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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Aug 1972, p. 4

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4 Tbe Caadian SaesaBoxmanville, Aug SQ,302l72 EDITORIALCOMMENT 'Credit Where Credit,,k Due Ove!r the v eenxe s-w the first CEC peetto of the "Tenth Dec- ade" cavet-rn 'fthat :period in federal pqhtc rm 957ta19673. IL was, well don-e an mtinterstgbecause we bad been crpair f it, and the faces of forrrîed nPalaetand theý Press GaC'iierysirred mainy memories ththad lain dormnrt for a long time. Theres on0-e mnwowe feel has desrvs fr hýe jrnk rie he play-,ed trupsttig-te sragyentrenched L~bra1govmnmatover the famous or infamousP_, pipe line debate. The tele- visS seres t date bas played up Dief- enhker, earonandi C. D. Howe,,but it asth lte George Drew who made it aqilpssilHe was the man who led theappsitonfight in 1965 throughaut th ppeineiP debate, not Diefenbaker. Drew wthe g -ov\ernmeat had cammit- teda mjorpoliticai error wben it com- mited~tslfand its members ta pass- ing eiita by a specified date, lHe kncew there -wouldi be great political advatagefor the appaýsitian if they cou.ld eithier make it impaýssiblefor the L iernst meet that daln or if they faru(cd them ntO use (closumIe ta put it thog.He agaize is Conservative party tatatoanfighting team and the rest ai the o1pposýitionwentaioag with it, ThePre ,was p)lenty ofit imîe tadebate the bu thorougb iy, noubt about that, but mr mr e politia rvantage ta in c-<gaiedibyc mbarassin the gavern- mecnt and blaking itsevery mave tban la stdy'n.the rap)osed projeet. Diefnhakr plyeda mînor raie in Qur NationalJ Ex ery:ý fouTr years, many Canadians go tbogvwa e are gaing ta cal anainlmunn period when aur top ahetsdan't quiteP make it in com- petitinitb te wrdat the Olym- ýVj Pc.W re in thie rmidst of it now and ooigfor eosefased ifinding eut wha can e done aoutit. Sa far, olauratIetes ven'tcamne up witb one gold, sle or bronze meidal; we've bad ta be cnnt with f ifth- place or worse. 0X' courise we ]know we lïaven't as ina- athietes ta draw from, aur eae;111r isn't cnducîve toalal year rounjrd training and ail the est, but no- bodyt3 can tellus ur yaung people couida', be jut as good ti thevariaus event-, s as ayone, else. We think it is a matPýter of trainiang, dedication and long term plan ind effort. Most of the dedcationn bas been on the part afint- divîiuals aniid itheir parents wbo have boneth run airthof expensive train- iag, reurdne os ur topaotch dîver fromr- Pickering , is a typcexam- pie.Nadobtber paýrenIts have (,spent tboustTands pid(iang ber wýith training and coaching aver the years. We've seen WP tend ta b cynical about every- thîng tese das, and what is cailed, rar q coemtuusytbe "work etbc" ascame ta for its shane ai li- It's strpid ta beieve tbére is aay iabereat v-itueita labor," the lune gaes: "liueis filPic hing - the more ai it thbett, Labar Day is a gaod time ta qsiAjý;oyi hi asrsumption. Automatin, fartunately, bas re- moecd a gret dal i drudge ry aad Savcdus!aiecielan immense amouniai t imeIl, utwk bas tremen- dous humaievaluetat nno amoiunt ai leisure canoreplace. proideani ca art-faten ia tiny part ai some raesrather thari sharing' la he hal apratana jb as im- poranc tat ar rascedsthe pay cbeyIquei. It "ees hexvohIfofinsigai- iacefrom the door," praovides the worer ith he !ý,prnceless knawledge That h is a necssary trand ta thetotal ofbic ithe lifeaoud im, Ask aayimnad, an' î'ncnmplo 'ved peranaayoldterwhat they miss; tbougzý h teyl praeit differeatlv it wilm os etil be the sease that tbeyýý are aac)w otsidc the mainstrenr of ,acet, onlookers rath',-er than a part ai it. Cur-enitilyva getdeal of thougbt aand mio;neyIs goi ý1taa aiiatt"ýmpt ta help t11 'recaer tir IsetOfaiworthb. Leisume ispreciajus, bu-t it is the tci i le, nat its salid fad.Workiag "ta d gefied lt b aliod c7mnetitive %cease ma hvehst its mativatiaig that debate thrio,-ghaut andOnfly cm into bts own w ýýhen, aitor it wýaS ail ovër, George Drew's heaith f ailed an be decided or wais persuaded to step down as leader cf the Conservatives. Mhen, John Diefenhaiker won the le>adership and during the 1957 election launched what vi1rtuall.1y was an ernationai cru- sade that brought the Liberais ta their knees, But, it was George Drew,ý who carried the bail that started it ail. Being an ardent admirer of the ]ate C. D. Howe, we can't resist the com- ment that be shouid go down in biit ory as one mnan who has done more to make Canada into a modemn industriai nation than anyane before or since. We11 admit he had littie patience witb- the interminable delayýs bulit inta auir par- ltameatary, systemt-, whiere the leaýst knowiedgeabie of peop)le c(amn nddo boid up immensely imiportant programs by petty politicai bickecring. Bt, when you consider that thiroughý1out hisý long career tn governnment, duiring the war and afterwards duiriag the rýebûtiiding, there xvas not one suggestion af incom- petence or scandai, he sbouid long be remembered as a great Canaia. lu 1sý record speaks for itself but unfýjortu- nately, mnany people oniy remnember him now for his political indiscretions. Ia view of wbat we,, are reading these days about serme cu-rreat top placed provincial, politici fi,-res, and their efforts to maem nonthe sie, the ]ate C. D. Howe ( 1-ands out asa an of great ttgiywopthis country's welfare aoeertigelse. Mourning Period it happen wtth othieis in týacýk and field, figure skaîtrs, batonirieshockey players, etc. If we are gi tonamete- in thcse- affaîrs nd are nat contenit witb being ruaners utp, wesonemebowwill have ta esýtabltsb governmnent sporisared prog- ramlis tatwi baîn fthe best coaches available and thýe best, trainîlg fclte for prospectfiveyongteSn athycan be brougbtaogaerapro of 10 years or long1er. Plossibiy, we are being short-sighted ýin nt hvin assem of athietie schoiarsips at universities a they have ia the Unitted iStates. It mligb,,ylt be wel] ta study the programs ini ather couatries and find ouit if w-e car do something on a national scale that wvouid be belpful. Otberwise, wtth the suiner (lym- pics slated for Canadaý in 1976, we might weli continue ta b rctoushosts by a ooin ur visitors to cop Pliilie majo meals Bu, woldnt i besomie- tigif w~wr u ýp w ;1 team thatwotuldbe jin the tp ni.) Of cometiionail the wy If tbat's wblat we'd want, it's time ta stat wrkngon it aw power, but wok tat secres ncR place ta what Kabil Gîbýrnils"liie's procession" is as validi a vauns it ever ýwas. MOTHER MINE Ia my mind my mothier stýands: AMorte, untouched by a ge. Me.monies ai ber are dlean swnte upon a<'lpage. lier cevrgentlebad The way sheudesas The saitbrfsba akiss uý-po)1nY my rw The sweetci ,omifont aifber wairm law vorce As I loved ber 1 thea I lae bernw Tbough 1I have ireacbed t-1he agoa choice. A mother's maiuy things; warmitb, security andi love, But how many reniember thatsh'a gii t f c>m above. The Lard ta lis great wisdom aad gmace lias granted or n aec To guide aad ra1in aur d tea4ch And we must Md the baut faiber soul mirrared ta ber face, And forge a bnd ai lavenoteven deiath. ena crase,. For Love and Lif e arfrces stranger than Deatb anid Despair, Yau ueed oniy look tat find( a mother anywhecre. Sa let hlemlirve oanitaiyiui heant Even wben yo're f orced ta part, As for r mneshe'hl iwas e A part afi my childhiood aaid ai me. -Karea Reitsma Durham County's Greaî Fcainrly Journa! Estabhished 118 years egiq n 18,54 Also Incorporaitin The Bowmcaavii]e Nw The Newcastle lindepenident The Orono News Secondi class 'mail registration num-fber 1561 P'hrase 62 j-3 J3 JOHýLN M. JAME EnîTalt.PUBLISin Pnoduced every W ednesday by THE JAMÉS PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITEDr 82 - 66 iug Si. W., Bowmanville, Ontario S GEO. P. MORRIS PATRICK< GCULD E En BUsiNEss Mr. SALES MANAGrR 1Phone 623-3303 )ONALD BISHIOP PLANT MGR. copyigh aniarproPertY riglits subsist in the image appearing on tbhîs prool, Prueinta reproduce in whole or Ub part and in aay tarm wtsatsoever, particua-ly by photographia mo obtet pcesin a pulication, muLet b. cbainedi ram the pubtizher and iie printer. Any urauthorized rerdcinWilI b b9 DeCt ta reCOUrSe in laW." $7.0 ayer -6mn $400 $9,00 a Yea-r in [ne United Sicres stilyin advance tC n 11,t coui n 1antheUndertaoînq that ti lnot be hbetocan ero i n y detem puh e hrune 1atesaprat t ur avntîmnt!reuet!, wig bv th- derie rd tundSThCaoiStecan bîsînee f'ice dfly ,eîgndby th, ndvot -ei and w qheuh erra orcorrctins painy ooed n wrîtîog herean, aod in that aseita-v errai eo oted is on't cc", efd b, TheCanaian 'Statesnon ts Jhilty shah l ot e-c--iucha portý% ion t te nic ot ech dvetbsee ctas he epa ccupîed by the noted error bears1t) the whole epcioccpe Provinci'al ýEnumerafionf For uni'cipal Electionlýs i Wiii Commence Sept.5t OutarWas Revenue Min.. - Mr. Groasýman sid'thlis Revrýnhe's Assesamenlt D- ister Allen Groasmni an- yersenumeratianis asovision an bbeeaif . 0f the riouured, last week thati the important as it embracces c-: - miýiicip)alities.,Eueain enumnerattan ai Ontario resi- eral other fuadameniti cbaaýig- by-,raditionally' been adi dents, wbirh bgis Sep tem'- es ta legisiation. in the Spring. Startinig thia ber 5, wili ident.ifr a inew "o eeptanidd-.y,( ýthey wili becnarae ktad of local voter ta theual will now have an\-i, ir na thie Feul, oser ta the D- province. vote permncpln-rmer elertion date, ta ne- The cmea ion wuolves gardîcar of baw mear praoper- dureecrons and ýomiissionis tegatberini basic tnfor- tics be or she may ewuor caused. by family moves taI matdinfer muiipal vaters'rent. the summer, between arbool liat.s Eighty, per, cent 0f ý,Ou- "Howcv, iau individuel rears. taria uiiaiie ilhl is esideat tainn municipal- The enumeratian is ta cal- elertions on Moda, ececm- ity and also a property awn- iecrt such information as ber 4. er ta anather municipality he names, ages, property or- Mn r sssan sidý that or she rau vote, but onirý cupanry status, srhool sup- thr'oughou-il(tLtaiaos history, once, in earb mnînicipality, seOpart, school clerteral status, propery uaifiaton, ith can that persan's spouse" cttizenIshio an cd residenc'y. soma, exr'eptions.hvecstab- M'Gosan cnîudThinsinformation is feq4ud iisbrd eîhbit frlcal "This means that a cottage ta r'a'Žmniia oes elertars., awner, for exemple, euvt lista which' will be dlvîc "This yaî,for the first la the muaicipality wherc e t mnciaecc10byOtoe trne, we aeepne the la usualir resident as weil as10 rtght: ta vot- ta rmuiciJpal tire îîuricipaiity in whicb bis Foiilowing publication ' o and schl board -eecIvms ta, cottage is lorated. the lista, people who have in- the grow n umbe1rr aif "As cottage awnors are nat rarrectir been omîitied from people wbo are neither prop- normeuly permanent residents the lîsts, cen contact the muni- crty ewners nar long term aif the municipalities wbere ripai rlerk ta b ave their tenants. they owa cottages, enumera- names edded. "ýA Canadin citizen o0r tion notices wiii be maiied ta The enumnerator's visit ta BRttish subi ert whai is 18 yeairs tbern et their permanent resi- a borne on apartmerît will ai-u ageio ole id anoi deacca, Theyr shouid make tàke only a fen' minutes i den a te buicpa1t be - rnereaaary (corrections ou t4he sideat s time. ReqidentIýs twcenSepteber 5au4 O- thenotice ad ai il i t!thiar uri d a(,bei th la tobr' 0 c n-teti local -address îndirated" omaio ecrddby am elecion," heMinister c- The enumeratin ta being efratars ta make ea ssr plained. mï_ade by the Miistry aofLrrrectionsadta ig th notice as being corr-ect. Ia ditiaa, the enumerator wil aoiicsg the notice. 49 YEA.R A(30 Thursday, Augusît 3O, 1923ý T he TrnaGlob fetur ed n Autgust 2Oth ian arýticle an Jacrk îBakerý , te CaptinFamlar Fces ta stated "r ake!isPre-(,4 den- eth Gaant Exert mental Union, a bedrof Sharthorn ti 1ie andShrap- shire sheep ýon i ýs farm r[n Dalîngtan Tawýnship, EDur- ham. Attending Otaria Agicultural College, he took a twa-yearii course be- fore cmSnigfarming. Mr. Baker wasprecsident af West Durham Agý,ricultural Society for severýal years aýnd was alsa active in .org- anizing the C.A.C. Alumni Assoc-iatio n. The Globe end- edthe, story with "Jack Baker is oeeof the most papular and progressive young farmers ta Durham Caunty. Bowmanville Public Schools will re-apen Tues- daSeptembeî' 8th, 9 Fuil attendance requested ( 1 opening day. J. H. Johaýston, Principal. Miss Isabel K. Smithî, BA, is holidaying at Sydney Many Lakes, Muskoka. Msf. and MVrs. R. C. Pearce nd daughters, :Ehenezr Mr. and Mrs. Faster Snaw- dca7 and son, Oshawa, visit- cd wth Ms. A. T. Stainiton, Lepha . Doaastri,AT. CM. eahe f Piano', Tbe(ory, Hwin Guitar and UelelePhone .358J, Studio, King St., Bo.w-, manville. The bakeî'y business car- ried an by the late Thomn- as Tod has been sald ta Mn. W. P. Corbett, Barrie. The chanigeover wl take place about Sept lst. -Mr.,andM rs( hs.Vn stoe, iads ad Charles have ben visriiruToron- ta. Mi\4ss ahra E. Wa'ni- ca as goneý ta 'Wooler, wlicre she ta.-enigaged as Principal of i the Public School. Lde'don't forge ft ta aittend the new Fait Miii- irinry sbawing at Miss< oand rs nWcdlnesdçay. Rcv. aa Mrs.V. E. Hfoney, Melvi'aad Fir, Belle- vile ir. anldVMr's. Jas. A. AikeneadTarate, isit- cd at is. H.J. Wlrry's. Plan n!ow t ienitbc w innî,Dollar Day.Set uray epjtember làth. ?5 YFARS AGO TrsySeptl. 4th, 1947 ville blas been OFf2ic"iailyap pointed as Temnpo)ra-r.y ta- spectot1 cnnctonwithi the-regigopeiattous tak- Habo.Te Depew "fishl- tsboats have>1had cdiffi. cultynavigting he uer- Town Couil i1sent a resolu- tion taottaw andChantals E.Stpns, Ml.P., persanl- ally took uip the mt'wt the Dep, ff Pub Flhic; 'Warkýs. Memb rs fSt. Joalis AnlcnCurh Auxrliary ru ; at the home 0, f AMrs. C Robiù-nson o Wdedyta say ýfareell te loCanon and Misý. C. R. Secrwhjoar assuinghi r neýw duties at Haýstings. Mrs'L. S. Dumas,, Presidien of Aux,,- liary, read a ýbief frwl message and preserîted Mrsiý. Spencer witb a purse andc Mr. Spencer' a handsomely-' beund book. The W.M.S. mvet SeUptern- ber', 2nd ti thi Soda; Sclîuol ruom indJ !the mine Lgati iSinas sîg- ed by ,ci tuiember askin11ýg the governmeat la abolisli cocktail bars for wamea. Accarding te Jim- Wil- liams, manager of the local ire dtstrubuting compaur, the -ire situation ta Bow- manville isvery seriaus. At prescrit bis stockqsaeex- hausted but a smal suppir ta cxperted this weekend. As sooa as ire ta available it wili be ratione-d out ta householders ta the towa, and district. The shortage- is bcing fe]t al o 1ver South- cmn Ontario. Teen Town Executive wl tacet this week ta plan the,, re-arganization of Teen Town for' the Fali and Winter seasan. Pîese pass au any suggestions ta meta- bers ai the executive. Plans are being made ta1,ý liold a pet show for boyýs and girls, 18, years and under, who are nesidents of Dur'ham Caunty. Classes include birds, fowl,. ralibits, dogs, rats, pontes and ether pets. ,Prizes will also be given for the best derorat- ed pet and rat, . the dog with thelnges(t tai, and the most uisuial pet. Mare details nxtweek. Suftci-ing a udden heart attack M. iET H.Moore died at hb>is resi.dece, 6(2 Concession Si. awa ville, nm uu) 2 JHel survived 1by."bis sîstr iTda and il Sucres sd phewsý thr'oughout Canada. In the Editor's Mail Thepre shou),bemore concern ver thesafety and well beig of the c ilrs ara aIngitotetw sceeMto care wha hapen to thleir cildrni. Lastyea, he txicum- panypithedin and1(werp wlngtolhelp mtnesof kindergL'arteCýn CI - re i, somwha hih bt itt a worh ver cntto uensure, Th1is ear L, thosc sarne1 willý stili, be five years, olrl wbnschool opens, will b 1~ aking n ln to town Ita Along with the sma-ýiller ý,cliren, there are týhe, gr-ade school children, who îivin wier have to trudge truh snowbanks a n d crosshazadousconditions on the hlhway andbrd. Iii attown sc as' thiis one, you woLdC thtk te Town Council %woiuld see tht5 need for a scolbus and push the isu.Crossing guards arle fltgone 1ta stop the ri bieof winter on litttd inJidren, and ,more ithani -ii]iel attendance wil l bu d1owný in the schools in mldïc- wî1nter. Si gned, A Concerned fohe in the Waverley Gardens 1area. Gl1en MacL1eo%,d Appointied ta O\-/ECA Couincil Ran Ide, chalirman 1iof rThe Ontario Educational Com- munications Authority, an- nounices the appointment of Glen MacLeod, of Cobourg, Lo OECA's South Central On- aroregional council. Mr, MacLeod is a superin- taenrt of education for the NoThurnýberland and Durham CountyI, Board af Education. Over tMie past 21 years he has beeni a public school lnspcc- lor, anarea superîntendent and a superintendent of cdlu- catiain lni the Countiesý of Haldimnand, Lt n ia Ren- fre, Northumijberin and The 5-meber ouncil was formd«mre tan yer iago io adieOCAo t de- tehooyin Soutb Central TU UI ed, "Thanks for youir column, duil or MAY READERS SA£! not." W 7ithh E besý-,t intýenYitio ns laJ the worid l'ta(doso, TI neyer qieget, aiound ta a3nswe,0rng il mymaiil. 1Tere alwayvs seems ta be somie doinestic or ather' crisis that interferes. la aimost everyca, the letters I1 get are bath friendly and tatemesting. The exceptions are business letters and bill callectors. Fomm letters and promo- tional letteýrs I daa't even- read: just tear them ionce across aad toýs tt the logical dcposittry - the grbgepail. Anyway, this columa scseemte around quite a bit, andthe [lters pile up, and I keep makiag newreoton ta, aaswer them and the. pile keeps gmowiag. If my wife wouid leave me for a moath, and I worked eight boums a day, I could dlean them ail up and start a new life, relieved af guilt and shame. -Just ta give yau an idea, here's a cross-sampling. Just gat a ca.-rd from The Babsey Twias, Regina anýd Kath. Postmark: Venice. They'-e two frter students. Whea they were ta- Grade 13, and I coulda't findf a boy ta dlean up the estate, they taok it an, anud did the best job I've evem bad done. Ul like boys, who doa't get into the corners, they crawled itt the bushes and dmagged out leaves witb their bare hpads. They garaered forty plastic ganbage bags ai leaves and tis I gave tbem t îheir pay and an ililegal ibeer and we've been bud- dies ever sinice, Aecomding ta the card, tbey've cavered seven couatries ia thmee weeks and are aow headiag for Spain. Poor aid Madrid, Here's a letter from R. F. Stedman, County Wicklow, Eire. An excerpt: tiYaur columa holds for- me( a note ai sanity ' i a mad world alnd raaks ta my mmnd with Greg Clark." Double tbanks, R. F. Greg Clark is about six; tiers above me, but I appreciate the sentiment. Mm. Stedman wea 't ta bigh sehool \Vith my aider brother and sister. Just grabbed another one from thle heap. lai smoks, it's dated Feb., 19,71. Thom,-ias A. Smnili, Roleu, Sask. le aoticed a riem nt the column ta Calumet nthte Ottawa River, where my mothier wsbora,lie was born theme too and mmembers Smileys in Shawvjll,u., br my dad once rani a store. It's a logrterestîng let- ter f rom a reaiaid-timer iý who ,went west ta, 1910, attbe age ai 17, weat overseas ta WKorld War 1I. Mr. Smnitb, I hope.yau wvell, thougb you must be 80, and l'i write a proper letter. lere's another, from White Plains, Nýew York. Iialy Old liughie! Dated June 24th, 1969. It's froom A. Leslie Hli, Caïptata, Army Nurse Corps, U.S. Army Reser(,ve (retired). Bora ta Fergus, Ont., tbmee score years aga, graduate ai King- stann (Ont.> General lHospital, served ta WrdWa IIl amd Komea, and nead my colma ap group aoNf rcsini the Jlaundry room liow abouit tha?,tten ~~~Yo Carierai AND ALL MEN And ail mea. lonig the sailtag sbips, uncbaiaced and Though isamne mea find thfe steeriag rough the rgingsea. Aid ail mca wihta foant adrift uaibrtdled and Tbiough some mca nach!Ior ta the -port adthere nemain uncailed. He1î'e's'î a self-addressed envelope from Mrs. alter E. Dorsett, Smiley, Sask. But1 can't find the letter. And another ane from ,Gardon Fairgrieve., publisher of the Obse-rver, %Hartlarid, N.B. lui:ba a subseiber called Bil Smiley' , who lives in Massachusetts, aadt asks tha,,t I drap him a uine. I wiil, Bill and Gardon. A jnote from G.ý R. McCrea, pub1ish- er of the Herrl, 1Hanna, Alta. I-e are it's a ma--îd, mnad wvorld, bas been fortyv years in thenepar "game", started at $5 a wueek, and recaýlis with nostalgia: "For $5 ia those days you could take, your best girl ta the local dance, buy a mickey of rot-gut rye, and stili have money eaough ta buy the gai a lunch at mtdnîght, and some lef t over for a, package ai roil-your-owns an Monday. Boy, was that ever livin'." Thaaks, G. R., for a grand letter. From a lady ta, Bowmanville. Shi thanks me for mny salute ta the hous- wife, and bassome good advice: "I have iearned,, slowiy, neyer criticize what samneane's doing ualess you bave tried it yourseif." And it turas out the lady lived next door for eight years ta the lady wbo wrate me a beautiful letter irom New Zealand. Ia a columa this summer, 1 came, pared my wife ta that bird, the fiickerE, Ran/Cummiag writes fromn Port Elgirý camparing husbands ta bobolinks. "Be-r fore marrnage, the bobolink bas abau tiful, siick, yeliaw-striped suit and sin-g,ý a mnate-enttcîng Boho-iink-a-link-a-linký. Aiter marriage, ia late shîmmer, h. dresses ta- duli brown, and bis sang isý merely a. duli "ciunk". As a middle- aged hubby,-, I keep seeing a parallel." Woops! It's not ail sweetness ard light. Just reached and read two letters givtag me bell. I must have written aP snarly columari about teenagers back tn. 1970, f>,opae ai the letters is dated theai. One is frtom- a teenager, u.nsigne, blaJýst- ing mne iiin o uncertain ers.Thie otheýr is i'roma a s-enior cit.izený, MrJs- ste Sliatr of Bracýebridge. One punigent; commient:î "You must be a Dagwood at home, and a rotten father. How else. could you have such a niixed-up fam- il)-",Wel, lVrs.* Siater, my mtx 1ed-uip daughiter bappens ta be living in Brace- brkidge righit iow, and I've a good natin ta cal and tell ber'ta go aver and give you a good punch -in the nase. I'm kidding, Mms. Siater. Kim woulda't step on an ant, if she cauid avoid it. She's a delightful, compassion- ate, beautif.ul and intelligent yaung waman, who is no mnore mixed-up than you or I. AnJl I'm no Dagwood. When I put mry foot dowa around here . .. I break a toe. We]1, Pai 1 I wRnted ta Say vwas that you mae, a lot of irstcresting peale ti this bùuiness. Tbougb some men shy the gentIe touch nvoid a part unpianaed-ý. drama cool chear skies day nad.Pc 'Though oe e fear the st ormns beyond tbey dock an enniy bAd. And wîse mca pray each ig,,ht before cthe s n Aad ta etutq e sArdinteýIr sbt witb he -Miss Suzanne Sh-ei 159 Guelph Street, Oshawa APlc In Life's Processickon eand .d- tDstant Past ýFromltheSc tatesman Files

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