whc there wltea blue o- dd C hhcThe canaeian statesmnan, Bowmavle u. 3 17 Ï1a1iedci ouricGdelphinium and ivd fianniSi-,sited teir Ctucle borogh, isà 3,f11.e aood Mrs. Jarnes FHeathir-mi- Mrs J Jneb and tam- Byls udy woeafraJgw fbu andi Susan, Ottawa, were WýEd- iiy, on raturay. M.adMs oetCm &hsffon st~~~ led with a high ~~nesday visitOrs with theîr M.KnWoTrno o n uhneadL waistlsne and ruffes down ucle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. Ceci Sieron, WPnadn aertra th fot fth od , Charlie Garrard, amton, ere Thursday visit- f f nil sleevps fastened with a Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jonles and or0 tM.~m o an rt-etr cuff t he wr9,Hrbod eea carborough, isîted eo' n ., am-gte"tpt h etCat v>e7n1dwih lue ri1o)a ck waistlîn'e. Her white Bowmanville ,Aee Satua-ynIsadBC;tealovtd ~to mac e rs.Itulle Veil was caught to a evening visitr îl h mwyt b os n ak Mis KahyRaîton Day- ~ eadîec 0 whte petal eroiWis. Mrs, Reta Nivens, Bow- ton nt. cosinof he rid, fiwer, ad se crnîd aManville, was a Surday visîtor, Inin Rvr nt. .ere . cetred .h.t da.s.e. Steveni, Leskard, called on -bis A RWEE Th, o,,M rEran MartinoOf St, grandmother. Mns, Alîce is o a b rî d s m a d s. h e y w o r e I d e - ~ 4 a t h a i n e w a s m a t O f T h o m p s o n , o n S u n d y . wîth lain 1ibodîce -,an, iued '% 'JC'3 athatrin a formainthDl udNsweeSna f~a owso i 1,e e oraza ,z ,4~,r'onor for her cousin i She Mr. and Mrs, W. Blackburn ilg atshnow Hath ilcpa e> soie, culotte supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. 6328 1. dress with emPire waist and L. Falls, Kend ai.____________ î n g h a t s *. ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ o n g , s h e e r s l ep e v e s c f f ed > a t ' C b 2 1 a e s v g a c o , Mn A v n o, H O ron, w s R. yth n ss A el mtal roast for the H aydon peo lel mati for his brother. Mn, ' b~jow at the waistline gave OlFîs ih tteCm, rE f D vethRaiston, Mn.1JefRas ,,' bck interest to the gown mn Fiy Cnitre. I the L11A111 tbntesof th rd,' ' en pictune, bat -waa Of lilac an M. dwrdHas o Vy ~lace, and ber nosegay 'buq etuMrned ome oan Thur sa ~~with dark yeîîow e ii~having spaeut acul o d Ste ncepio atGrad-niots with Mr, and Mrs. vie Gol Clb, he nid's ~ ~ 'i5"h""~ ~ Mn Bnan ant01o Stý RaMlphsClark, Edmonton.D C'atharnes wasbest mai! and MS ao lcbr u oor~ moterMr. aîsonneai- he ushars wene Mn. Mike Ni i Sapso, bothr o t ei Blackburn, spent theý ed ù e g est b o wrofd eSm ps n , both r W be t B tr- w eek e d w ith M n. a d fs.1 o rig e ce o r a u a a e s -b i e n n ~ b r a - W a y n e B a c k b u rn , O ro n o, feta. I wa styed wih a esky broher 0 the groo , l\rs. Walter ovendge, of S E I L P I E high ucklin with n cm-.. ,~ ,, ,~The recaption was held inl Tynone; Mn. Arthur Trewin, 2-8x1l -,-tLtie ati the xaistline,. Her p. ,-,i s Centennial Hall, Bowman- William and Paul, visîtedMm Sville, where the bnide's rmoth-AtuTrwnaptitinPu cons~*e wssof bte an on- r eceived wearng a formai the Sunnybrook Hospital, Tn angetined arntios. he î"'7 gown with pleated bodice ~onhvn a n a pr lu groms ote sisednr- gwhite crepe and softly gatb.-ato.Fm wes-olvi natdeepr p ink poles -red skirt in turquoise bIne.Gha fmll ter , pe gow lu pnucess ace ee-rc-edThe RoyGaam fasv White laethrce re Barbara Ashton and Mr. au AISATO styler Her corsage was 0f s',ist in a wîde baud and cas- Ms .PtaadCaln p i k actl na ' d d d o w ii th e g o n - fr o n t. w r o n t e A i q e C r l u Rai', John Bunnen, un 'le 0f Sbe ~~wore long wbite glovesweeo eAnieCrClbUAATE Mr. nd Ms StnleyC Ye thelîd, aced a maser o ~ .. -.sndcanried a white beaded tour to Wra C s Mr. nd rs.stauev . a ý-,,1aterbag . er corsagee '55 of pink> carnations and roses, Mrs. A, REESIAE cai te fM.-nîM1 mni1a adStanley Clan- tot, bie biemad udN BLGTO enc Ye, sn o Mc su tr paenbandresondd t byMelnyk, aunt of the grom LONG SAULT Canc YoHampton, e tx- om sd rommn.atuqoie formai length, Â noneNew chagedmaniage vowsc;nAtten 1iewedorî Cae IRasi eau de Soie gown. B(Iuter, nde frs , twe) ctal appliques spniunkled MindM.DSutelClNw batul ceoy wh cltas fe gbyteb r ndPeaded fml teddafn ~usane oo lcel CutceUiepgomas, get ntnd o .down ooe side of the gown ad Rmîy tende. a Thei' Churcb, iCoutice Onte,,, t te lws at GraudcviewN whila Mr. and Ms.James osborne Wsýlllinams and sbe wore a corsage of picuir at Rc ae Th Pies 4tals ae lerd n tewbite Carnations and pink westher was ideal and eve- riks pmlSa'îayley22ohall waput ln readiness o oey arneet tdi beuty it'o h olrsdnavy accessons es..1roses. osebad Doevisime 197.Te eeeD . Ar-ih usc uplied white gladiolus wt ht bie eebniesaisTb The orchid fnom te cnr As the couple left on the r M. and Mrs. Nonia ai M N aassistmuscd,,byp wihhwicentre 1 G boee~h~dsan r~ai dinge tsae te nie' ucl. e. Jl'n by Don,,Osborne. The bride sud ellow daisies iu stand- were iin omiolngth gowns 0f 11rthe bridaI bouquet wswdîg n 0Rssuu aelo.vstd ihfhi ~.reone esarhinttue a Ber Fe elon Fal7 nge oanv s ht rs omdthe attractive o inoaisei btecu on sacosg, ai, i riew s weanWatrntson vstuday ~y h tgM , A4 large ho conitainan o white bot pan-ts with mths vest setting for the marriage of yelo, ith a pleated rile at The- bride ivas educafed at 5 sleeveless, hot-pants dress took Jennifer and Te!r hm roud uiqe eaingsustnc gadoli yilw ndwhtecoat and j.white accessonies. Laurel An Abernathy, daugh 4tha necklinep, empire waist, Lord Elgin, Central, Bowmau suinrose cimpelene with stand- with f hem. The grl hdý w't te ebiit tashin beor dasis nd eihiiumdec'The b~dlbouquet Wss ter of Mn. sud Mrs. '. Haenwith guipiere-trim, longfull vle J-îgb sud Courtice Sec- up collai. White accessonies spent a week's holiday -wit1 MissLynd Pinîr. Abanetb su Jams Osonnesleves ud arutle aoundtheoncary Schbls sud the groomi sud a gardenia corsageComn- their grandparents, Mr. f ft r And dsillm te-ve tbngoae-tecuch u hie ood- wisbes and Williams, son of Mn. acid Mis,'hemn. White wide bnimmed at Vincent Massey, B.H.S, and plemnented ber ensemble. Mn. Mns, Rye Gibson. E .DE an isofrt in minutes and saini bows it a daissy desig-, ongratulýationis, the happy Osborne Williams, ail of Bow- bats with guipiera frilm w7ere Durham College, Before lier sud Mns. Bsrnesky are ne- nvdtsu.Duga eelws ope healing of the iinjured,, nated àtheguest pews. Mr.copl 't f!on their honcy- mauville. woîn by the attendants, and marriage the bride' was a siding in Scarbonough. __Mn. sud Mrs. G. Bernatrd___________ onllredti8s,;e wasthe r-1moon. to Niagara Falîs sud The bride was radiant as they carried white baskets of medical secnetary at Memonîal1 In ssealer ase wilegenlygaisti-sud the soloist xiasi relivin pan, ctul rductoa n. ossMelaîf '~Nonthens Onltro. she walked down the aisle os baby's breath with yelîow sud iHospital, Bowmaovilleansd the o ~ psrm agro acn eduto M.fo7ýec. The bridie is epoe by the aria of ber father for the white daîsy type mums, groom ta employed as a com- 0 ivf) lu arniage by ber1 NantisAaîa Lif-, lus., ceiemiony parfonmed by Rev. The hast mari was Jh puter openaton at B. Ton- Mos imortnt i a-~rau1s ahen,-taide woîaersafor-Tonont.o. sud the groom is H. A. Turner lu St. Paul's Qyler sud thse' ushers er utOntario. ~oeesothoronghthattbsimprove- mal gow hfptwo layera adl ~enwasainaindovrapnio onauz ovr tffea. ~ cmployýe aI GM.,Oshawa. United Churcb ou Satuîday, -ugA Mneicbhae k(.rf ehgappy5 copl ilb Tise coupleanz ovewillet.r'tsidehe oio l une 24th, 1972 at 4:30 p.m. tisa bride sud McalOe eiiga 5OtnPr d, ' - The ws eopl Mwtia coi Ftland with aseed p elnîs, fit a ' ,,Ross Metcaîf prasîded at Foi' the reception held in the Apt. 1505, Scarborough, Ont, hehgsbeac Bc-ye edbdc f ae udsitGassatddfo in-tise organ. chuncis hall, the bn-ida's. moth- Pnior ta tise weddîn is _irhqucky ,el heýal ljre d sppliiiued witb lace wltcis nipag, NManitobda. Balder, Mani- Thé bride wore a beautiful an receîved the. guests in a bride was honorad wtthsa eelsanstmnlta grwtbofew xtnda too trin Tie iob, MooefildOu, o- ormai1ent h gawn of satin floor teu 1 iciu,- oise floral anal usiscellaneous showens; at tisne seaeswere fitted lily point. tawa, Oun.,-Pont, Penny, Peter- Peau de broche with nylon chiffon aven pinik taffeta gown tiseborne of Mrs. E. Janvis Nowlo-ynesofendiniùu- O ha had as beutiulbonssugb. Tornto, Whitby sheer ovanlay. It was desigued with long full snea. A con- wilà hMis. Hou Sulci sud Mnsý crow ofnyln lae lave Orono, B owmn-auv1ile sud sur with lace inserts ou the em- sage of white cantin ud Saudra Fraudis as hostessas, om~~fiaa1du ih aki n(fnglo nastouees ponîgae.idre waist, thse stand-up collar pale pink carnations ýcompfle- relatives ai bride sud groom; "Ê n siOarkling rhiestones rouiidingsud aboya the flounce on tha meute d tise outfit. at the home of Mis. S. MayensTH-E W :ýî L Ri stre, atsfctonor your mnyfronm wihflowedad 5full Tise bridie x,, ihioîd at hemof tisa dress. Tise groom's. motheý1rssitdwh Miss Calie Paiement snd ~~fanded. lg -livi which formad aseaasoer priai to the, A floral haadpsece held a lunaceîviug lu a fîloon JangtisMiss Karen Smîth ýassistiug, ýraiii, She cw e d d l uerw g.d A isIcellaneous tbî'ee fier ahoulder laugth Veil. gown o aiir-vtýý,ýJok elwepoesfoMm longtran. he arned ierhower wsheld by Mrs. She canied a cascade bouquet iug pn of aisi muwth asiocfloQiaos eptl; eomeMco- pOsctoasd mltiognloialHopitl; tofhahomha /D I I bride, asari,,e by ber daugl- lis, white satin streama s c en- sîceves. Hanro âcae ws of by MrS. H. St. Johni, relatives I' h igs (]I ~ ~~~~~~tens Lynda, Jiirce sud Kan- traci xith a yallow fltoatad white Carnations sudiiîu)ïk oft he bride; at t-p he hme of For-AII.of ailt lme ai;e197 2 bNew uia-BbMGah ildadetrsteg h euiiers ~en ndEve Hovonk'o. A kzit- whi.te oci.Bountiful ross. Ms. Murray Wo(wth iss C anadian NtonlExhibition iand Lorietta Lon, kon _kdsa xtaIear(ices chns e ha eld at ithe The bridai attenýda-nts wena For the w1diio tnp tot auneen, Wxood sud Ms . onfO hrîg ept. 4 ;n mýiions as 3ob, and Susan of Adts$50Suens1.0 'ml1tsses, a rallier pugnacli nid msto, osedbytie aton0fhoorMssJae ilims cos ansy riplnedrastie rie;hed y ns of Trtio s lwkatna foi of, ther ne Stre' show A Auaam-Anhlaatn "Aeyou acquainted with ariy ait( ju[W, asked the lhonor, Mrs. 4Haassa of Pet- istrof tise groom sud Miss sud jacket with yelijow sailnr Vauce at ber lhomep, friends. tearcioswtngfrvu He T wchld'T dlw, tA D.A. ~erbonoug!,. stsistad by tisa- __________- The Psople's Republic of ap e.iaaî i fiviygrs oal " M r e h a b l"Srn edt h e wy fi -iqt e m o r eb n i d e s mald aosasfK t., yc R i s-nr r r 1 'r rC h in a - A p p a a nn g fo r th e th e B a n d s h e ll t h ro u g h A u g . ' 2 ,w a r cl n s n d l e v w t - o! them?" - M a a I fl fîrst lime at the ONE, the 3 In 1 Matinees ThriIl Show Singa afsetadfn fthe! is bikd ias -nthrorbx. of tish ie , sud Miss Ban.- îs.cd ecentin Sasksatoon p o1hni on- (u.2-et 4.ha isFe al nh N Thpdllt lv'dabars Manlay ot Toronto. Ms, ABEK SMSNRepublicof.Ciai on- (u.2-et )TrsI MOraig Grnund sud co-wrk, ing an impressîve display-of shows for the prîce of ana! wtetrnt coýre-a tol , h rwld Tm w;illiing te, sweaf- I know ens bosted a a owen aI Noit T'- ise marniae ofMiss Lînd1a idsraarclurl ce-Tee-popular Jack Koch- engOadldSp- morethanailo! tem ut tgethr."Amenas ita us.,whee tie Eizabeth 1Anu Sarm Ps oi , tic and'artistîc exhibîts. mon Hall Drivers, who wîll tgclr truhSp.3a CLOTHE*ý,SCARE HINT: lbride ta an cmr;Oyc idaughter of Mn sudMs.N. ~ ~ ~ ~ a mr uine ih ~ ,.,,,~~~1~,. flirt and grime have 1a euttilig action ai les, Bnssý 9ý-h gar- ment-, freqietl0 and remembe)r dryerleaning re;maves dusl, dirt an'd grimie. plani ta tedtearFi an Port Perry aktok-vrn Ail Coiing So .wthfordae BOWMANVILLE Y CLEANERS LTD; "We Specialize TI Shirt Laundrig Visit thef Latem CuinrTeýchniQue5 37 King St W :lwmai ile CANADIAN NATIONAL~ Charfe rways -C-oLimited COMMENPCING AUG. l6h TO SEPT. 4th INCL. DAILY SERVICE »IRCTf 1 T TU C.Er.FOUNDS F'ROM THE FOLLOWINtGPINS ~LEAVE- Read Down FARE iii si, North of 8:45 oa5m.NEWCASTLE Stopliglits ARIE EXIITO 00AM. - ENTRAINCE Il> Exhibîiin XTRA Rider gon the bu5 and ar-apid warrying about dsiving iii hear-y traff je, parkig orcwding for street cars, BEUSES LEAVE XIBTO GROUNDS-' 15 MNUTES AFTEIR SPECIAL CROUP RATES FOR IN1FORMIATION PHONE ~ow anvlIe623-3811~ Osliawa'723-7171 I M r. aind Mrs. Lea M. Barreft On July lt, 1972 at :00 fromn which white ibbn p.m. Mi-ss Gora ary Chis-Istneamad. holtm, dugstr I nsd Mrs. Leslie Morgani, aister Mrs Stear Cishlm Bw f the bidOssawa wa n Ililu M.La ihel matran afhoi. rSise'won a Barrct sn Mn sdMia.formaI gou wth a irîch Donald art, Oshawai- weramuvnpauy de so-'îe Ibodica, un.ted iu anniageby Rav. long aleeves suid a flo-wîng a- A" Shirley suSt.Pa4ul's Catbad- tel mauve ak-jît-,t chiffon -ar,ýl raiSasaton, askatchewan. latftasA pneýtty cystl nck- Given lu mryai-iage by ber lace accented tieh, u u father, I1ha bridiewore s for- she carsîed s lovely ýcryýstal mal luî,Als gowu af rosary. white nylon ongauza aven tsf- Mn. Waynle Chisssi, boh fetta. Han lonig shear sicevas ar-in-îaw af tisa g1ro, a wane gatisarad into wide cutis hast mas. sud appliqoard nases adornnd thse iheen neeklue isud hem of Tise raception was el i thea gown. Han long, iflowiug tise Suburban Inn, >Saskatoou.nn nylon orgauza veil wahald Tise bride's mother îcisg by a headpîaca ai rose petaîs chose a slaaveiassý, 1formai wis tiny crystal d raps. She gown ai polyester ecrape su ,a csnniad a posie bojuquet ai navy sud white floral pattern yellow rosesasnsd wht shastas on a white backgrounid. She __________ -wone elbow larigliswhsite glov-' MYMORIAL ROPTA s. Thse groom's mother assîst-: sng su racaiving chose aunu WVEEKLY REPORýQT semble ai a piuk nuckad sl Wtuek of Aug. 14-20 inclusiv dnass, matching coat sud pink Aision .. - chiffon bat. Bîrths -5 maIe, 3,female 8 Botis beiug graduatea aif Draichargas ------------ 64 Oshawa Catholice Hîgis is MUajor operatioils 12 couple -wsll resïde at19-ti Mina'opa-oratîous .-- 18 St W'f., Saskatoon, Saskatchr-~ Eniengncres ~ . d86wan. J. Fuwler, 15.15 3, flowmiau- ville, and Mn. Harvey Bars- esky, son of Mn, sud Mis. A. Baruesky of Hoshuru, Mari., was solemnized ou Saturday aiternoon, July 29, 1972 at 4 o'ciock lu Courtîce United Church. Rav. D. Aiscott officiatpd sud for the ceremiony the chunch was tastefully 'decor- ated witis lovely basket ar- r.angements ai gladioli sud farns. Thse weddîng miuagic waplaycd by the chturcis nrgansat. Tlise bride, Who -waa gsiîen iu nuarniage îhy- ber step-fatb- an,. MN. NJ, olrwr formtial gnwu aof peau ide soie styýi dWith a stand-up cowl anhîsesd A-lise akînt. Aplq fsa Alincon lace 'ac- centedj the bodi ce, s;îeeveg sud askirt, and similar laceý lavisshly tnimrnadise ch.ape- lenglis trais which faiT tramn a tabnic bow nestled at tsei two weekends, the Bicg'1Ban,,d Era retu rns wîth G en e KruPa (Aug. 25-27) and Les Elgart (Sept. 1-3) recreating the memorable musîc oft ha 30's and 405s, FreeataithnaBand- shell from 9:00 p.m. International Paviion-See fascinatinig exhibîts from many lands includinc Argenf- tina, Brazîl. Ozechoslovoakia, Finland, Germany,Phlp pines, Portugal, Remania and Sweden. their tantastîn daring, plus the Yogi Bear Show and the Flint- stones Show, both packed head3ýlined by such top inter- nainlstars as Engaîbert Humperdinck, Anne Murreýy, !Sonny & Char and rpany more ($4.00, $5.00 and $6 00). Then liera's a mile-and-a- hait- Miday wîtýmh many newý, breath-takinmg ridas-.4 free horse shows..antique andi custom cars.,rock concerts and recitals.,films and fashion shows...he Canadian International Air Show (Sept. 1-4), and a wide array of sports. CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBe-1ION Toronto@ Until Sept. 4 a Open Sundajýys - Aduits $1 50, Students $1 00, Chilren 5 ný j WHFRE ELSE CAN YOLJ SEE AND DO 80 MUGH IN ONE PLACE FZOR SQ LITTLE!.. INCLUDING FREE ADMISSION TO ONTARIO PLACE! McGREGOR' GREAT CARPET ý-LE Is ONfl NOW %) sq. Yd. YOU GET A SHAG CARPET G OD FOR ANYWHERE UN YOUR JHOME I&TH RUBBGER BACK AND C-HOICE 0F SIX GREAT COLORS DURATEX OZITE RUBB,1ER RACK $36 DURA VAL OZITE PANBC 11ROFESSION-AL A PPLICATORS A VILABLE ON REQUEST UISE YOURt "CmHARGEX," FREE sq. Yd. Sq~ Yd. t SHAG RAKE with the. purchase mf 20 Sq. Yard,#o Morie- 95 KING ST, Wý, 62-2542 B MNIL