4 The canalian sfiattsmPar, Bwnnil u.2".17 ""'TRIAL. COMMENT Are Board Administrators Overlpaid? Jrerpub(isheird fr(omiThe Trentonian WIiaV cnsitte a fair salary for the people running the county systema peialy, i rnatter bas caused xnuch controey, andis f11likely to be fought bhýy cniae as an elecon Whn-urity boaqrdsý were frmetd, The Trentonýian reicedthe problems wili ict71,1woudi! îais7e froi'he creatio n of a4 civlvi inii hihupper echelons would e paid saaisFar beyond what imostaxaesw rreceiving. A etudyoýt fite asinsboard, one ofthe province's best rmanagod courty eduAt i etups, reveals somie inter- estog tinga whîchhý elp 'input salaries Weques-,tio>n whether such b1ig board; boldhave bpen formed. But theýy have been. The'11 question now is - Are ithe salaories Païd top officiais r eally out of hile forthirspnblt? fet lus begin by statng whait!lhe residents have accepted the syptem as -well marva d dtheýre b has been noue o7f 1therargumtent iabout salaries which lis Ccurred iii theireas. So our stc1ýud -4notàcriticrim, stated or im- rid, btsipyis offered as a basis for faur judgMent. TFhere are 17me es in a;il on the coitnga board, including a representa- This bioard emiplo-ys drctr EnaRuacrs.lIe is res!-ponsuîblfo r the treasurer, On bthe academic aide tlhere arre six suprinendnts eah f whom h),18as speialare ofresonsbilly.The total acaeniestffs for whcich they are res- posilear sig tyl mr'?than 1,200 pepe f wo 1,192 ar1e fu Ill imne em-, ployree, 0fXthat total 1,163'Ire beachers. Seýventeei are parapr0oessionals, includ- lng sycoloiand audin visual spe- cilao moogotes On the onacden - ide there are lit npiyes ndra businless ~assiant bsnssamn ibao nd The board isthe igge14cun-ty temployeroflabo. lis ot aroll is abot ggerig1000,000. Thýý f Salariesnl undperite four or$25,500; endary g Is $28500 and 5,58fCourseiot ailir ging; U menary pasncllos. from7 about range00rb $$5,500 Ti. 're Q umerifl puplrnils iii scoos unde,rthe four area16superintrerndntri Teervslries oranfror v$5,One tb3sreven uis for years of exereuc ad açýade-ii laifcbiu, so that in ef. fect pay desreleci. ment to a consid-. erabi dge> l i at leaslrefiecC(s what aindsrypyrl wudtediffer.. .adof (l qalificatIin i(thî,s classification), Noncademicalaries relect a. simîlr rane of ualification and in ail cases, ail board ernployees share ini wbai we caol frînge benefits, linaditinitrayb-. ell tu rernem-. be1rý, 1ai -a îf c AK iccordîng la ni-1CoCn, a11d aeas mucjrb baxpayens as the «es -of11 Ma riy \nthotmes and are also m unicipal taxýpaye7rs. Nowthequetio i, wliat is a 'fain basis o comparson? Aadernie people are poesoas Obviously the people lqua lfed or thry would not be thre. Thîs, can e aena fact for ail bords,-ý Su take a fion of profesinal position be paid by a mrajo-r îdsr According tb those whoknwwtc couid rot bine theieastquiified eno for $e4,000. l-lo muir orkdo hevdoSohe admiistrtons at atdesks hlaving a That is f ar fonthe brîiulh. The directnn, for uS insace, ji ieely pg0es eveninga tewek adale drn weekends. lie mui be hpre-sent a boar mneetings.Somamoto b ohe admninistrators;. li maiviîtail sbo Hie 11u1'1711now11whabis gong ýou, and keep him'acîfifne ysuv n Runcre,vrwe happen bkaw i also0 in cosatdemranrd iasa Peakrarid does ta in addcition bo his regiar work. GrcAt roponibiitytaesflime, Th-ab f top adiniiistratonrs iiareas as ~ ~ ~ pir bigaslstng ad onhuin'berlaind. IflunhaY1,niae Mm-cnuillg-iii deed and th esponsibilities they bear ar very, great. Statistic's on ta Il parts of oad openat(ionis are available to any initer- ested laxpayer or rabepayer. The fig- ures are enough to boggieý the mnd. Who Pays', Of course, it la argued thal bbe money bo pay tkhern cornes from lax.. payers wbo are rnot (earning nearly that /moriey. But tia is true in part of al taxes, alhuhauil thougbt shows il ncally falsiifies the case First of ainolonger doea Ilhe bu] k of money ,-coirne from roenytaxes. The, provincepaysbbïlonWsshare of education cot, rntbing 50 per cent of local taxýes, the Haâstings municipal educabion taxý is nlol 40 per cent or leas, andin sanie places is as low as 30 per cent, Properby awners are not ail low incorne people. That is quite obvious bo any buelperson. Asfan as ,ýprovincial gr pî re con- Cerned11, they cor-ne frontpoiniltaï-. es, includinig incarne tax, wibeey body paysF. Now iitjs a fact elýasy b10for.. gelt 1iaI Ibe more -you c>ýaru1, Ibe more tax you pa-y. So, as f airly as possible, taxes arie spread out, and tbe ioad is proportionateiy sbaired., 1pay CoMpiricn The-re is muchuh in bile aie. menit th at bhc avrage tax1i -paying per-. so i Iiaarealapi lesa than the saaispaid to em1ploy7ca lun tire achool Skilled people, bwaelal in-. outok-,es etii ae eivl swe he wdbo h iepoblen t i batbte apending of public' moucy, We balve a right to insist tiraI iA be i and fairly. -eue.poei The question is, are bhe salaries paid bo administrative officiais by school boardg unfairiy high, consider.. ing bhe above tcs 1 You may differ, But il la lainer tb differ on lire baisis oft having lacis, not prejudices. T'he lacis a!repu biisbed by ail boanrda anunder On)flanjýo law-, tire books î ýire open, aw ni you eausec for vorefwbat iîs doue, Sut if your atrea o rioIiil tvere 100 miles long and ! 30 nmiles or more wide, you migirb timk bb slaie paid LESS than enougir, Ail Iba t Iis article is îulended to do is mailce youi bbî,nk -about it fro,rthat vewo Ib f you d,.your criticisms will ai ta be iuforrmed1 and fairer. Nobody can ask more. DUST ýil connes and cores ike 1 silk"e -Inclt r ~HE~E~ OPPo~,FusflTlr ~or~BAB1E~ oY OUTH Bac ToThe Baffle If t iL nednede sr a remndeýîr, the Fede ral1 Lci,,iclGo)vern-m-nt wae î~i Jrearlyj warned ne- rell hat ils ecnomir ad-, vîeshave not rame 'up with any solutions te Cana- da's inflation and unem- ploymneni prohieme. With. the publication nI twn Sta- tietre Canada reporte in fivec days on inflation and unemploymnent, the gov.. ernmernt was bd that the nation'secom is etill in badl shape. And whule Iliere are idctosthal con-, ditions mray- improve over thie lon bm, the govern- ment fo)r political reasons cannol adopt an attitude rof "ýwait and see'. Instead il muet retuin 1e bhe battle oI tryîng la convinca Canadlians that no other governmenî could have done hetter. The î'ie 1n tna consumer prire index - the guide tn the cost of living - rauglit the govemenant off-guard. U-nfociýunate,]y the increaser in prires," between Juneý and July aipears t10 liienly tht' starl 0f an înflationary-, spiral. Mosi 0f the increase was due te biglier food caste. These caste are almost cer- tain te continue gaing Up. Weathar Ihis summer in many parts nI' Nonti Amen.. ca lias heen had for farm- ere. Their products ara going te ha scaricer on mark- ets and lime prices wiii ha higlier. These increases will ha raflectent in Ihe consumer pnice indexes for cnming monthe. Other froswîll bnp boosi flc inexStren pin- es wili cub flllowing in- crasse b wags paid ta steelwan-kers and h iglier chares ffor i: e fators iin proucton.There are pre- dictionse that plastic prices will go up and thal cloîli- îng rosis will risc in re- sponse ta hîgirer charges for basic cloil and higlier salaries being pid lta tex- bile waOrkenrs. The'gv tmn s awarc tf teefatnBut i ' ws îun ready for the' leap minfod pîirec Ilial puhe ip tht' index lie- tweenJuneand July. Thal ri in bbc idex lias lad te fears t 1a4thenexi round nr infla0tn may hae ven more seer tan antirfiPat-w cd [n loki fora i'ay rof hoe i- govacnmcnît tn- cd btht'unempinynieni fgrs There are many inications Iaithe economy shnuld atari onming and lirI hre c ýhoufld ha ample lei enough tnt brng the saaonll-adused unem- phnymeni level elow six par cent. isiead ,Vewnt up betwý,een Juie aîîdTuly. Tht' uncrasewaenot much - froi-n 667 to 6.3 -but it MwattÇ techs gvennment how lu filitii inflation, or un- empînymlent, but not bIth. To combat inflation, a gov- eroiment s!hould redure spendina ý in the r ountry. To combat unewmpînyment il shouldincres pcndiîîg. Obidosil a government inîuatdo oili - athougli oeimsil, seems lu Iry Thel n rlgveomn lias been searrii hîng -for so luj- tions. I riedc some delirate timing -stimýulating tIlie economny .inLuthe winter and spring and hopîing that the stimulation would reduce unemployment byý the laIe summer. At thaiutlime il wanied tb begin rlam.ping on the restraints to t hold down the inflation rate. The cklicate timing did not work ton, well and infla- lion bit Canada eariier than predicted. Othen solujitis tried by the govrlnmeîbave heen selectiva speniding - sucli as Local Initiatives and Op- portunities for Youth - andl encouragement for bus- inra-Maich '11ld0of this ieartre ba he a row- oI OntanlioRdigand th4 baýsedaon ilie dCi(Csion by the wogoe !mnto rite anl inentinl irport in Ontarlo Counîr,, - Picker- ing. The stntîggla le growing ini bitterness as the gov- erniment cames dloser te ex- propriating some eigliteen thousand acres 0f prime Ontario farmland. The govcrnmcntî argues thai Maltoti le incapab1-le of opera,,tionai expansiion suf- ficienit taolake raren0fair transýpor- t neadS 10 the yearý 2000 anmd tis th goern- meiý1 ntiut eporaeland 00W ' r preparation for a second internationail air- port. Tie ratepayers argue that, thene ie strong gnound for, sayving !Malton is capable nI handlung Inaffie demands. They halster theiraru mfent with two Minis-try n if Transport, reports (whî1;c h hav been suppressed>iý whiclh Qtate Malton ite cap- able of sstiin the an- Iicipaited cdemande. Tïere hasbeen consîden1 ah!(,enmia puhicitywil bath c idriing rsalvoce of tional agmns Reaueth irporl Pjwil] (according te governmenb' âirport plannling teaýmS any- whe,-11r e f romn one te fivae billion dollars) the rate- haen ave asliled for a heaiing into the necd for a second airport. They sug- ;ecti parliamentary corn- n1ittea, sucli as the Air Transp,;ort Committea,. ie raqedaian epora tion hearîng at which-tlime the ratepayers will have thein day in -court. Inde- pendent legal advice claIes Ihat the' ratepayens wil have opportunity for noili- ing but presen taLion otf oh- ject jonc. There will lie noý opportunity for investiga- tieofrtfhe necd oI a second airpont. This latter le addreesed ta y-our readers te aIent them D'es Need'Friern The î'.vqges nIofI1uLcb cmi disease au!dtire dpredations aIof"pragresa" abouldgiva anadins a reater appre- c.iaIinaf tire Mpolace f ncs. But bonw many. Canad4ians are prepared ta, take pns nalation la preveul tire Accordî7,la1aeceul nws îreport frn i wnk ugadAdrwBoge ing bhis mniaItof n bokepbbc Newark council froni felling bhc Ire la maake noont for a saeccar fid. Tire council beld ;a spcia l meeting aud decided 'ta pultire ý-soccer field cisc- We s, ýuppose laIta omany people Mn. Bo),ggie ïis a crauakAllen ail wbal's another Ireeluniodern, society? Whro cans, eaiyil a healtby one' is des- lodA itrac is au inýanimate Iiring; itcnl ink, or penfonm any useful funclion except tn give ,a lutIle airade înPss axpaý n o The sf moay hhave worl4dLb ;r)ne dagrlee but they areai le a patchwork answen toi op-mp]icated, probleni. This problem i lis ee nmade even more diffi(ciit by political, factors. When the governiment firrt camne bo power ilcold eprt- men , twith solutionisfo r economîr problen-is becausa it was a long wayi away, froni having tb answer 10 the elactorate. Now theý goverroment faces an alec- lion this 'all, on next Spring at 'the latest. It must be able in convinre voters Ihat it did ail it could on ilie economnir front and no other party rould have done beiter. bo thc pteUlwASt.e oM taxý dollars ai a atima wýhen muclii iglien pnioritiPes caoi he placed on many othen social, 1endeavours, i rg Iliat taxpayers arrose ht land press the. governimefnt for a hearing ai whicli al farts may ha put 10 de- termine in an objective mariner whethar a secondr airpoit le necded. Yours vt'ry truly, C. M.Godfrcv, Chairnian, People or Plianes. R.R. 3 omnil AtîgustIP 1P172 R7P propnsed al'na ,W spoke wt it h Danlingtin Council enl ,ld ptnngron thie neest nF Fanther, arena. Couincil agredan appointed two mambýniers ta loýokmin t ht cnet,,ec 1The' lasi reporiT.Igai wa that this projert wa oin costly to go ahead it withiout thetapyr's- port and that Cauncil wa thinklng of moaking an aec ion 1Issue nIflt. It will ha in teraeiing tb sie h-ow muicli of an issue they do make oI it. One thing is ,For surle, il is nnly <a mater nIr lie belore omnle aseDanlingion ita geloui, Lýet's hope it doesni'tom taý that.' My harid goes oui fn10the Rer. Depi. and the lpaple of Bowmanville for the couniesy they haveexed ad in Danliogion aven t1ht' years. ,After ail,.wbere would we havaegottn ho- key for $5,00 a yer l hope we haven'tovrx tendent aur welcama. Il'a up bn aur caunicil in Darlinig- tan taO make th,- initial maya, whetlini t ha an i- depenident, or jotint vetuýre The latter poal au the besi for the'txpyn and hockey In general. Thank you agaîn. Dick Bain. 793 Glengrave S, Oshawa, Ontario 131h Auguetý' Dean Edfitor: Alter liavlng read s-?v - anal weeks of opinion -a n raparteae oncerning the n0w famnous "Tordiff Af- on snme caver for wild 111e - and thoe, tiringa aren'I an important. Il is an pedimient ta social advancement - ci liig s parking lots, roas , mines andt socýen lields muet corne first, Nor doca Ihe age af a Ire bave munir kearing on ils, fate wbenever minati-rives on bhe acn.No malter iraI a trac, wiih perbàps bas taken a -tidred yeans ta graw reresntsa Miracle of nature; lie ipping tlecth aI a cirain saw cai aiasdesbr-oy lunaPfew oments whial nature lok ýa cenluii ,ta perfect. Tire Inca in Newark wici Mnr. Boggie souigirta proiecl was 200 ycars aid. Political expediency cauild hv killed il. Canada needs more peaple whio 'Lbmuk]ý like Anidrew Boggie. No, e%ev tac .b caueaved, of course, but suriely ' il la wontb fire fIfort tb preven)tlire mindîcas destruction aI Inees wbmir sa allten iS bnusired acide as parI af "cont- munily devclopment." Sntlba I5LS rucord-NeScV fair", 1 cannot resi; k- ing acomn.P p this who1e. 'problem ould lie solved with a;i ec ment of our u~ey adluit Values. cionall with o uth o ore vears, ma in m credo is applicabhle ler. t jemeto Me ,that if ja more ,important whpti Is lii a pergon's head, than1 what Ji5 on it. Sincerely, ITheias J. ak rea1decr aI our pàpar who C wvou dld have Ilie 0 ntaresi and l) ie lima ta copy oi for -s m -e adeaailsonI any RA RFETT C'rawpsiconag iii the builgroundsi Baw- avieTina famu1ly aI Barf1eti camne io tht' area from Nnth Davoén ln the nidc Ithte last centutry ad wae ither Bible for any lilp hat ianyone could giva mCe wiih Ibis researchi, Yours sneey T.Barfeiti Tinseda, Auust23, J923 Tootson-in-law otf Mr. adMrs. W. B. Coucli of Bownanvllehas been nam- edameniber of the Pen- sions' Appeal Board. Abor)ut 50 friends and neigh- bre gat-hered at the home a- m"'. David Grigg, on- taýrin Street on Fniday lu ,give her and lier daughters a friend]y -farewell prior to their departure for To- ronto. Mr. A. M. Hardy was chairnan for the occasion and Miss Marj aria Plum- meFr read an addrees. fol- lonwtnrg whieh Mrs. G;rigg 'watt Presented itha hand- nam bffe-t along wt the godwijs p ifail preCsent,, T'he ,oînmiitePe iin cha re We're Mrs. S. Cha;rtran, r MJ S. plumimet MJ J. Mut0i. her501h WeddingAni ei'tng was in town on Fni- day. At itha Frida ievei îg open air- weekly Band HCon- cert given by t' he Orono Baid the fonllowing nuImberpis were outstaandicing: the c (or- ne't solo by JohinTabyn thý-e euphoii m Solo byT tht' son of Mn. ,Kn)ox the rductor. At !the aal Sýi Portsl Day held at Bowvimnille Beach coma of ihe winniers of events wer: Chîldren's; race, 4 yeare andi under, Stan Bowen ard !HarolJd Mu- Qiee. Boys' ac. -8, jack. Newton, jack M\1artini: po- tato rare- girls, Kath-leenl Brýooks, Leola Mîil-;bos Garoý-n" new, Rov uny Puito race, 10-12 yean s, RneDilling,NolCa- ton; girl-s' cingle scui race, 10-12 'ycs., Novelda ery Mýargaret Patte. Dr. Thomas Beathpai e awy uguist 17, 1923 at Toronto General ifospital. MIiss Pear ledug- ter of Mrt. ïand M.R. M o'n WeneaAugust 151h, ONDTWVO DISASTER THREE' Ti(rpreis a movi cld"Sdey One Sumrsornething 3elike that, Thnis -,mare or laslire way I feel la- wairds lire end oati usone. Foî_ r anc hing, thc wcalhec has beengeeal robten. My beant iras acb-ed rbbth campera, 'the tenlers, as bemperalune draps, tire windsblow, andi li turni up tire irermostat on tire fur-, n-ace. As T write, il's more like laie Oclober Iban Auguel. But tb?-lre la nathing mucir 1 cao do abuIL, i's happening zta evcrybody. Ha(wevr, ï;omebod.v la dcfinitelv ouita gel mc.. T don't know wbeLher it's thre Lard, fate, or tire dcvii. But it's Ina obvinus ta be menely coincidental, Ilt or tbey, slanied, wibh my car. Almoat six monlirs ago, a gentleman 'bscked inîolire front of il. He's a nici- nuli c nci jpromised ta bave il fixcd, rabrier tirn pay tire aimoat exirorbilant Jiiurani (e rat fe, lIt is atili tnt fixed. Not iris fult, We made a date for Juiy 31s1 anld m.\ wife busted ber ankie and in bbc Coli uýsion, 1 foirgot. But it'a stili DoL 1et was ai a public gatiring, wbrehere wcre a lot aI cars panked. Somenpbady,, and ire was NOT a gentle- maný, Snluggled up boa close to me. Tire anly -calling card.hire ict was .deep indentation in my 1dbt frontdor TIiird. And tirt asmywie' ha.b ot mine.Sfire ia akigaIfi lensomewbal like an oaranwilb ail1 the, stops out, lii bappen-ed ai aàirigbway motel IPJwbere we'd had lunch, T backed up,% knin,ývg tirere were no cars bhie anid bit a ligbl standard that sbotîidn't bavTe beePn Ihere, IL was colid brick. Il mad(e a boomerang aI my back bupiper, Th'ere wenl anatirer bundred bucks. ifene's wbene ll go along wibh Tlilir Nader and campauy, . ireburp- enrs bbcy put on cars today areulf buýmp-ers, but junkers. A generation.;ago, a bum-pen bumped and didn't -give au, iiclir. 'The bhing liraI was burnped gave. Taday, birey aeem la ire a combinabion af plastic andi spaghretti. l'in canvinccd iratilIfyou rau mb ean adult hurnmiug- bird at 50 miles pier boum yau'd_ [ose yoiin $100 deductible on yaur bumper. .Weii, ta cul a shoart sIory long, tire casl preîty mouch I o a disaster ares, F4ronl grill basJý_iilu.Chraome stnipa buckled and ripped off, Baýck bumper a bummner. MAotor sîilî grea, twlirole vebicle îîow lucln sfid.dseciona a"body- mnaspecial!", Thltrsday, AttgUst 28, 1947 After speoding the qui nier at Camp Quareaula the Laurentian MouniRins, Queber, Miss 'Ruth Hutch.. inson wilI spend two weckS at home wîth lier mnother Mrs, M. J. Hutchioison. 23 Elgin Street, Bowmanvî lie, before going on to New 'York City to seek a roi," in a theatr'rai produection for the faîl and winter - aon A most successfulgadn Part), was held by the rMapie G'roý"E Women's [instîtute on August 2lst at tlhom of Mr, and Mrs, w. G. Ai son. The guests were rýP- ceived by Mrs, Alliion ind President iir.'S. ,MoIrtn with Mrs. M. Munda, Mrs J. Dl. Stevens, Mrs. 'F. Swallow ând Mrs. Roqse, and Mis L- ir olact On Fridiay eveýninlg n, ~and MVrs. F On, iclve were entert laineýd ant thse hlome 0 f Mrs. S. .Ca. the sako MjontreIl onil the occasifo 0f lir'Mc Ilveens etee nt a, l,- if Ridg yeasin thm hnk Muinss.NraPiF- tr.ofHMnr a and o MPners TBownshp h hA p paefrm ns i cr ilia nuaed beis lae 'P Ige F. iiirlrjrý 1ervc ifMr ndSIMri.id A. wN. Pipber ron hSthrt, a been aobept e as stetlto teniitofToronto,. itndb berve n S. Ade' PresyteanChu ci, Sarl,- infant agltrpnfMr.andh tersP) Robert balve en Toono was christenedvqc by Rev. Leonard TWilsn n Weyur, Sck Aweail knw ccd ntscrne in th(,b nIýhaugt w roever was i nul a et rme airauld relax, for a wiie. Non. l As T mentionedi, myiv vfPe broke bler aukie and a week- laber 1 brake my to fc, Sire groans and hobbIes arond lu a waiking cast. I groan ad bloinei arouuld. 1i neyer ireaized berlore julst irow ,important a big boa la b tn hepPro- cesof anuato.Soýrnetiring like a- fisir trying La swim wiiir i iLucul,. off. Oh, it's a jnl]y, live1yiy place aou aur bouse. Wc should Iha oui,t at the beach, doing a fancycrawl abrakePf, eu Ing cireerfully ta eacb otliret-n bout iw terrific tire waier la îoda..usleiad, we'ne stuck in tire bouse, ding a fauy crawl up) and dawnlstai-rs au Rd calling- balefully abouî sucir cb(_eey IingicA as gelling lire garbage ouL,1dofiug lire ws ing, prcparing dinnier. Do you know xhat bappena LaIn coupleaI love binde iiu a cage who tar;pI getbing oan cacir other*s nerves? 'One nI n tirnt p tkhIe ther ta deantir.Thoni estýehm or her. Well.I, I' pellyteýin- dr and my wife is veir)7 ttigb, a ni .-keep--inig a close eye onr. r T. gave hec a big bug t0ire afiver day'. t's ber laI t aukie, mnigirt tolU Ic, 0tbey collîded , 'wc batoh yelpd and lCire'ne wernintualneninin.Nxtb , 1ll bug bher front beind, orsiea, Buýt Ibs s ailJtrivia. 1T awab, cig ing(ir thc ird accidient l ire scn seni es. Al-d il wiii prnbahly !be"in tueý pirone anri inute. T was dbieour bo iend my car -ta daugirer Kirnin her busband. Teytnk off l inIre paon aid batbercd b' rutle acouple ni l,irur aga, for tireciby, wh-erc iehve laý7Ir apply for student bIans, rreginfr col- lge, find a place la live, s'ud aIl scr TbIey bath drive like ciiaze wliro've had threc elssnsz Tirey migit juatmkeil ut if they do, mny oak trac will iuplu a stormnandrcrash or n- egro' ol Or, 1ll gel a bernia arryi oI lieý ernpty beverage hottlea. Or m-., wife wil clip an ber gimpy ,-ie,9 gaiug down- slairs and break heuon oteran. lI's nI tiraI l'mn upi tiius I's juet tiaIT1bave Ibis immutaiCble huýncir birat Sam-ebodyý, up Ihare, or down fbere, is lný,ygta pîunisirme for ail niy pasîf sins, aIl aI once. And& uow, ilfoullexus e, Flim gi ng asoak nmy latc lu icee niand aitsiruldes hnclirel atigfor tbbf> litntheDimn and Distant P"ast From the Statesman Files 41 YEARIý AGO25YASAG I r ~ + Durhrn Outy's G% aîFcrnzl Jorna Tha ewcteLe Inpendent Th-, Orono News Seodclamsail registratioin number 1561 Phono ~Pmoued sverY Wdedy hn 623.33>3TRE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY IMTD23303 62 -66sKxng st. W,. Bowmnnvle, Ontariot JOHN M. JAMES EO P. MORRIS PATPICK GOL DOADBSO EIrITOE.PUBLI!5EE1 BUSINESS màtS.SMAAE LATMn j,,ouAe in w1'mIorty part Md inai on mf awhlta-evr, otclnl yphoorapia o r ofe ryremi la apubikation. euet be obtined tram th pmbieMad the Prfnfr. %y umaued re ,;îjao wl be subjeot ta recors. in IRoW." strictly n',U11n 0 MAMUhoug eey precautCH Albetoken àb od meroTUe Candkrn tritemon ocreps dmtis. Wc àlA cbsaat wnson he tiflderrtaaiding thaltU i w l ot h lihiefor any errori an ay vrasmn pbshdhruider uniea" cprioot ci such ad vertfsneaîis requested îfa wnting >hy theodetf .Md retured ta The oiastoemo" n hue«Mm ofice auly siqad by 1he advmoti nf wth vsch errr r arrotfnsp1ffinly nmAbAed f rig thereon, o n ta totcae U maa.1eror artd C mna Terotd hy e Conadian StAteme Un ifahflt a Dnet exced msrM taorionof btue %, a a! st,h dvrsmn:,astho Bsec. ocauplued hy fit.inted e orbenrra te the wbn,,,le pRre o"a"ped h nus u mm vrsmt.