H-Avy DLUTY '- PRE-WIRED) ONLY 5EETHME M Al Office Hourfs: 1y3p,- tren D en tal Dental Surgeon lias ccsumed general praclicei at 30 Silver SI., Bowmanpývie Office Houri 9 - 12 a;m. - 1 - 6 pm l. WJA. M. R UDEL, DD 7 R 1,1 S. v.iBwmav11 Off ie çouri:i)ý Cload Sa-1rsy o u'~ Of eephone -635 22Proesina tBdg KiCn g ICE M uie 11 Office Hours FARNGY PEAS 24 Ç FËRNCH FRIES S 9 SARA ÎLEE CAKES 69'k RANGE JICE:t9 %LUE BZONNET OOE MARGARI NE 8 Fm0 PRue EFCT Mm E c, TIRU , 0.,2-26. WE, kREPEVETHE RIGSITTOEm !lmQu;ANlTTES 9-iNCH '515E $BUDGFr WHITE PAPER PLATES 7 9' DILL PICKLES ~JR3 KLEEEx nAiNs4 FAC. R- OYALE(AS!O OLR FACIAL TISSUE I -SCKHICK ILADES r' 4 9 day at 1:30 pm. Itermenhrn El LZ P i n I LL n nted C-uro a fnra erCow~ e& M1rS, FRANCeS qMARY Mount Lawnri ofmter. Rv r1 jimnr-rCh-el cefr aeWsoie nMr HQ ncil ndMAnd mme fthe Btay.onsCmtr d h ses~ residnce aod pai presi- ' ictory at P ,Outhsons: iCaeo Mok Be LeFion Laies' Auxiliary, died Royai llianaia i on payd a athrp uia nîg wth M nd Ms.C. t~ QC. Mn_ trl f ra'egsr api r 1 ava9-3 Ilablefor cmmrialbusThurtsda, Aigust ]7th, 17, e uxlay rnh 3hldadbaj esetiey wieLBat rcnly ad ha c Mn mvdtoSriaHys, W]y atig n at iv 'erwood Park, Lindsay, a serv-ice at the FnrlHom eea thr epdi h ître terhlidyi 99ad eai atv ryvonMok today tat ilvwIlubeenallocated or is; The mufti-yea.r vdougtbnuptsE bei posilefo Ola mtoiobewue)o availabl , texpected to tast fromtiree t el ths eMrh h eiand l\ hie 1ereserved. 'Nex c n Ms .DKoe.Y C Sno îiz lb th hcelttr nd hre1 akn the nnouce willstili be payable on a yveart- The former Frances1 MayNGSIJT Hpea GreaHl a dy lt c' andMc.hckUteCuc. ti, ii- lt'-- ],c n i l basis. The annual cost for P,,acey, was boin Feb. 28, 1907-,ockn Ibi ek n (e- cain- bs91 nubrso terow hoc ent, Mr, Carton said, "Everyi eight-cylînder vebicle will inl Englanid, and was mai rieci k,101 efotwill be made to fil al 3,12 nSmo tllMaannc.GbllKv r n i. .Cro hcbcanaehaigbchaMch4ho u efforteheir ouseorictee bishwek. yea, h1,ece9v7 iecogition UE ONIe 11UNNlTUÂ ecýljeçuas rcie o h ownIbe $40; a six-cylinderveceec Mîisrywil ccpton~frschic'Plates, but there wiîl $32; and $23 for afour ceylin- Uie CucOshawa, whear s ereguets t te 5ih and Ms ar, Pi oe rm Her MIajesty the Que;,(" ENWER <J trdeocr Taie7fee1wllr- she 2had resided samer 1921, n enig nivr Ary 1ary istd cad cq .1ul coni, fratsecvd bsîs clof course, be certain comnbirxaý main et $5 pryer )eoe JIiCbor ns BiowMý,Ancivlle' q, Sti rwwn sbw ih UIUJIPeme m ai o is\~E ~4N~O o fe o r p s e n e a r n b a e ta v ai l b e t o c e s - T h e i e w s t y l e l i e n c p l a t s n g a n d . S e w a s a m e a b e r S i 1 1 d aàe a î h e , M s o b t o t i u i n b t e w l e î gA E T E R P R N~ st.aî-mwgos.e orgod a sta e ant heaete eutooetniebf br treet nitdayevenîng. e a xecat eù AFXNiFR .M N nd behitterme nt of i fllow irc o odtzedtaethgandevltioof vn-Chcb Mc. nd Mis StewatnGrted nA a o-uet soud hemald letters G, 1 and Q wllI not be ouna ndea . h fvaiihrcýlMan ndMIl iliodate, i bos pital fo r , - couple of,,Inlnî n 1as sonapsîhe1 !l(e Sp- ued."Paint and metal icombina- 1The deceai 9seid , ivd b 1 arr ndfamily, cý visi daylispiM lreaw iiis t- Afre eadnoffth a usado h oftions, The metal utsed laIIuhelher, husQband, Norman McEv-1were Sunday afilrnonH Trasprtaio an Cmmui d fr emîîsof heIha peviusyeas ougecie of Newtonvîîîe; H-aving soîd bis faim i', aric Shepad c ýhIIcri1 liei Wens, CAugust 1 9thn. i mdissuvnedy ou',ns Madoal Boc, laure Of Ontaciio, offw l pcy Sau caal Gwln a c'lT, ni'ert o f etrbocugi arld .-ainMebr fand la givena aspeciaP1 l 1a liz- Lihî e daughlers, Mra. George Bob -Sîm held aà vry succesa i.gbitfor the White oy alm Srna.Mc-. Mnk w n o I f Detroit, Roy of Mnla ~~~~~~~~~h Que'sPrTcno12 leHouse of -Commons andýing treatment prioir bie lnap- t-aRocque (Normia) of Whit-v fui sale SaturdwY ;lfteno aielh r noigti p er d aio aaa lo i Motocsis nay us foi'sOntaio a d FedralGovern-iplication of the e-nam1el. by; ý Mcs« Howiard7 Pigden and Club .50 ladies sIr old o ek o t Hny-ç le-gadbîra ad 2 ra ijubshe lanewpapc avrr met vhicesdoc'torsý and dip-1 The plates will bave bIieur (Mrgaret) of. Oshawa; Mca. dogs, coffre and cold ink, M.aî i.JcsnPa hms agad e stgadhlra ewsp tiîgthognu h rOic lmt.letters and numerals, separal- \lien Cameron Falen of Mr- and Mis, Ivan Hiowle, cock and boys lefi:oi Jn clu nday moat"f bis ]lte t P tJm idcasd a 19P50 by n-l "i qustbymen o abIe l3,cilvehic, us e is_ motor- 1background wti the nm tWih n ayo 5'saa and Mc. tturing ater sendig n o r fbuine!ss teea olr ~l._____________ ~'hefe fr ssîg au' etîsue ni ainmflaIiFasîsandgan "Keep it Beaiful" below. Laikin, Mis. tiliy Hninof Nii. aad IMca. BeciiJohn- Ms iei ad Stvn mui'ad hrb ciiieRntaCrforB Y A M Mca. Allen Meadows (ui),son. Mc. and Mcs. Bih John-Ft', Polyoo, spentlri ,vnd as aprooet, 0f ril- A AYl WEKND PLMJNn&JJAI E A *g - Mca. Vie HulatI (Docotby), ailson aýnd n da, Janelvilie ci I-,4 A[V trII'PIYlnirl $25 over and bove any vd% ',ixk4, of Oshawa; tii-n-e brothers, wrre SaturdaIýy gurisîs. '1werkend lvith. r rn-ercuc uin or2na AkfrRa n ~any any reques toi lie spa-'Ben, Ed and Jack Braceyý, ail ,M1Imi G,.Kovas iS . c n(;ice.inrdn f Bh n lied CUT yoe na~ c~a1licece pates If ie nm IVr ~.mer oît f Welsey o spet a ew dy. w~î o Osiwa; nd 1 gcadchid- ca. . Koaca nd grls c. ofd MshawnaMeceandud154yacs f SI P us CIRYSLR-DOGE LDi SONt.6. -6,1 L'el- i7s avalîabe, reeîp wi Ot b slut returned from. i'.and Mis. Roy McLaugh- re. a iededIapinel OhaaPr 1-owcevitn in nlcn. ewsoeiflc2-2 6I 4,YF tîhjcne alng îth iue- m thongle wocld'a horse-li n and Debbie last week. Mi-s. Mv eîs ý, resîrd- aIieS da no .leviag, udy.t t hod iutae a ~ xn ulnigtrpoerpo heptcimg contrat on Sat-iWnesa iewel us-_______'t_____________ ______________________j1day. Km Sc'Smih of1monte-::day evening Senior Cilizejns ton, Ontarlo iln second card parly wece: Ladies' iih priz; Dan ctag)îin f OiveGim-bicîl; second, Ag Oshwa thrd ad Hy c-nes Pecî;consol ation, g c, i ite AAA IMuiiel Lawrence. Mca ýs bi PEK 'C.# .las. W lter Po )rfPort higi, tionel Byam, second. Z ~er placed lal t iteuCisa Dlck Marnsa; consolation, CarI siip ainglea hor-sesoe pitch- Wih igcontrast aI lhe C.N.E. oIn On Tuesday evening ý, - reen foni o *ntr o Qebced a miscerlaneous brîda;l and Nova, Scotia. ~vr1o siowec la honour of Suzanne irsperen wil be playing aWilson at lie homne of McS tlirlconLetat a lak-oFarNil ailey. This iappv eîen onSauda.was d oteadby Miýs QF.UeAAN__et VanCamp ae eon"a ber many lovely and SuP PiNAPE Z1 - two-weekbers oferMca. Glenda OZpM notEcid Stts y oor vijlson. Suzanne replied filbtt IN va -loua p on nCI ntalo evrnking the a0ietfo Mc, and Mca. MIpd l aireood 17 Mc- ýgod wshs lv ;la -u ob fihir cou si1n M . ri n - oin d aysrt buf F nl e oath e! I NA N TIIS A _O nan aI rono. c. and M. e pa ean Silaya vi MGAÎECA» IAR rALWPIE "f, and f Mcr . ABru%70c a -l ndy te et o i Vaually disastroolle, 5y4i(I~daY axend as oclîern Ontaî.AIER'_aN4c HM Go y ruf tîi,, nformation furral on On uday lie anuestCoast p 90&'TI R "4 6 eWUENECAV -TT -1ý MARï T N Y O RUN or~~~~~~t Caiicd t oo .an Mc. Merrihe pici asi d iarl KE EESo VanCanmp aonglepaia fw tCmuitvPrte-h~A MUR. PDUPTR6O!REELR A IED. MAisonîn d of .Osiwa. Mc. ining wti-a bontiful rpic-On 1 ,r A12f. "n ,e " Modaon ea liftufor lm Mca. R1liobecî Movai (ae CacolSinonhofeaydo'a wretor inA MMAIflW ilo ~~anîîe Ota ~Sauraylali Uitd erpiconit-Pak. -"iGA SPECIAL" AT THIS MAR1ET ONLY wedimedas csiel auMc. lmaFlewee Mc - A FI.. literaion nr e.ie W in Mca , 1-1QuadeNaZdJ04 1, #Z. On Stucdy MisesElea- Mc. Hilw. Iaiedd dube af,-.1e M .a . Ji d rc efE Whib ied a irtheay p on ecrsentrdcales0.c~________________ "IGA SPECIA-L" AT THIS MARKET ONL 'tiinMca . EdiibeMu ry 0fTyl- ad trr duglr fA - ---- In a berla, He.YClarencoferu"AIHIGAREAOL N SL S PUDOLeATIS ARG O il-I occ"Sln Ïbs n, Toronto, w 1ýEre on carlers 0f Mca. J. A.3Joinston E I_\.and a .li. TJiey 1sf CMJFJR RNDECI S ed sevecaiToionts ineret1l.VrPe IASEIL AT THIS MARKET ONLYDlUc lan tir comnmunily. VIVI4CA FJ NATI 4N l'fi. .C NT LPE d'11f e e tVI1Sunday guests ofMtI A SDE ACOJ. KeitiJointonLind and"IGA SPECIAL" L AP KAL Peai of Belleville. 'Mïoalday A HS & AI MM (oer~ >9 Bsiness DMr.ectory W'.iJ. H. OFG).S lýT IS MRKT NL WtiLLIAt-,oM. oALL is* HAN4 P LUMS PT,49U Phoneies623-3703r -IGA SECIAU'OVTSPAN 725-6539 .. OF 8T3-kt94or1 50 IUNG ST. E. = BOWMANV1 115 LibertyStpSione7os ef odi K Nwt sz Phone 623-5509 14,95