Mrs, Bruce TiIIsor, Editor Rickard Bull Wins Top Competition was keen in theý Shorthorn- bull class ,t Port Perry FironModa, utRick Rickard of EEC COMMITTEE OF TUE LEGISL-ATURE ONTH WMNICIPALBAR JINVITATION l'O SUBMIlT WRITTEN BIF On June 3001, 19742, the n1t'arjoLgiatr apponte a elect Committee to examilne,.inqir into and reýport uipon the Ontar-lo Mlunicipal B3oard- anld to mlake eommendations on: (a) the pui> posýe, ob ject and functions of the Ontario Municipalý' Board, (b) the jnrisdiction of the Ontario MncplBoardl. (c) the st-ructure and organliza- tionl of the Onitalo î1Mnicipal Board. (d) the B3oar-d. (e) the procedures byy of appeal fromi heorders nd rulings of thie Ontario -ýmniciPal B~rincluding appeals by ayof pedtiios to ionhpof theOt o uncjpi oar ie islarge of it-s responisibilities with thle PrJvinl- cm;l Govement, local goverment and the imdi- vidual ciizen. The Committýee invites written brief s from individuals and org-anizations who mnay wish to present information, opinions or suggestions rgarding anyý of the ahove niatters relating to the 0otario Muicipal Board. B3RIEFS MIUST BE SUBMIUTTED BEPTM B3ER l5th, 1972, TO THE CLEIRK 0F THIE M MýiTTEE, BOX 23:', MAIN rPRiA UMENT BUILDING, TORONTO,_182, ONTARIO. Joh P MaBehQ.C, M.P.P. lex .MCIFedries, FOR TYÏKE to JfUVENlLE ACED BOYS FRIDAY SPT.8 7 o9p.m. SATURDAYÎ 5SEPTe 10,a4-wto1 no Newcastle Community Hall FEES (whch musltt be paid uponi~egistration) are, Resident -OMM,0 Non-Resident I-m$1 5.00 %lI Regitain afe ept. 9, 1972 $2.00 extra Coachs URENTLY ,VNEEDED for Recreation anid/or 03111.A. Teamî Please Volunlteer at Registration A meting of' Coa4ches;, Sponsors or anyone guneyinterested in-helping w ith our Hocky Prgrame, wil1l be heldSept. 13, 7:0p.lj m n e c Comiunity Hall ~* ~ . .~ . LUThe Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Sept. 1,9f72 E N N IS K I L E N lMàr-shall and girls. ivan Sharp and 3gnLst wére 'uda evening 'Mr. andý Sunday diner guésts et Mr. TheAuus metngof h MsGldsAshiton had the tow-el And St.Thomarnnje- Mrs. 'P. W. Werry were guests and Mrs, AA Sharp's., dThetional usîng the ti4emenentî f Mr, and Mrs. Jim Moor- Mr. and Mrs. George Irwin IJ.C.W waý,vs held at Cart- cntý. raft Bowmanville, helring were Sunrday EI visitors Phono 987-4213 w!rigjht Park anid lunch at Living One Day a1 t a Timie.Mse Lisaan obn ocel iebrate, Denise's birth- of Mr> and Mrs. Angus Kng Mr-.E .Hr',WilasRi al waswll answered K insanspent the weeddy Congratulations. Litie Býritaffi. -Point. AMes, AMay McGill wa-ýs Iwith the 'ami-e Of ?a diffCert with the K. MeIGil a ly Man Mr.Ry W r, Mohs Fllw i hl chairman and opened Vwith a ,vegetLable or tlower grown «I -Ms Ma hrpadJne ubr aMnd a Msyr Ted ther annualcorn r1il o lovely poemRip an"Life's; udbuyen."anyours Tgardenranthisco year.M Min-ý Honors at Port___Pterrwererdin(i eadaar Ved. spenit a coulple of days v;th Werry were receni. vi,itors of Mr. and Mrs.r, _ld A,ý-ýsh- rite wer rea zndapp Mr-e. D. B. Kay, Toronto. with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp. Saturday nfght att h hôme An nvtaton was aceptd r. and Tf,,riq. Charley Lan. MNr. Gilbert Marshall and ton, with 29 pe nt Tey ta o in wîth Enfield for tl,ýeir maïid, Solina, were Satuirday jMr. Larry Marshall, South had games anddn ngfor 4: 4 5 and 6:30 o'clocktý The _'nd Mrs. Roy McGiLl, the oc- MnIr and Mrs. M., Marshalgo ie prices are $2.25 for aclits __1 ca.ion of Mrs. McGill'.s aPnd Pnd girls. Mr. and Mrs7. Hrê Yel- $190fo cllre. rs ~r-Mrs. Langmaid's birth-days. Mr. -and Mrs. Jim Dickson lnwlees and faniily wère Sun. ý1ý0 forcliidro. Cogratlatins.and family, Beaverton, were day evening supper gue ýts of tNMEWL ~Staltn fgoupsrvdaloeyluc adMs.JeReker, Av- viMtr and Mrr. R. ylrpandthMr. aE. Rs Evô- ton r Satuda eennCplce'My cGUlexre e y rand fMil. Gere SMar I- Wtt.rand fMrs Gonte .aned tors.E, Rt. dînner g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ eenn dnergests of ranMr.ortaktoM. onwî haiadSvnGbetMurray t Crenweli, nt. Pt ck sdhome from thep BeuobfMoton oriidon alil-iýnd mae r fernoo s e oe NSM. a ahlMs .KyTrnohsia Mar1yn11t. B rto, .S,. Méýr aNeMrs.Mr. and, Mrs . i . aylPor]pr wLo rCr a n r, Vn :dÈCMriasdenand7 aSnylad Sanda,-AgncourtMr.ecoveraBC,, isted hi aunt ::" , casf le.ofrLîndsayMowerevSunday eiit Crydnjoyed jner guete of Mr andtMrs.a rmoou n te ire- visito ndihMs. Goand Mr t MrsM . and ro, Mr.arn Mrs. a oreotMr.S Mrs-rma S M lac.y, cilexrsdnl . 1' Mrs red L ctt, nMrs. Wm,,,NSM ,PtMasal r.D .MyTrno r,îtl E, Ms.Bil andPal Kenei, Mn. andoMns.VWn. P1 Inin, wered Ç amongI(7r, nd Dathead re-a ýr Mr, andeingil An-fdhg t-t er îgusty of 3Mr.' nd Ms 44 . . W.4. o Hondyptrnon Mrs.Conruaions t n r ~ Mrs. FPauLyWeb, the frmerV M.iss Caro ,Mr.iank, ons thar anniage n Msatundr atter-no, epeiaotihe ndi Orones.omUntad ChurhoRap tiondwas the'th Flylng Aut- Mvr aydofM. JamedG nedFtSiroudMint s owudai Mn. ann. Hnl Mis. Gaolï.iortonwae àSu wife Linda ho was showng another ull mhat cae Ms oh .Tomson mferSi on Sapeiuray , ý. r. ni nd CMns. .Re Na Greesurg , FPa. ,,spnt th holiday wIIIndJitheM IEneu fStL. Giloankand t tande d ta PWeb -oGflhan SociaManc and Mrs. nthur Ma_ halsnngngte pnig fphneyurnwsmb antMs. Geo. Morton and Si. anoier erm weare emid- 213and eeptheNewastleberhouerguests ofMr. an d 3ewcaisepctembe asobe gee ndsky. t iog una v gi in an imsal.nAforoeri h ,lc ttoi î sns IugadC re. orizaLins ý,to wbegin Cub anTher ar stl .-aanmec Mns. Jon M. TBob p netrain xii h icktfrsle.orta Okto- of a n senicSurn the Conîmunoy Hall onMon- ch 44 dayevein, Spt.lih. ngeof als aa peaad o r. aF. O. C oop er Ng.ý Cubs an new Cbms arareport hai ihyaarensd ngantdKlldas reY urge to tted bewae 6:3 quikly Remmbe b pck en tn ansernenmth $350shoud h takn an apoinient.Mnand Mrsen. Ron HanMr newCbus soud h acom Whle ickngup ourti- ad E knest.gusis of Md paned y a lest ne raike tothegal afaîr dn't Ms.",nMenibarof1 and ai t knw th leders foget o hnt ot smethng ingonaenoyd a oate Thee (illhaa excutie oueson lsefo hecuion. teTetWt meein 0 th Nwcsti bg ucionsae. emm rays, s.AturMr Hockes .-e4hea ~to fina selthat bîle ycn mayofav- . M nvix l C vi s thlt i tuil epaaker ait(hetjoint' wbc aan rmiel e a ha iiçte bappy 10 pusncx ase iut. rov ndiEenèzr onSun huso ne w ,(IOý ,pith e woud-e 1 n ipteNwat1le os ussM .n to r nd son Douglas enjoy-l eribe euil tatanr uePaged mto np't Mnioui Thupmnc a eldonoefre Ianubrc ran r. o Coo tradicknd/or sali night asea I.' oIIQL./I Ilodiand Ms Kenth Sy wabch b ihisipage forwthe iytgut M1sL Torne, MBeam-j Karen and liond, ichargeo ofls W atr e siet1n O .C ian~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ oiM.acMsiGaancuîg h ia ve in Sep. Cogrtuatons M s il,,. SomtE.1Mchobreptst flOsPawa Wilon f Mii tret cc rding b Big, on b e 80tbbintb a nave ncentl retuned bilesk, Presîen eto pi&ne1 Mrad m. ih S fomear ff~ , ~lymrhnîefo u eua ae lae olownga!itc 10RlgoCalaMVrd S andougb, M. Rand Mn.I 'i n. bl ier e, hyanu 1- Wblid. a en i ori i.Mc uyHih fOsaa . .- 4 'GidaOk ug 47 39 cdcmpn a am iton hw ic 96adi iie n and Mrs. Law- nonh e ifantoa.Bomavihe sfin1969. n sneHmiso auda.VLY TuffortSun e ldan iso awandd Pin esis o M.- Px8'GsitRe,599 49 MaiF, rne iion ad ienet aae in Wb it e alon t MoTrntay, abo Mns. R be Seran d o in tran ssori'- Fneaterie o ar . famiy aMn . ii, Nand Mjebiga ectoniinluininug- e n nnwJhsoae1,'z8 iir t 4 Reg. 6,69 4.91 lley Prk, cto, tnom tanna for'eachàdesiredcbn-wa e on Mody fýi a)-i ThInsnay o misnday afler- el i te bpto p r a s fot. noo n dm he n ibrut El bit__ onen wboihFunral Hme, Bwman noôn ___________ 1e/enandthe irnsm vile ntrmeg n thonerný!D] TyplYeRONs Ell aTV Grv BasrE. Ln o' 4rw pnis KV dutbeM lmn ceptOoe. Clnhles enter theCablellfrdason clo 'V'wo pnls nxpnie e e-Ueor ag eeto !sadad, Lruae~ev mee,ti ie e of Mnome n muh hesae aypcva, aia Las. îiuîy adfom ttaciv brd bacet ad heve t ceae !gea Mleiitvbois a o unen Aeepsntt timracahie cordi ntor sea ightasbi iby nel saection, one hihtS trm rpial rastina nd spcNwtou bl. adclor mnisîgcf bbccommuniy," h tool Tyr onecîrcb vadru. a î asXE a 0canessau -wachool sce oresm e a enb1.e h asaçadcsi8 h oa CheT 2 lnai tg $ Sep. lbb. Chuch i 1:1,1 eîeisiîî 'e. Pansareciî-ville, iîîope a ew stu on Mx48"x ai 1 OnMeetang nd lan Wearh ca1.29mm3i oer.r $1%,95 n Robi13 ndo onfice n î ' aîftJnlh- "tndrSattr iViaste Ian BWcis spi~t a any as5 addstoock caoB rok tireeaSouthoCom-in8" stadardesatfor hoiaytb gadmoibar wi TVin Ibe exi18moa. iebioondt 0-tenwsuî1"X3"is ~ 7 KMrGren ndBfowrs, eile- Viewenst in ha O sbawaWhii Cogaultos tiMr. h en93sylszevite iet inof . byandBowrnvlleareS di om Es se orSeteme 1 Voofnnce -Rg.$05- ~&V son of a i lldyStare sec 1 b20canel i ilnTas he ras0h ida t o ai beaurcerdcd af,-;aea o ui M-iv e r ia Fareune;ifounihhesujeci to Canden o aio w .and oryrs. Bi S d- ïly mrh nie fo u eu ae Mri Ane Manna. Lw la ýi ody ge -.--- -TV - - dalCar b lecasi 8 pr. ramýfýs z pnant wsM. Ran rd. MVn. l-drmwOhaaCbl VKrkshos sDavis o 0 1that Oln ive mitheid tha hu aviiner cnler ,bwv chair and MarjonlebeVa caera8ing operMbss tudHio camerasad won th'50-5S'raoldenvE Oqui-,nReg.eas$s.7d ling pranise wn yRuy iaa rAceS169. nne1- wbson as scean Mr.erCondo.nFaulkner Pi 4lix S' SaleublcU nrryesiIn other9 Aîi,1 TIfor, i ii - G M r EEofNhi e ar ,theXTDCana- ai cmmniy calcj .t-elp Wantect BTd -Ur~ -AD studios, is anticipating the SU'iff_5_M -S4A- sanie reaction in Wbitby. i CAIRETAKER îles and studio perso~nne En,'f FOc ncouraged to prrtc-amemig FOI, ~~~originale local rra-m1,. Aise, on the ýboards'for tho .Newcastle i~ elaction resýuits withi special Community ~ ~ 2 ,.*Z eniphasis on lWhîthy,OswaSoeHus <Equipmnt S311ied) , adBwavlendi .,',', - Municipal elactiosiî,il!a]so MON. Io WE ., Apply in riting stating, ae .w hacoverad indpi,"sai 8:30 'TIL fi experience (if 'any) ani, sal- Riddell. ary, expected to: tepe teesn mw ork TURS. ýMrs. S. J. Brereton BYA Mreach Riddell at the Ohw H N Newastl Comunty all AIR CONDITION'ING1 T beip kick o ff Ca, T TreOntario ýiN t fPnfe ntalto n 1, on rbefore SePt. 2, 972. - -650N E a6mon - 3 3fea"cSbi'saSe 36- ____________________ ing the month of S;eptemùber,