e Caadin ~ateman Bomanill, Spt. 20, 1972 17 IT'fS THIE MOST FABULOUS FALL SALE EVERI FROM SEPT. 2lst tu SEPT. 3Oth.g 1 M:7r y QUIIT LINED CORD JACKETS jacketIs. 2" l bet, 2 beIll Pookete. Dometi i)U fKrn. Navy or Carne.t) NAVY DENIM I2LARES F. Eer populerflaa tylircj ith zlp fiy a belt~~~~~ %ovs av ol. )mn fi aua NYLON SKI JACKET C ift UC. tC 1 l n h S M art I nÏ 1 lî stl.Sugybeltet, Zzppt2 pce RUGGED CORDUROY FLARES D. St lthe wsy lhe likes Wilh olti 1baît loopn and 2 paîcLi pookete, 7ip lly, Bro'm KNIT LOO0K SPORT SI-RTS 'L.01 helaev tl.in eraa rn Ulend that stays wtariekla fre. Clrtodbiovo R'eg. 5M9 DOUBLE KNIT FLARES pooleel, 100%, PolyestinerBl opu solt checka Reg, 8.98 LAYERED LOOK SWOEATERS Colti, Ms/od.fn3.99 TOUG-WEAINGPANTS poket, haIt bepc orhsyduyotnwtf ing, R-egl3.99 rÇorrONBRIEFS 10COTTON -SIRS S-le Re..2.4 211mfeleu& MW d tansltu mtIn Clied, 14 5.Er, ptesfi HüSts "soo i'slacS un'a, ¶00% OTFO 99c 8-15 3.99 8.99 8-18 5.79 6 .99 2"99 4ý 6x KNIT POLO SHIRTS spnei eyu a, wezip. AssMi LIND CORD PANTS LAYERED LOOK SWEATERS NAVY DrNI PANTS KNIT POLO SHIRTS arnpnous LINED CORDUROY FLARES 7?2 3.79 Mm Ml bc~wui echsces llsvy. Bru.c oun s rPl B ;~î~ f 'f SW;VEET DREAMIN' SLEEPWIEAIR FOR LITTLE GALS hco rm 'ou d-santI bnole 4-6X ,aIneati pylamýs in 2 pleoin Si'yles. .3 pee-nbuinpasant style boas, 23 ga Ira ou u nifly bow. RegL.ar -4 c 'Ca syl las deinty lace tn, P retiy rdl atic orhoose trom. 31.9l NYLON JUiMPSUITS nln ipo aIl It i yup Iefots GIRLS, BRIEFS li ilc otos Ini Vitsl t izn -aist antiles W ite, Pink orc,« a ,99 INFANTS5 'BLANKET SLEE-PEIRî 1, , ntig,3.99 NOVELTY PRINT T-SHIRT INFANTS' TRAINING PANTS !Say lia it a oen aI tle bl pict rdvt't ofabsobnt, ccol l erry. WIi!te. 2-3-4.3199e BAgYls FRTGOWN -osene lits te 6 monîhe. CORDUROY.JUMPSUIT la tylitte eumril W ,ith front olp, domecrotoliý,c. Royal, eliRled.,oy o r grs, 12, 18, 24month. 5 KING ST. EAST 79<. 2.39 COATS FOR THE SMIART SET 4-8 18.99 4 6X 13,99 8-14 i5.<)9 A. Cheers !0or the ir ffy n" le'N looka anti 58e 1Iv,1wprîce 4 supe tye lorluding 1 midi te ct-ao ra. Plaldo, velours.,elon nti cordurolyeýn ledi, Blue, Broýlý nze s'i chc ls. CHILL-CHASIN' BENCH WARMERS B, Chon fo two ",/4 lensth stylent tîcmedhooi, îp ntiloglecloopnc1j. ifont nihmpbtimaihOi SUPER MIDI COATS C. anti P. LaIer hoeth n hoo",dt heeýt-i leur inîtis lascoy heeti asiýý lue p i5m: anrt ordu- -m ryl iltlned, doublý-e rastei nti beltei. hiI-loey, Bugtdy,' Bronze, COTTON KNIT T-SHIRTS 1'TUri'1 1ofrsnnck1 tutia aylea. Per- manet PAms. Ainsntiprin varlouepsens.2-ccX STRETCH NYLON PANTS For a mîe fy atilosdu mfrt Fu1l bexa.r maist. Na,/y, Bej' mn COTITON KNIT T-SHIRTS LsyereIloch:, Ip rns, toc tlIsin 0 Cton5%Polyestýer inti ctitors ict. ecct in atianiý- Mal ciesignA.my, CORDUROY FLARES cirour or mnut cortiuro .2 p Mkezippeti fonthaIS boxermalt. cay luerGolt.M4, K. Szc7-14, as Pabo,vo; mîllbell f ceýps. n Nsv'y, uruniy Prpie or rmn mm9.AMlu s aaMabe W%1ni. GOOD T-SHIRT BUYS 1Lý'aye iloe utsopfronts, MMock SrIs l emtl niIa dues &1s 8t4. -23 41-99 FL.ANNELETTE PYJAMAS -h '1 90 Coltôs nefPrtae !Prs oo Choea roc eucortt~o e 1*cypalttrsItiý r NAME BRAND NECKWEAR Th lte-ýt w irih n he lka p itrna dcolocirC. POLO SHIRTS Fo[ rral aiý:Cohen llMend in c varîtcf"e in turtts c oes, s, Beerylylsnewthcl lare. Tevif10 choice CI colours. Sý-M L BOXER SHORTS oemnn r aFrlrtat Cto.Bllo e 499 2or FRUIT OFTHE LQOM UNDE'RWýEAR Briefta i Ali lelao Jeraeyal PERMANENT PRESS SPORT & DRES$SHIWRTS ctslog point coller, lis BIs.Bege, T' r Melonr 1 4V,/n17, Sportirt si ii plaýin CIiattýrey or fantcy Jdobb? palarsassrtntcolaura anti allc. -M--L 3670 BTH SHEET ru i2x32"ULNEN TEATOW EL 2189c 14%,ýx25" TERRY TEATOWVEL an neSsor qntoSpaernantidoure. 594, "'GLASS" TEA TOWVEL79 Font ;MenAel ao onure. -d $.C e. PKG. 0F 5 DISHÎ CLOTHS99 S oup roml ulicoouswpg JACQUARD %WEAVE TABLECLOTHS 521M"5 8x7"69 Orti.7.953O',939 60x84" 8 on 60,14 Ord.1t.98 -'-' rd,125 IN PURE VIRGIN W&OOL ftMCU"~- V" stin blnding, 72 x M4" Bo0xat Zpi, Azats NceGreen, Spanlsýh 1 FAMOJS - 72 x E4", 7 eTlnbnd flexat. Coloure: Cardinal, VoeGeni~9 or GMlI Oru,2.9 1 lng. Boxeti, Golti, Gee, iac or Anales, 9 19 Ard. 29M.--8I Queen Suz nfb I Wler toe. PILLOW TALKC MAlr tSoltom oll milIt zippri ie Cote 19or Non alleeboOSRti 89A ESMONDTHERMALBLANKET 72ý x 90"n'ez, In Snoer pitd flora. Wuaru et lmot rPnkhuyGadt r 79 Lla. ceORd. 799 CHENILLE BEDSPREAD Cettn chenll isaplin Orleatipatte ALL COTTON PILLOWf PROTECTOR WMthaumtPro&fniper. Wiony , pr 99 MA ME BRAND STRETCH HOSE ChoeNlnor Woolôti Nyln ilnn hs ~ooi-fttig eraîli nkl 115e.Iiia ainbjow oS 2reat l oours. ýOne size lits aIt. 1.29 99C BATH TOWVEI ENSEMBLES CALDWVFLI.Sbe>4red en-i'fringeiIe hln crua' rne pateýrn. Enru, icYellw o Lvener 2 1x 4 4" EBa t h 1 5x2 6"1 Penai 3x 19" Face Go crd a,98 Zn.2o4 ON 8 en, 2.99 O,19 ca. 9 great ol ulc, Pent Oragm e n , 227,44" Halls 16 x 28"j 'nti 12 1"Fc, Co ca, 2,29 .£a 1.1~9 ea, 69c jnacurs andi etrpes cn exitîg demmratrcolur. Bath Sad Facel Cloîls un . 1,9 m 9 c,39f- 2-PC. BATH MAAT SET 100% Nyon. hàshag borderan veive ÇrouInti, RubberiZed Waffled 2acin.y x36"69 HIGH ,SHAG BATH MAT SET AcryIic anti Acelate pile, 24 x 3' niaIwilh 8ff tnalbin lit coerAvocett, RoaGoti "- - IBEX FLANNMELETTE WI-llT~BLANKETS (3 9 x 75'1 Seconde oS 4,49 lise, eas. 3,49 -,0x PO" U >90 80x10 Doubl F i 8 x 10>or LDouble Fitteti . Ord. A430 Ord. 479 rti. 5.39 >54 x 7", econde ol 5.49 line, eA~1-'1ý9 IFittem, Case. Scnso .9 ls r .9 La. 399 es 29 as 4 9 Thosecol mn te ngif ii e i isrt itaSlle Smngliat (72 x 0"nr Snl itt 39x75" SýecOnds cýf 4.98 liseC, as DoLible 'Fiat (M X 10">or'Di oublfittat (54 x'75"> SeCond<e of 5.9 lin, 0as Pillow Cases, Seconds ot 9.9lc, Pr, 3,99 4.99 2.ý9 S palpirti ecod u aqe n-ronmIt sheeta anti p;cow slips. Sn wbate mrnng mîtthhaiynu c, They aresrifem Iindice hecrtei-anti narromer? itbn ifrs.7 Trr ny, ie a Siny 0 or r perhepr a aclu lrrgarIPty---YoU',probably won'tieven ntc.An aoi lent byfor tho ýe acoalucnsmr HOMEFSPUN WEAVE TABLECLOTHS .ý2 ý 5*, ý15.99 Ord.12.9 O, 8 ...9 ,7 t -ki5 9 3 ilisoil raleae. Graek kYeý pattern in Gsld, Prn ille or Sanc! BEAUTIFUL DAMIASK SETS 5-Pc. set 2.29 Cce ut299 5-pc. set ;nclIcdesý 54 x 54 cloll, 4na" is 7-pcet inclîîdùeo 54 x72" C>otua8npkino. 'M>ELISSA"f WOVEN SPREAD MATixTRESS PADS Ord. 9CiOd, 7. 98 599 69) "FUTrURA" BLEND BLANKET Ord.5.99499 bînding. 72 x 84 vtI r! inor doubv, bedn Coc!our s. poue Sud, Mjsi Purpie, Ambe r l or Avosado. FALL SEWING BEGINS WITH OUR FABRIC SAVINGS! COLORIFPIC COTTON PRINTS 100% Cotes, pr-6"kat Cnde tde ra o PHINTED FLANNELEITE 100%Colls, ml epption bls ades Foff go 1 0 tt0 oleser1 ote, l ot alne a hb ;, Ct, rBic-k., Poy4i, w de. E f >' The wonl It's a fabelou Makeyur cl V V ~' - -v - r. 4 4 DLYESTER 4 4 ¶PKNIT ~ Col IRSI CHOICE FABRiC mIhDem a lot, ""Vms a lot l impkî thlng for meno. it's mehabtS, easy to semv, at 100k... oS qoalily. 12 On. megit pepuflar bisar imeave. Anti colourc! W. danzlîng collecîLon cf naw Faîlsctie licadsr e-mk, I ngl8.â " I de, 4'A i SCREEN PRINTED KNITS Wassbl1 o s ter . Ilew Ril &deai l na katosd - capej oS oor,8"mta 100%Cotoricorduroy PLAI DS AutRetSo tsI p la i b ashablecorury Roa 100% Polyes;ter WARP KNIT MuIs amaeChomce e: perwrsWne ay DOUBLE KNiT PRINTS CeArsw sncf oe uyclan ndme NrIw eîgin fabulous FaîlIlotrco b Cis 6 tuti,, POLYESTER CRIMAPKNIT Wuesble,10% Polyethetin %PuMOIgh: 010k use YOUIS CRATiGEIS CAIlo AIACfS i- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 23-5451 BOWMANVILLE1 STARK VILLE 1el wer guet ttheLite Thompon weding t Camp- M.andMrARgrsai Mr.Shuntka-, Osbawav-, called been spending a ýfew vvda-ya with her parenteb, and Mre, Mrs.Rass Tts a ot m-eeting at lir hoeThuIrso day evening hos week, withj the PrsdnMrs. 'Morrow in charge. Mr. and Mrs. B rrian CaswellcI w~eguests wvuth M -, an Mr.2aold Littie,Cape- ford, Mi, andi Mm. Ewart Robvn, son r we jrin.saa udy mr" andi Mrs. , aleTiy Mr. and i MrS. Llew Hafllowrell Wcrm unayevnog inner guestswihMr,. a nd Mr Oirme Fails. Mr-. and MsFiian Cas- Hlope l'air andi were dannet-- k uests with M. nd Mjr,, eith Caswell MvIr. and Ms.iaid Souc were dinner guests, Sunday0 with NMr. aniMrs, A a Drunern ande) sons, wate Mr-. end Mrsid Hloel [Mi, Dave Scot a Ms iNancy HaIoel wre roa evening visitors at, Mr, Llew-V Halowell's las>-t week. N E'WiTON VI LL E are oni a n-iontor trop to the Wet oatfo-r a fe w uee-k, capn nd foing ltrip ta Mr. and r. ado a of PortHpewreWdns day evo-nilg cAjlplersWitll Mr, andMr.FGlmr Mrs, J. C, More of Brqnt- ford wes a vj!iOiai-here Vwithi Mr. ansi MrC. H.Liaene last wvcek and Hhe do-,e ie home over the weekndt MrV ary Wajde aId Grant acompaniies by Kith Powell of Orono Strient a couisie or dasMt Windsor last wielk attend ng a cpee of al gaes 7in De roi r ni een the. silishile there., Mrs H.'I'imandi Mi-. R. tnig the card pat Thurdayexrning ontheOdri4 FeIIows H^ý all at Paie, Mrsi. Iva Farrtow ant Mr2,, Reg, lalaetneihome iýFnl- day evening alter their oit with Me-. andi Mme. Claence Faýrro)w Pand-famîly-'2 at HEuil, frnd Hndrin 1ewAa homýe fram Watoýrlo .Unî- verity for the weekend. Mrend Mr, idStca Nir, 'nd MsDon Olsat Sanrdy nt rockville Cindrýy fmow entotasn several gi fimeniat a naîama pary rdys nIgh-0, in honor ni herbitdy anld Mis, Dn)VinkIe w-re armng the guests Mt tho wçjý dingfaI Mis Anetta Gien tsc M % Robert Borlec inSt- Lu!kes ,Cath'olir Ciii-t7ii, D neyvill , Stra atron the Lergion Hall,.mine Mos.Fre'dHmidro -, tuTresi ho)me,Sauayfrn Memoral Hapital hrI h had und rorgne 6urgeryz lweek mgo. UMor.Winnifel Elut wt Mi-. and I Mr, f ssiElliole and Lisida of Oshawa vîsttec4 the Safa riat Racktonanld woAnt on ta sonidf teweekend with Mi-. aid Mrs. Robnt Eliott al Londn ViIMýri ad 1MArs. l amhbeýr t Eoattr,y anidfaiyCcbrg were supper gupet Sunday with Mor. and Mn-s, Rosi Wcoý en(d boys, , while r. and M La1rry Sinclair Mnd'T'odd oý Stmkil wera ecvenïige 1. pas a Sunday alternoon vissé to'r whMssAllie Nsot Mr iMs.S. J. La- caser pent tlc- wEeýkeýnd with Mi- \,d rs,StnyNihl at Part alig uh Mi-, and Ms.Dennic fiï-loy vMnd Iamîl, B ridge- a me(mbor ofl te Inatitutecfi Municipal Assesso(rs aI oý n- tla, .and was employed at. tho Naithumnborl,ýantian i un hmm -1reglonial aFýssossent of- fice -' cobrg4. Bepsidtes bis parnt. i- AndJc.-son le-sur-vvtib ss tors M tyaof otMs Ted Gayl) Buck of Miii- brook, Mrm. IWayn e (Lyno lliott anid MrsfBill(Jne Smith i Port Hope, Susan and Nancy at home, mcd hi-- ther James o"fSmtb als There are also four nephews and a nuece, Rev. William 1Rpmney cont.- duced ther Iloral serie ai; St. John's anhmd finter- ment vwas a t WlonoCorne- Bobý B.arrie unti John McQuat, Il FII 1 a 2 "