbamnooa was speîît playiag hall, races for the ebhldren, vîiiing and toppcd off îvibh a fine suppan, The Durhami Couniy sofibail con- linigent emcrgcd victaniaus aven bte Northumberland Caunty caunierparis by a iquenkan 10-9 v'iclony and won for tbe year bbc Onono Co-op Tropby prescntad by an ci-st- whîle employee of theb comn- pany - "Bonesi John" Stone - Beeve of Clarke Township. In aIl honcsty must admit that Durbham teani wasa'b ibat bot -jusi that Northumberland was aven wonse. Bavaa't a doubi thai aur Yelvcnton Jr. girls cauld have beat bbc pents off cubher teani wihoui aven ruffliag their feathers. Which ramindi us that bbc Jr. girls eliminaiad bbc Pantypoof girls ibis paît wcek and wil1 meci Cartwright Jrs. thIs eaming weck wbo la tun liminatad Millhi-ook two oui of tbnee. Sm, girls wc uadersiand bava celiminaiad Poabypoal Srs. and w-ýill meat cithen Mîllbrook Srs. on Jaeville Sm, girls who are currenily bled in serai- finals, Did you aven wandcn whai lunksinathose biddea reccîss bcbind your cbestcrfiald cuish- ions, The libibe woman raýýcent- ly amharkad an a hiennial prognam of bouse clcanîag (eibhenbaba spnia-ý-g or arby feul not certain whJic(h) wilb veny ncveeling resuits, Hiddcn la bbc innen sanctun-i of oui- cbasierfield and chairwc un- cartbed bcthe ow g - a heker's dozan of hobby pins, thi-ce pancils, anc hall point pan, oaa fingai-nail clipper and boible openen, anc comb, cou- ple ofhbain clips, balf a dozea rubbam clastie bauds, four mini-bricks, a suciion cup an- trow, saveral buttons, ana pain aof caringi (inatcbed aven), a nc kaibig nccdbe, ona fluba, one papar clip, ane bain pick, ana langtb of chaia (wateli, nnot hogging chein, oaa, poker cbip, anceinini-microicopa, ýkîcenex, ana aged gumdrop, sevaral musiy peanuts, and ýhait a vacuum cîcanair hap- 3per full of debnls oC unkaown aonigia and ta make it all by FUTURO complote &sOL-Iettoaîe nad menla utyloe la iaiect wYod*or tubular atutmiîealir, bothroua enid adjiastPbIe. 'Two Ie.fq canna fer ti. ;personC1 Kim n oef styl PHfaqur, ONE h onpl i FURNITURE ' Rubher -Underpad FRE 'TL 9 P.M, contest and a skit was per- worthwhila, two bPin îliicU formed by Mn., Brenda Mal- cash. Gr-eat way topn -R coim and Miss Pam Stinson. rainy atron-hpyhunrtý Miss Mitzi Malcolm read an ing. acldress ai-d Kathy was assist- Mr,. adMs ly tn ed in opening gifts hy sisters entrtainetr, n Ms et Wanda and Sharon. 'Yelverton Thorndyke of Trnobdn Sr.- Bail girls arranged the ner recently anud later tha, evening and presented Xathy ladies atten(ddMs a with a bride book and an elec- Kerr's shower. trie skillet.