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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Sep 1972, p. 7

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Mis JliaMclra, aug-[Mrs. Marie Dunlop, 12. tc a M. n Ms.Joep~Fran k St., town, and Mi-S. Mclro, as ee vsit'ing1 Mona Mann, Welland Ave. friads i Tornto.Oshawa, have raturned home MrandMrs Dnal Brwnfrom a very enjoyable 10-day of Anprar isied ithbisholiday, at Oak\ iew, Wasaga . sîsar.Mrs J.WalaceBra- Beach, 'Ontario. dan Frderck vene.Ontario Place at the ForumI. Mr ad Ms. ougls Nch-Sunday,, Sept. 10th, 7.30 .m olsKington spet t e ai A Sa lute ta Jerome Kr en wtbbi fthrMr,~ B. wiith Rutdy Toth and the Oni- Niho~,CaliIeAv. tario Plaýce (Orchestra wit retunedfro a urnttaDay and 1are ~uinMo-acnea ~we. r. and Mrs. Rohert Kmn nerhave returned from a Mr. aye ury, three-weak holiday visitiagý andDarl hve etunedfrot4their son, Corp. and Mrs. Rit- St. nn' whre tey areson Kinnear, Fredericton, NB. guess o Mr andMrs Nel hoy also called on a her te- Magira Pak eanFars.latives in New Brunswick, Mr.andMr. Athr ReNova Scotia, New England ~ arham,.Mrs C lren c e States and Ottawa. COxN,BeorM. Eliza- Rev. Grant Gordon bas just bath LorazHanoerre-recently, rasigned from Bo-w-1 -cently visited iss Maricgaret manvillý Rnptist flhurch ta Perins SusetLode. accept)f a niew position as pas- The ome's Istiutecon- tor in Mississau, Ontar. vet4ia n fr Trent Valley, Ile and bi-, family enîioy-ed bis, Ilatigs Nathmhe rlan , ive years in Bowmianvila _Perharaigh and Prince Ed- His new task In Misissaa ward wil he bield in Peter- is ta huiiîd up a new wark la borough Oc(t. 2. the new tawn of Brin Milis. 'omavll'oriD(,alSciety held their GaderTire andruhher WalIy Mrih as just te- annuial FaerSlhow at Mmra Park Clubhause on Ca.Lt. ecnty nnuneWturned fonspending teWdnsaAugust 23When 40 exhibitors displayed th rtiemntofGerg smmr a wîzelad.Ha over 35ehbt.Pcue above are the winners in Purd, ater 8 yars a~t viitedZurchBerne, Biel,. RichardPtied 37 ýbasa aoS.MaizadLgn te special awvard classes. Prom lef t to right they are: thle Bom vil pan. n-asoeJoyed oe an1FakSans( Best Ro)se in Show); Mrs. A. Whitme Mrs_ S Jams as etrne ti-climhin1-g. Four af Fritz (Best Blooiý- n Show, -Best Gladiolus);ý Mrs. B. Di)lling from rspend,ýinig the sme at Marti's cousis front Switzer- bier cottaige atGodabat land spent the summer in M.IrsWle Clark who cela- Mrs. Norman ,-Jame, onnie Bowmanville a n di touring hrated th1!eir 45th weddingý ahà icalnPtraruh Canada and the United States, ani osr n Sunday, Sept. James bars and, friands was haîd hv eîe nBwavl&D urh< Thrdyevening at Bo,- fr1hepat 0 ers adhv 'manvilla Couatry Club. Credit orsnJhn aod u I REHOBOTH for staging tha avent goas taI eneanid Gary.Fortha ýe ast Christian Reformed Chef Bill Northcottadto ý~ety h red ilAssistant 11the owner Bah McDonadfr 7-- teir era-iidchIdIreYj. lunen, AI-,' Church use of te club, Lt ih iopedâ Scuog trel ore aI' these ý-dances can bha itltI as ý'il vas 7a most suc- ,î DA SERIVICES 'iewîclvla ~k nlabas PasseCd ils aeak 110)a.mdatI snow .slarting its de-j 7puchn, said Captain Kanuetit Rack to od flour A. MaciiDonald, Dineclor of ltae Backte Gd Hut LiteSucvay Centar, a Com-, mrce Dapartîmant unit uderi Dial 1310 Rladio N\OAA's National Oce an Sur Every Su.nday 10:30 a.m1. vly- Ha continuad sayini, "Siorehine pncperty owners "EvernisoWelcoe" il paticular will weicome ti i avs." ______________________ Congratulations te M. antI MAPLE GîROVE UJNITED CHURCH (ENTENNIAL CELEBRATIONS1 WrhpServ'ice to lie held at 2:00 p,nx. mo Sundaly, Sep)t. î7th, 1972 Fellowship an lch floigservice of M.aple, Ont., a formier niemnber of Maple Grove 'United-c Church Special nmusic by chlurch.choir Couest Soaloist: Ross Meteaif A special Youth Service wil ,be held on Sunday, Sept. 24, 1972 at 7:30 pi. Gutest Speamker: Rev. WVesley Oake, B.Th. ofBomnie Service to) be assisted by Ebienezer Yo11th Choir ISf. PauI's Un1%ilted I Ch urch fe i . A- Tuner, B.A., B.D. M'r. Ri. MVelcaif, A.R.C.T, A.C.C.M. SUINDAY SCHOOL - 9:45 .m, /--Aes 9 to 14 thei paenmsor each rS for a short w7orship perio liefre poceeding te their classes. Puiblic Worsipv Infanit care during service GET INTO THE SWING 0F. Mifodemi EvrYole jLearilS Together Shiift WQ-ores Welcome Starting Sept, 14 at Ontlario Street School (B3owmanville) $1,00 PER PRO forfutrinoato ~cli 2-74 Ïo 28-5042 (Best Arrangement); Mrs. C. Tink (Most Points in Rose Class, MVost Paints in Flower Show); Mrs. A. Sul (Most Points in Vegetable Section, Best Vegetable Display); and William Axfýord (Best Mum in Show). Missing from the pictureý is M1iss Carol Slute, who %von the award for Most Points in the Junior Section. irnAgrîc News By BbbWvatt Agricultural Repre lin and Adrian, at 3,3 Chrchýji Drlan County 7Lvestock quantity and also th.e askingI St. Bwmnvila OtFeed Jlxchange prie. This information v ;11l heBoxvmanv7illa staff of be puit on a weakly ravised1 A at as hîeld Saturday, titeOtaia Miistry of Agri- list;. this list la turn will b Augst tlt, n te ocasonculure& ood have ,set up available ta anî aa who s aIo VMi" anid Ms.jilnî New- a Livestocit Faad Exechange la the markaýt for nyfad .,man's 5th) wedding annîjver- progrant wit the ho)pe af stuffs and will 'ha vial Isary at lTae Cantennial Hall, bringing togethar sellers and by cantacliag aur office fin Quaan St.,. givan tham by buyers afI hay, grain corn, Bowntanvilla. Thece will ha, titair daugitters, Ruth, Mr. creal grains and straw. Thtis no charge involved with this and Mrs., George Lawinger program xiii ha rua through- exohange cgrm aa tw aade family, Landan, Ont., out the fali of this year, and certainiy do hope that f atm- Te1]v-,a aad fiimily St. Cath- at any tinte that you do have ers will avail thentselvas af armes. A2 lovelv suppar was a quantity of any af these ma- Ibis ta balp thea sali tieir servad taIr)abýout [6U guests by teniais available for sala, you produots ai obtain the feed0 Ithe eeki ladies. Everyone ntay contact us at aur office that thay require. anoya-d tha avening witit at 623-3348 and leava the ia- ]lackstock Fait 4-H Resuitsc ntus1>icad dnigformation ocering lte Threa af the DurhtamtCounty1 Dý>ýand3/ir. E 1).Ilubard ------4-H Clubs held their Achieve-t Da(,r anrti ME.d . Huardos ate the first Canadian Catthe-maent Days at the Blackstockr thave relund efrotng t o tdral Fiower Festival at St. Fain titis year. La the 4-H trehlli ant exciingvs inta Jantes Catixadral on Wednas- Swine Club, witich ilslad bya tita Pai a etBuildingRs l day, Sept. 27th, 6-10 p ta., Jint Byars and Brian Wilson, Ottwa.Depty peaerpts-Clette Taylor piaced first ila sali C. Hoaey was titar lunch- Titursday and Friday10,,ph' itwashpwthPu eor, hast antI they were la the 281h andI 29tit, 10 a.m.-l0 .Lamrsomnd. Otitrs ulh Ioic BilThe Cathedral wili ha filled frîpiascinwr:Wl passel1 retuinig tite long- ,igth flowan it(arrngemns de- rTaylor andI Lawrence s rrntain Vancouýver backegl, adeauadb et-Tyo.Those iii the secondV ta orkandon ridv wrebers of Tfie GrdnClub. prize graure: iiîip Arcli- agalin presen eta heitadate Tai pedasi arageens tLame Milison, 1Na1il Tay-r for tha Faý'derail election was wiil grace lte aisies and loanad Ken Wickanis. Ia thej a nuned. Bat;h Dr. andI Mns. chneat fei lwnhind prize group 1 vere: Colin 1 plaquas wili bang on tite lofly A sitine' Richard Huggins, Hubitard were most impressed pillars. Thea clors Wili range, -i Moffat andI Tom Moffat, witi Mr Houy'sparfnt-front red and bronize, titio-ugh The i udge for the Swiaa ClubIl anceas Daputy Speaker andt t scarlat andI apricot antI up was Lawrence McLaughlin ofv Iouad tha govecamant pro- to pale peacit andl creant, andI Nastlaton. La the 4-H Poultry cedure most satisfying. finaily to the pure witite lily Club Achieventent Day the Tite niItý annual Autuma arrangement on the igitai- topa entry iras sitown by Wal- Fetvloflte Arts wili again tar. Thea castara sida aisla ter Taylor with Stani Lana ha baelti at thie Carling Plant' antI wndow ledges will be haviag the second place wa groualds o,11Saptembar tit, adornad with baskets aI fýiow- ner, Others lu the first prizal 9tit antI Oi. Titis popular ers; thte font wil bave its, spa- group ware Grant Best and avent, spoasarad by ltae Ki- ciai'daooration af fruits, dlil- Lawrence Taylor. Titosa in wanis Club of tite Kingsway cata grasses and foliage; the te second prize group wera:, iwili baenaaniy 400 accont- knealers of the lady chapcî Gien Fenguson, Lamae Milîson, plîshied ,aclists displn thein will ha a carpet af tiny Clarence Sacks, Annette Tay- work i n autumu g'. arden blooins andI aboya will bang a lac, Dale VanCamp andI Barry, setting cmpaane-wt large garland matIe front pre-, VanCamip. Titird prize gcoup selecions front tite Cravýen served materials. H y m a ilai 1were: Jint MofIat and Nail Foundaution Co)lPlcion oI Clar-! book markecs will hacfsit-TaylryThe 4-H lubant- sic Antiqiue Crs Th 'atlsts, ïioned front dried flowiers at ri ayJfryadtt bahaaný-tur atIprofesson- leaýves. Along thee west .waî ug wsnBros a aIl cnefotail parts o aspec-ial display oIfin11etBawmanil i.the hird clubt --11 ý,s ciliamnic1litaIlbeitItmils Achiavententii Onaoa7wl a djcn caci asmnt h a an- a aIBlackstock Pair was proincs ad sats. eerhanedwitit floral daor- ite Dunham 4-H Beef andý 1gardepns Pand[refresbntuntt fc- ion, Organ music il la1 ite Cub1a h'Be i Th(ewllagan onian ie ofLy -a nt evaln ing l Sowmansiinsection the topi festval.T-hashowwillgo o dayantIavenng.Ji.or Sitownan was Mary t'ainl or shn.Proceeds hel Cocaîsit and second was Den- support KwnsConmunllity-is Yaliowlees aIlte Senior Projeîs fo undepnivieged A1ý1EIIjA1S Shomansip ltetop- show- chllren - an ', Brian Wilson antI il Bwanileplnto1Dfl A S îl Sîsten was second, Others GodacTirelanIiRubar w placin the ltafirst prize, Co. td. ecenly Ioaaed agrou wae: Wendy Corîsh,i safey trpit forlit safst Ui PîbpArcher, Doug Smith,I autola loal ntiuearwuL Cari Lowery, Candy Malcolmt show GergeKenedy of by UTU O ad Stevea Selby. Those ia witIlite second prize graup wera: macrchandise distribution, Peteýr Kaowlton, Doug Lanti- had wa bisshanecI tIag(,r antI Maurice Allia. Lanlte praahed he cmpan on o- a/rkel Lambi section, lte top proncied 'lic n Shoin-tan was Walter Taylor bailcf lta otorCit CarandNeil Taylor piaced sac- Clu, wtiit as posorngond]. Oters laii te cýfini-Fprize i tie sow. Tit comanygroup consisted af: Scott Cav- titoughýt il was agod-daaag, John Haivaý,n antI said Gord Sciti_-ssien, wito Janice Yellowlees, L1awrence itedsup le plant salety ý---1 Malcaînt aiso judged Ibis club pngam We h1opje tiingr iich bas Don Riekard and like tiis w,111iii aka peulie NelI Allia as the Club LeatI- moreawar andrasat lu4 ns.Al lte 4-H members fawr tafl acidnts" A- Y - thiat panticipiated c:ertaiuly are alite empoyae JohnGood, ( o hacongcialul.ated on temr c'L'ý lub nt haanI Kney î r aledl oyrpîc. Storage of Damp Gratin entre crsinlit hw Coordjtwriohetouejh. Duec10 lte \,el weaitna Gooe'scar-isa 193ý0 Fordril eceaý. rcse 11 ad lte ,past few weeks-_, ildis ha- whileKanndy'sh a 97, cri wthstand extreme, nerlirnrcnring apparent litI it Uera Mccu 1ry. ?hdis t sy 1 nt ay ha problem n etinggrain bath na euippe wlf Goot- mbcondition thia will alla - year ires.for proper staraga, Titera are Mci arg et Nck, ntIdiffes eutways ltaI can bh, used t- aedp avercone titis daugtte Bri anentanedtite ~ anr~condition, First of ail,lte use Oshaa Bos' Coir ntI n. ~ iioofaaaI agrain dryer may certain- awaet pol pmîyaI tem - ~ly be able la bring the creal homeonLoenLaaWe- levai of betwaen 12- 13 pan nesdayi' , Auguiýt 301h, nl aI cent. Anatiter n'ethod litaI, Mr. oS Cottoi, Ms d may also ha used la lte treat- a-ts Mn-7deMr.. ment with arganie acids, smet sta aIOshwaant iVr. ossas: Chemstor or, Propcrc. Malcif o Hamton ccon- ,lpon talking witit Dr. Keau panid lient A wraî unn * -n--Stevenson fnomlte Uaiversîty day jl iEa 10t lite mny , -.--__ - - ofGuelphit lwas leamned l ita activliesaraun lit swin- Y> bath af titase lwo acids ma tinljg paol. Titan aI upe be ~ h used for careals la lie sama time lite grauip journayýed l ao aIaetoctl easr mannar as they would hac usedJ Mr. 'Nick' ranch "egt"1cool Wih Visyl bcki , r. îe- for carna. mporlant potiis ta nntit fBomnilewh proof proetco,!. Onîîertcve remernber aaltaI i-cin evron ad a7boxlunhfor 1Cm end fdoîblee mat- sitould ha followad canceringii follow,,ed by gmes nIa a tresses.Ziler ilUîre keapli. ltaeantouat af acÎ il)ta ha ap Ispaction ao.itehan1.oses, calsq, lows clean arid dry', pliad ta lte grain, asil dec- etc. A ride onl, a rape swin, Me0adquore r t-î ýýompIel a on ltae moisture levai. avec plr. c ieekpoe.eyI ain-i ovîae The ane sliding scale rmay h popuar.Titeavaiag as i~dUitused for lte cereais as is uised rouaded l itita wianfor cocu. Also, il is ipotn antI ma.rsjitmalw os. ancAuMrIII4nor lta tahegrain a paetp very iice singng y teg ir's A, 1 Q YOifanahiy o aplstc -vnig Con r, ar lund11 thaC:caipiln, uru-)rconact with odorote itroug -ilt iiao[ n iai enoya i y ras, hîhomy Lea acn ta a ls Kn t WBwmnil 'taion wîth moitI. Tit GadenClu faITo-ll P ione 63-5792 4-H A,%chiavement ay oa~ sitnoe t nagu- We vstîg ie lakl0s Paron Auguist 26th, you shold maka a _Point of stop- ping, ta watch thle 4-H Beaf an],d Swineo Achiavemant days. Ai!so, ini thearena there will ha axhi4bits for the 4-H Poul- try Club., This, is certaînly a good, opportunity for you ta szee tha work and eff ort that th-ýýe 4-H mambars are put- ting forth ino their, projects. Hay Protein Levels We have receîvad the resuits of the Protein and 'Moisturel levais for 24 sampies of first- cut hay from mambers in the Durhtam Forage Club, Lt is car- tainly intaresting ta note the range of values titat have oc- currad. The top sampia tasted almost 17 per cent Protein and ltae bottom sampla tested nine and a hall par cent. The aver- age for these 24 samples was 12.2 per cent Protain on a dry malter bass Fromn this range, we fouod with tha samýples two2uld apea hat it mig,,itt ha worthwbviIle ta have youir bay tastad for ils Protein l.evai,, sinca tihis bas hbeen a very poor baying year and for this caming winter you may have ta adj ust your ration ta whnat you would normaliy ha Phone 623-3303 I~SHOP .~FOR zLOW EVEýRYDAY!,mc 'ALEX ,vcqRGO î23Drugs NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM COUNTY BOARD 0F EDUCATiONl COURTICE SEC'ONDARý-Y SCHOOL R. RI.Il BOWMAýNVILE, Ontario LOCATION: North oni the Courtice Road te Nash Road - South - West corner CLASE WHEN TO Ë0REGISTERt?1 Wednesday, S 1tmbr20 and Thursday, Setmer2,1972l Between the heurs of 7:00 and 9:100 p.m. Clasýses îlu f lie subjeets listcd Iow will bce held providinlg a sufficýîCl)(t nunîber of applicanti enro in ead'h Course. Evening classes begin duriüg the week cf Octolier 2', 1972. Amateur Radio " Antique Collecing for- 8egPnners * Antique, Collecting for, Advanced Art Basic Drafting Basic Radio Boakkeeping/Business Machines *Contemporary Art Appreciation Conversational fFrenich Cosmetology *Defensive Driving *Dress Pattern Makingi Electricity for the Homell Owner *First Aid linstructîin (Red Crosà) *Furniture Touch Up Gourmet Cooking lt's Fun to Garden J udo Know Your Atmbl Al clse Illie oif a 29 ee duration, EXCEPT 10 weeks in lengith. Fee: 20 week :oursv,00;, 10 week course $5.00 *Lw Noteýhan-d (a forma of shorthand) Physicçal Fitness - Men Physical Fitness - Women Sewing -'Basic Seweing -Advanced- *Sign Painting *PI SmalnineRepair Stretch and Sew Typewriting - asicm-ýe Upholstery anid Wood Refïinshi<ng 1 (B) Il(A WeldIng an W\Nroughl-Iron iWork Wo)odworki ng those marked with anl asteriîk (*) which will ie, p lus maierial cost,, if any NB Otercourses nm'ty lie offecred if uffiîcient people request thei. J'oRn DAC NOMTO AL S pecial Award innrsIn Flower Show Ciarke By-J wsTheCanadlaii StatesmnanamnilSi.R 7 but daagalions bath pro andI con. tween C'oncession ï an8 iA ppoBy-law 1738 wbicit bas front lite waisterly Limits aI bean coasidenad by council Loit3 aidlite unopeed ronid Ion iota tinta as wail as hatwean Lots 18 anti 19 i Cou ncilI Passes planning board, was given lita 141h concession. final reading andI passed. Tite J. D. Pan ken- objecled la[rlite Council aIfltae Township af by-law makes a change*la lte fart thiat Council was nt Clarke gava final raadiags la zouing hy-iaw whicit will cîasing lite rond alouc ltrea by-laws aI Itemr meet- permit tite araction OI a mn- adjacent ta hîs no)perty îing on August 151h. Two by- tel aI lita Thîrd Lina af witich, ha staîrd, was e-m'nn- laws nacaived comments front Clarke, juil enît of Highway pasa yit-poenyat ils. was ai service la no ana. Mn. feain. Nwhi roabl lte N. Dî ccw spoke la fayot K. Lynîl objected ltteantIre bail lime ta ha, takiag a sam- a the hy-law, haîng owaer rond closing by-law. pie' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o baoayud tn ed Ilte said lands, Mr. Wil.. Cauncil as al.tree ing ltitay andtI ius, iead off liants aofltaeTwia Gaki spokr' readingi aah-lwtas auyý prablants ltaIýay arisa, la opposition ta ltae by-law. fcrrîng lnifotlt oa Information on sampling hayi Councîl also gave trea ship tola ni AlaRala ha available fnom ltae Ontalria(ýnso bdcoi y-Ooo 1 Ministny af Agriculture' antadinsa .odclsa9y rn. h ylw sh law. No. 1940, witich closes stanlialci a 1,ansfil >u ict FoodI in Bowmanville. ýfour sections a of.natIs. Titosewais mnatIe ia 19491ta n, Huli Hay SÛRliNeeded 1w ha closed are lta unaiipaind ut ol wiic)i arcord ar Tit wrd itI w hve noatIbetwean lots 30 ai 3 aaiaba.Thlw itetIhd sne r eceived front Easter n 1tania inltaeNiatConcession, l1ite 194 en1uctae y1ay las ltaImare itay antI stnaw anopeed rond hetwean Lots Plyon itiiti tair sui ln will hava ta ha brougitliia la 10 andI il lunlte SixtCon- 1,waS huil on abbei Cit area for winter feeing. cession, a portion of rond ha- Siîreel.- Tintes. uni ter: - Organi-'t: 8-00 - 10:30 P.M.

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