Magificent Outfits Worn by R id e rs i lcsokFair Prd Contestants line up to be judged in the Open Glenna, Griffin, RR 6, Bowmanville, on lier Palamino, Parade or Costume Class at thle Blackstock Fair on Miracle Max Golden Image. Saturday. The winner was the rider on the f ar ici t, ENNISKULLEN 1President H.G. M1 MatrJaPme-, Avery enter-, and Mrs. Herb. Stainton ai- and family were Sunda;ýy dii- tandreceeithy on the occa-lîended the Carlson - Drain lier guests with MVrs. Ros sil-n of hlis second birthday,. wedding onI Saturday ai Don Lee, Kedron, Miïss Susani Lee,ec s Gdy a His guese wre Master Scoti Minster Church, Don MilIs. Kedron, is holidaying th-s re ýKkeýr, New"castle, Misses MradMs.Er rwie week 'wi th Miss Sharon Penny an Pauline Beekett,; and Mrs. C. E. Horn were Werry. ise Anra and Carla Saîurday callers at' Mr. and Mr. and Mcs. Joe Rekkerc Mas alad their mothers rs. AlnRc',Okod and Scott, Newcasble, MissA E 2 M i ndiMr. Gorge ýIrwsn rsEdWc Phyllis, Macshall, Bowmrart- wee rd.y iitrso Mc Md.aty DM illE e pet ile Mr. and Mrs. Muciiiray Despite an expected rouigh plants are working nx r Mae oeBbago. the weekend with Mc. and Marshall and girls were Sun- winter - tire sellieg season, seven days a week to meeti msday eveaing dinner oust f Goodyear-Caniada should end the dcmand, and we expect Mran Ms. ar Tewi Ms.S. Lamb. Mrs. WeelSs M n rs .Aey*t p th another record year, Ibis,-to continue thcough\ the and.~~~~ Mrs. .aE.dom, shawC.andKath remaneoufr ho Cer uE i-the DeiUa ns-d ays. mind o h - celebrate Mr. Averys aný,ýdlwith sales ini excess of $200 second haîf of 1972." gllnMrs. Rckker's bevicthdays. Cn million and an ail-time high in MacNeill said hie foresees a 1ury edigat Oaký1wood Mr. and Mr,. F. W. Wecry gratulations. profit, H. G. MacNeill, presi- rough wintec-tire eelling cea- Utedoi Churich andi reception had Saturday lunch at Kin- Mr. Don Trewi spentt Iedent and chief executive offi- son hecause competitors,. espec- at the Kawa-,r1ka Room, The mount and supperwt r weedwthM.Ere cocr ld the recenit second- iaiiy those that didn't have a Bonir, insay o Stu- nd Mýrs. John Borrowdalp ai win, Blackstock. quarter management mieeting. good first balf, are goiag to try day tihir sýummenýr home, Rosedale. Mr. and Mrs C. Staýinton "We xii have to fight Lo get and. recoup as much as they MisenAdrandDel. Te othiers Fellowship and f amily were Suniday' af- there, but I am s :ure we'll can out of thý' marketplace, ie Morrfof Bown.v îlci.2ir icji-lacr rýs sp ntacuple )f dy wiîtae odiga 0n"osio ternoon callemsetai Mr. and make it," he p-ýrdicted. How- an effort to improve their 1972 Mr. nd rs.F.W rr. Saturday evcning at Mr., and Mrs. Dan Kearney'sý, Bow- ever, MacI\eill coupled, bis performance. "The only chance Mm.1and Mcc. Adam Sha11 ýrp Mrs I-Harold Ashton's. manville. optimistic' note witb a warn- they have now, is la winter- wer Wenesay venng ia- Mr. and Mrs, Robert WIil-, Mr. and Mrs. Danis Mile-ig that Goodyear employaes tire, sales. So, we can expectP nergucîsofMr an Ms.son, OshaPwa, were Sunday' shlp, Pontypool, were v isit ors muet iot become complacent. comae fierce competition, but I Ruer Ber, owanilecahiers at ýMc,, and Mrs, C. at Mr. and Mrs. R.e'. MacNesl, in refecriag to the can'assure you we are wall a brtlhday cerlabratfjinfoý r Mc!1Aer's.1Mr. and Mcc. Weedah'tl eompany's' first six monthe' prepaced for il and are confi- byr.Congraulations. Ms Phyllis Marshall and Prime, Tim and Cheryl wcre performance, said management dent tbat we xiii do wehl," Mme GldysAvry nd c.Mr, Dan RHarte-MaxWell Were Sunday visitors wîth the M. is pleased witih the 16 per cen t MacNeill explained. llwrd CJni' AveryOshaand, rSaudynigbl dînner guestîs Mamehalîs. rt nsaet ed5 er "We saem 10 have today a racant diner gues e of . fMc. and Mrs. M. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. F. Spcy, Roc(h- cent increase le profits. "These very agile, hard-hitting team, cld Mrs ueC-tAv ofry . and family. ester, N.Y., are b olidiaying recuits confirni once more that, and I do not bhink any of our r. and Mý, Cc.L tan Mr., S. Kersey, Hampton, with Mr. and Mrs, E. Wciguht, leebacepoiabhtw compatitors copias close to us ___________ Mr.and Mrs. Douglas Ash-adwiaerMcE.Wgt must, have a large increase le Ia aggrecsivenees, efficîency Eret a Car for tn, Bowmanville, wema gues accompaniad'by Mir. F. Spry sales," lie added. "We made and innovation." ofCr \r. and, Mrs. Hacold Aeh- are enjoying a traiebrip' to Ibis observation whan we dis- Turning to the mrorale of At DMc. and Mc. Hacvey Ly North Moosoneea and ot)her cussed, the resuhîs of the fret Goodyeac' dealer organiza- points ~~~quarter, and today's figurestin MaNllotne th Aek NT foPiacad famly, Caldon East. A, Sunday School meeting merely ilustrae that point transition whih as takn CONYwere weakand visitors with will ha held at bbe churcb oneagain," place i the past twc years. CRYLE-OGELD M. Pllard's and Mrs. Gertie1 Tuesday, Sept. 5th, to alact Goodyear sales people are "'My firet vieil (to dealars), ie 2-586( Lyon..1 e fficce and beachece for the cliii very aggreseive, wocking 1969, was rather unplaasant;ý _____________________ Mc. and Mrs. AlianWerry1; coming yeaa. vecy bard to get more sales at Our dealers wera uehappy, al- ý ý ý, WFWMc. 1H.oward OkeOa, the hast Possible pricas wbile moct demoralized, becausethey Mc. and Mcc. Herbect Wright', cmaining competitive, Mac- feit neghected," hie exNpleînad. BowmnvileMcc. N olrma' el said. "hi succes je 'Now thley knowý that- a Good- Bradford, Oschawa, were Fr1-Édmonslrated by the f act tbat Yean franchise meanis coma- day callers aIthe ,E, Wilits o uctotalsalesre up aven ,tbing, bhey kew hat wehave i VL1ad ca MnnyAx1--though ihe! demand,, cJfor pas- gond p"dc e gndsevie Ford qand girl Heplon, lMissisenger tises - which je an competitive, prices, and we June Brown, Mc. Laurence essential com'ponent of our hook afler bhem., Today,,, they Wrigh ootwr Sun- cales mix - la4 lowec than ex- are proud to be associatcd witb day- supper guastsetaIMr. and1 pecled. In other wocds the Goodyear and they go outof Mrs E. Wright's. effort cf our sales departmeat their way to halp us increase ki1i.IMr. and Mcc. Gactb McGilte earning us a larger chara of our shara cf the market."' 11%' Fun I'S N- Iý ts Ectn n family, Piclon, spent a eomnewhat stagnant paseengar Frthl ae few days with Mc. and Mme, lire market," UP $14.4 million H. McGill, The fanîily re- Retercing bo performance b oshdaa e alsc h $ 200.00 UN PRIZES mialnad foc holidays tbis week Canerai Producte Division InGoyarTr & Rba _7ith gcandpacents and Judyle ficet six nionths, MacNcîl and Laurie Victue. said sales continue to be slcong. and Shelley, Oshawva, werc FOUR - $50,00,GAMES iMn. ,ced Mme. John Siernon "Thay have'a tew wcak areasdne usewt c n spenl the weekend at Ecl's but, on the whole, they r Mc McColl. ($10-00 MINIMUM- PRIZE), Lake. Mligvr ehSm fa r M. ced Mcc. C. P. Swallow dongVey el.Soe f u cicSuinita Ulct ., an IiL EVYE RY AMONP. atî 6 :30 p.m ON CABLE TV C-arde onq Sala In Bowmanv-,ille at CABLE T OFFICE - 26 King St. West' MacDONAiLD3'S VARIETY - 71 King St., East BRYSON'S SMOKE SIIOP - 31 King St. West JEFFEY'SSUPEETTE-83 Liberty St. South NORTHU-EÀNDARE - 101 Liberty St. N. FRANK'S VARIETY - King St. East JURY & LOVELL DRUGS - King St. MAC'S MILK STORE - King St. East, MA PL VE Tisa joint churcis services oA Maple Crova and Ebanazer will meet next Sunday at 10:3 0 cm. le Maple Groe cýhucch xith -Mc. Marvin Col- vîll, Orono, as speaker. Sympatby ôf Ibis commun- ity le exlended 10 Mcc. Ivison Munday and famlly in tbc suddan passiag cf Mr. Mue- day, aed te brotherElgîn ced sister CreaeBrowvn- and, ail ollser relatives. Visitors' and callers icet ,week on Mn. and Mmc, H. G. Freeman were. Thureday, Mc. ced Mmc. Denis Pickard, sup- par guasts; Friday, Mc. and Mcc. Morley Flintoff, Mm. a-id Mcc. Leslie Jacks-on. Bowman- -FOR EXAMPLE- Striped Flares -$ BOY'i PERMA-PRESS LOW PRICES GWNGid LEVI'S JEANS BAGGY'S Size 8,-18 - 26" to 36"9 COME IN TODAY GE GE'S Men's and eoy'Wear S 42 -44 KING S.E, 623-3211 BOWMANVI LLE ville, Mr. and Mrs. Glan Frac- mac and son Robert, Fonthihi, Mc. aed Mcc. Menton Veals, Scottland Steven spent bbc weekcnd wlth ber parents, Mr. ced Mcc. D. Leard, Peter- borough. Scott remained for a few days' vieil. Mc. and Mrs. Sama Vani Camp, Lori and Lice, Bacc Lisia. accompacied by Mr. aed Mme. John 1-luband, Osbawa, weca Sunday supper guets xith Mc. aed Mme. Lloyd Met-, cal! and fanîily et Rice Lake. 11r. Tom VanCamp, Barrie, speet bbc weekend at home. Miss Janet Milan, Hamil- ton, spentl a fexv deys lest week wîth Mary Ane Doyle. Misses Kare ced Maciana Doyle, Calgary, ara spendirsg sa few dcyswith thseir cunt ansd uncce, Mc. ccd Mcc. Steve Doyleanad family. 1 Mrs. Dorothy Snowden, Mr. Elva, Margaret ced Sandra,, àttended a baby sliowe '11fon- day evenin,,, held et Mrs. Roger Swan's, Bwcvle for Shelley ýSnovdi,deg- ter ot Mri'cd Mc ae Seowden ind rddghr of Mcc. D iohyliera of El- va, Ma:girct and Sandra. Mc. aed Mcc. Lac Goe&L, murphy and daughlece spantl thse weekend aIlier sler 's Mr. ced Mrc. Wm, Davidcon'c collage on L'Anhle Lake. On Suiïdcy, -Mn. and Mcrs. [H., G. Froaman accompaniedjI their daugister Mcc. E, L. Gilbank and Donna, Onono, Mcc. Norman Gilbank, Oshs- awa, to vieil thein grand- daughlcc Mies Carol Gilbank te see hec ccxv home eut Wesloc way. Oc Monday Mcc. T-. G. Freeman and Mcc. E. L. Cilhank, Ocono, wece cupper gueste wlbh Miss Susen Laird, Oshawa, and bwin sîster Mme. Wllhia Pearson, Paterborough, Mcs. Dorihy Snowden, Mr. cnd Mcs. Roc Ro gers and daughters, cnd Mn. ced Mcc. David Snowdec ced family, Town, were Suîsday cuppen guesîs xith Mc. and Mrs. Bob Goodmr-phy, Ocono. Mcc. 'Doni Brooks and Jan- ire, Mc. Bob Brooks attende d a fcmAily reunion ce Sunday at hec istar'c. Mr. aied Mcc. Elwood Bctemae's c ottage e Oak Lake. Cahiers on Mc. ced Mcc. Ray McColl ced family over bbc xeekIend xvera Mr. and Mcc. Ro.y Blaine, Raglan, Mm. zced P s m i , BîvSwnile, Mrc.l Stn îcan, Downsvi-., Mr, ~ ~ L11 an ln.L Rowçîeltte Margaret Peckins, Sueset Lodge, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mcc. John Nordis, Susan, aed Cordon Norris spent the weekand camping at Elora Lodge. Mc. and Mca. Lawrence White attended tihe reuniýon cf Canadien members cf Lakehand Bowling Club thse tiret cf last week. Oc hast Sundayv Mr, and Mcc. L. Whîle v1e0e>suPPer guesîs xvith their dlaughbcr, Mr. and Mcc. Mel Edwýarids and family. Qsha-wa.i The Canadian Stateman, Bowiman-ville, Aug. S'17 K o r an cheme w-'ith its empýoyees.He RIFNS TALO L i t naïso asseý'rîted that thera has RESEEVE CHAMPION' F)neyer been asrk tacm painy that operates on aprofiît- a Prince Nuggett ofBelIvedere, sý,,arig bâsÎ. TPalomino stallion owned by thefts from retail outiets, named Champion Stallin of S otherwy.ise- kno-wn aqs hop-lift- the breedîng horses com-peti-~ Hotrin JckLyn, irc.1 lbsjefaVor' of labs4 at publi' lifting by using La rge- displays Nii1 Mircl Mack's Gole tor of VoainlService, hos-pitals and Dr. Slemon's lab which are leasily pilfered. Mr. Ima'ge owned by Mr, and Mi heddapanýel iscuýssiýon at1 had to be sold to an Amnerican lynn's topic drew a big reac* rfi fBwavle the weekly Rotary mýeetingl frm, tionof questions and comments Champion mares Fanta4 e on August .17. The discussionfo oaÎn ni eadec.trG focused on the application or The second member of the frmRtrasi h uin I oden Tiaraowe by i the Rotary Four-Way Test to panel was Rotarian Bob Stev- The paneliste werej ý thanked and Gloria Ngsadro evey dy bsinsssittuation s. ens Who discussed profit-shar- by Morley Watsoni. !Presidentffelw Ontaur, Preserve, everyday usinss ig as an alternative to trade iBill Wilson was in ch(-arge of Champýieiîn, mare i Cun c f 'The Four-Way Testinovsuini. Mr. Stevens pointed the meeiting. Stew cT avsh3,, ue RgeArs owned b asking four key questions mont ,Li that his firm, GlenRa Ha,,ry VBlannd ivïF- besýSqrmue Horni ofoason regard to every ,importanit Diy atcpae isc il)iyl a ndc baedbrhas. nao decision made: 1. Ie il the truth? 2. Is it fair to ah inovd 3. Will it build good wïiiiqand better friendship? 4. Ie it beneficial to ah ini- A nnoun volved? The first sekr Dr. Keithý Slemon, discussed somne of the7Z -ý w problems lhe encouintered with W the private zmedicm al aoratory 1 ILE which he helped build and 12WUVE operate. Evenltually, the Gov- 4194 erament of Ontarlo decided to' STREET elimînate such private testiag acNe iii r Sales ) Million rCompany cf Canada, Limited,M lei the second quarter cf 1972'M twere $58,843,000, compared, with $5 1,760,000 le thse second Ml quarter o! 1971, president H., Gordon MacNeill announcedi folloxving a meeting of bbe board cf directors.__ Quamtarly carninge were $2,962,000, or $11.29 per out- standing share o! commoni stock, versus $2,099,000, or $7,92 per share ln 1971. Sales for the firet six monthe wera $102,737,000, as againet $88,304,000 during the firet 'hait cf 1971. >1, Six-menthsecarninge were $4,473,'000, or $17.01 par cul- standing share of' comnmon stcversus $2,856,000, or $10.71 par ahane in bbc cor- responding' period hast year. -Wingfoot Clan CANAIAN ERAMC'S'71 One o! tise mosi pjopular exhibitions a t tbbc -Royal 'On- tario Museum twhere If opens- cd "lCanadien Crmie'71" xvili ha on display at The Robort- MeLaughlin Gallecy troas Auguet 2lst tb Septeca- ber 181h. Wîth coma of bbc hast pol- tacs se Canada submiting work tb this quality, origieahity and diver- sity cf outlook and technique is reallyaciig Pater Swann, former Dir- ector cf the ROM clates in h le "foreward" te the cata- logue for tbc exhibition "Oe cf bbc Musaum's principal concerne le, and sbould be, with fine craft Works produc- cd le thse country". "Cana- dien craftemen ara second ta nona. They deserve evacy re- cognition!" Items le bbc show are avalable for sale but will not ha avaihabla for delivery un- tii bbe exhibition finîshes its circuit In Novembar, 1972. There le an aid saying, *a 11111e knoxvladge le e danger- ous thing'. Tise Ontario Safe- ty' Leagua dcaims that no- xvhere is Ibis statament more applicable t'han ln pleasure boating. Once you put out from shore ie a boat, xvha thcr it ha a cenoe or a yacht, yen Y must hava bhc knowledge to bandla il safaly or you ara ie trouble;a; e tIle knoxvledge je usuallyinsufficiet. ___ I___ SOWMI NV IL L is DIENOW OPEN IFOR BUS"INESS-'w VATCH1 THIS JPAPER FVORI' "Your(omploteSeigSrceCne When youk play tennuis, yo u wear tni he.hnyuak you wear good walkiing shoes, Axdwhenyou Takeagoodlookcatyour shoes. Make sure they'ro-, net gettingrundownat the heel. Change frayîng lacese And checlcthe soles to sec, that they're in good condition. ~ur Worken's Co and The Safetyltosal j x NOWGOG Now fis the time to SAVE