Phono 987-4213 Finish Fail Festival with Oktoberfest Dance Ncatewas a On, Satur'day afternoon Germaiïn food. Several wore authentic Bavarian cas-i wheri the Chamnber of Commnerce heldl a w\mell-attenided turnes ta add color ta the occasion, incýluding fro'M left, Auclion Sale of contibuted artiles and wond up the ta right, Mary La Swînghammner, Leslie Benson, Em-ili festive occasinwith an Oktaberfest dance in the Schmîd wha entetained the audience mith same, COmmlrunityHal. Al tetrm ns that go wvidi one expert yodellng, Stan Powvell Cathy WVright and Jen-ý (if thesç- curre-ntly popular events werre present inlu- nifer Cyray, Aili ah, it wvas a great evning thati igexýcellent imusicthirst-quenching beverages andeveproe enoyed. I'ewcapstle -- \,hen KT-etsis B EPFEYSI"caime if)1the -vil lage wrtyof o~ Nwratla itwas rmat with ET and gaiety note any OKTOBER- F1 51., CHI,KEBEBRER Newcastle 9741 Tuesday and Wiednesday SEPTEMBER 26th and 27th CANADIAN FISH AND CHIPS 70c ENGLISH FISH AND CHIPS 60ç OPEN - ThuScIla. FIon' aura Beginnng aone p.M m nhel "ailw f the CommuîrnI1nityv1 H4allGrudsÉhe mmesof t he ewateLions Club tookI 1Char ige of anFaucion sal,1 wic hrough 1the heop sof reýsidentts anid othier Âiterested, pejIron, teyraiSed we]ll over $400w i thy will add toC their projpct "POOL". Menhlonrithc west lawnor te gronlat-s, s-now! fence was ;et, Up, over vwhichý gaily colord RUaS were added as anattrcto V nide the ance picnIctbles were s"et uP! ndnd-er the side porcli the( a-,rma cof surkat n er-ý mai, nesecaeif itý smelle good, it tased even! better. i Eniteing thzLie hall, imemnbers; of he Newcastle Chiamber ùfi Commrcewere adorled il' OKTOBERFEST hats. Largei eer mug were twAed fr ad-ý missontiket, nidmethe main hallprety BvPain maids inI ratoalcostume welcomed you with attractive smiles andý NOTICE to RESIDENTS of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durhamu 11w onis ltn¶gCmitei eoimnigteaoto of the Draft Master Plan tu the Council of the Ijnited Couijies, of North- iberland and Durrham atnts et esin It is intended that once this Master Plan lias been adopted 11, CountiCounmdilit wHilthen lbe avaîl able fo rmeference in discussionts with the Province ini xespect to itsproai for th-e Lakýe Otareie Region, Design for Developihent Pan, and the Coborg-ortHope Task Force. B>eforercmenigthe adoption of! Ilie MasteJr 1Pl, ithe P1lnning Cotee invitesý comimentis from thie genecral pubic Public meinswill bie heid on:ý Wednesday, Sept. 27, at Warkworth Hall, in 'Warkworth at 8:00 p.m and Tliursdaqy, Sept 2P, ;q the Townsihip Hall, in Oronio, aI &800 p.-m. The Draft MstrPlais avaJa-lefor iipci inthe4office of 'Ail the 0Crks throughout the Conties during reýgular bujsines hours.ý A brie[ summrary of the proposed Master Plan is printd below; PURPOSE 0F PLAN To prove a uniing framework for the fture developinnt of the Ujnied Counties w'ithin wh71ichý detailed policies for ininembr planning areas may bce evolved. rBASIS AND OBJECTIVES Recognizigthe slow decrease ini the farmning population and ant increase in the )-utral nion-farmu and utrban populationîs, the Plan ,aixns te promiote formns o! developmient wvhich will minimnize the costs te plic bodies for utiities, roadis, school, and ther services. To accomiplishi this, the Master PlIan: (i )outines potential Cute-ieproblema whichwl eur ou tions at a lower municip-allevel (i)nicates unique features o! the Cýooqijnt iiieswi cnut lbc oece (Iii) set forth general lan'd use and tra1otto oiisfr eCon tis whose detailed implemenation w -iillie thcu-,ctcf oca Official Plans. SPECIFIC POLICIES The prposedOffic ailn wifl: ()Encourage developmaent o! an URBAN CURE li the Cobourg~port Hope area which wili support a population cf up te , ,ýj000 persons. (2) Encurae 'eveopmntof the Towvn o! Bowilanlville as a SUJB- REGLcONAL CENTRE iith a population in the 20,000-50,000 range. 3)Designate URBAN CENTRES which %vil! develop as reiatively self- sufficient communtilities with Populations up to 5,000 personis. ()Perit SUIBURBAN ARZEAS adjacent te Oshawa andf Trenton t,3 serve overflow population o! these Cities. (5) Specif y the uses and activities permjitted iri RURAL AREAS iii- order te cotrol scattered developmen detrimental te the nleeds o! the f armer. (6) Outine the major TRANSPORTATIO)N corridors and secondary regioniai iinks between population centres. (7)_ Adopt as a policy the future preparaion of a Lake Ontar-io WVATER- FRONT PLAN in order that future genjerations may enjoy lkeside inieitiies. (8) Protect SCENIC ROUTES froma developmnent which wou)tldl detract fromi thei;r scenlic properies. K. J, Sy-mons, ekTesrr UTnited Counties oPf Northumberland and Durhani, MA60 William t11reet, Cobouirg, Otro showa peole ta their table, the owee ej oying thmselv- The Gema Blan lo ihjt Odrsî sound oe aipapmn aged ta get peopl tathiret in a hur,1ry. WVith a numbner on ejoyable Germian tunes and polkas heîng paehyalsoi plaýyed SongýS Of sererand tod(-ay's h-its as w1l cosum. he dgschr .was ,ade easy whe--n oLywoý persansStan Poeill nd M0r,! ýSchm-id appear li ataiin ai, OKTOBERFESTstyl,Idl sp they were awarded thec Winiïng the, daw that wa heid during thie everngwer There have bepnenony Lwo ýcamnpIaints hepard laregrd la Satrday venin,ie first! wh"'en theý band played Ihe l<ast nuirnber an(uî il was 1sudnly rIized thauthemevenig hadl came ta onansd and the disap numbehr o(-fpraswodd~ atend and who know ar tha great limtil h hve mised To correcýt these wacom-' plints, crceyour calendarý for netyerInd ha sure fta attend OKTOBERFEST 1973. Newcastle Lmds . 17à and OMr i Well 21, A agsaf2%2 M, FPoster 200, G PyaCr 8 P. Langstaff11,HCoru 18 m R.Slnou 177. P. Hrem 21, G CUln 29A.Gralham23,.P.Mie 234, E.Taylor 226M, S.,ln vile 212,%G. imbaîl 211, J. Knleipngen 210, W, ltof Frida.y Mixed - 175ý and Oveor S.Pwell 27j. S Read 254 J ,o s10,B.Mdi26 L. Wllens 20, B.Caîl201, M. H3ienry 194, E. Stayens 183, K, Powell 182, T. itchell The Orono News bay. ALr. and Mes. thenl som-e a re chieck thesa lJisis on1 paies Con 1h aÉ your area C naine on the Il. then jchieck witIt tar in your dls ber, 111h, andi alddc ta'the shotid ha left0 everyýone hou casîle Recreaiar have a pracîii from B 8ta 9 a.ri manville Areia. lequipmanî if moteci - thiese were the primeý Clifford Coop- lobjective-s 0f e CabeWe dinnier guests are looking forwar'd ta biggeIr _______ and better esi iiil 93 o ýplogize ta al tlhose lta left Off itheýd( no apg r ase be sure ta be-er mug on Lihe eveninig aI s as arefdte OKTOBERFEST - a newIA e four corner's suppîy was on order but didi Checkfor ournt reach us lalime.How- ni.t, 1f it ls 'not, ever, ail those that laI tei ithe nmra aeswt the Chiamlber wffll stict on, Octa- receive their beer mug as gel your niame ýsoon asý possible. Please watch 1151, No ore the locail news a per for ulr off thieli ond adverîisemrent as ta whienau Id vote. n)ew supplY has been received redc wlth Nw n hr t paet e n Hocke.y, wîjll ceive Youir beer m-ug. e on Sunda-yý At this timie, on behaîf oai n.ili the Bow-, the Chamber, I wish ta thanlk1 *Please wear laIl thlebsnesco'mu-nityý possible, a-nd1 for thleir assistanice - il is very satisfying ta repor't thal al-ý G RI AT .FALL VALUES -SEPTEMBER 2Oth to OCTOBER -7th- EIGHT BIG PAGES OF SPECIALS IN THE COLOURFUL FLYER DELERE OYURDOIF You DID NOT *RECEVE YOUR COPY, DROP IN AT EITHER LOCATION AND PICK ONE UP. ________ îlghtSpecials! Real vauAINT BRUSHES I 6ftSTPLDE Rclvlrfor thehe painitýr. Thrmee quality iru f!l vinyl RgdaIauuu~ osrcîn ISet of 3 SELF-STORING ALU-MINUM STORM - SCREEN 1DOO *%R C-ýA SHf AND CARET 18, 'T. ikma 180), A. Vogells 1"ntrlaïinm obep 17, . la vll 15.M insuaton. Sizes 9oh Au . m "x r'8" andf N ewcastle à 2'10" x 6 $1 Personals1 agla sarln a 630p.(An FE DOU TeD nra evninla ste UC W,>Sem- b muri-niy Ha tllAnirl tanN- terested la josllng saucl o-Ohrszsaalbe sal benoredaheend ofethem-1 - P' Congrý q,ýatuofjlatnstau 30! )3" IZ LiJons Cîub aniD Chambar AIm sales and dace lith Vilag. ARUS Thlr ay ext dance Iht, iare auday niwaret f wl e a-hc I danrs wich ai Iall g ouI- the -eveling and rsra 100 B3ond St. West tions are, now hbeîn, niaýda .Oshawea Pleàase check dîhIe PCome728161 1 ng Ev7ents. Pixe7811 Enmeation -For thefoïr thIl- done- throlughout tisand alil P l n allier areas. It, ' iffisul l t catch ail the:2 people atàhme,4 regardfless (, wýhat Jhours t1he - anumeatorrail,il) 1n-1the arn..aflanoonor eeni Mont informatio a atk 4.44up ORS dors, 1W' ick j.88UP ______________________________________ I $1,88' GREAT FALL VALUE PRICE PREFINISHED PLYWOOD PANLE-LLING Thie picko! tlhe crop, Coe lu nand ima"ke your personlcboice. Six great colou'rs, 4' x ' SHEET AS LOW AS $3e59 ef RESILACRETE CACASH WAREHOUS~ LIJMBERLANO 28-1611 AND, $13*99 tRl" HANDY SELF - SERVE, STORE No. 2ZIHWY. WEST OSHAWVA !-E , ow NVIL 401 J!IGHWAY I ~ A ~U~LI~' B r._____1( 0COURTICE YARD and ON1:W YSALESROOM l ________ COURTICE RD. LL N WAREHOUSE LUMBERLAND 728-16170 Adnow i10 the m m.Mbers pI my and your executive -Murray Wal1ton, Dal Moore, Howard Quininey,, Ray Goode and Lou Swinghammier - 1 rlhait this 'lime ta,0giv7e themi mysihcere tihank you anid I sainte them cWithWel done, gentlemeni", Wthou-t yuIbis project, on wýhich you work- led sa long~ and hard, wouid! neyer have' been a success and il is ith pride, that I sit, on the Execuive of the Ne- casie Chamj-ber of Commierce1 wîth yeu. Sinicerfelyl Kepith D. PBarr, Presidient, ýNewcastle Chamber ofComr. NEWCASTLE RECREATION FIGURE SKA TING 1972-73 REGISTRATION ISS SiHIA MR MIýSS BARBARA ANN GýUSAR NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL SMr, and Mrs. ýMorley Brooks of Mr. and Mrs, Howardç De-! their mnarriage on Satiurday of Picton calledi on Mri. -and nleaiii- Wa",rkwvorth. aifternoon at the St. Mpry I- M\rs. Chas. Cooper and Mrix MNr, Douglas Maoffat of Fu-il. m-aculate Church, Richnond' and ~ ~ ~ Ç) MsF.O CopronrtrI s-pent the weeken ithIl una.h, s par ents, MVr. and Mrs. John1 Mr. and M[r,5.C armnan Corn-, Congatultio ta r. and Moffat, and famiiy and atend- ish, Cheryl and John of Di- Mrs, Kirk Alan Scribner, the ed the Reid -Wsa wedd ing. visioný Street, attended theI formier Miss Saflly Jne\Mss Mriy0o n, Merrili famnily picnhic at Ca mp- Staples on their marriage on nurse-in-tra.iningat St, Jos' lbeliford lon SuIndaep.16 Saturday afteprnoon, Septes-rieph's Hospitaletoug, A nme fromn Orono a1t-ý ber l6th in- Orono Uie pn the w'eekend ,with her tendied the Leskaýrd 'Family, Church.ý The recepti1an 'was! pairnts, Mr. and Mr.BbSevc on -u)a t 730ý at, teNwDthOen, Morton, p P,. evý. John TLoughieed Mrls, R. R WdIlhasý Cnrtations 10 r. adwstesekrwt pca bceen a patient la1the Me- 1 mrs. -Robert Lwec Beau- miusic by the Glenn Alin mariia]l Hospital, Bwmnile pe he former Mis Joannelfamiily\, followe,-d ya ocia1 since Fridayý. PBevecrley (Bey.) Bryce,, o n h ouLir. ____ Mn ýand Mrs. Bob Stevens, and chiildren ofBo avie SpplltSatujrday eveninL-g Vwith Mr,_ a1nd MrVs>Bob .Mýortonan t/P&ro famlil'-. , __v_,-_tle i MJr. and Mrs. Bob Cooper of Agincourt spent Suindaly! BE: OKTOB1ER'FIST most 100% (1 believe it -wasi wîtli his parents, _X1r. and 9.% of our requiremyents Mrs. F. O.0 e. Dear Edlitor: rwr fulfilledi througlh our- Cogrt atonstofr. and, On behlaïf of the Necasle ocltsine(ss caimmnty. And MNr2s. Sidniey Albert (Bet) Chamnb r of Commlnerce 1 xisfnwi o veyle who assist- Rithe former M-Vjiss vyttakeroewhatnd ed us - ai sincere thiank you,, Chry EizbthWaso, c d ou r OK-TOBERFEST and Neyr id weV, in an [Cr)a their marriage on Saturday made it a success. Indications reusjor assitneha Septeniber 16tk in the Uniteci, are that "a good time wvas lied "ha owIlws aiay Church at Lakefield. MNr. and 1 byal" anc] that our village "w'hat can I 'do ta hel-p".s, Mlrs. Reid wl reside in Whjt- wvas well advertised and pro- I helieve, was, a tre com- SÂTURDAY - SEPT. 30 10 a.m. te 12 Noon JUNIORS - $1,0Skate Mndy INTERMEDIATES - $15,00 Skate Moindays and saturdays SENIORS - $50 EXTRA PATCH AVAILABLE -$5.00 per eao P1RîVATE LESSONS MIUST BE BOOKED) AT REGISTRATION $2.00 EXTRA FOR LATERGSR~O POWER SK(ATING TREGISTRATION 'Sanie Tume As Aboveý 2 -10Week Sessions $7.00 per Sesýsion Registration fer first sessýion omýnabove dates Late reisraio fe os net apply te Power Skating. e Tillson, Ecktor M mua *UWmmm ONil%. W FRIDAY - SEPT. 29 7 te 9 p.m, . 1 RijWýajl-alumînulg -cons#uctÎ".