The Canadian ~tate~ma", ~o maiiviiie, Au~ 23, 1~72 il -I Bea ut.iful Ca rs on, Display In the antýi0que andi rod car parade on Saturday, there were many old timers Pndir-cstoredh icesof yesteryear that Were in better than new car condition. Trop jphnoo shows Gerge Kennedy's 1947 Mercury froni Bowmanvilie. George is Serear 0 Oshawa Motor City Car Club and was a busy man over the week- c-idl H is car is f ollowed by a 1930 Ford owned by Bob Smirle of Oshawa, Phil V-wles dune buggy and John Goode's car froni Bowmanville. Middle picture is of Tferr ' Freeman's 1923 For d from Orillia and-bottoni pictures ahother 1923 Ford ednfrom. Toronto owned by Frank Power. AIR POLLUTION AND ART been subject to some kind of "wash" the incoming air, re- Airpolbton s dmaigchernicai attack'. moving from 85 to 95 'Per .ý,i rllùionîs amaing, Ato emissions and in cent of atmospheric impuri- DFoPple, plants, animais. And idustriai pollutants are the ties., Both poilutants from eàf~ treasures, even those chief cuiprits.' At Bostonsà auto exhaust StIl] creep -i-,ide museums. Museum of Fine Arts, fumes through the filter systems. "'The contaminated atmos- from a nearby garbage dis- The best systems,, says Dr. pres : over modern industriai posai plant have been pinr- Haagen-Smit, have elaborate etrsare sbortening the pointed as the source of a charcoal absorption fiiterm lifc span of many forms Of tough black substance that combined with washing devic- arl«", says Dr. A. J. Haagen- bas encrusted hundreds of es. These systems, however, Sit. a bichemnist at the ancient bronzes. The Museum are so expensive that mosti CýPiIiiria Institute of Tech- of Modern Art in New York museums cannot afford thern. s~lg."Frescoes, stonework, -whose outdoor metal sculp- Air pollution's damage to tpsrspaintings, have al tures are coated with many the art of al ýges can be seen layers of a heavy wax to pro- by the naked eye, Its eff ect teet them from 'pollution- on human lungs la reflected G el Cash Today inspeets its indoor gaileries in the rising rate of respira- every Jay for the effects Of tory disease. Find out how F or OId APPIÎnceS gases and sont that are suck- you can combat air pollution. einthrough air ducts and Contactyour local tuberculos- 1 h roughcorrode the paintings. is and respiratory disease as- thouhToday museum people re- sociation. Its a matter of STA T E S M A N igard air-filtering systems as life and breath.--Northum- C il A S S I P I E D S the best method 0f coping berland-Durham Tuberculosis Phone623-303 Jwith air poliuti>on. The most and Respiratory Disease As-i successfui both filter andisociation, Box 300, Cobom-o, Extr Lo Pres!AbsouteY H Coproise lQ ua ke ciI(nraton8 8< I.uxuRY, ? V'APiuuIý ACTION PRICED Pamper Cat Food 60nO IIQUID 1 ACTION mPrIC Javex Bleach '64flýoz plasticb't 1 4 3< CHEF gOY.AR-DEE (WITH MEAT V2Z JAR 47e) Spaghetti Saute PLAIN 22'/,..z 1 5 9 Tuna Fish COLD SEAL CHUNKS 6'/2-oz tin 4 2 PopsclesELSIE, ASSI. FLAVOURS 3 pkqs0f 6100) COLONIAL COOKIES (hocolate chip 2-lb pkgý 97< LutWeekf ut this Low Pice! A s..j-b orI nd of 100% ,*' nCfe GROUNO TO ORDFR (34E BAG 5.9 à"FE BAG j V'IGoRoUS & WINEY (3-LSrAr- $2.29) BOKAR IOFFEE -LB BC7 9 Swîtchl and Save! Queker, Re~IrDeg Fonod(WitlCheeso 72-0% pkg 1,5 K(en L Ratilon Burgers 72-oz $kg 1 63 ORANGE PEKOE Red Rose Tea BRagS pkg of 6085 E. . SMITH (CHERRY 19-EL-Ox TIN 3e> Pie Filler APPLE 194.oz 4 3 Alpha-Getti 14-f -oz ftn214< ,LI FLAVOURS, MEAD JOHNSON Pahlum Baby Cereat 8-, ýq36< [ Discount DBaked Goods! J JANE PARKER, Plein, Suger, Cînnemn(U AE8 PACKAGES OF 12 JANE PARKeRFULRNC,4-TSE App-le or Lemnon Pi 49 JANE PARKER hsAVE 6 Choc. Browies 15--z pkg 3 JANE PARKE.R (SAVE 10,C) Date Cruinch 12-oz lray 39 JANE PARKER, PINEAPPI (SAVE 14c) Sweet Ros pkg of 839< JANE PARKER (AE6 (Of fee Cakie Babka 16-z cake '.(9<E6c jANEF PARKER, JIAMBLiRG RUNS OR' >9 Wiener R ilis kof8 0 Many WHITE TABLE STOCK POTATOES BAG The Canaclian to-mnianville, Aug. 23, IMI) (ut Your Food Costs To The Boue Sausage & Bacon! Red grand Beef! Super-Right grand, Sliced "GrRat on a Gril" Side Bacon 1-b,,pc 8 8 Rib Steak lbs$ 14 Cenpfire grand, Rind On, $y th. ShrtRi Ras l 7 Side Baco i lb 68/ -ei X -,4 Vareies, $!or% Peck Shoulder Roast lb 76j Italian Sausage lb 74c "Ge n eGrill" Cross Rib Steak lb 980 Porlc !"Greei on a Grill" PorkCalifornia Steak ili.0Ç Couniry Style, "Great on a Gil Sn~r ~¼ b 87 I CokedMeats Etc. Shoulder or Butt, "«Great On a Grill i rnAsre akg 4 -r U10iJ1PS lb f ý COId (uts 16-.z-pkg 8 PIlry* SX Breand, sulk, "Grroet on a Grill" y~~~ i o lr! iWiellerS 4-lb ctn l.9< 0- 16 î-~ ein Swift Fiotrn, Ry the Pi-ec (hicken Legs lb659f Dutch Lunch saamiilb 6 9 Frosh fSep4le Lef Brand, l, 1ced Chce arts lb BÉ58/ Bolgna 16-oz pkg 5 9 Shop'ysy rend Pkg cf four 2-ci pL- Frozîen Meats! Corned Beef 983 J ,,çn lSyle or Peter Piper nrand, Viski SX Brand, Frozon Great on a Grill! BOlojgla By he Piece lb 3 H aMburg Pallies 2-lb b.,1.58 Schneider Brandl, Slicad, 7 Veai, ShidrFrozen Great on a Grilîl MecltS Cooked 6-oz pkg 3 2 S teake.ttes Beef 1-lb pkg75/ nrs r Shopsy Brand, Cç..ale or Rupert Brend, Frozen, Golden Battered PO tato Salad 24-or ctî 5 7j Cod or Perth 16-oz pkg 78/ O.k Brand, andPii3 ___________ Pork Shoulders 1-lb lin 9 Pick up your freea originel reciPé!et U aiAP k Brand WEO's Mea? Counter. This Vik' recipe DashBcnlli * 11TURKEY TROPICANA".Dn5 a -Ibi, 8 i HE RE1E c0-NOM y 0RIGI1NAE s LL PRICES SHQWN IN TIS AD GUARANTEEO EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATUROAY, AUGUST 26, 1972. Pkg of 4 rois ASORTE CLORSPKcO ~RomL SCOTTOWELS 49ý IWild WEO Values!j Orange crystals pkg -r 5 pkgss8 8 Â DURASHINE Floor Wax 27-oz fin 13 RETTY CROCfER Pie (rust Mix 18"o pkg 3 < LIVING (REGULAR VALUE $ 8 Playtex Gloves p8ir 1 Frozen Foods! YORK, FROZEN. Onion Rings' 16-,.,pk 5 9< YRK, PURE, CONCENTRATED, FROZEN