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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Aug 1972, p. 1

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Idea Way ta End Busy Weekend t 'i t i VOLUME 118 Thiatnreday at 12.30 a arade ld by the Osawa Shriners Bnd wi be thi tir ttenture os the 10 aunal Blackstock Fair. The g:rond sudt exhibits wilm e uaiy be oen a! 9:30 aan, with a big horst show iftinsg at 12.15, fol- lowed by ailu sehedule cf events ad entertaînment te keep everyone happy, ln the tens there will be two dances. nte for the young and enother for oid- 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23 17 5e Per Con er foiks Wel se yen there! MOTHER MOD OFENING One of Bowmanvile's new business establialh r e ai f s, Mot.her Mod Materials wil open~ tir Frid y, Augusf 25th, et 12 Siler Sreet, in the building formerly on- cupied by Geklis & Feld. The building bas been com- pletely renovaed and is most attractive, Spectacular arade t Pontypool's Fi Day v g aut o un a u ur om a wîoe area enaea sneir weeRena tours and parading with breakfast of pancakes, beaon, sausages and coffee, served by mem- ber sio Bowamnvile Lionsï Club on Sunday m.y nornîng. As both the aus to ufs and tir--e Loshdbeen u lte ire ght before at their metns ndcrnival, thre atmosphere was somewhat subdued, but the food was good Here Mrs. Betty Smirle of Oshawa, hele herseif to some food while chefs Rance Diling, Ed Lesie, Don AlIun and Ted Mîler do the r best to ook cheeful and wide awake own ounesiM mbrs Town Concil vofedfavr roactve fo 1965 gbe for and cty conna a would quaiuy 0f a y saw, Augunt c wcr tihe pension The ton of Bow- for flie refirerent benits. wiE give ail rnembers of coun- mnanvile will pay tir cortri However, detaila of fli acharne cil a penson under finc Ontar butions towards the pension have nof yef been rade avait- Municipal Employeca Retire fun able by Quenrs Park. met See (OMERS Te provincia;oenmen, Mayor Hobbt thougli if Tre bylaw nmakes an coUrt recnfly amende fic OMERS :ely thaf rcup member members w serve ro Acf so tha membes o! tow woud ren ou same penson as other un *PW il R ealeme oy , Ate o -i e r ia councîloere to ag n m amce for eight yearsl the C adC lt ConferenCeve = aensimonper osn h wher lie sached lic age of Russeil C Roney, .MN P li Grad Cayman Brîfish 65 $orthrumbCerland -Duhem a Westldies leputySpe r o e rTho ivtaton wa exend BACK TO NORMAL o! Co s r e a nHoney from n e a Speak A fer a glorous weekend ti+ e to rrsn Canaero ie Legisiafure of Grand of surna and warm sur- at fli Thr ConfreC mtoar mer weathier, flic higli pres Spars o! P Cromnweh Canada ishei ordy Conm sure areas are figlting flic Thelca Confrimen t s. h oeel Counfr in fthe lows agamn fis morning Tir Cofeenc wll iehel Wsfe oiHernîsphere, ofier and iswet outade. Rigit than thoso formn fla Canb- back t normal for th Sean Association, ear, Tie e ne tornrames re season was held on Wedtusda Alug. l6Os, et iesownvol Luthrea Nichrols Trophry Four- feen earis competed ed vireuns wee Mer Moca a d OLiSnndEy? nga 2r thre Osliaa Lewm Bowng lub, Roy and Rea M Snowden Tropliy Tourirst Cail Tenders Courier Service > Tire Noatliumberlarnd - Dur %em Board of Erdncetîor is ends fo cal tenders for açurier service to trasport duool supplies tris fil Tire tem ira used na n: ' '"baisis ins pas! spring en u wras fonnd te lie mun quici i and semewliat cheapar th,,r ire reguler postal servic xtàrs Collide Brea sYMIths 0e A Bowmanviile youth is in Memorial Hospitai John Frank, 12, son of Mr. and Mrs J R Frank, was only on the first rung of the towcr at his home on Edsall Avenue when ho slipped backwards and fell to the grouud. The mishap oceurred on Sunday, August 20. He is expeted to remain in hospital until the end of the week. On Saiurday, he annui Ponypool Park Board pasade and Field Day got off to a tremendous art at noon wih a colorful parade featurîng many interest- ing and unusual costumes and loats. The Park Board was present and just as thîs photo n as being taken, a mîni-skirted baton twirler showed up and was includ- cd. Her face reminds us of a chap named Alex Joncas CNE Baton n Blac Beox T heatre sl etsTon r andle Tht KCnadin T w i r in i , lay "Poferind T re ally. 0ever characte gwere Cr~ampIonship wer held h oWolfu Mond0y nîglt to au (TUPN TO PAGE TWOr j i E r hamazedaudienceo!clos 5 dusvry Building et fi CE. peopleltie Town Hal lAudr- ALMOST EA TO GO on Sunday Augu t 2 torîum Fffeca year old K pihy Tie 14 tuden t use tire John Seto and iis Coro- is fo-rt- -unn-- p rne arcor are de nmaît- natior Cfe sbould rssio e Ctdy Snai:orsion oMised "black box" id,> sot sur-gin opration agaîn, fter a TwIrlisg Champion of Cn- a mo elymonng ad Kathy aliow on. e arin Te Black Box Youh Coni-ire sord weeks ago pnt lr Advanced Mlliary and a peanys tiem oufof business for a Uni Ini Advanced T Strut. "Black box" isivolves tire whule. Cindy Robinson, 9-10 -ei arsse os black velvet lieckdro,--(, A n ew siga', Wr erectîf Advanced Clasa won a Stir b florescent lîghfîngend e nom- fins-wek, fi tone frot, - °-ened Mi~~tary~~ddp-eedh- inlir Ram iStrut. Tuswso lcatr aedesdfo er ieifro sa WALK THE WHOLE ROUTE On S tarday, ee cf tht oldes! veterens lunflic CNE e Warriorn Day parade uas Jack Goodaî et Bowman- vlle, who at 85 years of age walked tht who route and had a great time, acknow- ledging thepplause of the spetetors Charles Burgess of Port Hope wi probabiy consider "33" o be his Iucky number for quite sorne time to core. That was the nurnber on the ticket that won hm thre Lions' Holiday Draw atlas! weekend's Carnival aI Memorial Park, Mr. Burgess won an ail- expense paid vacation for two to Hawaii or the equivalent in cash, Jack Snelgrove of sawa sold he winning ticket and won bimseif a one week's holiday in Fiorida, Pisits JaneProect Two rues escaped injury n a tw-nar accident on Monday night, Aug 14th, but considert sbuc demego was caused te the automobiles ivolved. Rbert Bnrrows, 27, Tremu .Street Wiifv. was cross ng Liberty Street eat tir Churnu o Street intraeccon wlen his car cellided withi one drîvei by Fred Fsk, 35, o Hîi Strêeet in :Bowmanill Mr. FTsk vas travelling senti on Liberty et the ume e tI accident. Tire misirrp ennui ed ' et 7.45 n tir evenmi" Tire total damage casurate te botir vehîcc iras beca placed et $l050 by t'e Bow-' ' manvile Police Dap- iretmcme'~ " P.C. Brôrmly was île investi gafing ofñwer. ,..~'44 f HOLIDAY FOR FAIRJ Public school sude) s Orono will gel a iat-aynemesotieCm tfendlc c'izsdcu eoiday on Fridey etternoosifusPe c wtrNriubran-uhmM? u Soptorber 8tb, Carke Tows-new- cmltdbudgLe eniIae nH ahip Cone1 deoidd to gran shed c=t coýp fm10-1 run C yc 0ic.nembers ofuee mte ndlc ctzes ics h-nc--ý, ý_ 7- ý- -:ves- PrFoj ectv wt h Northuminburinand-Durh amni P,10Rus ,!spin1%imas C-Cnewly coplre-te biqmg.left to rihtuae. Mr.Un tj n, Mrs. Curîi M cs Marie Beaucage. Mrs Merlene lair Day, MVxon and Mirs, Ellen Fisher, Treasurer. MAKE MOVE - Hockey enthusiasts involved inthe current .hassle over ee lime at tne Arena will be interested to learn tit Darlington Coundl got into the acft teir recent meeting A moton was approved , for tie purpose of fut uce consudera- tion, plans and eimates of cost of ereclion of a sports ce tre be sought. lt is understood that the townsir:p ý vnsa 12-acre property in tire village of Hampton tire:t would be suitable ,for the purpose. However, it would appear unlikely tiat any action will be taken on such a project this year, other than determining costs and feasibility. t t T t t FAREWELL - This Sunday, Rev. Arthur Van- denBerg, minister of Rehoboth Christian Church will be preaching his farewell sermon as he leaves shortly for a church in Essex. His depar- ture will leave both Rehoboth and Maranatha churches without a resident minister. The many friends he and hi family will have acquired during his ministry here will wish him well. S t t THANKS -Apprecietion l expressed t Baden Pingle, tr oglm!xer bln wsgr Cioie led Pife & Drum bande iere for what mue be haîf a century. He brougrt tre Editor a feed of nce fresh corn and vegetables from his extensive gden end il wes good. Also, tainks to Don Cameron, tie Haydon glediolu king, for a beautîful bouquet of magnificent gleds. DIStAND -The young ladies cf the Mobile Library service who brought se much pleasure this summer to nursing homes, patients in hos- pitals and chut-ins disbanded last Friday. They completed nine weeks of noble effort and will now have a couple of weeks to relax and prepare for their educational activities. Congratulations on a job wei done! { t t t ELECTION - Latest word is that the federal eec- lion will probably be held on October 30th. If tire Prime Minister cornes through with an announce- ment Ihis Fnday, it might be on Oct 23rd, but otherwise look for the big news about Sept. 1st, If it comes then, things could be interesting because enumerators for municipal elections begin to caul et homes on Sept. 5th about lhe same fime tre federal enumerators will be et work, No word yet about candidates for the Conservatives or New Democrats, but look for fast action when the call comres IN PICTURE -in Monday's Globe & Mail front page cf second section, a large picture of J the March Past at the CNE grandstand included Bruni Major Albert Albin of the Bowmanville Legion Pipe Rend. The band teck part in the Warriors Day parade and report a good time, i tot t1 f BIG WEEKEND What shoeuld bo a real eufing is being planned by tire Legien. A bue will leave here Saturday, Sept. Otir et 9:00 a.m. for Montreal te see tire Expos play Pîttsburg Pirates, refurnîng Sunday Cesf of everythring except meaas is $30. Contact Jack Baker 623-2427 or tire Legion. If we renmember cor- rectly, on a similar trip a whrile ago, some of tire lads dîdn't gel le tire game fer some reason, Thal's life. but de figure and tie outt is n1ot farmlier fo us. AIT n ai, it was a great show that the large crowd no- cd. Later, tirere were ela games a barbecue and danne to round ouf a perfect day. If space permits otr photos will be published of a cole of tre ae orer glamor girls for a day pls some young hockey players. F antashîc W eeken RoRu r-S, Un TrieS oI Cana and Uitei SaE.S washe t close and "a few more" During awards presenta- ar acte used t de- oined tour, even tbough tion Gary Wakali o! Rich pectof ttewere not lhbe to wi mond Hi. Ontri was weeken a srod run, accordig an wrds. The only proS- big winner. Gays c a 10 o Gog Kenedy o fl the e ncountered durîng thec Ford Coaci tron its ias, Motor Cît Car Club "The'forf mile tour was a broken tooki the Reai Closed Ore weather, the cars the people, ol line or tbe 1932 Ford u' Ard, Bet't Canadian Car, tbe sponsorsfi m fli Fherry Short Tonawanda, New and Eas Car Ovarail, is car police, tie staff ar d facit e York, which occurred during spor sa flawless biack lac at the Flying Durchiman, the Lions Club Parade. rURN TO PAGE TWO) eerytnmg was tatastie» i reahrear Upm a îna Sixty-nine cars were enter Veb tietrrgstrto ra w t KRAMPS T AKE WHYTES Last night a! Memornal Park, Kramp's Furniture defeated Whyte's Uphois- tery 10-, outig them fromi a possible la.yoff spot. On Thurcday. Stephen Fuels play Frank's Varietr fe decideseodpael the Me' Town Lau so ftbal playofs fhat get nderway nef Tuesday, Thîs f ah, 12 te 14 regional 13 A. Wari, Direcor et higli schrools wil bie takinig Derntal Services for flic HeUi- part in roject Moutîgnardi burfon Kamrarhas and Pmns The proat isivolves ifing Ridge uh Unit wi ha o- boys whio perticîpate luncon.- ceting tire project Moutir- ac sluard cus wil beg porsun e IwaSeoiembe 6 end ru tn i'o a and honkey witl a platic util tie end of tire montax monuthpiece that w:îl profct Tie u s h co:t the afp- them from losing tireir teeth, dents $ each. Local Dignitaries Ride aSyle On Saturday, Hie. Woshrip Mayer ivan Hobs and Deputy-eeve George Stephe roue in style in lie paradé preceding tire tiens Caniv 1. Thein sp rk ling veicle wae e 1927 Chev touning driven by ifs wsne, Robent Keene of B- manvîlUe. Tney were leading tie 69 antique and od cars irere for e weekend invitaional gettogether.Lower proo shans Mr. end Mrs Bii Wabaon of Osbawa wih their 1934 La Salle tiret won firsl prize in tire antique car cas 1 Eggggy y rie Band to. km;C, à- m, § r

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