The Canadian Statesman, B~swrnanvi11e, Sept 13, 1g72 E- Il urha Agic News B ob Watt j Assistant Agricultural Representative Wabls ntBef rofit ntypes. Follow matpufactur-obt atet er1r 'Th dolarlos inslnghtr o'sdirections to safe picked green. aTi1 ut he psecofadsueccessf ultreatment. Gen- Pears, unlike rnost fruits, enele rub my b lagererlly cattie ,sbould not be ripen from the inside out. ,han~~~~~ catepouer el.teated during December, Jan- Tree-yipened pears have a -"5 tiate ltat vro uary or1February because un- gritty texture and a brown, es etof cýa1 e in Onarodesirabie ide efiects can oc- mushy centre. For this reason,ý it is wise to buy Bartlettsj ~ e te ihgu.Arc-ur ,nt ý;iurvey by7the Ma Pack- Plan to treat your cattie while they are stili green. ~ Cunilof C-anaft1lýi[h systemies, ai-d remember Allow themn to ripen at josges ranging- from $240 to ±o READ THE LABEL ad roorn temperature. As soon as ~~~~ pe1eadeedig, nFLOWIN- RuCT ýthey are greenish yellow they ýhe..nlerfubpr - sent111 CAM EULLY. RUCTOSare fully ripened and at peak ri,le in laughter cttie BýARtettersBrakth Rflsflavor. They may be held un- tahtotree categories:tPers rea thossescovered in. the refrigerator for ~f rcssweibtdu totrm-There is an exception to an extra tbree to five days. If rnigdevlutio o cacas very mile, and Bartlett pears they are kept at roomn temn- du~to rimnig ad dvala-are the exception, say food perature once tbey are fully ide due to grubpecialists at the Ontario Food ripe, they ýwill become prog- t iotf of tlhe jýe' rl ouncil, Ministry of A4gricul- resýively yellower and softer, daage tulý i are and Food, Most fruits arelIand wîll Jose much of their lowe c c, svauiisias-tre-ripenied for optimuni fla- flavor. _________ ,dô dîety to tbprduer Hehstàccept lower prîc,(esi fo Ë--"g iubby" cattie, or the cost of -zrub dam5ge is covered by N 1 ii rprces for ail cattie. lu addition to the decreased Septembor Stb meant back at their cottage on' Lake rl.i-ugbIter vaine, other indirect to achool for the young folk Catchacoma. oam Iosses 'result. The in our community. Kendal Mrs. Dorotby Ilellebust and 4northern warble iiy buzzes School has two new teachers lier three sons of Toronto al'end the animais and con- tis year. In Grades I and II have been visiting bier par- iiiini-,l1y darts into or under is M\rs. Diane Tobey and inl ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. tenin, attempting to îay its Grades III and IV is Mrs. Stevens. Mrs. Stevens is e- egns,:casingý the' cattie to, run Judith Landr.y. The remain- cupoating from an operation wil dv oi, Gadding can ing staff. from last ),ear is Mr. in a Toronto hospital a couple - -l r ga" G. Fierguson, principal and of \Veeks ago. rejîLt iu physical injury, teacher of Gr. .7 and 8. In M.adMs RyLti we~tloss, lower milk pro- Gr. 5 and 6 is Mr. Ken O'Neal.. a nd h eddngof Lite dueionfo cn-caf pertiosRomedial teacher is Mrs. KennpbwM.DniLtleso ord ma]ýy redluce. sumimer beef. O'Neal while Mrs. Joan Hoy 0f 'V r.Iens itl, o gais y 5n to 75 pounds per is the principal's relief teach- oMr. and Mrs. Harold Little beaf. -er.and thoe former Miss Dianne Foi r btween 2c"n and 40c per r Thompson in Campbellford beiad, a p-roduijcer can treat his The Septomber meeting Of last Saturday. a3ttie with sytemic insecti- Kendal L.C.W. was beld at Mrs. M. E. Foster bas been cîeadprevenot much of the the home of Mrs. Garland visiting a few days with Mrs. dueto arbes SytemesCathcart on Wednesday even- H.osethsatwek doi, n -&jbIsýSysemcsing of last week. There were W .Fse hsps ek bra the fe cycle of the f l rI etlFolwig _h Mr. and Mrs. Rick Neal i~ is araor grub stage. Ini usual opening devotional, Mrs. and family of Toronto spent aditonthseinsecticides pro- Cathcart gave us a resuî e on Saturday evening with bier vidiereiiacotl of hoth the life bistory of Rev. R.C. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy j1ie s and lice wh-en used dur- Wite who celebrated 50 lyears Little. On Sunday Mr. and zig th fly ,'season. Systemnic in the Ministry last Winter. Mrs. Neal. Mrs. Roy Little i~nectcîds ae avalable as He heing a former Minister and Miss Lynn Lttle vîsîted ,jl(ute sp y, usts, and pour- on this circuit we ail knew Mrs. Stella Elliott of Port him well. Ho had many in- Granby. !tent a Car for teresting experiences in bis There was a very good IA DAY OR WEEKEND ear]y,, years wbich probably turnout to cburch, Sunday contrîbutes to is great under- morning. Rev. T. Snelgrove Ask for' Rae. . . standing of buman nature. chose for bis text "Keeping COUNTY The ladies are planning anl At It". A Christian must be EHURYSLER-DODGE LTD. auction sale at the Sunday vory persistent to keen the _______________________ISchool room of furniture and f aith amid ail the tribula- 623-2586 a bake table. Ahl members tions, are asked to contribute. Mr. andi Mrs. Garland Cath- IMrs. Cathcart also spoko on cart also Mr. Artbur Tbomp- .TON . ur study of Afrîca. Rev. son spent Saturday visiting ISnelgrove closed the meeting their aunt, Mrs. Lena Bur- lIU with prayer. Mrs. T. Stev- wash of Cobourg. ens 'was co-bostess for the A gond, number from Ken- evenng. vot oftbanks dal attended Durbain Central wvas tendered Mrs. Cathcart Fi nOoooe Mrs Wm Jcksn i aday period. Tbey report i General nsurance patient in a Peterborough hos- aobrfn amIi er luran pîtal where she is baving TIRE a~a AUTMOB lE surgery dlone on ber leg 1 eare glad to report PONTYPOOL INSCÈ,RANCE Mrs. Alva Swarbrick is able Çontaet leave hospital in Bowrnan- This Sunday, Sept. 17th at HARR VOEMAN ville, also Mr. Argus Curtis 10 ,.m. is to be Rally Sunday bas returned home from bos- foc Pontypool Sunday School. 623311 o 62-390 rital. Ail cildren 'are invited, to 33 INGST.E. Mr, and Mrs.. Reg. Elliott attend. There will also be a BOWANvLL spntthe holiday weekend Nursery Class for ail small ________________________ jtb r. and Mrs. Alex Littlee blîdren whose parents wish to attend cburch. Sunday F,%Reý ERSScbool enrolment bas decreas- vA M R ed in tbe past year. Parents, ATTE TIONencourage your children to M.and Mrs. Gerald Fisk - left on Friday for a inotor trip to the West fCoast. PeimQuality * MOTOR 'ýOIL Famtanks and pumlps available. CA4L L COLLECT 6683 lx DX 1 OL FOR iMM'1ýED1ATE DELIVERY FOR EXAMPLE ;pMOREiSSUPER WHITE R,r $12.35 Gai. NOWO,0NLY...... MOORTONE $0,8 MO O LY .. .... Gai, Gai, US",YOUR CHARGEX AT PAN Tnand WALLPAPER JJQ, TNGSPCAP:T INE1921 -Satueday vîsitors with the Rusks were Joan Nicholis, Toronto, and Len Tisdale, Downsview. We are glad 10 bear that John Basketis is borne after undergoing a kidney trans- plant in Toronto. The sympatby of the com- munity is extended to tbe family of the late Mrs. H-em- man MeGili of Bethany. Mrs. MeGili (Aggie, as sbe was bet- ter known) passed away last Monday with intemment in Ballyduff Cemetery on Wed- nesday.' Dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wright on Sunday wero Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Masters, Manchester, and Mrs. Harold, Masters. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Walt- ers (the former Linda Strong) and baby daugter Kim, of Nova Scotia,, are currently visitingwith Linda's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Dave Strong. Mrs. H. Rusk and Richard attended the Orange Service in tbe Kay Funeral Home, Peterborough, on Sunday for the late Sidney Brown, Past Grand Master of the Grand Black Chapter of Ontario East. Betbany men's bail teami defeated Pontypool 7-2 on Wednesday and 2-1 on Sun- 'day. Tbis makes tbe series 3-1 in Betbany's favour. They continue their gamnes in Ponty- pool on Sunday- afternoon. Pontypool Midgets playod tirst rate bail on Friday ev- ening to defeat Betbiany 2-0.1 IBrenit Failis' got tbe'sbut-out. Their seies stands at 2-1 for Betbany. Games wilbe play- ed in.Pontypqoo on Tuesday evening and ' in Bethany on Friday. Several of our young people are continuing their education at various colleges. Debbie Richardson is attending Sir Sandford Fleming in Peter- horougb; Linda Richardson and Ralpb Hyland are at Dur- ham College, Oshawa; Randy Bradley is at Seneca College, Toronto, and Rick Mucha is enrolled at Trent University. Many tbanks 10 Ken Lyall, Newcastle, for bis kind e- marks me Pontypool on the editorial page in last week's Reporter, a eal contrast to the controversial emarks of another ýeditor a fewi years past. (NOT J. J.), Ail stewards are asked 10 attend a meeting in Ponty- pool United Cburch on Thurs- day at 8 p.m. Wben you donate blond you give about a pint - less than one ffteenth of the average body's blood content. You won'tmiss it. But the sick andi injured may need youm dona- tion to save-theîir life. Don'ti let them down. Beforc- goingi on holiday visit your Red ýCrossà blood donor clinic andi jgive, Boutique, Pink & Blue, Gold & Avocaclo - Pkg of 2 rails DelIsey T oilet Tissue len - Boutiq FailTi0u Pink< & Blu' I -- 1 su Gold & Avocado Pkg of 130,2-ply sheets Keenex - BoutiqueNa1' 'Pkaf7 Assorted Colours kg of 7 rndFa bric 'Sof-l.tener 3 IU- Irad$b lçï -à PIECS &SEM LAn our Choice! Choiee Quality - 10-fi-oz tini Hl:enley Dessert Peurs Libby's Products Spaghetti in Tossato Sauce or Doep Brown Beans with Port< MIX & MATCH -84-i-a tins '$1,7 1Serve Quality Jane Parker Baked Goods!j Le onPie eech9< Jane Parker 11h 9.oz cake (Save 10e) EngishFruit Cake each 39< JanePerer 0.oz cakes (Buy 3 - Save 17c) Golden piiLoaf Cakce 3Js10 Jane Parker, Pineapple Topped (Save 14c) Sweet Roils pkg of 8 3 9 Jane Parker 16-os cake (Save 64> Babkca Coffee Cake 59< Jane Parker (Save 6c) Glazed Donuts Pkgo839< SY. Braprced, I Evryda LowPrices! Macaroni & Chee:s e,-ihkken Loaf.. i4nced Hom LOWER THAN A YEÀ7A-0G1etyPr ocs l 8 16-OZFROZEN NEW ZEALAND IMPORTED SPRîNG LAMB LIShoulder Lamb Chqps ib 68< LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! BURNS BRAND, STORE PACK FIRST 4 RIBS ONL'( LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! rsl rudBef ID <uae Beef & Pork Ar64< Riîb rSteak lb $ 1 FROZEN, 10-LS CARTON RED BRANO STEER BEEF, IDEAL FOR BROILING BOEESBTTN UT CChicken Legs ID y riske t lb48 RondSta Ras $ .9 FRESH, LEG OR BREAST QUARTERS SUPER RIGHTBRNSIE onesRmp os b29 Chicken Quarterslb',1bva c BOELSSLOWER THAN A YEAR AGOI CANADA GRADE "A", EVISCERATED, FROZEN, VACUUM FACK:D A&P ER NDFOE Poit irlinStek lb139 Chickens 3T05-LBÀVERAGE lbea rhFilt 6-7k5 Nôw availe tAPWEFriv iceIlutae LIBRAY 0FC OKIG 1<SEEDLESS7 Le GICALIFPON Thousands of trip!e-tested recipes from the kitchens of Family Circle Magazine your ready reference for, a life- time of good eatiîng. VOLUME 2- ONLY e l aComipiete, set the easy volume- a.week way. volume O.' stili availablA t thse INIRODUCTQRY PRICE 0F ONLY 49t. 39LF6I California Extra Large Size WHITE TABLE STOC POTATOES ý10-lb 7. PLUS c~ 26-fioz b desBOTTLE Lirmit ane coupon per castomer. Valie IDPOI through Sept. 23, 1972 Gondl only a# A&ýP WEO Store%. ___ B ETY ýC ROnCK1ýER 13 Varieties 19oz JANE PARKER, SUICED Sand wich e Caradian Stateman, Boïýrimanville, eýept.' 13, 1972 T'"q auffemma PAINÎ,