anld Mrq. C .JnsanMr en ys ruceLetofor ing spnsoetiby tle .C.W. Viioswith Mr Agnes: Bulyvog~ h eek Jn- cluded Ms .WleMs E, Trim and daugIter, Mrsr,.' M -1 KnAs. I. ShutterS'i "I %.anville. iosTrainiing Scihool ithebc T..0 . alP, Orono, 1last1 o MisLoliýstapletern was hiilast Wdnpsda e9"ln iltthehome of hber auntl, Mrs.T BetStapltop, ownianvllle . 19_._4_9_.3 _589 & dalefd Oronowe Fia Mr. ant i Mrs.J, c Adanms..2 r t "4 r, nd Mrs. Wý%ilfred Pae- recentl, visting 4,a11es12 the U,44 dPn, uP t at iawih HEv. and, MR. RNormran îin Peterba ouLgh, wherne bis m-rý thr, MrF. J, Snelgýrove- of Niaara Fls, was a ' "TheGrac o Gatiude" powerf actof asipl ths h 0 Often dev-ote! F their lives t& k) rvce o wavrs i 0I saGod Thing to) Givp, Thankau,," anijîdr Lan e's solo "Besa ThisS V $.f H1ouse wv'asA much app-,recFat, cidw Mr at Ms JckKmdl Dori Brlht anti miy Oh were Me. anti Mrs. Gfile. Mantid s i imr crs ani M. ad is. Phand-- Glmr (line, im nti WR;A VEP NLI daugterrofTour ntowere Sday visitors wit*h Mis sVç, Pnes 4' x8%. Mr. nti is. . M. Jnes Me a i TM1i S.C.Crshat 01 ily. AtecWalut 1egla r $6.29 helti untia evcnog at~ ,~ EVEARBORITESES inlez-REgul ar$39 bratet c tWcd ig An-CEILING TILES For use as bartbe or. B11nIV' y-of M. Nti is 1(A$ .9rTIN WHITE radtayop.1[-rs Bi Wd n wasA SuhenPein - ,', 2" x 12" smiooth 'italit.Aaiblinareu sudn isC.BwnMani$1OS.YD SAE 40c SQ. YD, utru 79 n roeede o us ', '.$5 MisE $. --e---ers9o5,uMr,.4anti Ms1,T .0HIn.de0son, Me. adanhd grOsopve . ' 8 4ed 4 aed2 x ' iz Tiim, M. antiMis. ,1rosi dfeet rc 4ph~csnith taey A ecal rbae f i arpeting ~ hitdyni MrsSacyse.!"_payeretatbce Anl econoy l iet ni Prt Hpe. t a appyga- carpe'ting nIks itis saivingS plpoyee ei aetCer e.$,~ thehugt te LonsCenre ossible. Choose trom Indlian backed carp Ugwla inBwmnile wekagi.Smmer Tweed nand Avocado 3ya ergaa. fe cittios a Iis îme ani iVeed, aur wo îmost pplarGaGliorOag a e ony o h a it laie in colours. Regular S5.95 Nsq. yd, Re.$3 er L, l Mc.Do we anti Sant 1$4.95 sq. yd. $1.99 sq. aie ta]gcithDhec parents Me. an Ms. SîtiStacey. Do your 9' x 12' room for only » or9 3 1h)(,br 1huabani a kin j-,ROoaM fSr oly l a P .P course in Wstr O$n5 14o0 SA'l .1 1i 111il WHI1RL PAT T E RN STYROSA tn anationc, 0 PLACE 'N4 PRESS TILE ' elnc ie htîm U'thgLy f~sn he hnn ,le te home ý ce, i b MiEhl Co hrt ot simple to lise - jsst Peel, place pai'a sfts.It" Mr E hi b(rl'( e 1s ere andi press. Self adheZýte - n ntngu& ret a rnictaee Hoe entjent needed. Large range oa! il (;e,ýtm-me& eatiorly twlh a sast Th e wa n ineesig petterns. Tle a 9' x 12'1zomn rooNvetlfor easy umt-8 for oniy $29,88. ~~~~~~~~Aluminunt Natul saltoi.Cro i64Rilr$11 he (EzenSa)inBwa- Pcage of 9 Regutlir $2,89) vileTusda eenngwhn S249 -1"x1»size v Wnethy Miton, anti hc bus- ..Doub~le Huug WindWows $36 Easily îinstqlled. Fis bth Rglr$4 he baniFrd enieso, ni ~ 'YY 114sqar ad squa qureGRANADA iltMtron Ma ry adas: tti" 00PATTERN sîstîng with due installaion ., . a uitedin1cites. Reg.$18SA'- 2 îmise of bah , ' k '~ . than phicn a reular on- ~~-~'--~ -"'~ BOTTLE GASCANi vh ID 1s f 1sl endocr oounvyi ~art e 1ae;ch ca Ouinewt hektao' grooveti) faobrteroting Matchingrnna2' 68Re.249 ren the ribs mua n t p. ,. '62n6' 1 .9 .7 Tnoo fn t ecn atina-, l - h 7 n 1 '$ 9 eqipt wt oigad- 27' 7u 0"V$' 23' <214 .n 'R gee was thIlefiat t althuh h e Lt et Mnteal is nlot Gnoot- yeac,- people fromBomvie Pln eecalleti in when thet_____________PH,___________ON_____ helýt neeirepair tr*Hus "This was got,"saitiFos- fer,"hecuse t gae ou menMON. TO WED, 8:,30 'Tf L 6 lexp eaie wich v is ceiny8 comingin hani ow." Ther wer sixaphies t hoTÏ4URS, FRI. 8:30 'TIL 9 madMe iiithe four sectionsV- , f oît. Two pi ces wee mtiein$AT. 8:30 'TIL S naih oflle 28-fon)tlng