'Thie M-aadiàcn tpstesrnan, rPowmanvlle, Oct , 1,ig72 - I Durh at Li ndsa ar 'ý On ithurmin4day, 1 eptmers ~ heAnua EstCentral beef And daniry classeaainsti -Her rorn Ontario.Vitra ~'eeroroghand Northum-2 #rndCounoties.A f the luiii*or, Beef Heiefer ~ectîon WendyCornlish o F.F.R.5 Bwavle, was si"th -ý ,n Dplaced "in lthe first Ïprize 111r3 7eC group wil Per -Î,0 vçwl, R.. iBowan iŽi],I; Scott..GiaRR.1P r orfic iand Miltn DyR pýj Por Hpe and cMilton Dey R.4 Por't EHope placed in] theu hidprize grop. Wed _4urîijis, ý-.D cug, Larimecr a ndc *eter Kn[Iolonhad the first p 1laC.e roupof thirpee junior ~l~.BillSiatr ofJ".- -~renoplacedin thefirstprz grop whle ary Cish of RR5Bwmanviin e was i e seondp Riegou n beýîliiioft wasI-) thethir îpclss lih MryCornishl dSctt Gray, in thie second owdtheý top junior :1oi- 1 zencafand also thle Ireserve of BOnlcktock wa-,s thîrd ini the Juio ostein cUlass and Jon DeViesR. 4 Bw zest of No. 1 Hampten and' PdinBud of 1o Port ~Tpwre ,in the1 econ '~soNo. I Port Hope,;Ket ..~ooe, o.1 Port Hope and ~ eiogNo, 1 Port 1-bpewcr inthethirdprz gru.Cind(Jy VanCamlp, Barr -aCm nd John i DeVrieIs '~xîbie flhei eseve ham- Petr an argare(t Har- , No. 3 Port IHope, rece'i- e ecnd rie roiup ribbo)ns forthijunor Jerseyave ~xiitdin theotrday i1'4Ceeds ciass. In the senior I ,hirrd: AlexMir o.6 Bw wiapn v i 1 ,w a s fourthl landf ~era BddNo. 1 Por-t Hope îreninthi. These re 4- H'es l hd 1theIreserve , hapion g,-rol u ofthree selnir ~~aiyinles.la diry show) 1- second:Alex Mirt, lird and btteded i baquet puton by, '~eCanadia Departmnent onf Agricultureind aise ted -d theeveinggranidstand h ~ .Al in1)ail, i t wa ry hectfi c, 'buýtrewar 1dinl iyfo hose ýtatkingpat JwoArifWlturaJ Courses Wehave receivedCIinform-a- tion conceorning tonew Soueswhîch are availiable or ti raýining in diryfr managment.The first one is I$non astheStudient Agýri- eLiu1tuii FlCourse.,lhas beende 'Slined [to meet the nedsof ~fihSchool, stucîdnts whoý hav a enineitestl riulur nd a ikingfor- --f ima]ls. The coturs eeteds qve amc-yea)r period and ~s ~Jvîdedinto two ,phases. he frstphae ivles two .*îtructîomInlon amu, n C.ý,aIry barn, Iivtckand m rilk- - qîipmet sanitaion: fol- Rent, a Car for Ask Wor Rae . . . CO UNTYf JOUN 111 im Agric News by Bob Watt Agricultural Representative lowd b te second phase be cligible for Canada Man-i whîb i a oneyer "n-powxer Re-Training A1lo- farm-trining"on a siectedances. FOrIuteetiso diryfam. Thie stu)dent ini ch thi siutonwl wýork unider b1-e 1curse, leae otact the direct sprvsono teou ficea 2-38 farm~ onran th farm "'L Feed Exclhange programk traiing erio. wll deal sith Feed Excbag rgai alspcsfamoe daryooindr ta comlairha saiamy is $200 per montith vibifeed betber byc gainor free rom and1 board and taw-fr aeyuma e iaundry.,, The second course sko a u ffc n consitingof 10lweks. This d iffe rent, fed, oumyriti cuse comprýises of fourn ek heinfoma Ion lftosIta cIassreom istudie and six have the material for sale, weeks (on farm p1:ractical t rain- also, froni our office at ing. Quafingstudents May 623-3348. Durham (Compuit Used by N- D 1Board The Durhamm Coliege Cerni- N o r t buii n b e r- land Duýilham p u Centr a vie onyBoard of Eduication, is Data~1 'rcsigsrie epesdwt h omp-uter Counity Board of 'Education for Durasm students. The iBoard thepas thee eas, The is cuircntiy sn rgrammes Boardpais etIIhuiastic' about writtn by te1.studetsin tIms Cooperative efort. 196;9, adcei oniue tein- Robert Cook, ooeresvolve stude nts.il programmin the joint effort for- the North- of the computr1s1e2ird uimberland Durham County h'lesaid. -Studenots j a1riec paidIla Boad.beiees btajte Sec- sjudet rate, Senthattey ec- vCoic an resits are second t iermnrto in addition noe "ntens fa eultyethprcca ex,ýperience af- progammeat n ecnomcaforded. cest,ï iti h est w oud FrankBenwhosuervse obai aywere bhe tatoles.teoeainfrteCee The Manager er Data Pr-oces- states tha,-t Durham bas ceoi sin fo te Cuny B Ir prehensive documlentation ajnd orsks osesl ith Frank quaciy pregrmmingstand Reon, AssistantChairman er ards, wbich bave cnsured ant !DurbýýIamý'su Buisinjess Divjýision, ease ln the maintenancean who setu_ adamiitre nancemeunt of the system an the ~ ~ ~ I orgnlporme l he computel rorm es. Matlher wh-Io bas develop-ed H.1-Smniihem-phasizes thiat this tqhe programm e since October economnical kind of service is Af 1969. available te other organiza The Coilge Computer Cents, t iculary gevermpen- tre handies budget control, tal agencies, such as educa-ý gn% ledger accountingutonas, bospital and muiidpl bugen eral n- adjçoln bodies. Securyityofdata isI payaleandprovdesinfr- uaraniteed and] remote term- miation the Nerthumberlald ml a eisaid Durbani Coulnty Boardi is re- u"n mjradvanitage of qurdteg-ive te the Ontarie Lsîng ,the College facîbtlies ad Mvinlistry et ducaIon. i expesaffis that it gives za providled I a such a forattht goverlnmental agency anl op- apn auditor, Mt the end of the ptity te do pilot projects year, can make bis rciomtA te u deteminin itsneédfor the Ministry in a significamtlils own computer services if reduced tume. The College inf act they are neededn, sat- Compter Cente bs t 'VeIs M. Smi, whe peints Qutý Icolipthat DIl!ma ms1 Is bet fe County -Boardc's budget Cebistory aaWeA NF tback te 1969, and cal n) ovde ery'coimrhnsiet.pack- . a cemparison et 1970, 1971, qiidlaea" mnmm cot lcurrent 1972 budget figures ortiganiz7atien seekiing te, ava>ýil Owith actualexpenditures. itelf et[the Coliege computer services sboud contact Mm. Mmr. M. A.,McLod Bsi- Smithï at Duirbiam Colleg, niess, Amntrtrfor the Bfox ý38.5, Ohw, tre ENFIELD Mr. and Mr.Ne'il Cv eemsclnmessung by aagOttawap, visited a Miss Reniee erna t week ltb m.-ad Mrs. ber guitar.assited bAvocal- GereLaveadfer anid famiily. ist iss ilin Lavender and MmIl. Manley Lavender, Mac- pianop accoompani ment by Mrs. mora, aise visitedt at Ilhe Lav- Fredl Griffin. The ladcies en- ender home. tertained wîthi short itemsr of MW ànd Mms. Goo TaylornI good advice for thie bride. The and family výisited at Mm. address for' the presentation 1KeithTaylr's eabore. as read byuMrs.Don Griffn Mmr. and Ms Tom B eckim ýand Norman andi( Pat rceiv-ý were wverkendcivisîters wt ed a bridge set wîith the good1 . nand Mms, ereAllen and wihesetthe cmuiy fail1y, Eldorado. Saturday nightI, October ïth Mm. and AMr. Frank Small- sawanother gathering lanthe 1 oed, Beaverton, stayd awsment Qwh etefolk fm week xwitb their darightem ' Bradley's Cornersamd the En- Mr. JonCatton, MmCattn field frieads ef Mrm.ind rs. and faMpîy. Laurie Parr met fer, an ev- 'M. and WaiterBr'id- g ogthrM. John KnX get, owanvll; m.Tai-as chairman lcoe the pnae Tylr ad Nr.Ra ýcom-pany aný,d annouaed t he mage a y slrand Mm HapOIrogram numbers. N aIn c y Taylor, Oshawa; Mrs. Bob'Knexand Kathlryn and AMari- SmîthnoxcarborougheandnMrs. Les -Jobason, West Hilwee ynKnxacoman1donth Isitors at Mm. Gordoný Tay- pinano by Kat hy Vice, sa ng a p- -lori.prepiate songs for the oc- lors.casion1. Mms. John iKnox en- Mm. nd ms. ruc 5c- tcrtained witnh a reading. theIP gent', Mr. aid AMrs. CrlSar- Knlox girls led in asigon gent andc sons, Id a: Miss accompanied by Eic Bowmar Evelyn Cunninhamn,rant- o)n bis guitar. MVrs. George' tord were vistors at the Kiox read thle ddress pr- Pascoe home pared by, Mrs. WYýilfridl Bo- MVrs. Dn Griffin, North n wbo ,vas iunabie ta b ide entertained Stra rsnand Laurie and Shar-j night on the occason of Don s on were preetd with a birhday. Guests were: Mr. mlimmtor amd piece etcyf a and Ms Chester Lee, Al wt1 eq ihs mmal moad; Mm an Mrs BI lMr. Albert Seiis, U. of Want- WliVhte and Lorrain, Wity;emoo M.lndr Mms.Te,-,,y ATTENTION FARMERS l i- 1 WVHY PAY MORE? SAVE ON P'remimulit *GASOLINE SDIESEL * MOTOR 0O1L v a i (l)ble. CALL COLLECT 668331Px 0OIL Mm. and Mmx Do)n Ash-, bridg,,Scugisladvîste at M. LloydSihs Fire Destroys Fred's Gas Bar Firedtoe d Fed's Gas! Bar n Hibwy5 at the Mesport radearJy Sptemjbeýr 29t1î. The- Gas Bar owned by, MUr. Fred Grablaniof R.R. 'l Orono wstotallY destmoyedi.i The tire was fîrst inotîced( by a m-otoriSt whe travelled te NoesRestaurant tet ma ln1eatheairm. Boith the Orono anmd Poatypool ftire 'd epart - ments swerd he .cali be- tween(-i one and two lat he mo-)maing.The t ire was teeo tamrdane te do cnythinig.ý A dog« .hainiectlitethesidle: et th-e butildinïg was rcleased by theiremn Jim Pollard had jis[ustcen- ptelï(d a sakbar at the site and it aise wa destmoye cd. The cýause et the lime is un- SSPCVASE YOR-K, PRCNETAEFOE RZNROE PRIMO, MACARONI OR1 lkg <COEU LEO D'OR, FROZEN Oàniïon ing .**ý L2,Ir dVI PANIHO HNS ROEGRAND Pickle -" 48-fl o jr 9 (FAMLY SZE) lourFIVE ROSES --1l'a55 100 n lob L02 YUKON, ASSORTEDFAOR SBeverages ' lL $2,29 pHONEYDEW, CoNlCEFNTR ATED, [ROZNKLf .U K Orang Juic 12 forin < Ant-Persirant~ozaRosî8 JV DISCOUNT PRIE PLUS ",1ACTION PRICED"II SPECIALS!1 WHITE PHILIPS (25, 40, 60 OR 100 WATTSj L 71 128-fI-oz plastic jug 73w 128 f I-or atI (A mO RcED) pkgs of,2 bulbs ei WHiTE, PINK, YELLOW (ACTION PR7ICEOj ,MIX &MATCH, CREAM CORN, (GREEN BAN5 ISU E 2ply sheets $CVO PRCP MMECE, SFE, SME7WE ES ATO RCU Vegetbles 14-f-or fins (ACTION PRICFD) PLUS BOTT)IE rDEPOSIS ( 26.~fI-tles vrange rn4 , YCHAMPION, BEEF, IIDNEY, CqICK'EN, LiVEr Iunt upy(rp~e 9)Rg 9 ATO RCD F NC QAL , RQE DOG FOOD 215-oz tns27ý< P tt Chips 14 o e pkg«67 àU . WnI10 oz OLDEN ALE, ARCH MAENj A&P easicozartn24 SOFT, MOIS0T rý Dr, BallaOrd'S bURGERS 72-orc g1ý agrie4-bpg Amat IeJeaa Wfi, BEF& IVR O WOE ISETTY CROCK[R, APPLE CINNAMON, CORN, PARK TBRAN, AUl prceSbohwý n i UUIEJ*ONEY BRAN, BUTTER PECAN this idgned DBalardsCAT FOD A415 otnAOd e 4eetiv, lirougl; BEEF, *IDEJ -wwVE Mvuinf Mvixes î3ok Y5 BEEF KIDEY, IVERHUNT'S BIG JOHN'S l4tk, 1972. Miss ,vew (CAi VoODq.otîsy> eanS» i 1ifiotis