Newaste'sBeverly Hilibillie-s La~p, wekafr ecm et hch t,vJal pol actIto LinIýClub ràsiî waagwn o RssilHonyfel ae ecssayben dneden, Don r jtc 1i rdt( e frede-ýjrallmher ofrar etwilthfdrigatn' uld ýIn1ould be in use by foi N rthb andiuhan. hapto Id a group in Jaa ,t - Ii th nd August.e p,7 as C v is&ta eihtC d1 p i, eeYs terdiayPatour o!f. proacs i ta nrtarnsc-~ O ieiin tha ,past the pet- micaci1centrie à,ivn ol tlpo1h rdig re of prcojects was dictaqteil MrHoniey arird The R(eeea L Jh rjcawrm.tySo Ottaw,,a and carried out Hope, Kaitn aa n Ihose 1hichhd recied cd- acrsîh nto.Now resi- South Moraghan IDnhls eralra1 -anilundrei Oppaj1ýr- denýIts ri o an area halva ueîwo aeheir supp oth tuutefo Yuh rgram amIy nt(1a appID foj-r graTits for0bIlg of heû CenPtr1-e. --ri iteLocIntaive Po pocswich ,iwil) best eva With Mhe lhelp of the ,De- gr-la Ithr',in-ýidiiul commnurIity"partmen1t of 1iHeiall ad We- 1 1urma ,11 th nd of atate d. tare, wdoCtors Ada1en th etesie rM Hoey LuJnevilaane loc 1)(al i ht have aliready a ranrged to exr;sdenfusam t the peol0 got togathairi a i year be)Cgin ratiin the centre quality o'fitl, roece ri1go and ibega-) n to rIpke mi- as s'-oon as it is opeed. had ben odutd.mniyCentrawhchwArs ii~ideCIý1,ntccurredl in Hastingeý,, à' "J an lese t ~e roa ey undon onitonat2wenasma-Cll boat, vithïthrM damn on the TCrent anal for, an LgrnAfan h - fader i govrc Limentind with Rsig eiindt h ,hae m»awVhwsa aeridprmn ftas runsea ai portL _oZsal aey ,vc 'O~1Ce/ pwrate opatî e t the dam jwhich wald lp CRI TKISM WIDONT novated the linla rvetth utr!ocr MIND,,W! WAN TO Na the hll l ry atrac rnce of such acdns PLU/4BIN30instelleàabau 30 teat aboy events initha commui n y, STANDA~ vhrea efranoan wn Clhamn, aid abPout aP foot and ed to set foot iin thabufldin, afo n hl by h 1/ -1IRY 'ivnwter lve. Thasa ahie ~~ ~ er aeeording toin rn r in, ouIlaia otobyth 1" /NOArnllther LTP gran elpdI thedam tha bd0i -adly neaderiTid atns r aa n iniedical ce.ntre in Millbraok ecdthsftyevean which is ,-ow; ,narirng corn- the LIP projacte, whicli in-! Thisi 0 groif youngsters gôt aldr sd p for the Lions Carnival PaIrade The naad for ,,uch a cýentre ic]udad the piainting of the' in Naýwcastie on Friday nght, Aug. IL, and had a great tirne, including DukI!e or HARVEY was raalliJzad 1byvtha Millbrook Interner of the a'rena aid tha "Habo" the dlog. Thcy called themseles heverle y Hilibillies and arc, 1f'rm ILio!sthe shoreli nafthe cnaileft firight, Normian Shearer, Stewart' Tilison, Tom Dwyer and DennisRoesn ing f1thai. nl and rais- BIath a Tgrant and n RO 283..20: tis yer.OpprtunjitpaF for Youth gai MeIAMEVIE -1 fndPi oly ntrhe galThe Good Ship Lolipop quikiyendsrootly ndThe LT? grat, uedfor Tendclaaing id faPing pepa uitabsebaii dia- $ iî»l beachareawiththir grant .i. , n o xayi. 0icvviîh the faraigatldsi 0, loynt;1o prts hadbeen a bon 0 te b n imbers. teOppor- DURING - Yýr outrîrm The Warwort novd1,1 students and any- wharefrom55 ta 100 chtld- RED TÂGAU e'tamIaurudn e h muica, rcreti onal id euainlprogram h P gdallenes dayfor itha ___________________________________ h I a yatodayinii tihe IÂanie Dufty the dîrector ofth projeetL, saîd tbat ai- 11Ioujgb tbay h ave the use o! heMillrook arera, m-ot of ti ect oivîtias taka place tri T is t iour b"y Mx. Hn S wat the fourthin1the ls w ng-w1t a rils "tha eri Another fiQat thiat drew loud applause fronm spctati'ors 'alîng the route of pra nse"In he rding th Lionis Carnival Parade at Newcastle on F,-rida, Aug. lth, was -The Go ________________________________ .~ rtHop Gude:Ship 1Lol)lipop". af a amily 'l' ppi;ng adventulý re, iii Iihecomý-1fort of I l imae onrole al. TFheý 1ags centreibe(wee stoeswih banks,___ ant thatrs.Parkingý for over . 40casor take 'a bus leght iethe oor. Corne on over and joi n ir1 ihe funr VERY CLOSL t) YOlE. Bof 77 W 778 AIRE KINU 1TuàZVQP1 îJUâ UA * re F d rPro jects In North Section of Riding Inspected by Russ Honey tee atitlad: "Povar y inCa- ada" and1(qthe ubauatpub- Repart"[-y four! marinbo r- signed frorl the Senea Co- nutte tawrite it,.Be-. W. lClarke MacDonaldi Icratciary' lof ite Department, of Cburc h in Socîety, says thaýtt study :gujidaýsfor, group or coîgraiga- 'OUI ripartment. is oir- ethat we mustcoatgrp iithe reel issue c eo amedeprivetiýon irn Cnadien acty"Dr. MacDonldt; said m e latter faministersý. "hs antails baing concerned ab)out, l tig the higher incarne stratea s wcll as raising the lower - otherwiste wa s.imply parpetuata the gap hatwea rthem i nd do not alleviata the 1pr ohlcm.î " i ' On1 iion--medical drug u lse issue, the Church's Dapartment Gelph Course Wl!i HeIp 'UrbL-an Fa7crmers'L efforito ta away îfeom tha gram wiil, b lgvenh , ep rat, race id upollution o! the facity stýarting ti Sepamar dry, re byingcouîtry es- twlca weakly trli tha vnig tataes dfem.Some 1eaveP et twi locationst - thqe Uni their jobs behiud ta hecorna versity if Guelph camps ai fuil-time farmenrs. O t h ers, York Univorsity camipus. who are momre appre- Il is genarafly ncuç-pi.ed niensiva, tmaya t, the couritey thet miore farm ers are, rotf ta, dabble lu feemîg aid needrla nthe iiuty u commute tothirjobs ti he1 BETTE1R Srar r ,-Sm Cit.Otigi scrtin a! t)he P"uIrbea fermrC"à wii icg aidii) an ctfor, ta pro agem i1tIailtyin thir city vie tsri in crp1aib ad ehn ,J er i, l iorain i tIlýIet hrcri Gue ih icourselhpesf gia anareieflicUnivarsty f Tt ,la hopad l Ahtteko program h aphîrd ag rocul nm-will[ resuit r1su;tn-la tiraethis feu. tialsa vings ta uaw tras Offeread theough the Uni-Itheîugh reduction of lassasli venty' Oficeaf aîtnùig}and theouagh better farmingi veritys O(icofConinungpractices. To quaiify fora crictein applied agicul- K ENIDAL iure, a îtudent must coroplf e IvIrs, iDoa e MacDonald, Brown Owl, Leader if Ken- RDUE E da] Briwnies, spent lest week DIC NIVTR aftending e' leaders' traninag A remarkahle new tire pro- jcourse et Dia Lake, ue yDno îa rm Me. aid Mes. Reg Elliott ieo nadt ciet e bîecmaid Mr. andid eý nrdt ciet Mrs, Harlend ,-1Sacra o! Baille- suitîg train hlow-auts, id bora, ircturîefd borne 0o Set- ta thea np]lasant necessi ty o! urdlay tran two-weeks mot- chaîging whaPels indagr or tnp fal, 1the West. T1cý uad/r uîoerfbv Sympathy la exteaý,Cddta hiChway spafeds -for 50 ta 0 Mrs. Wrn. Weînon of Orono mlswc aitd 0te or the suddeî passiîg o! ber ýmlsw-eidfaes hiushard lest Tbunsdayl. motarist gttiig a fiat Wennon lived i Kandel un- wauid sîmpiy driva loirtae IIthes tieo ler-irî ha fme ! hr mrrige.convenient servira staion ta Mr,,John iVeMillen aid feml, o! Tboeihîlî re gt it repaired. spaîiîgthi wek e thle ntaria Saqfety League or- j.rni sommer home whiie Mr. Vie- ficnals wvene amoîg a ru M i i u is ram m u ting lâily f oý sÏa i pr ss ve de bis work iiu Toronto. nonstraini (the' tirsL ii Mr4. aid Mes. Fred Tbomlp-1Ncrrth Aeceof this i ewý sion o! Van(ouiver, B.C., havetr.Cmecilpouto spart thendpast wck vist -ri ome way off, aid thaerai MrandMca Gaiai Ceh-may ha mueb aboya pras-n- carndaid is brother, Mr,tie Hovrtiinnin rhrThrpo.They leaears iwvr ti neA,)- Mode frWuilupeg. ýCauld make it unnacessýary ta Cal. aindMe.D Child aidli carry a spae whaai o car dauteni i sitc'ciSetuedayiluthe futiure. Onae uno afitrnooî wit teir aunltitralseute taf l Mrs.Wm.Marer.Thay hav might be pas;ible faedir juat hen moed taottawa the lerigth !casn ya(mc Ifrii hi Martime. .as 2 iches,wtb cnai I i , n îd i i aw t i l c i p h y t h 1 1 1 1 h FAIR Labour Day> Sept. 4, 1972, H;ORý,SE and CATTLE SHOW LARGE WOMEN'S DIVISION HORSE RACING with PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING SUNDAY and MONDAY MIDWAY - RIDES and GAMES U'ited Church Ministers ,On Dru gs,, Poor, Evann WhanUnued hurh mnisro!Church l oît sae epag ieaneîmu tar ra!to ni from 1,1 ithai hat "the piaent mthod fdertaken y Potstat1Cur deys- tbey'll flnd ana !the deaiing with druog usera by c, b i1loîihAmrif- . ttcý natIionail officeýslbas bee.n ram-ar.rast, trie] aid criminl acthmais "eln ur ra:nil- ing ulp work for'them ta do.lord is tregirally inaequae..'. eit ta1c)Christ, an-111(i ~ The Dearment of Church lnaend suggasts thet "drug uagand 1ep"o r acuee Sacieýty - formariy tha Board(1 sliould ba regaeded a hat,'owaktgehr atii w of Evanganad Social Ser- retadnr thenaq crimilnelmta] omnta upaa i vice - waPts reaction frîm wheî it hecome apabeniipemaia paras qi miites aidly people iîsed h aatat at1rta aigteiniil v tbra curan canans IN~conregtîasit cusidar Ccme fi-marn aI oîîei fie. COME DISTRIBUTION; naIcîrneînothat ah ýjab:ili- C îr maicalue of dnugs, adttvacnrsbe ,proviCdd Teawl aalucm PARTICIPATIION IN A NAT- "frea if puinitive avrfns, vnto(tat'e Snaye IALCAMPAJON OF EV-and safdby persons c-apa)ble aurpaeddb i AINGELISM. Feadback la aský- ifMg iding those a cni iaeutapaa rmDc ad for- by ]Dacambee 3,1, aiediathir dr iiug usa (wh-abe 5h Dtis ith thie informnation rcif il srachil ariunseagvn~ aeua iti i prhbi esuit i lic tea-oraatbî aise), 0 emen tha' publie. media. Re, Keîth butti m-s fnom tha report"d-3commitea floir1tle Key '73 urif th SpcaitSenea Coit-L.y'3laa ninn-iana-tional prigrem. il