Thie Caien ttsnn emavle c.I, g2ti aig11, JMr. karc otnt opa n ar u TeeAre 71 plrintpsion 19 M z m h ,-I ls, ý 2 t h ï a e ir j e t s t h l t ,i Y o m o r j u r a l piiitn d 7 Mr irpatlc sOof mumts, and also povdes HIonors WorsitiW orpabok updat- gD m a i flowCLesasCaimnthe imporance of gettin ouawok duing the wînerfo ng. The unit handies b oth ~ -rEs l f Athe Lîber alauusa shôrly h îbrlvteo leto erol ot erwise work reehrzonalandvertilfod gtrhseeto s Mm aand urgedi V w tohep Io ing.w He referrled intorwok Leg ED labns ber of Parlament. "He mas!nueta eeyLbra n-n b hs ho had car- tais Ilamps informni the op-ý House ofComnmons by te24terdn atsavt tteîe the comple'enva eato o teondiinouh !FROM MAGE OM mmerëf h I mriaIouls, Hcwar- nedta hrlin tth aevleCmýtrmn]adcmuiain mn"M k pon-sa danger of siome neorle mufiýtY C entre under this f ed UAne. Security fatures include LîealPesdntKr Pdrîkr oratuttikigth u,'viror ele ocs supervis- emhaizd iibi adrss -VoiTeeral program.1r's loc, a locked j oLiurnal ed out"doesnomatrbaeM.he succniesulpesso of ciI over and Pa passbook cdetectionl CloEy astremnendru.s ints lemstr-lc RselC Hnyi ureUTo n gvenen tLcntnu ce rdi ihyrPce1oncecet hepoleo r.Hny ecsth ecafnviCL ll ascussMedinby Mr Mumc yThe LCSA approved unit can trugutCnjda a nd lsilS e ll Nhilrlad Durhiam th1at Idbe 1p)luggeCidnoany ïstandardý n_own ïîteriý_Iiailly 1i1Man , y ý.oney wîli co tînue to nltb Hpesnney, whosaid he tbought;17VC;0Het alot Kîlptîk stat- u, ail Ilthe,,ieUrgc etail11 spp -OF thié particuarly wben b ,7VheC et -v 1eI- &yS, r. representn oailin their powrtonsaneMaoprrHobbs mai present Let. ienaedy ed.e tothe min gta ro omn.lei on oass nM.Hnysr-]c'tti uleeetig. heW SAciruir ad servo-con-_ 11--ey tol p 1c Pi > in. e h- the beeP:ýt n tio n And tre gdly acept the ,dercisinSI0closýe ItleBwantrlemchissCop- ~ Hne hd eenelctd y an te es oranzaioibd o1f Ailthopsewo nt to vP ilepCustoms Office had beeni ed r mdlrfor easy; ho~ep moeseee N Hnela e mad%, amiNdu.Honeystatedi[nïpemdl ferdtiHarry ae a ha ehoad gredo thTonp vig. I s~~~~l-enid Campaîi baIrm.Conithe Cabrof corn- oeaewhiafeprtr II n & r cei Mn Tfney c ngaute eeheeon"d nmmes of rane om40euf01000ua li ilvi wu ce lrjý ~ ~ 11~Indutr that 1ýC cîu 1Istoma s.service )neo 0 o10 n Kîngsey n" i Nejlst, tc Dri. aw ul nt eco- lb uiity range ,of.10 penr Ms.Joi n hii Osawafoi l nt b cn-cent f0 90 peu cent. lecton o ofic, ad ~ttedvenrntforBowanvile in- Dmnin r 3 ie Lnvites yOU o attend an Hat ifYsimportant bafon usrvan usnesmn Ietkrepnîityin pub.ltht themaitnteace of a Cus- 2A" cdeep and M" hi% f Jt et tu e neof newinu- Aernoo 2 .4fIL lil, ofbis lng asocia on arsoioài Y~- nPiv prrciîdent'sfatheri, elaetr o h tw.LCIKSTOC and a Jesse Van Nest, who had l P1so'-T!he excellent briefwa.Dîrnth ekMsr seve inth am ofcethtprscfd n taw y T,,wn i J oan Lynda Symolns HebadardSwnat bi" on nw hoad;"sse VaCn cl and the Chambner odagher f r d rs and hattie sale a N j,../îe ad t4eAese witiPe anaoiaComecead Ias abl oFanSmosBoîuvilLkerinNrlînOt'. L 1erl, r 1Honeysfrongly suppoirtiit, and no the gautdOt t,17,foiTe eesrrsdt e sH a riWhouin tepAratonof-Ton -Concite UovrsîtAuGelhltl l- Aseieacting as clark 7 -lu film(1els paid trîb,,ute r teC fviC., ocal gop ~an Honors Degree in Pyco- oF rthesaie. Also they et Mr. goo0pýd orkof Ie immealur .p.proed vry effec- 0oy ad Socîology. MilssSym- and Mrs.Stuart Doilwhomi ait teosrdn fheT , JIloal s îe nOtw,"M.HnY ons i -peentîy atnigkhyvstdat i ,r Ihomeat, soeCheron. . 11. WdeandsAteHmitnTeachers' College. _Charlton. Lion theiter pam t prsîents of MoreAlwWntibousing lin 1e.Coamen eyergurson of Lio s C mmunmi r iC nte teBwmnîlLbrlA- this iing iz was apprnoved last! Cete ciaýtïilIn mdný vllontbl, Fand!95 per cent of tlhel Doun Milîs was a -weekeid: ancdîsGng Mayor lvan gucfio te ýýýIst of MVrs. O. HlidV,- thoe bs, nrrd " rs. G oge Yon , fna cng cer smo r ocm es and M rs. Ca mnern Po tr uand Tuesa ~I7~ t1rAn-I sien of4,c 3Au. r.frSnorCtzn amily.On Sunday be was ~~~VIfcI orionPliPaoo Sspo n ;l- ave hern 36e units bout the guest speakepr forIll~e lv of th- bard vwork F r l-5ro inle aThank;%msgiving Serviceat the Publimhed by: Robert Kent, and saidseMè. rabcw0 in h s e ~ (aO AEO ntdC1hurch hle11v, be a blp &to tepoli cap yenrs1 Mr. oney 'StAe. dérien y Merle Lîttle;, 66, ofanda r.V arosaî In dîscusing the fed"S lThe Gallplandohr famisywere nndiog a fa<- NortumbrI~d-Drha goernmnt' Loal nitatie nw show tat ,Prime Miter Proresiv Cosevatve sse, rrgram, MrcHn rasdTrui d eau1isimore lppuar A siatd$00daa WDrngSun day Aft 'rnoon th scesfl oer~ar crs Cndab asbsatilwas done f0 the Littie vhice 1e.C. Fe'rgulson anld - deelomen b'thi tow bvmaîrît th ether pjpRobEI-tand a apasefnger in that Car, IivstdMs egsna ophE Bomanville Rotary C(ilub anilthe P.C. Leadr, rqGWfen Cam"beî,age 6L, wsitne Ret Hme betwenWt w -- ~ wth oneyraîed"y tecu a,î eitheNDPLead taken Il-y7 frbulanc lnBo'-bY PnutO Tiaa. I heevn V ~~~~~~~and graOns frmthe Trudeau eorfHnc sidie.tban-anville Ho-,spia u mte teddafml 1'U ft govermen t-underthAis puna h mmeso telrean rie.dinner at flhc home of Mr. w & RERra-m '"in my in teehaïs.e!aDunce for ther enthusiasieHw"e ehetrnsport tuck and rs. BUihFerguson ani berd 10 sessnful pro] e"upr nd forAthear help indidn't stop there. After coldlîd-bos. AI, there werebor, unlder[thisrograml, whte lcincamnpaign, inig ith the Ltte ca, if Con- mýd Mrs. Geýorgýe Dunhar Pand ~ivs ti lca grupsthaop Maor obb pid ribte ritinued conothe other shol u]lcerl',ilyScarborough, Mr.,adl Mr. Hnysabîliy, crnsien- and sidded neary 90 filet be- rs. N oe lMortnnrI boyî,' t iusess brd or an c- ore if bit somo more guard Oshuwn, Mr. and Mrs. loy fetîeineetin al asecsrails and finally lipped river., Wýright andjIî famýjIly anda Mr, of( thé -0ilbeing of ail in the drive of nhe truck, Mlr Denisr ometril. j un~ ~n a. G ortumbernd- Durbam.lHe Murray, SUffred a probable There as mýIuch ýex>itement H ~fl I N lospoke nfofrhecontinuous concuson, as awell as cuts Fand on Saurday nom! M en Mr0 UU NU EU E avaiiltY of r.liney tri brufises, and -was taken tI Bow- LcihBycrsA tok a weakspei SA9tMeVeopeiof tAi conseuency, manlle Hospita. There was at the Post Offiuce.Thealrn-ý M ID OFbe reglar days sest an estîmated $l,200 damage tr, i blance masncaed but o. j~~o by Mronemy an Pbisthe tractor, a 1970 GMAC, and the tArme if arrivd be ha 151 ~ S rdn fr lm ri s ee people $200 damage tfo the traiter orirallied, loiee, he as tak-ý wl L II R ad iseuse any of their prob- the vehlicle. e n tiport Pery1-ospital lemn fiaddition,.$50in gurdwhre he still is fr ts" Befer seve for pries PwIlhave tri be relaceci. Mecanwhule rs.Bylers is with- your aring ;a4d mnu, The accident, iwhich tiok Mr. anÎ"r. MurraFyern better hsaig for you . place at 3:00pin. on Fridy 7many itou r young people * *I~~~ ear fli Fourfb Concession wre homne from their var- frivuigued by Constable work forth oipwek 4ïRnm PAGE ONE)mhoia etviis TC BRING YOUR C1R IN àà, rae f 64 , m.and Mms.Franci;s, Nova Sir !HUcroScotSAia, are spendbng sme (EENIFITS OTA FORD) a.,cnb ratd etn a-nd lMrs. B3M Fmancisand Pi ain nedlor bouslng, or- l uf amî ban reewmncwils-Mm ani Mrs. Wilbert Ar- vietasoptin ad at-'e spent Saturday ,witîi rf,. ~~ pollution oaeme. <ROM PAGE ONE an Ms.EmrAce mi ~I"The Libema-l poilces oif in flic Unitcd States, Hon ey- Whifbyý. rnn igtxcnesostri well salda. and Mrs. Gerge ,y it3e [urktevisit our Anexýt mjrcroainbici h P. J. Suick, vice peienpn adfmiyw1eSna Belfon Servce Cenre -vanhoe fhlrAtis willcre- and genral manager, Honley- d.inner gueits ritMr. and iMrs. 219 KING ST, EAST HOOPER'S JEWELLERS Natm jobs, bas been a disai llInf'ormation sysfem, Clrene ryant adtml. LTD.failre. fi as jusf sohfed.Canada?, .saîd no imdaein- Asbur, nd up e ustS] BOWANILE 9King St. E, tIe fax burden ontri flicor- crease is planncdiinic e - f lMm. anid MsDean Ormnirs- Bowanilludne-ry weerincr. pany's 127-member work force tonendftamilyBrookîjo yrTHURS, OCT. Il2th Mm 11l i saidan :NDP r" v tBwavlcbttai hnsiigSna us _CM 1 . te 4 .m. rien oldhl aa-tfliclonger f rm, addifion itj\/r, And Mrs. NeýTil ery dias.efback tri orkj, ceama~fcuigporm ol a n Jon, wuer,r.and ngabetter criuntmy tri bing about an increase in cm- Ms rn lopoNs 1 bve irn, lomef ion, 1Mr. nd fMrs.Wibr - Honeyw-11 out IflicBo- eM, MiadMe.Nil Lawronce nanvlletfactoyin196P, It abý iývdand Tr rsqmainretyfrmoiia rsWatLmeInPt- LpUlI tfihes mfr loedouet f opferusable borougli lioial nd 1 or wo cnno fid wrk hn$50,000,000coth pait inchled o Ms J A Mm. awrece sgges cdKeytapes avcbacr pruccd, JInston, FRatIcivs hv rid lioce ll' tscrges Caa- ruceLwo-i etco huiliGFON motion a tam morer there i a mca ro oisur-o o plat nSror- affemnýorin Toan dinrlget fîve lite.aoo Bankil ongb Tellered r Termina.Al "Abov tuine ai,"seuwnsrifotrrT e T33 prat sbr CE a ~~~~ruc insumý1ace cocetvsftriunorl eanCitinl Tlmode) andgSirll, of th ' orif fic Fod istricotne bwhoosIfnhalshMo b uc Mm. awmece sid0iaf Mm Trh termal ipenped9y 2 emSz Tmar nu basncralda onr wîba old-seatebuMeedin lvane i t fic lierliaton cn t kcy Tempifesip regulations.ldt1ichrT-Iers er mi) IGHsAUSCHOOL *n 0 , BIJm 'mehmeUn&MAH e _ c +_-l 495 LIBERTY ST-REET NORTH dn sday, Octob r I th 1972 3:30.ýj L P ýM .- LAYIN-ýG 0F CORNIERSTON! MAYOR IVAN HOBBDS 8.>0 0 P ýM, - OFFICIAL OPENIN G HOQNOURABLE T, L. WELLS BUý,ýILDING WILL BE OPEN FOR PUBLIC INSIPECTION, 4:100 TO 10.30 P.M, C'ongratulahions to PREMIS-ES AT MNAPLE GýROVE As cstomer o, ouity hrylerDog Ltd., their service- has abva vs been xcl lent but they,, are now equipped to mrake it Special thaniaks týo M.r. Lloyd jarres, Pre',s., for' hlis co-o)peratlin during the ctioo thir nw buildig. J.C,. TAMBLY""'N BOX86 RON of là. and sMs. uMawoedl Mc( Kepe. Mm, and lMr-s. Ken Tuesday guesis, while fli pimneviu Thursday Mm. and Mrsn. Ward Bruce rit Guipli wemecahirs rit Mr. anid M's.ý Mm. and Me.Vernn Aý-[ .esneand Temesa spc-nt flic weeltcnd wil M mi dMme.: AiAsseistine andfaiyas isisItng flierritri move loto) ti r apartienit In iliailcy- homo. MAPLE GROVE The church txas beautitul decoraed fr flicThAnksý- giving Sunday service, with, auu PilavePs. vegetlesJ, cortn, eve!ngreens, aiso -fire themn was very suflfable tfom ,he occasion. mneeting on oda veig Oct.- Ii6tli,ai 8 p.m. Kendlai InsrtItte 1, cldieps ,wlll mcci wîtbcor adie triceremqt thiat fie.CW. metinýg for nIr week as ben cilcd lOff tu) shlow flicladis tr mc1 with oflir ladies ni Tminlfy Intd Chliorcli, if bcing InfaInt baýptisin ytn EI,4,SUnt1- dIr,, Oct. 1i-th, ai MaFýPlhe Grove. CouplesClub pot luck sup- per on1 Satumday, Oc 0(t. 21sf, i 6:30 p.mi, i Maple GCronve,' eburcli. This eomimunuity wasý shrick- cd on riThu imsdayaý1, sf wcpPk whIen iut Wa3s lC2atned that Mrs. Ken Cox (nec 11uby- Jewvecll-1) hadsudclypas-bd away in 'Me('monri ai liospial. Tire Crox tamîly weme formrnp oeidns f ale Gro'ave. -ity is exiended to bher amy si1,s ,rsiad brotheicr, aloi Elmoer Coenad wfwho is 1 be oniy sumviing , memi-ber, rit the Cox famlly. Mrsý. L. C. Snwe tten-wi cd fle icJimtdy pamtyiem, cuiMme. MafýrgaretWiur Bowmavill, whcb ws beld' i tlie homn 0 e mo sn md wite, -Mm11.and Mis. Ahlaýn WilhbuIr, 0shawa, 1onFmriday Mm. and Mrs. Mick Doson son aul anid daucgliter Kancy, Clark and son Steve, iée!i ene r, and ohepýs wv, live, giin t homie, aiso) helpedi Mm. anid Ms John Va ice1 -celebraýte their fimst yoamritf m-armied lit. M.and Mrs. ili Asin,> Hlamrptonl, wcr Sudî' d ner guesis ith tCar daugi-1 fer, Mm. andMms. DickVWood andt famîl'y, Mm. and Mme.W. H. res cott anid .family vstdwifhC bis parentls, NMm. and Mms.Ai fred -Prescrit, ai lampton. w They ail vlslted flic former's oncle, Mm. Biner Prescrit, in a nursing brime ai Port Pemry. Mrs. L. C. Snowden ac- companied Mm. and iVIrs. Wilh Tonkin and Mm. and Mrs. E. lielwlg, Osliawa, tri Yclver- ton turkey supper on Mon- day. I DELOITTE, HASKINS & SELLS Chartered Accounitants OFFIE NMAORCANAIAý%N CIPE BELL CANADA B rUILDING OSBAWA CENTRE- OSHZAWA PRilTNE,'RS: ýGORDPON W. rIEHLFA, R.LA, GORDON Fý EGWCCA BURT R. WATERS, C.A. POE 7 28,7 l'liemove te(otheir lnew ý ffize% at 2"3 Ring ret, East, Bwavle effective Ocberý 16, 19,72 Telephone Numbr 623-30 W AT-1C HTHIS 5P A CE FOR REALTY VALUES! to settie for the first available strurv- ~~ ture. No - we lisen to vu ed and hop es. e onsider 1)r udet %V Wetlkt our family, sound ry- bý ouy out. When lwe Jhave thep J- lE j pitre he e go to Corne see us. I PET 'E RKO W A L JR !?Iouare oal/yivie to rmeet /flinc/ 7s,~ kus//C cÇllwrsday, Ff (o ney (9ctoter '1911% 8:0EWm ____________________________________________________________5_ PROFESSIONAL, APPLICATOR»S AVAILABLE ON REQUEST Use Your "CHARGEX" 95 KING ST . 623-2542 BO MANVILLE er etaCa r jA D A Y flO iWEE KENiD j u Ou NTY CHRYSER-DDGE TD, i- 1 --