MarrIed ai Yelverton -United Church Mr. and Mrs. John ,David Robinson Photo by Astor Studio Sýtanidards cft wbite gladilolipiece, highlighted with a train 'Pick poly ester kit ,Witb' nd crain ecorated the le1ngth veil cf gossamer il- matching long-sleeve(d jaýcket, aLta r cf Yevrn Unedusn edged with miatchicg silveraccessories and a sheli- Church, ero, on Satuýr-'lace, For sometbing oid and white cymbid orchîd corsage. day,> August 5, 1972 for the something borrowed she were The bridegroom's mother as- wediding cfNac Dianne ber great-grandmotber's dia- sisted, wearîng an ankle Mooe, nl daghtrof Mr. moud brooch-ring. She car- length gowu ot white knit andlVrs Bafor oore c f ried a bouquet of bot pick with a bodîce of blue and R.R. 1, Nesteton, aild John sweetheart roses,,white daisy white lace koît and white ac- Davidl Robinsoýn, son of r 'mums, white carnations and cessories. Her corsage was a arid M"rs, Harold Roinson cf baby's breath decorated wîth ink cymbîd orchid. rR 4, Bowmat-inville. *Re'v. white lace- streamers. For a houcymnoon to corth- Geral d Hofstetter officiated Th matron of houer was cru Ontarte, the bride woreý atte Y"0 . double ring Mrs. Maureen Moore cf Nes- a navy a.nd wit1e polyester ceemuy iss Learnce Dcc- tletion, sister-in-law of the koit dress and 1black accesr veli cf Blackstock sang "'1r bride. The bridesmaidsý were ies. Rer corsage wso c Ail We Know" aud "ev Miss Peggy Jenkins, cousin c-,f sweetheart ro)ses. NOnly Just Begun",acmpn the bride, of Wtbyý\, anid Tenwycd eie lýed by Mrs. Lnda Pfoh cofMis usa iRbinson, sister 6WionAeupI27 Yelverton. cf the gronnom cfBo a- Givn r mrig b e ille, sud Missý Angela Baile, Troto2 father, tusbrid rean cousin Df the bride, of Cam- OUI of-t;own ut wr Fliabehandesgnied gown cf bray, was flewer girl. They present froni Wbitby, Toc- sllk orgauzaq. The borice bad wore empire styled, floor onto, Bowmanville, Lindsay, aý Ubbyoke cf Venetian lace length gowns cf mauve and Cameron, Peterborough, Csm- enhncd ith a wedding pick flowered chiffon over bray, Oshawa, Penticton, B.C., baud nc1recline su ad cumber- taffeta, accected by a mauve Scarbocough, Fenelon Falls, bund beit. Rr gsthered skirt velvet bow and stceamers Barbados, W.I., Don Mllîs, wccoiplimnected by a deep short puffed sîceves and deep Fredlericton, N.B., Nestîcton,ý Infýloo rffle. She chose a ruffles. Tbey wore mauve Blackstock aud Newcastle. orat f forTýget-mne-nots and polycîhylene st ra w bats o1:rge blosscmsjý for lhec head- adorced Nvith mauveý and white daisies and carried T(NI TTTt'1J V ishe .. whitîe baskets cf bot pick ENn17I±-II-± swethe art roses, s tati ce, white das'mm adbbys (Intended for last wcek) tyle~ * breth.On Thursday, Misses Linda ' Th, best mac was Gary Sharp, Joyce Chambers, Bren- L ' ~ Staincff Bowmanville. The da MeLaughlin, Patsy Miller, 1uishers wece Ocam Moore, Sandra Werry, and thier lead- brother cf ther bride, cf Ncs- er Mrs. Atlan Werry were Spciliiig a:fiy îton acd ýJames 'Robinson, gucats at Peîerrough Fair Perme - Colore brother cf the gromr, of Bow-fote4-Juir ayTh Clairol IVi s manville, acýd David Moore, girls took- part lu Crafts In Latsi uttngTecniqes nephew cf the bride, cf Nes- the morning. Our exhibit was cntùg Tchniues tleton, was ring-bearer. called Trims and Flishes fo r PHONE 2.55 For the reception cn Yel- Sleepwear, Linda Sharp was 37 RfingSt verton Cbucch Hall, Inelcommentator for our exhibit Bowmnviîe cîd's other receve-d weac lu the aftercoou acotivities. -ýi rng n akle lengitbgOtvnlcfvWc werre gueisat tihe bac.- CN ADI1A N NA T 1IO-NA L EXHIBITION SPECIALS- Charte--,rwaeys Co. eLimfite COMMENCING AUG. I6th TO SEPT.. 4th INCL D AIL Y SRVIC DIRECT TO THE C.N.E. GROIJNDS FROM THE FOLLOWING POINTS:, LEAVE: Read Down FARE LIrIAIAeTIrMill St., North of 8.45 a.m. NlEWCASTLE Stoplights $3,,50 LLErOid Bu 9:(0 a.m.DUOWMANVI erminal 3.5 AR IVES EXIITIO'11N 10:30 A.M. - ENTRANCE te Exhibition'oEXTIRA Ride on hibus and avoid worrying about driving in heav;y traf tic, parking or crowýding for street cars BUSES LEAVE EXHIBITION GROUNDS 15 MINUTESATE GRANDSTAND PERFORMANCE SPECIAL GROUP RJATES FOR INFORMATION PHONE Bowmanville 623-3811 Oshawa 7213-7171 M aned rî' lewed thse grand-t stand show. A good limne was enjoyed by al, Mr. sud Mes. F. W. Werry in conipany witbi Mr. sud Mrs. Grant Williams cf Port Ferry speut the weekecnd ot Port Boister and had supper wlth Mc. àandjvrs, Terry Ras- kmn. Mr. aud NMs.F.BTyo atteuded St. Pauls cburch service on Sunday at Bov- mauvilie sud were dinner guests cf Mr. and Mcc. Jîm Abernethy. Mr, sud Mcc. F. .Dorland were Tuesday dicuer gueis cf Mc. sud Mcc. W. Sander- son, Columrbus. Mcc. Esci Tcewin altended bhe Torms family picnic at Cartwright Park, 'Cacsarca, on Sundayý Misses Elizabeth Werry, Etobicoke, Wecdy sud Caro- lyn Werry are speuding bell- days with gcaudparents Mr. and Mcc. F. A. Werry, Mc. snd Mcc. Wallace Grif- fin, Heather sud Dale, Mc, sud Mrs. Russell Griffin at- tcudcd tbc Walker - Davis wedding or Saturday at Till- sonbucg. Mr. ad c G ordon Bcown.,7Miss ,June Brown, Mc. aurnceWright, Toc- onto, were Sunday tes guests cf Mr. sud Mcc. E. Wright., Mc. sd Mcc. "A. Sharp wcce dinner guests cf Mc. sud Mrs. D. Woncamaker, Seagrave.' Mcc. Ver ns Forsi ti. Toc- onte, spent a week witb ber brother, Mc. Russell Ormts- ton, Mrs. Roniald Focsyth sud' childcec. Mrs. Mosip. Toronto, were Friday callers at Mc. R. Ormistou's. Miss Elsie Oke, Bowman- ville, Mcc, Stanley Turner, Oshawa, Mric.RR Hobston, Da- vid sud Lisas Pictoni, were Wedcesday dinner guests at F. Doland's, Mr. sudMcs. R. Howe sud family spent Sunday wth Mc, sud Mrs. Harvey Howe, , Beave.rton, Miasters Bren t sud Brook Clemens7, THampton, spent Sat- urday night with Mc. and1 Mcc. F. Wright.1( Mc. and Mcs. AA Sharp visited et bbc Mclnatosh Funr- ecal Parlors to psy their re- spects te the labe Frank Mal- colmn, Oshawa. Miss Sheliy Morton,.EFn field, spent bbc weckend witb, Miss Judy Virtue. Mr. aud Mis. Allan Martin, Bowmanville, w e re receutl dinnen gucsts ol Mc. sud Mcc. R. Virtue and fýaily. Little Miss Stephanie, Ax- ford, Hampt-on, speut Thurois- day wîth hec grandperents, Mc. and Mcc. F. Wright. Mr. sud Mcc. Norman an dersen sud Karen, Londoc, wcre overnight gucsts cf Mr. sud Mcc R. Virtue. Mvc-.SMIay esnSca Mc.r su u.John SiemonI. Married îin Married in -Oshawa i!., and Mrs. Daniel Powlenzuk Photo by Aster Lovely arrangements of Citadel te the "Thenie frori Peari b ading around the neck- mavedases and wbite r, r Love Storyl", Fixa chose a f oi lire and bodîce bîghlighted the rations in tail staards or1. n [,Tm mal lengthi gown of Polyester gown, Her corsage was Pink cd an attractive seýttîg hsheer organdy styled with and white carnations tied witb et n inthehigh neckline, long bîsbop mauve rîbbor, and accessories Sal-vation Arniy Citadel, Osh- sleeves and:a front rtel cen- were white. She was assisted awa, wben Miss Elva Roberta tred with self buttns from by the groon'sniother ln a Kinnear, only daughter of Mr. neckýilie te hem^, Venlise lace formal princess style gown of and MVrs. Robert James Kin- ruffle trimmed the cuf s, neck- mauve Polyester- satin, with near of Bowmanville, and Mr, lime, front panel, hem and scooped rleckline and shortý Daniel John Powlenzuk, son cf detachable empire chapel train, sleeves. Tîny, mauve flowers Mr. and iVrs. John Powlenzuk 11cr three-tier French nylon added înterest te the neckhie. of Oshawa, were uinited la illusion veil fell from a head 11cer corsage was Pink and niarriage in a doublei ring piece cf regcncy era in ruiffled white carnations and her ac- ceremony on; Saturdayý,, July lace, miniature beading ard, cessories were white, 22, 1972 at three 'lok The stand up loops caught at the For a two week camping guesi pews were mrrarked uiith back with a white satin bowhoym ntete aioun silver doilies cov;ered with and satin streamers. She car- hoemo kteMntui pik ac, enred wtmaviepd ber motbers white Bible Island, the bride and groom swcet peas and pinik bows ont crested with white daisies and oemthn lejas silve>r cupid dart s. pink roses from which traîled white turtlcneck pullovers and Captain LoadFroat ws treamers cf white satin tip- white Adidas. the officmting clergyman. M e with tiny white daisies The bride attended public James Reilly, soloist, accom ndpikroe ud.and high school in Bowman= ville arcd Courtice and is eni panied byý organist Mr. Deug-1 Mrs, Iiitson Kipnnear, Frýed-_ ploycd Smsn-eri las D-,vel, san "Thebawa.0f The groom attended Par"and I"The Wdigtebrdwsmtof bro pbi rd high scbool in Osh- Prayr". nd he bîdemaid wee Mis aa, ad i employed by Gen- The rid, gxeniiiinariae CndyForeyMis Shronera fMoors, -Oshawa, The by ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SJ) be ahr nee h isnadMs ua or apy couple are: residîng at joy, They were attired inidçen, 323 Gîbb Street,Osaa tîcally styled formai gowns co re t e arig h f-ha eI 'oal, pink and mauve figuredbrd a hoie wt a ue n Ch n lpolyester sheer wîth l bidoashroe wt sqtuare necklines, puffed sleev ommlinîty shower given by es, A-lineskirts, and 1th e waist Mrs. William Morrison and liues were adorned iu the, back Mrs. Benamin McGee, sisters with a sash. They mwore head of the groom, A nîîscellaneous bands cf mauve fabric flowers shower wals given by Miss and carried smrall white bas- Sharon Gibson and. Miss Susan k,;ets cof mauve and white car- Moîîntj oy. S nations. After the rehearsal the bridai party and famihies were Mr. Josephi Tullock was býest entertained at the home cf the man and usherîng we-re Mr. groomn's parents wh-Iere the Wfalter Malarczuk, hrîeud cIf bride presented her attendants the roo, M. JmesPowec-wîîh charni bracelets with a zuk, brother of the groom, aind bridai charm, and the- groom Corporal Ritson Kinnear, bro- gave the best man and ushers ther cf the bride, bronze statues. The reception, beld ini Saint Out cf towii guests were Mlary's Ukrainian' Hall, Osli- from Aja, Whitby, Newton awa, was followed by a'dance. ville, SantCthrreTh_ MIrs. Rose McKoight, aunt cf old, Torointo, Cooksville, Saint plhe groom made the tbree Williams, Kincardine, iew- tiered wedding cake' which market, Barrie, Weston, Scar- was topped with two love borough, Siniicoe, Ijundas, h'~~~ irlds flying te a est contain- Windsor, Ottawa andFrederîc- ing an engagement ard wed- ton, N.B. dJing îig, Mr, Stanley Adamý cewicz was master cf cerem-on- enaCrfo les, and the blessîcg given by ADYO EKN Captain Donald flîlson. A RWE-N Guests were reccived by theAsfoRa brides mother who made ber COUNTVý fOrmai gewn of pick polyes-! CHRYSLER-DODGE LTD. ter crepe'wit-h V-neckli-nc, cm-1 623-2586 Pire tiodice and ioniz sleevil Mr. and Mrs. Terrence E. Graham A lovely wedding was sol- ton, al cf Kingston. emmized in Morgan Chapel, For the reception held at Queen's University, Kingston, Pinelcdgc Inn, near Kingsten,l at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, JulY bbc bid's mother chose a' 8bh, 1972, wben Miss Jane gown cf silk sud cotten print Beverly Eutb Inkstcr, daugh- lu mauve, pînk sud purpi ber cf Mc. sud Mcc. James R. shades wîth a corsage cof white Inksber, -Kingston, became the carnations. Assisting ber in bride of Mc. Terrence Fdward ccceiving bbc gue.sts,bc GCrahai7ni, son cf Mc. sud Mcc. groom's mother w1oior, au quaý Edwsrd Grabani, Orono, knitted dress with achn Rcv, Basil Long officiated, ceat and a corsage of -white' with bbe wedding music play- sweethea:rt roses., cd by Mrs. Aune Bcughton. For the weddî1ng bnp -jto The chuirch was deceratcd Western lCanar,ý daPud the USA wîlh white munis. The brideilbbc bridJe chose Pa nav risud was lovely in a -formai lengtb rose florýal drese lui Swissc'r - white polyvester crepe, with ton wl ith uavy ibat, shocesud self train, cathedral cuf s, cm- 011e.Onthleir ebrthel pire waisb and Victorias col- blappy couple wiI eside aI 15 lac, The bcadpiecc cf Swiss Regeut St., Apt. 3, Kingston., lace was held at bbc crowu Botb graduates cf Que-en's with threc sweetheart roses, University, the bride sîso st- and her bridal bouquet was of tended FrontenacSeoar long stemmed ceses. Schooil and Mc(Arthu Coieg The maîd cf honior was lVIss cf Ediucation a41-distabg Gay Fitzpabrick sud bbc French sd.Fniglisb at yden bcidesmaid, Mise >Morna ýMaç ham 11gb Shoo. Rr bob-ý Odruni, botb cf -KIingsbou. bics arc scwîug sudwa(e Tey were gewuedicc alike lui ice- sports. The groom teuc bine prîncesestyegowns cf Clarke Rîlgb Schooi sud is no'w cotten -výoile with Victorian atcndiing gadaelscool aI collars sud long f uli sceves. Quiecný's lu. Physioiegy, His The flower girl, Miss Pst- hobïbies incclude softbaîl, hock- rîia Burnett,' dicccofbb ey, squ'as,pnaddlcbsll sud lic groom, wr a Swîss Cotton !Fs s member cf Qucens Soccer- pintecd gow-n ini white with Teain blure and gicn flwers. The Prier to eenirag bc fuil IergIli gewn ss pricess bride was bonored wrthsow style vtbh shrt vuffe cv- crs gîven bly M-s. . Mijîson1 e. The attenidants' fowvecs of Ororo, Miss Ga,,-Fîtzpa-- iwere white sund blue camna- irîck, Kingston sud the Wom;"n- btions withbay' breath. en's Staff cf Sydenham ':1,g h Bcst rnanjý was Mr. Dai id School. The b)rîdesmaids c-- Cook, sud usn-hers Mi. Brian tertaïned the bride at a dini- Inkstcxendaid Mr, P lspIanl-lner party at Pin-ýeege Inn.. rhe Canadian Statesrm, !Bowmanivlile, Aug. 30, 1972 KENT - MALCOLM Amîidît lovely baskets cf flowers, Rev, Pacsons unîted Valerie Denise Malcolm-, dau- ghtec cf Mc, sud Mrs. Victor Malcolm, Nestleton, sud -Re- bert James Kent, son of Mc. and Mrs, Robert C. Kent, R.R. 2, Newcastle, lu- marriage on'August 26th at 4 D.m. in Ncstleton United Chu r ch. Music was played by FunIce Hunter and the vocalist wa s Jeanette Graham. The bride was lovely lu an empire style gown with. lcg cf mutton sleeves, appliqued hîgh collar snd an empDire yýoke. Re-embcoidered lace with gentie touches cf rayon orgauza sud f lowercs of c- tate dulcet satin adorned teegowu. The head-olece was rf chanitlly lace sud sced peanrîs suFd hcld a long flowv- îng vi edged with chantilly !:ace. She cared a basket of rcd roses sund greeu foliage. Thc bridal attendants wece Miss- N acy Judsoc, Mrs, Joan Malcoîin , Mrs. Brenda Haines, Miss Diacre Mains, Miss Shel- ley Malcolm and Miss Aunette Haines. Ideutically sttircd ir empire waisted dcemi A-lina gowvns cf pink, cecal, orange, HYPNOS1IS HELPS SOME PROBLEM PATIENTS Certain emotî'oually disturh- cd dental patients, the phys- ically handîcaDped sud corne cfthos 111leric te local an- csbhý,'etîc _ ght be bclncd by hypuosis lu bbc denlîst's chair. To'o eften, people wbo are allergîc to the "freeziog" needie avoîd regular dental tceatment due to theirfear of iceactiori frein the anesthetic. Just bbc thought ef dental treatment keeps others away. The negicct eventually bakes itz bell sud bhe patient may have to unde-go extensive restoratîve treatment on face the complete loss cf teeth. Speciaily trained denbisbs have used hypuocis te kili pain. Aise in sonie cases, whceebbc source of a par- tîculan allergy was, fou-nd te be eniotional rather than 1physical, b ypnosîs bias bclped theý patients tolerate local 1anestbÏeticcsuad dental treat- meut. Some emetionally sud uhys- ically handicapped -people have aise bcrefîbbcd in bbc identist's chair thcough mind Scelaxîng and suggestions -bvought abhout by bly-onosis. Thle pathient un-derhynss ýïi the chir is net 2asîcco1. 1He is more bclD to the dfeutist wbcn awake -Canadian Den- ýtai Association. Somebody told us - abouýlt a iittle, boy and an Pld nmlmho had lost ten dollars. After listening t6 the oldster's story, the -kid, who had found the money, decided it must bho bis, and handed it over. uHey" says the old gent, "'you're aus houest bo-, but what 1 losI. was a $10 blih,,andyou've given me tex "lThat's right," says the boy. I"Last time I found ore, th* man didn't have any change." CLOTHES CARE HItNT: Garnent areruied y pressing at home. Proper equlpmen is necessary to do gond pressing. Plan t o attend the area Fait Fairs Port Perry- Blackstoek - Orono Ai1 Coming Soon fordae ýMe CLE ANERS LTD, c 84 KNGST. W. ý623-5520 R Ir "We Specialize Ini Shirt Laundering' McGREGOR'S GREAIT S À,- CA R E - ,,LE MS ON No U'qýqwSq. d YOU GET A SHAG CARPET G OD FOR ANYWHERE IN YOUR HOME WITH RUBBER BACK AND CHOICE. 0F SIX GREAT COLORS DURATEX OZUTE RUBBER BC . DURA VAL OZITE PLAIN RBACK,,.$2,-,9 yd PROFESSIONAL, APPLICATORS AVAILABLE ON REQUEST USE YOUR "CHARGEX" SHAG RAKE with the pu:rchase of 20 Sq, ad or More McREORHA -D ARE 95 KING ST-.1W. 623-2542 BO MANVILLE FREE green, blue and purple chif-- fon toucbed witb lace and velvet 1ining, each carried a floral bouauet co-ordînating with their gown. Best man was Bill Kent, and ushe-s were Brent Kent, Grant Kent. Vernon Malcolm and Kevin Malcolm. The reception was held in Yelverton Comxnunity Hall. For receiv'ng the bride'5 mother chose a long, burg-un- dy :gown w-ith co-ordin-ated! flowered coat and a1 elx corsage. The grroom' iothe chose a long emnpire' gown vvith biue chiffon bodice andr- floral design skirt, wltih a corsage of yellow. Travelling eastward along9 the St. Lawrence, the bride wore a long chiffon gown In shades of "blue wîth leg of mutton eleeves, The bride attended Cart- wright, Public anid High Schools and will be teaching, whîle the grom who attend- ed Lockhart's Public and Clarke High Schaols enjioysý farming. The' happy couple will reside at !RR. 1, Oronoi. SPECIAL PRICES SATISFACTION GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES NO OBLIGATION c'Ill Now PETER c-UMINA Ph>t6g6697