The eaiiadlan Statesmari, Bo'~vmanville, Aug. 16, 1972 FLAHBAK 25X'crsAgoi, Mr.: "Bil'Edger, Pctrboaug, sn f M, ad Ms.W. A. Egr Bawmnvilc, as ben hose tatry out for the IntrntioalBasba eaguie at the Ma ple Leaf Basebal eha l to be hld in Toronto. Billis a memn- ber of the eebaogiSeior: "A" team. Mr, Artie Chemnce str ptchr for tHe Bowmanville iRotary Junosh rc ive n offer totry ýout with the St. L'ouis Car:dinIals. FLSHAC -10 Years Ago- The- Bubble- gm Inn at thie Recreation PlaygroundI conpeitin ercevenSurnersfo rd,,Sharlene Ca4in, try Vtcherî, Jan'et Synie, Sharon Dasnanid Doug parkCrIdr. idetgrins contest wc>. l 1)n' v Sharoil n Dad,sox Ssan Cook, John Sturok, odeyLangl1ais, Gairdton Sturrock ,anl dy ract DEVEOFER --of a contraversial glass fibre pale red t et a wrld pnleval record have threatened u1i uuls athie c(an usethe pale in the Olympie Gams. uraFibe, c.,praestnga ruling by the Internationia[ Amt)eur Atthietir, Federatian banning thepae, rette e which Bob Seagren used ta vauilt l-et %inýcs during the American Olympiï-c Trials hstmanth, exceeding the warld t t t t GIENGRNT- n$80,000 addition to the OsaaCivic Adtru was given the stamp of pprvalby ci(y counlcil Tuesday. The orig-, inal- 1972 capfital bumdg-et estimate was $60,000.. RisÀing constrioctioni costs and the addition of wheelchair ranips inc(rcased the estimated price. The extra $20,000 will be subject ta boardof contmri approval for addlitional debenturîng. The two.streyaddition -%vili have an cnlargcd v t~etselingarca, as orig-inally plaaned but was aneld due to lack of funds. There is.ionly anc, ticket wicket now. This will be inci-cased to five an;d there will be rooni for patrons ta -line up Iinside t(he bilding. There will also be a vault, an office area, storage areas for office supplies and the banquiet rooni anid a ceckroom. There isawblccchir ranip ta the downstairs of the aî~itoiumbut none for the upper level. Con- trconwoni't begin until'at lcast ncxt year baueOntario Municipal Board approval is t t t t t AUTCOEST 72 the Iveek long festivity planned ta celebrat(e jthe Septembýer Grand Prix raceý atMospart r(ceived ,a grnt f $,000 an Tuesday, August th fron OsawaCity Cauincil ta help promote the event. The clmm Iteis planning a large parade, a giant beaty agentandf many other events-Seëptember t t t t, t KOEBA ACES - will be held at Bala, 1-skioka, on 1 Saturlday and Sunday, August 19th ;,,dcl 'h, 65 hiydrýoplanecs will be competing on a ancmile irculicampionship course. A feature eventl will be for niodified outboardsof i ,w-ta 9) uI rhs.Eimination heats go Satur- day wjh Sinals on Smnday. Also on the prograni 0, vents villbe water skiing demonstrations an-ud wate-r ski-kite, flying, receptions andl dances t and apade T t t t t CANIN ELTER WEIFGHT -baxing chamjp- 1on Clyýde Gray il be thie headline attraction Aug-t us 6th at the Col.ý,iiem Arena at the CNE. HIe wîllr meet an up and camgng ontrealer Ray Rase in a lO-rund r Tvenýt is freceaf charge to ahl CNE t t t- t t TOUUNAM-NENT .- Thev 1972 Canadian PGA s Assitans' hamionhipfor the, Spalding TrohyIvIl ý>beheld at Toroftto's Rosedale Golf ChihbIToronito, Thursday, September 2lst and e Frda, epemer2211d1 on the 6600 yard par 70 t THCE ATERIFRONT PROGRAM - for 1972 i prdcdand dirPcted býy Jack Perdue, af Outhoard' Marie Crportia, wIl be ail Caniadian. It prom- isesa thillig sk sho , bthtfub raýcing, powerboat acIn, dgs1, ae kik efying, -radio con-8 triid ydroplâlnes and canioe jousting. Tt is the most darig wtersh-ow ee taged iin North America. Thlie re is nlo charýýge for this ev-ent.0 THINK( $50 DOW'N wili hold until SEPI FRE E 1115 ANDI e e MATCIIING Wi TUFTEPURCHA SE 0F ANY P big Guns in Game Here Saturday . ..Pitcher Pat O'Rcilly _______ M ...Ryan Was Too Much ~ Electrons Lose82 _______ DonMcMurter__ _ __ _Guy Parksfl O p n g P a yf 41 by Jim Clarke mates began tai work on nilh Ryan a stumbling Akey. They tied things up at E.O.B.A. series the same way. safeties and two runs, ta take L euves ivcîectrons ,WO O Wfl Last Wednesday evening, thea4-iadThFyestr V E Dé, Part Hape Flyers,e behind the garne apart when they Ryan's seven bit, Il strikeout miounted a four run flurry In or peS ue z s 4 J4j u. ing, defeated Bowman- the eigbtb. Keeler and Pu vile 8-2 at Agriculture Park. Wakeley (RBI) bad bits, whth 5 4 wThe chunky right bander Ryan adding a sacrifice fly. pated a 2-1 record in last Around the Bases. byJm Clarke Dodm-an su1ppied hits. Keeier Hope's nine. Tihe Electrons year's piayaffs, captured by Rya, wo wrkd js praduccd ane runi and he committed three errars while theFyr 8orgme ah2/3 innings against Baw- Pat O'iReiliy of the Lackre oxentualiy scored an a wiid the Flyers bungied anîy once. three, The Electrans' top manvihie during the six regu- TV Electrans and Part Hope's pitch and a double steal in Dodman, who was 1 far ý heaver, Gary Akey suffered lar season cantests, had per- Dave Bemma treatcd Satur- the second inning. duriag regular season -play the loss, bis first of the ycar. fect contrai, walking none. day's Saper Crcek crowd ta The Electrons lcft runners against Bowmanvilc, had a "Hawk" gave up nine bits, He also drove in two- runs a speiibinding, 13-inning mon ul arficely on first and second ia tiroir pair of hits ta go with his fanning two and allüwing with a single and sacrifice by the viitr'Paul Dodman haif <Of the second, but reacb- clutch winaing sacrifice Po. art opwalkà1-sla fly. Shortstop Jin Jones sup- was the clutrir biow in tîreir ed Bemma in the third for Ryan checked in with, a hom- Pat optoka-0id plied a pair of bits. Ray Sy- haî 0 te lth a tie ie -tbree ruas. Don McMurter er and single, for a pair of in the second on 1Ryan's run- mons, AI Walsh, Rick Austin, trons dropped an . .iin led off with a homer and Guy RBJs. r owaviloe, produila ing î wtb t) Keel or, Wakeley, Ralph Hodg- gozagParks added a two run, twa, Parks (2 for 4 in the first Out. Phil Keohler who was 5-4 decision. otbatmntsltr icgm) spie onr safe on shortstop, Guy Parks' son and Bill Smith addod O'Reilly, awaer of a 1.2 Ehectrons 'maintaincd tiroir double and single. MeMurtor,' miscue ta open the frame, snd o tire Electrons, reguier soason mark, \Vas a modoît 3-2 edge until tire with a borner and single, scored from second base after pairk. and anghcile ced ae galiant figure in dofeat, as scventh wben Port Hope con- aiong with Sainsbury's pai arfcebn n n in- par. Bwmvil ot omefix/ omavhctraihed 2-0 in nerted for two aad took over Of bits, led the Electrans' at- field out. ed tirreo. In lait year's seven tbe beit of' sovea E,O.BA. the lcad, 4-3. Bihl Ryan, wiro tack, Fiftcen players saw The TV crowd had Ryan on a e srsBwavl piayaff witb Port Hope. drove in two runs in the tinst s le r v i c le for Bowmanvihle, thin ice in the top of tbe gmadme 1eriersowmnhe le O'Reiily limitcd tbe Flyers ta piayoff garne, smashcd a wirllo Port Hope used 10 men fourtir as tbey coute two 1niade 17 eror ta tire Ls just aine safeties, whihc fan- iong-gone, two run homer, It in thre three irour plus strug- ruas, ta move iato a 2-i lead. vrg a omnil' ning 10 and wahkîng five, as was Port Hopc's sixth bit ofgie. George Sainsbury siasircd aveaop bwraanstBawmanviie ire travelled the entire route. the contest. Last year, Port Hop li Single ta rigbt and the Elec- top iuber against PortLHo B e mma, tinsuccessfulinla Eatering tire last of tbe iaated the Electrons 4-3. Ia traons' IIBI king, Ray Crombie Kelly .368 and Larry Piper three clashes during thre sca- nlntb, down by a run, Mana-ý 197i0, Bawmanville faihed ta foiiowcd .witb a borne rua. at .318, The Flyers' Austin son against tire EhectrIas, ger Clint Ferguson calhed on Win a game. The Electrons, Guy Parks aad Doug Croughr.i n aeBma.6 was magnificeat in register- tire expericnced George "G--boping ta bounce back in the Ïept the offensive bail rail- '47ed r Ho eB a.6 ing the Win. Bill Ryan mav- oral" Joncs in a piach bitting sories, can rocahi the bappe,- îng witir Bowmanvilc's fifti - cd in ta work tire bottom Of raie, after Larry Piper walk- ingi in. their 1969 10-game and sixtir bits of the conteit the 131h for Port Hope, but cd. "Butch-" Bagneil, insert- series witb tire Flyers. Bow- It was siim piciigite it was Bemma's afternoon. cd as a pincb ruaner, irnsthed manville, after capturing tbe reit of tire way, as Ryan re,- He cbecked Bowmanvilcle ome with thé tieiag rua opener 12-1, fell bebind '-ilirod the next three mcanaq only eigbt bits, striking outi when "Gcaeral" responded in games. Tbcy rccovored "as 15 of tire 16 mca ho faced' af- six and waiking five durîag iradobe Bemma dis- thcy wcnt on ta paît 6-0, 4-2 triswbly fourtb. Over bis dozen trips ta 'the mound. witpla dhsoubles.udrad 43 vitre, osigtbe lait five inniagi, Bow-î1 Tire defeat was especially tire., as be retired O'Reiliy, Part ifope after an exhaust- manvvilics wolased ruer bitter for the TV gang who MrMurter aad George Saias- ing Il matches, Iarhuding twa was Paecrs hosae d aut were a, mucb sirarper buncir bury, leaving tire winnîag tics aad aonc rain-halted aI- treElcton'levn indOl fina i ntesxh tiran tiroir sirowîng la tiroir rua (Joncs). straadcd. fair. Tbat, samo year, tr nabi niesxth 8-2 opeaiag series lais lait Tbe fans wbo took ia Set- Electroas bnmped off Croc- While Ryaa was mowîag ~ B ow M Wednesday. urday's marathîon tir rillier1 more b'efore finalhy beiag down tire TV awingers, hi, Tire Fivers tok a 2-0 1iead wrhrae t oreta bated by a powerfui Tharold an Satnrday, wiren Rick Ans- - tre f e sefourexbalclub. tia, Phil Keler and PalPont Hope's Wayne Hagg,- Darlington safe ninfieid error wltir liE tbrowing errar by Ray Crom V W E S c e bie ia tire top of tire tentir. HA GSPCAITSenior Crombie had moved fram lftI 1 Queen Street Ia a game ta decîd tb Id ta tire catciig position,, Bon'manville ýfonrtb and finlpaffso at tire begiaaing of extra' PO E 6379 on Wedaesday nmgbt la Ty- inniags, after Piper had beea rone, Courtice came ont onM E repiared by pinc r rnnaerl 24 IIOUR SERVICE top after avertime and a one- M î 'T. ï7 Bagneli., MeMnrter made a Oas&EetiFuiace al tie by sraring oae corner f ine runaiag catch air Keel- & Air Condition Installa-kikt rebySem Atr or's short fly, cading thre tians - Central & Window a soeesfnltm ao innngte ami went intao 1 HERSinig Units - Clae Hecla & minute balves af overtime i ~~- SUITS ~Tire Elertroas exocnted a Fiadley Equipment wrcacre ik ol e gliterig dobleplayla ireFree Estimates cide. After a scarelesist "OLARIÎS i P'4 ranki ta Kelly. Wray Hon- put_____________ v rti e iaf dnaeoïio deli, at second base, robbed ptCutc ha naga PaniWakeey itira diiagearly la tire raîf. With tinme Pau Waele wih adivngagainit Salem, Pote Pin, cn stab aofiris gronnd hall, iead- î1 ,ienIire1gme ana goa tramfeat iag ff irevistons 12h. l I'~. a penalty shot. Witir a cara- was ane of tire maay ouI- ' r kick for Courtic re and standing defensive plIa ysi against Salem Courtice w 1l made ia tire garnie by bato me amtninIii-!a PARADE 01 clubs. Tire TV squad'î Sairiz- ý 1y play. bçtry led off Bawmanvîlle's , In /7,« atire openiag game of îtire l2ti witir bis second bit and T7-0CHOO.$" Darlington Sacrer Leaguer tire team's cigirtir. OV#r,9. son i-final series Hamptona Bemma once again was tire came ont an top of Caurtico master, escaping trouble as witir a convincing six ta two 14ltire contest entercd tire 13ti LND , Win. Leading Hampton scar-- trame. Hogg, a .261 bitter e'/ET rs were John Payïne aad e, againît Bowmanville t is jEO-e64O0 Pote Srironderbeek ecr,irvti NOVEL E opeed it1a oule two goals, witb singles goiag seasonta Don Rogers and a penalty e1[ita short lcît field. O'Reilly .. wbifed Kelerfor is ltirsiot by Graham Dallai. stniffdkeon obnt i es f Loadiag Caurtice tirrougi- stigedu, bugg aing t otnirdout tire nigbt was Dave Joh- iI on, a very Cle1ver plav. Short- - on wb o asikd pbt stop Parks fielded Jonres'Coriegas waved agg se e and Port ~U ~ JI~ J Revised Senior Sem i-Final )w N C to Sainsbury. Tire Umpire Wed., 16 Sauina vs. Tyrne, z. Hope d mc aloe fn and ortLJ~ Lî Sat. 19-Tyrone vs. Saline Id tirnrd anddomey nc istaay.G tirad o ne a.'Sel Wed., 23-Hamptn vs. Da Pdmeiafoiliowved wiîi R ofly Courtice Sm-ia cieuei langrservice Juior eiFnlShde Iog Cgiri gh,7-.00 ~' A W sen1ding Hogg iia witi tire go- Tue .. 15--Tyrone vs, CourH A WII Arycesan 1ead rua. Rycaii replared 180 KING E, lie; Tis 17 SOlina vs.ý Bea and set Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE Haptan:or Tues-. 22-.. CotîeITC E 983Î81 d n larder l ire as f I-OE 23562 vs yrne hus, 2 Aro~sd tie 13s~î:Don McLachlan - Don Plain d. Tues,, Ivrone v.Cut r esfrL Eawervll d1nde,0ire, 1Tburs.. Suna va.ama- r1unners comupeeu J; PFot ________________tn SPO 0RTA pl1LK i TICKETS GOTNG FAST -- The rush has ai: started for Supcrtickets for the Lnbatt' Grand Prix of Canada weekcnd, Sept. 22-23î: Mlosport. The Supertieket includes track ai sien for the three days, pit and paddock ai sien, grandstand seats, camping, wood water. Cost? $15. FroM experience with the sale of Supertickets te the Labatt's Ine Cal organizers are advisingthose planning te a the threc day event te buy their Superti( quickly. NO BLACKOUT - At thre new Kawartha, track racing every Thursday and Saturday p.m.) has been attracting bumper corî ds and lent pari-mutuel resp)oinse. As the meet continu horses are becmring more evenly classified, large paypffs for MuLituel bettors are becoming1 frequent occurrenice. Af 1er the threat ofa p blackout, Kawartha Downs oný August 17 i track officia]s have r-eached agreement witb tli cultural society and will definitely' have rac Kawartha Downs on those nights. t t t t t BIG NIGHT - Tonight at Port Hlopeç's Agi] tural groundà, 7:15, the fourth gainé of the se between Locke's TV Electrons and the Fîdf Flshsould attract a large crowd, The E transç are one game down bu.t on Sunday shfi thec*y were far frein eut cf the runnin2 i they teel the casterners on their home dieui under the lights 6-1. The Saturday enduh game was anybody's battle up to the l3th ii andë couild have gene eîther way, se try te i it ta Port Hope tonight ta lend vocal supi and if yen can't,,be sure te show up at Sýf day's game here nt two o'clock. t t t t t BOXING TOURNEY- When this year': Pro-Am boxing tournaament gets underway, manville will be represented by local letter à Howard Edmondson. Active in amateur boxir several years naw, Howie, 24, will be attempli duphîcate his victory in the 1971 event. The con 135 pounder wihl be trying ta unload the in cither his right or left hand when he faces hisà ent in the Lîghtweight class. Edmondson, who out regularly in Oshawa and Cobourg clubs, c cd this summer in the Ontario Championship.ý in Toronto at the H.M.C.S, York. Uc was defea; a man who went into the final title matchi division. In addition ta the eight ta 10 miles he' es an his mail route in town, Howie trains dili, and believes he is in top condition for the CNE His match is ane of numerous supparting bai the Pro-Arn card,, ranging from the Heavyîv class down ta the Flyweights. t t t t t PLAYDOWNS - Kendal Junior Rayais wil meeting ceither Frankford or Newcastle in first game cf the EOBA playdowns at Jaci Park in Kendal on Thursday evening at 1 Aug. 17th. The Rayais werc the winners in tournament at Newcastle lest week and hoping te go a long wey towards the finalst yer, Ne word bas been received on when Kendal Intermediate Eagles play theirfirst ga in the playdowns, probably against e teant ff- Eastern Ontario. t t.- t t t eady Is 50 -24 at ils-, ilis- and -Am tend ikets ]Jawns (7:30 excel- les- and those a4 more ýossible ind 19, e agri- 1ing at ictil- ~ries lity ning CNE Bow.. arrier, rg for ing ta npact, ail in ippon-. works mpet- Sheld cd by n his ;rUdg- lently bout. Ats an veight be the son -30, the are this the Mne om OFF TO OLYMPICS - 15-year-old Karen Le Gres- ley, Toronto, is a member of the Canadian swîr team which will compete in the Olympies. Miss Le Gresley was ane of four chosen fram Ontario as a team mnem- ber and leaves this week with the team for Munich, Germany. Karen is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Balfour Le Gresley, Toronto, and granddaughter of Mrs. Ern est Vierkoetter of Toronto and the late Ernest Vierkoetter, both former world champion swimmers. Th.ey commenced Karcn's training when she was three years aid. Mr. and Mrs. Re inald Le Gresley, Ntewcastle, are her paternal grandpa 'ents, t t i. t t STEELERS COMING - Lasco Steelers visit the Burketon softball team at 2:00 o'clock Sunday, August 2Oth, at Blackstock school grouindq. in ville Lions club il IVL *y, Aug-ust 19t )F ANTIQUE and MODIFIED CARS, AOTOR CITY CAR CLUB BOOTHS -BINGO -RIDES REFRESHMENTS "MOON RIDE"F DRAW FOR VACATION S - $1.00 iûnsi Community Work 1t 7-