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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Sep 1972, p. 4

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4l Ther Canadian Saemn Bowmanvîlle, Sept. 6, 1972 AtLong Last theD Election Has Cor-ne - After ,everai. delays, the Prime ,iiterba called thie federal election for Octoer Oth anidth camnpaign is oin. Someonec hasý described an election as ~ ~ I a-iefrtepeople to- have -their 2a 'y in who they want to govern them ~or he extfouýr years. It has alter- natei beendesýcribed Pas a catharsis,a purgatiýqve, a clean out and a start over again., For the next _f ew -weéks, the puni y- !rg progý.irm wviýlibe ui(nertaken by the 4oer bletryiing to aý>sfsssthe daims àrnd acsto f i te vaýrinus parties à nd their 'canididates. Nationally, the ~artes wll atemp toinfluience the ï-inal resits witva! -st exnî)-ditures on lro fe m -1asional"y Pre ý1'Pred propagax'iada 0',ver the air wae adinail formns of lpulicty ndadveisig Localiy, sup- oresof the prtie an candidates yý,7iil work 11ke fbeavers canvassing, C1ganîing thefir o insbison ~thers their ceis the righitone. ~'eeeffoar e mre important now ï,an a few,1 yearsý ago because voting ~at sand partUlegiances are much miore volatile than thelýy used to be. And We Think McKeï ~~~~~ ~ [i Lat eeth nmn ~îas hakenby anws report in The 'Ciotbe & Maisaing hat one of the ~ os poenflmebr of the cabinet peirbbe nvlvdini.a "conliict tint rest sitatio. Laer, he minis- ePo-vînciaý i-Teas-ureu Darcy Me- ýeuhsijitte hîs rýesýignation and 4sbenauebyopposition critics -hd the meia for bis actions. Pi Prir Dvi was in London, but ~ asnow qtuned omeand so far his 'aeno comnmenti, The e-ntire inc(ident 'is' ~ ~ ~ aif motrgetal n rankly, we earnotundrstndhow, a mani of Mr. lVliKeouh's pparent ab[ility and poli- tîcall "av"couid be so situpid that be CLidn't elz his involIvemyent in'a sub- d!iviin shemiin Cbautham would ~plaýCe him- in a vuin)erable position. This man who bas cone and is doingso much tù revamýnp local areas Jintoýlarge regi.on-s, bulild buge ne cities out onf quiet, com-_ partiviv ap-pycomnte and geni- Priy hneteface of Ontario, bas ]biui ost nmuch of bis credibility. in, our opnon 'remnier Davis is - itîg o eeif public reaction wii odenMr. McKeouý1h for his "indis- crto"or be sy,,mpatbetic ta his pligbt, ,,o f ar, most ofï the comments from the this time, tbe 18 to 2J er-iswili be Lpiaying a big part wilrobody,, know- ;ing for certain just wýhere their support Lwiil show up in the resuits. 1 Abt ail that canbe said' of the1n clection at the moment is, that it appear:7 to bc a wvide open contest. The Liber- ais apparently feel the resuits oL th1s poils taken recently give themn quite ý ;n edge and wiil do their best to miti that throug-hout, wbile theotherpate wiii be going ail out to bring ouit the resuits of other polis more faivo)rable to thein causes. By~ the time Octob,,er 3Otb rails Pround, most cîtizein wîý,Ilbe completeiy fed up wvî!ýth te whoie process'and eager to get itý over with by either casting their ballots or staying home. Whiie al Ibis is going on. in Canada, we aiso wili be on thie receiving end of the massive programs ini support of politicians, in the United States who wilL be votirnin their presidential election in Novembnýer. The Canadian Statesman will en- deaVonr ta, keep yau posted on local meetingsz and issues, showing as, littie bias as is humnanly possible. lougih W îiI Remain mepdia have been favorable to Mr. Mc- Keough and his "honorable" actionl in resigning. By the endof this wec1k, the stage will bc set for Mr. Davis to for- give 'and forget the wbole thing, slap Mr. McKeough on the wrist and refuse to accept bis resignation because lie is so hadiy needed in the cabinet as an out'standing man of vision and întegrity. If this bappens, Darcy probabiy wiil take a minute and a haîf to give the suggestion bis most sîncere considera- ion before accepting. With a' federal electinn derway, and -L'le country be- ing invoived so completeiy in the Rus- sian-Canadian hockey series, the inci- dent wili pass without too much furor and the Globe and Mail wiii bc con-. demned for exposing the thîng in the first place. It'ýs ail a matter of timing and people are peculiar. If Attorney Generai Diton Bales got away with bis problem, merely by stating hie would donate any profits hie niight make to charity, surely Darcy, lauded as the ablest, member' of, the cabinet, sbould have littie trouble in. being reinstated and purified. Affer ail, a great many, citizens think al poli - ticians are crooked anyway, Sc, thesýe two incidents merely confîrm their opinion. Who is next? Boýwmanîiville Pensions- A Very Poor Idea froxin TiheCbog Sentinel-Star Thýe BwavIeStatIesman re- portsthatt municipal doundcil îinth at ban asdcided tl- a py îtself a pen- io lter five( yýears' of srv icen that ibi binmnade rtocie The muni- ciaxywil 'e contribuîting as weli. TlO 1us, thiý' s isiqhrabout the ultimate i n a ý rroance witfh ithe taxpayers' money, Jut howaniy smnali town councîl mem- ber tbïinks that he bas a dlaim on tbe tapyrta provide for, bis days alter dïefeat or retirement, we wiii neyer Ltsjusýt hope thiat no other United Couniesmuniipaitygets the idea, Thcýee dc,7 eas ten bspnead. Voters ýboud show their contempb ptfor, this in inosese y'apviyturfing out of r ofice nyod w omigbt bave the COl!:osl gal even ta0 sugg"eSt such a jýpured byQueen'sPak Muipl councls bve ben tod thait Itheir mem- besarenow ligible for pensinImi- IIar tth sheecovcnjIng fuli-bime ivînîcpalempoyes.We are ail in 'fvrof theprtcto for the town's empoyes.But there should be notb- ing, nothîng wbatsoever, for elected membprs. Quen's Park bas bold the 'muidpaitesthat thcy can pass an eïnabLing bylaVIw ta include council ~mebes, ndBowmanviiie lias been nne aibbc frst arounid bere ta bite. Inýiially,* ,bbc penisionis for council inemben-rs myDe-in.Aiten 10 yeans on, counc, bbc pe leion may amount ta tmily $10 or $15 a monbdcending on the level i pSBut watcb tbem grow ornce bbc nini stbihd - , Wbat Qtieen's Park is binkîng is fan beyýond u rs we t came11s to this ~tonsense. I ks like anc great big ýýap ta bbc imuiialcouncil members, acrosýs the provinre, H-ow about doing. some tbiingfor' bbc b axpayens? How about a, sop for pon aid John Q. Public? Over the years, municipalities and scholoadshave boosted their mcm- bers' salaries ta quite appreciable 1ev- els. This is wr,,onig, very wrong. Expeni- ses shul b)aid, and naroewol argue too miuch av\en a madest honior-, anium ta doyen bbiextasthat ïa council' or sebool board member m-ay have ta pay ont because be bolds bbc position. But there is nro justification wb,,atsoever ta consier a c-ouil JIpost a "*job", Or tO extnact from it an incm .FTic amn- ount paid ta municipal couincillons sbould be 'kcpt modest sa that fia one cames to depend upon it for incomne. The job ai a municipal counicillon is nt by any meansa fuil-bime job. If it takrles somebody "fuil-timne" to do it, then be is the wrong persan ta be elect- cd. Bcing a icauncil member in a smali bawn or townsbip is flot like-bcing a memben aif bbc legisîsture or a memberi ai !Parliaýment. There is no necd ta be awaufrm home. There is no fulitime Anyhody remember bbc word "service"? AUTUMN AGAIN The littie hiaze across bbc field Before bbc sun dissolves it, Memory's ,sm-ile that cannt yieid To stress, and strain - albeit - The bending corn alo'ng bbc way, The cimson, goidl, and purpie, The maple andth oak sway In gay gawns for ah bbce people. The country waits for news ai an As na ur ums tbbc artli intu a Of ioy sd s iie sd firm peito Fo-ood dsy-s abead. I'vce senit My prayers ta Joi ouns - Havn Bent! -anonTaylor Ford Durham County's Great Famîly Journal Esirbiied 118 years ago int 1854 Also Incorporating The Bowmanviile News The Newcastle Independent The Orono News PhNA 623.3303 LISH Second class mail re gistration numb er 1561 Produced every Wedncsday by THE JAMES PU13LISHING COM,1PANY lIJMITED 62.-66 King St. W.,. Bowmanville, Ontario US GE',O. P. MORRIS PATRICK< GOULD Ë re BUSINESS MGR. SALES MANAGER phone 623-3303 DONALD BISIIOP PLANT MGR. "Copyriqhtoaia prOperty rightss nsit in the image oppearing on this proot, Prmsuot ierdueni whol or in port ad in ay forai whatsoever, particularly by photôqraphiýoz r ottet roesin a poblicolon, m ust Se obtairied train the publisher ad the printer. Ai-y uotoi ,eproduction wilt ha subjeot to recourse intatw., $)7,00 Q yeor- S6 months $4.00 $9-00 a Year în the Uînited States Allhuqhever orcouton h, t e tken ta ovold e-'J"TheCanadionSaeîa ccpuodet ,nl l 1 T 1 - t ouno nteuneurdnq that iL wil lo-t be 1hable foroy eror10In n", tueen publiued treurdr irnesu O ,riot iuh dvurtiiaenr ru reqlieeted n;iwrtnby1ederur ~ad rlurnd b Te Carartrn Stt hl,-- bUîl'nes ffir -1y eîgned by 0-' vetur rdwîhec niror orcorrert'nip ]ay u -jed ii rq u hee ni n thnt calsIl ony eoii n o-eont ',rete bf-oCaadonSotunot 1 iaitv hoit lot exceed uuch o porion ot 15enture coul cf ueSddertupmntos .s pore ocrupied b"',the nnte'd rror beors to La1h. wtot, por oor'ê MacDuff -Report Libeal amp aign When tbe Liberals go to the poils thisw next fime around, the Trudeau image will be grestly chauged. No longer will,.hebe hehe "ýswiugen" wbo will be gai- loping arouud the country, sliding- down bannisters and pufting on diving exhibitions off bigh boards into swi- miug pools while pretty girls mwave f0 hlm and watt for bis kisses. This time, if %vil] be a band-wonk,Àingimgfba Mn. Trudean i)'Il convy He xiii wea bsinless suifs and fies. Hie bas had bis hair f immed. Ome member-of the Liheral committe luncharge of anrangiuigthIe campaigu confesses ruefully' vthaf "we have worked on hlm for a year fo gefthat hair ent," Mn, Trudeaun wants ta try and do whaf the formý er Prime Minister L. B. Pear- sou planned for bis last elec- tion. That is ta work ouf of Oftawa and make periodic swings out lut o the hustings, retuning ta Ottawa f0 ad- minister the country. The Pearson plan worked hiefly lu the November 8, 1W5~ election., But be soon suc- cumhed fo the pressures of, the camfpaigu sud abanidoned bhis plan fo sfay close ta bis Sugar, and Easf Block office ou Parlia- meut Hill. Indications are f bat Mn. Ti udeau wiil face the same Pressures sud bave f0 con- cent rat e more on touring the couuttry than efayiug lu Offtawa. Howeven, the Liberal Cam- paigu Commitfee plans ta have other members of the cabinet heip with the chore of national fours, Finance Ministen John Turner, who is revponted bo be very popu- lin acvross the country. wili h1e asked faf rael back and forth across Canada asit inig in the nationalcmpg. ip ice By Bill Smiley THIEY ALREADY HAVE One ai those nwAfnic-;an nations is, kicking out ai the counitny ail bbc Indiagns. This is ani emotionai and poli- ic-ai, nather than aPnatio-nal decision. Ainican blacks bate these Asian Indians becausle bbc latter are bebter educatcd and on bbc whole, mucb weaitbicrthanbbc natives. The rýeasoný for this is that bbc Indians are smart, work bard, and inbackwand countnies, usually wind up in contrai of much ai bbc ecanomy., Trouble is, with these Indians la Afnica, that rnobody wanbs them. Many ai- them bav-e British passpor ts, as thein grandiathenýs went ta Ainica when the territonyvwas zunden British rmie, bo build raiiraads. Tbey'ne linging ta these, passparts like life-beits, but it isn't doing bbcmn mucb good. SBitain docsn't waut tbcm. lb bas enougb racial stnif e an its hands ai- ready, alter admittig bbousands ai Pakistanis, Indians and West Indians aiten bbc war. There bave been race riots, white against colourcd. India, their bomeland, doesni'f want bbem. lb aiready basmare refugees than if can handie. Canada bas been ap- proacbcd, and, as usual, dithers. Wc could do a lot warse than accepb a sizable cbunk af these people witboub a home. Tbey are induistniaus, peaceabie sud capable. rrbey wauidn'f be caming bere as peu niless immigrants, Molst ai bbem are fairly weii off. Many ai them bave skiils and professions we necd. I don't know mucb about Inidians, I have some Canadian Inidian friends, but bbc oniy Asian Indians I have known weil were four cbaps witb wbom I1 learnnd ta fiy Spiffines in England, laniger ago than I cane ta nemember. Peýrbaps they wercn't representa- Liv,,'-(,be)ýcause tbey wene aIl from, well- ta-do families, ýand ail spoke good Eng- lisb. But îbey wenc cenbainly a cross- section aio that ciass, and g ave me a good idea ai wby thene is se much stnife in India. You'd tbink that four yautbs wbo bad corne al bbc way from India for advanced training wouild bave been prctty close, throwa into bbc midst ai ail thase Paies, British, Australians, C7anadian, and a dozén ather speciips ofI wies, On tbbcocntrary, bbey éould hardy sýtanid anc another. 'týher'e was Knýishna'. Smaihish, veny bandsomc, flasbing black eycs that c'ould aliost iiterally ilame wbhen he was angry.,v He spnke sucb precise and fluent Eagiisb that he made bbc rcsb of us icci like, hicks. He was a Christian. Then wa AhedA lauky kid ni, about nfintee(-n, sleeoy-eyed, slow-mav- ina gi, S) and not much ta say. lIe was, a Pakitani Moslem. And IiIe Kq oori. I-e was pigeon- cbestcd, wýcigbced about 115, bad buge, mournini hlack eycs, and was in a per- petual state ai bernor whcn fiying. He sbouid -neyer havýe been thene. One day he an-d I were sent up ta practice dog- - figbting in auir Spits, I knew be didn'f, like flyving, buit not uintil that day just bow decp was biis fear. Eveny time I'cI take ai pass at hlm anid go, "Tub-but-tub- tuf" lik ,e a maýc)hine gon, bie'd veer wild- ly off about a mile anld cail wiidly, "Smilee, Smilce, çlon't came sa close." Hie wýas a Hinidu. And then thiene was bhc inimitable Singbl Thandi. Fiashiing white bcetb, cbuckling cyes, magnificent silk turb- ans, under bi e beua dicd bis bain, ,which came down -ita bis bail-banc. Cun- ly black beard. Fastidiaus as a model. Kepf bis beard cuiy by bying a band- kerchici around bis jaw af nighb and knotting if on top ai bis hcad. Singh was a Sikb,,anothen religion heard froým. But be was a pnctty lousy Sikh. Thcyý'-e lnot supposed ta drink, smake, ceut their bain, and a lot ai other things. He didný't smokc an cut bis bain but he'canld put'away about bwelve pint sai beer la an cvening and, except fan a littie giggiing, be none bbc warse. bad bis bangovers. He was s crafty dcvii.,Wbea be bad a panticu-, >iariy bad bead, he'd just sbay in bcd, Wben the' C.0. bied ta give hlm a biast for bis absence, hie'd rail bis cyes at the igcnorýance ai these infidels, and say palitely "Son>sry, mtbday is baiy day for Sikhs. Cannot fly an boly day." The bafficd C.0, bad fia answcr, as these Indian boys bnad ta be weli tncated. ,Singh w'ould bave nothing ta do witb bbc other "lindians" and jaîaed a conviviali uttle gnoup wibh Vanl, a Belgian, Sven, a Norwegiau, a couple ai Auistralians and Jack Rya and myseif, Canadians. Wîth bbc beard, bbtheturban and bbc silver tangue, be attracted girls like files. He loved fiying as Koori bated if. Neyer fo?,g et bbc time! I sbancd a room with him la Londan, on a wveek- end icave. About h sam. wc sbarted ta pull ounseives togethen, He got' up, gnaaning, holding bis bcad, and botter- cd about la bis shorts, bis, great mass- ai bain .hanging down ta bis hum. ý(He didn't wean a turban ta bcd.), Thene uwas a knock at bbc door, anc of us gnuntcd, "Came la", and bbc maid cntcrcd, ta dlean bbc raom. At least she almost cntcned. She baok anc look, ber- m-outh feu! open, then she scneamcd arpd ran. Despitebi head, Singh neaniy tbrcw up from laugb,ýing so bard. "I bet, Smilce, she thongbt iý yu were shacked up wibb bbc 'beanded lady from the cîr- cus." Singh was killedla Burma. I like Indians. Lct's invite mate tai aur cogntry. Mn. Turner wili also be, expecfed ta do- several ,.spots" on television and radio, urging the young peo- ple voting for the flrst time, f0 vote Liberal. Thius instead of this cam- paign heiug geared to Tru- deau, and Trudeau alone, as if was in 1968, the electorate will be confrouted by a Trudeau - Turner combina- tion. Apparently, private poils tHie Lîheral party has har tiken, haveshown that Trudfeau su'ad Turner are equally popular across the dountry. The Liberals planning strategy feel4 that Turer like Trudeau, is ne ol' the few members of the abne -wýho can be used antivvher:e in the country and he effec- tive la garneriug votesý. In s;omearas Turner is morei, populjar than Trudeau be- cause beîing less on the firiig line than the Prime Minister duriug the past four years, he bas not aroused the an- tagonisms thaf the key post of Prime Minister bas at- tract cd. Those rwbo see Tutrner a thle logâai Successor to MrX. Trudeau for týhe itop Job li thie Liberýal party, are not entirely happy witb the new election strategy. They fearc that if the election turns ont biadly, for the Grits their boy, Turner wiil get much of the biame, along with Trudeau. This will tsrnish his "golden boy" appeal in the uext leadership donven- tion. However, shonld the Lih- erals wîn a handsomne victory lu the upcoming Federai election and Turner bas played a major role, if wiil work fa bis advanfage if and when he seeks f0 sncceed Mn. Trutdeau, as' national leader. Mr. Turner, by em- harking an a national tour iu the campaigu urgiug the re- election of Mn. Trudeau, would be taking a calculat- ed risk. However, Mn Turner wheu he took on the job of Finance Minister iast Jan- uary, took a calculated risk. ,Hle was warned by many of bis friends that the fin- ance portfolio was "political suicide" focrayone with leadership ambitions. Neyer- tbeless, when Prime Minister Trudeau off ered hlm the job, Turner had f0 weigh the risk of taking the job against, the party autagonisms that would bave deveioped bad he refnsed fthe assignment. The word wouid have been passed thaf wben 'a tough job came aloug the politic- aliy ambitions. Mn. Turner ref used the assignmeut. If w.ýouldI have heen hield a«ainst hlmii and not fongotten if and when hl le songht the -national leadership, H-e decided ta accept the challenge and 50 fan bas duneweli1 lu the difficuit post of Finance Min- isf er. He must biave doue well,1 o)thenýwise7 the Lîberal panty strategîsts would not be contemi-plating seudiug hlm across tbe country ta help campsign for the re-election1 of thie Trudeau administra- tioni.1 25 TE ARPS AGO Thursday, S3êpl. 11, 1947 v7illage of Enniski]Ilen has a inor l the med-ical field medlicine in Ennisk"jIien be- fore mo110ving to Bowmn-In ville to round out s,,uccesà- fui careers. FPirst on the" list is Dr. J. W. Mctaugh- lin, followed by Dr. Levi, PtrDr. S. C. Hiler, Dr.' BaPrt Lammiman, Dr. C. W. Siemonl, Dr. Harold Fergu- son andrl Dr. Chas. Austin. Five Bowmianville Scouts attended thep Ninth Rover Moot hield in B1ine Spings, near Acton, on Labor Day PWrIeke',n.Te vcue B3r'ooksand Roves Johin Mundy, Genn rooks and The BaksokFair, wýas offficiaIly, opened on SAfux - day by H-on. Russeil T. Kelly, Ontarlo Minister of Health. Also preseut watt Roy Fenguson, president of the Agriculturat Society and Warden Normian Green of the Uuited Couinties aud, Ivho is alsoRev of Cart- Squadron Leador John Jennings held an verflow meeting of the Lions Club enthnalled on Monday when lie reconnited his escape through German uines after beu shot down o v e r Frace A grand son of the Iate S. J, Jackman, hie con- tributed one of the factors leading to his escape to the fact hie stndied French while teudiug the fires at his grandparents greenhouse through cold weathen, to keep the plants fromn freez- iug. At the C.N.Eil the Junior Farmer Jdig sheep section, Lance M.T Beath, Kedron, won the championship. H o r ses: Heav;y draught, first prize W. F. Batty and Son, Bronok- Jin. First prize, agr-icitnrL.i- ai general puripose team, Roy Ferreni, C avaýin Best mare, aun age, irst pr-ie, Cla-rnce 7Nealsý, tay The owanileski cen- thuisiasts will hiold their firstmetn on Tuesday. Mir. Ivan Richards, of Osha- wýa Ski Club iPil be on hland to show films and answer questions. 49 YEARS AGO Thursday, Sept. 13, 1923 One ton of cool will be given away on "Dollar Day2 in Bowmanville. The stonres psrticipating lu "Dollar Day" will give a coupnfrl each dollar spent. The draw will be made af 10 p.m. by Mayor H. L. Quinn,. Mr. sud Mrs. M. J.,om stock and Audrey, Mrs. T ', C. Jeweli aud Mrs. Thr-- dyke are on a miôtoi r tf Loudon. weprecenit putrfxhibi- fors iat teCN Rev. ad Mns.S. C Mooe, issMabel CoucIPI, McKýenzie,, Euiniskillen, auýd Rev. ME. B. Cooke. , Newcastrile; Miss Marjorie, Pryor, Bre ton, are among those whuir registered at the Ex-studeuts Reuni on at Albert Callegec, Belleville, iast week. P'ort 1-HDP e's Chierf (,i Police-. Cap t. W. J. Cawill, bas resigneýfd owing tf0-1.1l bealth. Mr. and Mis. J. H-. Sut Wroxeter, have been visit- ing their son Mn. J. Ross, Stutt. Rev. Roy H. Rickard, B.AI.. M.R.E., Northportreenl visited bis mother, ns James G. Riekaird. A most daing niobhiery -was staged on, Fnidýaylan Courtice when John aler postmaster and storekeeper, was robhed of abouit $200. Thie Women's Insitiute of Nestieton met at Mrs. J. Gordon's with >33 prese,3nt. Miss hReynold's, District President, gave an interest- ing talk on, "The Work Ac(- complished'. Mrs. Suilgit gave a paper on"Le' Problems". ,The lh)s tss sud hur dauighterJe e served lunch. Next eet ing is at Mris. R. Jackson's,, The Lau fEnnish-il- le.(nsImet.Weduesay vn onwith 4tbcVice-resdet ii ibent SmIthochre. ibl e. luý carge f toni o tw- on the Wphnonah ere g "iv- mi4e and 1". 'm abloond drop.Yeo, a iel prtyhalthy; la in sýt, bioofd drop;: and I've sceen som-e of my coleagules ar'e everythiug tbianks ta odmk scenesu anfu rocsîg epfing you he aljt hy right by the Canad('1ian Red Crssuo. eciruafeanound car Sociefy's Biaod 'Transfusion ryIngoxyenta yaur ceils, Service. If ail startcd when the getting riFM Of wastes, felpiuig person whasc velus I was cir- youn body \ýfigýh', i nfect1,i o ns, cuiatiug b, gave hlood. He keeping yourtmeatuenn didn'f seeni ta mid at ail. Jusf mai, and doin miany othlee waikcd luto a clînie; bad some thiugs ail of fh-emi vital. "'o' orange juiice; gave some of us take mTy \vond for if, whjei blood draps awsy (slighbly tbey say blond is a gift f aiiife, lcss than a plut) lu oniy four thcy rcaily m-ean if. or five minutes; saf down; cen- 1 gucss, by n1o1w you o joycd some cofie sud coakies; what I'm 1cinc(ulatiug anonnd1( then ieft. If ail tank no more for. I'd 1ike taohan hlod than haîf an hour. And there douons uafanwdc ad te we were, more of us blood Binod Tranisfusion eric drops than you could casily whicb ýprocesses sud iiý stniiut, count, in one of thuse Plastic es us blood dnrops. Thaýnks ta bags. Wc ail knew we weecocuuicss hload douions sud chosen. Wc kucw if was just s modern sciecce.wc loodl mnatter of time before we draps help a quarter of a mnii- wouid imake aur contribution lion Canadians bckto 11fre tsud to humnIty. b esîf b ach ycs'. Wc were typ)ed, processed, I'd also like f0 sýAy that bi comfortable sud ,wbole just summen manyý people, childi- waiitîng ta bcip wheu a b aud ren sud aduits aikeý, -will hve rcacbed bta fthcrefnigerator;neediug biood sormetimnes des- wherc we wene being stoncd peratciy. Uuforfunatiely ýwî b sud took nus ouf for an emer- summer vacation pilmians sudal, gency case. A new boruý baby a good number of people who needed a complete transfusion. could really hipwil IforZet Somefhiug ta do witht1 Rh fac- ta stop by their local bflood fors, but tlic doctans knew weli ciinic ta ýgive thecir hlood. BRut in advauce thauks ta flic Rh if we blood dra-ps are goniug investigation service which f0 keep up the god)clwork ail tbc Blond Transfusion Service summrer long and all yearlog gives fre nf charge to preg- we nced more heait hy gener- nant women. Evenyoue kncew ans people fa stanit giving whabai oexpject - a rotine blond, cxchaug-e of blond for bbhe It's really naf much f o aîsk baby. Naturally flic transfus- when a baif boujr of y, our limep ion was a succcss. 0if course migbt make the dMifeece h-e- wc wcre the nighf type, sud tween life sud deathi for, some- thene wene plcuty of us. But onue ilunecd, sud if's pncetety if wc hadn't been in sfai'age satisfying to knnw y ýonr gift just waiting f0 hclp, who may be sayiugl somneoue's life. kuows wbaf mnighit have hap- Sameone jives because somec- pened. anc gives. Is ruyou knw-,. As, tiugs stand uow bbc If happeus ail flic tj«ime --fa Biood Tr-ansfusion Service cal- a quarte r af a miillin Cana,1-. iecfs iueaprly a million unîts af dians rcsfored ta lice su1d blon)d each ycar, sud that, heailh ecd year becanise they believýe utc, is a lot of us blond rcccivcd blond when tbcy, drio ps. Wpc cme lu ail types, reall iy ueded if. Tae m youi know su some of my word for if. I knorwbeas rare coileagues are frozen sud I've seen ilhe(,whnlc p'rcess,, sfoned i a speciai rare blood and yon u fiadmit, beaiug1 bank. if ail from a hlood drap hý- No donbt about if, ail of us uothing less f han t1he p i blood drops keep a lot of pen- story. -t- I I In the Edi Bowmanvihle, Aug. 29th. An annaying facet ai Bowmaýnvile "bffien ,ýdiy town" bas became increas- ingly apparent and I'm sure bhat any- anc wbo lives within bwo an bbrec blocks ai King Street, an any other major street for that mabten, knows wbat I arn relerring ta.., "Hot Car Cowboys" - those thougbtless people who pcrsist in rac- iag thein powcnfl, big-cngincd cars up and dawn King Streef, aiten until 2:0 and 3:00,la bbc morrng. Tbcy mrust- rcegu[ianiy bib spccds oai wcli aven 60 mrph on bbc langer «snagh-avs" la la an cse, wo ai tIese mam or's wiOil ine 'uP atisbp-lgbt- ms popu)fla, n-j-,msta be bbc initersection a(i King anid Temp)erance Streets, headinig east - and then -drag race wbcn bhe 'to'r'rS Mail I iigb 't tunas green, screaming thini tirýes and windiug their caiginies out in evcry gear. Whab amazes me abouf these stop iigbt bandits is that thecy vdon't Ibave more seriaus accidents tLhan bhcyv do. At bbc speeds bbey aiten attain there isai't much mai-gin fon erer. Another bbing I cat Lquibeuncn stand is bbc relabivelacIk ai police e- fancement. I'm quite suire that a con- sidenabie num ber ai arresbs are mrade lai any given period but bhec'point is ithaf many marc could, and sbould, be madýce, unythere are bhetten pace br those rcls people wbo in7si on rc ing hein(-an tha bbcmainstr f MYE1yfh717-T PPFei 1A1e 7//S/MIýZIE, KEP~ AIC7 //6A7Ellcb C77Yê" i 'm a Blood Drop

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