W.OTUKBUTUARIES ~~~~~~A ~ ~ ~ ~ i welkonrsdn omno ehn,Wi Mahall Ohawi; 17grdcîre n 36, iasdawysddny" itad on it r.LodOesi StMs.GaycWI wiavfe oni Thur dey, riter (Eu inijcclof PO 1,c x- of Por-t Hope, and twýo Âk4U5 îth,192.Fr. brthes, lfordLem-on ofi 1a dcVd i aelr r Malc--n rest rd aPi p, Mrj Mnoulgell 1( s ýrie at Mai d Nvinhr,-ï ith; Hom. Sevc1,cin e wthsr i eiithe clapfl 'Sat I~2 toElenorE. ai ho ape, Mndi et1: n., Inayetonrifpm. Intme' surivs hmthe hd r~ nte rtin the Ohawa Hs n MoNelanCeetiry. Mr.Pote hd ber an-Jo~ CARESBENNETT CndanDaeteAsoito ployedfort15CIars s !àtans-1 ould bPappreiated T~aaor.H wsmmhrnihbuswf esoce oSALEM of teUîe n er o tasuddcenpssg the CaainLgo. c onha rleenniett, agedi Alaoaurivig ar bi nith- 5, f 3George Sti- Bowman11- s pa-thyi xeddt e-r Mrs. M.E, Poter, i 1h i]drn lville, onSndyAuut2hMradMs.amutryn Mrs. Byes ( rolyfi, 172. eloI ed husband io ftesddnpss thelix fvrs obr Cru hrs(etMary Erm MEwn ho boterinIa, r, Ivisoni Mrs J Ynk Juy> Wanehemarried Dcm fr3s, 1Muniild a A 1So oMr-s, 1. endTo. hre as rs Ms. 52 h I iso surývivad y unayand femily ini the L. Wlsh Franes) Mrs G. ive hilrenJenJan,.-eyors 0f a Ihusbaandndfaher. Puss (Hc e) M . J Shr nald and ý 1r1yhismo- est wishens for aP.speedy' FBie) fi ebobesctete M, . cwnadarecovpl-y to Ir. Otto ade Berer. Ew', a l ad sseMs .Cphorand N/rl-,Jon Coperwhoar >uselSte a oAn Br taa nalptl Ga-rter uan ncotM Bcnî a ducReedin Be (ýia ,tcdcogaltin n Bye P PstrDoal, espotOnaroHaewm ebest wishies to Mr. and Mrs.1, Relser dR ar Pnk, reidntoBoIvmanvlle for Ken Fecè,Nwovle Hie ortcuttHllott uneal 1 yers ad xas eploed w w r forer-esiderits of!ý ~{me BwranileonSe-for 22 yasa n nceribilcmmunity, onrth cela- ý jzrdy, ugut l2h wth e ith theC NROshea. Fbi ation of ttir SOth Wed- serice 1alb aeiwr ury BC.MbryCo rom thus commuinity attend- Mesas. .eî, favi, Rchad, ake ad Oshawa attn dedthe -reception. Pra adRbert Poser andhe furin, eriew hichMr v erîNdrs. KenHudi Rai Kened ntren was conducted byCapt. , Se;nd v. encRi Mrs. P.1la;k- wasun roo Cmee y cHwlett fromî Northuti l-hu ttendied a paty inà honl- TI-e iiny beri jfUl- for h u Fu ral Home ,on Tues,,- or oitt.f lMr. and Mr1,S. .Ja meps 3oan aiogw Iiich-11wreda' r Py, Augurst 22nd, 1972 ewan'501h1 dig n and CaadiaT Legun, Ma ack Bssoneie, Dnd rMac-/[isaturdai veig ~sterninwhuh ta ecescd Inermnt asIn owmn-shoerfor Miss KtyTwis, ~ held.ville Ceeuay. hose niar'riage to M.Briaýn _______ Diver takes placeý on Satur- da1y, ep.9îh. Allr Kathy FRAK ALCLM MRS, MtTRJEL (iRA CE hadopc-eed ber ymany eui Fra nk Msom ebr MOOGL u it she expressed 'ber thiankeS. everl conItests, foi- cf~~~~~~~ Cea-MsneLde20 eietosaafr60 lowed by lucconcludeýda Oshaa, embr 0 Blck-yaar, Me. uril GOceMc- very haýppy avening. stockL.O.. 13. a a menr-:Dougalldied Wadday, Aug. Mr, and lVIrs. F. Blecýkburn. ber ofthe anadlien Ordler. o!241972,ai- Oshawa QGener-1 al and M1% andM.LsleWes Porstes n Nstîto. de'Hospital following a îo-ea1vsiied wiib r.anjMs. Ken Przdy, Agust18, 972 t[the jilinese. Sbe ived et 96 Co-Sakeo n auye Oshaa Gnerl-Hopîtl fl wSî., îshcaatheir cottage et PigeonRiiver. 1o winga l nghy ijlne e H The formier Mmil1\a 1 r. and Me.Doug'lsReyn- livd i 74 uoropstreet, Lemon was born M 1 90 is anid famïilyhava reurn- Boa n ar'wigt ow-in yEnglandýï,the deahtr.,ro mnh'shlian shin uly 9 187 hawaa lu tha h late Mr-, and Ms ila h etr rvne.Te onof t1e lllte Mm. anýd Mrs Laron and wemridinvstdD.and Ms e James Maloîni. Haras dedWhithy in 1927, l, Oseafor cý 31.er nd iThe daceaisedis s vveb w; ov!redfor Pedliar Prople Ltd harhusand, Gordor nIMcfout- N E W TI fo 8 em, rtiring _,in 1965: gaîl; fiva dau11g htersJoycea e vsa adhereIýnt o! ;t ,plutreau; M. H.Hob1teMm. and Ms.Wilerud Lock- Luk& Prebyemin Chumc. (axia)'Mm. Dorecn Chianc- hrto! Niagara Pelle, N'y, Th- drèceased le 1urvvedby1r Ms.D. ichalrds (ett);-ereS-uppar getTedy hie if, the ormerDaisy MsJ. Mehon (Martean)ýIwlth Mr. and dmrs.J.heLan-, Curiwhom lie marýriedlibriue sont, Nomen, JBih an1CI ¶atraddmn h vn II Ml'y eck; Tha ocharsnd Lanli- casters had al a;ttanded th1C famly icae hld t the coýt- taeof14 M r-,and lIvr, Chas, Wele etLake Scuigog, the, ji ad NMrs. Mar y pduan P O RThstee, nd ttnd witLh 1MrvandIMas. enPlatcb- CI'includad Mms. Lnonia oh ergratVice, ail o!rGOrba-i * ~ ~ Mr. drnM ameel NORSE anid CATTLE SHOW Hevý W. F. Hiding !chuf g mrvs Bonb Eice, Ltemry -en(Iý LARGE WOMAEN!S DIVISION tiavid and Mmrs. Hamolè!es MORSE RACING well of Por-t Hope, MmI!. and MmeC. 1H. Ln with PARI..UTt1EL WAGERING spei a; coupla o! d alst SVNDAY anid MONDAY weekr.wi th M-rrc aflnd Mýr Wmt MIDWAY - RIDES and CAMES H; Ivk atiboi ir ctaea IMamodimi UaDMn QQ Largest Rabbit @ammolb MidwÜayShow in the Farlm MdéinryCountry B~nd~in KCaftIe & Hiorses Atte'ndaMleý &he pPoultry PARI -MUTUEL WAGERING TNURSD0AY- FRIDÂY - SATURDAY SEPo7 m9 Til1iiýÎIIUSDAYENVENING: 70)V .M AUTO DEATH DODGERS Twôk Wlnfr o aid g AuoFry Horse Jumping Exibitionl Team Drawing Contest for Horses Good Prize - Monay will bha Offret! SA'UDYEEIG:81 AI PETER'S HALF DOZEN -One if ôur fEtétlet Reni Attryactionk for y0fung :aiud Oit! E IZ A BETH V * E l!o7the eaal maady olea a wiunS lathe ferm o! an l Eu.Z es H v . ei1r mvln ta aeirie autuon sale w¶th10-r- Sia1nle- hm.tnasý auctonfaeer. Pl ease ift G nealonChurch services for the ee i~~eadMs lleo r.L ude shome1é ntf Ye ordoetuso ~~hdl' held ew rt Gaen Hili o otHp aasol oissusi- gain ad ihey *nd Mr and'hknswng nuusar Suda. t asihMets P- d by m.M.Cuaoni "rM,,W.Mu %ewM.Vn, wai hova you. Alo a quiit vie-o!hoidays, andnx Sm athesar xtended toaIirsý, D. hibrd;nd girUlsgleupicanned for the near Sunaywewil a ec t te eacckfail i te shwa inderdl 1ew d!ey f Wuur, the prize for the draw,, ihe mgular services. Services eathO! the lig" Wilui mDcmfo evrsaid et ouýr Ocobr eein.-0 and Sunda y ý chool nt, Il1et oney, M.illig, brothler-ml- ;a famoiiy icicaiGardcn ily e;ndConueifar n Gefdie n Hill, aiýCanton 111>' Aafo m n Me .Pa iIPrk am ndrteiaarh o antI 10 cm.ai Wehcoma. Mv. o r, rýand, Mmeý. %J. Pea- Lad pis otfogtar m .Loga Holmes o e Fo op whi cok1erhr0agin feMfr. aWoman's nsJ. ute m a ir . eln d Mmtie. . M lu - speak et Can ~~tA our sr going homre ilstweek, for 0th, nig afieýr th, holidayswilhspnSudywtMm d viesyetada, ev J Rm-~eviPe -Sept. 61h et7 pm.ai the Mme. R. Avemy,Osw TII~~TT1~I9 Mm. H ~ 'spko et h Sunday echooI. hi le Mmc.CiG.They alun bcd r.eand 1p4 unWESL.tiYVLL F, OsîhPwa on Mounday wheme Mol/ Pr r is'group -EuainG emrand a friand ifrein t hae ma. i Mra H.- ste, antI Culturel Actvities. hu Port Hope 01 Sturay MeH.Coucbmnan andIMme.uran, d-anijM."J D T. E, N.Jeffamies le!tn) at.-tker and they viite itl oN UNVEhIY Fx"?NT ur~foi pr i om-es ln Ricb ed me1HnmAMirr,~ Virgiia ancd Hocher- 1er Ne Yokafier send- .. aynr, orroig homne Ito Tom- ingthaawees er. Tey i on Tuesday mwbere frsROYAL1 Friday by AsStalle Bannait mnte and ilaer sha cama!C N ,ERVA, wth othefinde andI they home on WVednl-esday%,eo' themiealves entartaînad cv'ir ommy ýïZeland le niCvî "" I-IIiNII friande et thaecotage on the pHospitai, Patemborouigh whrmalosMY previnus Tuesday, haple suffeing from a shoot- M u. âandIVMrs. Doitn cCoil, jlgacPcident tilia finvolved David ouchteRony, Prinipal AnrwandI Beverley Jet ull- Somylr ung _o9lads o! theacoin- 273Blor tretW 1tI Iis waekand from a hall- mounity. 'Ne hope ha le 5s"& etephone enqulrisa 9203797 day spent with friande et a welil and hou-ne agini, aipr cottage near Sudbury They sympathie are exianded in ........... r fdnt nmissîng tUs thosa Who are involved. F ' ~ R lD R~~D dowInpour o! rein which n- AoFKrcdacietwsLL uLiU* OPENSu uLE,,53 cuirrad in that arec. On tei athCo! John AnPedeson, way they celed Ltacee theson of-! nMdanIMms.Andr- Comprehensivetran inIn ilmusial sujeets IThos. Wison !amily et theircson, Parrylwn, ai Canton on Idvda ntuto pca ore id on Ge-,orgiî a Beyand 'Satu'rday nîght.i nsrcton -Spç.j onth wy om vsîedwih Mr. and.t Mrs-.Wnemeu Classes for Children -~~~ ~Mm. PantI Mmc. Jas, Porter an aabetroigt ure 1 crncMui pehArsai rm - -their cottage ai Panelon FPell7. G ,!nuore' faR-m <and the Gil- E* Dalcro S e E rythmlcs r s m. Porter wes the formernOrfKto mares b Port Hope.% Elsie Shwamz.Mm% andtinm. Millm o mdWie Pedagogy and Thecry by Correspondec Anrow strip o! country ha eewith M nti Mrf. H 7 ýwes bit by wind andI baills unrii rdymugt hn I h Ihl1itII Tbumsday might, uproting and Q-_____________________________amen___p breekingPtres and ddamagingV fielde o! comnni ri other cmops, lan ts peth. The famm o! lar-1 enice Nichols, Roy Nichols en W Y O MU E EO I . . . . .. .. .where il oossed their landI, PalRichard Morris - a1so alarge tre a ws uproot- 1*. M. antM. E. Krvnn, .A KIO PT AL Peul edad Mm. . ard's. Paul Richard Moris graduated 'in FuunralSevicecMehodv and Daie l aileATd etO TIA Edcaio fomHube CllgeToronito la in& Mme. E. BawcougWs on M RECAUSE GLASSES R afarto erspecialepeinc it neo teThussday n)their \wey homeESAR from e holidy in Prince ES NEI- RIE lerget hfual firme in. Toronto, and becomes o thefîthwad llantd, Nv cteO ELJVPIE genaratin in quali.fy in theMori f amily professpion.New Brnswick nd Vemmont MUorris IFuneral Service, TDjvisinSretBomnnvlCburch ser'vice we e àe oaa cf the oldest coatinuing f amily buineses . Gardon Hîion S(',oay mScm- i ha" ndWS dd n181inEavianitehýisfor t he summer. Hegulai' 91 0 $A5 Paul's graatgreat -grandFatherP, Lvi Morrs. Paul je services in he thr"eatownshie ce the oldest son of Don edDrth1ors2gado8 "u~~ewilbgn eiSn i f Mv.ad Mme. C. G. (Ted) lmorrî, ad a gretgad e r-1ie7una !Se .-YOUR CHOICE F 65 RICE INLDESAEAN OUR sol ofd the late F. F. 'Morris. Mm. Ont1Mme.CancE /"4:0 5FAESYESAE N OOR _______________ ___Nichole droveaith Phîiilîp 1 YOUR PRESCIPTION, IN WHITE, ROSE OR GREEN -LENSES Toronto on Sundey whara ha frmnONE YEAR IREPLACEWIENT WARRANT'( AGAINST BREAKAGE Mihîr atI emiy e Edon egis ta !umnth wmk YOUR CHIOICE 0F CASE FR01 A WIDE SELECTION ton andI spent a wveck ith tr;uae c ourse o! bis university edu * 4 OZ. BOUTLE EYEGLASS CLEANING SOLUTION the ai er ctta-gePt Jas- ceio. a ll h wrkng* IFOCALS iN KRYPTOK, FLAT-TOP-OP, JLTEX STYLES po. be atles isî ad e-ibtha Deparînt no!fEdu - fNew rmetai fbous aauâlabie $0,0 xaa rge tivs t etbriga ant . . . ,,~,, , cation. Lowest prices on special types o! lenses and tints -Thunder Bey.," -'-" his bas been e veri un > ~i i i E ' . sueýl year for tha gowth o! q,"' fuelti~- andtIgeden cmope. Swett* V 1 pLeaS pantad et tce usuel oime1 and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mg fauyaeo" oia nIusuahiy thmough lowar- tnip in Moosoniea andI othar . ..n -ngbtoh o, re:us tnc . Nothern points.bgnigbptfot od4 bionme, w1ffle tometo plants! ~' rîîASOE 3,000,000 SATISFID CUSTOMEIlS Hecnt usuor wih M.look hike foliaeailathe tmapicn, j and M Mme Stafn -Page and lboys h iithe toma-toas em ainiïtg w'erc Mmvi. Rchrds . Bel- gAeI,~. OR four andTI Hcky andI Mme.B. * , Ifa dl rd-aePlnfuanI,2 ODS. TeWathUs pfPowel, aýil o! Tonto;Mr-!enougbo h eô!tbem aound EStaa 91 andI "Mme.C. lMurphy enci "»' ake thae arîy momnng Rn S rda (109 daughtar o! Hachange. î atn ie for sight and Sir- Monda lo M.and Me.C. M. Jonaesouti laboc letI cuckoô If~ SA APoe 241 Iteandad the fun-erel et Pak ugrs-in aMoay cf uof Cn~Fiiu ahf 0-- )i, _fs weauc , 7na 0e eJ& ,sao r nsisâl, Md F t... v____________________ Jack Asiformier imanaigeri Threaothardeathe ioccu rati ibmougli the wveek o! ppopla- i-e- known in this ioclalily, )neiè,. -51ý ly, Mme.W . Da in,gton udjri ~ ,n~ Mm. 1Hazel Farrow in Oshe- U ihix . wa a1ndi Mm. IvJson Munday lin~~fu, " . - BoWmaailieSyMpathy iý ý ,, ' expressati te relatives aiî) fientiS. MeM ariNolyn lkrly snBih Ciemkr. Michae'l Mnd Fu Lod Lô ntao!Bthenly, M . . augbtAmo!rm nIMe o Gilmar, Mary Pea nd ;Zir1 BradleBw a1ilgai friand were h vsitrSWith uat'edfro BmcileHun Nlme. Agnei(s Bumey n Fmidpy. ai Scbool o!-, Nursi-ýng n 1Avg, Me ', tMaD ntd atIMr. spitl, Don Vink1r, atÉtud ParlC showr unribno crMise An-aitL Genicf memea, ra iiet bbc viieiMm. antI 'Mme Dn Rekeda er trai1pr camp et, Lnret , ea Ahli s toln. -pa eopleettending 1thar bâlgerce in PottHpe Ml F uray ennginchudad mrqS. Miry-ad andI Grant, Kritb ereýnu antI Cemol, NMC. ,andtM M1, - Rcs BMawn and Shlley,Mm and MmCGi Jnsvisir dMm eud-Vi m. Wallaca Memm-rili a WVamkýortb, Sndcay.' and on hr 'waR h1ome, chalet i toi hem hresipec,,te toMm. ant M1re SmîtFife o! Heetiiuge, i btns g tsoi' 501h ed digAnnive'srsey.Mm. ife Mm, CIanti i Mme. C-nvPar- -,-e Jocdr.ove îto Kinigston. uson he nideet Unite C'hurch in existenuce io d;, tThis builing bas been heu-u ini wo rulcndtioni, andi PR6bett Naîl Jimes peuple coma efmom fer and Inear [0 ttenjdis one annue-il son o!FM. aud Mme W EV service which wae beitI her, Jns B'mnvlerecently- Suna1.gradueed fdom Lak1aci~ desnvisitad liag1rý a Fhswihhe ahlô !Scéc during teweed chn irata~ooy n hlI in n a etm inaragefor îgeCriuaei o s Br mdaonlipritway homie ha is zIntenidion f nihris Mm nd Fe ~. dilinfur aducatio-n la thePaîl for hie wamacaiung n fiand etBechlorcf EucauonDe- irelfuHll inlata, ticdgre. Hélea gr0rduate o! arCs, Sunday aiRmnoon. or aSecondmysool. Oufr tguier orctservice, trs hnsIis cmn tfd îHamneefaced Welcme et 0 ac. uing ta1ou breethool ike iret gamec day. dddin aicapai wasin-vo! the finals. ', y dh eba etlc,(kiln'iiunso! lite U.C. elu i30-15Ji g la game CalIc W. so the floor le now an- ýafier si-, ninr, aeu-e of tiraly rovami, eddung nuhtainee oneVogele h ol 1heappeau emce. Niva btsfor fIve-at-batsin- Oiur iinister bas ba wcuigtbrae dublas; June travllin b Wstern Cana f a Kîmbeil wvas !u~for four, bhy bus, andt t New!nundleiud andt Joany Wilems was four by, 'plane, UHa-.iust nightlforfvHorunrscrt have sonOahing axciing %S 7 um nibte fiurt innun an-iti léil up grding hie pertan1ai led aJ]ibe wyTe rose oo expperencos, whila away. bD wag hand Onh pin g' tnme ouI, averyorne, ne.xidutias. sunday nmoming! iOnAgui24, oduie' On SMAturayAugust 26. Our junydto Welcome wbemar Eodrunners belti a "Bke- he. ei20-18.JaneVg thon" to tclmit 1(r ae eswac ibr-ear fur i, s mo0ney tO1 purcha1Se beýCébPtli JHnC 1Kimbal: Cemonl Hner- leh, The phnned toute son, Jony illemys ancli Tereca luovnrred orne 30 1muaS nati Hnmnweg cliA enîfoor for eai Fesimaes lo diraté-het fîvé, anti ~in, iclat!(-,m 1 mustiy tho evepnhsot1- 4antidcdindg game -M! un ente Cogratlatonsgirs! crie wasplaetiMouiday, On riAugusi217 4etnvhl ,lt 8 uthe-s r c r Iuyvetr.____________ ____ the blqqgest municipalenmrtn Wthou'It youlit ion 'be irlht. Theis ait election year fA inuinicipal council school boarcs anti other local bodies in miosi of, Ontario. 1Aniiea rl step bin eeelectins e phue docu IlenIlting of voters' Il is.- To assemble voters e w needt 10makeanadenumeratios 'Thit is donc by the Province forI Oaclu municpalcnn- inueation movemor-e Ilan :te voters'et%Il hélpedetermine the divison of educationproperty txes btweenthepblcand sepamate 'chool system. h les the Province mlore fatydistrihutegran o b oc:al oenmnto help rece mun iiiticipal tex billà. And ià aIeahelpei provide un with anlaccurlute popullation count. Çollecillg nealy 8 million nemes aniati ;(- dresSes you can imuagie, lis a big job. The people to vieit every residence - lai Ontario. When the goveu-n ilent representative knodkts on youlr door, the procedure ýlessimple. Theenmrin notice is Iii-pinted byc om-, perwith the n'amesofee- one culrVently on record in yotur housclhold. jIf you agr ea -that the rinration je-,'coc1tç and mmlet, orsrpl i the noi.Ifiheic re ~eChanges, sth as an aPdditioni 10 Ih famlily, orctosarc madie on thdt sot, veiieiad signeti by you- or ayothei- r admt iri yourutcoli.If you e 're nlot hou-ne f i otict r, lef, tgeter itl sipleinsrucion. ou mail il , postaige freao, only.1f Ihcýe r ç hng~C- 'You .will hacouniiitedsoelm btw Setmbr(h anti 18 h. The Municipal Enumeration: September5-18. Wlthunt you it won't be iight. ~ G~weriunent ofOntarju Mînieiry of Revenue Hon. ~Ilen Groseman, Munîster. Donald A. Ci-oshie, lJêputy Minieteit