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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Aug 1972, p. 10

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Titra7Jamethentchampion hcleck. Malol} ho er mrrieri This was auctioned to the in Netletn1mtd (Church on highest biddep, r. Ahlan J3ea- Saturday, August 26 at 1 y p,m. cocli, Blackslocli, for $26,i Tihe reception w ,as held in the The sev;ere el1ectrijcal, winci Uln"+ed - ýc a Chu-rch Hall at Ylorad 1bilstorm thA Illte verto. Bur1stnamd louth Car Mc, ari Mr. lgn Taylor, wvrigyt seKion early nday Ennishui n, were Suoday ev- morning liattened ëicrops, p-ý ening supper guests or Mr. rooted trees and blew down: jand M rfJ-Arthur Hylnd. Mr. bahris. Then damiage and lossý andi Mr. Hyind spept Sun- is nbelievable. For those! d!ay ve gwîth Nd Mad Ms w have o cwind onr hail Austn Beacock Blackatock, insurnce it will be a fln- and vîited with his aunt, ncidÈ saster. MîVrsý. WlrdSwmsofroM! Sincere -fsymptb laex TiAD=sachustt,.SA. tended tpo Mrs. Johnr Fisher Er H B. La s pet aland famIly Caesarea, on the recent weekend xvith ier sudden dcath of ber busbaandý cousin ,M, M7. Finlay anýiâid at thleir cotage at Shaody Bay,1 tita. . Waicy t niovile.williams, Point. OnSiýn-1ay f,. awson Sunday dinner gucsts or Mr. and Bruuce cleenn in- and Mers. MLiton Fisher werei pierguests 91 Miss Lillian Mr. and Mrs Bet Hi nton, Léawson in Llndîsay. Julia and Rfory, Wllowdaole;ý Mr, Iane-iDilerso was Mr. and Mrs, Barry FishWer, adn'îitted b Por1it Perry Ho- lealnne and Susi5an, Rlackstoclc uital n suna. Evninig -visito)rs werp Mxr. ançi M r, and Mrs Mikur Mr.Dalton Fisher andi Scott Middom, Lindsay.Mr ad esfili, ss BaO FallisBetAnM . On Sunday, Auwust 2e0, Mc aond r1 Dugroli nd iMrs. ilton Fiîher ai- boy, BwmayilvisitedPmeded tAe goden mwedding during the weeliMAite r. and anniverary of Mr andi Mrs 71msclaMhe vWiliams. rVernon Fisher aI Woodvillei Mrs ~SLton Place in Toronito. dvlrs.Bob YWeatqherall, Owv- Western Tour aniewere Siniday guesta On ii riday, August Il Mn.ý of r. mi r~ Rnph adin.andlMr.Richard Pavison ac-ý Mn. aMd AMrs NormnSai n- cIls sýýpcnta da astwe at the .WE.Tfiey e(-specially SO uni oyed the Scottish nmusîc. * On0 edesay evenîng, Auguaýt 15iesa Denise al-Mr. and Ms.Percy ewIl coinbne-ejL'ct, was lionor- Dougilas and Paývid, ltiss cd with a bidai shower i aoy ealandi Mr. Gar- Neieton United Cbuirch base- don Boyd, MisDiane Lecwley, inmnt, Uxbridge, were Sundïay din- Mr~ WyneMacoin, si5tEýr-, ner guiest's of M.and Mnrs. in law and Mm, loyd Cain, BRruce T'ink. ber aunt, were the coit- Mý r.1 and Msrs. 'MorgAn Koss- tee. Relatives attended frani atz, etaw\awa; mr. and lMf1a Port Perr, Blackstock and Noel MacIntosh,Kicrne PoThurpan evnig, u apent the weekend with Mn. T1iuýcJa AL,-iÀ,,tand MVrs. Ross Kossatz. 16, Demise %vas aaiu honrdm= s FaKost whe M. Mri Tablnattended [lhe Mýitern - Bot-ý Orno was honsteas for Il edn a gnor mîscelaneous ahower. Guests ton-1ey edna Aicut were relative-_s and neigbbors on -SRturda, £il the Metfiiy 1r. and Mrlis. Clarene $ed-ý Mrant Ms.Marie am mn, Hmito 7 ene Thurs- cJls and. Wendy, 1t.and Mns. day aern gligests o fMr. Hloward Stton, Mîr, and Mrý. and Mrs. T,loy Broome, Glenn Bo gersp n11 of UW"ayne Yellowlees a n .çI booub;lr. and Mrs. Jim 1Walter Vice spent a few dayaý cMIlnand Carl, Pontyý- holidaying with Dale Bmoome. peool, were Sunday visitors iir and. Mrs. Howard Orni- with Mr, and Nh, a Lmen istort, Bowmani&l, wpr e: I{ylnd, - Sun1day callers;a Mn. armi Mm. Mr. ,and Mrs. Ralph Bwers, Tom Bake's. !an, Todd and Craig, Tyrone; Miýiss HeleiX Baker, Taronto, MnaidMrs. lTeg. Sutton, spenLt!teweeç 4 r Oirono, visited Sund1ay alter-Iand Mers. Tom Baker, noon and were enig dînner Mrs Clayton Crydernian gueïssoaI M and M4rs George ai-idruce, Newman]ârket, were Bowers. recent guests with 21M. and Mr.Vernon MaWlcolmn, Ran- Mrs. Everett Crydermnan. ni eand rian Judson aof View- 1Robbie MMîpO Jaw , lake have neturned froni spending a few daya with isi tbree weelçs vacation to Van- grandparents, Mr. and lrs. couver. Bvertt rerwn M.a n d uMrsa 1 ,vyli ines, _Mr. and Mrp. Jackson Wray, nnteand A!Mnthony, left on Oshaw, were Weçinesclay Sundxýay for tEastern Prov- supper guests of M1r. and Mrs, inocs They will also visit bis Ross Crydernian. oite nd huisband Mnr and, Miss Jean R$undle, Bow- ~Vr.Jiin Dicks and farmuly. mianville, vwas a Fnicay visitor, Mrs. Roy Wniight, with Mr, and Mrs. R. Cryder-, 'lrorotoc, attendedt the Kent - mnan,1 Malolmwedingon Satiir- Mn. an d Mrs. Aldin Hilîs, day-and were avernigt guests Çaledonlia, are boidpyin-g with of NY' and M5s, Vctor XaM r. and Mrs, Wesley HUMls colmMisses Carol and Ann 1isý Caitwr~htp l7thannI1al are spending a few vwecks Fali Fair, as uisual, attracted with their parents before re-l eibitios frorr near andi fan-. îui'ing to Kingston and back The weath r s ideal and t1o school. ~ plnd4 rodattended toaMr and Mrsý. Harry Knoir1 , Evening Classes Registrutioni 1972-73 BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL 49 Liberty St. N. Da (î-,. Wednesday, Sept, 20, 1972 Thursday, Se Pt. 21, 1972 Time:' Place- 7.'9 P.111. Just inside main entrance Watcrh for a advertisenient ino appear ill Septeiber ith a list of thle tourses. classes egnthe weekr of October 2, For fiirther information, phone 6213-4416, ON cornipanied M.adM. r BlIuH tavîd and RuKim' sk dale,- on n tour of tu-e We'rstrn Provin ces. Thiey vstdrela- tvsat Swift Current, Ca1-ý Trvlln vest t.hey went by UILTas-Can-ý 1adýia Iigpiway" but e. they turned thîfe solith- ern ro rute traîveding by ,Grand FalIs, Dulut h, 'ai ncitered4 Canada at Sasit Ste. JMarie., Arrivinig home Sunldayc delghfu vcati9n, enjoying rugged NrenOntario,te vastne'ss of Ithe -prairies, 1the g-randeur of the Roces, thec teraced city cQfI Vancouve'r ndits wvrjl amous harbour, Vicloria andi its 'Old Egih ntoshre. 1r.and rs.Charles Hux- table, Toironto; -Mr. and Ma R o s '-'cortis, Belleville, wr Sudy vh-itons with the 1nuc faslips. DeceoratîQfl Service aev. S. E. Snowden pIM M\iaple wvas ithe guestspae for the ainnual Deoonntîon Ser- vice at eteon United ChIurcli onsumiay at 23 piThptem f icsln did message wa"vs "eoe" Mr Ys. ,ob -Weathercall, Bow-, ninilfavoreci ithtw solos, "Tonday Is Mn"aud 'TilMYy CuIP. Lord" with Mrq. Goridon Str-onýg, Blackstock, accoopayin pntheorgan. INA Mnailnd Mns. Johin Knýoxi visited on Siuiday w;ith Mr., anrd Mrs. Grant Down andc Nany Kaxretunned homne rittem after a few days' iyis;t with thie Downs Mýr. Rnnd Mm_. JwosnR, çie Ty,,;ronec; Mn. and Mns. Joe Sniowçen aidSlieryl ,vere Sa£-' rayevening- caliers w ith1- ýMn. undi Mrs. Ch1as. L'angnId. 11fr. and Mfrs. PanKeet andi Tenry, ~wnvle n and Mns. Joe n de ad Sheryl -were Sunday isto' .wlth MnT. and Mrs. Doiug Flett, Brtcc Snawçen spent. the! weekend wt KnyDre'w. It will be Promotion Suin-i day next Sunçiay at SunIday School, which is at 9:15 a.m. Seyp'rai froni the commun - î4ty e-njoyeçI Blaclistock Fi on Saiturday, MNIrs. Joln Markçs'scar- borou.ýb. spenIt a few daya ljast xeeki with -Mn, and MsWcs- ley Yellowlees. Qrorio Fair's Prize 'iists Now Available The Dunihatin Aiiutr So,,ciety Fall Fair P'ize list isl ,now available to exhibitonsl andi those inýtenestp-d in th-eý fair that ig heiçi annually inl Orona, 'Thlie ït, 1,16 panges, 2on- tainsv a coniplete listing aI ai l cichibits in -which çompetitors, y tali'ckep ant, This list inl- cludes not ply llvestock ani farn produce but also items": that are evideit anqund the, hom e, Tle wide va riety sunrely basinterest Ioncnal e ver-r y -indciiçiual. lcay CooW-lUng nd bakm in along crafta, art, ilowers aihd thecrsi providie a great scope fi- tercst in whic n ta enter oulr pnîze work, N ot only areý these cýlasses pnovided b ut il a number 0f c -ases, age gnoup-1 Burned Hay Destroyed! In QronQ Blaze Fine on Satunday, Auguist; l9tli çestroy ed a hanrse shed îeçsulltinig also in the d cestro- ng of a han-se whýichi was baçly burneçi in the, lire. Sompe 100 bales aI haýy wene' aiso destroyedj. The blaze, aI nlioon ,in, was on the prope.rty oIï Ilarold Pre-(scott in the nanthi end. of OrOi 'an Street. Tfhp iaai'm was turnred 1«n b y the Prescoitt at arounld 5:30 ime finemen an ive bntei icene, the rire lbad an oven- whlrning heaci stant. The fine depar.tinentwa back on th-e scene a on da as the bundreds ol bales ùaI ç0000 ReyuIo Tiger Suie! A MTON PRICEDI k~~Y WHITE, PINK, YELOQW GEl AQUA, PUMPKIN, ASQWIED CQI.OUR PRINTS WHIITE, PINK, -ELLOW, LILAC (RATl4ROOM) 'ACTION PRICEP ROYALE TISSUE RGOF ,&ee w1IYET, FiN4K. YELtOW BQescf 111 Shes, ACTIONIPRICED Disposablpae rr (Toddi.r Pjçg f 30 $1.59) Film ffeýr fl Royale Facial Tissue 31s1,O LSMBETDDIER Pkg of 6a 2.8 O utstuoding IuB kory V ubws! Pi> f ce 5 ATJ""A~ e ' "", JAEPAKRMRIG Sv l AREANGE LCAKE C O E Le mon Pie fui! 8incb22-oz ize ~9 AG IICK JANE PARKER, FPRONTED (SAVE 14c) JAI5ARKE IEDnt k f3fM onday -Labour C Raisn BraTuesl0 9-6 Thurs, . 99 Sweet RoUis p o'39C SA VE l1ir Wed. 9-6 Fri.9-9 Solaving-S j, the X'arne of the Gamie! Ami PageA PEANUT BUTTER Oranige Pekoe ~iE5TIMI PREPRICED 69c) ACION PRICED Orage rysalsPkg Cf 5pkgs 39f Potato Chips MACARONI 1 CKEE Kraft Dinner <Proprice 69c) ACTION Pî~ 1-oz pkg 6f 2 ACTION Pmiçgo 27opkqs 29f AYLMER, CIjOICE PEAS OR CREAM STYLE CORU Action Pr;ýýA Ve[getables 419-11oztin 99f (HARVARD BETS5 5'1-FL0Z TINS 99e) JeIIy Powders 3ozpkglàQs HOLIDAY FARMS, FROZEN C.abbage RoIIs6zpika8 5e MORTOWS, Frnz ~cn. B pnalh te, Coeornt, Lurnr~w,-y C nm P ies 1op. 3 7 Wg'ILSON'S P lus Botitle Depoit G'GRALE or 6/s ORANGE 2oz ACION PRICÉD I HIUNAN MNES -A.VAR;ETIES, CAKE MIXeESj 39~o ACTION PRICaD 3-LB JAR 9<ý 1 P Go INSTANT Nescafe Coffee, sTQuirsY', NREDA ,RI RED Kidney Beains rir $1 .9 9 ACTIOlN priCEG ROBIN HOOD, CHOCOIATE, DUTCH DEVIL, GOLD, HNEY SPICE, WHITE ACTION PRICED, Coke MiXes 6 9-.1OzpUChpaks 97f ,.AUNDRY (PPEPRICED 95ç) tACTION PRIC.MI ABC Detergent 3-", ,o 78, NOBODY UN TOWN SELLS BITTER BIEF Canada's Fines f Choice Red Brand Sf «r Beef "Great on a Grill"f BLADE STEAKS lb 7 Short Rib Roast 176f ONndChuck 1692f BONE IN Go n h c i12 Shouider Roust lb76fisteak ssRib Steak "'98f VnýH "rGt5M ON A GRKILL" Ground Beef l 84f ibl ,*California Steak $61.09 To Our Fiedsan ifi tomers Wei--lce [o thewodrflcol of Chinese food at thýe Lotusp arnsResLaurantl, where you will enj oy thesut'leies rofChns cuisne.Ourmenu i exotic ;and legfendary; it is filled wvith every delight, popular dishes and gourmet delicacies. 1 C youi appreciate a change of pace fromi the ordiniary Ô(r h3ave thje slightest whimc for real Chnee ourmnet food, paniper youjrse-lf ai-d your -1amily, enjoy the best fromn us, Yocur f ailyb will marvel at the exotic cuisine and -0ourC dayv wý,ill be fmost rewarding. When you, entertain or have an~ occasioni to celebrate, flaltter your guests. Serve thiem an array of thiese deliciotis Cieespecialties. Youir party will be a success and your vengwilI1 be mQst pleasant. Whiether you)t dine at home or at, the Lotus Gariden3- Res.tauraint, ouir luscious gourmnet fooda s sutre you of a plecasanit, memiorablle experience, Thaýnk Youi, Thie Managem-ent FREE HOME DELIVERY O N $3.50 MI1NIMUMI ORDER PLEASIE CALL PiESTVAUR ANT 623.558F3 or 623-3473 Buy wi Confidence . .. obody in Town Sells BSefter Meut! COUNTRY StYL, GREAT ON A GRILL" !Spalre Robs k SHOULDER OR VUIT, '"GREAT ON A Rt' Pork Chops SFROZEN (0.BCARTON) Chicken Legs Chicken Quarters rROZEN, BOILING, TRAY PACK< CttUp FowI SUPER.RIGHT BRAND, SuCE» Side Bacon CAMPHIRE BRAND, RIND ON, J'y THE PIECý 847f Side IBcIon WI-fOLEORHAIF i6 f S X BRAND, Store Pack, 4 Vârietims o.w,.Ii.,H "'78f Italian Sausage tb 78f SX BRANDe "GREAT ON A GRILL" îb,59f eWieners PIRNS BRAND, VTORE PACK lb 8f Scusages BEEF & PORK 5mor-D, CRYOVAC 'k2fCooked Hams HLE 1-b vac pac a88f TrOWN CLUB Wieners 4-1b, carton $1,99 l59f VAC PAC $,8 l vaC pac 14b1 Pick up your free originol rejýc'pe atA&P WEO's Meaot Counter, This week's recipe "DELICIOUJS DILLED LIVER", MAPE LEAF BRANO, SLICEM Bolognia 16-n'7 YaC, pi( 5 9f RANICH STYLE OR PETER PIPER gRAND, NISKING R lrnaC BY THE PIECE 11 35 ESSEX BRAIND, FROZEN beet btealkettes 1 ~ 15 CALIFORNIA, EXTRA LARGE 51ZE MELONSDUW e~ CANADA No. 1GRADE, ONTARIO WHITE TARIF STOCk A1O]bba-4 5 c 1 1 MDCCU Ê%bi A r.019j's

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