M4fBuc Tisn, e W L - -- d-or--i-u h'W!ý TPnon EdtorPhone 9874M1 Perf-ci W-eaýther For Garden Parly Th1e Canladian -Stateernan, Sowimanville, Aug. 23, 1972 J 'nnnthsý He was P. regident of (Ber-tha) of Oshapva; , Seagrave. brothe,-s, -Bl!!ofBomr Born Aorili , 1919 In the ville, Jack 0fOhaa Jac Parry Sound area, heF 5the tliree grandch1ldren on 0fthe late '-r.and Mrs. MnReîdwas at Ire rn Allier Reid, He was maried strong Func-al Home. T!ira ov1 lth, 1944, in Oshawa, service ras held -'n-,th 'e c-hî wher5 lie lîved until four l jon Mronday a t I 5 on.r years- aga when lie moved to ihitreta Union Cemetery 1vS 14e ws a mernber of Seaý Cooper 0-r Uvbrîdge ofcae rae United Churcli tir UAW1ýA Local 222, anrh ouN Fr Port Perry Royal Canadian_ _____________ Legion,_____ ___ TIre- deceased i-1 uvre by hi. wife, tlie former Si- I _Mrs Lee Sturman (Cai-ol) -ind Kathy, botth of Seagravt;"- one son, George, Seagrave, cne1 sister, Mrs, Ed. T-li wAell eea nuac Rent a car for Asofr TtaeDA COUNTT CHRYSLER-DODGE LD 623~2586 HARRY VOERMAN 623 3111 or 623-39-50 33 KING ST, E. BOWMANVILLE I ATTENTION FAR E S Pe nd AUT-MOBILE INSURANCE oro63-39c0 Si- XIN S t Duigthe ~ecs ] (Rceaion Comrnttee's by Sr ý, intructor Mrratro ,ri n-st ructoýr George Junior Gareners Win Awar-tds in Show CNTA~0 PUBLIC OTICE ON TLME MUNICIPAL ROABI> INVITAT-WIOýN TO SRMTWITNBIV O il uie t 92 he Onta ria 1LMgisj2Iature bIte an4-J reptortpon Ille Ontario NMunicipal Boacd andtemakercomnatoeon: () he pur- pos, ebj-ct amfI fuictonIs of the Ontar jo Mulnicipal Bor.( b ) 01p,-u riidi c 1il 0 ithcOn t ari] Mun "i ci pal îBea r el, (d) thepue n d p Orctc Ill te Ontaiie fMicipal Boar-d,(e) theproe-dresby ayof appCalIfroin 1-11rordiers and ofuiings()fihe Ontarie MuNI1 iic i palB o aroi, inclding ppelsb 'y wAY of pttosto (the ?ietenaýiit evernar ini Counicil. (f) the rela- tionip cf t44 he Ontarýie Micipal Boaird iin the dofhageetitsrspniblti with ithe Pro- indivd1a citindzen.(- rariganly cf the ahove 1a11s, rlait th OtaieMuicpa Boýard. HRIEFS IMUST PBE SUI TED BY ý'Iý S PEM RERl5h,192, TO THE CLERIK 0FTUE COM- MITF TEE. BOX - 233, IMA IN .1ARLIAMENT Gaand assistants Kathy Gustar ndJeni;fer Gray. ,Tlire eveinginuesdeotatnsforneta swiming iust7 he resnaio Iniomne Chose wl'io successfully ý'paae;d thirtets, A large crowd 'V wat,ýched the pefraM.I ____________be Chiristinep Crockett andý Brad tine Crockett- Michelle Tuf- yc Honpkins, tie; Anidi-ew DP lord, Angle DePlaa, Denise pal Prulnr; Angle DeP]aa and El- Pedwpll. 'e n eP"Ia, tie, arrots - Angie DePlaa, lare Sýcrapbook- Christine Croc- Dehbie DeBruin, Jessica Mos- kett tert, Christine C rock e tt, -A Ha'ppy Hours -(Àhistine' Faye ose, M C1ýrockett, Katli, LeGresley,l Christine Crockett, ttiln Brud Hopkins, Delibie Deý the bighest nuniber o)f poilntq, iI - run.won ;he Lins Plantie for her iDre Dreao ose h tt ie achievement Da CrocJePt 5 T e IVIostert, Childrenil 1to 14 Vear% FayeJoe, icael cke, Garden-, -Nancy fleBruiin DelibhWle Pdwell. and Yvonne DeBrujin, tie; Scula Dver~sic Mo ,îneîBriown; Joanne LeGresl- nis Pewel, Dlih e Ped- o Garden Genf Enlerand llen DelFsi~&Flae Yon I PIaa;Denise ewl and DeBruin, Nancey DeBrinr. M D eh I DBrun;Mid ele Vegetable Zoo -Jo)anne Le'A- Tuffrd id rad opkn,;Greslev, Npncy DeBruinl Angle DePlaa and cIChrivîst!ne Arngm tofNur Crocket YvonreDeBettn Delbi ?eielBruin.,Jio a nn ve LeG!res~y Kes fN'tue Ch3tine' NanýIcy DeBruiin, Jim Hong- rcetjessîc McvsertDekap aise ?ewell. 1Cornflowers Yvonne De Suf]wes 1:1a n er- Brutin, Nanicy DeBruin, JPni Crccke tt1, J.e - s i c MosteLýri, Foogkamp. Joanne LeGreiàley Kith L) reseyPBrd Hp- Beets N- Ancy DPertnj 7zkr,iins SzanAdmcl on7DeruroannL DlheDeBrio. Elln DeNa'ncv DeBruin,Ki ow r. Pla. ordon J.~ oneLGelv 1Cornfllower JsscaMo- Wr 'ike t0 thank afil ter, RthyLeGesly, h-u- pop e wbo donted 1orz, tieCrockett, DenIse PPed- ind r ypod of thet-M pe,-7 - Ellen DePlaa, Chris7- p n a ood sho TIC) 1 N,ý ci htl ,P,-r, a111 M th zilae'? ]wn ti Dinnerguestewîtb r, a on 1m-ch w-lth th e orId. t gioves wear thm. And c' take t hm 1 eantr rîght iway w i ih tools The Y k 4'rme' CompensatjOn o and ho afey sciaion Bonard - UAIU rGALLON 5110? EARLY 56 MA I t7~~I i FORLo j d ~'J-'ersona1BEST CHOICE ROL A of St Peter-sburg. lord. ' ___ QL ! 10 Mr andMrs. Harold EBa-r-o-WOE ODN i Lugir00mc f port Hope, 1 Mre IdATOaL B T E ia. MotnofOoMaid- CASH andi CARRY ONLY No.- -- PINEs Vcdr Mr.VneCooper cf Osha-wa I Vt ah aIr cfNewtonville. L M --an svn1ý i We, ae sorry to report t ,t 4.y- M Grey<i9 obogdane hpe-I-Rg,$29ta rPat ,10r, Chai-lie Woo ie a patient1___ eiRgua-$,5ec iîn Memorial Hospital, Mrs ac ____ - ereta Biersteker is now pl- 8x i 00f, PCA to lie at honi. 8 1 ii oor TOet TO CLEAA resi, yellfwNorcastylAS LOW AS7 Severa cf Nwcastl rmI- Each dents enjoyed the Bowmnan- ville Lions Carffival last Sat- h-rday' evenIng and ;a nlmber -c of thern have taken la thei C,NE. VDtfAi 1 A T We understandthc.Uat SM ~ h I ~~ W ~ HAND COUTIC George Church Garden Par- - ty was another girat qucces-ý wti threweatherman U îcor oT0p-E 0J erating, We hope te have an J -full account of thie event forM next week, i-T R Mr-. and Mi-sý. Keith R oger-, 20 CARTONS <1280 SQUARE FEET) 2' x A'STR son and faiiy and Mr-, anrd- Mrs, Rohert Shýearer and famlM îly enjoycd fthe past weekendl NeV W.WS camping Pt Cherry ValleT t G L NA f î Park, Picton(m, Mre, Helen l4obbse senjoy 8 Lay-iiiPanels pïr carton a OHW ing her holiday, Rer fain.Iý, K ý WOOA F have received at least twol SpeC-ial PGr Paneli b Clear . ......WMAVILL Dostcards from i er, one wbile i in Ednionton, t1ire other sonre MGROUF CVONTAINS SKYLAIRIç FI5ý SURE» AN»STLLR whrre in tire Yukon Terri--______________M______ Tlh e miultof' the Camlp 1 ATN AA Sarnac International Compati- tive SwiArinmlng Meet en Au- CU gust 1 91, ar as follow,i I heats end finals were i-un, wItb the foIlowiYng Newcastle swimmer- ulfigfor th6 4 eurFefbCro fin-als, They ere Roias 01HGIA Kermp, P andie nder, bacýk- Mn crawl; 1Kevin 'Ruttan, 8a amIo CE R 7 9 under, freestyle; Marysia Ma-T I jor, Il anrd 12, backcrawl anD lireaststroke, Robbîe Cooaha WAqrEHOUSE LUIBERLANDI il and 12, freestyle; and'-I Chis Dwyer, 13 and 14, back- WA REFHO-,USEL 21 C NVENIIENT LOC A TIO0,NS crawl and freetyle. Tire ont i swîn'a-ei-te place Ina ti top M ______ thre wae aysaMajrio ONaw.,MWV----.oI COURTICE YARD and elaccd 17t in bakciaw]and100Bon d, St, WstSLE RO Srd In breastFtroký',e;' NewcvastleOsaw 0IG T.W, E-S 14EWA i plared Ilotirnuut cf tre il_____________________i RTC R traèms prueentTramswir-eil Phone 2-67_____________ rr Lo~ ,Ii- dsaýY, Som-,ereet, Port HpCentennial, Municipal,-I.ii î ii~ ~ r jaxý, WbitLy, Mai-oi-a, Pick-- III ijI III W L L8N Afth, ire p ff, i-crtîewrMC OUR TICE 728-1611 e II4US UIIEDIAftND -- 73 irarve no ccount of tireW te 1,Va i ras le et.- Thurs;day eveni-ng it Wal- Aý ht was ielweat heu on SAiturday aftcrno n orSt.Gog'sAgianCu uden rpartl0y 1held ion the Rectry ils, H, Fllowingashort paradeCaon FI esfreh cf Petrborough eut L ie ron tcfical pen the functionp He ,os aisted by Rcv,. Poi. Tfayne at right lIllte bckground, are Mrs, esketh, Ir. P, F LeGesly, rs.Haynpeand tomntsoddaughter. Katherine lEhza- 'trepresenting the oldest and youingept rmembers- of the parish, Sera-d cke eJn'smothodPdugýhtrr Tammr-y was toý have take-n part as th1re nugcest, but was int available The ement attracted a large crowid who partii ted in the various gýames, home(-mi-ade cooking sals, etc -e InteesoWd atendance. ,Mh. und Mrs. Albert Firm-i-BJ AR ApnOOgiees are ~pesdto dot, Long F.atn, England. a le Bender of the e near Nnttingham, have been GEOGnvEI stir Baptist Ch..rcli, wiose - -eiting Mîr. and Mrs. W. My- An inspector a- Geera le ls Pastor aMnot e. a iLakex iw Blvd.,, New otrs Gerg R i d d e eviouly wrttn p flo cifoi-re e daysacooi- Uoc Port Per vHo-SIta o t servic fo Aroaou7ly i1 1 for tic past thre g-renvnylcotate in the group. 36" - 42" -49" higbh. SAVE ON Prer iui quality *GASOLINE *DIESEL SMOTOR 0OIL CAIL COLLECT 668-33411L FOR IMMEDIATE DLVR CHAIN LIN PITTSBEURG PAl NT SEI ENCING FlUE ANT Pimeas TO C LE AR nie PlIC- iîei uni erd i Gageor13 Ganse,- Somtie SPECIAL LOW PRICE Hei la -50, rolls ' Mesh,ý Galvei-i-Îz LIMITED OHÀ&IýAT-IT-Y 144 3%le im-m% 1