- 1. Auto SlsAuction Sales Auction Sales Auctîon Sale Reail Estatec for Saleý, Auio salef antiques anô.Ï WEùNESWAiY, OCTOBER 18 P-RJ-IVAT Sale - Bowm-,anvile AUCTIO SALE unsd urntureSaturday, Oc- t!12Noon $39,900 or touhis attractivefu LIVESTOCK SALES tobINSAE i uer 14 ut 1:15 pA..et Sham-. 150 IIOLSTENS bedrmoni ho mepwith twofïl atDra out ae Ael st Mii-i Autol Bar Il rock Cottýages in ithe village 1Comlete KuenvaeHisteibathroms, large famiy rooini Ori -Eer hu~, :0 .. EVT NVIL of Beidey onsistig 0fDiseai. owned bu fHarry double car garage, paved'u Selig ores Ctte Swm, diingroni able ches of uene, RH 3, xbidge, %imdrive, and rmanv ohe( fat Raiectiondec A Sro- ridiay, Oct. 13 'drawers, wbshsdhll'table, m1-ile east of Ubiddon Hwy urs.. Forifomainia Calve, ASheepetc.nCharOi ichairs, tables. rocking chair, 47 thein 1mile soulath b an123-545 petor,231 7:C00 p.m. oi uilaps. irouks, picturelon Con. 9, Reacih Twp, 150 1- Fridge Stovabub edfrms gasardshes, head, 85 registered, 65 grades le STOCKUR SAIT occasmonal chairadio,beds, dckWbooka and numnerous R.O.P. tested and icla ssifid. G;eorge MBi ei pelidg TUL8DAI, OCT.Il 31 mes, desks, space heat- other articles still being cn Records to over2000îs RETO b" o M9dqulhundressera, che'st of draWers sined. Roger Bannister", Auc- Jmik. A hbrd of big, Murni! 3 - 400 head of goandqnality 41-1ecuws froni prov.,en sires. youing hoe6-50 Sto, laiips, tblescattIe very well MIgrowni. 30, sain. iAnAnnaSoce apmacslmp tbes, ___-ead Willbe fresh or spnig- Bowmanvile rhEd Sale Anbod wîsinrto hair, pus anythe itms.g at saletime. one ofth1Wb,, ep 5 r)oomi frmie buln- consga atte pcas 1'one Ters - ashTueday Ocobe 24h -Mu dughtersof Mliaeglwwitla Irge heated sulni O)roo9351.4-4A inesAnnual Fall Socker Sea Cery ea (0,0,eli ,orhad..garage ion oueI - BOBP & FRANK STAPLETON Linsy Coniunity SaleBarnq Kuenvale Cherry Dul (V G '1iandscapeld seclped Ltric-q Autoniae a1ehc' 1- neieS. N., Linidsay, On- clIass;ified Very Good at 2 t$2,0,Vedr r AnctioliShed, Haydoin, ol Lo: Stocer Élcte o ers eiers "lsarge", "Up- moving and we are open for Inat uni W Encclgomtobu14Au~con saleunc-laocie d Wel b oin truck standing", and "Stylish". A offers. arilsfoni Colman's o-la lots. Ex,ýpecting a largeequantity of Cherry ]Leaf (VGý) MpeGoeae Wl a~ ~ ~~~~~i aî ufil ffrilV n id Stutge ltd., Oshawa, quntit of o quatocaler en lwill be for sale.Anl- builîteand kept 8ya- A so at tue sce sle I Wilil cattie Commision $200 perother higlihtis Relctonick douplx.Each femr as sdi for ýbhr Houdon Club 20 Ioîmnt be held at Stirt- ha For consignmients and Iss Ver Good). A 4'-yr. I 000 sq. fi. living spaIce anls a quatity of b ýaking, ve9e- vaintsAuCtion Hall, 27 Hall St frhrinýformatiuon contactrld daughter of Orm-isby seýlîs separate, entrance. Large lot, tabe~andoter rtcle. airOsa vaThuirsday nigh, Oc' CrlHown. Proprietor andifrsh with a yearling "Chief- and wot basemnts. Caî 7 olcloek. CU lPtickAoc-i2 et 6 p.m. sharp. Rfie-AcineReabhoro, Ontai. tain"-heifr uc vial.u o oeifrain tioeer -rto. eedic 10v, heser-l-05~24-95 - -70-34-74 Lloyd Wilson and W. D. At-, ied itoccasional chairs, 412 kinsonl, Sale Managers and A'nmnsae fcatle and anC , portale walrs in glass, _____Anctioneers, LUxbr-idge, 416-1 imleetsfr -arveyZ 11 ; 1 ceds, bdomsuite, ee..5-5W.4- onteMdle, Road, IUî euty sln chairS (comrpile, Saturday, Oactober l, st- - norh f he ol Curs, otîod cdiio), las oosFri sodi-Auction Sleof Real Estate for Sale-. 1,ý Con 4,Darlingtofl, Ol~gm ~lpnl ihmroLvsokanild meet, Satrda, ctoer21st. Liststolfoure, ycar,8 edofHrfr n a-LV 0f~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~O nchfdybnxwekla"q\nttofrugs, wa1l loway calttie,45 nmature Here- wlh 1 tokepancr, ixroOM ddersqfodand Gallwav cows, %wih siersaprûi ,DOWN A M nin 00lb. ar unlrs cbiet, hevîg 3 eeord clves by sîdel, 0~~E sfalepat 030 p.m. Ternisasm. Ths WNllbea large Sale0. Lst llxsdJulylst. 92 Laenc Hrrs.Clrk Ciu not cmpet bciaueareIt.4dseltractorwith 200 3 BEDROQIIrrM Iî23 igHOMEEomIlil PehcAcine. 1Iaertytunakd ag nutialmaonreloader,,y-Needa new homne but short 21Klgs.E. omnil quatit otdisescolor tee 1drulc ucket/ gravel Ibucket, of cash? 1Therninvestigate new6-39 Furniiilore, antiques, ctc.,t-"Iio, etc Plan to attend. 4inýýDt. tralctor, New H1olland BaerHomes;! W'lsei27Ars-N ate proery o Ms.GeogeB ird Trns cih N reere.272 lbar, PTOI 1972? lie retth tractlve Beaver 1L7aes ntarlo Me 392 Sexton St.,(entrance ta M j i , s 114 n ig, Auctioncer, bale sookr,196,2 lut, 4-furc- willowdalemodee, a 3 bcd- Popla Park, Por Pcrr, 7255751.414 rw tnpbeaniplonghi, int.1 roomn beauty onk your lot and Wtrrn a ih2 Satrdy, ct 2, icldimg -10' culivator, 3 pt.; MH.921foulndation for just $ 0s toreÏ'(y JbrickM home. Lfre fridge, chesterfield site, Bll Aucol o organi, end tables, . Seeuroniion sau, clearig estates self- propelled comnbine, 13' V oui can save as mc as 1, -,; a, 3rodFrontages. Ask-_ buisforconpice liI. erns Obav to bW held at header New Hollnd ide- over covendtonal building ming only S700.00 per acre. bille;forStirtevanUt'sn uction Hall,27 rake. New Hlland 7' powerimethodae. Ir yon owi a lot, Ternis. cash. Sale at 1'2 non.Ao- all St., Ojawa, Satuarday. îowcr, 3 pt.; John -,Deere ta-yumyb bet tr 0 ce omnil tîon Lom ds e pnic 27-l ctbe 1, (6p.m. ,Davenport tor mianuire apreaden, Gehi"Vomr Home" mith only $200 '0 umie of uAtwn huis. 2989BetanyGrat Wnry ar chirpar bi TV chomehamer&IL ,PTO: 10' chain down. We'illbelli withmotTwgodbue.Lreoa 26-60 nmsilei 1- uteberosut, iylehrw,1oe bai g g-gage arrangementis and land rnae.Srn ____mueout__ntgc I igcreeki, Only adoba smùls plelapconwith rack,2ë' hay and grainovalabilites 100! For frh itu0I0.Termus. poceetable, y c, nd tableevator ith udrarae rdetails Phionet BOB13and FRANK ,Sihbobck chatstpwieDLvistaînless seel self-10 Acres - View, Kna STAPETON wasing ac nstabIe -washing separat-or, fIll ine!FAV NORTHEV et 723-355M !impýs, vaconi ileaniing fine- 'of modemn mrachinery. Ap- Or dr-op litito your nre Oerlý ql-Elook Kenl Hilgsiand AUCTINEERS place cquipmem W crbeAq, piroximately 1,500()bus. of bar- Beaver Liumnbe5rStore an2 lke.Beutiu-buidig-ste compresson pr v yen, cild's ly, ycar old: 500 bus. Rodney ikU e EVR 1,0.0 ens specilizig in altps0 akenwpuelargenits. 8,000 balles rixed lhay, HOMEf CATALOGUE, only 30 Acres - Nwtnvll, tra SALES and ESTATES mg, luggage. reinord player,'lO00bas of straw Te$10,inicolour wthfloor lScenic nelreat [ld na Phone Neweastle 9A7-4167 larLge niîrorý, w hif rpryOf Ross Scott, 'Lot 5q plans for imore titan 40 homiles. 140 '1 Highwýay w-,ith -water. er Newtonvile 786-2953 aunnnnorr etfoor!Con. 6, lHope Tonship, to____________ 5000.'alDn oid 16-t amp, esk, ook~ îf, w ite iles south0of Bwlyo chetaqarum f1'c' ing chia irs, Hwy28 and 2 mles %Westand!Nwonil disespot an an, dc- /~mil soth.Teris ash ! FOk SALE One and 0one-baîf slormiy o ld- XVTaker «- Litav Ltd. til appliances, djppes. Fot.No mserve. ae tl23ur fram-e homne on eatful too!ls, hbookýý.s',I ýu ip, sk ie p.m. Car] HIlicksonl , 2Aut(lion- lndcacdhaf-acre lot.'4l Auctoners -Evauatos eectmc dilimai x, anvcerReaboro, Ont, 1-705-324-re."bdonspusoblgag. LieteEsiaite Sales imore oarticles îton n995q,4î L~'4 lAskin $30500.0,cariJan I Rlo ore enin Ls ot nplt.____ 623-7694 1 Oudsboomn.l STEVElu IIPTAYnilMilli Street, Newcastle E.,IBOW3MNALLE Cartage, 7555. 4- audy coe lt-6376 This wellmatindas 416-263-2117RD ý' OCTY03RA,1 Spýcial Faîl A'iu uto,17Kn S.EBwavlet et2 ibedJOroonibunglowi SATURDnisleo iqsA _fetuing inpart: Collection; JUST LISTED, BOWMANý-Iis eady for, yonlr ccupancy,ý 38-f ucio sl ffru c fR. S.ai Pruss di ncuig pairVILLE, 3 bedrooinibunigalow, lCold aiso be used as a thmee fen ue em ilulan sign)eJfloral saitsRoyal waragee, extra large lot, $24 900.00. Caîl J-ieý An O nd- )NESOAY, OCT.2, l pý.M.aioneth ro!y tBaymoseuth g nicely"-"-à l 210MO CIr O HOLSTEINS oh!m Challice, Lot 15, Çon. 2,byse adyds uky decorated, HURRY ON TRIS. sonfr npcin Jfl Cavan Towns'ip, 3 ni-iFwesiie), 2 AWedgewood 1sloefrcnu r. 1, lpViW Hl fBalèooor3me obscutbarels(1 blue 1 green, iBRA-ôND NEW, READY TO . hP"ersa owned by John of lbroonk, 1 mil e . 17white ,relief ptera;Canada MOVE IN -3 bedr'oorn MIradl ce, omni RH ,Oshawa, at tm f iWst15 HIrinpltapibroaloom trough Fontgeon No. 2 and2 no« f Hiony Rde n ca Heeoandnd aa satinglass bid's basket in out, walk-aut b asemnent and othe- road fotae.Sep-! soh iles cast aul lais catle,400 us. ne'7 holder, 18 pcus. aniber Canad- pati doors off ining rooi.arated ino 6 parcels note 1 ýý,ihof Brooklo orau s 00bie f taw ok nouh f wy 41 thudendi nr ntflower patlerasvery rare). PFRICED TO SFILL.,nivL-st -ntat, $2,ftOOo.I -' lucombine ha(P.T.O.),el,1960 er!t' SI. oubn gbesand others, LOTS &,,LOTS of LO TS,10 lasfcR.O.P. tesîed. OYje cure î/2ton rukmeb 'caedglsspik aI)ad - 1aces,500.', TERNIS AVAIL- 80 AcresNeweaste OntriaCouty.Recrdsta iotr (oldas s),Cac ilît prsglass; bri ead tray (ted),ABLE. 1 acrre $3,50 40 ace rnaeon on 2 and 401 cf~~~ thftp.rouciohrd1mlkglssfih erer (ât $6900. Hghw ys. emi fie view Of :200 nII: ilk and Cckshutt d).collection ofold Crain- ae9rai,2soe oe evr200ls 1000 l-hie7 fI.an Mdniowqcr, ii sn-e hofl berlfons -ier-f Gnac'in W berry, whte, d ar and ldBannerPasn -623582toefepccprgfd genel aio "ny oodSl'. doo'ble sîze brass bcd (in mICanniva0,raiythysprt ndElsie Spencer -623-59 p o-n n0f. long. A beai-i Luchavilbi. lod il clîotcondition (iban clglsFo Bn lts antueAnnes - 63-64ful ihomlewiatcrmific se1li s-il and WV, D. ASkison, SaleLimge Nippon,Bnigo, Maaesand AcineSbas, iefa akC etc.; 9 pc.hcavily carved bed- Ja2es Itoinison - 623-37'95 pîus an excellent invet n Lu OIr~. 416-85-3524.41é2badaniuesoi ak oai sui te (»MurlewanuMary Smith- -78-223 a $20,000.Trs tension tbe( rme10t int conition); 9 peu French RîySecr - 6379i3 ce tn os TIIUSDYOCOBR 9 ig bckchir (ootescarvd dining suite, upé ht41-1 NearNedwPile. 1 \uction sale of househol head pattemn on bavk), 7 p îana. gamesfable,.la foot--sory3benoicnty f iý,c n ,Lto (lilet set. cess f -racr-Crc0880); French carvcd_________________ tnebue3 brs1srai niur, rata ad Icrs sp etle, Franlklin tpeliner îe itrinîigfe- 'o crnues wadcd. Asking tc poeryof C. 1Wl. Snuit el caitd fcen obd, age acresl1, E UI $0,0 Tris CîlJn r,-~ e^ A eeli, ruplcee lae,-bra ta l,îl Ut ý'j" "- - - cutratiue,,saîrpld-)oIr bd wî lame tp',ýiII rUoU O ea . C a Tofws-ipo.s milspeast 0feure s 1esetn, imilsNrehof l (iîh. Quanitiîy (If other s ;titable flor canopy bcd; Eun- mile No M f-Umniuand antiques. Farisoa athn Hwy. 7A (on bou()ndarune1I1) od Tricah Sl pmcandsfnachg or2i2 ile-s 5W. of Janet- on sh,-ýýarFu Satue selîs lý st of drawers and bed vý ie:risA-Cntractor Modele suWD îrca 18681: refinishied pine A-C cultCivator 1967Chev f,, 1-ýirs. -Reg. Johîîson, Audio1 Pîscarn car (s is),1965 cn, Phoe 705--57-3270; Ger c e uporpiefa ald Grahan(,uleak. 41-2 hak. pine wasbstand -dry amer(as is), ,!sb cmiain(vey, n an( lae('3vm., oeni COBR2îtusuel);Arraw Back anichair, dining 1st riste(agny Spinnîng wheel, deacons bench- finish), 8-pce.;ichsfi!es, xtpshsands, chetssAIdraw- ; muite, Lazy Boy chair. sie IteNrss Residence 'ers desks, rockers., sts u rocker, 4-pce blond bed1roonI t Opposiite Memorial Hospital ciaiir,,, table,. etc.; br'asaý sute(mdem), single Med, BOWMANVILLE sîgibc(re)2hagg dî'csse, dishelsuad qntitincudag hecoplle, lmpvthpissunua tif thcrfunntur, catoenen'slensofthe esie s eI il l;nms, vaiaus type doý(cks-, ta s Ownr moing.Terns as unsitacimeîîas. 21 fruit iana - Beehîve, Anchior, cash. Sale at 1 pani.C-e. adesr,, 1iateae.bdKingfs Head, Beavpeetc.; LarsyJooon ucioeri ide able es, 5nnhspit d- rare books - lira edition of Phone Iý70j5-3ý57-32,70. 4-1on,tabn ahndc aoleaoh pay T"Co)rne Auctan ale ellng St -eletnic slae, rfnieraon Tue" (exellnt ondition): iitbeilclcmditncfrIatn- VîTmoti10 Tamxvmth ipaund iShorto , iler dsiAbrlarcr catîleof M. esieTa li tnd 1 aiatoa iar anc nileinodt aI Bohatom booCca etcI1 ae, rasa oppr, ele wit ltte, 3 eg.ýM (10½, P18 Mddchairs,4 uto Yorahne50Va toes nHeiing lights, 2 col 1r uusul ind. uison-o warth 50W5, ' ~ in's, oYd i n on Casse sNi hi rmsst reay t bred,6;Tniwrlhbve f I he mous!usu8al ~asrcady to breptcd Ï 5 Tam- 1 par celauInsuInka, 2 toilettand iîrsigantique ane- worh barsmedy or env aoisicountçn caeoverbcd lions 0f the easnvi11h oer! ýA(,L1 ioi's fo sýt- tbe, 5hospitai beda con 300 lotsof antiqe and colecl- ice, plus many morde itoo iun lsee ihDmaîtesi 8 stai- rns tameIntioýn. Aso Se-- î~ 'bable items. $amethngfor! ing: 20 gond Shorthamn caws 1( alsiec ýpacdiai cris eeýo), ,c, eFý wmtn cavesaI idplus seetn (ul) 3 laeociba, 2 bas- evr.yne!7%Pneview mDay, budinc 2'beÉdeSaturday, Otober 2lst. Tume:ý Caogueppnshnwi be avilable cen divdes,2 waker, 130pl nuPacMe "Heongat f7,q;ý',Pue ,,ýjj )e naH e daides.5 saipnssteel bas-CmUAcin nai" day Ofsale. Be sureLntauat ia nstrumnet tryyon cat-CulyAcn" oain ten th~ alew r aie orAI -4 miesNMlorth ot RougeHi, thê înet sow nd reeinaena 1 OR. able 4 in-ilting on Altona Road (off No. 2 lstôck oFithTawotha undîceras \wll as several Higxva), 'r,1mile South Ymrsieacbigofferd. othfites. I Whtcvalje on Altna ;Road., Esmod Soneyon edigre-es. ,Terjnis Cash - Na Reserve Tennis csnorsrv SLnch Lawrnce amis 1C e r k; 1 A u tioncers available. Henp Khn Mu& Charhe ReidAuctoneer. 1Bob and Frank Stapleton lion Semeres ane (416)- 40-2 41-2 166841 R9 w M 940426 41- MortgageWante d _ MOEYtoLOAN - Terms ta Suit Your Budget - Comxpleted in Privacy of Your Home No Applicaion too Smnall or Too Large -Free Advice Coný1ce-rning Morgages First, Secondl, or Third MNortgages C -W.Cochramne 623-7668 l-tf.ý FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND F'r9os. LTD. Siafford Broiters 318 unda St.E. Wib 7 rooi stuc home on lot 16'x 172', Ida1 forf fi-i t $3 King St, East,Bomnil$2,0.. Teris 8hn 23,- 39q5 0 of6233M114coresecsl BOWMANVILLE: 3 'cd - Vauale cornerloctin heutd. 4-pc. bth. arae. ffice. Slid brickbulig Centall lat, Ga r i' eLob766' x12'Akng$50. OSHAWýA,:2 storýey 10 Transýport uins oouedlbouew. Oil hae,4 A ,Dad Flcecsi pce. bath, Rentted for $40un7,$8,0. iYrd andj( n,1titly.Priced aI $21,100 0ffice cn be uchae d for' 'Ter'nis,. $40,000(.Ot adtina. Cal 0OPON0: 10011ooLIed de-an bath Hec roai, Aking Nicey ladacaed lot. 6ý 8,iI00. TeI ums. 'on \hmeuith e leti eat aid niay extra. )Onecf PORPT HOPE: Duplex, mcc Or);ujoo's inest t hme a oly dean, Il moem doivcni~~,ý 000.00, T cr Is. Cî enlce-s.On double lot. AsIc"'PhllisMcbie inig 340t.Teris for office or buIsjines aîne7radrergMao n offie. ludd ut$2390000.Ternils, 150 ACRE R iV 4bd- etni ro-oni, 2 storcy stucco bouse. rnehm o ag o Aml modemrn vnecs l2~k24.Ony$80,0 Large L-shaped humi. 3crTerniis. Cal Dunie Fannid. garage.' A s k i n g$500 rikBnao, om Ternis.Nieyansadtrdlo OSHAWA: 3 bedî'aom riiick 9 1011,3 erons home, living and ',dinfing doubljjýe garage. Quiet street. rooni, 2 b aîbt.à re-a, c l n- 3000.Terniis. rooa, bar. Atachcd gar- agep 55' x 150W lot. Beantifully! Are Von osiein 3 BEDROOM, 2 starey! stucco home. OilHcaed13 p.bath. On 3 acres w i th bamrn. Askinig $00 1'/ý ACIRE LOT, close taf Bowmanvill.Asking $6,50.1 NEWCASTLE: Vcry we-11 built, 4.1d- oibrJi bn-1 galow-.Bauful ladcp cd e Fireplace, Bar- in mec. rooni, balcony, 2 baths Air, condibioned throughout. Gar-1 age, large lot. PAicSdta acl.ý After heurs pflease eail: Hiarry Coutis 725 "arry Voeurmani - 62 ' joe Barnoski -,78 Erie ICarîson --372 Gary Haacock - 98 I John F. DeWvith- 98, youe home needsý anywhere iiCa.nada and T.S.A mey Foster-Oron Bill Tnransky, Oronoo -79 7 Daneý- Found- 6 - 2,2!36Cfan OU daho(r» 2-.142 Benard MacLean - 9-2669 hli MRbi 2 3- 49809 983-5801 933-5420 623-3965 61231-12 984 6i23-7ý210 413 aeal Estate for sale' Iiomanill - osy v3 bedC- ronbunogalow in the north-i enieal starter or retir- methomie. Askinig $9-2,000 with terrms. Bowmnvile -4 bedr Oox homewithwalkout basemecnt, and nicely landscaped lot, close to Dutch sehool and Chur-Ch-. A5I(ing $6,000 down. Bowmrranville - 3 bedroomi older1 home on lot 72 x 111, cloSeu to schools and 9hopping, _siflîg $17.000, 0 wmanivile - oder 4 bd- room brick house very cent- cally, locatej, vwith)p a VeLd dlrivý,e. Asking $ 21,50o0. Solina Road - 19 acres wýýtth sprijn g- Fed p3o n d. Asking $500down. oOno -3 bedroom i1½ storeyhm in the north end.i Asking $S16,900. hom,-es in thie Millbrook areaý pedat $17,500 and $19,5W0. LydAtchison î 05-932-2761 Alan iRou1-1 5-35 FdWlfl Jeans 623-7152 M1ac ce il - 6331 Wlvlf Hawke- - 983-52744 Helen -McDofald - 62.-3911 41-1 i xecutive eclu S t o m built homie in prestige area. ias 2 frlae,2 bathrooms, coiný pltdrecreation- roôm wjihý wtbar', pavedt drive, attach-j e"d garage. Ceutirally Located Home in Pflivmanville1 l3)bedroom l1J'2 Storey withi lge lot of 66' x 166', Per-! fec tarter hOule. 2,%Are Building Lot godworkable land, balanceý wVcoded, Th-i propert y would i lendI itself beautifully, for a, dgkennel, horses, tree nurs- eyor private home. Weil on, property. Building per mit av- aialPriceýd toi seliat CIr~Towiishlp - $8,500.00 l0 'acres oni good county ra.Front of oprt sý ciea-;red ,vith some buish inýý the rear. 12 Acres - Darling-tofl Twp. Masy commuting toOh- aaNd etro. Goo)(d conces- sion rdProýper-tyis par-j itjJIal cleared with cedar b)ushý S1Ajter ifours Cal: G, Beecit - - J. Barton - - P. Kowal * - 623-5868 glow on ".1Gu!i Rivýer 1 to' B:,aam "'eS C UNT Lake, neat, deapïnan molMe oalroptî R S TS UU rn; axe('s $155. LargeW ek v R p t tree-s, double ga'rage. Cî nowv. Don SrdekReatorî, TE'N Acres - ail wokabl ontski-rts of Haompton, approv. disos8 ei for sepic tank and bul-Brh 4 maie, G, femame 10MULTIPLE LISTING S1581ICE iog permit Asking $14 500Dshrgs7 stt o Easy terms. Phone Gog ao prtos---~ ~R~ Van Dyk! Real EsatEclorMnor operations 623-7437. 1 Em 1ergn c ie0-21302Oshawa & Distriêt HAMPTON i cANADiim)A PERMYANENT TR,73UST Cripffled Childrcn TeleMM Cripoled Chî1ldren Tlto on Thanksgiving Day some ofA our children got thie idea TC? go oai nt tevillge of Hamp-omuus .. .. ton ,o collect money for ti purpose. They didrandcamne Up -lh$75,25. Ont toý Channel 9 io brinig ithe money and have a look at thc place w â1r'ailthe àto was. The codwsgn but wve met somje of t'he tired workers. One of them hasd î been there for 7M hours. Qute, a feat. Thanks to Ailyou peopein mi H1ampton who ga ve, an fr those Who wr not hom'-e too baýd we isd yu.U H.ivi SnoeK, 26,3.2723. BLACKSTOCK....... Sytty isftened Mrs. Frredft :t-"wn ad amiy a w l a Trother eatfîieý s iteI1aca on )thl- elden es ingobe bothem-idn-law Mm. Rfy Tr- winý, in a traffic accident onI Fridlay. Mr. p-alnID Mrs. Xeniln elýh Saniîls erehonoured by thieir faniily recetly ata dinner party at IL he home of their son, .and MNrs. \Ie1- ville S Boelsje on th casion of their 401hI w edding ann ver ar ,Y , any11 uýseful giffîs wordrei vc eived c from their dlanghter Ani), son, Menlville and famuly. 11r01Tom HorIon Cenjoyed a ooehunit in Northemni On- tario lastwek Mm, and Mrs. Gursharan S. Dbin.gra, Toronto, weme nmid- week visltors and MNrs. O.. Beacock and Mr, Emnie Wbiter Port Ferr ,were Sunday guesta of 'Mm. and Mms. A\lanr Beancock and IBob. GIad t(- re- port that BSob bias recoveredi froni Uthe measies. Winners ut0 the w Ceekl 'îy Mastrs;secod, ubyGeeor; ons olation, Agnes, Prescoît;ý m-jen'shlgh, Bert, Gibson; sec- ond, J. R. HIoldershaw; con- sltoTennyson Sane-Ils. M.and )Mlrs. Wilbert Ar- chier along wlý-th Mmvad AMrs. Vincent Archier vîited Ms Arhrs sster Mrîis. F Cooke in Oillia Hospital eeîy V rs. Coo)k, who 1over 90 yeams old, had undergone ý-suýr-j gery before thiis visit. On Tiesday- night Mm, and îMra. Elmecr Archer. Mm,. Jini Archler and girl friend. of Wh.bMm. and M,ýrs. Donl Fleing and Jani(ce, of O)sb- caa we're caI3ers 0-f Mr. andj Mrs. Wilbert Archer. Mr. and lMms. Eric Barr andl faniily, O mono, vw ere AeekEndî uneFtF of hem parenIts, m andi Mrs. Gardon tog i QUALITY ~9Lap~e Bunch TOASTMASTEle TEA BISCUITS 2 pkgs. 59c, Save 19e We are pleased Ib annouDC3e he .ppoiniment cýfGat sicard WtOour Real Esat ataff. Gýar1et lias lad 1ye5 experience la the Real esatebuiness and Iwould be happy te assit you la the sale or urcse ofyour heme,& If you areclîmitedteyaa maîl down payment donot hs taie te eau. $1,500. orS$2,000, down -1can -1 very ikeiy be arn ed and ournorge manager will be most heiptul,1Linmy~ be that your mont hly pay«MnAUilbu n more tMun m toi yu are now palng, Free apprasas. - 1ý 623-7397, Res, or 72511557 Oflfice. v va F 18 their AGENT f« d~e Smalï CAINADA SAVINGS BONDS lu heBOWANILLE, N-MËWCA5TLr ORONO AREA Muisa Aul nMay be contacted at 6 dalAve, Bwaville - 623-501 1: - SERVICE - FRIENDLINiSS ALRVNG WITNIHI5 STEAK SALEII TENDERll fWeLLtî, M T4-e',291 or Wini SUCMIT BUDETRIIA o, for 9c Ibs.$1,00 PURINA BIMIFULL Tender Vitties F REFE IlChoice (AT FOOD PAR KING PA 2pks6cONE FF Tn ~ Assorted Flavours4 5 Save 13c __________ PURITAN 2,1-oz, TTin U AHNcare2-r t In GravyAryi MEAT BA LLS 63cA FOPISH $l0-9 Save lOC SaVe 51C HAMBURGER HELPER Zeef nooi r Chili Tom., 2 pkgs*, 99C Save t0c Save 1. BEAD 3 ~a7 9c WE INVITE YOU TO COME IN AN» SEl OUR LARGE SELECTIVON 0F EOTI COLD MEATS and CHEESE SAIMPLES - TRY BEFOWRE YOU BV D Y KST RA'S F oo4dMarek,et WORL» 0E FOOD~ anil QUALVèY 1 ElreeJost - z26 3-2032 DidAllison - 9871-4f67 ftleBelmonte - 576-1908 Metlville Dale - 6353 WI.MFeeters - 7512 Peter Kowal, Jr. UVAL ESTATE GENERAL INSU1RA-%NCE 52ý King St. W. - Bowmanville WîiAT IS VOUR HOME11 I ilsurvey yaur property cd asking pr-ice. No "hýig-I pressure". Plenty of IDEAS ta help sel!iti. Proaie sevc!Phone 623-24,53 naw. HJEARD ABOUT THE FEL- LWwhio crossed a wood- p"ecke-r withi a carriler pigeon -1 aýnd got a. pigeon whio kntockIs andoorst delîver messagces? Knj-ock01 on ou door -- we'd like ta heur YOUR message abot hat you want in a PETER KOWAL JR., REALTOR, 623-2453 NOW OOKAT thisne 3 bedrooni 2 -storey brick town ini a friendily neighbonr ho0od for, value ::::Eebi beatinig, U,;/s baths, vanity in1 in Iibathroomp, large kýitchen wit los a cpboards and plenty of eating apace. Aý realyfinehomfe aI 2,0 Serni-idetacbed - choose eitherý side. WANT A -HOME WTHA SPACIQCUS LOT?,' ut yonir reqmirinetsin our lapa PETER KOWAL JR.,Reto 623-2453 WHAT TUIE IAND)WITl- ING, ON TUIE WALL usnualily mîeanjs as thatyOL1ue going taOl have trouble getting il off, H IERE IS ONE that bas somne hi-andw,ýriting on Ibe wall and aspaciaus lot and is realy a1 good buy. v 3 bediroona ! storcy brick wtha garage;,: aand.Caîl forl price and ternis. Niýeeds a hanidymani hobasý lots of lim1e and n.ol boa m-ntch mny O)RONO LOT ---1i2acr'es ilh ravine, sprîng a,,nd strean onexcellenit road. Priced ta sel1 at $ 10,000. CALL RIGHTI 73-77 King SI. ýVý 1. - -, If, 2 Z-1