Durh'am Agrîc Ne--ws Asitaln By Rod Stork Agricultural Representalive Hope Colf Cl 4 HTractor Drivlng wîlpidt youi i;i touch with1 AchivenentDayComipttton IPepce wo could filyour Satrdy, epembr ,Throuh the courtey ant Hu neede. So f ar thgsprogam has ers~~~~ ofteHp afPort BH ope air a ractor drîv- worked wellp so if you have, beld heir chiev Mig competiution for miembs feed for ose, feel free ta con-ý [n onuncio wih ortofthe PDurham 4-HTacortatis. PamClub wsheld at the Pair onr Squash Is Here Again! Far September l6th. WiVth t[he coming 0f Septemn- the air Shomaabip MembersAdta drive a ber, eary vmieties of squash1 Edwîn udd 1N . otmactovr with a two-whvleel are bere again. The 50 calledý wastI" w~nev~it tmîle tboug a amkd "ummr quashies" are amal,, Kelogg N, 1 Pot oure.The equîpment wae quick-gr:owing types tht re in scon. TatheBee pmovidby LloydxK"ellog f immature when 'hamvested aýndý riinehp 1dce, S cott P oHopeThe ebesweeusdbefome the vrinds and ed No ï,,ot oe a imred thro-ugh the course and begintA hwaden.The most: wit Jh lippard AS pont,e weeiea-o î(dducted for cam-mon types are the pale CampbenL coin scon-d lHîtig postsknocking psegenvgtbemmo n down a ýnd 1riiîniractions the dark green zucchini. They. awrng th Shnwma Shi wuh as excessive speed. Win- are soft-Sbelled, thin-skinn1ed, eMm John Kmautem, who ner, of the competition mai and have a charactestic cyl udrge for the day, plAîced Steve Barrie of No\,) . 4,Bow- indrical shape, so)mewhatlag slves on type. FEdwîn1;manville with Clame White of er at tbe blossoni en&. had the op Hoîsein caîf No. 1, Cam-p'bellcm1oft in sec-ý The "summer squashres" arel Elane ellggsecond 1ond. Other memberS Who com-bat their beet wheni six ta eighit HameseOF Noe , Pr ptdwere Grant Milîson, Art anches in length, 1firmr, heavy! chovwd Mehptop Jre olGrant Best, Dave Lam- Mr sizeand âree dom blem- ujth MagaenHrne nl er nd Rav Whrite. ishes, Food specialierts at the ï place Scott Gray ex- Feed EXehange Pagrm ontai oood CouncLMisy df th top becf hifr As wvrmeotioned a couple of Agriculture nPood sug- rcîlon Dyof No, 4, Po r of weks ago, we hv tnrted0 geSt that youl select squaýsh1 iiscndl the bjeef a fee-d echac[3nge program la that looke fresh arc! bas a rice Btt nne Oliver FDurblam Countly. I;f you have bard mmnd for the seeds may it Flope aertanid feed orý stmaw for sale, contact be large and the fieshi stringy.ý Theppard wvas second. aur office and -we wl take the ýCareful handling sis imiportant.' i the completion af the information, We unll then These young, tender vegetables vement *Day anther suc- burild up a liet Of -people witnbrbuise easily. The wbole ve-g- 4-Ht seasan for mm feed available. Then anyonre etable is edible, should be -1 t the Hope 4-H CaTIfClub Who eies Ieed or straw frigerated and used soon alter can contact aur(offIce ,and ,we pu1chaSing. BLACKSTOCK grtlat sta Brry th [le cday. Following If-e amppe- spent a few dayel withMr ~V ap h wn o hnos iio, hy aitetedd he, 4-H and Mrî1s. Carl Wrightlaý!,st' e rcen 4 copeitin anqetand evening,ý pelýforým-itweek and visited t heiohe he a Lndsy.Bary wn aceof the Gad adShow relatives i thisara Sprize wit,îh hin e dofLndaFair. Mr, and Mr:i. AnsoTalr wli !GHlatein if conpeting ,Several of our local rsd Sabrogwere v':eda g*t54 ailier tatp 411 calv\,es enitq are in hospital or ecvreenn iner)ust .f his fro~~~Ii -10--EstrnCetalPing at homne following hospitalmohe, rs.Ry lor r ~nf~n, Hi caifwas lso say. rs. Raipl Larmier 1if iiand Mrs. Ar-nold Taylorad ~Ceeve Campin inthecm- Por erry Hospital ýfollowîngjBetty Jane joinied themn for the pe'o.CnyVanýCamrp with ýsurgery VIast Mweek, iVrs0 Gor vei. h'iriunior 1-oîstein caîf ,p!ac- Cochriane is stili iii Oshawa Viiiiers at the weekly Sen- ced 4hird iii this gý;roul). Dale hosptaI fcllowing her acci- jor Citizens Card Party were! VCmpalso showe his 4H dcent, Don Greeni is h'iome from Lde'Hg r.Wts cal~ndwasthrd n te Sn-hiesta inOawa GeerlSecond - Belle Werry; Coniso- jor Âviion Cidy as lig- ad Ms, rac Viege ~Slation Mrs. Ar-cher, Men - Art bl~ocom1pete i lhe Show- home reil v rin rom lher,- very BîeMs klig mphi lae n wbie-laif l m she -received 1in jy, Secondl , hlng ~ hmin Som foni accdentwhi]e worlking a t Consomlation - 1Hector short- - ConwyGl es PortFer.id. Reit aCar for She eý pent ,sorne btime ino rt Oneof teJretdlg - ~ oi DA i EKN er optl ions Fromrtwrgheero, Mr. and Mre BFob rasatndaPorsiv-osra Aýk fer alalv i l s'penitthe .wepend tive pNomination nmeetliing at- POUNÈ aWthir cottage ,at Kelly',s Bay' leiied the metig el l "~I~SLERDODE LT. ao anSaturday attenyded tjhe Cobur Collegiate on Wed-1 6328wedtgorf Bob'sniecMisslÎnesdiay eveinrg, _Most of ithoCrei - Donna Lee Brylks i nd MYr. who wý,ent froni aîwrgh -TmCurle-jw at Peel(ýon pails tiravelled by a Dorrel-Bohiir Unitepd Chuirch. FridaRy evening bus driven by Dalton) Dorreli.1 J Fcallers were M. ýand Mrs. Al enjoyed the Inforjmative Scot Eser ad gil;sCou,-r- metig uring wh ich Mr.A tic Larience emremged as the P-C Il lEd Mme. Couirtney Grahlam, TMrme. candidate- for Nrhmeln E E ether ralled on Mis ytie fothponLing election. M1r. an1d' raaMrs. Barry Jonleq, Mrs- Robert Stanifield -wer'e jla Mme., Toma Peltis and Chiery attendancean spoke ta thei ~enerI3II~r.ncaaud wre édinner guiestq of Mm. lar9e crmwd. AUTM~IL ed Mvrs. Chester Grahai, ?aIl Apiýong the recenit cllers o Vfkýf,, 4ïý-'Éof Dairymryple on Thursday. MVrs. J. A. Johatston w %ere Mr.ý ~ JNTJRNCESunday guest.s of Mr, and'and Ms.W, D. Perguson, of, Me Mrwood . McKee wm saa isMable -Bruce ofý c~~istae Mm. M11yrtie Bruce, WhtwocCe Area Ms. Wallace, Port: sARZFlY V'O )1jAN Ss~,Mrs. E. Lawso'ýn and!lFerriy; «Miss ,C. Christie, lheri 6I 2-50Bruice, Netietoýn andé Mr. and mothler anld 7a rie,iP -r.inceý - 33 KÎG ~ Mrs AlvinBruce, Por erry Albert; Mr. pandMr.Hve SMm. and Mrs. Gary Rtledge Ginuj, Ooo EO MAVILE ad Daniel, D)etrioit, M1ich1iga1,ý Candace Uit - U.CAW. FA ME S orth epÈembner rmeetit'-ng f YÏENTl NM R ERthe Canldace Unitwicwa V'u4UUwuattenc1ed by 1. il es;ld fou-r visitors. Peggy lairer welome the ladies nd caili- ed on Edith McLaughllin -cho0 led uLs inlwsip wthare- ing "Alive with is ife5 Hymri 26, OLord of Heaven andilEarýth aqnd Ses and scrip- ture reading from Johni. Do'i- n yte presented a fine prog- ramme onourpririieMeet- PA O E ? ing closed with ýT7la P]- 'JH Y A- M O R E 1The afternoon unît iof'(the UCW wvas held at the, home of SAVE ON Audrey Wright ftor the Sp tember meeting. Leadler, Fia-l Pie"niu Quaityrenice fLarmer openled wt payer followed by a hymall, F ather Blese Our Group 1?on- D1 E 5 E L day. LAurdrey 1Wright cnductedi ~MOTORQIL th worship using a poeml MOTOROR, "Tadfay" anid speakiog nei- Farm gion 'pertainingtafoungpea- taksaxd IIIISpie todapy, Regional meetning9s aviab;were anarnounlced for Centlenia-l Churlchl, Qsha-wa, on Octoberý 1.5 and Newcastle, October :30i A UL OL L E CI with the speaker at bath ta be- 6ý68-3381 i Dr. Normlan Mackenzie. ORIMIMEDJA,1TE DELIVERT rmeeting with tth h leme. A c1(onitest was hleld on. four letLter_ý ________________________________ ~ womds denoting gooinsii-tead lof revil, A deliciolus dessert lnch eoni was en joyed at1the bgin- i g aothr metng.Th met PARk INGTON TOWNSHIP ad' ot o haket Ad L RAI ASSOCIATIONreaso htss ALIkIIAISALEM A N N A LSal1em niende of Rev.Cri Dugan weme eed ta bear 1eeSi Sncemesmatye extended itahe fath an - ther relat ives. hi Sicresmpyne as kThurs.,, O tobr5 «aaag ntiedaho ter farld M rs, Gln Back L H Ci Y" Cvl l set hlierysith bior pn andnts M.aherr, SOLI N HAL ~Backibn, tor severaldy recovery to Mr, Normian: .Avery who "q a patient i ONE WECOME shalaHospital. 'N'i . Norînan IA-ey, n -4 nONE IN Braising Ribs SotRib Roast I Poultry! FRESH, >EG OR PR.EAST QUARTERS Chicken Quarters 5S CANADA CGRADE " ýA" EISCERATED, FROZEN, VACUUM PACK (PRICED LOWE-R TFHANr A muA AGO>, Ckckens 30 5 LBS AVERAGE 44 L 'Cooked Meats!j RAN,'CH STYLE OR PETER PIPER BRAND (PRICED LOý-WER THAN A YEAR AGO> Bolgna BY THE PIECE b3 5/I surm'S BRANýD, LICED CookzedHam &zapc4 5CHNWIDERS BRAND, IVeR OR MEAT SRA MAPIIE 1EAF (Dut,;, lfif, Mýaaroiî&CosCke of Olive LaDii of Pi, LovvarThann aYear Ago) TOWN CLUB WIENERS Atil Beef W ieners 1jb pg 74/ý ASSORTED DECoRAT.OR OOR(ATO PICD PEA4 ~~IK TO ELS 5W's»4 pkof2oIs4 Wl-ITEPIN YLLO (BXES0F190 SHEETS (CTIONPRICED SPECIAL> VA FACIAML iSS2UE ýSW'Z4IA 100 ES CANADA N-. 1 GRADE, P OTATOONTARIO, 25-lb bsg 9 POM M ES WH'ITE TABLE STOCK 9 1NTRIOWASHED, Ooz A l sPINALH PACKED FRESH DA1LY Lrlab~ PURNS BRANO, STORE PACK, BEEF & PORI< Sausages SUPER-RIGHT BRAND, SLICED Side Bacon 1'-lb v SX BRAND, 3BULK Polish Sausage SIJPER-".RIHT QUAITY, SUICED Beef Liver UjNIvERSAl bkANOp, BACK.TO BAC-K Pizza Pie SI4OPSY BRAND, VACUJUM PAI< Corned Beef SX BRAND, FROZEN Beef Steakettes Pcupyour free original recipe at A&P WEo's Meat Cour L "SAUCEY TURKEY DRUM STICKS". oter. This week's recipe p r I b 64F, SC F'SC 88/ 1668/ 3M rRAND, A, VARIETiES, HOTVWEETýPLA N-GARPLIC Itauîian Sausage l 78/ SCHNEIDER5 BRAND Oktoberfest sausoge lb 98/ E:Ot her LM e ats! New ZaadIpot Sprinq Lam, f raen LOI Lamb Chops PiB lb 8 8,/I"b9 8/ Fresh Grounid Pork i68/ 9 orkg88 2.16 pkg $1 .68 BONE IN (PRICED LOWER TItAN A YEAR AGO) Ib$.19Shoulder Roast 174/ lb78/ IDEAI. FOR BROILING A YEAR AGO) Brisket Plate lb3 9/ ,174Y Fresh Ground Beoef S1684/ I Susae &Bacon!f I I - (UT YOUR FOOD COSIS TO THE BONE Priced Iower tholn a yeur ago! Action Priced Special!1 PRIMEC RI1B J ýO 1