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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Aug 1972, p. 2

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Taaadan Statesmn»anBwni, Aug. 23, 1972 nt ~ aiy TrnesStOt. od Club J);Southfeld If ed h Club Partici'ratio wr raZ n teroof loere wid '3 Fard Roadster broke thre tichs Gry odetlya ~ar Ae upport s-',the adruta .ha tI' ca ba ~ jtun itwaarepialred, the tour wor 4 awrds ri ln lat -î hadalready ýef t the Mdtown EIIOWS Mal"in Ohwwhere the El-n Bryan-5" Tonawý1adaý Thelionl Clb Prad wYrk HpUAT Lai 93 etrn hee erwas n a Chysir Fmi ngis, rnny erple llning he ar GMC z tiper charger , ud a arouteFound ouI wha CLasa rFonnrel -1; s Gtaýq4r hrode n te aruý,d ecar,a Wa~ terret edar, John restored - 1927 î Che v owne Bryar, Modl T Radate, w ad drien byBob Kenepi "arhutton, Oshawa, AnticAne Bowrnanvîll GordTery, orva, Ot.,tetpheMoto.r iCtty vCar lub wancla, N Y. Streejht CopewolCbe wlcrn ii ow ontoý, ithie TrukCli, lha dai to etu> a 195 Fod Pael IIt apea ,astougih Mater a'9Ford Lor)nget.Ditnc sdrod lTor wa cmpet DELOITTEHASKIN1S & SELLS CfirteedAccountants BELL CAINADA BUILDING, GORDO E, EDGEWICR, C.A. BURT R. WVATERS, C.A. PHONE 728-7527 At he ohorgHanse Show; helti et Aug191,1uCobn 1e o Mn.'ai M K enre îk ain Bomarnnviîle, was lthe hig iiirrefr in theEnglisbDIiso of the Cobhoung hanse ShOWý She waa aboard ber hunter bors "Suntieuce". LUsa won a iountb in Classa 4 - Junior Working Hunten I (31 inr cleas) ant fram then onî as Iook first pnizýe in eachl clasas rtereti.t 1Iii ls 6 - Pair ai Huintelu Tantiem-ni(egbt, pairs in clasa),1 se eneeiwitb a itiîng inienti Commie Evans oi Pick- Iîensng, anti won the Carling Brewenles traphy ior flr51 lplace. In Clas 8 - Gresul Jurnpen (24'in cl sheabswon final ibbo an'dt tnphy damaIt- (28 tr lssnistnb îuat t he Rrdgewood FeP ýrmasîle rose bowl for thel top Jr,ý Tihe weetencoultid'I bave been betten or the GiAnnuelý- Fieldi Day, auniev, Auguat l9th, aosaeiby Pautypool1 Park Board. The aflero proceedings openeti wilb a parade i aon Eu risalineti up aIthýýe aid Highay set north o! the village ani pair- adeti througb the village be- fLore entering the Communîty Park. Mn. end, Mrs, Lloyd 0ayor, Orno. wene the Parade Wi1nejsowerl I WAANVILLE 623 -33 __________________________________________callerg i the home of MrI and itheircoui r, Mn d Mrs ters. r k I ~Mrs Lloyd Alldread, Bazil MeMaster, Brighton. On 1I Mr. an'd Mrs, Tom M~îk ai H ETh Re Cos ,sînxig MndyMr. Fred Hobbs, Miss BRarbara McGuîrk havaý 11 1 UI casesare in the fittal week Sarnia, cilîdren Janîce sr-id retuirned home after e H E O O N ILiat Cedar Park. Abaout 265 Steven were visitors with thinoal ria to th-e Eat Iu child-ren have been receiving, Swallows.Coat insýtruction during tbe' pastj Mr, andl Mrs. Harry So r.U nwe n -Ji, a dc Mrs. 1Leonia;dclo(Atis three weeks under the direc-ýden, Miss Patricia Snowde, Bobaecn1M1,ýpaed byil, r ~ aiSunerlnd ere boue N BRAK N STIKE to o Mrs. Arthur FReynoldsl Mri. and lMrs. Terry RwadMrs, Jol(hn uan.Osa f Sî uesarand vMr is Wm.RE- N TIE i o B H>l( sor I and vsied oteqTe trkeoiCnEioo(Shirley7) and Steve Reyralds (e nwe) saa eewr ud'cleao h Mondy an agansiOntaia Hdre Everyonie involved had moreiaudyspe usswthfre' rtc~n1w relativfes on AnmoY rci enst, is thrirHdthas bssaribbleu ea-teformrer' steMr. and SamDwlHapo mnhthan hs o lelpwa ~~ TuesdaY. with ~~na sgn of settietent 'ther thi er r. o oesad agî(aanehl vr Dr TndMrse eith TylorFirst prjgze at the euchreo Nanc-,yand Hoie of Br'ai issnded idefIntel1yb h îFriday evening was wan by~ rs MrallChatetson. ili oe ha lht Fred Parîtner, Orono. Second,, A ccounftingl 1019.Mashal-ClaftrSni 1Russell Coates, Shirley, thirdJ Mr. and Mrs. JasWierenig psoe,~ Mrs. Stan Gabl 1e, Tyrane, and daughter Cathy re(tturned 'IO tVio ll a1) duonb fourth Mrs. Edria Vivian, Osb- home an Suuday framn a thiree bath, side, i-ta brina abouit a awa. Low scorers were f3Jc'S p r i o x~-~ ~ weeks holiday, visiting rela-stteetCokad rsJakCoaf W haenop rtnt n ur ow nil, ~ tvesin ngand Sctlnd yrae.Cari-ying prizes werer Ontario planit for a 4th. y-var 01-lA .orCG.A.vii-,h *and Wales. waby Mrs, Richard-c Mannis, CongratulationstaM. ndý ' 'Port Ferry and FrýeennMc-I e xeine nsadr otng anid Mrs. John Douglas Withier-igeP, Ms Carl Toddc enetandCullouigh, Part Perry,\,Mrýs. gýenera1 accountiig. Expasure to FE.D,P. i the fo-mer Miss ValerisE dnuA anumbetr ai ladies at a de,-IPascae, ecsthad the dsral.The scesf applicant will be Mercer, an their marriagpe a ntaio At Iber home lat lucky 'cha;ir. The 50-50 dr-aw involved in grass ri ari nalsis, annual Saturd1a,AugusIth nweekca o yMs akFuk ugtn n pca rjesr]tdt atr ýOrano IUnited Cburch. Rv. Mr, and Mrs. FE. Shier, bTar- uer, Bowmanville. reatel t BaslB Long, B.Th., offiiI-a, spent tbe weekend ai Mr. nd Mrsi ele Byers,' ccaunting.' cd. Mr. Wtheridge is a iVr. Lloyd Halloweii's snd Trna ar odycallrs In addition tlaacophesvslay rgrm e teacher at the Orona Public ais' Mr. Gardon Hatloweih Iwith Mîýr. and Mis Lionel' oewl fesecletcre patnte School, Mount Forest, spent SundayiBya1m, Mr, and Mrs. Loe Mr. and Mrs. L.,G. Hpper with thiem. Byam And Mrs. Ruby Spicer, and a wide range ai comnpanybeefts Yu r or 1Main Stree.t Souitb havel Mr. and Mrs. Deibert Hal- Bowmanville, wer-e Sunidayl 1 în-vited ta send a dietaîled resumiie ta _Ud birhoe1n aeno owell ae pnding hajidaysgeî Ms . Marlon Wise-1 Mr. P. Berner, iHoneywell InformainnSsea residing n Oshawa.with friends in Saskatchew%ýan. mari at ber cottage at Caes- 22 hpadAeu at ilwae Miss Jii Abbeyai Pet r . Vr and Mrs. R. Wetheuserare.j Otr boag , who just 'eure and Amysan vtsited Mr. andi England, is visiing ber Mrs. H. Thickson, Elizabetýh-! mnI and uncle, Mvr. and Mrs. vile.EN IKL NTh Tansley week. The Other Computer C..ompany ~ d Dnad bî Riny With Mr. andi Mrs. ' MýTViss Dorenen Mir,-0 ' ý, r and Mis. Win. B. Hoar Hallowetl last- week for a lt- URbri D-tun90ttw. n ey w eII Were, Sunday guppe guests Ils holiday were Michele and spent a couple 0' day lthý af their cousins, Mr:. ant Mrs. Scott Haitowell, Morrish. the former's parenLts, Mr. and - Everett Cryderman, Satîina. Mr., and Mrs. Larry sin- IVrsý. Ban TreWln. - ___ Mr. and Mrs. W ai ier Wheet- clair visitetiý Mrs. L. Todd,l Mr. anti Mrs. Ta ockin erMn atiMr. oranBowmanville, lasI week.' an&i Clint, Elmvale, spent a CQIJRTICE SECONDARY SCHOOL. eWheeler andi famiyof To- Mn, and Mrs. Brian Casweil couýple of days wýiti M ndnt -pironto: Mr. and Mrfs' Jim Ah- andi family wene diriner Mrs,. L. Stainton. tri Class 10n - GrJue en oryaiBawmanvýilte were guesta xwith Miss Norma UMal- Miss Winnifred Cale, RNl ., e irs alyegtain Stae seenin class), wbh Su Pnde venig gc otfaioweli lasI week, îWillowdale, wasWdnsiy wa acu econsisîing ai 10 ei of hen sister, bMns,!1E. A. ini the following, obtals At furfetheghMn, and Mn's. Reg. Sutn. 'eny Lisa wn ihte Eý. R. Lvekin MP ntTrsYAcieLuînX NU E LMr-, antiMrs. George Irwin u~ Trph, onateti byý Kilko-lman atended the w'edding ai thT E Stabldes, Newcastle, along with grandson, Mr. Edwanti Faut MLVr. and Mns. A. J. Hoar anti were necent visitons iz fMr V L 150 pr cent ai the clss' en n ne to Miss Linda Marie family atIented the His 'am- snd Mrs. Pery Cattonî, Gree.rn E N 1 G 'eLA bSES fo'incsi, seond, third antd ternoan, August 19tb in St. rnunity Centre on Sunday. Roberts, Oshawa. lrfrt erà,tidadMary ai the People Churcb, A f amily picnic was belti at Mr. and Mns. R. 11oeanid LNSAE~P~CI iorhpacsa bi 1hw Oshawa, and, reception aI the the home af Mi'a r. anti Mrs Dnl Pirii The Equestîan team was Credit Union Hall., Congrat- Allan Thiessen, Bowmanviile sandw aad FiraÎTON.,i flot in attentiance at Ibis show ulations. 1ta' celebrate the birthday os wa on Friday even!nr19RATOALATRN M Ibhis year, due ta getîing ready- Mr. -and Mrs. Etimunti How Mr, Horace Hall anti 151h weti - Mr. and Mrs. Don Nicholis, for the Olympics, but Jim anti iamily of Timmins visil- ding annivensary ofMnanisd Sehn Mrs. Aana Classes to begin the vveek oï Sept'embler 11, 17 Eldr'stranerbasseen Ibis ed bis sîster Mrs. Donald Mrs. Keîth Rabinson,ý Amang fHolmes, St. Caîhanînjes, wercl Eol lads rmeban s m iaseM. ase n h lreatna weekend' visitons ofai M.atd j and to run for 10 weeks. youg ldy deant ismuc Tasle, n. ansey ntiIhelare atenane were Mr. Mrs. M. Poilarti. fMrs. Gentiei impresseti with bher ability. family on Friday af lest week. anti Mrs. Harny Sprag. Lori.Lnsrune hoe nm Who knows, maybe she'll Mr. William Rutheniordi Jennufer, Fam anti Patty, Ham. ho rtredloe rm make he Oly'mpic ieam, aseWinanf, age 65, hushanti aiý ilion; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bruce, hlidaying wlth ber relatives i Registration by telephone72-46 Ee$50 bas twa more years Jr. ritiing Mr s, Doris Fatterson Wan- Kingstan; Mns. Sld aiat St. Catharines. rinen nt faîber of Ross i Miss Nellie Scorgie, Mn. Ralph Mr. and Mrs. M. Stalut!on.,: M JýTanet Tovekin ai NewcastlBeile, passed away sudl- Maynarti, Osbawva. Miss Elva Oncharti were Sun tagbte r a nat Ms .dny a i ore_'a isDanVnykatn day dinnen guesis af Mn. ani R Lav4kin placeti 6 u clas s Stnre, Orono, on Wednesday, the 4-H lacivity day at Mrs. Wiibent Smith, OsbawA.ý 8(4ncas lucss9(28 August 16th, 1972. Funenal PtroruhFarodTus Recent visitons tiuring lesti n class), 3 inP class '10 (seven wes an Frîday from the Bar- Feeanogyar nT.s week with Mr, anti Mns. E. R.1 in 1ai in lass il (two in low Funenal Home. Inter- dy Taylor were Be,surd Mrs., class), Iment Onono Cemetery. Th iSan Gbef amily aniRbn Sherwfin anid famiiy,, L RE H âe Mn.HaryRoe nt bs the Bill Vivirifamb'bveFitnM. and Mnfii, Charley' daughten Mns. Stan Payne ai been sbowing Iheir b9rses as Taylor oi Orona._ O O Bowmanviile vîsiteti Mn. anti usual ai the feins Ibis un (Balance beiti aven) MrsCReg.Sultn anIrMasmer. As in mast compettos Cosser on 'ruesday af tari varying degrees of success are j A ,ALI,-STAIt HOCKEY TEAM S ek. met but, bath seema quite L R V Tie rnawll glawy Mn. anti iVrs, Doniald' Tans- pleased ith the results aif'The negular joint service WILL RE-QPEN FOR THE te an eardy start thls Year ley, Jeanelte antýiMichael ten s next Sunday will he in Eblen- with thc Machines already spent part'ai their balitiays Mn, anti Mrs. Narm Alunl, ezen Cburcb eit 10):30 arn, with beRna readied for operation, wltb Mn. anti Mrs. Tom,- How B owmanvihle, visiet14t M.'TvE.K. omevilel ai eenA1Sarhe fPeterborough. lanti Mrs. E. A. Virlue. The change af service.'1 72 7 T R yteaseen Ail-Starba- Mrs. Hazel Harnees an-intues were iecent guests o! Bean ui mind the Centeý_,nnial1 key fren Mie row widow af Ivan Far 1row, Mn. anti Mrs. Banl Masters, Services in Seplemben - Sun- BGN IN AT9AM bhrough la Bantai majior pass'ed away on Tuestiay, Bowmanvitie. Mns. E. A. Vin- day, Sept. lî7tb aI' 2 p.m. antiE ININGA -A Wlll 1101d their rycuts On August 22 ai Oshawa General tue was a dinner guest Tb. IrS- Suniday, Septemnber 241h et Sept. qITh. ie time,.s will Hospital. dlayi evening! witb Mns. C. 7:3 0 pm Sa, gelt hose skates, n[onmenly ai Onana, bas been The banlecue ap nti ance in is extendeti to mr. anti nslute s., S lept. 5 th and putAtise ail g'laves' III I selecteti for adivancedi studies tbe park ou Saturdy veino autter lu Ibe pessîng, StOrage, wi 'e s Qon bbc li fond pnocessing by the was a huge success witb per- oai ber father Mn. Wellie Pear-1 Agriculture under the Ani- Miss Inene Reyenga sud Mn. ai Mrs. Anme Laird, brother- ANI S '1 0 WTOTIIL' AREA Scouts; Fnyol LadHies'; mal anti Foultry Heaitb In- Gari Gulliver were inanniet il n-iaw af Miss, Susan Lairti,1AR OZFqtI Et I Patypol G3 r a g e; Park spection Service. Dr. Sbenwin Tynone Chunch on Satunday, Oshawa, Mn., andi Mrs. Ai!. AERQETT ORGSE Board ,Bandi; 'Waicil Panty- andti tree other veteninanians August '19, 1972. Amang the Laird, Bawmanvilie, alt uth- DRIGTHE1 pool Grow". Car - Mn. anti will commence studies et Ihe guests wes S. Reyeriga, grand- er relatives. Mrs. Laverne Cbapman. Go-I Ohio State Univensýitly on moîben ai the bride, w'bo 1iveps a s Margarlet Caxu0nheit AN Buggy -Jim Smith. Groupa -"Maybe-they car ieb an aidenga returrqt iisllaUalten ou b nvisiting. withrat, KlyNls ie-ovm r13.DcHcgH(Ia1dM-FR- ýc1ct _al A bera berW EK O Canada anti Russia; McDou- dog new tnicka"i. But, et 60 Tuestiay, ai*ten a seven we-ek parents, Mn. ani Mrs. A., atd's Farm; Bride anti Grooim. yeans o! age ? holiday ir Canada. Campbell, bas retunneti ta Hanse - Maurice Mitchell., Blair, Býlain anti Dawn Vn-M.d ici Al. W j orPLEASE TELE1HO1NE TUE 'SCIIOO Fony- Susan Robertson.B1 ey Beddth - os cycles -JoAnne Fînney, Ban- ~ U anti Pany Club Achievemnt CobouMrg, wene Msu odnFre ,FOvîsi- jIf, Rarc eyk atterdeti Ibeàd Mn- antoi Mns aron Fne, ORAPPINT EN ban Nckeso, Tecy reti- reation INews Day belti aI Orono a Wdes an wt teiner's broîh-1 ley. Costumes - Rodney Arm- day. Achievement Day 1tkEs ePani1w3 eMn. anti M a. S.j stroug, Raudy Finney, Sherry I Fîe BsbaI inalIbte iorm o!i.eahanse show comi- s_7Marlon McKee, Rhanda anti Angela Thc e e ebaiP petîlion, complets wîth cor- M.atiiîs C. P. SwAilow Preston, Lui rmtog Th erato e e tive instruction, bigb point wene Suintay visitons wlv'th flM 4Pën Karen Neals, Debbie Falla B asehalliEiFal wilt be helti Ï- boy anti girl ta be ennourceti -- _- Sharon antiDnn Fimney, eyura, August 26th at the officially. gm & Colleen McCnum, George Van Memoiat Park starting et Miss Maxime Alîtireati. grati-*- Dam Sr., Gens Nickerson, 9:30 This will bee aons- ueîed on Friday, August l8tbî' Jacqueline Jonces (Alex),,game suddten death final, as a Registeneti Nurses Aýssa- GirsSofbalLeagne atfo h eta cü) ) Lloyd Armstrong, Themples Tation Girls Sait- atio b eta cola Dwyen (Mrtin) ant i Wnsame, bal playofîs tounnament wiîî Nunsing, Toranto. Mn. anti Willis (Jimri. eblt nSaudySp.Mns. Lloyd Alîdreati ati M rs. p,4 Fieldi Day: Bethany Copperlbeginnîng aI 9:30 a.m. The eietIhe csreman nite bc Ketîle, Jim Klaspier Insun gamea wiil be as fola S. followed. Maxins bas accepteti 1ance, ngs Store, Reymoda' 9:30 a.m.-Nortb D-iamioi- a position ou the nursi ng staff Bsa, Ryleys,', Whte's Eco- Sîurrock'a vs. Kiweiiis. oi Wamen's College 1optl my, M-Town Exchange, E-9:30 .m.-South Diamonti--.Toronto, beginning, Mande1 -Couuntny-,".playedtita alu-il bos e leeverirlig's dnBuse:NUSS ESDECwtill tre4vel to Ireach e hool by 9:00 a.m. ba,ei or the 5-0dac. E:NRSS ESDNz jCae ei llprovide liglit lunch only Wa a Ji Sm,-lib oiNewcastley zýdAndIy SicJr. won the nn e ,Iradia ýin the tirw sponsoneti 'Specifications 9a.4 quOtation forms syb ikdPergsrainfrtoewohv e ytapidt tedBHS by theios' Tykes. ihaiàtffC b7fo hs hA4 v ape oatn B S' i n n r of the Ra 1c " n t the hospital p rhsn fiebtente jwil be held Tuesday, Ags 29. Rumning Angete :reaton, ours of 8:130 a.m. - 4:30 p-m., Monl. =F Johnny Kjing, Karen Neals',I Q taoncls eesySp.,11-Zi Randy Flrney, Sherry Mvc- Qoain loeWdedy Sp.6 92Tînietables may be picked up in advanee by the studènt 1Kee, Kelly Neals, Kim Neela,' 12 Noon ont"' at the school office August 30, 31 froni 10-.00 to 12:00 aý.m, 1Merlin Jonceas, Murray Flni- ney, Ca'rolyn Marlon. Bail- Tobern ra ey KigSuan OWSTORAY UOAi The erea served by Bowmanville High School includes Maple Gr10aveý ïý' RhoerîaBaie nafl O EESALYACPEond as far north a the 4th Concession; noribh from the 4th Concessin the SheKick - Debbie Failis, e Totd illMuer, Susen) Propp, eastern boundary is the Bowmanville Creek. The northerly liuitl thei Demni McCnum, Wbeelban-' row - Karen NeaLs anti DevitiR..Estn Taunton Rond. To the east the boundery i3 the township line cxcept whIiere Fallae, Harvey Hemilton anti" Administrator. pca ragmnshv s anae lugen and Brntal. I (Balance helti over)___________________________________________ -.$29-9-5 at

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